Horoscope "border guards". This is the difference between people born at the junction of two zodiac signs

Many people believe in horoscopes, read forecasts for the coming day, week, month. They rejoice if good things come true. We are convinced that all Aries are stubborn and Gemini are changeable. But what if it's not really clear to which sign of the zodiac to attribute oneself?

If a person was born on July 23 - his sign is Cancer or Leo and what horoscope should he read? What if July 21, 22 or 25? Let's try to figure out what astrologers say about this.

So, the borderline period between two signs is called a cusp. The Cancer-Leo cusp lasts for a week - from 19 to 25 July. People born during this period have the properties of both signs. They are controlled simultaneously by two mutually exclusive elements - water and fire, they are under the auspices of the Moon and the Sun. The word "hesitation" very clearly reflects the essence of these people: the secrecy and sensitivity of Cancer conflict in them with the openness and emotional pressure of Leo.

Personality traits

People born on the border of the signs Cancer and Leo tend to rush and change their decisions. They love to move, and not only in the literal sense: travel, move, play sports; but also in the figurative: grow spiritually, change your mind, habits. They tend to abruptly start projects with truly frantic activity, and later a surge of energy can be replaced by a period of calm and even detachment. For Cancer-Leo, the main thing is to find an inner balance so that the sinusoid of emotionality does not jump so sharply, because this exhausts, first of all, him.

People born under this cusp love to overcome obstacles that they often create for themselves.

Playing sports is very important for them, as they want to look graceful, fluttering, airy, but by nature, unfortunately, this is not given to many.

Vibration cusp

Astrologers call the period from July 19 to July 25 the Vibration cusp because it gives those who were born at this time the habit of rushing from one extreme to another. Cancers-Leos have a cheerful and expressive nature, they know how to love and give love. However, Cancer's sensitivity, when faced with the expressiveness of Leo, can make life very difficult for the owner of these qualities.

Often a combination of these qualities can manifest itself like this: outwardly, a person is modest, shy and quiet, but real passions boil inside him, causing a lot of inconvenience.

Sometimes it also happens that the flame raging inside Leo Cancer may sooner or later break out, and the people around (or, most often, close ones) will be amazed at the intensity and drama with which this will happen. Because the external calmness and even some humility of these people does not imply that they are capable of such a vivid and dynamic manifestation of emotions.

Personal life

It is the leaps of temperament that create big problems in the personal relationships of people born in the period from 19 to 25 July. These individuals tend to accumulate complaints or discontent with a partner for some time (while the partner himself, in most cases, does not even know that there are problems), and in a certain moment, having reached the point of internal boiling, arrange a grandiose scandal. Naturally, the partner, who did not suspect anything before it began, is at a loss - why was nothing said before? This causes hostility and, as a result, cooling in the relationship.

Cancer-Leo needs to learn to calmly talk about what they don't like, without bringing themselves to an emotional peak. It may be necessary to practice yoga or meditation techniques.

In addition, you need to communicate with people without getting locked in inner experiences.

Which sign is dominant?

Astrologers agree that people born from July 19 to 22 have stronger "crayfish" traits, and those whose birthday falls on the numbers from July 24 to 25 are dominated by "lion" features.

And only for those who were born at the "junction" of the signs - July 23 - equally from each of the two signs. As a rule, it is most difficult for them to find the balance that will allow two polar characters to peacefully coexist in one person. They are proud and shy, courageous and sensitive, creatively active and desperate to express themselves. Cancer's intuition is combined in such people with the tenacity and strength of Leo, and, with the presence of spiritual harmony, a person can achieve tremendous success in life.

Born 19 july is much more Cancer than Leo. They are sensitive to color and sound, catch the slightest nuances of shades and have the ability to color, design, architecture. These people really need approval and recognition. They are disciplined and responsible. At the same time, such people can easily part with those who deceived their trust, and go on through life.

People born on July 20 are more practical. They are dreamy, but if they decide what they want and what is really important to them, they can achieve a lot. Their nature is such that harmony is their integral feature, they do not need to fight with themselves. With a seemingly complete set of "crayfish" traits, these people have a purely lion quality - to fight for the right to be in charge.

Born on July 21, intuition is so well developed that not listening to it is just a crime. They make excellent psychologists, because they know how to notice the smallest nuances of human behavior and understand interpersonal relationships.

If such people know themselves well and trust their inner voice, then even the most difficult to reach peaks will easily succumb to them.

The intuition of some of the representatives of this period of birth is so strong that one can even talk about psychic abilities... These rakolves have a truly brilliant mind. But they need constant replenishment, continuous acquisition of new knowledge and improvement of old skills.

People born on July 22 are more sociable and energetic than Cancers usually are, that is, they have many Leo traits. They are ambitious, well trained (and love it very much), they know how to convince, they think in an original way. In addition, they are good at planning and developing a sequence of actions.

If these people learn to avoid excuses to cheat and will always remain honest (at least with themselves), then great success awaits them. The huge reserve of personal charm inherent in those who were born on July 22 should not be left aside.

Persons born on July 24 are true idealists. They are excellent tacticians and natural organizers, if they wish, they can make a career in any field. They have a lot of talents, while intuition is well developed, like Cancers. Their weakness is excessive stubbornness and even some aggressiveness in an effort to achieve their goals. They need to learn how to communicate with people, and also come to terms with the fact that his high ideals are not always commensurate with his own capabilities.

In people born on July 25, from the qualities of Cancer, only intuition, on which, unfortunately, they do not always rely. Otherwise, these are real Leos. They love to shine, be in the spotlight, have a remarkable supply of artistry and generosity. Their inquisitive mind helps to reach the deepest essence of objects and phenomena, they have a wide range of hobbies, but they never forget about self-preservation.

Internal contradictions between intuition and sanity can really interfere with them, so such Leos should learn to trust themselves.

Anyone born between July 19th and 25th should master the art of anti-aliasing. sharp corners and stop rushing from one extreme to another. You need to learn self-discipline, while maintaining the liveliness and originality of thinking. You should not focus on what will happen in the future, focusing on what is happening now. This will help reduce the stress in your life and solve current problems faster.

Finding a balance between the desire to be a leader and to remain a “gray eminence” is very important for Racolves. Such personalities like to waste money, a special passion is caused by luxury goods: jewelry, perfume, beautiful accessories, household items. By purchasing whatever you like, the rakolves feel better and more valuable. Of course, you should ask yourself the question more often: “Why am I buying this? Do I really need this? ".

