Differences of drywall: classification, edges, standard sizes. Classification of drywall: the main types and its characteristics of the types of plasterboard sheets

Plasterboard: General Information

Plasterboard, as finishing material, Known for a long time. Gypsum in construction is used from the most ancient times. But a breakthrough in the production technologies of plasterboard plates occurred relatively recently. In its physical and hygienic properties, plasterboard is ideal for residential premises. It is environmentally friendly, does not contain toxic components and does not adversely affect the environment, which is confirmed by hygienic and radiation certificates. Plasterboard is an energy-saving material with good sound insulation properties. Non-combustible and fire-resistant. It should be noted that the plasterboard "breathes", that is, absorbs moisture when it is excess in the air and gives it if the air is too dry. This is very important, one can say the invaluable quality of the material used indoors. With this walls it is easier to breathe. Plus - plasterboard has acidity similar to the acidity of human skin. The last two properties allow plasterboard to regulate the microclimate of the premises naturally and largely contribute to the creation of a harmonious atmosphere.

Industry exhibits in addition to standard plasterboard sheets (GLC) Fire resistant (GKLO) and waterproof (GCCV). The latter introduces substances that destroy fungi, they are used to finish kitchens, bathrooms and bathrooms. Firestrokes are used to finish all kinds of air ducts and communication mines. There are still so-called puzzle platesin which the gypsum will be subjected to firing. Their strength increasingly increases that they can be used as interior partitions, without any preparation to be painted, damop the wallpaper or facing ceramic tiles. Such partitions are single, two- and three-layer. The latter are applicable in seismically dangerous areas for residential, civil and industrial buildings of all degrees of fire resistance. In their cavities, you can lay electrical and telephone cables, dust offering systems, heating and plumbing communications.

Specialists appreciate this material also for excellent technological properties. Plasterboard has a low weight. When it is used, uncomfortable "wet" processes, creating uncomfortable conditions at the facility, significantly increases the productivity of labor, which means that the cleaning time is saved. Conducting in the apartment or office, the repair is significantly reduced by the number of construction garbage.

Plasterboard is not invented today in the form of flat sheets It has long been applied to interior decoration And alignment of the walls, sometimes it is called "dry plaster". This is about new technology Its use. When the so-called "renovation" entered into fashion with its increased requirements for the geometry of the premises and the quality of surfaces, the second birth of this material occurred. Architects found that sheets can be given as desired, any form. Dome coatings, columns, arches of all kinds, the most complex transitions from one plane to another, curvilinear surfaces - all these structures can be made of drywall. The system of metal frames, dialed from standard factory production profiles, is designed so that you can create walls of any complex form. Appeared new method "Dry construction", where there is no "wet" plaster, no compulsory wallpaper.

Partitions and plasterboard walls

When erection of walls and interior partitions, complete systems are widely used. The main advantage is the exception from the construction process of works related to the use of liquid masonry and plaster solutions. Therefore, it is possible to characterize this method as "dry" construction.

Consider the device of walls and partitions, the technology of their erection and concomitant materials. Walls and partitions made by system Tags Knauf. are a frame of metal profiles, covered with plasterboard sheets (GLC), with plates laid between them and sound insulation.

Plasterboard sheets (GLK)

Plasterboard sheets (GLK), which can also be called dry plaster or gypsum panels (in use - gyroxis) - this is a construction and finishing material for execution inland partitions, suspended ceilings, wall cladding, etc. Special properties of plasterboard sheets that allow you to bend them, giving a different configuration, make it possible to create curvilinear surfaces. A plasterboard sheet consists of a gypsum core, lined with two sides by cardboard (Fig. 1).

For the manufacture of the core, G-4 gypsum is used, which has necessary for use in the construction of qualities. The plasterboard performed on it has a property to absorb excessive moisture from the environment, and when the conditions change, on the contrary, to allocate it. It can be said that the plasterboard sheet has the ability to "breathe". In addition, gypsum gypsum and non-toxic.

To increase the density and strength of the plaster core, special components add to it, and the surfaces are covered with facing cardboard. Cardboard adhesion with a gypsum array of cores is carried out using adhesive additives. Cardboard serves as a reinforcing frame of plasterboard leaf, while being the basis for subsequent finishing works. In addition, it has all the necessary hygienic and environmental qualities for use in residential premises.

Plasterboard sheets have a rectangular shape and the following dimensions:

  • with a thickness of 8, 10, 12.5 and 14 mm, the length of the elements is 2500-3000 mm;
  • with a thickness of 16, 18, 20, and 24 mm length - 2500-4800 mm.
  • hypina sheet width in all cases - 1200 mm (except for elements with a thickness of 24 mm, which have a width of 600 mm).

