We open dentistry. Business plan: how to open a dental office

Paid medicine is one of the most profitable and profitable business sectors today.

This is because the best doctors work in private clinics, the most expensive equipment costs and there is always an individual approach to the client. It is also impossible not to take into account the fact that as the standard of living rises, the number of people who are willing to spend more and more money on caring for own health... Today the dental business is one of the best possible investments. Therefore, active entrepreneurs have a reason to think about how to draw up a business plan for a dental clinic.

However, some businessmen are worried that they do not have any knowledge and experience in medicine at all, and therefore it may not work out. It is worth knowing that knowledge of medicine for opening such a business is optional. This is due to the fact that graduates of medical higher educational institutions it is quite rare that good entrepreneurs, economists, managers, and so on are obtained.

It is worth noting that the state will soon fully recognize that it is pointless to maintain free medical institutions. Quite often, municipal clinics survive only because doctors unofficially earn extra money in their places. However, due to the fact that there is little money for public medical clinics, many patients face a lower level of service than in private medical institutions.

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What you need to create your own dental clinic

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The choice of the premises that will be needed to open the clinic

In this business plan, an example of creating a dental clinic for 5 chairs will be considered. This will require a room with a total area of ​​180-200 sq. m. It is important to note that the selected room must meet all the requirements of the SES, it must have at least 5 windows (one window for each dental chair).

If there is a sufficiently large start-up capital, it would be better to purchase the premises. This will allow you not to depend on the landlord. There are times when the owners of premises ask people who rent their premises to leave it. Consequently, the entrepreneur will need to search and move to another location. This may require additional time and money. In addition, you will need to obtain a license again. All this can lead to the loss of regular customers, which is unacceptable for dental offices.

If at first you have a little money, it makes sense to think about renting a premise first. It is important to remember what is necessary Special attention devote to drawing up an agreement with the lessor. It is recommended that you spare no money to use the services of a quality and experienced lawyer. This will minimize possible risks.

One way to the maximum short time- to purchase a ready-made business. However, there is enough a large number of nuances, most of which are not the most pleasant. Therefore, if the choice fell on this option, you will definitely need to contact a qualified specialist.

You should be aware that it is not at all a prerequisite for the placement of the building in central regions cities. The most important thing in such a business is taking care of the quality of the services provided. If this item is at its best, interested clients will find a dental office even on the outskirts of the city.

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Possible repair costs

It's important to note that aspiring entrepreneurs make two of the most common mistakes.

  1. Too large contributions to the design of the selected premises, in connection with which there may not be enough money for the purchase quality equipment which is more important for the dental office than his general form... It will also not be possible to attract highly qualified doctors to offices with cheap equipment. Consequently, the quality of the services provided will suffer, which will negatively affect the attitude of regular customers.
  2. Design assignment to the largest company that professionally designs various palaces. Such enterprises have quite a lot of experience in creating projects of beautiful buildings, but they have no experience at all in medical premises... Consequently, such companies do not know the specifics of the technological chain and all the necessary requirements of the SES. As a result, the premises may turn out to be quite beautiful, but not effective. That is why most often such projects have to be redone.

It can be concluded that to invest more than 700 euros in one square meter for renovations. m does not make any sense. The thing is that people come to dentistry to treat their teeth, and not stare at a marine aquarium or any works of art. It should be borne in mind that a fairly large amount of money will have to be spent on communications. Each office must have sewerage, water, ventilation, electricity. After the project has been agreed, you can proceed with the implementation renovation works... Do not forget that only certification materials should be used for repairs in the clinic premises. It is not worth saving on this, since this will only lead to the fact that you will have to redo everything anew. It makes no sense to look for workarounds, since in any case, the supervisory authorities will need to provide copies of the licenses of the design and construction organization.

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Registration of all documents that you need to start a business

It is worth noting that collecting all the necessary documents for opening your own dental clinic is the most troublesome thing. This is due to the fact that any redevelopment requires many permits from such authorities as the department of architecture, SES, firefighters, district administration, and so on. You have to pay for almost all permits, but it's not even about money, but about the amount of time spent. If it is planned to install X-ray equipment, other additional permits will be needed, which can take away a fairly large amount of its own forces.

In addition, you will need to obtain a medical license (if you plan to open pediatric dentistry or surgery, you will need several licenses). Here you have a choice: to start collecting all the documents yourself, or pay a person who will do everything on his own. Such a person can be anyone: a doctor himself, a student, a pensioner, a law firm. It is worth knowing that students are the cheapest option, while law firms are the most expensive, but effective.

