Financial assistance when opening SP. Government assistance to small businesses

The number of starting businessmen is steadily increasing every year. An increase in their number has a positive effect on the economic performance of the country as a whole and meets the constantly growing needs of the population.

Financial support from the state contributes to the emergence of new small and medium-sized businesses. The authorities of a particular region are trying to introduce methods of assistance: various benefits, subsidies, as well as material payments. How do you get this kind of support? Let's figure it out.

Which of the entrepreneurs can count on help from the state?

The state mainly provides financial support to small and medium-sized business owners. To find out if your company belongs to this category, you should pay attention to the number of employees and the value of the annual turnover. The following types of enterprises can count on money from the state:

  • start-up business(up to 15 people in the state with an annual turnover of up to 120 million rubles);
  • small business(up to 100 people in the state with an annual turnover of up to 800 million rubles);
  • medium business(up to 250 people in the state with an annual turnover of up to 2 billion rubles).

To receive assistance, companies must meet the following requirements:

  • the duration of existence from the moment of opening - no more than 2 years;
  • the company is registered with the tax office;
  • SMEs are not taxed.

Important: the chances of financing are much higher for businessmen who have social benefits, and also own a social or export-oriented business.

Remember that the state provides support to entrepreneurs, whose field of activity is among the priority ones. To apply for gratuitous assistance, a businessman must work in one of the following areas:

  • Manufacturing of consumer goods.
  • Popular directions of folk art.
  • Rural and ecological tourism offers.
  • Housing and communal services.
  • Agro-industrial department.
  • The field of science and technology, as well as innovation.

How to get help from the state for the development of small business in 2019?

The main advantage of receiving such a subsidy is that it is free of charge and does not need to be returned after a certain time. The state benefits from this, as a new small business appears on the economic map, providing citizens with jobs, and competition with existing companies increases, which helps to improve quality and stabilize prices.

But together with the conclusion of the subsidy agreement, the entrepreneur agrees to fulfill some obligations. The main one is to provide detailed reporting.

Within 3 months from the date of receipt of financial funds from the state, a businessman is obliged to submit a report to the Employment Center with documents on the use of the subsidy. As confirmation, commodity or fiscal checks, receipts, paid payment orders and other documents can be provided. The financial report must be consistent with the paragraph of the business plan, which indicates the purpose of obtaining capital.

Important: if a business person cannot provide confirmation, he is obliged to return the subsidiary funds to the state in full.

Also, the terms of the drawn up agreement assume that the activities of the financed small enterprise must last at least one year from the date of opening. This eliminates the possibility of cooperation with one-day firms.

Help can be obtained from many authorities and organizations with the necessary authority. Here are some of them:

  • City administration... The Economic Development Department provides information on the types of financial support for small businesses.
  • Chamber of Commerce and Industry... This institution provides assistance in consulting on business, marketing, legal law, it helps to take part in exhibitions.
  • Entrepreneurship Support Fund... Based on the results of the mandatory assessment of the submitted project, the organization allocates finances for the activities of a small enterprise.
  • Business incubator... This organization is engaged in infrastructure support for the ideas of entrepreneurs at all stages of development, starting from the moment of opening.
  • Venture fund... He focuses mainly on innovative projects, then invests money in their activities.
  • Employment center.

Interesting: if your business project is socially or economically beneficial for the state, you can receive not only money for its implementation, but also free training, the right to take part in exhibitions, etc.

After contacting the above authorities, you will receive a list of required documents. Here are the papers on this list:

  1. Passport and TIN of the entrepreneur.
  2. Insurance certificate (SNILS).
  3. A certificate from the accounting department of the last place of official employment, which contains information about the salary three months before the end of the work.
  4. Education certificate.
  5. Application of a program participant for receiving financial support from the state (in a specially approved form).
  6. A ready-made business plan.

Money from the Employment Center

The most common way for entrepreneurs to get help is to contact the Employment Center. How is this procedure going?

The first step is to register at the Employment Center and obtain unemployed status. This is a prerequisite, since only those entrepreneurs who are registered as unemployed citizens are entitled to the state allocation of funds. To do this, you need to have the following documents with you:

  • passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation;
  • work book;
  • family status document;
  • education document.

Then you need to draw up a business plan. with detailed description the project, targeted distribution of funds and an indication of the period of its recoupment. The third step is to register a business as an individual entrepreneur.

The regional commission is considering the package of documents within 60 days. If a positive decision is made, an agreement will be concluded between the applicant and the Employment Center, and the funds will be transferred to the recipient's account. The Commission may decide to compensate only certain expenses, for example, registration and opening of a small business. If the applicant receives a notice of rejection, he can try again.

Newbie Business Grants

This type of allocation of funds from the state involves helping novice businessmen to start a business and those who have been engaged in entrepreneurial activity for no more than two years. The following organizations have the authority to distribute grants:

  • Department of Economic Development.
  • Small and medium business support funds.
  • Alliances created by entrepreneurs.

A prerequisite for receiving a grant is the activity of a small enterprise in one of the priority sectors indicated above.

According to state legislation, payments are not received by companies that produce wine and vodka products, tobacco products, luxury goods, work with real estate or engage in gambling activities.