V otherwise you can get too bogged down in the material side of life, replacing the rest of the joys with purchases.

Despite the craving for loneliness, people born in the period from 19 to 25 July are better at working and solving problems in a team.

Only constant self-improvement will help such people achieve success. Sports activities will help get rid of excess nervous tension, discharge after emotional outbursts.

It is desirable for such people to build relationships with those who were born in the border period of Libra-Scorpio and Capricorn-Aquarius.

You will learn more about the border sign of Cancer and Leo in the following video.

Astrology is a wise science, and therefore is able to answer many questions. In addition, she can explain which horoscope should be read to people born at the junction of two different signs of the zodiac (or in other words, on the cusp). For example, your birthday is December 21st. Who are you then? You probably simultaneously feel the power of Sagittarius and Capricorn in yourself, but you cannot get rid of the obsessive feeling that you do not belong to either of them. And there is a reason for that.

Born on the edge between the signs of the zodiac

On the days of the cusp, those born in the transition of the constellations are very sensitive, because at this time the energy is constantly changing its shape. Witches believe that at such moments the magic is most powerful, since the neighboring constellations reach limitless power, expanding the capabilities of all other signs.

If you are lucky enough to be born on a cusp, your energy combines the signs of two constellations at once. Therefore, wanting to know about your magical abilities, it is imperative to familiarize yourself with the information about the two bordering signs of the Zodiac.

Let us consider in turn all the passing signs. And if you were born on such a day, you will surely like the information below.

The Cusp of the Prophets. Born between Pisces and Aries (March 19-25)

In such people, the spark of Fish Waters is visible, symbolizing boundless magical abilities and intuition. This is the spark of Creation, the spark of Aries. Spring has come, and the arrival of the vernal equinox testifies to the time of change - the cusp of the Prophets. Whether they know it or not, these people can give material form to anything they think of. Therefore, the cusp received such a name. But the prophets not only have a strong intuition or the ability to predict the future, but also the ability to make dreams come true.

The most famous representatives of the Prophets: Johann Sebastian Bach, Glenn Close.

Cusp of Heroes. Born between Aries and Taurus (April 18-22)

The energy of fire in them mixes with the magic of the earth, and the result is a majestic volcano. Those born in the transition between Aries and Taurus love to be aware of all events and control everything in their lives. It is even difficult for them to imagine that part of their life would be unattended. Heroes are distinguished by stubbornness, courage and courage. They are guided by the call of their heart and can become real leaders if they sometimes listen to others.

The most famous representatives of the Heroes: Jessica Lange and James Franco.

Cusp of Geniuses. Born between Taurus and Gemini (May 18-22)

Taurus is one of the most rational signs of the zodiac. But if you combine his energy with bright Gemini, the results will be amazing: the earthly essence of Taurus receives a powerful energy charge of Gemini. Their combination of intellectual and mnemonic abilities is amazing. But all Geniuses fly so high that they periodically need to be “lowered to the ground”. Remember, the energy of Taurus is also present in such people - they become outstanding scientists, who, however, should listen to their hearts more often.

The most famous representatives of the Heroes: the singer Cher.

The Cusp of the Enlightened. Born between Gemini and Cancer (June 17-23)

If you were born between June 17-23, remember - this is the time Summer Solstice... The forces of the Sun are so strong that they can far exceed the strength of the cusp. The knowledge of Gemini is intertwined with the Waters of Cancer and the Enlightenment, and the Moon in the sky meets Mercury. Truly talented people who love art can use their power to become famous.

The most famous representatives of the Enlightened: Paul McCarthy and Nicole Kidman.

The Mermaid Cusp. Born between Cancer and Leo (July 19-24)

What happens when Cancer's emotionality turns into Leo's brilliant glow? Magic! Those who are lucky enough to be born during this period have a unique ability to charm everyone around, just like in the tales of the charming but extremely sensitive Mermaids. Unfortunately, most of those born from July 19 to July 24, from early childhood, block this gift in themselves in order to protect themselves from mistakes. But now you know the secret - open the castle behind which the magic was hidden and let yourself shine again!

The most famous representatives of the Mermaids: Robin Williams, Daniel Radcliffe, Jennifer Lopez.

Cusp of Inventors. Born between Leo and Virgo (August 20-24)

In such people, the brightest energy and inspiration of the Sun in Leo meets the incredible capabilities of Virgo. This is how Inventors are born. And we are not talking about pure science, but about all kinds of ideas that can change the course of our lives. Inventors derive their strength from love. Employers of such individuals feel envy towards subordinates, who always have a ready-made solution. Always with common sense, Inventors make excellent leaders. But the only thing they shouldn't do is to judge others and themselves.

The most famous representatives of the Inventors: Kim Cattrall, Coco Chanel, Usain Bolt.

Elven Cusp. Born between Virgo and Libra (September 19-25)

What happens if 2 different energies of perfectionism converge in one place? Elves appear - smart, beautiful and magical creatures, personifying one of the most unusual cusps. Those born in the crossing of the constellations Virgo and Libra are true idealists. This is the period of the autumnal equinox - the time of absolute balance in everything, when Magic and Beauty come to the fore. Elves love to pamper themselves, and those who are dear to them are surrounded by peace and beauty. As long as emotional balance is maintained, such people get whatever they want.

The most famous representatives of the Elves: Will Smith and Bill Murray.

Cusp of the Seekers. Born between Libra and Scorpio (October 21-24)

Seekers are born the moment Libra's natural curiosity meets Scorpio's obsession with truth. They cannot live without the truth, and therefore they are ready to make every effort to find out what they are looking for. Seekers almost always find a way to achieve the goal or, as they like to express themselves, their truths. The potential of such people is enormous, but only as long as they are not possessed by the narrowness of thinking. Seekers' obsession can be quite creative if they find a balance between affection and love.

The most famous representatives of the Seekers: Pablo Picasso, Strange Al Jankovic.

Cusp of the Centaurs. Born between Scorpio and Sagittarius (November 20-23)

In the cusp of Centaurs, the instincts and passion of Scorpions are combined with the playful nature of Sagittarius. Centauri have been considered great warriors and teachers since ancient times. They are equally good at manipulating and motivating others. Their unique strength helps them take on any task that seems impossible for others. Practical yet emotional, Centauri always get things done by balancing what they need and what they really want. But the fact that the Centauri can win any war doesn't mean that every battle goes without consequences.