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Purchasing suitable equipment for the dental office

It is quite difficult to understand the dental equipment on your own. Alternatively, you can visit the corresponding exhibition, but this will not make the task much easier. Each stand will tout its manufacturer of dental equipment, while none of them will say that their equipment is unreliable, costs a lot of money, or is completely ineffective. Therefore, few people know how to choose the right equipment.

Every dentist in his entire life, as a rule, works with 1-2 equipment manufacturers. Therefore, it is more a matter of habit. Although for most entrepreneurs, dental equipment is something completely incomprehensible, there is a way out of this situation. There are specialists who are well versed in professional technique and can help to do right choice for the future dental office. Consequently, it will be necessary to include a cost item for the services of such a specialist in the business plan.

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Expenses that will be incurred when opening a dental clinic

Most often, in order to create a middle-class dental office, you will need:

  1. 5 seats for $ 15,000-20,000 for each of them (total total costs are approximately $ 75,000-100,000).
  2. Equipping each chair - $ 5,000 each (total total costs will be at least $ 25,000).
  3. Purchase of panoramic x-rays - $ 16,500, sighting x-rays - approximately $ 3,500 (total costs will be $ 20,000).
  4. Purchase necessary furniture and all auxiliary equipment- approximately $ 15,000.

Total total costs can be in the order of $ 135,000-160000.

The total costs of the clinic include the following items:

  1. Renovation work - approximately $ 140,000-190000.
  2. Acquisition of everything necessary equipment- approximately 135,000-160000 dollars.
  3. The costs of designing, collecting and receiving documentation, promotion, advertising campaigns and other expenses are approximately $ 20,000-50,000.

As a result, the final cost will be approximately $ 300,000-400,000.

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Monthly costs and possible profitability of such a case

  1. Payment for work performed by dentists (25% of total turnover) - approximately $ 25,000.
  2. Support staff pay approximately $ 10,000 for work performed.
  3. Purchase Supplies(about 6-8% of the total turnover) - at least $ 8,000.
  4. Household expenses, advertising, promotion, etc. - about $ 10,000.

The total total monthly costs will be approximately $ 53,000.

Consequently, the profit for the dental office (excluding rent, since everyone will have their own) will be approximately $ 47,000 per month. Then the annual profit will be about $ 560,000 in case the property is owned. If you have to rent the premises, you will need to deduct the cost of rent multiplied by 12 months from the total profit. Once the clinic has a sufficient number of regular clients, the profitability of such a business will be approximately 30%. It is worth noting that there are quite a few industries that can offer this level of profitability.

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Selection of the necessary employees to carry out the work

In order to open an office with 5 seats, you will need approximately 10 doctors and 10 nurses, 2 administrators, 2 nurses and a director. You can find an accountant who comes who will do the work only when it is available. However, he will only work part-time. Dentists can receive approximately 25% of the total revenue. It is more expedient for nurses to pay a rate of 300-400 dollars, and 200-250 dollars will be enough for nurses. It is worth considering the fact that the calculations were made for the city of Moscow.

It is quite difficult to find highly qualified employees, in this regard, you can start searching even from the moment of repair work in the chosen room for the dental clinic. This will allow you to fully assemble the team by the day when the office is ready.

It is worth remembering once and for all that employees will always try to take as much money into their pockets as possible, while they are not at all interested in how much money is left to the owner. Consequently, it will be necessary from the very beginning to carry out a clear control of materials, the labor contribution of each of the employees, to establish a record of all incoming patients, and so on. The simplest and most correct solution would be to use a special software, which was developed precisely for such purposes. There are quite a lot of programs on the market now, some of which are worse and some are better. Consequently, even here it will not be possible to do without highly qualified specialists who have sufficient experience in working with such programs. It is necessary to choose the option that can remove from the entrepreneur the possible headache associated with the withdrawal of regular customers, theft, shirking the client's record and good accounting, which is important enough so that no part of the income goes to the sand.

Paid medicine is one of the most profitable business sectors in our country. Many citizens prefer to contact commercial organizations, because they are confident that in this way they will receive the highest quality of services provided. In addition, the level of service, the absence of queues, more opportunities, and respectful attitude towards each of the clients favorably distinguish such organizations as opposed to the state ones.

Thus, starting a dental clinic can be a profitable investment. There is no need to be a doctor with specialized education to open a dental office. To do this, it will be enough to hire qualified specialists who will be able to solve current problems and take into account the nuances and specifics of this type of business.

Bureaucratic issues regarding the opening of an office: registration of activities and obtaining a license

One of the first points included in the compiled business plan for dentistry is the solution of various bureaucratic issues, which in any case will accompany a novice businessman. Dental health services are different from business as usual, such as producing food, providing repair services, or opening a store. The difference is that they require more required documents so that the activity is carried out exclusively within the framework established by the current legislation.