Remember that the money allocated is channeled to cover 30 to 50% of the total project cost. The businessman should look for the remaining finances for the development of the business on his own. Don't be afraid of investment, it might be.

The entrepreneur must provide the following papers:

  • Documents confirming the absence of other sources of financial support.
  • Certificate of registration of an individual entrepreneur or LLC and a business plan.
  • Bank statement on the amount of your own finances.
  • Certificate of positive credit history.

The Industry Commission then decides on the disbursement of funds. The maximum amount of a monetary grant is 500 thousand rubles (in Moscow and the region - up to 5 million rubles).

The priority for the state is the unemployed, young entrepreneurs, former military personnel, families with young children, etc.

Subsidization program

Government plans to subsidize small businesses are implemented at different administrative levels. Therefore, they can be systematized according to the scale and amount of allocated funds:

  1. Federal programs... They are implemented nationwide, and they are also characterized by big amount allocated money for financial support for the opening and development of SMEs. Hallmark is also the fact that such programs work mainly with large-scale business projects, whose owners are already conducting commercial activities.
  2. Regional programs... They work in the territories of the administrative regions and manage the regional or district budget. The purpose of such programs is to develop the infrastructure of an entire region.
  3. Local programs... The scale of implementation is working with city or regional entrepreneurs. Subsidies are limited to small amounts of funding.

The amount of assistance received, the form of its provision, as well as the list of necessary documents for processing an application depend on the specifics of the state program. How bigger scale programs, the higher the competition and the more stringent selection rules. A small business owner should consider this.

Concessional lending

Categories of small and medium-sized business entrepreneurs who are unable to receive financial support from the state can apply for preferential loans. Many banks provide such loans on simplified terms. As mentioned, the probability of opening a loan with a favorable interest rate is higher for those who are engaged in priority activities for the state.

Advice: for all questions you are interested in regarding assistance, you can contact banking institutions or credit communities directly, as they also have credit programs for novice businessmen.

The applicant receives a loan as a one-time cash payment in the amount of 50 million to 1 billion rubles... After the conclusion of the contract preferential program valid for 3 years. A prerequisite is also investment and investment in the project of the businessman's own funds. Their number is determined as follows:

  • 20% if the loan amount is more than RUB 500 million or if the loan is planned to be repaid from the future income expected after the start of the business project.
  • There are no restrictions if funds are allocated for other investment plans.

The interest rate for use fluctuates depending on the format of the enterprise. This is 10% per annum for medium-sized enterprises and 11-11.8% for small ones.

What can the money from the state be used for?

As mentioned above, the subsidy process is a donation of funds to help start and run a business. Concessional lending and other assistance programs also have simplified terms and a reduced interest rate. At the same time, the use of financial support from the state is accompanied by documentary reports to confirm the intended purpose. The allocated money can be spent on the following:

  • Payment for the lease of a place or plot of land (no more than 20% of the principal amount is allocated to cover these costs).
  • Replenishment of working capital.
  • Equipping workplaces.
  • Purchase of equipment for production (purchased machines cannot be sold or exchanged for three years).
  • Purchase Supplies(the same rules apply - no more than 20% of the funds received).
  • Works related to renovation and opening.
  • Intangible assets.

The entrepreneur draws up an annual report, which indicates what exactly the received subsidiary income was spent on. Also, it is necessary to submit certificates and receipts to the control authorities.

Intangible Small Business Support Options

Nowadays, the state is ready to help start-up businessmen of small and medium-sized enterprises not only by increasing capital. There are several other forms of support:

  1. Opportunity free training ... Why in the early years of activity, many entrepreneurs, faced with problems, leave the business? They simply do not have the necessary knowledge about running their business. Such educational skills (such as how to lead) help in development, but are expensive, so not everyone can acquire them. The state provides start-up businessmen with the opportunity to study free of charge on courses, as well as attend various seminars and lectures. The applicant is obliged to submit the appropriate documents to the necessary authorities: paid invoices, certificates of completion of training or concluded contracts. The payment will cover half of the costs, but for an amount not exceeding 40 thousand rubles per year.
  2. Reduction of rent... Another support option is discounts on the cost of renting premises where offices or production are directly located. Remember that you can get such a discount only if the building is municipal property, and the lease is concluded for a period of more than 5 years. Every year the preferential rate increases (from 40 to 80% of the rent), and for the subsequent period the entrepreneur pays at the full rate. A prerequisite is competitive selection to determine a worthy candidate. The winner will receive additional assistance to pay for communications.
  3. Compensation for participation in exhibitions... To popularize and further develop, small business owners can take advantage of subsidies to participate in national or international exhibitions. Based on the selection results, the state can help pay the costs of registration, space rental, transportation of exhibits, accommodation, organization and translation services. If the state amount of assistance does not exceed 150 thousand per year, you can pay up to half of the costs. Prerequisites for receiving compensation for a small business: a statement, an agreement with the organizers and a report on the work performed.

Summing up

The advantage of financial support programs is the ability to increase the capital of small companies. Since the state is interested in the development of small enterprises, the likelihood of receiving financial assistance is constantly growing. This is a good chance to get started.