The most famous representatives of the Centauri: Jodie Foster, John F. Kennedy, Calvin Klein.

Cusp of the Awakened. Born between Sagittarius and Capricorn (December 19-25)

This is the time of the winter solstice, the day when the Sun King dies to be reborn soon. These are the days of the Awakened Ones. For people born on December 19-25, the sun gives the unique ability of cosmic awareness. The Awakened Ones are the prophets of the new age who can change absolutely everything. For the far-sighted and practical, the gaze of the representatives of this cusp is open to what is not available to the rest of the signs of the zodiac. They have the courage to follow their dreams, regardless of any difficulties or obstacles. The secret to their success is simple - they believe.

The most famous representatives of the Awakened: Alice Milano, Ricky Martin

Cusp of Leaders. Born between Capricorn and Aquarius (January 18-21)

Bold, strong, and at the same time eccentric and unique, Leaders firmly believe that there is only them the right way - theirs. This can only be understood if you are born in the transition between the constellations Capricorn and Aquarius. You can solve any problem. At the same time, decisive and smart Leaders are able to move all boundaries (even their own) in order to be able to work even better. Victory is their only option, and loyalty to their cause and stubbornness makes such people simply irresistible.

The most famous representatives of the Leaders: Christian Dior, Janis Joplin.

Fairy Cusp. Born between Aquarius and Pisces (February 17-20)

When magic meets a riddle, and the secret wisdom of Aquarius meets the empathy of Pisces, Fairies are born. These creatures belong to another world, however, despite this, they attract incredible wealth and power. The main thing is to learn how to constructively express your insecurity and then no one will be able to stop Fey on their way.

The most famous representatives of the Fey: Rihanna, Kurt Cobain

Compatibility horoscope: the zodiac sign at the junction of Libra and Scorpio is the most complete description, only proven theories based on astrological observations of several millennia.

People with a cusp in Libra who were born “at the junction” of two signs of the zodiac Virgo-Libra or Libra-Scorpio receive qualities from both signs or, more strictly speaking, there is a certain combination of signs that can affect an individual character. Due to the differences in astrological calendars, it becomes obvious that during the last few days of the outgoing sign there is a transition time or “cusp” (as it is called) - this refers mainly to the first week of the incoming sign. While the new sign gains its dominance, the influence of the old sign will persist, although it gradually loses its influence from day to day, until the new sign is in full force.

Virgo Libra Beauty Cusp

The Virgo-Libra cusp is a combination of the sixth sign of the Zodiac (Virgo) and the seventh sign (Libra). This period can be correlated with the age of 42 years. Astrologically, it signifies the end of Saturn's revolution. The planet has approached a point opposite to the point where it began to move. Its trajectory is repeated by Uranus, but only in the opposite direction, which in a person's life corresponds to his birth. Human life is ideally equal to the circle that Uranus makes. This is 84 years old. This means that 42 years is the very peak. During this period, many paths intersect and meetings take place, after which unexpected changes can occur. Some people begin to pay more attention to their appearance, to take care of their health. Many are looking for something new. In general, the time is filled with the search for beauty.

Those born under this sign try to find their ideal. They enjoy physical, sensual beauty in the same way as objects of art, they become attached to everything that seduces them: beautiful color, shape, sounds of music, voice, which gives an outlet to their feelings and inspires them. They are influenced by Mercury, the ruler of Virgo, and Venus, the ruler of Libra, and people with such signs are very sensitive and active. They react immediately to all unusual tastes and smells and are irritated by everything. unpleasant sounds, noise.

Virgo-Libra prides themselves on their ability to keep up with the times. They are appreciated wherever they work. Sooner or later, Virgo-Libra will have to channel their powerful spiritual energy into not the best areas of life. But they can still succeed in fighting disease and accidents. Usually, those born on Beauty Week are not ready for unexpected trials and will feel uncomfortable. And as a result, they withdraw into themselves.

At such moments, when they experience emotional discomfort, their activity can suddenly decline sharply. They are more susceptible to the effects of drugs and alcohol than anyone else. Their overly sensitive nature can hurt them. Their healthy sexual energy can turn them into neurotic.

The most fortunate of the Libra Virgins do not lose their heads. But at the same time, they have a tendency to withdraw into themselves in the most difficult moments in order to gain strength and live on. In the most difficult situations, they become snobs and arrogantly seek communication only with those whom they consider equal to themselves and who can help them rise higher in office.

The Virgo-Libra cusp symbolizes the onset of autumn, the time of harvest. About this time of year, John Keith wrote the poem "Autumn": "This is the season of fogs and the sweetest fruits, when the sun bends to the horizon," - the image that best expresses the character and nature of these people. Their energies are truly as juicy and ripe as the sweetest fruits. They avoid conflicts, clashes and unpleasant situations to the best of their ability.

Naturally, all people with this zodiac sign require that people who make up a circle of acquaintances be attractive in appearance. The only exceptions are those Virgo-Libra who themselves have an unusually beautiful appearance, then their partner can look whatever. But even for Virgo-Libra, there are no comrades in taste and color - they can find attractive and repulsive features in the same faces.

By the nature of Virgo-Libra, a close relationship with a person dependent on them is closer. And this applies not only to their personal life, but also business relationship But such relationships are often negatively assessed or rejected by partners. Nevertheless, Virgo-Libra should sometimes enjoy their contacts, although they may seem unapproachable and inaccessible. Many Virgo-Libra enjoy beauty only at a distance, from afar, considering the object of their admiration as something unattainable, which cannot be mastered or acquired as property. For many of them, platonic relationships take on special significance.

Libra-Scorpio Cusp of Drama and Criticism

The Libra-Scorpio cusp is a combination of the seventh sign of the zodiac (Libra) and the eighth (Scorpio), where the graceful, socially active, artistic nature of Libra opposes the deeper and more critical nature of Scorpio. This knot can be equated to a person's age of about forty-five years. An increased sense of drama leads to critical understanding driving forces of all things, past and present. This leads to profound changes in personal relationships, in the habits of spending free time and to rethinking your place in life in general.

Libra-Scorpios influence not only their close environment, they go much further, they carefully think over and skillfully develop all their ideas. Their tendency to teach makes them good teachers, and their students rely heavily on their guidance.

