Snake map in Lenorman Man descriptions Reviews. Snake Lenorman: the value and interpretation of the card

Upon presentation of the adepts of the Order of the Golden Dawn 8 of the wands corresponds to Mercury in Sagittarius. Describing the map, the maters and comrades make focus on Mercury, completely ignoring the Sagittarius. Easy-flying persecutions are perceived as rapid arrows approaching their goal. The finish line remains literally a few seconds. However, the card allows a different interpretation, in my opinion, better combining with a visually manner.

8 staffs - a unique card in its own way. It does not have a man's image on it. Only a certain structure is guessed in the hill distance.

On one of the philosophical time concepts, time arises only when there is one who can track it. The absence of people identically lacking time. The card pattern does not allow you to determine whether the staff fly up or fall down.

There is no time in this map, no past and the future, there is no present. There is only a huge, giant pause.


  • Pause
  • Slow
  • Calm
  • Lack of people
  • Passivity
  • Expectation

Key ideas

  • Do not hurry
  • Do not interfere
  • Provide events to flow as your man
  • Take a pause

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Basic value

Wait considers the Arkan strictly on the canons of the Golden Dawn. For him, the value of the Tarot card 8 (eight) of the staff (wands) is manifested as activity in affairs, swiftness on the way and in business, great urgency and any movement. Communication with Square gives a somewhat unexpected value - the arrows of love. By the way, the mimic mention of arrows by Wate led to the fact that today the arrows can be found on many clones of Ryder-Wait decks.

Wate indicates such values \u200b\u200bof the turned 8 (eight) wips (beam) tarot as jealous arrows, reproaches, and for spouses - family disagreements.

Modern values \u200b\u200bof the card have undergone significant changes. Today, this card is perceived as a pause, stop traffic. The card indicates the need to take a passive position, not interfere in the processes occurring.

Video: The value of the card eight of the wands

Meaning in the relationship

Open - Closed Map

Closed card. The value of 8 (eights) Wands Taro in love speaks of a pause in a relationship, no relationship. A person is not interested in new contacts, does not seek to maintain relations.

Intensity of relationships

The intensity of relations is low and strive for zero. People do not show any feelings, emotions in relation to each other, because they do not feel anything.

Relationship Scenario: Love, Family, Related, Workers

In my opinion, it is very good card For working relationships. No emotions, and therefore, one of the causes of instability is neutralized.

Antipode "Wagon frankness" - formal politeness.

Sometimes this card is accepted for the situation: "You have to live a little separately to sort out your feelings." It is not true: there are no feelings here, so nothing to understand. The eight of the staff indicates a pause, on something frozen and stopped. This is an exceptionally static card, there is no dynamics in it. There is no process, including the process of proceedings in its feelings.

In the eight of the staff, people, continuing to live under the same roof, live as if in parallel universes and different dimensions. And they do not intersect, do not interact, they have no soil for conflicts or stresses. Their worlds do not come into contact, they have nothing to deal with.

In combination with senior arcans

  • in combination with the map: a protracted period of fooling
  • in combination with the card: the value of 8 Tarot wands in combination with the arcane, hermit speaks about loneliness for long times
  • in combination with the map: no matter what happens now, soon the situation will change for the better
  • in conjunction with the map: to marry in lies

Psychological condition

The card describes several emotional states.

Brake phase. The excitation was changed by braking. Nothing is interesting, not attractive. And good, and bad does not withdraw a person from the state of emotional zero.

Indifference. There is a person - well, there is no person, too good. "The squad did not notice the loss of the fighter." Other people's successes do not lead to joy or envy. Alien troubles are not forced to compare or gloating.

Forced detachment. In rare cases, the card indicates that the person is contraindicated with stressful, peak states. Including because he can simply not survive them. Doctor advise in such cases: "Yes, you, my friend, need peace!".

In combination with the Mashy Wands

  • in combination with the map: Waiting brings victory
  • in combination with the map: be honest and noble long time
  • in combination with the map: live memories of the past

Health importance

8 suits are a very stable card, it does not imply changes. Is good health, bad whether - for a long time nothing will change.