The most common are plasterboard sheets with a size of 2500 × 1200 × 12.5 mm.

The plasterboard panels under consideration here have three varieties of longitudinal edges. To perform finishing works, GLCs are used with refinement on the front side of the longitudinal edges. It is necessary to obtain an invisible and reliable seam in the joints of the drywall shest.

Two types of edges differ, and in both cases, the refinement begins at a distance of 50 mm from the longitudinal end with the front side of the plasterboard sheet. But if in one case the longitudinal edge has a straightforward form - "UK" (Fig. 2), then in the other it is somewhat rounded from the front side - "Bunch" (Fig. 3). The rounded edge allows you to close the joints between the sheets without the use of a special reinforcing tape, only with a putty. The type of leaf with straight edges is "PC" (Fig. 4) - is used mainly to perform internal layers or to fill the cavities of partitions. For the seams, in places of the joints of the GLC with the straight edges from their end, it is necessary to remove the champions at an angle of 45 degrees with a thickness of one third of the sheet.

Plasterboard is available in several modifications that match various conditions operation. For premises C. high humidity Moisture-resistant plasterboard sheets are used - "G Clac". Cardboard layers in such plasterboard sheets are subject to special treatment with antiseptics (to prevent the formation of mold and fungi) and waterproofing compositions. In rooms where there is a danger of fire, it is necessary to apply fire-resistant plasterboard - "GKLO". For its manufacture, special additives that increase the fire resistance of the material are used. In addition, there are plasterboard sheets of increased fire resistance - "GLU" and various types of combined panels - "GKP".

1. Plasterboard sheet "GLK"
2. The structure of the plasterboard sheet with the dried edges of the rectangular shape (1 is the side edge of the sheet; 2 - front side; 3 - back side).
3. The structure of a drywall leaf with thinned longitudinal edges with a rounding (1 is a side edge of the sheet; 2 - front side; 3 - back side).
4. The structure of the drywall leaf with straight edges (1 is the side edge of the sheet; 2 - the front side; 3 - back side).

5. Stretch profile (PS profile)
6. Installation of plasterboard on the profile
7. Mon-Profile
8. PU profile (31 x 31)
9. Registration of corners
10. Arched profile (PA-profile)

Metal frame for GLK

The constructive basis of interior partitions of the Tiga system Knauf is a hard metal frame. It is mounted from the steel profiles of several types that have different functional loads. Profiles are made of steel tape with a thickness of 0.55-0.8 mm in the way of cold rolling. To protect against the possible effects of aggressive media, metal profiles for GLCs are galvanized. In a normal air medium, a layer of coxy zinc is formed on a galvanized surface of the profile, which prevents further oxidation of the material. The effective protective coating is obtained as a result of a durable grip of steel and an outer zinc layer. When increasing the sectional profiles do not require additional anti-corrosion processing. CNAUF Tiga profiles are manufactured in length 2750, 3000, 4000 and 6000 mm (if desired, you can order elements of the required length).

During the operation of the construction of metal profiles, they must withstand loads from their own weight, facing plasterboard panels, additional finishes and possible attached elements. To do this, the rigidity ribs are made on the planes of profiles - longitudinal corrugations.

Rack profiles for drywall

There are several types of profiles that have different functions. First of all, these are the rack profiles "PS". These profiles have a section in the form of a chapellery. They are used as vertical frame racks to secure plasterboard sheets on them.

The central segment of the PS profile is the back, at a right angle to which two shelves bent (Fig. 5). Shelves of profiles of all sizes have a width of 50 mm. The backrest width can nominally be 50, 65, 75 and 100 mm. The adopted designations of rack profiles - PS50 / 50, PS65 / 50, PS75 / 50, PS100 / 50 (the first indicates the width of the back in mm). The actual backrest width is slightly less nominal. For example, for PS50 / 50 racking profile The real backrest width is 48.5 mm. It provides durable, but without deformation grip of the rack and guide profiles. A sufficient width of the profile shelves provides a screw in the required place, which is especially important with a two-layer facing. The profile will have longitudinal grooves along the entire length. In total, there are three such grooves, while the average indicates the place of the junction of plasterboard sheets, and the two side center reactive screws (Fig. 6). In the backs of profiles there are special holes necessary for laying engineering communications inside the wall or partition. These holes (as a rule, paired) are located near the ends of the profiles and have a diameter of 33 mm.