Even before opening dentistry, you will need to register as a business entity. If we are talking about opening a dental office, then in such a situation suitable option registration as individual entrepreneur... In such a situation, the person starting a business must have the appropriate education. It is equally important to comply with the statutory requirement: all doctors employed in a dental office or clinic, providing prosthetics and treatment services, must be licensed. Without such a license, even a registered business entity is not allowed to work.

If a decision is made to organize a legal entity, for example, an LLC, in such a situation the founder does not necessarily have to have a specialized education. Similar requirements will already be imposed on those employees who are employed as dentists. One of the advantages of registration is legal entity is the ability to organize a business by attracting several investors, who subsequently become co-founders. Since at the time of the organization, the contribution of each individual is clearly recorded, later it will be much easier to determine the amount of profit that is supposed to be. It will also be possible to resolve the issue of withdrawal from the structure with the need to withdraw the invested capital (or a similar amount in monetary equivalent if the contribution was made in the form of property, equipment, etc.).

An entrepreneur can open both a large clinic and a separate office - everything will depend on the desire and financial capabilities

Next, you need to decide on the tax system that will accompany the entrepreneur's activities. The dental business, as an option, can be carried out by common system taxation, but it is quite complex and is characterized by the need to provide more reports. In this case, it will not be entirely advisable to use it. Most the best option there will be a simplified taxation system, in which a fairly common scheme "income minus expenses" is applied. This technique makes it easy to determine the amount of profit on which the subsequently incorporated company will pay the established interest in taxes.

Having decided what will be carried out - registration of an LLC or an individual entrepreneur, it is also worth paying special attention to what kind of activity code will be indicated. He further determines the list of those services that will be provided to patients, and in case of violation of the procedure established by the rules, the entrepreneur can be held liable. Thus, activities in the field of dentistry must be accompanied by the indication of the OKVED code 85.13 "Dental practice".

When obtaining a license, first of all, you should familiarize yourself with the main provisions reflected in the following documents:

  • Federal Law of 4.05.2011 "On licensing certain types of activities";
  • PP RF dated 04/16/2012 "On licensing of medical activities";
  • Letter from the Ministry of Health and Social the development of the Russian Federation No. 537-12, which defines some norms concerning the organization and further functioning of the dental clinic;
  • SanPiN No.

The organization of the work of the office or clinic should be adjusted taking into account the fact that a license will need to be issued for each separate species activities. Thus, these will be completely different documents for the provision of therapeutic, surgical services, pediatric dentistry, prosthetics, orthodontics, orthopedics, etc. It is also worth considering that in order to establish the work of an office or clinic, it will additionally be necessary to obtain permission from Rospotrebnadzor, fire inspection and sanitary and epidemiological station. It must be understood that since given view Since activity is very closely related to the treatment of people, the requirements are more stringent. So, in particular, they pay attention to the sanitary condition of the room, the presence of cold and hot water, heating, work clothes of the personnel, the presence of each of the employees of a sanitary book, indicating their state of health, allowing them to perform work duties in such an institution.

The dental services market is associated with incurring costs even at the stage of registration of a business entity. So, in general, registration can cost a businessman from 30 to 60 thousand rubles. Moreover, only the license will cost 7.5 thousand rubles. It is worth noting that the issuance of a license must be treated carefully - not every specialist providing services can even apply for it. The main requirements for applicants are the presence of a diploma of education (it must be specialized), as well as the minimum allowable work experience in a similar specialty - 5 years. Additionally, the doctor must have certificates of completion of specialized courses for doctors of this specialty. In accordance with the provisions of the current legislation, he can provide services in tandem with a nurse. At the same time, a mandatory point is that a nurse must be arranged according to a contract.

What services to provide - decide on your own. But do not forget that certain of them may remain unclaimed.

The nuances of arranging a dental office

Many businessmen or entrepreneurs who are going to organize own business in the field of dentistry, they are not always familiar with the intricacies of such activities, especially if they themselves are not dentists by profession. In this regard, they often make annoying mistakes, which as a result leads to losses and the closure of a business that has not really developed yet.

First of all, an entrepreneur is faced with the question of where to start his activity. How to correctly determine all the main parameters of entrepreneurial activity and, in general, determine whether it is advisable to organize a dental clinic. We can say with confidence that this type of business can bring high income. This fact is proved by the existence of a large number of open dental offices and clinics that successfully operate throughout the territory. Russian Federation... With the proper level of service provision, the presence of highly qualified specialists, the number of satisfied customers and, as a result, those who wish to use the services of the office, will steadily grow.