The value of the eight of the wands of Tarot in health issues indicates stagnation. This may be a psychological situation of stagnation when a person is diverted on one problem and his thoughts go in a circle. This can be literally stagnant, for example, constipation.

If the stop is beneficial, then there is no need to change something. If this is a problem, then gently and smoothly push. For example, the abdomen massage to earn the intestine.

In combination with the goal of cups

  • in combination with the card: a long emotionally favorable period
  • in combination with the map: live with unfavorable hopes
  • in combination with the map: the future is extremely favorable

Business and Finance, Professional Activities

Stability, handling, controllability

The situation is calm, stable, balanced. It is easily controlled and managed, the most important thing in which is not to interfere with the natural go of things. It will last long, so the mild situation is important, without attempting to force events.

The process is hung at some point, not necessarily the highest, the main thing is that it stops, does not develop, but does not seek a deterioration.

Methods for increasing income (the key to increasing income)

Neither the increase nor the decrease in yield is predicted. Therefore, the instructions on how to make a profit is not. Moreover, any actions will most likely worsen the situation. The most difficult thing is to resist interference in the current process, but you can plan something new.

General status of finance and trends

Financial condition does not create reasons for concern. Whatever it is, the situation is stable and worsen will not. In the near future, neither takeoffs, no falls to expect, but the lack of bad news, by itself - good news.

Positive and negative impact of cards on income

Today is good opportunity Calmly, without fuss, lay the foundation of your future, plan, based on real financial opportunities. Monthly income is enough to keep on the same level, however (and in this negative influence Maps) - the amount that we easily managed yesterday, today may seem insufficient. The contradiction between the capabilities and needs causes irritation and the natural desire to force the events, which is extremely undesirable.

The value of the eight of the Tarot wands as a map of the day: today should not be taken by any active actions.

Map of the Day Caution

You lose control over what is happening. Monotoncy is lulling

In combination with the Mashy Pentacles

  • in combination with the map: the usual poverty
  • in combination with the card: a stable financial position for a long period
  • in combination with the map: the need for long study

Questions that should be set by pulling 8 staff

  • What makes you be passive and indifferent?
  • How hard to be passive in this situation?
  • Lack of people around you - good or problem?
  • How long can you keep pause?

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- This is a progress ruler. Traditionally, this map shows eight wips that fly against the background of the blue sky and are about to surf in the ground. Thus designated the near future of a person, the solutions that he will have to accept the problems with which he will face.

In the astrological aspect of the eight of the wands there is a Mercury in the Zodiac Sagittarius and Uranus in the sign of Scorpio, which indicates unexpected progress, uncompromising circumstances and probability to face deception from others.


In the literal position

In the defolds of Taro, this Arcan indicates the rapid permission of the situation of interest, the fulfillment of desires, the pleasant results of the past work. The eight of the wands, published in a literal position, says that a person should be ready for an unexpected turn of the affairs, which he could not foresee.

In Tarot, Arkan is interpreted as insight, speed and energy.

The circumstances will develop rapidly, good luck can change the loss at one time - everything will be completely dependent on those solutions that will take away. The Arcan does not predict specifically trouble or joy, he only indicates that in a short time, yours can drastically change, but before that it is necessary to plunge on his head in the smallest of events.

In inverted

If in the fortune telling you fell out the inverted eight of the wands - fate gives you a clear "no" on the question or the situation. Such a position of Arkana points to the slow development of cases, all sorts of obstacles and losses on the way to achieving the desired one. Especially unfavorable forecast card gives financial situations.

A person may have serious problems with, he can get into debt, lose large amount, acquire poor quality goods. For the spiritual state of man eight, Tarot's wands are a reflection of such qualities as indecisiveness, anxiety and uncertainty in own power.

Value in scenarios


In the literal position of the eight, the rod may indicate that at the moment the person is in a state of hyperactivity. It is possible that in recent days, his life rhythm was especially dynamic and he joined him so much that he could no longer control his own emotions and is constantly in an excited state.

This card speaks of human biorhythms violations.: There may be problems with sleep, with the perception of the surrounding world, the Arcan indicates the detached or stressful state.