The rack profiles are installed in the guide profiles. For their fastening, screws are used or a spinning method with a bend is used. Installation of plasterboard sheets on rack profiles is carried out in the direction of the open part of the profile. Screws first turn into a profile shelf near the back and only then at the opposite edge. With reverse order, the profile shelf may be inward. To properly choose the size of the profile, it is necessary to take into account the planned partition height, its design features (single-layer or two-layer facing), as well as sound and thermal insulation requirements.

Guide profiles

Another element of the metallic frame are the "Mon" (Fig. 7) guide profiles. They also have a section in the form of a chapeller and are used as a guide base for rack profiles. In addition, Mon-profiles can be used to perform jumpers between rack profiles. This is necessary, for example, to install in the partitions of door frames.

The back of the Mon-profile has two longitudinal ribs. The directing profiles are available in the following dimensions: PN50 / 40, PN65 / 40, PN75 / 40 and Mon100 / 40 (the first indicates the backing width). The sizes of the backs of Mon-profiles correspond to the sizes of the backs of the PS profiles.

The backs of the guide profiles have holes with a diameter of 8 mm for installing a dowel that profiles are attached to the carrying base. If necessary, additional holes are drilled at the place. The width of the inter-profile shelf is 40 mm, which makes it possible to attach plasterboard sheets directly to it.

Corner profiles

The most vulnerable places of partitions of the Knauf Tiga system - external corner joints. For the device of such joints, gypsum panels with straight edges are used. However, in this case, the likelihood of mechanical damage to the angles of partitions increases during operation. In order to avoid this, the angular profiles "PU" (Fig. 8) are used.

The angle between the pu profile shelves is 85 degrees, which ensures its dense adjoining to straight corner Partitions (see Fig. 9). The shelves of the element are perforated with a hole with a diameter of 5 mm. In the process of installation, these holes are filled with putty, which is applied to the surface of Pu profiles. This achieves the necessary adhesion between the metal profile and the sheet of plasterboard.

When performing curvilinear surfaces from plaster panels, arched profiles are used (Fig. 10). They are made of PP60 / 27 ceiling profiles (about ceiling profiles And the ceilings manufactured with their help, see the link). The bending radius varies (but not less than 500 mm). PP-profile shelves can be directed both inside and outward arc bend.

Insulating material

As heat and sound insulating material In complete systems, the Tiga Knauf provides for polystyrene foam (although it is permissible to use mineral wool and such plates). This material is made of suspension foaming polystyrene and is a rigid foamed thermoplastic consisting of fused granules. The structure of the granules form microscopic pores filled with air. Polystyrene foaming almost 98% consists of air and only 2% falls on plastic itself. This is precisely the high heat and sound insulation properties of the material.

In addition to low thermal conductivity, polystyrene foam has a stable structure in a large temperature range. He opposes the effects of various chemical substanceslike alkaline and weakness. Polystyrene foam does not create a nutrient medium for fungi and mold. The dignity of polystyrene can be attributed to durability and environmental friendliness. The disadvantage of polystyrene is its combustability. To reduce fire hazard in the described material add flames. Accordingly, distinguished polystyrene foam with antipiren - "PSB-C" and without it - "PSB".

The insulating material plates are produced in length from 900 to 5000 mm (spacing 50 mm), from 500 to 1300 mm (50 mm interval) and thickness - from 20 to 500 mm (the interval is 10 mm). The polystyrene foam is installed in the inner space of the wall or partition. As a rule, slabs with a thickness of 40 mm are used, while between them and sheets of cladding should be left a small gap. The plates are cut by a knife or saw in accordance with the required dimensions. They are attached with wall anchors in a step of 400-450 mm vertically and 900 mm horizontally (for the same purpose, the use of glue is allowed).

Related materials

Among the operations performed during the device of walls and partitions on the Tiga system KNAUF, it is necessary to select seams in the joints of the sheets of plasterboard sheets. In the technology of "dry" construction, this is perhaps the only "wet" process, which involves the use of aqueous solutions.

Sealing seams between facing plates Can be carried out using or without reinforcing tape. In the first case, a spacure for the fogenfuller seams is applied on a plaster basis. A putty layer is applied to the junction of panels with thin edges, then the reinforcing tape is stacked on it, and then another putty layer is applied. In addition, this material is used to repair all sorts of defects of the surface of plasterboard sheets.