On the other hand, the conclusion of an agreement with the relevant government authorities obliges entrepreneurs to submit detailed reports and monitor the targeted use of funds. Therefore, every businessman should study the features of existing support programs and the requirements for them. Then he will be able to make the most of the help and fulfill his obligations.

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Free in Russia

It has long been proven that the economic success of a state depends on the well-being of the people. State assistance in starting a small business is aimed at improving the economic situation of each specific family. The more entrepreneurs in the country, the fewer unemployed, the higher the wages and the lower the poverty level.

In 2019, the Government Russian Federation will continue to support citizens who decide to start their own business. What does state aid to small business include, and what categories of Russian citizens can count on it? What actions should a citizen take to become an object of state support for small businesses.

Let's start with the fact that the feature of subsidies is the granting of funds for targeted use. Its advantage is that when the conditions of the program are fulfilled, you do not need to return anything.

There is also a drawback to the process. These are the conditions. There are many of them and they do not always correspond to the ultimate goals of the entrepreneur. You will have to choose: refuse help or get it, but abandon the original ideas.

You can get help only for:

  • purchases of intangible assets;
  • opening a company;
  • purchases of goods that will be further sold, as well as purchases of equipment;
  • training of specialists;
  • obtaining a license;
  • buying space for expanding a business, etc.

Allocating funds for the development and opening of small and medium-sized businesses, government services make sure that material assistance is used for its intended purpose. If this is not the case, the entrepreneur will be held accountable. The amount received will have to be returned.

Small Business Aid: Who Can Count?

The state helps start-up entrepreneurs and businessmen who have been afloat for some time and intend to modernize or expand their enterprise.

It is important to choose the right field of activity, since many types of assistance are aimed at the development of a specific segment.

A business entity counting on government assistance must:

  • be entered in the register of recipients of support;
  • pass the competition.

Those who intend to receive a subsidy will be assessed according to the following criteria:

  • budget efficiency, or tax perspective, how much deductions will subsequently be made to the state treasury;
  • the social significance of the opened case;
  • the number of jobs to be created.

For each of the points, points are assigned. Applicants who have typed the largest number get help starting or developing a business.

Assistance to small and medium-sized businesses: types

In 2019, the following types of assistance are provided for small businesses:

  • to promote innovative products on the market resulting from scientific and technical research;
  • accounting outsourcing;
  • business incubators - this includes training in the basics of doing business, assistance in expanding production areas and drawing up business plans;
  • in the retraining of a novice businessman;
  • for representatives of socially unprotected layers of society;
  • compensation for overpayments when returning loan funds;
  • to open a small business;
  • for the purchase of fixed assets;
  • entrepreneurial grants for beginners.

Each type of subsidization involves the provision of documents substantiating the need to receive government assistance.

Money from the employment center

This type of assistance is also called self-employment grants. The goal is to reduce the level of unemployment and informal employment.

At the beginning of 2019, the amount of the subsidy is 58,800 rubles. Exactly the same amount can be obtained for each created workplace at our own enterprise.

There are limitations. Not issued:

  • retired citizens and persons under the age of 16;
  • full-time students;
  • already operating individual entrepreneur;
  • founders of LLC;
  • disabled people of non-working disability groups;
  • mothers on maternity leave;
  • working under an employment contract;
  • who have refused work provided by the employment center.

To receive a grant, you must first register at an employment center as an unemployed person.

Subsidy for starting a business for the unemployed

To apply for material support of this type, you must provide:

  • statement;
  • information on the availability of a bank account for receiving transfers;
  • business plan.

In some regions of the Russian Federation, you will have to undergo training beforehand. After receiving a response, if it is positive, the applicant receives the requested funds, which must be reported in due time.

Startup Entrepreneurship Subsidy

In order to receive a grant for the development of individual entrepreneurship, you must have a certain amount.

The support fund is ready to allocate up to 500,000 rubles. As in the previous case, a business plan is needed.

Requirements are imposed on candidates:

  • entrepreneurial experience no more than 2 years;
  • passing special business courses;
  • focus of the case, not related to the spheres: financial, insurance, resale and mediation;
  • no debts;
  • creation of jobs for a certain number of workers.

As part of the provision of this type of assistance, projects are considered for the following areas:

  • marketing and advertising;
  • education;
  • social orientation;
  • tourism;
  • export-oriented production;
  • Agriculture;
  • implementation of innovations.

This type of subsidy is open to people with disabilities, unemployed people, single mothers and other citizens.

Guarantee for credit and leasing agreements

Entrepreneurs different directions activities have to take loans for development and conclude leasing agreements. Since we are talking about quite impressive amounts, it is necessary to provide a guarantor. This role can be played by special guarantee funds. Their services cost 1.5-2% of the surety amount. The aid itself in various regions ranges from 30% to 70% of the loan.

If the entrepreneur meets the requirements of the fund, a 3-party contract is drawn up between the applicant, the financial institution and the guarantor. It is important that all participants are registered in the same region of the Russian Federation.

Partial compensation of interest on loans

At the expense of the state budget, it is possible to reimburse part of the cost of interest returned to banks of the Russian Federation for loans taken for the development of entrepreneurship. The amount of assistance is affected by the size of the loan, as well as the refinancing rate that is current at the time of application.

This type of subsidy is valid throughout the territory of the Russian Federation and applies to most areas of human activity.