In order to take into account in more detail all the aspects of organizing a business, you will need a dental office with calculations. Consider the following as an example:

  1. Analysis of the dental services market in the region where it is planned to operate. For this the best option will involve third-party specialists who are able to accurately determine the need for another unit of this type of medical services. At the same time, in parallel, the principles of functioning of existing competitors can be worked out and their identification weaknesses... It is determined how many clients are served at these points, which specialists work in other clinics and what reviews are available about them;
  2. Organize a business on your own or purchase a ready-made, so to speak, turnkey dental office. As a rule, a business is rarely sold if it is profitable enough. In most cases, this is just the opposite indicates the lack of financial strength of the clinic being sold. If the dental office was open and, after working for a short time, closed even without receiving a sufficient amount of profit, then more investments may have to be attracted to its promotion. Possible difficulties in this case may be present if, during its existence, the clinic has received negative reviews and has earned itself a bad reputation. In such a situation, it would be more expedient to organize the business on your own so that you do not have to waste time and money to attract clients who were scared off by poor-quality services;
  3. Regardless of whether the decision was made to buy a ready-made business or to organize it from scratch, an individual entrepreneur or LLC is registered, and the necessary documentation and licenses are obtained. When applying for a license, you must take into account that the duration of their registration is 1.5 months. Therefore, the documents will need to be submitted in advance, so that a situation does not work out when the dentistry itself is already ready to open, and the employees are not yet entitled to provide any services;
  4. Determining what the size of the clinic or office will be. In this case, it is not the area that is meant, but how many specialists will be involved. Alternatively, the most common are clinics that open up to three chairs. At the same time, the doctors themselves can either work in shifts, when each is separately assigned to a specialist, or change in such a way that they are constantly busy. In the second option, a faster payback of the project will be provided and, as a result, the profitability of the business will be higher;
  5. Search for suitable premises. When performing this step, it is worth considering all the basic requirements that apply to clinics, otherwise the cost of renting a building or buying it will be superfluous;
  6. Definition of services provided in an open clinic. For this, first of all, data on the services provided by competitors are used. The list of such services can be quite extensive and include whitening, caries treatment, prosthetics, therapy, implantation, computer physiography, aesthetic dentistry, etc .;
  7. Purchase of the necessary equipment and other materials, furniture, etc .;
  8. Carrying out repairs, which can be both cosmetic and major;
  9. Personnel search and conclusion labor contracts... Alternatively, the lease of a chair for individual dentists can be used, but in such a situation, compliance with corporate standards cannot be guaranteed, since the specialists will work for themselves and not obey the clinic's management. If there are any problems with an individual doctor, the shadow of a negative reputation can affect the entire clinic;
  10. Carrying out advertising and marketing moves aimed at attracting customers at the stage of preparation for the opening. Such costs will not account for the bulk of investment costs, and many businessmen unreasonably miss this very important step. In its absence, the promotion of the clinic can take much longer and at a certain stage there will no longer be funds to keep the business afloat;
  11. The opening of the clinic and the beginning of the provision of the declared range of services.

Finding a suitable place to organize a room for a dental clinic

When looking for a room where the workplaces of dentists will be located directly, it is worth considering the requirements that are imposed on such clinics by regulatory organizations. It is also necessarily taken into account that the location of the premises has an important role in the total number of people wishing to use the services. Despite a wide advertising campaign and conducted marketing moves, an unfavorable location can be a factor that will scare away potential clients... In this regard, the location of the future clinic should be in an area where a large number of people are concentrated. Moreover, it can be both sleeping areas and those located among other offices. A good neighborhood is considered to be the placement of an office next to centers that also provide medical services, but at the same time they (services) should not overlap.

The chosen room itself must be equipped with serviceable communications. Separate requirements are also imposed on the size of the area that will be used for the organization of the clinic. The minimum area in this case will be 30 square meters, and the height of the ceilings is from 3 meters.

When placing the seats, it must be borne in mind that at least one of them must have at least 14 squares. If the number of chairs is more than three, then the development of the layout should be carried out taking into account separate sterilization, the area of ​​which should be at least 6 square meters. Additionally, it will be necessary to equip a sanitary unit, as well as a hall, where patients can familiarize themselves with the range of services provided and wait for the appointed time for an appointment.

Do not exclude from the business plan the point about the need for repairs, even cosmetic ones. These savings, according to some entrepreneurs, help to significantly shorten the payback period. However, in reality, the clinic's unsightly appearance, both outside and inside, can scare off potential clients who may not feel comfortable.