Spacure for the seams "Uniflot" is used when embedding the joints without reinforcing tape. It should be noted that the materials used to perform cladding of plasterboard plates are in their composition gypsum. These materials include gypsum mounting glue "Perlviks". It is used to glue gypsum panels and insulation plates. In addition, up to two dozen items of other concomitant materials (putty, adhesives, seam aggregates, etc.) for execution construction work According to the Tiga system Knauf.

Plasterboard takes its beginning from the end of the XIXVEK, when the thought arose to combine gentle plaster and elastic cellulose, and in Soviet times this mixture was called "dry plaster". True plasterboard, its size and species have become known during the occurrence of market relations and increasing the financial condition of citizens. In this regard, the repair and construction of residential premises expanded, plasterboard has become a popular tool and so far remains so.

It consists of plaster, surrounded on both sides by cardboard, because of this it is called. Plasterboard is completely safe for human health,it is environmentally friendly. Due to the smooth surface can be used in decorative finish.

Types of plasterboard and where applied

Manufacturers of this material adhere to the general principles and requirements for existing structures, designs and produce the main types: GLC and G CLEV.

Standard plasterboard

It has a light gray color, called another construction (basic) and is intended for lining the walls, covering frames. It will be suitable for intricate design designs in normal humidity. Widely used for decoration apartments. It can be from 190 rubles per sheet.


Such plasterboard is suitable for premises with varying degrees of humidity. Special modifiers have been added to its core,

the presence of which contributes to the rapid decrease in moisture absorption and the appearance of fungus.

Moisture-resistant plasterboard

Used not only in wet rooms. Standard durable sheets are separated by everything that is needed in the dwelling. Cost 1 sheet of such a representative may be from 270 rubles.

Fire resistant

The core of this type of drywall is able to resist high temperature for a long time, which prevents the further passage of smoke and fire. Apply it for the construction of fireproof partitions, to cover cable channels, ventilations, mines, steel structures, for the insulation of individual rooms in public buildings. Cardboard color light or red.

Plasterboard refractory


This is the newest type of drywall with the name LGLC, intended for the interior wall decoration. It looks like the usual one, the only difference is that its surface from the face is covered with vinyl film (paper-fabric laminated layer). Material is characterized by a variety of colors, drawings and textures, mimics a stone, marble and other finish.

The most popular panels for the walls of "Plaster".

Laminated plasterboard

The owners of the premises will be glad to the trim by this product for the following reasons:

  • repair is performed quickly;
  • coloring pleases the eye, they do not fade in the sun;
  • it can be attached without a frame and is not deformed;
  • requires putty and finishing;
  • environmentally friendly material;
  • has excellent sound and thermal insulation characteristics;
  • dust is not sisted on the surface, the material is refractory, water-repellent, is able to "breathe";
  • suitable for creating partitions.

Read also

Antiseptic from mold - effective methods of combating uninvited "neighbors"

The price of laminated drywall is from 340 rubles.

Perforated (acoustic)

It is used in premises with noise absorption requirements, in connection with this, has a perforated structure from the face and various edges. It can be covered with nonwoven black or white web.

Acoustic plasterboard

It is necessary to work with such material, only in this case the right acoustics will be created. The best representatives are GLC german company KNAUF, widely used in many countries. It is an excellent sound insulation material. The usual plasterboard has such properties, but laminated is to a greater extent.

A similar representative dear, its value begins from 1,700 rubles per sheet.

Plasterboard of increased strength

The name of the product speaks for itself. This enhanced sample can withstand heavy loads and is used in different rooms. Instances are also observed with additional properties, such as fire resistant or moisture-repellent.
Famous companies, such as KNAUF, produce varieties of "massive" glory, thickness 25, 20 and 18 mm. These are high-strength plates, their value is equal to 340 rubles per piece.

Plasterboard designer

Otherwise, the material is called arched. It builds complicated structures with the bending of details of a certain radius, for example, arches or various suspended ceilings. The plate of designer species has a minor thickness - 6-6.5 mm, and in their core laid reinforced grid From fiberglass to several layers. Its cost can be from 320 rubles per sheet.

Arched plasterboard

Difference of the edges of drywall

Plasterboard is still subdivided by type of edges.

Representatives of the Criminal Code and Pluk are very popular with which the edge is beveled. This allows you to close the seams so that the protrusions are not.

List dimensions of plasterboard

An ordinary plasterboard sheet has the following dimensions:

To select the appropriate type of material, you need to know the dimensions of the drywall required for a specific plane:

  • the arched representative has a small thickness - 6.5 mm, there is an opportunity to bend it to the desired radius;
  • the wall has a thickness of 12.5 mm, with its help create all sorts of partitions, niches, align the walls;
  • ceiling has a thickness of 8 to 9, 5 mm. This is a lightweight version of the usual material, with its help when constructing suspended ceilings, a wider range of the profile in the frame for drywall is possible. The ceiling representative is cheaper than the wall.