In the inverted position of the eight of the wands talks about possible problems With human physical health. Especially careful should be those who lead an active mobile lifestyle. The likelihood of injuries and damage to the skin is great.

Love and relations

According to the old interpreters, the eight of the wands in the junior arcanese deck is a map of love. It indicates that in a short time, a person will experience an unexpected tide of romantic feelings, it is waiting for a period of new emotions and pleasant dating from the opposite sex.

However, it is not necessary to feed too much hopes, since the connection in which you can join will not be more than a short-term intrigue. In the literal position, the Arcan sometimes interrupt as the engagement or pre-wedding bustle.

The inverted position of the eight of the wands is a sign of illegibility in relations with the opposite sex. A person does not give himself a report in actions and completely absorbed only by his own passions and desires. Also, this indicates a deception and betrayal of someone close and native, be careful.


For a particular event or situation in a person's life eight of the wands - this is a symbol of progress and quick completion. In the literal position, the Arkan speaks about good luck and positive changes in a person's life.

Sometimes the card is involved as a journey or a long journey, which will bring good profits in the near future. Eight of the wands is a good luck that a person can catch if it turns out to be quite focused and hardworking.

In an inverted position, the map takes a negative value, talks about the delay and various obstacles, with which a person will be faced before he sees at least some of his work.


Get this card in the sobs to work and the professional situation is good sign. Eight of the wands will indicate unexpected career growth, can talk about a premium or increase wages. However, most often this Arcan indicates some particular opportunity, which in the sooner will open in front of a person.

Everything will depend on solutions taken by him. The card denotes a turning point in life, when the gone turns out to be at the crossroads and how his further fate will be covered only from him. For example, for a woman it can mean the choice between the birth of a child or the advancement of the career ladder.

In the inverted position of the eight of the wands, speaks of a stagnant in work affairs and problems with money. It should be carefully planning your expenses so as not to be in the debt. As a rule, the action of an inverted arcana is short-lived, and very soon the bad luck is again changed.

Combination with other tarot

On this day you are awaiting pleasant news and joyful events. It may be a call from close man, offer hands and hearts, interesting acquaintance or execution. Direct position Cards says that you can afford to completely relax and enjoy what is happening around. Circumstances are developing exactly as they must, and you should not try to influence them anyhow.

The inverted position of the map indicates a calm and systematic development of events. This day will not differ from many previous ones. Do not wait for some changes from him or pleasant surprises.

The main value of this card is time. This is the only one of all 78 cards, clearly indicating that events will occur in the very near future. But she has a deeper meaning, it shows that something changes, something is worn in the air and will come rather than we expect, and that this process has already begun, even if we have not yet noticed. At the same time, the eight of the wands foreshadows favorable events, good news or pleasant surprises.


If we had certain plans or expectations related to work, they will be implemented in the very near future; If these were concerns, we will come, alas, they are. She also says that this process was prepared for a very long time, and the results are already close, or that his pace unexpectedly accelerated, so we should urgently prepare for him graduated, although we assumed that we still have enough time. Often this card means an unexpected success - in search of a new field, new connections or contracts.


Here the eight of the wands means that our process of knowledge accelerates that something is worn in the air, and although we get information from an unexpected source, it, nevertheless, will significantly help expand our horizons. This is a lively, flexible card, indicating the spontaneous nature of the changes that occur and quite often meaning that the frozen, the coeximal representations come into motion.

Personal relationships and love

In terms of personal relationship, it means the revival and new incentives. This may be a quick conclusion of a new, unusual fruitful union (partnership), or a positive development of the Union of Already existing. And only if all other sample cards foreshadow trouble, we should expect unpleasant surprises.

Internal meaning

Move your goal faster; This is your hour. You are on the way of almost guaranteed success. Do not act hastily, only actively. This time is planning the following steps.

Prepare yourself not only to single coming events, but also to what follows them. Now everything came into motion.
Note that, although the suit usual is usually associated with business and finance, this map of Tarot Eight sacks may also indicate on awakening love; Let even in this case we are talking about both personal love and love for your work.