Partial reimbursement of expenses under a lease contract

Until recently, if a person wanted to deal with leasing, he had to make all the payments on his own, in accordance with the concluded agreement. Now one of the directions of government assistance is associated with partial compensation for lease payments. The entrepreneur has the opportunity to return up to 5 million rubles.

Issuance of loans at reduced rates

For borrowers, high interest rates charged by banks are a problem. This is the main reason for refusals to applicants for loans that could help the development of a new business. State aid allows you to take loans of the following nature:

  • from 10,000 to 5 million rubles;
  • 1-5 years old;
  • under 5-10%.

The amounts, terms and rates of rates depend on the regions and the chosen business specifics.

Reimbursement of expenses for participation in fairs and exhibitions

Any kind of production activity needs promotion. One of the ways is to participate in all kinds of fairs and similar events.

Two-thirds of the cost of such a promotion can be covered from the federal or local budget. The amount of assistance ranges from 25,000 to 300,000 rubles and is allocated once a year.

Tax incentives for beginners and existing entrepreneurs

In 2015, at the federal level, it was decided to allow the regions to establish tax holidays for businessmen registering in some areas of activity. These areas of activity include science, social business, production, and the provision of consumer services. In different regions, the list of directions can be expanded, depending on the needs of the region.

The regions are also given the right to reduce tax rates for certain types of entrepreneurial activity.

Other forms of government support for small businesses

The programs described above are only part of the assistance that the state provides to people who want stop working for someone and start working for yourself. Aspiring entrepreneurs can count on:

  • free education;
  • accounting assistance;
  • legal support;
  • assistance of specialists in a specific field.

Each region is developing its own programs to help entrepreneurs.

Getting help

An entrepreneur applying for rights to state aid must adhere to the following algorithm of actions:

  1. Choose an area for business.
  2. Create a smart business plan.
  3. Register either with the Job Center or as an entrepreneur. Depends on the type of subsidy you are interested in.
  4. Provide Required documents.
  5. Contact the state. organization with an application for assistance.

If everything is done correctly, the applicant's case is considered within 60 days.

Registration of the application is also possible online.

What is needed to receive start-up capital from the state?

In 2019, a budding entrepreneur does not need to have start-up capital. The main thing is correct
approach the issue of starting a business and use all possible government resources. Necessary:

  • register at an employment center;
  • create a project;
  • apply for participation in the competition;
  • answer the questions of the members of the commission and convince them of their serious attitude.

If approved, the entrepreneur must receive the money and apply it in order to provide a report on the investment in the coming months.

What can be the reason for the refusal?

The most common reason for refusals is the discrepancy between the chosen area of ​​activity and the list of areas of interest to the support fund. We recommend contacting several funds at once.

Other common reason negative answers - an illiterate business plan. It is advisable to consult with experts before providing it.

There is a lot of talk about support for young and not-so-starting entrepreneurs; we have all heard about various federal programs to promote the organization. At the same time, many are very skeptical about such projects.

What can a young man who has decided to start his own business really count on? Let's try to figure it out.

What help can a budding entrepreneur get?

Several options and directions of support are possible. Let's start with the most attractive and tempting one - grants and subsidies.

Material assistance, loans and grants are the most coveted type of assistance. In fact, there are two main ways to get money, they are relevant for the whole of Russia.

60 thousand to start a business

A fairly well-known program for supporting small businesses, or rather the transformation from unemployed to. They give out not 60 thousand rubles, but 58800 - this is the annual amount of unemployment benefits. This program is absolutely working (it is not surprising - the amount is small, and this money, according to the law, is paid to the unemployed anyway).

To get this money to start your own business, you need to go through a number of stages. To some, they may seem tedious and unnecessary, but in such a situation there are also pluses: namely, additional knowledge on organizing the case.

What do you need to do to get 60 thousand for a business?

Here are the main steps:

1. Registration at the local employment center as unemployed, confirmation of this status (in some cases, you have to go to interviews repeatedly to demonstrate that you are looking for a job).

2. Submission of an application for participation in the program of self-employment of the population. Further steps are carried out under the supervision of the employees of the employment center.

3. (Not in all regions) After the application, you undergo a short training - the basics of doing business, as well as psychological testing, revealing a tendency to self-employment, private entrepreneurship.

4. Consideration of a business plan in a special commission. In case of a satisfactory assessment, the grant can be considered received.

5. Registration of individual entrepreneurs, standard procedures.

6. After receiving the registration certificate (usually within a month), money is transferred to the bank account - the very same 60 thousand (more precisely - 58800) rubles.

7. At the end of the quarter, you need to provide a report on the use of the money received.

Is it worth asking for such "lifting" ones? It depends on whether you are ready to go through all the bureaucratic procedures for the sake of this money (of course, you need to register as an emergency in any case) and whether the proposed training is useful.

Grants from regional authorities

In many regions, a competition of business projects is also regularly held, the winners of the competition have the opportunity to receive a gratuitous grant of a more serious size - about 300-500 thousand rubles. Competition in such competitions is usually very high, but with a serious approach, it is quite possible to become one of the winners, especially if you make an effort for high-quality design and presentation of the project, and also take into account that projects that have the greatest chances of winning:

  • socially significant;
  • imply the use of grant funds for the acquisition of liquid assets (machine tools, equipment, cars);
  • create additional jobs.