Table with dimensions and weight of sheets

Frequently occurring materials of the material are as follows:

  • 3000x1200 mm;
  • 2500 × 1200 mm;
  • 2000 × 1200 mm;

Having visited any construction store or supermarket, the look will appear a wide range of plasterboard sheets that differ in prices and characteristics. Immediately decide on the choice will not be easy, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with some recommendations so that some time after repairing in the room under expensive wallpaper there were no cracks, the fashionable ceiling is not sufficient, the fungus does not appear in the wet room, it does not need to save on the material.


Plasterboard production is constantly improving, it is advisable to pay attention to new items, but also about the existing trademarks do not forget. 70% of consumers choose the products of the German company "Knauf", some prefer such trade Representativeslike Rigips "," Lafarge "," Giproc ", Russian brands" Gypsum "," Volma "," Magma ".

More selection criteria

When choosing the type of drywall desired, such indicators should be taken into account:

This material has gained widespread in construction, sheets are used as a pre-finishing coating and their purpose, this is the ceilings, as well. Easily created various structures In the form of the same canvas, there are different varieties that differ from among themselves technical characteristics, determining their area of \u200b\u200buse. Each subspecies is determined by its conventional notation and marking.

The universal product on which the tile, wallpaper, panels are painted and decorated with other coatings. Recognition received thanks to its practical qualities, the ability to quickly eliminate the incorrect geometric forms and other wall defects for the available cost, as simplicity and convenience of installation. Applied in all rooms (, corridors, bedrooms), both in private houses and apartments and in office and administrative buildings. In this article, consider popular species, weight, properties, composition, sizes, specifications, and possibilities to operate drywall.

The name itself reveals the structure of building materials, it consists of two main elements, it is plaster and cardboard wrapper. What to get acquainted in detail and understand technical qualitiesAs far as harmful, its resistance to the environment, the service life and other properties, you will have to study the main composition of the drywall and its density.

The history of the emergence goes to the distant past, initially it was paper sheets compressable with each other, with a thin layer of plaster.
Gradually improved, reached us in the form of a tight sheet, where the core from the gypsum turns into a cardboard sheet with the addition of certain components in the form of additives, affecting behavior during operation. Passing the necessary processing acquires additional properties, such as; Increased moisture resistance, strength, fire resistance, duration of exploitation period. The main material is contained in the core, in the form of gypsum, the gypsum is considered to be natural non-toxic material, which is in a state of powder subjected to burning at high temperatures, and a sheet is created by pressing cardboard.

Plasterboard is made from natural materials, does not harm health, and does not have contraindications of use in residential premises.

The cardboard performs the role of a frame and a sheet form, protecting the core, adding flexibility and strength of the product. We obtain products with different types and qualities, we turn to the study of diversity.

Types of plasterboard

Of the variety of material being studied, we will list the most frequently used, and divide the basic four groups.

GLC - It is considered standard type, it is used in dry spaces, the humidity limit is up to 68%, perfectly suitable when placing walls in office and commercial premises, in any types of rooms. The most common sheet due to a democratic price. Gray, labeling blue.

G Clac - deciphered as moisture-resistant plasterboard, in production is treated with a special anti-fungic composition, silicone additives and hydrophobic compounds.

This gives material an increased resistance to the influence of moisture, it is possible to use in rooms with an aggressive environment (baths, showers, pre-bankers, bathrooms, kitchens, and is also suitable in ordinary rooms), after required proper facing Finish coating. The cost is higher in contrast to the standard web. It has a green shade marked with a blue.

GKLO -fire resistant plasterboard, thanks to the special processing of the core reinforcing elements, it does not ignite and does not support combustion, withstanding large temperatures And a long period of not destruction up to 50-60 min in a fire.

Its scope, electric shields, industrial premises, Facing near furnaces and fireplaces, places where high fire safety is required. Suppose all kinds of rooms in the finishes, including simple rooms. Refractory drywall is enough durable materialand widely used with interior decoration in any buildings. High price. Gray, labeled red.

Glevo -waterproof and fire-resistant plasterboard combines both properties, of all species, the most durable, persistent, applies more often in industrial buildings, in rooms with high humidity and requiring certain fire safety standards. Permissible use in all types of rooms.

The most expensive of all subspecies. Color green, red marking.