Combinations in other maps


Nun: Waiting, Stop

4 Swords: Sendance, Cooking

7 Pentacles: Prepayment, Taxation Taxes, Fine

Court: insecure, problematic business


8 bowl: coming to the final

Death: Completion

Wheel of happiness: fast movement, rapid development

Mag: Activity, Plans


Hayo Banzhaf. Tutorial on tarot


Mercury in Streltsy

0 ° -10 ° Sighter

Initial title: Vladyka The speed-free composition in the Golden Dawn system: Four hands (two on each side of the map), stretched out of the clouds, are connected in the center of two in the handshakes of the first order. They keep eight wands crossed four. From the points of intersection of the wands, the languages \u200b\u200bof fire

Color Structure on the King Scale: Purple
Mercury colors on four scales: yellow; purple; grey; indigo with streaks purple
Colors of Sagittarius in four scales: blue; yellow; green; bright dark blue
Formula: Eight (stroke) + rods (acylut) + Mercury in Sagittarius \u003d speed.

This card is if and does not kill you current, it can start to death. Frida Harris resolutely retreats from its pre-edge described in the golden dawn materials, and invites us the energy portrait at the stage of its transformation into matter: "The wands of light transformed into electrical discharges are depicted on the map, whose vibrating energy is a support or even the substance of matter. . Not mentioning the Einstein formula E \u003d MC2, Crowley, however, notes: "The eight of the wands symbolizes the energy of high speeds, which serves as the key to the achievements of modern mathematical physics."

"Speed" - an ideal name for this card, since the eight of the wands symbolizes any situation or phenomenon (whether business enterprise, a romantic adventure or a set of all matter in the universe), which exists and is saved only due to high speed and high level vibrations. Well, fine; But how to interpret this card if it fell in the scenario? Let's look at her formula.

Mercury is in Sagittarius - a sign in which the element of the fire reached stabilization; And he feels perfectly here. Step, Sefir Mercury, strengthens this successful union. Even the fact that it occupies a low and unbalanced position on the tree of life is not able to significantly dimly temper the activity of this energetic, almost over-excited combination. This card is similar to a couple of restless tallets who sit at the table until the morning, harvest coffee with liters and speak at the same time. Perhaps they will be able to say a lot to each other. Perhaps they recognize a lot of new things. But, one way or another, they will have to fumble after that.

The last three masts of the wands are corresponding to the fifth, which symbolizes the purified energy of the fire. This card is controlled by Mercury, the word of initial will from the hocma.

In addition, this card corresponds to the move - the magnificence - in the layout of the fire, in view of which is related to such phenomena, as speech, light and electricity.

The map shows the rods of light transformed into electrical discharges, whose vibrating energy is a support or even the substance of matter. The rainbow shines over the rainbow, the splitting of pure light acting in the highest spheres, for seven spectrum colors demonstrating the principles of interaction and relationships.

Thus, the eight of the wands symbolizes the energy of high speeds, serving the key to the achievements of modern mathematical physics.

It should be noted that there are no lights on this map: the rods have imagined them in order to turn into the rays. BUT electric EnergyFor its part, formed a clear geometric shape.

A source

Lon Milo Dotkett "Magica Alister Crowley"

Description Arkana

A tiny figurine moving along the path in this beautiful landscape, does not think about the goal. He or she knows that the journey itself is a goal, in itself the journey is a sacred place. Each step of the path is important in itself.

Direct position

It is time of movement and change. It can be physical movement from one place to another or internal movement from one way of being to another. But in any case, this card promises that the path will be easy and will bring a sense of adventure and growth, you do not need to fight too much or plan. The travel map also reminds us that it is necessary to take or take advantage of the new, as if we travel through another country with a culture and a medium other than those we used to. This relationship of openness and adoption invites new friends and introduces experience in our lives.

Meaning card

Life is an infinite process. She has no ultimate goal. The pilgrimage itself, the journey itself and is life, not the achievement of some point, is not a goal - only dance and travel, joyful movement of any concern about the destination point. What will you do by reaching the destination? No one asks about it, because everyone is trying to have some appointment in life. But what is meant by this ... if you really reach a destination in life, what then? Then you will look very embarrassed. Nowhere to move ... You have reached the final item - and you have lost everything on the journey. You will have to lose everything. So, standing naked in the last feature, you will look around, like an idiot: what was the meaning? You are so hurry, so worried, and here's the result. (Osho)

This optimistic card indicates an undoubted progress towards the target.