Purchase of equipment and other equipment for the clinic

The next step in step-by-step planning will be the purchase of the necessary equipment. This cost item is the most costly, but in order to provide better services, it is necessary to install equipment that will allow for high-quality treatment. You can purchase both new and used equipment, but you should pay attention to its performance - it will not be superfluous to seek advice from a specialist in such devices so that he can evaluate them. In addition, even for such equipment, it will be necessary to have documents, since the regulatory authorities have the right to check them and, in the absence of papers, may not give a work permit.

High quality equipment is a guarantee of the provision of services for high level, if, of course, your specialists are real professionals

Among those devices that may be required to launch a dental clinic, it is worth noting the following:

  • Dental chairs;
  • Autoclave;
  • X-ray;
  • Sterilizer;
  • Special lamps for the number of seats;
  • A set of instruments separately required for each of the dentists.

When selecting equipment, it will be possible to get advice from those employees who will be employed in the dental clinic. Their extensive experience will help determine what equipment is needed, which brands should be preferred, etc.

Staff recruitment

When recruiting personnel for your clinic, first of all, you should pay attention to those employees who have specialized education and work experience. The number of employees and the list of positions will be determined individually, based on the range of services provided and how many chairs are planned to open the clinic. The following list of employees can be taken as a sample:

  • Dentists. Alternatively, you can employ twice as many workers than it is planned to install chairs;
  • Nurses. It is more expedient to equate the number of persons hired for such a position with the number of doctors. For example, 10 doctors will need 10 nurses;
  • Administrators. For the full-fledged operation of the clinic, two people must be hired. Thus, if necessary, they can replace each other;
  • Accountant.

Carefully approach the selection of personnel - this is the "face" of the clinic

According to experts, personnel and equipment are two main components on which the success of the entire business depends to a greater extent. The rest of the articles also have an impact, but the quality of the services provided will not suffer so much.

Dental clinic marketing plan and advertising

One of the cost items in the process of organizing a dental clinic will be drawing up a marketing plan and phased implementation of all items, as well as carrying out promotions. A certain part of the start-up capital can be spent on such actions, since the cost of providing services will vary widely depending on the chosen strategy, the size of the clinic itself and the initial budget, which determines the possible costs and their allowable amount. These actions can be varied, but the most effective, according to experts in the field of advertising, are the following:

  • Accommodation of various kinds advertisements... They can be located in the media, social networks, other sites that are most popular;
  • Carrying out various actions aimed at attracting clients. These can be discounts on services provided, certain of which are completely free of charge. At the same time, it is worth finding a so-called middle ground between attracting consumers and not promoting an increase in costs in excess of the calculated norm, when the implementation of therapeutic or preventive actions without payment from the client is already becoming unprofitable;
  • Colorful signboard equipment. It should attract attention and, preferably, be highlighted in the dark - thus, even in the dark, advertising will work;
  • Distribution of business cards of the salon and advertising information during the opening period and the first days of work. As the calculations show, such actions are most effective only during the first month of operation. This is how the provision of information is achieved that the office or clinic is already open and what list of services a client can receive by visiting him;
  • Conclusion of contracts with organizations that can carry out certain advertising actions. A striking example is the situation in which in a beauty salon all of its clients are handed out business cards of a dental clinic. Such services can both be provided for a fee, and for reverse advertising, when dentistry will similarly present data about a beauty salon;
  • Placing banners on the streets, illuminated advertisements, etc. This type of advertising is more expensive than others, but along with this, its effectiveness is also quite high.

Private medical practice is divided into three classes: higher (multidisciplinary centers), middle (clinics), economy (dental offices). They differ in the scale of the premises, the range of services, cost, equipment and financial capabilities of clients.

For information! As practice shows, the average monthly profit in a small clinic is $ 40,000 - $ 50,000. A dental office can have revenue for the same period of at least $ 15-20,000. But these financial opportunities are not available to all private institutions, but only to those who conduct well-thought-out and correct financial activities, focusing on the needs of clients.

During the implementation of the project to open a dental office, the main thing is to take into account all the details and pay attention to important nuances.

Which is better: open or buy a dental office

Starting from scratch is much more difficult, because you have to think through everything to the smallest detail in order to avoid serious problems in the future.

You can buy a ready-made business, where the dental office is already "promoted", with a client base, dental equipment, and possibly staff. But it is worth considering why it is being sold? Not cost-effective or problems with regulatory authorities, or insufficient customer flow. In this case, it is better to first weigh the pros and cons and make a purchase decision.

Purchase finished project not as difficult as opening it yourself. It is enough to have a certain amount, be able to understand the constituent and financial documents, and give a correct assessment of the profitability of the project.

