Project veranda for giving with polycarbonate. Polycarbonate terraces and verandas: pros and cons

Polycarbonate veranda - good option for comfortable accommodation in the country. This is not a heated room, adjacent directly to the house, which can be glazed or without glass, which chooses the owner itself.

However, many prefer the construction of closed buildings so that it is cozy in it, with severe wind gusts or cold rain. The article proposes to meet how to make a veranda of polycarbonate with your own hands.

The main purpose of polycarbonate for the veranda is its glazing. it sheet MaterialFor the manufacture of which polymers are used with the addition of different additives. Such a translucent material has a number of advantages.

These include:

  • Increased strength, high shock viscosity and resistance to wind loads. Polycarbonate is quite difficult to smash, while it does not scatter into small pieces, whose sharp edges.
  • Small weight material Allows you to reduce costs when installing it, the establishment of the foundation.
  • Fire safety.
  • Environmental purity, It does not cause allergies, safe for human health does not distinguish toxic substances.
  • Withstand low and high temperatures.
  • A single sheet of polycarbonate on thermal insulation characteristics is comparable to a glass.
  • Good sound insulation.
  • High transparencyTo reduce light-ups, it can be toned or painted in different colors, which will allow to implement a variety of designer solutions.
  • Good plasticity, Easily bends without heating, it makes it possible to create curvilinear glazing.
  • Resistance to the effects of chemicals.
  • Optimally passes the useful rays of the spectrum, has a high degree of protecting it from ultraviolet, partially delays infrared radiation.

Tip: Choosing the glazing of the veranda polycarbonate, the owner at low cost receives a veranda of a spectacular species, with reliable protection against UV radiation, which preserves heat inside the room.

Types of polycarbonate for veranda

Many polycarbonate producers produce material with different thickness, numerous colorful, high translucentness. There are two varieties of polycarbonate.

It happens:

  • Monolithic type.
  • Cell.

Features of monolithic polycarbonate:

  • The presence of a solid homogeneous structure, without cells.

  • Almost no different from the glass.
  • The material is anti-vandal, exceeds cellular strength.
  • Intersective, after hitting it, a dent appears, but there are no fragments.
  • When transporting and installation requires careful circulation, due to the possible formation of scratches.
  • The price of its more cellular.

Features of cellular polycarbonate:

  • In the panel of two or more sheets, which are interconnected internal partitionsmounted as rigidity ribs, with a cellular structure.

  • The presence of air channels increases heat and soundproof properties.
  • It is better to be flexible.
  • Weight less monolithic.
  • It has a wider color spectrum.
  • Below is the cost, it takes less raw materials.

Tip: When glazing, the veranda should acquire a lighter and cheap cellular polycarbonate, which provides excellent thermal insulation. Monolithic type justified only in the case of a requirement for high impact resistance, best protection With glazing the room.

The veranda with its own hands from polycarbonate of cellular and monolithic look different. At the same time, it is necessary to prefer to give material with UV protection, with a thickness of about 10 millimeters, with a cellular polycarbonate, it is better to give a two-layer preference.

How to build a foundation for a polycarbonate veranda

Normal or warm veranda The polycarbonate differs from the canopy of the presence of a foundation.

The type of foundation of an extension determines its appearance, it can be:

  • Built-in. In this case, the structure is designed with the main building, and its foundation is one of the whole with the base of the building.
  • Attached (cm. ). An extension is built upon completion of construction. At the same time, the foundation is constructed separately, and then joined the structure of the house.

Tip: Choosing the type of base for an extension, you should navigate the mass of the structure and its size.

The foundation for the veranda may be:

  • Slab is a solid base of concrete. It is used for the construction of heavy terraces and a veranda of bricks, maybe together with the porch.
  • Ribbon - more popular appearance. In this case concrete base serves as a support for the walls of the construction.
  • Reference or column. In this case, the design has the appearance of separately located support pillars. This method is used to build lung open structures.
  • Pile. It is manufactured similarly to the reference base, but piles are screwed up, and not clogged. It requires the use of special equipment.

For a reference foundation, under the veranda of polycarbonate, such materials can be used:

  • Brick.
  • Wooden bars.
  • Metal pipes.
  • Concrete.

The advantages of such a foundation are independence from the foundation of the main structure.