These are the main 4 groups of classification of the presented material, each of these groups may include such additional varieties or classified separately as:
Sound absorbing (perforated).
Moisture-resistant reinforced.
Reinforced strength.
Designer (arched).
Laminated ( finish material).

Edka shape

Also varieties of drywall are determined by the edge. The edge is the final part of the web, which will depend on the method of the shtocking of the docking seams. Consider each of them:
Straight edge - Used with double overlay for the inner layer, does not require the blasting of the joints under the first layer. PC
Sound edge - The joints close up with the laying of a special tape and its putty. UK
Rounded edge - The connection can be placed without a tape. Zk
Semicircular edge - Puttleship can be performed without tape. PLC
Edge edge semicircular and sophisticated - swelling with the use of reinforcing tape. Pluk

Standard dimensions

Manufacturers offer standard dimensions plasterboard;

  • in length 2500 mm and 3000 mm,
  • 1200 mm width,
  • 6 mm thick, 9 mm, 12.5 mm.,

and standard weight inclusive. You can order other sizes from the manufacturer with an indication of your own wishes, up to 4000 mm in length, and different thickness. The density of the drywall is determined by the thickness and fillers of the component part, and the most durable are G CLE and GKLO., While maintaining the same weight.

  1. The thinnest sheets with 6 mm layers are used to create an archer, curved lines, on the ceilings, thanks to good flexibility and subtleties, and often call arched. They are better than deformation, when installing it is easier to trim and set the necessary forms.
  2. For horizontal surfaces, ceilings, use 9 mm and 12.5 mm mainly.
  3. When aligning the walls of plasterboard, experts advise only 12.5 mm or greater thickness on request, thanks to the greater density, they are stronger. When applied in two layers to finish the walls, it is appropriate to use the canvas in 9 mm and 6 mm.

How many plasterboard weigh? Of course, the thickness and size parameters itself affect its mass. Similar knowledge is necessary for calculating swelling Constructions, which pressure is created on the bearing base and frame, for the correct distribution of the weight load and selecting additional fasteners. It is also convenient for calculating the total weight of the entire purchased building material, for the transport of cargo.

For example, the weight of one square meter of the canvas is:

  • 12.5 mm are 9.5 kg.,
  • 9.5 mm weigh 7.5 kg.,
  • 6.5 mm comes 5 kg.

These landmarks of gravity sheets are derived with standard parameters, given the thickness and length. In non-standard cases, since the canvases can be produced in different dimensions, use the calculation formula, 1 kg per mm thickness.


Building materials has a lot of positive properties and is widely used in construction. Like any coating, drywall has its own posses, but also some minuses:


Increased thermal insulation and noise insulating properties of drywall, as an additional layer is created, moreover, a sufficient thickness of the layer has a cloth itself. With the possibility of laying insulation in the frame, increasing these indicators.
Ease and flexibility, you can create different forms, necessary shelves, niches and arches, separation walls and partitions, with decorative elements and embedded lighting devices.
Hiding communications (pipes, counters, wires). Of these, they collect special boxes that cover the protruding parts.
Used in all buildings and any types of rooms, the presence of moisture-resistant and refractory materials significantly expand the use area.


For frame mounting The useful area of \u200b\u200bthe room is reduced, and the structure is not suitable for hanging heavy items, furniture, cabinets and shelves. Under the hanging of items, it is necessary to create special stands, a timber or the strengthening of the site.
Fragility requires mandatory compliance with installation technology, as long as the finishing building materials. Have low strength to strong physical effects.

The main purpose of the canvas, this correctness is incorrect geometric shapeswhile offering budget way Alignment them.

  1. Installation is carried out with building a frame of metal, wooden and plastic profiles, which serves carrier design And it is capable of correcting significant overcasts and irregularities of the surface.
  2. Or direct overlay sheets to the surface, without the island. This method is used with minor slope of the walls, while maintaining useful centimeters of space, which is relevant for small rooms. It is cheaper and easier, due to the fact that it will not be necessary to buy additional materials And spend time on the construction of the skeleton.

What is the plasterboard to choose?

Each type of gypsum material has a number own characteristics And its purpose during repair work. Manufacturers took care of providing a wide range to meet the needs of the buyer, offering material suitable for any basis and any microclimate. Here the choice is determined climatic conditions premises individual features, for example, finishing the fireplace, and the purpose of the farm. Knowing all the characteristics, you can easily choose the necessary look.

