How to twist compote from draining. Compote from plums for the winter - the best combinations of fruits and berries

At the end of summer, when the harvest is assembled, or in the most peak of fruit ripening, when there is no opportunity to eat all the abundance of fruits, the hostess is accepted for home billets. Among others possible options One of the easiest - compote. And one of the most delicious compotes is plum.

Exists a large number of Recipes of plum compote, but the main components are unchanged - it is water, sugar and plums. Plums on compote better choose solid, slightly misappropriate. From overwhelmed, with thin skin or having fetus defects it is better to make jam, because the appearance of the compote they can spoil.

Before proceeding directly to cooking, the dishes should be prepared. Sterilization of cans and covers need to destroy microbes. If you do not make this procedure, the compote may simply spoil, without surviving until winter. there is different methods: Sterilization of boiling water, ferry, in the oven, multicooker, and so on. You can always choose a convenient way at the moment.

Recipe for a 3-liter jar

With a large amount of crop, the process of extracting the bone can be a problem. But the bones contained in plums have a solid size, so they can be left, because even the child will not be able to accidentally suppress such commodity.

For a compote, you will need:

  • 400-600 grams of plums
  • 3 liters of water
  • 150 grams of sugar (sweet lovers can add and more to their taste)

Before rolling, each plum can be pierced in several places with a needle - it will contribute to a more intensive saturation of water with a taste and aroma of the drain, and also prevents the possible cracking of the skins. But if, as a result, I want to get a bright, unaware drink, then the fruit is better not to pour.


1) pour plums into a sterilized 3-liter jar;

2) Sugar syrup in a saucepan: add sugar to boiling water, mix, reduce fire and cook on medium heat for three minutes;

3) pour the syrup to the bank (it must reach the very edge);

Plum compote bone

No worse than the first way and this one. With the disclosure of plum, of course, part of it will be dissolved in water, but this will give the compote of weldings and juits. True, the transparency of the drink in this case will have to donate.

The ingredients remain the same:

  • 500 grams of plums
  • 3 liters of water
  • 150 grams of sugar

Plums need to choose dense so that they will ultimately fall apart, quivel, which burst the skin, to remove the skin as a result of this, and bones carefully remove.

Subsequent steps of cooking:

1) Place the drain flesh in the jar;

2) cook syrup: in the boiling water, pour sugar, mix, reduce fire and cook on medium heat for three minutes;

3) pour the syrup to the bank (trace to reach the very edge);

4) roll the jar and turn over;

5) Leave it to stand up to cooling, and then remove the place to keep the place.

You can diversify this multivitamin delicacy with apples, pears, apricots, peaches, cherries, and many more. Interesting in the taste is the combination of sweet with sour, so by the way there is a next recipe.

Compote from plums and apples "Ranetki"

Delicious compote from plums and apples

Components on a 3-liter jar:

  • 15 pieces of plums
  • 6-7 pieces of apple
  • 200 grams of sugar
  • 1.2-1.3 liters of water

Preparation steps:

1) Clean apples cut into four parts, remove the core;

2) plums cut into two parts with a bone removal;

3) the sterilized bank is filled with fruit and poured with hot boiled water;

4) Leave it to stand for 15 minutes;

5) pour water into the pan, bring to a boil, pour sugar and cook on medium heat before its complete dissolution;

6) the resulting syrup pour into the jar, roll it up and put upside down;

7) After complete cooling, remove into the place of further storage.

For people who follow their figure, or simply do not complain too sweet drinks, there is also an option of a plum delicacy.

Pear-plum compote without sugar

Ingredients for the preparation of a pear-plum compote

Plus this option is complete naturalness, the fruits are preserved in our own juice, and excessive sweetness does not interrupt the taste of fruit. To preserve taste add lemonic acid Or slicing fresh lemon.


  • 12-15 pieces of plums
  • 3-5 pears
  • 1 teaspoon of citric acid
  • 1.2 liters of water


1) Pure pears are cut into several parts with the removal of the core, plums are pierced with a needle in several places;

2) The finished fruits are put in a sterilized jar and poured boiling water with citric acid.