Born in the Knot, Drama and Critics combine the airy (mental) nature of Libra and the watery (emotional) nature of Scorpio, and this is by no means easy. Two aspects of their personality often involve a contradiction between cold reason and hot heart. Libra-Scorpio can really get confused when mental and emotional beginnings clash. Libra's periods of indecision can be interrupted by explosions of Scorpio's aggressiveness, and Scorpio's overconfident determination and control can be neutralized by Libra's slowness and love of calm. Difficulties and disappointments in life can be too much of a challenge for them, and they also have to fight alone. Therefore, Libra-Scorpio only benefits from exercise, training, correct diet and other activities that support health.

A double danger for them is a sense of their own infallibility and a penchant for criticism. The disapproving attitude of Libra-Scorpions can hurt loved ones, undermining their trust. Those born in this node should seriously think about how to learn to yield, not only keeping their opinions to themselves, but also abandoning them altogether.

Libra-Scorpios prefer a modern approach to many things, but remain true to their sense of tradition. This is especially evident in their affection for parents and children, in whose lives they play a large role - sometimes too much. This does not mean that Libra-Scorpio easily accept the values ​​of their parents - not at all. Their attachment is more emotional. From a rebellious youth, those born in this node return to a very close relationship with their parents.

Dramatic and impulsive, Libra-Scorpio, despite their moral principles, will no doubt defend personal values. Even the calmest of them tend to act on display, as they need others to notice them.

The personal life of Libra-Scorpions can be full of love affairs, their path is littered with broken hearts. Bright charisma, impulsiveness and inner strength make them frighteningly dangerous for those who communicate with them. Be that as it may, in their relationships with others, they draw a clear division between sensuality and passion, basing their relationship on one thing. Those who are romantically involved with Scorpio Libra should beware of getting used to them. An overly deep attachment that goes beyond the usual can lead to a painful breakup similar to the breakup of addicts. Be that as it may, the combination of tender love and strong friendship in marriage with Libra-Scorpions is quite possible, and such bonds can overcome almost any difficulties.

In relations with children, Libra-Scorpio takes the role of a responsible leader, but they can lose objectivity and let themselves be carried away by emotions. Those born in this node must learn to respect youth and anticipate the consequences of close communication with them, taking into account psychological characteristics age.

Libra Compatibility

Were you born at the intersection of the zodiac signs? This is what it means.

Most of us know our zodiac sign. However, if you were born on one of several days when the Sun moved from one zodiac sign in the other, it is believed that you were born on the border of these signs.

Cusp- means the border separating two astrological signs.

A person born during the transition from one sign to another was born on a cusp, and often combines features of both zodiac signs... This is because the dates of the boundaries change gradually, depending on the moment when the Sun moves to a specific constellation each year.

From the point of view of astrology, such a situation has special meaning to you .

Capricorn - Aquarius (January 16 - 22) - Mystery and Imagination cusp

What happens if you combine the energies of the skillful Capricorn and the eccentric Aquarius? You'll get completely unique personality... If you were born between January 16 and 22, then you were born on the Cusp of Mystery and Imagination, and you will never be bored with you.

Whether you are outwardly expressive or shy, most of the experience will still take place within you. You have very vivid dreams and rich imaginations that need to be expressed creatively if you want to be happy.

You tend to lead unusual life, and it can be difficult for you to balance the two different sides of your personality - you are reserved, but sociable, crave security, but independent, and conservative, although you have an eccentricity.

Those who were born at the junction of Capricorn-Aquarius love to talk and entertain, they love to have conversations on any topic that stimulates the intellect. That is why no matter how hard they work, and no matter how they devote themselves to achieving some goal, it will never be boring.

Although hard work and high standards lead them to success in many endeavors, it can be difficult for them to build personal relationships. It's connected with the need for independence, a tendency to alienation, criticality, and sometimes even selfishness.

But if you can use your friendliness, loyalty and humor, you will quickly make friends.

Aquarius - Pisces (February 15 - 21) - Sensitivity cusp

What happens if you combine the energy of an extraordinary Aquarius and a dreamy Pisces? If you were born between February 15 and 21, then you are an incarnation responsiveness and imagination.

They are spiritual, artistic, peaceful, friendly and incredibly original people.

People born on the border of these signs are most often called eccentric and extraordinary, they are attracted by ghostly ideas and new experience... They are highly intelligent, but not so good at solving practical matters.

They may be outgoing or shy, or both. This is due to the fact that the time spent with other people helps them to get rid of stress, but at the same time they are so sensitive that they often prefer to hide in loneliness and their imagination.

In addition, the location on the border of Aquarius and Pisces is one of the most intuitive, which often endows their owners with a telepathic view of the world. Plunging into spiritual and philosophical questions, these people do not cope well with everyday worries.

They may often lose things, forget to date, be late, or not show up for a meeting. But do not be angry with them, as they are often wondering how to make the world a better place.

Pisces - Aries (March 17 - 23) - Renaissance cusp

If your date of birth combines the energies of a dreamy and creative Pisces and an energetic Aries, then most likely you know what you want and want it right now.

People born on the border of the signs of Pisces and Aries from March 17 to 23 are a burning mixture. impulsivity and daydreaming which is a great combination.

They are a little impatient and straightforward and can annoy others by refusing to compromise, but at the same time it makes them excellent leaders.

Because they combine a measure of fearlessness with compassion for others, these people are able to push their limits and lead others along the path to success.

If you develop more social skills and learn more patience, your life will become much easier. If you can balance the two sides of your personality, then Pisces can tame the hot temper of Aries, and Aries can make Pisces' dreams come true.

Aries - Taurus (April 16 - 22) - Power cusp

If you were born on the border of the signs of Aries and Taurus between April 16 and 22, then you - a real force to be reckoned with.

They are domineering and courageous, natural leaders who are able to take responsibility at work and at home. The energy of both of these signs is a good combination for success - the impulsive Aries gives energy and pushes towards achieving goals, while the down-to-earth Taurus takes care of the details.

You need to be careful to don't be too assertive, regardless of the opinion and desire of others. People born on the border of Aries and Taurus cannot watch others do what they can do much better, as they are overly self-confident.

It's not bad, but it's important to find balance, soften your aggressive instincts slightly, and learn to respect the feelings of others.

Then the funny, responsive, strong and stable side of your nature will begin to shine.