Construction Erection Instructions:

  • Before installing the reference pillars, you must first process:
  1. metal pipes are coated with a special anti-corrosion composition;
  2. wooden bars - antiseptic. In addition, the tree must be additionally hydroizing with a coating or bitumen.
  • On the perimeter of the site, pits are digging, the number of which depends on its area. The depth of the pits should be equal to the depth of the foundation of the existing building.
  • On the bottom, the layer of 20 centimeters of sand is poured and thoroughly tamped.
  • Supports are lowered into the pits, they fall asleep the ground and rubbent or poured with concrete solution.

When installed screw piles You can adjust their height without difficulty. This is especially convenient for the site, which is located on a plot with a big slope. In this case, it is not required to equalize the territory.

Principle of installation of piles:

  • There are places for their placement in a step of one to three meters.
  • Using a special device having a lever type, piles are screwed into the ground into the ground to the desired depth. In this case, the quality of the soil does not matter.

How to shepherd polycarbonate design

When lining the veranda polycarbonate, the material can be attached vertically or horizontally, it depends on the type of construction: open or closed.

To run a frame used:

  • Wooden bars.
  • Metallic profile.

Only the roof is mounted, it is installed on the support poles when the open extension structure. For a closed veranda, the lamp is made for the walls and the ceiling. Between the beams of the crates, the distance is selected from 60 to 80 centimeters, the reference pillars are installed after one or three meters.

The mounting on the beams of the monolithic polycarbonate is carried out by one of the methods:

  • "Wet."
  • "Dry".

For mounting cellular panels:

  • The holes are drilled under the fasteners - when using self-tapping screws, with a step of about 40 centimeters, a diameter of the bolt axis diameter.
  • Due to the temperature expansion of polycarbonate, the fixation must be performed loosely.

From the polycarbonate terrace panels stacked in such a sequence:

  • Starting from the left edge, elements are placed for a wall or roof device. When docking sheets, there should be a gap to five millimeters. Cellular polycarbonate panels are stacked in such a way that the cavities are vertically, then the accumulated condensate can be easily removed.
  • Before mounting, each sheet is pre-isolated. In this case, the upper end is stuck with a bar or solid ribbon, which will prevent ingestion of the leaf of garbage and moisture, and the lower - perforated ribbon, to ensure the flow of condensate.
  • If there is a material protective filmThe sheet should be placed in such a way that the coating is from the outside of the roof or wall.
  • Fixation of cellular panels on wooden bars is made by self-drawing made of stainless steel with the installation of conventional washers. On the photo with their own hands shows the fastening of the sheet.

With a metallic frame, thermoshabs that can be transparent or suitable color are used. To frame the monolithic plates can be glued or secured using the profile.

  • The shakes formed between sheets should be sealed, and then close with decorative straps.

On the video, this article presents the installation of the veranda polycarbonate in more detail.

The construction of a small veranda of a home attached to home allows you to get an additional room. Application for finishing polycarbonate makes the building inexpensive and attractive. The finished room is often used as a summer platform for recreation. If the design is equipped with windows and doors, then such a veranda will serve as a good shelter from bad weather.

What does the attached veranda mean

To better understand how the attached veranda looks like to the house, you need to see a photo. It is clearly seen that the extension is a continuation of the building and at the same time elegantly stands out from its contours. Early similar structures from polycarbonate at the end of the construction of the whole house. If free space allows big house The owners attach two verandas. One room is used for relaxation, and in the second divide the garden.

Attention! The optimal area of \u200b\u200bthe veranda is 12 m2. Inside small attack limited space It will not allow to accommodate elementary furniture items for recreation.

Existing types of attached veranda

An extension to the house of polycarbonate can be of different execution. It all depends on the fantasy and the desire of the owner. Someone puts one wall or two, and someone mounts even windows and doors, making the room inaccessible for bad weather.

By design, the attached veranda is two types:

The photo examples of the veranda will always help to determine the appropriate design option. Initially, you need to find the option you like, and then start building.

Tip! If you allow funds, it is better to build closed veranda With windows, covered with transparent polycarbonate. In addition to the courtyard decoration, the room can be used in any weather.

Common options forms verand

Polycarbonate sheets are well bent, which allows to give roofs and walls the most intricate forms. Whoever does not want to complicate their work or prefers a classic, an extension to the house is covered with a single roof, and the walls make smooth. However, it is not worth a hurry in this matter, and before you choose one of the forms, you need to look at the photo, as it looks.

Important! In addition to the beautiful shape of the roof, it is necessary to take into account the strength of the structure. Wrong calculations will lead to the destruction of the roof of the pressure of snow.