3) Close the bank, put up the bottom and after the cooling attribution to the storage place.

Another version of the cooking of the compote is called "daily", by time cooking.


  • 350 grams of plums
  • 200-600 grams of sugar (depending on preferences)

Preparation steps:

1) in a clean sterilized jar, pour fastened plums (with bones or without) and pour boiling water;

2) put the lid on it and leave for the night (by the morning the plum will be devouted on the bottom, saturating with water);

3) Pour the remaining water into the pan, pour sugar and bring to a boil;

4) Pour plums in the resulting syrup, close the jar and put on the cover, while maintaining such a position until complete cooling.

In each of the granted recipes, you can improvise. For example, add a carnation, vanillin, cinnamon, and plums to fit the nuts. Lovers of multifaceted tastes should accurately come to the soul.

In the season of ripening fruits to keep the harvest for the whole winter, the hostesses are proceeding with home billets. Among the sweet conservation in the number of closed cans, a worthy competition of jam will be only compote. It helps to save useful vitamins Summer gifts than many times superior to colorful bags with shopping juices. Tasty drinks are prepared from different fruits and berries, entirely or slices, according to classic or original recipes. Plum as possessing healing properties Fruit, harvested in the form of compotes, juices, frozen, dried.

How to choose and prepare plums to conservation

Before preservation of plums, you must choose correctly and prepare. Fruits, which are a hybrid of Tern and Alychi, for the workpiece take dense, it is better to slightly misunderstood. Sorts with thin skin, overwhelmed fruits either with black dots are not suitable for canning in the form of a drink for the winter. To harvest the same jam or make freezing for the filling - perfect. A delicious drink is obtained from the whole draining of the Hungarian grade, but they must be pre-blanched or pierced with a needle, without removing the bones.

How to cook a plum compote for the billet for the winter

In winter, the body will require a lot of vitamins and minerals. Plum, rich useful substances It is quite suitable for the support of immunity, so the compote for the workpiece is a relevant product. A drink based on water and sugar is being prepared. Observing the proportion, you can make fragrant plum compotes of different sweets: from saturated sweet to taste with sourness. It is closed with a plum of neighbor both solo, and with the addition of allyci, orange, lemon, apples and other fruits.

With bones

The easiest recipe for the preparation of a plum compote suggests that it is not even necessary to remove bones from fruits. It helps speed up the preservation process, which in some cases (if the crop is great) becomes a saving option. For drink to be saturated, the fruits are groomed before preservation, but it is not necessary, especially if you close bright sugar grades. For a drink from plums with bones (based on the 3-liter bank), take:

  • 400-600 g fruit;
  • 150 g of sugar;
  • water (by volume banks to edges).

Step-by-step recipe:

  1. In pure glass jars, pre-sterilized with boiling water, fall asleep fruit.
  2. Swift sugar syrup, pour it to fruit.
  3. Home preservation sterilize about half an hour, covering the lids and supporting the level "to the shoulders".
  4. Then the banks roll with dense covers, turn over, allow to cool to remove storage.

Delicious compote from yellow plums and apples Ranetas

On the eve of the fall, a favorable time comes to marine vegetables, cook compotes from berries, fruits. Many hostesses were prepared by the Arrow Apricots, and then there was a queue, apples, grapes, peaches. Drinking compotes from berries, fruit in winter is very useful for immunity. Drinks are made individually from each type and assorted. When using a tandem of yellow plums with apples Ranetki homemade Morse acquires a gentle sour-sweet taste.

Ingredients for cooking domestic drink:

  • 15 pcs. draining;
  • 6-7 pcs. apples;
  • 200 g of sugar;
  • 1.2-1.3 liters of water.