Taurus - Gemini (May 17-May 23) - Energy cusp

On the border of Taurus and Gemini, Earth meets Air, and these people can develop quite vigorous activity. If you were born on the border between the signs of Taurus and Gemini from May 17 to 23, you are one of the the most energetic and adventurous people in the zodiac.

You have physical strength combined with a lively mind, thanks to which you are stable and purposeful, but also smart and sociable.

Such qualities give the ability adapt to different situations and people, and the desire to take on everything and do a lot.

In fact, working for wear and tear can be a real problem for the "Taurus-Gemini", because they are so addicted to the process that they do not want to stop.

Another problem to look out for is overeating and drinking too much, as both of these signs love pleasure. It is also worth being more receptive to the feelings of others.

Learning to listen more rather than charging and chatting all the time will make you more successful and have more friends.

Gemini - Cancer (June 17 - 23) - Magic cusp

If you were born on the border of the signs Gemini and Cancer from June 17 to 23, then you have magical personality... The energies of Gemini and Cancer combine in you to create an inspiring nature - a relaxed and interesting, but at the same time caring and devoted person.

Emotions for such people can go off scale. but with the support of friends and family, they can lead an active and happy life.

The playful energy of Gemini is combined with the calm and thoughtful nature of Cancer, and as a result creates people who are light and bright.

Gemini's restlessness balances Cancer's sensitivity, giving a well-rounded personality. They love adventure, even if it's just a walk in the woods or a trip to the local museum. They love to go out and get new experiences.

Sensitive and sincere people born on the border of Gemini and Cancer give and need a lot of love... They strive for her and without a loved one and care they easily fall into depression.

Cancer - Leo (July 19 - 25) - Vibration cusp

Those born on the border of Cancer and Leo are loving, expressive, cheerful and passionate people... But they will also have to face some problems.

When the sensitive nature of Cancer is combined with the expressiveness of Leo, your life can be filled with extremes.

These people can be very receptive and shy, and then demonstrate complete drama.

This is due to the fact that they are a contradictory combination of the elements of water (Cancer) and fire (Leo), which requires a lot of patience and order. If you can balance this energy, your life will be filled with big amount love, and there will be a place for a long-term relationship.

If you find it difficult to find a balance between these two signs, try yoga or volunteer work. This will help you keep in touch with other people and prevent you from getting too deeply inside yourself.

Leo - Virgo (August 19 - 25) - Impact cusp

People born on the border of the signs of Leo and Virgo, hardworking, passionate, dedicated to success and honest... Since Leo is a fire sign and Virgo is an earth sign, you combine some of the opposite personality traits. Leo's penchant for drama and Virgo's earthiness don't always go well.

Since you were born at the junction of such different signs, it is difficult to predict in which direction you will be more inclined. Some representatives of this sign need more attention, while others are more like Virgos and prefer a quiet, less hectic social life.

Regardless, you can most likely be called a hardworking person, passionate about their work... If you can find a balance between extraversion and introversion, you will gain the rare ability to speak out when necessary, but be able to remain silent at the right time.

The most difficult thing for people born during this period is intimacy, since they value personal space and need people who will know them well and love for who they are.

Virgo - Libra (September 19 - 25) - Beauty cusp

If you were born at the junction of the signs of Virgo and Libra from September 19 to 25, then you can be called a beautiful person both inside and out. The energies of these zodiac signs combine well and create very balanced people with both high intelligence and artistry.

You are ruled by the planet of communication Mercury and the planet of love Venus, which gives you the rational qualities of Virgo and the creative and social traits of Libra, in other words, all the best.

People with a Beauty cusp are always up to date latest trends, they love beautiful things including art, people and nature... They strive to maintain an attractive appearance and maintain the beauty of the home, but they should be careful not to become too superficial.

In fact, superficiality is alien to them, since they have a sharp analytical mind and hard work.

If you were born during this period, you need order in life so that everything in life goes smoothly and looks presentable. You should be careful and do not get carried away by appearance and unnecessary spending of money on material things.

Libra - Scorpio (October 19 - 25) - Drama and Criticism cusp

If you were born at the junction of the signs of Libra and Scorpio from October 19 to 25, then you are ruled by the two passion planets Venus and Pluto, which is a very sexual combination. Moreover, it is sometimes difficult for others to cope with such intelligence, assertiveness, catchiness and sexuality.

These people possess the prudence of Libra and the thoroughness of the Scorpio, and this is a force to be reckoned with. They have such a strong and accomplished personality that they need to be careful not to become too arrogant and not only insist on their own.

They are great leaders who have the ability to make their dreams come true.

Libra is ruled by the intellect, while Scorpios are ruled by strong and deep emotions. This can lead to a conflict of mind and heart, but they tend to be strong personalities, especially if they can find a balance between the intellectual and emotional side of their personality.

You feel the need to get to the bottom of every situation, and you will be much happier if you can calm your inner critic and just relax.

Scorpio - Sagittarius (November 18 - 24) - Revolution cusp

If you were born at the junction of the signs of Scorpio and Sagittarius from November 18 to 24, you are complete strength and rebellious energy.

You are energetic, adventurous, bossy, generous, passionate and have a sense of humor. You are ruled by Pluto, Mars and Jupiter, which is a dynamic combination of Scorpio's tension and Sagittarius activity. it fearless personalities able to get out of control.

If they can direct all this energy to something productive, then they will succeed in all endeavors, since they are not afraid to get ahead of ourselves, say what they think, and grow professionally.

The water and fire element creates complex personality which is often misunderstood. If you can balance the aggressive qualities and learn to adapt more, you will become a stronger, more generous, and friendly person.

You may have conflicts with the authorities because of your rebellious nature and inherent candor, so you are better off working on your own. Try to be less selfish and consider the feelings of others, and more often forgive the mistakes of others.

Sagittarius - Capricorn (December 18 - 24) - cusp Prophecies

If you were born at the junction of the signs Sagittarius - Capricorn from December 18 to 24, then you are real a visionary who leads to certain success.

Optimistic Sagittarius and practical Capricorn create an amazing combination, endowing their owners with a carefree attitude and a realistic view of the world in order to dream big plans and turn them into reality.

You sociable and friendly, but at the same time reliable and responsible... You are always ready to try in any endeavors and can excel in a profession related to languages ​​and travel.

The most difficult thing for you will be to balance the desire for fast movement of Sagittarius with the slowness and measured pace of Capricorn. But no matter which direction you choose, you have sufficient balance. space energy, to become the best at whatever you choose.