Non-financial support

In addition to the actual money for the development of the business, government agencies allow you to use their other services. So, many business incubators have already been created that can offer beginners, for example, the following:

  • rent of premises for offices at a discounted price;
  • analysis and evaluation of projects;
  • advice on taxation and the choice of organizational and legal form.

Moreover, it is usually quite simple to get help in such a business incubator - few people know about them, and therefore such structures usually work with "underload".

Thus, it is quite possible for a novice businessman to receive certain services and funds from the state. Although, of course, the volume of such support can never be compared with full-fledged loans from banks. On the other hand, the support of the incubator can become an additional argument when the bank is considering whether or not to issue a loan to you.

Many aspiring entrepreneurs face financial hardships during the start-up phase of a business. The easiest way to solve this problem is through government concessional lending. There are many programs under which the state allocates funds to developing enterprises at low interest rates. In this article, we will tell you what you need to do in order to get a preferential loan as assistance to small businesses from the state in 2019.


In 2019, the government of our country plans to revise the conditions for lending to small businesses. In particular, the annual interest rate on loans from banks will be set at 10-11% per annum. In addition, the active support of the Central Bank of the country will ensure refinancing of projects with a minimum rate of 6.5%. The maximum threshold is 11%.

In addition, a geomarketing navigator system will be launched, thanks to which entrepreneurs, without additional research, can receive comprehensive information about their chosen market segment. For this, more than 200 business plans have been developed in 75 areas of entrepreneurial activity. If this project is approved, government assistance for the development of small business in 2019 will be a pleasant bonus for start-up entrepreneurs who start their own business in such difficult economic conditions.

Types of government assistance to small businesses

Federal programs

For 10 years, the government of our country has been allocating funds to regional budgets that are intended to support small businesses.

In a crisis, the government can count on help for business:

  • Aspiring entrepreneurs;
  • Manufacturing enterprises;
  • Eco-tourism companies;
  • Organizations whose activities are related to folk art.

Small business support

It should be noted that assistance to small and medium-sized businesses from the state is expressed not only in financial support, but also in the provision of various free services.

This could be:

  • Education (seminars, trainings, etc.);
  • Consulting on legal and economic issues;
  • Organization of fairs and exhibitions to promote goods and services;
  • Provision of land plots and production facilities.

Subsidy from the Employment Center

Everyone knows that before that, you need to find the start-up capital. If you do not have your own savings, you should not immediately run to the bank to take out a loan. Beginning entrepreneurs can get government assistance to open a small business through the labor exchange.

For this you need:

  • Register with an employment center as unemployed;
  • Develop a competent project with calculations and a detailed description of the planned activity;
  • Apply for participation in the competition.

The committee will review your plan and make a decision. If it is positive, you can register an individual entrepreneur or LLC, get money and start working. Such financial assistance from the state to small businesses is provided free of charge, but the entrepreneur must submit to the regulatory authorities a detailed report on intended use funds.

Property support

There are several other types of assistance to start-up entrepreneurs from the state in 2019:

Before submitting an application for participation in the competition, you need to collect all the necessary documents, including confirmation that you have not received any grants or cash subsidies before. In addition, it is necessary to undergo training in special entrepreneurship courses that operate under regional funds for supporting small businesses.


If for some reason you were denied gratuitous financial assistance, you can get a loan for a small business from scratch from the state at 5-6% per annum.

This type of state support is available for enterprises:

  • Developing innovative production;
  • Focused on import substitution or production of export products;
  • Engaged in the production of oil and gas equipment.

In other words, in 2019, enterprises that operate in priority sectors of the economy will be able to receive preferential loans to small businesses from the state.

The procedure for obtaining a preferential loan

How to get help for small businesses from the state in 2019? First of all, you need to contact the partner fund bank, provide all the necessary documents, and submit an application. After that, you need to wait while the bank considers your application and makes a decision. If the borrower is unable to post the collateral, the financial institution will email the client's documents and an application for surety to the above fund.

The application must be reviewed within three working days. If a positive decision is made, an agreement is drawn up between the credit institution, the fund and the entrepreneur. Since we are talking about profitable, before making a decision, the fund conducts a thorough analysis of the borrower's business in order to assess its financial stability.

Where and how to get a loan for small business?

It should also be noted that a loan from the state as assistance to small businesses can also be obtained from a regional or municipal fund. Beginning entrepreneurs are given small loans for a short time. Microcredit is perfect for businesses with short production cycles. If things go well, a businessman can count on more impressive assistance to small businesses from the state in 2019.

Another beneficial instrument of concessional financing is a back-to-back loan. This option can be used for implementation. The state grants small loans that are intended to pay off the main loan. Thanks to this, the client receives a deferral of interest payments for a period of up to one year. During this period, he can calmly engage in the development of his business.

The easiest way is to develop some kind of innovative project. In this case, you can count on active support from the state, since such activities have a positive effect on the development of science.

To whom are preferential loans issued?

To date, preferential loans for start-up entrepreneurs have become available in many banks. Preferential conditions in different credit institutions have significant differences, but, despite this, the main trend can be identified - this is a low interest rate, long term loan repayment and simple registration procedure. Concessional lending is perfect option for implementation .