Inclined form

Considering from afar an extension of the inclined form, it can be compared with the iron. The pretty tightly to the facade of the building, the veranda serves as an intermediate room between the street and the house. The strength of the inclined design give hard supports. Optimal Comfort An extension provides two input openings: street and room.

Semicircular shape

Looking at the photo of the semicircular veranda of polycarbonate, it is possible to estimate its modern and stylish look. Under such buildings, the foundation from the railway blocks is usually laid. Construction strength give rigid frame racks from wooden bar. Excellent flow inclination reduces wind pressure on the walls.

Arched form

A attached veranda arched shape It has a semicircular roof shape. This approach to the design gives it a beautiful appearance. Thanks to the transparent polycarbonate, indoors becomes light and rich warm. Often such verandas are used to breed colors and other decorative vegetation.

Round form

A circuit round veranda is almost the same with a square design. The difference is observed only in a narrowed roof that gives the walls from a transparent polycarbonate convex shape. From afar, the veranda resembles a transparent ball. As can be seen in the photo, it does not take up much space, but inside is quite spacious.

Square shape

Traditional Classic - Square or Rectangle. The photo shows that such an extension from polycarbonate takes a small area near the house, and its walls can be even or convex. For a beginner builder, this is the most the best choiceSince the frame and the trim is not required to give a figure shape.

Bookmark the foundation under the veranda

The veranda refers to simple type Constructions. It is enough to pour a ribbon foundation, reinforced by reinforcement frame. Polycarbonate lungs and will not create a large pressure with a concrete base. Works start with marking near the house. On the perimeter of the future buildings, wooden stakes, pulling the cord between them.

In the depth of the trench, they dig below the level of the freezing of the soil. For different regions This indicator is different, but is mainly 800 mm. 300 mm widths will be enough. Around the trench build formwork with the condition that the concrete base will perform above the ground level by 300 mm. The bottom and wall of the trench are closed waterproofing film, 100 mm layer of sand and 300 mm layer of rubble are falling asleep. From the reinforcement with a diameter of 8-10 mm inside the trench knit the reinforcing frame in the form of a box and all this is poured with concrete.

Floor arrangement

After frozen the foundation, it is processed to the arrangement of the floor. The area is covered with waterproofing, fall asleep with 100 mm layer of sand and 200 mm layer of rubble. From above laid the reinforcing mesh, after which everyone is poured with concrete. Further concrete screed It can be covered with tiles or terraced board.

Assembling carcass wall

Foundation and floors will dry about a month, only then you can continue construction work.

The order of the frame assembly consists of the following steps:

  • Initially, the bottom profiles to the foundation are attached to the anchor bolts. The frame racks will be recorded.
  • The first racks are installed near the house, additionally consolidate them to the walls of the dowels. The following mounted angular, then intermediate racks. All of them are all connected around the perimeter with a horizontally laid profile. It gives stability with racks, while simultaneously forming the roof stop.

After the assembly of the entire frame is moving to the construction of the roof.

Assembling the roof frame

The veranda of polycarbonate has the simplest design of the roof, requiring the creation of only a solid crate capable of withstanding snow loads. The board with a cross section of 40x50 mm 2 is suitable as these elements. The crate is fixed to the farms, which, in turn, laid on the upper horizontal profile. Under flat single roof Farms can be made independently. For figured forms required special equipment And some skills, so such farms are better to buy ready.

Circus firing polycarbonate

The glazing of the frame starts from the roof. The polycarbonate sheet is placed on the crate, make markup and, if necessary, the electrolovka cuts off extra protrusions. Returning from the edge of a sheet of 200 mm, drilled under the screws of the hole with a step of 300-400 mm. Fixation starts S. top corner, moving gradually around the perimeter of the sheet. Under the hats of the screws, plastic washers are sure to lay, and the joints with the next sheet are closed by a connecting profile. What it looks like a proper screwed screw in a sheet of polycarbonate can be seen in the photo.

Attention! Diameter drilled holes In polycarbonate should be 3 mm more than the thickness of the self-press, otherwise, when screwing the leaf is bursting.

The glazed veranda remains to equip windows and a door, if they, of course, are provided, and can be proceeding with internal arrangement.

On this video, you can see the construction process of the veranda:

A feature of any veranda, which is essentially a terrace, adjacent to the house, is its location on one level with a residential structure directly next to the output, which allows, in fact, without leaving the house, at any time to be on open air. This was not only the main reason for the popularity of such attacks over several centuries, but also determined the parameters of the materials used in their erection.