  1. My fruit, apples cut into four parts, removing the core, and the plums are separated by half, removing the bone.
  2. Compiled fruit fill in the jar, pour hot boiled water. We leave a quarter of an hour.
  3. Water with cans drain, boil again, adding sugar and boil the syrup to its complete dissolution.
  4. Pour the jar with a finished syrup, we ride a dense cover, turn over. We remove the home workpiece for storage when it completely cools.

Concentrated compote-assorted with plums, peach and apples

The most useful and delicious home compote is based on the fruit assortment. It accounts for most of the volume of banks. The concentrated drink is obtained very fragrant, and the short heat treatment helps to maintain vitamins and minerals. The use of such natural preservation with high nutritional value helps to strengthen health while the winter window.

On the 3-liter bank it is necessary to take the following ingredients:

  • 400 g of Dzer;
  • 300 g of peaches;
  • 600 g of apples;
  • 200-250 g sugar;
  • 1 l of water.

Step-by-step preparation recipe:

  1. Fruits are thoroughly wash, apple remove the core, cut into four parts with slices. Plums, peaches cut on halves, remove the bones.
  2. Fruits prepared for conservation lay in a jar to the top.
  3. Separately prepare sugar syrup to be touched to a boil to pour them fruits.
  4. Sterilize the workpiece is necessary for at least 15 minutes, the boiling water level should reach the "shoulders" of a glass jar.
  5. Finished compote roll with a dense lid, flip, leaving until complete cooling.

Recipe from whole drain and apricots without sterilization

The billet of domestic compotes from different fruits for the winter fully justifies the time spent on cooking. The naturalness of such a product is no doubt, and together with benefit, it guarantees and excellent taste. Medical properties Plums are useful to people suffering from constipation, since this fruit is distinguished by the laxative effect. Preservation without sterilization contributes to the maximum preservation of valuable substances, and such a plum compote is preparing faster.

Required ingredients:

  • 12-14 pcs. Drain ( small variety);
  • 10-12 pcs. apricot;
  • 300 g of sugar;
  • 1.3 liters of water.


  1. Fruits wash, not cleaning from the bones, fall asleep in glass jar.
  2. Boil the water, pour it into the prepared containers with fruit, give to stand 10-15 minutes.
  3. Merge into a saucepan, pour sugar, boil.
  4. Sugar syrup fill the fruits, tightly roll in the lid, leave compote to a complete cooling.

Compote from cherry and plums without bones in a slow cooker

IN household Multicooker There is always work in the kitchen. There is no equal to this device when it is necessary to get the welded, saturated to taste compote. If there are dried fruits, prunes, mint, frozen berries, fresh fruits - all of what drinks are boiled, the slow cooker will save their taste, color, useful properties. Use this species household appliances And for home preservation. To stock up the useful compote for long winter months, you need to take:

  • 500 g plux;
  • 500 g cherries;
  • 200 g of sugar sand;
  • 1 l of water.

Step-by-step cooking:

  1. The fruits wash, whipped with boiling water, rinse cold water.
  2. In a sterilized glass jar, the fruits prepared for conservation are placed.
  3. The multicooker is included on the mode with a temperature of 160 degrees, bringing water in a cup to a boil. Then they fall asleep sugar, leaving boiled for about 5 minutes.
  4. The jar is filled with cooked syrup so that it shifts a little over the top.
  5. For a blank for the winter, a plum compote container put in a slow cooker, the bowl is poured clean waterBoiling lasts 10 minutes.
  6. Next, it remains only to roll in a lid, give preservation to cool completely.

Fragrant pear-plum compote without sugar

The dietary version of the domestic drink without sugar will have to taste true connoisseurs of natural conservation. Fruits are preparing in their own juice. To the home billet pleased with useful properties Long, and it was enough for all winter months, a preservative is used - citric acid or a fresh lemon. The advantage of domestic compotes without sugar is that they are just preparing and require a minimum of time. If you like to drink fragrant drinks, use pears of Redmond variety.


  • 12-15 pcs. draining;
  • 3-5 pcs. pears;
  • 1 t. Spoon of citric acid;
  • 1.2 liters of water.