  1. For example, plasterboard moisture-resistant successfully used to level the surface in rooms with high humidity (even bathrooms, pools, basement rooms, loggias and balconies). It is convenient for them to build boxes to hide pipes and other communications where wet condensates may occur.
  2. Glk Standard suitable for dry rooms, bedrooms, corridors, halls, children's rooms.
  3. Arched GLK, mostly sheets of 6 mm, is used to form flexible lines, decorative arches and protrusions. Also ceilings and double laying.
  4. Plasterboard refractory and moisture resistant, permissible to apply, even for sites on the facade, in this case it is necessary to observe proper technology Installation, and also subsequently perform competent imposition of finishing coating. Electric shields, and similar areas are separated by a refractory sheet.
  5. With the temperature drops, all varieties are successfully coped, and in the kitchen room it is permissible to use the standard option.
  6. Pay attention to the edge, the method depends on this that the direct affects the appearance of cracks. The weakest place of the assembled structure of plaster panels, these are parts of the blast joints, which are more susceptible to the appearance of cracking.
  7. Plasterboard different thickness Suitable in various cases;
  • Thinner sheets will be better approaching the frame of the arches, and similar decorative structures.
  • Thick canvas, perfectly suitable for walls, boxes, separation settings.
  • Average, more often used to align the ceiling.

When choosing any material, always explore specifications and follow the recommendations and instructions for use. Purchase products of well-known and proven brands, and check for the presence of marriage. With incorrect storage, they become wave-like, and the edges are destroyed.

Plasterboard - This is one of the most popular modern finishing materials.

Gypsum Carton consists of three layers: two outer layers of hardened cardboard and the inner layer of plaster, photo 1.. The composition of the gypsum add various additives that allow you to receive different types Plasterboard with special properties.

With the help of drywall, it is possible to align the surface of the walls and ceilings, create the original design design of the walls and the ceilings of various complexity, photo 2.. Using drywall, you can hide communication passages, wiring, etc.

Classification of drywall: main types, sizes and characteristics

Plasterboard sheets produce the following main sizes:

  • 1200 × 2000 mm;
  • 1200 × 2500 mm;
  • 1200 × 3000 mm.

Depending on the sheet thickness and the purpose of plasterboard has the following name:

  • arched - 6.5 mm;
  • ceiling - 9.5 mm;
  • wall - 12.5 mm.

IN table. one The main types of drywall and their dimensions (drywall thickness) are presented.

Table 1

Dimensions of sheets of plasterboard

Sheet size, mm

Weight 1 m 2 sheet, kg

1200 × 2500 ... 4000 × 9.5

1200 × 2500 ... 4000 × 12.5

1200 × 2500 ... 4000 × 15

600 × 2000 ... 3500 × 9.5

1200 × 2500 ... 4000 × 9.5

1200 × 2500 ... 4000 × 12.5

1200 × 2500 ... 4000 × 15

1200 × 2500 ... 4000 × 12.5

1200 × 2500 ... 4000 × 15

1200 × 2500 ... 4000 × 12.5

1200 × 2500 ... 4000 × 15

Consider the main types of plasterboard

  • plasterboard sheet (GLC) or ordinary plasterboard,sheets are released gray. Marking in blue ink. Designed for mounting walls and ceilings in dry rooms with low humidity.
  • plasterboard Fire Resistant (GKLO. The GKLO gypsum includes special additives that increase its flame retardant indicator. Designed for premises with high temperatures or with increased level Fire hazard (attic, walls near fireplaces). Such plasterboard can withstand up to 20 minutes of exposure to open flame. Color of plasterboard gray or beige, labeling with red ink.
  • plasterboard Moisture Resistant (G CLEB)designed for rooms with high humidity (kitchen, bath, bathroom, pool) and capable of withstanding a constant effect for 10 hours of air with a relative humidity of 82 ... 85%. The drywall is resistant to a wet environment, provided that the front side will be treated with waterproofing and waterproof materials (ceramic tile, primer, protective coatings). Water absorption of G CLEV is not more than 10%. In the composition of moisture-resistant drywall, silicone granules reducing gypsum reduces gypsum, and can also be introduced antifungal and hydrophobic additives. Gypsum color gypsum, marking is made blue ink.
  • plasterboard Waterproof and Fire Resistant (Glevo) - Such plasterboard combines the properties of the GCCV and GKLO. Green plasterboard, labeling with red ink.
  • hydrophole leaf (GVL).The main difference of such plasterboard from HCL is the addition of cellulose gypsum, which significantly increases the strength characteristics. For example, a clogged nail into plasterboard (GVL) withstands the weight of 30 kg and more.
  • plasterboard Facade Leaf (GlF) Created for facade facing Buildings capable of withstanding atmospheric effects. Plasterboard brand Glof make yellow.