The coincidence of the circumstances is that the expected events are beginning to disappear uncontrollably, everything has come to move, the opposition no longer exists and will soon happen. Usually, this card announces events favorable for the questioning (but in case it is surrounded by negative arcanes, speeds up the dynamics of unpleasant events). It is almost the only one of all 78 cards, clearly indicating that events will occur in the very near future, faster than this can be believed. She shows that something changes, something is worn in the air and will come rather than we expect, and that this process has already begun, even if we have not yet noticed.

If the question concerns long-term plans, they will be carried out and in any case will enter the decisive phase. In administering the eight of the wands - unexpected events, "non-random chance." Surprises of fate (all the necessary and useful early or later will fall into hand itself, and here it is rather early, just causing surprise). This is a sign that "something on the approach" - news that is about to be received, unexpected solutions to problems, successful coincidence. Combined with foreshadowed by the senior arcans (for example, the Fortune wheel) - amazing and unexpected events that can sometimes change all their lives per minute are coming.

If the balance in some question was lost, then its recovery is not far off. In general, we can say that keywords Eight Wands - Second Breathing! It points to the timely arrival of help, energy, information, inspiration - and a person himself is usually perfectly perfect, which region of his life needs now in this most, somewhere "the field of righteous struggle." Usually, the suit of the wands indicates the scope of business and career, but the eight of the wands is of a special attitude to the personal life and the awakening of love.

Eight of the wands serves as the indicator of "fast" - races, email, air travel. This is an "express" card, and love arrows this also concerns. This is not the case when people look closely for a long time, sniffed and get silent to each other. You do not have time to look around, as you will find that the head is lost, love progresses and events are developing on the fifth speed.
The need to rapidly and uncompromising to take some decision, according to the type "Yes or No".

The motto "Kui Iron, while hot!" Some authors believe that the eight of the wands are very "scorpions" card, so the situations that she asks, cutting and uncompromising. However, it should be noted that few of whom the eight of the wands are "a strong" card, that is, necessarily manifests themselves to complete power. It is not until the end of the question studied, and we hope that valuable information with practical observations on the manifestations of this card will appear on the portal. As long as it seems that it is more noticeable in the defolds regarding those cases that somehow stuck in the "dead point". If so, then the eight of the rods is the answer.

Journey. Country picnic. In general, easy, pleasant, and very active pastime. Perhaps vacation, freedom time.

Getting an important message. It can be the desired news or some kind of surprise that no one expected.


Unexpected ideas, insights and discovery, understanding of some interconnections, the expansion of consciousness. Expressing the language of psychology - the ability to see new gestalles, to see something new in reality, to figure out something, catch important information (Sometimes literally "lying on the surface", but before that escaped from understanding).

Hope, vitality, emotionality and energy. Inspiration, optimism. The state of a person in a hurry and successful. He realizes that time is not always plenty, if you tighten, then it may be too late. In general, the eight of the wands is also a map of "ugrass" personalities, the type of jester, open new and ready to take any surprises of fate. Her Majesty accidents after them personally! They go in the stream, everything really necessary for them comes into hand (comes to the leg, falls on the head ... The circumstances may be different, but the essence does not change - wonders occur).

This is a bright map of lightness and freedom, especially from some emotional restrictions - in this sense, the card is opposite to eight swords. What prevented, created problems, caused pain, no longer relevant.

All the elements came into motion, "rushed."

This is the embodiment of the law of synchronistic, involvement, the great hearing in the universe. A whole stream of news from the subtle world is poured onto the head (therefore, the map is associated with the sphere of esoteric research). From the corners of the spheres in three-dimensional reality, signs and insights are blocked. This is a map of urged perception, spiritual revelations and insights, the bridge between the spiritual and material worlds, the acquisition of new inner horizons (the mind is initiated, a lot of ideas comes, flames are flames - including love). Miracles, magic chance. It remains only to be amazed how quickly it can happen that yesterday it seemed impossible! "You never have time to blink!" Says this map.