  1. Fruits are thoroughly washed, plums in a sharpen, pears cut, removing the core.
  2. Put everything in a jar, pour boiled hot water, with citric acid pre-dissolved in it.
  3. Banks sterilize 15 minutes, roll, leave to complete cooling before shipping.


In the season of preparation of fruits for the winter you always have a proven recipes at hand? Then it's time to try original methods conservation. No shopping juice, made according to GOST, will not compare with homemade blanks for the winter, and useful compotes in all respects are not less tasty, fragrant, attractive than the famous "globe". A quarrel with sugar syrup fruits or in its own juice, reasonable caloric content - just part of the advantages that you will learn from this video:

Compote from plums for winter

A very tasty concentrated plum compote, thick, beautifully viscous, which can be brewed in winter. So, from three-liter cans you will get a lot more compote. Without sterilization, stored when room temperature.

Composition and proportion

  • Plums - so much to fill out half the banks (or the whole bank);
  • Water boiling - as much as it goes into a jar with plums;
  • Sugar is at the rate of 300 g per 1 liter of water formed after plum blanching.

Plums varieties Alenushka

Plums are red and blue and pears.

How to do

  • Fill banks: Plums rinse, dry. Select only good, without damage. Describe on pre-prepared banks (banks and lids rinse, sterilize or quivey). Banks should be filled with plums half or completely.
  • Blanch: Pour plums with boiling water. Leave Blanded for 15 minutes. Then water to merge (conveniently through the cover with holes), measuring the amount of water drained (drain into a liter can or a large dimensional mug).
  • Swift syrup: Add to water from under berries Sugar (based on 300 g of sugar for each liter water). Contact boiling syrup and cook 3-5 minutes.
  • Pour and close: Plums in banks again pour, but now the syrup. Close with covers (iron or). Transfer banks by checking on the flow. Banks with simple iron lids can be left in this position before cooled, banks with screws - make sure that they do not flow, and return to its original position. Keep at room temperature In a dry, dark and unclear place.

Plum compote from 2 sink varieties - red and blue (left - pear compote with apples and oranges)

Blue plums
Blue plums and plums Sort Alenushka
Plum close-up

Fill the banks of plums
Blanch plums - poured boiling water and wait
Check on the flow and cool

These jars with compotes are filled with plums completely

Jars with compotes from plums - syrup concentrated, banks up to top filled with plums

If you like fresh fruit, it is unlikely to refuse a drink welded from your favorite fruits. Compote from plums with bones for the winter you cook without much difficulty if you carefully read our recipes. Having spent quite a bit of time and strength, you can get a beautiful refreshing drink that is distinguished by the excellent taste and aroma.

Compote from plums with bones on a simple recipe

Experts claim that such a drink can be calmly kept at home for a whole year. However, we doubt that your stock will delay in the storeroom until spring. Most likely, it will come to the end much earlier, because there will be no sweet lover of this plum compote before the taste of this plum compote.

Ingredients for one three-liter bank:

  • plum blue - 500 grams;
  • sugar - 250 grams;
  • water - two and a half liters.

Choose best fruit, remove the "tails" and then rinse them well in running water. Lay out plums in clean three-liter bank. If you have the opportunity to wash the container in dishwasherwhere the temperature rises to 70 degrees, it does not need to be further sterilized.

Some fruits can burst in the cooking process. Of course, the taste of the drink does not spoil, but you can easily avoid a similar situation. The fact is that usually thin skin does not withstand a sharp change of temperature. Therefore, the plums are better to get from the refrigerator in advance, and then lower them into the water and warm it on the weak heat.

Boil the water in the saucepiece, and then pour it into the jar. So that the dishes do not burst, do not forget to put inside a spoon from of stainless steel. Blank the can with a tin lid and leave it alone for 15 minutes.