It's important to know! A ready-made business will cost more than a business opened from scratch. This is due to the fact that the seller sets the price, trying not to miscalculate and get the maximum profit from the sale. And by opening a dental office yourself, you can save on repairs (using linoleum, not floor tiles), dental equipment (preferring a domestic manufacturer), furniture. Starting a project on your own, you do everything "for yourself" and additionally you gain undeniable experience, which will be the basis for further financial activities and the correct conduct of business.

How to open a dental office and what to look for

When thinking about starting a business, answer three main questions:

  1. What services will be provided (list, assessment of opportunities).
  2. How the business will be carried out (premises, location, office equipment, etc.).
  3. For whom the services are intended (clients with what financial capabilities will be served).

After a clear understanding of your goals and desires, you can begin to implement them, guided by your own knowledge and intuition.

To begin with, it is necessary to determine the financial capabilities (investments), on the basis of which the project will be built and to start its phased implementation.

Dentists are always needed, after all, people have no-no teeth, and they get sick. This means that if you decide to open a dental office, he will definitely not have to stand idle. But how to do that?

Of course, you need to prepare yourself for going through the circles of bureaucratic hell, and you need a lot of start-up capital. But, as you know, water wears away a stone, so if you wish, you can build a very successful business. The main thing is to organize everything so that clients and various authorities do not sharpen their teeth on you. To make the opening of a dental office successful. We have compiled the business plan below.

Business specifics

Dentistry - one of the most profitable types of business. Other medical services clearly pale in comparison. And everything is explained by the specifics of demand. Clients most often resort to the services of dentists, and not therapists, although the cost here is much higher. That is why the dental business is developing so successfully and dynamically, despite the very tough competition.

In private dentistry, there are three main formats. Single rooms with 2-3 units account for approximately 60 percent of the market. They are usually located in the premises of the first floors of residential buildings. Although this is the most common format, it is nevertheless very unstable.

As a rule, such offices will face bankruptcy, building networks or transition to the format of dental clinics. In terms of level, such clinics are, of course, an order of magnitude higher. The third type is large medical centers that provide a wide range of medical services, in particular dental.

You can also make a classification from the point of view of the approach to business. There are clinics stream-oriented clients. They offer satisfactory quality services at affordable prices. They have many dental chairs available and often operate 24 hours a day. The second group includes clinics relying on corporate clients. The third type is small clinics for 1-3 installations focused on VIP clientele.

Why do most dental clinics close in their first year? We invite you to find out the answer in the video.

Financial calculations and registration

The business plan includes the following costs:

  1. Premises. Here, the cost depends on whether you are renting it or acquiring property. In addition, the price per square meter of real estate in different settlements or even areas of the same city varies greatly. Therefore, it is difficult to name a specific figure.
  2. Equipment. For its purchase will have to spend at least 600 thousand rubles.
  3. Repair. Cook 100 or more thousand rubles. It all depends on the size of the room, as well as on your own wishes.
  4. Registration of licenses will take from 50 thousand rubles.
  5. Employee salaries. As a rule, these are salary and interest. At first, of course, the salary will be small, but as the prestige of the business grows, it will increase.
  6. In addition, you are expected to spend on utilities, advertising, communications, etc.

The calculation of the final amount must be approached individually. Usually 1 - 2.5 million rubles are required, and this is without taking into account the purchase of premises. As for the net profit, if the forecast is favorable, it will amount to about 600 thousand rubles.

Before opening a dental office, you need to complete the following documents:

  • registration of an LLC or PE (depending on whether you are going to hire employees or plan to work independently);
  • certificate of registration with the tax office;
  • permission from the fire inspection;
  • conclusion from consumer supervision.

After carrying out repairs, purchasing equipment according to the list, checking the availability of certificates for equipment and medications, as well as studying all the SES standards, you can apply for a license. You just need to understand that a permit is issued for only one type of activity. Therapy, surgery, plastic, etc. are registered separately.

You can start registering a license yourself, or you can entrust it to the employees of a specialized company (plus 60-80 thousand rubles to the total expenses). Getting a license is incredibly difficult, but losing it is easy. You may be deprived of it even if the autoclave sterilization log is not filled out correctly. And this will be true, because we are talking about human health.

How much does it cost to open a dental office? A short video below talks about this.


Once you have a clear idea of ​​the layout of the office and the location of the equipment, you can start preparing the room.

The area of ​​the office must be at least 14 square meters for 1 installation, and for each subsequent 7 meters are added. Therefore, for an office with 1 workstation, 30 squares of space will be needed. This includes a hall (10 squares) and a bathroom (5 squares).