From a magic point of view eight of the wands - this is an explosion vitality ("libido"). Mary Merry notes that being a rapid movement card, eight of the wands like a witch broom, reflects the ability to "flight", astral journey. It remains to add that the form of the broom has a direct relation to the libido - in the end, it personifies the symbolic joining the male and female start. Similar views are available in the East (for example, the idea of \u200b\u200bthe properties of Kundalini, which lived to the image of the fire dragon - "Fiery Snake", on which "you can fly").
From an astrological point of view, consideration of the eight of the wands occupation is not easy.

From the point of view of the planets, it is believed that this is a map where the influence of the law is felt, on the one side of the cosmic (uranium), on the other side of the social (Jupiter), and it is their interaction and gives "incomprehensible chance" in accordance with the thoughts and aspirations of man. However, it remains open questionhow much the man is ready to take a miracle happening in his life (uranium gives sudden changes and promotion into some kind of area, high-quality jumps, events for which you need to quickly react), and we can say that on the deep level it is a matter of testing a human confidence in life (and his life), a "political literacy" verification card.

We also found such a postulate: "The first decade of Sagittarius, controlled by the Planet of Mercury, expresses the idea of \u200b\u200btransformation of energy into thought. Everything is energy and everything is based on it: the basis of the energy processes of the world is the law of unity and the struggle of opposites. He also forms the dynamics of thought. And, on the contrary, the activity of our mind is the key to knowledge of the dynamics of the forces managers. The contradictions encountered among themselves give the impetus to the thoughts and rush it to the highest, just like, pulling onion, the shooter sends the arrows of his aspirations to the stars. He is attracted to the spiritual side of life, but he repels from the material.

This decade symbolizes the knowledge of nature and human nature as part of it. In its dynamics - the support of that spiritual movement, which describe air element cards. The first decade of Sagittarius gives love to classification and the authority of the teacher. But this is just a pure abstraction of thought. Therefore, in life, representatives of this decade often have to deal with the material difficulties and deferment of their desires - life does not sneak over the speed of their thoughts. But the contradiction of the device of the world wakes up in them and raises it, gradually making up in slender concepts. "

Light and shadow (advice and warning)

The map says - time to accelerate, act actively, plan and take some steps ("Do not pull!"). The ancient Greeks perfectly distinguished the two meanings of the word "time" - Cronos and Cairos. Chronos is quantitative time (it can be much, little, it can be measured, etc.). And Kaire is a quality time, the time of accomplishment. Eight of the wands says Kairos! Immediate the right hour, You are on the way guaranteed success, catch the moment, move to the goal without losing time. It can be achieved only by fast and decisive actions.
Another advice is to open your eyes and ears, to be extremely susceptible. Some key information can go in a very unexpected form, it is important not to miss it.

Caution: Too fast advancement forward. Too hastily accepted solutions - they may still have to change. Excessive forcing events. Due to the speed of creative flight, details are lost. Spext is fraught with Halturoy. Unlimited excitement due to the topic of the question.

Period of rapid dynamics, activity, rapid action. Time to reap the fruits of previously started actions, proceed to the next phase of the enterprise. Sudden advancement forward (what the buckswood suddenly went, it was shifted from the "dead point"), making it impossible. Implementation of hopes, end of countering and obstacle, achieving not far from around the corner.

The chances of further development (possibilities and signs simply go in the air). Favorable turning of events, new development in affairs, an unexpected fracture for the better, and as a result - a sea of \u200b\u200bexcitement and urgent deeds! You have to respond quickly and make decisions, call five places at the same time and generally run, ahead of your own whistle to cope with unexpected happiness

Synchronistic may be expressed in obtaining sudden proposals, in some sign meetings, "random" events, in fact that the response to the aspiration of a person and serving him confirmation that his desire is appropriate, and he moves in the right direction.

On the eight of the wands, you can get an offer from the employer and get a new place. This will require the ability to quickly enter the new circle of people, learn to be yours there, to learn the unsolicited rules that are "worn in the air." The eight of the wands just describes the ability to "catch" them (or, expressing the language of psychology, to learn the organizational culture).