Drain the infusion formed into the scenery, holding plums by snag or using a special plastic lid with holes. Mix the liquid with sugar and boil it on the stove. Return the boiling syrup back to the jar and roll the cover using the typewriter.

Compote from plums with bones for the winter cools down long enough. Put the jar on the lid and cover it with a woolen blanket. After about a day, the drink can be transferred to the rest of the billets and leave it there until winter. But if you want to remove the sample, then you can do it in a few days. Perhaps compote will seem too sweet. But it is easy to fix - just recover it into a jug and dilute with warm water.

If you liked the taste of this pleasant drink, then you can spend some more simple experiments with ingredients. For example, add apples, pears or beloved berries to the recipe. Next, we will offer you another interesting way Preparations of this delicious treat.

Compote from draining and grapes

The original taste combination is obtained from mixing several types of fruit. And will give a drink special freshness and unusual flavor. This time we will tell you how to prepare a plum compote in a liter bank.


  • dark grapes - 130 grams;
  • eight drops;
  • sugar - 160 grams;
  • water - 800 ml;
  • mint - two twigs.

How to cook compote bones from plums and grapes? Detailed recipe you can read below.

Carefully treat and clean the fruits from the twigs. Wash the jar in the soda solution inside and outside, then rinse and sterilize any way convenient for you. Put the cover for several minutes in boiling water, and then take it carefully.

Put plums and in the prepared dishes, and then fill them with steep boiling water. Close the neck with a lid and leave the liquid to be five or seven minutes. When the water changes the color, turn it into a saucepan and mix with sugar. Add fresh mint leaves to the syrup and cook it for a few minutes.

If you like spices flavors, then try to add to the compote Badaine, Melisu or Cinnamon. Drug compotes with bones for the winter are well combined with lemon or lime juices.

Pour the syrup back to fruit, and then set the dishes. Do not forget to turn the jar upside down and wrap it with warmer. The next day you can send compote for storage in the fridge or storage room.
When the time comes, dilute it with cool boiled water and serve a drink to the table. Do not forget to prepare a delicious home pie or a charlotte.

As you could make sure, compote with plums with bones for the winter is prepared very simple and quickly. As a rule, it does not require additional long-term sterilization or any other processing.

Useful organic acids, Pectin, gamma vitamins - from A and C to B and RR - all these valuable components contains drain. It is actively used in therapeutic purposes And when compliance with diets. Yes, and the hostess do not deprive fruit culture With his attention - they harvest the compotation from the drain, as well as jams and jams. There are many methods and ingredients for canning.

In order to be welded with your own hands, the plum compote was tasty, and the process of its preparation is simple, it is useful to know the following subtleties of its creation. To calculate the amount of sugar, it is necessary to focus on the taste of a variety.

If the fruit is acidic, you can take 400 grams of sugar on a kilogram. The sweeter the fruits are, the less sugar is required. It is possible to harvest compote, not only with the addition of sugar, but also with honey.

For giving a drink original taste qualityHis recipe can be complemented with vanilla, cinnamon, cloves and other spices, as well as wine.

You can diversify the taste of the compote and by adding other fruits. To plums absorbed sugar better, it is recommended to carry out blanching. To do this, you need to prepare a special solution: in a liter of water to dilute 5 grams of food soda. Lower plums into it and heat up to a temperature of 90 degrees.

Selection and preparation of drain

Before you begin to preserve, the fruits have to go through, get rid of immature or spoiled. They need to be rinsed in cold waterAnd you can also sort. Plum large size Be sure to cut and separate the bones. Small fruits can be bought entirely.

How to make amazing plum compote

Computer manufacturing recipes Set: classic, with abandoned bones and without them, with citric acid, honey or even wine.

Simple recipe for the winter

For a 3-liter sterilized beverage can, according to a well-known classic recipe, you need to stock in the following ingredients:

  • 1.5 kilograms of fruits;
  • 750 milliliters of water;
  • 350 grams of sugar.