If you decide to expand your business in the future, you will need to keep in mind the following indicators:

  1. 6 square meters in a sterilization room (for 3 or more installations).
  2. 11 squares for the X-ray room and 6 squares for the development room.
  3. 15 squares in the office of an orthopedist and orthodontist.
  4. 15 squares each for an implantology office and a children's office.
  5. 30 meters for administration, warehouse, toilet, etc.

Each office should have a chair. Office height - 3 and more meters, depth - no more than 6 meters, one-sided daylight.

Dentistry open in both business and residential areas... The main thing is that there are bus stops or a metro station nearby. If the premises do not meet the required standards, it will be necessary to carry out redevelopment, which will significantly increase costs. You also need to keep in mind that the license is issued for a specific premises, and if the tenant does not want to renew the lease, he will have to start all over again, but in a different place. At the same time, the cost of renting premises for 2 years is similar to the cost of an apartment.

Thus, ideal option there will be a purchase of premises and its redevelopment for dentistry. If you buy an apartment, you will need to arrange it as non-residential. To do this, order architectural and technological projects, replace the sewerage system, water supply and electrical wiring, coordinate the design documentation with the expert service, consumer supervision, fire inspection and the architectural and planning department.

Equipment and personnel

Dental equipment is selected in accordance with the norms of SanPiN. You will need:

  • a dental chair with all the necessary equipment;
  • hygiene products, medicines, filling material;
  • tools, as well as furniture and cabinets for them;
  • solar-reflecting lamps, radiophysiograph, apex locators;
  • sterilizer and autoclave.

All hired specialists must have a specialized education. A dentist providing dental services with a therapeutic focus must have a certificate, an internship and a resident diploma, and five years of work experience. To obtain a medical license, one such employee in the state is enough.

A license is issued for each medical area. After you recruit staff, you will be given permission to open a dental office. The dentist is supposed to work no more than 6 hours per day. For nurses, the standards are the same.

The staff should be scheduled to work in two shifts. Thus, you will need 2 dentists, 2 nurses, an orderly and an administrator.

However, if you are planning to open a dental clinic, then remember the following difficulties for beginners:

  1. Missing licenses - without them, you will have to pay hefty fines.
  2. Lack of prestige - you will need to spend on advertising.
  3. Lack of clients - it is important to carefully choose the staff and the location of the office.
  4. Inconsistency of price and quality - constant monitoring of the work of staff and cooperation only with trusted suppliers is required.
  5. Lazy and impolite employees - the work of staff should be encouraged in every possible way.

By and large, opening your own dentistry is not so difficult, despite the enormous paperwork. The main thing is to take into account all the pitfalls and hire good personnel. Dentistry is a noble and extremely responsible business. Provide a wide range of quality services, and you will certainly get a highly profitable and promising business!

Dentistry is perhaps one of those areas of medicine that will always be in demand, because every person has had dental problems in his life. To solve these problems there is a dentist, but he needs to work somewhere. The analogue of a state polyclinic is a private dental office.

For the successful operation of a dental office, you need to know and have a well-thought-out business plan.

This article provides a comprehensive answer to the question that worries many aspiring entrepreneurs: "How to open a dental office?"

Dentistry, for very likely reasons, is one of the most, not inferior to other medical areas. As you know, demand creates supply.

Patients are more likely to use the services of dentists than therapists, although the cost of service to dentists is much higher. That is why the development of the dental business can be a successful and promising business, despite the tough competitive environment.

The activity of private dentistry can be conditionally divided into three branches:

  • First direction- this is the work of a single dental office with two or three units. This area occupies about 60 percent of the dental services market. Most often, such offices are located on the first floors of residential buildings.

Despite the demand for such a direction, this format of the dental office work is extremely undesirable due to its instability. Usually, such dental offices will face bankruptcy.

  • Second direction of the dental office is a network of dental clinics. The level of financial stability of such offices is several times higher than single ones.
  • Third direction Is the work of large medical centers providing a wide range of not only dental services, but a number of other medical services.

The dental business can be classified according to different approaches to customer service:

  1. It is possible to organize the work of the clinic, for which the main reference point will be customer flow service. A distinctive feature of the work of such a dental office is satisfactory quality and inexpensive prices. This office uses a lot of dental chairs and works around the clock.
  2. You can bet on corporate client service or create small dental clinics focused on VIP clients, with one to three installations.