The basic requirements for the veranda are quite simple and at the same time the capacious. She must be:

  • light;
  • spacious;
  • reliable;
  • warm if the veranda is closed;
  • beautiful;
  • cozy.

To date, all the above properties are best demonstrating polycarbonate verandas.

Unusual transparent plastic

Polycarbonate, or transparent polymer plastic, was created as an alternative ordinary glass. First sheet this material It was first produced in Israel in the mid-70s of the last century. Since then, cellular and monolithic polycarbonate has become widespread in various industries. First of all, at the expense of their unique characteristicsFrom which the most basic are considered:

  • service life for more than 10 years;
  • high strength, superior to any industrial transparent materials;
  • the degree of transparency reaching almost 90%;
  • stability K. external environment and the effects of ultraviolet;
  • ease of processing;
  • low weight;
  • acceptable cost.

All together made the material indispensable in construction, and especially in private residential buildings. Arbor, terraces and polycarbonate verandas have become an indispensable attribute of most country houses and cottage.

Features of the open veranda

As already mentioned, the veranda must meet a number of requirements, which determines the choice of material for construction, in this case the use of polycarbonate. The main impact on its use has functional purpose Veranda: Open it or closed.

Open, or summer, polycarbonate verandas as well as from other materials are usually used only in warm season and serve as reliable shelter from sunlight or possible precipitation. The design of such buildings is quite simple and includes mandatory supports for fastening the roof and possible small fence. Polycarbonate sheets can be used both for fencing and roof. Bearing supports can be made from a wooden bar, a metal profile or brick, that is, any material used for similar works.

Characteristic differences in closed structures

For closed options, except for walls and roofs are assumed to have door or window Operas, as well as carrying out careful insulation of the entire perimeter of the room. The use of a transparent polycarbonate can get rid of the need to install the window, as the entire wall becomes a big panorama. This solution can also be used for doors or roofs, which allows you to create an effect of constant presence in the open air in comfortable conditions. It is impossible to completely refuse windows, since in the summer they create the necessary coolness.

Types of polycarbonate and its advantages

For the construction of a veranda or other construction, two types of polycarbonate can be used:

  • cellular sheet consisting of separate plates connected by partition;
  • the monolithic sheet that is not inside the void.

Possessing almost the same advantages, they have their own characteristics. The first is well kept warm, and the second in all parameters exceeds the usual glass.

Polycarbonate verandas are beneficial from other materials made from other materials, even if the use of this material is limited to individual constructive elements. The most basic pluses include:

  • a significant reduction in building costs, which is achieved not only acceptable value of polycarbonate, but also a decrease in the total weight of the structure and, as a result, the number of elements that give rigidity;
  • ease of treatment that allows you to install even large on the sheets of sheets yourself, including cutting and subsequent compound;
  • good resistance to all atmospheric precipitation, which combined with a competent project allows us to observe natural phenomena "from the first row".

Disadvantages and ways to eliminate them

At the same time, it is impossible not to note the disadvantages available for this material, which must be taken into account during operation:

  • exposure to mechanical damage, which requires a certain accuracy during use;
  • the ability to scratch even light touches, which reduces transparency and provides for the mandatory elimination of potential sources of damage, for example, tree branches or shrubs;
  • intolerance to chemical solutions that are contained in some types of detergents;
  • the ability to change their dimensions under the influence of temperature, which can be prevented by providing gaps between sheets;
  • when creating closed structures, it is necessary to use the sealant.

The use of precautions in the process of installation and operation of polycarbonate veranda allows you to minimize the effect of these shortcomings without effort.

If the installation occurs with your own hands

Easy processing and small weight often become decisive factors when making a decision on the construction of the veranda with their own hands. Usually in this case mean broken verandas From polycarbonate, the need for which arose after the completion of the construction of the main house.

The process of construction is no different from the technology of the construction of the veranda from any other material:

  • preparation of the project of the future building;
  • installation of formwork and filling of the foundation (tape, monolithic or columnar);
  • installation of support racks (from a bar or metal profile) and gender;
  • installation of rafters (wooden or metal);
  • installation of walls and roofs from polycarbonate.

In this process, the main thing is to choose correctly, prepare and secure polycarbonate sheets.