The fact that eight wands on the map fly very purposefully and orderly, brings many authors to the idea that this map is related to ordering and rationalizing anything, creating a system or formula, to guide the order in cases of at least a conceptual level ( In combination with the eight of the pentacles - and at the level of purely practical, up to the decay of these cases on the shelves and folders). Intelligent design of ideas will undoubtedly lead to success.

Also, this map is related to work in a team of class specialists, where everyone acts as if in itself, but all together very much agrees to make a common cause.

Intensive commercial interaction (payments fly and forth). Slowing information.

Business related to innovation.

The card is closely related to finance for which success is expected, the emergence of new sources of income. Inflow of investment. Successful interaction with banks. Getting a profitable loan. Urgent things with money. Cash bonus.

In the ancient interpursions of the eight of the wands describes rural life on the lap of nature, serves as an indicator of the gardens and fields.

"Flame will be scolded from the spark."

In the ancient interpretations of the eight of the wands are unequivocal - Map of Love! In modern expressions - wedding stir. Or at least the influx of romantic capabilities. "Love is inadvertently granted, when they are not waiting at all." And even if you are waiting for, the feeling is not excluded that she attacked from somewhere because of the corner. On the eight of the wands often there are bright hobbies, giving a splash of adrenaline, a kind of unexpected amur mobilization. Feelings are not deep, but swelling, euphoria, elevation and inclination to force events is obvious. Unrestrained desire for the subject of hobbies, a passionate desire to be together, pressure, rapid action.

If a person is alone, then a favorable opportunity to create relationships just hovers in the air, the dream is ready to become a reality, to come into reality. It happens that a person looked forward to this, and yet everything happens like a thunder with a clear sky, causing surprise. And if I did not expect, the map still reports about the future to fall in love with the ears. Sometimes the eight of the wands describes the really amazing manifestations of synchronistic, unexpected happy meetings that serve as the result of "accidents", which is not at the basis of which there is nothing casual. In addition, in the defold for love, this card predicts an inappropriate dedication from the beloved person.

Map of self-examination (letters, conversations) in relation to people who mean something. Clearing intentions, overcoming misunderstanding (with favorable maps - even resolving conflicts between irreconcilable parties). Unexpected revival of relationships, freshness and sincerity of feelings, change for the better. A romantic invitation (unites the aspect of this card in itself), and then the proposal of the hand and heart (which can sound completely unexpected). Spontaneous solutions like weddings on a dispute is also eight of the wands. The surrounding cards will show to what extent is to trust these news and solutions.

The eight of the wands emphasizes three phenomena, which are very closely interrelated.

First, it raises the issue of hyperactivity, an excessive tempo, a very dynamic lifestyle. Secondly (and as a result) - the question of human biorhythms and their violations (hours of sleep and wakefulness, inclipboard, etc.)., And thirdly - the question of "stress hormones", the main obsession of adrenaline, which must provide all This activity. Show Must GO ON. But it is not a fact that the adrenal glands like it.

Perhaps the body is subjected to many risks and threats, but so far they are successfully opposed to this "stressful mobilization", copes with them. The key is the right domestic state of consciousness, humility and merging with flow, fixture, adaptation.

In an inverted form, these eight wips say "no need." NOT CAYROS.

Deletion and stagnation. Bureaucratism, delaying solutions. Serious delays, cancellation (especially for flights). Stop, strike. The consequences of the situation may be unpleasant - "no time", not the time to take action. Energy work against the planned, the forces will be spent in vain. Lack of synchronization (everything happens "Do not keep up with the times").

Indecision, uncertainty, anxiety, oscillations. Losses due to delay.

The inverted eight of the wands resembles a student who grieved the delivery of work and feverishly "Lepit" her at the last moment: the delay draws insane hurry, panic and remorse.

Disagreements, internal distribution between business partners (or spouses). Criticism, envy, collision with a lie. Exchange of baggas. Unsuccessful communication - information does not reach people, it is either not that information or not those people. Because of the confrontation of ambitions, mass of favorable time and opportunities in matters are overlooked. Lost profit.
Jealousy ("Arrows of Love" turn into "arrows of jealousy"). Family quarrels. Home scandals. Confrontation, confrontation.