Dental office business plan

To start the work of the dental office, you need to calculate all the costs:

  1. Premises: lease or purchase of premises affects financial costs. The choice of a settlement or even an area of ​​one city significantly affects the price of real estate per square meter. Therefore, it is very difficult to name any specific amount. For rented premises, monthly rent of 100 sq. m. will be about 300 thousand rubles.
  2. Equipment: according to data for 2015, the purchase of equipment will be at least 600 thousand rubles.
  3. Repair will cost at least 100 thousand rubles. and depends on the parameters of the room, as well as on your imagination.
  4. For registration licenses will need 50 thousand rubles.
  5. staff includes, usually, rate and interest. Naturally, at the start wage will not be as big as we would like, but with growth it will gain momentum.
  6. Running costs for utilities, advertising, etc.

Calculating the final amount of expenses requires an individual approach. Usually, an amount of 1-2.5 million rubles is required, excluding expenses for the purchase of premises. With regard to profit, if the forecast is successful, it will amount to about 600 thousand rubles.

To start the work of the dental office, you will need to draw up a number of documents:

  • or (depending on independent work or hiring employees);
  • a document confirming the place of residence;
  • license for the type of medical activity;
  • permission from the fire department.

Obtaining a dental license

List of required documents for issuing a medical license:

  • application to Rospotrebnadzor;
  • sanitary and epidemiological conclusion (Rospotrebnadzor);
  • documentation on the lease of premises or ownership;
  • certificates for installed equipment, availability of personnel medical books, copies of diplomas of specialized education and qualifications, etc.

The period for consideration of documents for the issuance of a dental license usually ranges from 30 to 45 days.

The term for issuing a sanitary and epidemiological conclusion is 30 days.

You can apply for a license on your own or pay for services to a specialized company, while adding an amount of 60-80 thousand rubles to the main expenses.

Choosing a room for a dental office

After analyzing the office plan and the possible location of the equipment, you can start choosing a room. The arrangement in the office is carried out according to the BTI plan.

The area of ​​the office must correspond minimum 14 square meters for one installation, plus 7 meters for each additional one.

So, for an office with one workplace, there is 30 square meters of area. This area includes a hall of 10 and a bathroom of 5 square meters.

In the future, if there is a question about, it will be necessary to take into account the following data:

  • sterilization (with three or more installations) - 6 sq. m;
  • X-ray room - additional 11 sq. m. and 6 sq. m. for the developing room;
  • orthodontics office - 15 sq. m;
  • children's room - 15 sq. m;
  • implantology room - 15 sq. m;
  • premises for administration, storage room, bathroom, etc. - 30 sq. m.

The height of the office should be from three or more meters, the depth - a maximum of six meters. Each office must be equipped with one-sided daylight.

Dentistry offices are opened in both central and sleeping areas. It is desirable that the location of the office is adjacent to a bus stop or a metro station.

If the selected room does not meet the required standards, then redevelopment cannot be avoided, which will affect costs.

It is necessary to take into account the fact that a license is issued for a specific premises, and if the tenant refuses to renew the lease, you risk starting all over again, but in a different place. And the cost of the rented premises for 2 years is equal to the cost of the apartment.

The best option would be to purchase a room with subsequent redevelopment for a dentistry office... When purchasing an apartment, you will need to arrange it as a non-residential premises.

Why will you need to order architectural and technological project, replace communication systems, coordinate project documents with expert and fire services, Rospotrebnadzor and the architectural and planning department.

Equipment purchase and personnel selection

The choice of dental equipment is based on the SANPINA standards.

Mandatory equipment for a dental office:

  • complete dental chair;
  • hygiene products, medicines, filling materials;
  • medical instruments with cabinets for him, furniture;
  • gels, reflective lamps, apexlocators, radiovisiograph;
  • sterilizer autoclave.

Dental specialists must be educated according to their job profile. The dentist must have a certificate and diploma of completion of the internship, and experience in practice professional activity at least five years.

The presence of one such employee in the state ensures that medical license.

According to the norms of the work of the dentist and nursing should not exceed six hours a day.

When planning the staff, it is necessary to take into account the work in two shifts. staffing table will consist of two dentists, two nurses, an orderly and an administrator.

Profitability of the dental office

One chair makes a profit every month about 500 thousand rubles If the work is carried out on its own area, then the indicator will be higher.

The nuances of the dental business

The opening of a dental office is fraught with some nuances:

  • With a negligent approach to - penalties.
  • Attracting clientele and raising prestige - the cost of an advertising campaign.
  • There are few patients - unqualified staff and an unfortunate location of the office.
  • The price does not correspond to the quality of work - strict control over the work of employees and communication only with trusted suppliers.
  • Uninitiated and rude staff - insufficient financial and other incentives for employees.

Obtaining a license is not an easy process. Therefore, doing business in good faith will only strengthen your business, but negligent business may lead to its loss. You can lose your license if, for example, an incorrect filling of the autoclave sterilization log is found.