Whole plums are cleaned of contamination, cut into two halves. Bones must be separated. Adjust the banks in advance and fold the fruits in them. Now you can move to the syrup: in the dishes for cooking sugar, pour water. Keep on fire while sugar is completely dissolved.

Syrup Pour into banks and carefully cover them with covers. Tara is placed in a bulk saucepan with water, so that its level revenge before the cans of cans. Pastenerize banks within 15-25 minutes, then roll using sterile covers.

Without sterilization

You can cook a delicious plum drink even if you want to preserve without sterilization. Need to take:

  • 1.5 kilograms of fruit;
  • 2.5 liters of water;
  • 2 glasses of scattering sugar.

Prepare fruits and containers as described in the previous recipe. Share plums into banks by filling them on a third, and pour boiling water. After 15 minutes, take the covers with the holes, close them to the container so that water is pouring into the pan. There are sugar and prepare syrup. Fill them banks to the upper edge, closed hermetically.

With bones

Experienced hostesses assure that compote from juicy plums with abandoned bones can be stored at home for a whole year.

To prepare 1 liter drink needed:

  • 150-200 grams of fragrant drain;
  • 100 grams of scattering sugar;
  • 800 milliliters of water.

Washed plums to lay in jars. So that they do not burst, make several punctures toothpick. Pour the jar of boiling water. After 15 minutes, the water merge into the scenery, add sugar, cook syrup. His reappear to the jar, roll.


Make a fragrant compote from juicy fruits without a bone can even be the one who is practically not familiar with cooking.

To do this, follow the recipe:

  • 3.5 kilograms of drain;
  • 3 glasses of scattering sugar;
  • 1.7 liters of purified water.

Fruits wash, separate the bones, cutting the flesh in half. Share them in sterilized and dried banks. Boil the water, gradually add sand sugar and leave on the required fire for 15 minutes. Pour the finished plum syrup. Banks again put sterilize for 30 minutes, after which it is closed with thread covers.

From white plums

If for the preparation of an exquisite plum compote take white varieties, the drink will acquire a bright, sunny shade:

  • 3 kilograms of white plums;
  • 1.5 liters of water;
  • 750 grams of sugar sand.

Fruits rinse, cut, scrupulously clean from the bones, gently put in finished banks Before the neck. Swift syrup, pour it into a container. Take a pelvic or a wide pan, put banks covered in it with covers, pour hot water and sterilize for 25 minutes. Split, bite banks and give cool.

Concentrated compote from draining

To pamper in the winter of native delicious plum compotes, it is necessary to prepare dense fruits, cut them, removing bones. To wash the container, sterilize, filled with drains to the edges. Pour the blank with sweet syrup. It is necessary to do it carefully. Banks roll up with sterilized covers, turn over, give conservation cool and put in a cool place.

With citric acid

If sweet varieties are used for cooking a compote, a little citric acid can be added to the drink, which will simultaneously act as a preservative:

  • 400 grams of juicy drain;
  • 2 liters of filtered water;
  • 250 grams of sugar;
  • one teaspoon powder citric acid.

Thoroughly wash the fruits and dishes. Purchase plums in jars and add powder citric acid. From the water and sugar initially weld the syrup and pour it to the selected package to the neck. Roll over the banks.

From red plums

Awesome drinking drink can be welded from red drains. You will need:

  • approximately 50 fruits;
  • 1.5 glasses of sugar;
  • 2.5 liters of water.

Dismix the washed fruits with bones along sterilized jars, pour them with sugar and immediately pour boiling water. Banks roll up with sterilized covers, flip and cover with a blanket.

With wine

To cook 5 liters of plum compote with wine, you will need:

  • 3 kilograms of drain;
  • 750 milliliters of red wine;
  • 750 milliliters of water;
  • 750 grams of scattering sugar;
  • vanillin, carnation, cinnamon to taste.

The drink is preparing for a well-known classic compote recipe from the drain. With the cooking of syrup in water, not only sugar, but also wine and spices are added.

With honey

Instead of sugar, this formulation provides for the use of honey.