Attempts to resolve the issue of force. Sudden cooling of feelings. Probably, the common thing for all this is the fact that emotions become unmanageable and come out of control (with love, in general, the same thing happens, only here - with a minus sign). Vintage interpretations include the wreck of marriage plans due to the fault of the third party.

If the direct card accents the synchronistic and coincidence, then the inverted says about some incompatibility, mismatch, the situation, when something does not match something, something does not coincide with something. This can be anything, from an invalm of reporting standards to a sexual incompatibility or biorhythm failure.
Interference in the journey.

The danger to be appreciated, encounter false, lie, tinsel.

With a magic - powerful activity, tooling the grand plans.

Priestess (like the Four Swords) - blocks the action of eight rods, setting up to stop and waiting, delay, preparation.

Fortune Wheel - Enhances the value of the map, emphasizing the rapid movement, rapid development of events.Newton under the apple tree.

The map has a special attitude to electricity.

Direct position

Eight of the wands is speed, inspiration, moment of inspiration. When you fortunate on the situation, this map suggests that everything is permitted (or happening) in the near future. Moreover, the outcome will be quite favorable. And as a characteristic of a person, such Arkan testifies to his ability to make decisions.

In fact, the eight of the wands can be regarded as advice to grab better luck for the tail.

On the basis of neighboring arcanes in the scenario, some clarifications can be made. So, if such a card falls together with a magician, it means that a person is fully able to influence the situation and accelerate the processes occurring at its own discretion. And the Arcan's wheel turned out to be near the Arkan testifies that the real kaleidoscope of events awaits the expectant.

Inverted position

In the inverted position, the eight of the wands indicates unexpected interference and fast, but raw solutions. Another card can be interpreted as an indication that the hurry is meaningless, because it will not affect anything (especially in combination with the jester); As a missed opportunity, which seemed to have been in hand; Like a melting in the life of a man of casual people. And in combination with justice, such Arkan is the prediction that the disgraced "finished" and expels his deserved troubles up to the trial.

Love and relations

Direct position

For love relationship Eight of the wands symbolizes the moment of love, sometimes even love at first sight (especially in combination with lovers), and also - eroticism and sexual attractiveness. More globally, for layouts about the events extended in time, this arcan can be interpreted as the revival of old relations, perhaps who seemed already irrelevant (including with the court). And besides this, such a card may mean a safe resolution of a quarrel or conflict. And in combination with the Ace of Cups, the eight of the wands means soon happiness.

Inverted position

The inverted eight of the wands in terms of personal relationships is interpreted as attempts to pressure on a partner (this demonstrates a pair of eight of the wands - power), like outbreaks of jealousy and quarrels on this basis, as an incorrect assessment of the partner's relationship or an incorrect interpretation of the actions of their partner.

Together with the seven cups, the turning eight of the wands indicates anything not based on the confidence, which arose suddenly to a unconscious person, which is subsequently not justified; With the eight of the cups - suddenly decision No longer fight for your love and your union with the current partner.


Direct position

In the scenaries professional activities Eight of the wands is defined as willingness to use innovative methodsHow the ability to quickly take a right decision. Such an Arcan testifies to the tangible dynamics of current affairs, the possibility of imprisonment of very favorable contracts, perhaps, even with foreign business partners. The new long-term development trends is evidenced by the combination of eight rods with the emperor. The combination of this Arkana with death should be interpreted as a quick receipt of a new position (work, project, etc.)

Inverted position

In the inverted form, the eight of the wands talks about the shortage of time, about the multitude of urgent affairs, about confrontation and interference in the workplace. In addition, such a arcan can serve as a warning that a hurry is very dangerous and fraught with problems, maybe even more serious than it could be assumed. And if in the scenario with an overwhelmed eight of the wands fell hung, then these problems will also be forced by surprise.

In addition, along with the Arkan world, such a card will be treated as a presence influential manwhich is not in fact, and the rawful calculation for its strength.

The probability of unexpected events in this case is very large. Be prepared to situations that can be cool to change your life, and to fermentation in the head of extraordinary ideas. Perhaps, so you will be able to finally solve the task that still was considered a dead end.