Since much less funds were allocated for federal subsidies in 2019, the regions will finance only the most priority areas of entrepreneurial activity - agriculture, innovation, scientific and technical development, and production of essential goods. According to experts, this is social sphere and housing and communal services. These areas of activity receive comprehensive support from the state.

There are also restrictions on obtaining soft loans. Such a loan cannot be counted on by persons who:

  • Have gone bankrupt or are on the verge of bankruptcy;
  • In the past, they received a soft loan, but did not pay off the debt;
  • Have any debts to government agencies.

  1. Do not forget that small business assistance programs from the state may differ depending on the region. Therefore, before contacting the Small Business Support Fund, you need to carefully study the provision on the surety. In some cases, the fund provides a guarantee not for the entire amount of the requested loan, but only for its part;
  2. If you provide reliable collateral and correctly draw up all the documents, the likelihood of obtaining a soft loan under the microfinance program will increase significantly;
  3. Before you get help for small businesses from the state at the Employment Center, once again carefully think about whether you can account for all the funds spent. The subsidy can only be spent in strict accordance with the business plan. All expenses must be confirmed by checks, receipts and other payment documents. If you know exactly how to increase your capital with a small amount of money, you can safely ask for such help.
  4. conclusions

    State support programs are the most The best way,. The opportunity to develop your own business at the expense of budgetary funds can be found in any region. The most important thing is persistence and desire. Good luck!


Hello! In this article, we will tell you about the ways of government financing of small and medium-sized businesses in Russia.

Today you will find out:

  1. How does the state help entrepreneurs;
  2. How much money can you get to support your business;
  3. How to properly recommend yourself for a grant.

The importance of small and medium-sized businesses

A large number of small private firms within a country are of immense benefit to economic development.

Types of subsidies

The government has identified several programs to support small businesses:

  • - the amount of money allocated for beginners;
  • Assistance in repayment of loans for business - compensation of part of the interest in the amount of the refinancing rate. For example, you took out a loan at 19% per annum. The rate of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation is 9.75%. In total, the state will pay 9.75% for you, and you will have to repay the loan at: 19 - 9, 75 = 9.25%;
  • Payment. The first installment is paid up to 30%, but not more than 1,000,000 rubles;
  • Reimbursement of all or partial costs of training the organization's personnel. This includes all sorts of;
  • Helping people who decide to start farming;
  • Search for partners to conclude transactions with foreign representatives. The state in this way encourages the export of production;
  • Business infrastructure development. The state allocates equipment, materials, etc. to fill business development centers;
  • Remote accounting (outsourcing).

The list is wide enough, which means that every interested owner of the company will be able to choose the most optimal way receiving funds from the budget. To do this, you need to decide in advance what exactly you do not have enough money for.

How much will the state pay

Issuance amounts may vary in each region. This information needs to be clarified. Nevertheless, the state is trying to increase the cost of financing small and medium-sized businesses every year.

The payment amounts can be obtained as follows:

  • 58,800 rubles - for starting a small business (this amount is issued by the employment center as an annual unemployment benefit);
  • up to 500,000 rubles - a grant for the development of a new enterprise registered less than a year ago;
  • up to 1,000,000 rubles - for opening and development (as a loan amount at a preferential interest rate).
  • up to 2,500,000 rubles - for the promotion of innovations (obtaining a patent, etc.);
  • up to 10,000,000 rubles - for;
  • up to 15,000,000 rubles (but not more than the amount spent by the owner on the development of the company) - to raise the enterprise (to receive such a large amount, you must meet all the criteria put forward by the state).

It is important to take into account that in many cases, in order to receive a grant, a future entrepreneur must officially be at the employment exchange, confirming the absence of a job. The money will be allocated only if the support fund cannot find a suitable vacancy for you.

Also, in order to receive a grant, you need to have at least 25% of the requested amount. The state should have guarantees that you want to open a business, and not spend money on personal needs.

The money is transferred to the applicant's account within six months, and in some cases, even a year. As they are spent, the entrepreneur must report on what purposes the funds were spent for. If the cost items do not coincide with those originally indicated, then you will have to answer in court. Any unused amount will need to be returned.

Don't forget about paying taxes. From the received grant you will have to pay at a rate of 13%.

What is funded by grants

The state is trying to support those spheres of life that benefit the whole country and contribute to the growth of the economic interest of the population.

Among them there are those for which grants are allocated in the first place:

  • Trade (however, this area is already oversaturated and it will be possible to receive a grant for its development in a small percentage of cases).

The areas in which entrepreneurs are going to trade are also of particular importance.

The state is more loyal to the allocation of grants for development:

  • Medicine;
  • Construction;
  • Tourism;
  • Innovative business;
  • Education;
  • Catering;
  • Natural sciences.

If you are interested in receiving a grant, then it is better to organize your activities in the above areas. for a subsidy will help you avoid a negative decision on your application.

What exactly can the money from the grant be spent on?

Government structures strictly control expenditure transactions on the account to which the amount was transferred as support for small and medium-sized businesses.

The entrepreneur must spend strictly in accordance with the drawn up business plan, other purposes are not allowed. The use of money for other purposes is not allowed, in otherwise such a businessman will be held accountable.