These people love to start ambitious projects that can change the world and can see them through to the end. But because they put in great effort, they expect others to do the same.

You need to try not to distance yourself from others and to devote more time to friends and the formation of long-term relationships.

Transitional sign Libra-Scorpio

Zodiac position: Approximately 26 ° Libra - 3 ° Scorpio

Basic concepts: Drama and Criticism

Season: Mid Autumn

Dominant: Thought, Feeling / Feeling

The Libra-Scorpio cusp represents the overlap of the seventh sign of the Libra zodiac with the eighth sign - Scorpio. This period corresponds to a person's forty-nine years of age, and in nature it coincides with the middle of autumn in the Northern Hemisphere. At this time, winter crops are sown, some animals are preparing for hibernation, foliage falls, and at night frost is felt more and more clearly. The days are getting shorter, the nights are getting longer.

Turning to human life, it should be noted that the forty-nine-year milestone marks the approach of old age. In the period of the Libra-Scorpio cusp, the motives of Drama and Criticism prevail. A heightened understanding of the drama of everyday life - both in a philosophical and personal sense - gives an impetus to a person's awareness of the dynamics of his own existence - both in the past and in the present. A critical attitude to what is happening appears and matures, it cuts off vanity and frivolity, helps to get to the bottom of the essence and truth. All this can lead to profound changes in relationships with others, and to an overestimation of one's own significance.

The days covered by the Libra-Scorpio cusp provide an example of the manifold forms of Drama and Criticism, characterized by the clash of the airy, sociable and artistic nature of Libra with the more serious, deeply feeling and critical nature of Scorpio.

Cusp of Libra - Scorpio. Personality features

Compared to others, Scorpio-Libra are the most critical individuals. Those born during this period allow themselves criticism even against their own age. Regardless of the lifestyle of Scorpio-Libra, they are always sharp on the tongue and are distinguished by a lively mind, so those around them, willy-nilly, have to reckon with them. When Scorpio-Libra is asked their opinion, they answer directly and to the point, avoiding ambiguity. That is why those born during this period are most often valued for honest assessments, but sometimes they are afraid for frank and sometimes impartial statements.

The personality of a person born in the period of any cusp combines conflicting elements and is under the influence of two at once, completely different from each other, zodiacal signs. With regard to the Libra-Scorpio cusp, we can say that the high public consciousness of Libra is very successfully complemented by the harsh impartiality of Scorpio. However, here too, conflicts between intellectual and emotional energies can arise, which are extremely difficult to balance. Initially subordinate to thought and feeling, Scorpios-Libra can underestimate the value of intuition.

On the other hand, Scorpio-Libra has an energy of riot and spontaneity. Sometimes they can take a break from their usual regularity for a while and embark on dashing adventures, risking big. In addition, those involved in any action, they will expect a denouement, no matter how painful it may be. Since the Scorpio-Libra is distinguished by the ability to give complete dedication, it is not easy to throw them off the pedestal. However, they are just as difficult to oust from a truly loving heart.

Try to relax and treat everything with humor. Save yourself from unnecessary stinging and harshness. Don't give up the chance to experience new sensations, but watch out for conservation peace of mind... Continue to fight life while avoiding bouts of self-pity. Leave the past in history, direct your thoughts to the future. Cynicism and sarcasm are poisonous for you.

There are people who cannot reliably accurately determine their zodiac sign. This happens because they were born on the day when the Sun moves from one constellation to another. Some astrologers can classify the same date as a sign of Libra, for example, while others consider it to be the prerogative of Scorpio. To explain more clearly, many sources indicate that October 23 is the last day when the Sun dominates in the part of eclecticism close to the constellation Libra, and the famous astrologer in his horoscopes ranks the same calendar number as the first day of the primacy of the part of Scorpio. It is noteworthy that the zodiacal division is not at all constellations, but equal parts of the entire eclecticism as a whole. True, they are named precisely for the constellations close to them. In the article, we would like to understand in more detail the border signs of the zodiac and try to understand how people born at the junction of two signs differ from others.

The magic of numbers

You can dislike math and hate numbers. However, all human life is built on them. First, shopping and other "establishments" require financial calculations. Secondly, already from birth, a person is surrounded by numbers: the date of birth, the number of the tag in the maternity hospital, and so on. Figures pervade our entire life. From them, according to astrologers and numerologists, the fate of a person depends. By the way, astrologers and fortunetellers build their theories, substantiating them with numbers and unique combinations of them. While the inhabitants are at a loss as to how to calculate the border sign of the zodiac, they have already determined the clear boundaries of calendar dates, which, in fact, relate to the periods of birth of people under the auspices of the combined sign.

Believe it or not - everyone decides for himself

People born under the border zodiac sign are more perfect and much more adventurous than others, according to astrologers. It is noteworthy that for many, everything related to astrology is not serious. They do not believe in predictions by stars, do not recognize predictions made by date of birth. They are not interested, and sometimes even funny, what numerologists and those who know a lot about horoscopes are talking about. For people who deny astrology, there will never be a question what these border signs of the zodiac are. They should not be blamed for this, because there is no scientific evidence for the plausibility of astrological predictions. Believe it or not - everyone decides, and no one can force to do this. However, our material is collected exclusively for people who are keen on astrology, who listen to horoscopes and do not deny the magic of numbers.

Subtleties and facets

Borderline presupposes the birth of a person at the junction of two parts of eclecticism. It is worth saying that such people are also mistakenly called serpentines, although initially astrologers gave this definition to those who were born between November 30 and December 17. They explained such an unusual assignment of the category of persons to a mysterious astrological sign by the fact that it is in the above time period that the Sun moves and dominates at 13, so far a little-known part of the circle of the entire celestial sphere. Later, this definition migrated to the masses, who did not fully understand the correctness and true meaning of the new term. Now you can hear how those born at the junction of the change of the zodiac signs are called serpentines, which is fundamentally wrong.

New research

Few people know that in astrology there is the concept of an upper horoscope. These are 12 zodiacs that can influence human destiny only on rare occasions. By the way, because of this, astrologers christened them asleep. Those who are passionate about the science of the stars should carefully consider the upper horoscope in order to study in detail their purpose on earth.