Work features with material

When choosing and installing polycarbonate sheets, it is advisable to use the following recommendations:

  • before stopping mounting work protective covering It is impossible to remove;
  • when working with cellular sheets, ends need to be stuck to prevent moisture access inside;
  • for open projects enough sheet thickness up to 10 mm, for closed, you can choose 16 mm and more;
  • for window or door openings It is recommended to use monolithic sheets that are best installed in the frame as ordinary glass;
  • the angle of inclination of the roof for a polycarbonate veranda is recommended to do at least 40 ° to prevent water accumulation or foliage;
  • moving on sheets occurs with the help of special devices, in otherwise They can crack;
  • the sheet mount to any basis is always made only using rubber pads that prevent damage.

Unlimited use options

If you look at all existing verandas and terraces from polycarbonate, the photos of which are in the article, you can choose any suitable option For the most demanding owners.

Polycarbonate is well combined with all building materialsThis is easily fits into the design of any private building. A variety of color gamut is only expanding applications.

The ability to take almost any form opens unlimited options for creating the roof. This is most brightly demonstrated by children's verandas from polycarbonate.

Construction for children

Preschool institutions most need bright facilities that create a shadow during heat and reliable protection against rain. Polycarbonate veranda for kindergarten Successfully combine a pleasant appearance, an unusual form and ease of perception.

Standard veranda parameters allow you to establish the serial release of the most popular models, which is associated with simple installation Reduces installation time up to 1 day.

The adoption of any decision is usually carried out after analyzing opinions on the Internet or experience familiar or friends. If we summarize the existing information on the construction of a polycarbonate veranda, most of its positive reviews. The main advantages of the material are confirmed by most users. Of the main disadvantages, it is possible to distinguish a strong heating of the room with a roof of polycarbonate even with open windows, a small loss of transparency after time and the ability to scratch even from a small mechanical impact.

Stylish terrace will decorate any estate. Perfectly fit into the landscape, light design gives the architectural ensemble a finished unique view. For the device terraces use different materials. One of the most popular - polycarbonate.

Polycarbonate terrace is not required. You can build it on little plot Earth or build near the wall at home. If it is accurate, then the adjacent to the house is the incorrect to be wrong to call the terrace. This is a veranda. The terrace is a separate construction, somewhat raised above the ground and having no roof.

But in domestic perception, two names merged together, and this is not particularly confused by anyone. We will not choose and we, especially since the method of the device and the appearance of the designs are similar.

You can order a carcarbonate frame for a terrace or wood. Wooden supporting structures are justified if they match the shared style of the manor. Natural wood Create a comfort on your veranda, but it is difficult for it to care, and you have to make good antiseptic processing.

More convenient to put metal carcass - It does not require special care and serves a long time. For him, you will need steel pipes for supports, and profile metal for strapping and guide elements.

The choice of polycarbonate for the terrace depends on your preferences, financial capabilities, climatic conditions terrain. The construction uses two types: monolithic (cast) and cellular polycarbonate. Each of them has its pros and cons.

  • Monolithic. Highly durable material, It has high resistant to various deformations. It is made in sheets, the internal structure is solid, without voids. Transparent for light, but delays ultraviolet radiation.

In addition to transparent, you can choose a corrugated, matte or color material that will create more shadows. The price of the monolithic polycarbonate for the terrace is significantly higher than cellular, but also the service life is more - up to 15 years.

  • Cell. Unlike cast, has inside the emptiness filled with air. In the context, the material is similar to triangular or rectangular cells connected to ribbies among themselves. It is cheaper than monolithic, but less durable.

Cellular material fully complies with the requirements for polycarbonate for the terrace, so you can confidently make a choice in its favor. But in the area with a harsh climate it is better to use monolithic material.

Polycarbonate terrace can be placed on a separate site, or attach to the house. In any case, you will get a wonderful place of rest where you can take a break in silence or arrange a feast with friends.

Types of structures

Planning to build a terrace or a veranda, do not forget that the construction must be spacious enough. Well, if under the veranda you will allocate the area of \u200b\u200bat least 12 m2. This will make a friendly feast, or spend the evening along with family in the fresh air.

The choice of polycarbonate for the terrace depends on the degree of necessary illumination. For the shadow side of the house, a transparent polycarbonate is perfect. If the side is solar, then color or matte material will create the necessary shadow.

Thanks to the plasticity of polycarbonate, you can come up with a terrace different forms. Constructions are open type and closed, sliding and stationary, with a straight, arched or complex roof. Consider popular designs.