The following items of expenses may be reflected on the entrepreneur's account:

  • Purchase of the necessary equipment ( important condition that this acquisition cannot be sold again earlier than three years of use);
  • (up to 20% of the total grant amount is allocated for these purposes);
  • Purchase of a patent, license or special program;
  • Acquisition of means of production - materials, raw materials (no more than 20% of the grant);
  • Workplace equipment.

After the spent expenses, you will need to report on them. Therefore, it is important to keep all receipts, receipts, invoices and other supporting papers. If you cannot provide them, then you will not be able to justify the costs, and this is already fraught with difficulties associated with inappropriate spending and the return of the grant.

Who will be approved for financial support?

To receive a subsidy for a small business from the budget, it is not enough to have only ambitions and a great desire, it is also necessary to meet a number of requirements.

The established enterprise must:

  • Be registered less than 1 year ago;
  • Stand firmly on your feet (not threatened or).

If an unregistered entrepreneur plans to receive state support, then he must meet the criteria:

  • Age from 18 to 30 years old ( upper limit is desirable);
  • Employment at the employment exchange;
  • Passing a psychology test with a high score;
  • Availability of a ready-made high-quality business plan;
  • Possess an amount of at least 25% of the grant provided.

The state wants to see young people among entrepreneurs who have recently discovered business and have high goals. Without the above characteristics, it will be impossible to get support for entrepreneurship.

Another important, but not fundamental condition is considered to be the absence of a grant in the past. The country wants to see new heroes, and therefore considers for funding purposes only newly minted businessmen who are just starting to master the basics of entrepreneurship.

Opportunities for disadvantaged groups

Any member of the society can receive support from the state for the development of his enterprise. The authorities give an opportunity to prove themselves and socially unprotected citizens who can count on a higher rate.

Such persons include:

  • Single parents raising minor children;
  • People from boarding schools;
  • Former prisoners;
  • Former military personnel;
  • Large families;
  • Families with a disabled person.

The easiest way to get 58,800 rubles for any person is to go to the labor exchange and provide a business plan. If it is approved, then you can invest your own knowledge and experience in the development of entrepreneurship.

Also, the state encourages the opening of new firms in the field of folk crafts, children's educational institutions or leisure centers for children and adults as social projects.

Business plan for receiving subsidies

An important rule for being able to participate in the competition for financial assistance is the preparation of a business plan. This is a document that carefully analyzes your entire business "on the shelves". Various indicators, calculations and project efficiency are displayed here.

The main components of the plan:

  • The essence of the business being created;
  • Required investments;
  • What is being produced or what services are being provided;
  • Organization of the process;
  • Calculation of risks.

It is also important to indicate in the project the characteristics in which the state is interested:

  • Number of workplaces;
  • Expected return (in terms of tax deductions);
  • Own funds of the entrepreneur.

A special commission examines your business plan within 60 days. It needs to be clearly worded. It should clearly follow for what purposes production is created and what benefits it brings to society.

You should motivate the authorities to pay the grant to you. A business plan can help with this if it is drawn up competently and competently. If you have never dealt with the preparation of such documents before, it is better to undergo special training and draw up a high-level business plan.

Where to go for help

To become a member of the state program for the issuance of money, you do not need to go somewhere or visit the capital. It is enough to contact the authorities.

You can visit:

  • Employment Center;
  • Local administration;
  • Department of Entrepreneurship (a kind of support agency).

You can go to these representative offices at any stage of participation. Before or here they will tell everything about the rules of the project, its participants, the requirements for them. You will find out the amounts you can count on.

As part of government programs, start-up entrepreneurs are also trained in the basics of business. You will master the basics of economics, learn how to write a business plan and meet the same future figures as you.

Here you can clarify everything about state support: its conditions, development by regions and what chances you personally have to receive a grant. Communication with experienced businessmen provides an opportunity to gain some important theoretical knowledge.

All information is provided in the public domain: anyone can get training, attend seminars and get answers to their questions. The state is trying to make this process as convenient as possible for future entrepreneurs.

Importance of the Federal Portal

To get acquainted with subsidies for starting a business, a website has been created under the name "Federal Portal of Small and Medium Enterprises". Any individual entrepreneur, legal entity or just an individual can enter here.

The site includes information for each region. You can study the statistics of the number of enterprises for different periods or view the payments of state support.

It also displays:

  • The number of enterprises that received grants;
  • Regulatory regulatory framework;
  • Regional news;
  • Measures of the provided legal support and their availability by region;
  • Form "question-answer", in which you can find out something for yourself;
  • Calculator (when purchasing a patent).

How the subsidy is formalized

To obtain state support, you will need:

  • Take a three-day course for entrepreneurs (if necessary. They will tell you about the specifics of drawing up a business plan. The course lasts several days, upon completion of which a certificate is issued confirming your readiness to receive a grant);
  • Draw up a competent plan for exactly that area of ​​life for which a business subsidy is issued;
  • Collect all documents and take them to your local administration or business support center. Write an application as a project participant;
  • Waiting for the decision of the committee on the approval of your project (within 60 days from the date of the business plan adoption);
  • Upon approval of your application, open a legal entity or individual entrepreneur (if you are not yet registered in this status);
  • Open a bank account (here the department of entrepreneurship should appear as a party to the agreement, which will allocate funds to you. In case of their improper use, they will be written off in favor of the state);
  • Take a bank agreement, a certificate of absence of debts to credit institutions and a certificate of registration of an entrepreneur with tax services to the Department of Entrepreneurship;
  • Within six months, funds will be credited to your account, and you will be able to dispose of them to please your business.