Characteristic features inherent only in the border signs of the zodiac: spring

It is worth dwelling in more detail on some of the character traits of people with an indefinite zodiac sign in order to understand how they differ from others:

  1. Pisces in alliance with Aries (born from 20 to Such people got the will from the fire sign, but also rational thinking from the sign of Pisces. In general, a person born under the auspices of the intertwining of these two constellations thinks rationally, always clearly calculating any life situation. but sometimes with a lacking sense of decisiveness, such a person can easily take leadership positions, but with influential higher authorities in order to listen to the opinion of a strong personality.
  2. Aries - Taurus (born April 19 to April 26). The horoscope of the border signs of the zodiac of this group characterizes people as morally strong, leading a huge number of followers. They are born leaders, leaders. Sometimes they go too far, not controlling the crazy craving for total control over the situation, but they succeed in most cases.
  3. Taurus - Gemini (born May 19 to May 26). The first sign balances the Gemini's willingness to rush into any adventure or take on two things at the same time. Perhaps, there are no big businessmen among the representatives of such signs, but middle managers from them may well turn out.

zodiac signs: summer

  1. Gemini - Cancer (border dates of the signs of the zodiac are from June 20 to June 27). Cancer's indecision is more than compensated by Gemini's adventurism. Therefore, this combination of zodiacs can lead to success in business. But it is important to remember: only a rational approach combined with decisiveness will allow you to solve many problems. On the positive side it stands that such people are not afraid of anything new, which is extremely important in any business.
  2. Cancer - Leo (born July 22-29). This combination assumes a person who is ready to go forward without looking back. Cancer smoothes out Leo's excessive self-confidence, therefore this union is good and promises a wonderful future for a person who was born under his patronage.
  3. The border signs of the zodiac Leo - Virgo (born August 21 to 28) harmoniously complement each other. Leo is always directed forward, full of interesting ideas. Virgo helps to bring all ideas to life. Such a sign is distinguished by the fact that it is proud, but not arrogant. Perhaps this is one of best combinations in the world of horoscope signs. Although everything is conditional. But if you compare this tandem with others, then it often looks advantageous. And this is the key moment leading to receiving joy from existence, when life is filled with meaning. Unlike the borderline signs of the zodiac Pisces, for example, there is no self-doubt, and such a moment is key in terms of the formation of character and personal qualities.

Characteristics of the zodiac signs: autumn

  1. Virgo - Libra (born September 21-29) implies a complete union of mind and cunning. However, such signs lack a certain degree of adventurism. Representatives of this border marker will never embark on risky ventures if a rational approach indicates a stable percentage of risks. However, one of the shortcomings is the lack of romanticism. Always just the aforementioned rational approach to business. Even love is perceived by these signs not as a gift, but as a daily work.
  2. Libra - Scorpio (all born from October 21 to 29). Representatives of this combination are able to find compromises, while paying attention to a sense of pride. They will always achieve their goals. Scorpio, endowed with magnetism and always attracting everyone around, coupled with balanced decision-making Libra, is an excellent border tandem. People born in this time period show initiative in everything and can, if they wish, achieve a lot: become a leader, achieve creative heights in drawing or writing.
  3. The union of Scorpio and Sagittarius (born November 20 to 28) is a truly unique combination that symbolizes adventurous and knowledgeable people. Astrologers consider such a union to be one of the most successful. From Scorpio, people absorb the desire to rule and be the first, and from Sagittarius - the ability to accurately hit the target, find interaction with the people around them.

Horoscope border signs: winter

  1. The grouping of Sagittarius and Capricorn (December 20-28) leads to the fact that such representatives are drawn to the new, comprehend knowledge. It helps in real life... However, they cannot be called workaholics. At the slightest opportunity, representatives of this borderline combination will get away from unnecessary work.
  2. The creative tandem of Capricorn with Aquarius (January 19-26) brings ideas, as well as a certain degree of thoughtfulness. it the most important moment... It is worth looking at the top horoscope for the borderline signs of the zodiac to discover the abundance of new things and expand your self-image.
  3. From 18 to 26 February, the border combination of Aquarius and Pisces is celebrated. The result of such a combination is the ability to keep the most intimate secrets and secrets. Therefore, people are drawn to the representatives of these signs, united by a community of stars. In them, the desire to listen is valuable, to come to the rescue even in those cases when there were no requests. Representatives of these signs become good diplomats, politicians and psychologists. Often there are teachers and educators among them.


But is it possible to ignore the question concerning Cupid? The theme of love always excites, disturbs the soul, plays on memories. It is worth remembering that true love, according to astrologers, comes when the planets and stars find each other. You always need to focus on which signs are suitable for each other, and which are categorically contraindicated, like incompatible drugs. To follow this maniacally, of course, is not worth it, because there is always an opportunity to correct your own character in the struggle for your own happiness.

Pick up a life partner by the stars

Compatibility (at all cost) of the border signs of the zodiac in love is a difficult question. To find a life partner, you first need to know yourself. It concerns what traits of a sign prevail in a person in to a greater extent... Based on this, appropriate conclusions can be drawn. But sometimes there are difficulties in determining, because the qualities in a person born at the junction of two zodiacal signs are manifested in almost equal degrees. In this case, you can compose individual card, turning to a professional astrologer, or listening to your own heart, which will tell you the right path.

Summing up

Every person is unique. The character, ability, ability to overcome obstacles or the absence of all of the above in any of us is present in various degrees. The representative of the border zodiac sign combines the features of two celestials at once. Astrologers quite rightly attribute such people to interesting personalities capable of great accomplishments. True, you should not rely only on horoscopes, building your own path through knowing yourself and improving day by day. This is the only way to find the road leading to happiness and success.

.If you were born at the junction of two zodiac signs, this horoscope is for you!

Most of us know your zodiac sign, but if you were born a few days before or after the Sun's transition from one astrological sign to the next, we can assume that you were born at the junction of two signs. Such people are unique in their own way, among them there are many extraordinary personalities who do not fit into the generally accepted framework. Find out what motivates you and how being born on the border of two signs influenced your character.

Horoscope "border guards": Capricorn-Aquarius (January 16-22) - Peak of mystery and imagination

What happens when you combine the energies of stable Capricorn and bizarre Aquarius? Unique personality - that's what! If you were born between January 16 and 23, you were born at the Peak of Mystery and Imagination. It's never boring with you. Outwardly, you can be extravagant, or vice versa, calm and shy, but in the depths of your soul, emotions are always seething. Such people have vivid dreams and rich imaginations. If you want to be happy, you need to be creative. While hard work and high standards bring these people success in most career endeavors, it can be more difficult for them to maintain personal relationships.