Open attached veranda

One of the simple but elegant options. Frame made from profile Metal, Roof - straight, with one slope. Side ends Polycarbonate are glazed, and on the front part you can install sliding shutters for protection against rain and wind.

Open arched terrace

For arched design, you can choose a monolithic polycarbonate. The material is easily bent along the arc of a large radius, while maintaining high strength. Support racks and guides are painted, picking up a color in accordance with the general design of the house.

Closed terrace

The closed terrace of polycarbonate is usually completely botheted by a transparent material and make an additional entrance. The root for small areas is better to arrange with one slope. The spacious veranda looks perfectly under the double or arched roof.

When choosing glazing, we advise you to prefer cast polycarbonate. It is durable and environmentally safe. If you do not want a transparent roof, you can arrange a roof, similar to the main coating of the house. In this case, the polycarbonate is equipped with ends and frontal part of the veranda.

On the closed terrace of polycarbonate, do not forget to provide the windows or sliding panels. Otherwise, on a hot day, it will turn into a "parilla".

Polycarbonate is perfectly combined with other materials. It is harmony with wood, does not spoil the view of a brick house, suitable concrete Walls. The quality of the terrace polycarbonate has great importance. We advise you to take into account the following points:

  • Reputation in the seller of building materials. It's no secret that construction market There are many fakes under famous brands. By appearance Fake from the original is difficult to distinguish. Therefore, it is better to buy material in a proven store or seek professional help.
  • The climate of your terrain. If you live in the south, the construction of cellular polycarbonate will serve you faithfully. For the north, the monolithic material is suitable.
  • Trademark material. Often, manufacturers use secondary raw materials for production. In the suitability of such polycarbonate for the terrace, especially closed type, can be doubted. Famous firms produce better material.

If you doubt the choice, contact us. Moskomplekt has been working with polycarbonate for many years. Over the years, we have built hundreds of objects and got a lot of experience. Our experts will consult you free and help make a right decision.

How we are working

Then we make the estimate, we agree with you. We conclude a contract and proceed to work. You get:

  • official cooperation under the contract;
  • adequate prices for services;
  • qualitative materials from proven suppliers;
  • object "turnkey" corresponding to the construction standards;
  • annual warranty for work performed.

It is convenient and profitable to work with us. We do not sum up customers and rent a job exactly on time. Call and write, we will be happy to you.

Prices for mounting a single open-type terrace

Prices are given taking into account the value of materials. Calculation is manufactured for open terrace With a single-sided roofing of a direct configuration. The size of steel supports - 80 * 80 mm. The final cost is determined after the compilation of an individual estimated calculation.

Size by extreme racks, mArea, m2price, rub.
Cellular polycarbonate 6 mm
2,5*4 10 23000
2,5*5 12,5 28750
2,5*6 15 34500
2,5*7 17,5 40250
3*5 15 34500
3*6 18 41400
3*7 21 48300
3,5*6 21 48300
4*8 32 73600
Monolithic polycarbonate 8 mm
2,5*4 10 58000
2,5*5 12,5 72500
2,5*6 15 87000
2,5*7 17,5 101500
3*5 15 87000
3*6 18 104400
3*7 21 121800
3,5*6 21 121800
4*8 32 185600

Country house - the dream of many. As nice warm, sit in the evening, sit on the street, discuss the events, drink a cup of tea or laugh with friends. But the construction of a wooden or brick extension for recreation is not the easiest thing. Project is needed, building permit, preparation of capital foundation. Polycarbonate Veranda - excellent alternative Stone building.

It can be open and closed, with sliding walls and ceiling. Frames and bearing structures are made of wood, brick, metal. What to choose is to solve the owner. We will talk about the possible versions and nuances of construction with their own hands.

What is polycarbonate? Its advantages and disadvantages

Polycarbonate - translucent polymer material. To give special properties, a variety of additives are used. The user receives the following advantages:

  • strength, resistance to mechanical shocks, wind, ultraviolet, snow. If the sheet still succeeds to break, fragments with sharp edges are not formed;
  • sheets have a smaller weight than standard glass. No need to build a solid foundation. Sufficiently light ribbon or pile;
  • sustainability. Carbonate does not burn, does not tweet, does not support the flame, during heating does not allocate harmful volatile substances;
  • there are no components that cause allergies;
  • resistance to temperature drops. Polycarbonate withstands winter frosts, and summer heat. The only requirement - between the sheets should be the gaps of 3-5 mm to compensate for the temperature expansion;
  • excellent sound insulation. Rain drops will not give echo as from the drum combat;
  • good insolation. If the veranda or terrace is planned on the sunny side, it is better to choose tinted options to avoid the steam effect;
  • the ability to bend by a big arc. Heating or special equipment is not required. But the resulting effect is not preserved, the sheets must be braced immediately to the guides;
  • the veranda of polycarbonate is relevant next to the brick mansion, will decorate the building in the style of high-tech or imitation of an old wooden hut in the country. The main thing is to choose style solution and materials for construction.