Brief information about hyposkarton types is shown in Table 2.

table 2

Types and marking of plasterboard sheets

Type of drywall (brand)

Application area

Leaf color

Marking color

Normal (GLC)

Decoration of walls and ceilings; Erecting undesupply partitions

Moisture-resistant (G CLEM)

Decoration of walls and ceilings kitchens, bathroom bathrooms; Erecting dehydrate indoors with high humidity

Fire-resistant (GKLO)

Finishing air ducts and communication mines; Finishing of metal structures in civil buildings

Moisture-shaped (G CLEBO)

Finishing structures to achieve the required degree of fire resistance in wet rooms (kitchens, bathrooms, bathrooms, baths, saunas, etc.)

There is also a classification of plasterboard by the type of edge

  1. Straight edge (PCor SK). With such an edge there is no need for seaming of seams.
  2. Sophisticated edge (ukor AK). The joints of such plasterboard are additionally reinforced by a special tape and then put off.
  3. Semicircular edge with front side (PLC or HRK). The joints from HRK are just put off.
  4. Semicircular and sophisticated edge with front side (Plukor HRAK). The joints of such plasterboard are additionally reinforced by a special tape and then put off.
  5. Rounded edge (ZKor Rk). The joints of the drywall with the rounded edge are only putty.

Classification of plasterboard for purpose

Consider the classification of plasterboard for its purpose.

Plasterboard ceilingdesigned for finishing (trim) ceilings, suspended ceilings in dry rooms with relative humidity up to 70%. Basic properties:

  • non-toxic material;
  • no smell;
  • non-electrostatic;
  • a hygroscopic material is capable of drawing into an excessive moisture and allocate it with a lack of indoors.

Wall plasterboard. Designed for facing walls of premises, the installation of interior partitions and other construction work on the arrangement of the premises.

Advantages of applying drywall:
  1. The labor-intensity of work is significantly reduced.
  2. Lightweight design reduces the overall load on the foundation.
  3. Environmentally friendly material.

Arched plasterboard. Designed for arched constructive decisions Any complexity, as 6.5 mm plasterboard is capable of bending well. For example, from such a drywall, it is easy to make an arched door opening, the partitions of the wave-like shape, etc. I would like to note that the drywall is better bent in its preliminary moisture. Let's give some data on the possibility of bending of drywall of various thicknesses:

  • thickness 6.5 mm: Moisturized sheet - bending radius not less than 300 mm, dry sheet - bending radius not less than 1000 mm;
  • thickness 9.5 mm: dry sheet - bending radius not less than 2000 mm;
  • thickness 12.5 mm: dry sheet - bending radius at least 3000 mm.
Disadvantages of plasterboard are as follows:
  1. The relatively low strength of the material, with significant mechanical damage, dents are formed, and even trifles.
  2. Plasterboard does not breathe.
  3. It is not possible to hang heavy lockers, shelves on the wall of the drywall.
  4. Gypsum Cover Picks Many useful Square premises.
  5. Between the drywall and the wall and the wall can begin rodents.

Useful information about plasterboard

  1. In tab. 3 presents the weight and area of \u200b\u200bdifferent sheets of plasterboard.

Table 3.

Weight characteristics of plasterboard sheets

Leaf size of plasterboard (sheet area)

Weight of plasterboard sheet, kg

with its thickness

6.5 mm

9.5 mm

12.5 mm

1200x2000 mm (2.4 m 2)

1200x2500 mm (3 m 2)

1200х3000 mm (3.6 m 2)

  1. Legend in labeling of plasterboard sheets. Marking is performed on the rear (back) side. For example, consider symbol Plasterboard:

G CLEV-A-ZK-2500 × 1200 × 12.5 DIN 190 - 81

List marking decryption:

  • G Clac - plasterboard sheet moisture resistant;
  • BUT - Gypsum Carton group on dimensional accuracy. Produced two groups A and B (A - high accuracy of geometric size);
  • Zk- type edge;
  • 2500 × 1200 × 12,5 - List sizes (length × width × thickness, mm);
  • DIN 190. 81 regulatory document, Standard.

Near the main labeling also provides information about the company manufacturer, production date.

  1. The tensile strength of plasterboard sheets depending on the thickness:

Table of tensile strength of plasterboard depending on its thickness

Publication prepared - expert

Konev Alexander Anatolyevich