Horoscope "border guards":Aquarius-Pisces (February 15-21) - Peak of sensitivity

If your date of birth combines the energy of a whimsical Aquarius with a dreamy Pisces, you were born at the Peak of Sensitivity. Such people are spiritual, artistic, peaceful and friendly. They are characterized by originality, visionary ideas and wisdom. These people have powerful intelligence, but sometimes they turn out to be too impractical and dependent. It is much more important for them to delve into spiritual issues and philosophical ideals than just managing the details of everyday life.

For this reason, they are often absent-minded, forgetful and uncollected. But don't be angry with them: they are simply too busy thinking about how to make the world a better place on a much deeper level.

Horoscope "border guards":Pisces-Aries (March 17-23) - Peak of success

You combine the energies of the dreamy, sensitive sign of Pisces and the determined, passionate Aries. Your personality is an intriguing mixture of fiery impulsivity and daydreaming. And this is a great combination, because it means that you are not only dreaming, but also making your dreams come true here and now. You are a leader who combines fearlessness and compassion for others. These people have a natural ability to set goals and motivate others to succeed.

If you can balance both sides of your personality, you will become very a successful person: Pisces can temper the haste of Aries, while Aries can make Pisces' dreams come true.

Horoscope "border guards":Aries-Taurus (April 16-22) - Peak of Power

Authoritative and courageous people born on the Aries / Taurus border are natural leaders. The energies of these two signs combine well: the impulsive Aries is actively moving towards the goal, while the practical Taurus takes care of all the details. However, you should pay attention to the fact that you do not take into account the opinions and desires of others.

It's not always a bad thing - it's just important to find balance, soften your aggressive instincts, and learn to respect the feelings of others.

Horoscope "border guards":Taurus-Gemini (May 17-23) - Peak of energy

People born between the signs of Taurus and Gemini, from about May 17 to 23, are endowed with physical strength and endurance, including psychological. These traits give them the ability to adapt to many different situations and people. If these people see the goal, then they go to the end, sometimes not noticing that, like a candle, they burn from both ends.

Therefore, it is very important for them to learn how to take care of themselves and not be overwhelmed. If they learn to get along with people and listen more, they will become successful.

Horoscope "border guards":Gemini Cancer (June 17-23) - Peak of magic

If you were born at the junction of the signs of Gemini and Cancer, from about June 17 to June 23, you are an amazing person! They are funny, curious, caring, loyal, sensitive and inspiring people. At the same time, they can be overly emotional, frivolous, selfish and depressed. Gemini's fast and fresh energy blends with the slower and more thoughtful nature of Cancer, creating people who are both light and vibrant at the same time.

These people love to study history and philosophy, try new recipes, and play with children. It is vital for them to love someone! Without love, they can become moody or depressed.

Horoscope "border guards":Cancer-Leo (19-25 July) - Peak of controversy

People born at the junction of the signs of Leo and Cancer combine the vulnerability of Cancer and the courage of Leo, which leads to many contradictions in their character. The lives of these people are full of extreme ups and downs! These passionate, creative and funny people are often fickle and prone to hysteria.

They should volunteer as helping others is a great way to find balance and focus on something other than themselves. If they learn to balance their extremes, their lives will be filled with love and lasting relationships.

Horoscope "border guards":Leo-Virgo (August 19-25) - Rift Peak

You were born on Rift Peak, but it's not as bad as you think. Leo is a Fire sign and Virgo is an Earth sign. This means that there are opposite elements in your personality. Such people are very hardworking and passionate. They devote their whole life to a specific cause. Leo is a loving and natural leader, while Virgo is a hardworking, detail-oriented and dedicated person.

Since you were born between such different signs, it is difficult to say in which direction you will develop. Sometimes Leo-Virgo need fame and attention, like Leo, and sometimes they are more like Virgo and prefer a calm, less social lifestyle.

Horoscope "border guards":Virgo-Libra (September 19-25) - Peak of beauty

If you were born at the junction of the signs of Virgo and Libra, you are a wonderful person both inside and outside! Such people are always balanced, calm, rarely doubt the correctness of their choice. They are practical, a little stingy, calculating in relationships with the opposite sex. But at the same time they are romantic, they love to be looked after, praised, thanked.

They know how to find a common language with representatives of different social strata, so they make good diplomats. Virgo-Libra are deep thinkers with sharp analytical skills and a strong work ethic, but due to their laziness and unwillingness to change anything, they may not reach the desired heights.

Horoscope "border guards":Libra-Scorpio (October 19-25) - Peak of drama and criticism

If you were born at the junction of Libra and Scorpio, you are ruled by two passionate planets - Venus and Pluto. This makes the Scorpio Libra incredibly sexy, attractive and usually very beautiful. It is very important for these people to engage in public activities - without this they become withdrawn and oppressed. In their business, they easily reach heights and gain popularity.

However, the intelligence, drive, brightness and sexuality of these people can cost too much for those around them! They have strong leadership skills and stubbornness. They need to be careful not to become arrogant.

Horoscope "border guards":Scorpio-Sagittarius (November 18-24) - Peak of the revolution

These people are full of strength and rebellious energy. They are ruled by the planets Pluto, Mars and Jupiter. They are fearless, energetic people who are not afraid to freely express their opinions and pursue their goals. If they can learn to channel all this energy in a productive direction, they will be successful in most endeavors.

It is important for them to be constantly busy with something. Strong, generous, with a good sense of humor, these people are the most loyal and funniest friends. Don't try to limit their freedom. If they manage to curb their aggression, they become the soul of any company.

Horoscope "border guards":Sagittarius-Capricorn (December 18-24) - Peak of Prophecy

If you were born at the peak of Sagittarius-Capricorn, from about December 18 to December 24, you are a highly spiritual person who seeks to change the world. Sagittarius' optimism and fearlessness go well with the hardworking and down-to-earth nature of Capricorn. This leads to the fact that a person dreams of big, and then translates these dreams into reality. These people are mobile, sociable, like to travel a lot.

They are successful in their careers, but not fixated on it. It is very important for them to feel their importance, to feel that they do not live in this world in vain. They are quite sociable and good-natured, but they open up to only a few people. If this horoscope helped you to better understand yourself or your loved ones, share this information with your friends!