Polycarbonate varieties

Industry offers not so many carbonate options - cellular and monolithic. Sheets - different thickness, colors, transparency. But all this is within two variations.

Properties of monolithic polycarbonate:

  • the structure is homogeneous, air chambers and cells are absent;
  • in appearance as much as possible with glass;
  • resistant to shock. With particularly severe, dents appear, but without cracks and sharp fragments;
  • it is more expensive than a cellular analogue.

Properties of cellular polycarbonate:

  • represents two and thinner sheets of polymers interconnected by jumpers that perform the role of rigidity ribs;
  • due to the presence of air chambers has good sound and heat insulating qualities;
  • easily bends, takes the specified form;
  • from monolithic is the smaller weight, wider color gamut and low price.

Opinion expert

Sergey Yuryevich

Construction of houses, attacks, terraces and veranda.

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Monolithic polycarbonate is better to apply if the veranda or terrace is planned to be made in the shady corner of the garden. Under the right sunlight, the room will turn into a pair. On the other hand, monolithic modifications are better to withstand the snow load, do not crack and do not break when the branches fall. If we are talking about buying a cellular option, it is better to give preference to two-layer options with additional tinting.

Varieties of polycarbonate verand

The veranda or terrace can be one of the types listed below. The complexity, work and type of foundation depends on the specific choice:

  • built-in. Design and construction is carried out in parallel with the main building. The foundation is common. The main advantage is the absence of distortions due to different base drawdown;
  • attached. The design has its own foundation, often docked with home. This option is recommended for light objects that do not give a large load.
    What is the foundation to choose:
  • monolithic or slab. Ideal for heavy capital structures from wood, steel, bricks with a porch and steps;
  • ribbon. Used if it is necessary to establish light partitions at a low level of groundwater;
  • columnar. Recommended for regions with bunchy soils, with a high probability of sublopulations due to the spring floods. For the construction of the capital veranda is complemented by the painter;
  • pile. It is considered a variety of pile with the only difference - piles are equipped with a stainless steel screw. The option is more expensive, but also with improved reliability characteristics.

When choosing a specific type, it is necessary to take into account the nature of the design, its size, weight, purpose. For light summer veranda quite tape. The capital structure intended for year-round use is better equipped on a monolithic base.

Consider in more detail how to lay pile and tape foundations. Regardless of the selected option, certain preparatory work is necessary:

  • selection of the site. Here you have to navigate on your own preferences in terms of lighting, and for the presence of free territory, and the possibility of organizing a pass from the house. It is important to comply with the requirements for distance from the boundaries of the ownership, to subsequently not spend time on legal proceedings with neighbors;
  • marking of borders and clearing the site. IN perfect version The fertile layer is removed to a depth of 20 cm. There should not be roots, stones, the cozois from the previous buildings.

Further actions depend on the chosen type of foundation.

Construction of the pile foundation

On the perimeter of the site allotted under the extension, the wells are placed in a depth of 70-80 cm. Under the pillars. The diameter of 40-50 cm exceeds the sizes of future supports, on each side should remain at least 20 cm to set the formwork or additional stops. The distance between the pile does not exceed 2 meters. The harder the construction of the veranda, the more often the poles are installed.

Supports are subject to pre-processing:

  • metal to avoid corrosion processes covered special compositions, painted;
  • for wooden bars, the industry offers antiseptics and anti-spyers. For reliability, part underground is waterproof using bitumen or runneroid.

The bottom falls asleep layers river sand and a small rubble with a thorough lunch of each layer. Supports are placed in shurphs strictly vertically. To avoid deviations, stops are installed. Further is performed concrete mix And reverse sleeve.

On top is placed on wood. In structure it is similar to a tape foundation, but the depth of the trench does not exceed 15-20 cm, it is not required durable reinforcement grid. It is enough to install a formwork and pour a concrete mix.