There is nothing difficult in applying for and receiving a grant. The most difficult moment is drawing up a business plan. Upon completion, a special commission will be familiarized with the terms of your project. After that, its representatives will ask you several questions regarding the effectiveness of the implementation of the development in life.

If you successfully pass this "interview", then the money will definitely be transferred to your account.

Collecting documents

To apply for a grant, you will need to collect a package of papers. It may vary slightly in each region.

Basically you need:

  • The statement itself;
  • Business plan with all calculations, calculations and forecasts;
  • If you have already registered and are functioning as an entrepreneur, you may request copies of contracts with partners;
  • Copies of lease agreements for premises or certificates of ownership (if necessary);
  • Copies of existing licenses and permits for work, production, etc .;
  • Bank certificate stating that you have accounts;
  • For LLC - a copy;
  • Copy of an extract from the register legal entities or individual entrepreneur;
  • A copy of the certificate of registration as an entrepreneur;
  • Certificate from the tax office about the absence of arrears and late payments;
  • A participant's receipt stating that he was not an entrepreneur before (they may ask for your work book, confirming that you worked only for hire).

Depending on the terms of the grant, this list may vary to a greater or lesser extent. In any case, the preparation of documents must be approached responsibly. The collection is given a certain period. If you do not meet it, then you will not see money from the state.

Why can they refuse

Receiving subsidies from the state has a large list of requirements for a beginner entrepreneur. Failure to comply with at least one point may lead to refusal to issue funds.

Consider these points:

  • Choosing an inappropriate business niche. There are areas that the state does not finance, it is better to choose those that receive R regional support for small businesses in the first place;
  • The declared amount is too large. You must understand that the state does not give away funds, but only gives out to those who are ready to invest themselves. Therefore, if the business plan indicates a lot of money required from the budget, the refusal will follow unambiguously;
  • Errors in your project. If there are any inaccuracies or phrases in the business plan that cause double understanding, then the commission has the right to refuse. It should contain only specific calculations and information on the merits. Fast payback and the importance of your business for the region - this is what the authorities are looking at;
  • Re-submission of the application. If you have previously received money from the state, then the second time you are unlikely to succeed. The government wants to sponsor the newly minted entrepreneurs;
  • If you already have a registered business, you may be refused due to tax arrears., late payment to subordinates, with employees' incomes below the subsistence level.

Who can not count

The state is not ready to sponsor every idea of ​​a newly arrived entrepreneur. Only socially significant projects that will benefit the country or a separate region are of interest. In addition, the business plan must be realistic and not be the product of a pipe fantasy.

There are areas that will never receive government support for the project. If you are a representative of one of these areas, then do not count on grants.

These include:

  • Tobacco production;
  • Spillage of alcohol;
  • Lending activities;
  • Insurance Company;
  • Fraud on and;
  • Network business;
  • Pawnshops.

The opening and sponsoring of enterprises in these industries will have to be carried out exclusively at their own expense or by issuing loans. These areas do not carry large-scale significance for the regions; moreover, they are oversaturated with supply and demand.

Also if you don't have a dime for own ideas, then the state will not meet halfway. In some cases, the conditions for participation in the competition provide for at least 25% of the amount of support for business development.

If you personally or an enterprise have debts on bank loans, all the more overdue, you don't even have to bother to submit documents - the state will still refuse.

Do you want to become an entrepreneur

The problem of the majority of those wishing to open their own business is the psychological fear of a new one and the worry that you can lose everything at the initial stage. This is a common occurrence that only goes away with time. If you think and worry all the time, nothing will come of it.

To open own business you need to make every effort, do not spare time and yourself. Another problem of modern young people is that they think immediately, but it is better to get them for free. With this approach, it is unlikely that anything will work.

An entrepreneur must improve his skills in an area in which he has broad knowledge. You need to concentrate not on money, but on deeds.

Mastering suitable literature, attending all kinds of seminars and courses - important stage preparing yourself as a future leader. One of the most powerful approaches to starting a business properly is talking to experienced entrepreneurs.

You must calculate your strength. It is important to understand that any stop in business can lead to a loss of invested funds, and restoring anew is an even more complicated process.

In order for the state to allocate funds for your business free of charge, give maximum influence to your business plan. Decide on the niche that the company will occupy. Further calculations and grant issuance depend on this.

  • Ask for a small amount the first time and only for the most necessary, it will attract the eyes of the commission, which will be sure that you really are;
  • Make up original project , it must be unique. Its advantageous difference from others will allow you to get on the approval of the commission;
  • Identify the goals of the project correctly... They cannot be the goal of getting money or, a car for oneself. You must formulate proposals that do not relate to you personally and your earnings. They can be aimed at developing the region, helping the population, developing exports, etc., that is, at what is important to the country and its economic recovery.