In the most simple version profile trumpet The cross section of 60x60x3 is cut into segments of the desired length (the depth of the foundation + the height of the ceiling an extension) and is installed in the prepared trenches.

Preparation of a belt base

Ribbon foundation and easier, and harder than pile. Increases the volume of earthworks. On the entire perimeter, a trench of a depth of 80 cm is rotated. A certain advantage over the pile option is that you can hire a mini excavator and perform an operation for an hour and a half, rather than spending time on the drilling of each individual well.

If the construction of the veranda is not provided for by the initial project of the building, it is recommended to leave at least 20-30 mm on the natural extension. The rigid bundle is not done because of the different shrinkage paces.

The bottom of the trench is covered with sand and rubble. Formwork is installed with external stops, reinforcement grid is prepared. Since the veranda is a lighter design than the house, you can do without buying thick reinforcement and use rods with a thickness of up to 8-10 mm.

The reinforcement grid should not go to the surface, touch the soil. On the bottom it is recommended to lay brick fragments, concrete. Metal - under the ban. Next, the pouring of the concrete mixture is performed. To avoid distortion and uneven shrinkage, the operation is carried out simultaneously throughout the perimeter. Full grasp takes up to 28 days. You can not allow drying the surface to avoid the appearance of cracks and faults.

Important: pile height or belt Fundament It depends on what is being erected: a veranda or terrace. The terrace in most cases towers above the Earth is a maximum of 10-15 cm. No porch and staircase required. - At one level with the house.

Construction of carcass

The frame may be made of wooden bars or metal profile. The specific type is determined by the operating conditions, personal preferences. The tree is necessary to periodically process the compositions that prevent rotting and raid rodents.

For the open area, retaining poles are installed at the corners. If the dimensions are significant, it is possible to sagging the upper strapping, intermediate after 3-4 meters is added. Doom - only on the roof. Closed extension It provides for the presence of crate and walls, and on the roof. Step - no more than 80 cm. The distance between the support pillars is no more than 3 meters.

The sheets of waterproofing membrane or runneroid are stacked over the foundation and the lower strapping is installed, the floor is laid. The veranda is not heated in most cases. You can avoid getting out if inner space Under the overlapping, fall asleep with rubble, thinned clay.

TO lower strapping The black lags are fastened with wooden bars impregnated with antipyrenes. The finishing floor is made of lining, boards, wood-composite material, the so-called terraced board. Last option most convenient. You do not have to spend time on periodic dyeing, color update. There are no processes of rotting, the mold colonies are not formed. For the terrace, the floor can be simply concrete or asphalt if it is on the same level with the ground.

For mounting poles, steel corners or brackets 185/50 are used. The fasteners are selected taking into account the material supports:

  • to work with stainless steel or steel, thermoshair are indispensable with silicone gaskets;
  • wooden poles are mounted using stainless steel screws.

After the installation of all columns, they go to the upper strapping and installation of rafters. Mandatory condition - the roof should have a slope of at least 15-20 cm so that the very first snowfall caused the local catastrophe.

As soon as the frame is ready, the walls of the walls and the roof of polycarbonate sheets are performed taking into account the type: monolithic or cellular.

Installation of polycarbonate sheets

The monolithic variety is most simple in the installation. Enough to drill holes larger diameterthan self-tapping screws or thermoshaba by 3-4 mm. The clearance is necessary to compensate for thermal expansion.
Cellular polycarbonate requires special treatment:

  • sheet ends are sampled to avoid snow and water inwards and subsequent deformation during freezing. For the bottom end is chosen perforated ribbon., for upper - decorative strips or plastic film;
  • air cavities after installation are oriented strictly bottom up for condensate output through holes in perforated tape.

Regardless of which polycarbonate variant is used, it is important to remember that:

  • fastening sheets should not be tough. Between the sheet and the screw of the self-press or thermoshaba - 2-3 mm;
  • in the perfect version, the size of the sheet coincide with the size of the veranda or terrace. If you have to connect several sheets, then it is better to do it with the help of special profiles: skate, HCP docking detachable, UP-end, HP - docking is all-in-point, F - Write. Up profile is designed only for working with cellular polycarbonate. All others are universal.

If there is a small fantasy, the ability to work with metal, the welding machine and the listogib can be diversified by the form of the supports, the configuration of the overlaps. For similar technology, winter gardens are built, greenhouses are placed. The only difference is the open soil instead of the floor.