Hearth balcony in a private house. The main varieties of materials and methods of insulation of balcony and loggia

Notorious housing problem Worries us from those times when Adam and Eve were expelled from Paradise. "And here, paradise and balconies?" - The reader will ask. And despite the fact that the balcony is a constructive composite of our dwelling. And resolving the issue: the better to insulate the balcony or loggia may, as a result, bring or paradise, or headache due to spent money, time and strength. After all, the correctly chosen insulation will turn your balcony (loggia) into additional cozy square meters, expand the space of the apartment and reduce the energy consumption of this area to maintain heat in the winter period.

First, consider which types of insulation for balconies and loggias. Then compare them, highlight the advantages and disadvantages, after which you can determine which insulation better suitable In your case.

Common types of insulation for balconies and loggias

Mineral wool

Mineral wool is widely used in the insulation of balconies and loggias because of the simplicity of laying and relative cheapness.

Mineral wool (basalt wool, cotton wool from natural fibers (flax) with polyester content (up to 15%)) - good, modern view Noise and thermal insulation used in insulation roofing, walls, ceilings, balconies and facades. For the roof, cotton-type wool is used with a density of 25-35 kg / m3. But for the facade it is better to choose a thermal insulation tightly to 70-90 kg per meter, which will provide a minimal shrinkage of vertical surfaces.

Used in the insulation of loggias or balconies, an insulator from mineral wool or basalt showed excellent results. It can be used and as protection against moisture, having paved a hydrobarier. The thickness is chosen according to the temperature indicators of a particular region, but usually not more than 100 mm. Fix mineral wool under the finishing layer (plastic, drywall) with the help of rails or counterparts.

One of the disadvantages of this insulation is the wetting of the material. Only wool from natural flax provides vapor permeability and stable operation with partial wetting.

Brief characteristic of the mineral wool isover classic plus 50 mm:

Depending on manufacturers, cutting and specifications may differ.

Polystyrene foam extruded, foam

Styrofoam - universal insulation for balconies and loggias

Polystyrene foam extruded (foam) is a wide thermal insulation material with a homogeneous structure and closed cells. Almost does not absorb moisture (up to 0.1% per 1 meter cubic meter. Per day) and does not strongly react to the impact ultraviolet radiation. Polyfoam has differences in density and mainly used in the insulation of technical premises.

The material for the insulation of the balcony should choose the heat insulator with the optimal gramificence class, and better - in general with non-flammable additives. Moreover, the market offers all sorts of types and classes of insulators.

Scope of application and some characteristics of polystyrene brand Extraplex 50 mm:

What to insulate the loggia or balcony? Choose a suitable brand simply, the main thing to consider the criteria for which the material is selected. If you have a small balcony, the materials are suitable for which the decorative layer can be applied. For example, plaster type "Coroed". Polystyrene foam is perfect for this, but it should be remembered about the "dew point" and it is worth applying only quality glue For plates.

The minus polystyrene is the release of a styrene harmful substance, when heated over 40 degrees Celsius. Therefore, it is best to warm up a balcony from the outside.

Polystyrene foam can be installed on the mounting construction foam. Recently, this is the method of fastening. Foam, expanding, does not leave the gaps, well filling all the slots. And with a warm floor device you can pave expanded polystyrene under heating elementBy sticking it straight to the floor of the balcony.

Tip: On the balcony, it is better to make a cooler or other waterproofing of walls, ceiling and all adjoins (windows, doors), since usually balconies are most susceptible to leaks. You can use a hydrobarier as a moisture insulator.


Penophol - modern insulationused for insulation including balconies and loggias

Penofol is a thin modern insulation, which is also suitable for insulation of balconies or loggias. More than three modifications are produced.

Save space - Number two priority in all assembly and finishing works. Here just on the foreground and the Penophol comes out.

Type "A" -used both in the combined insulation of the outer walls from the inside (polystyrene fiber plus a foam) and in an independent embodiment, using a material of 10 mm thick. The product consisting of foamed polyethylene, with a reflective layer on one side, is perfect for many years.

Type "B"- Folgized material with two reflective surfaces is used more additional insulation Floor, both under the tie in the rooms and in the form of a substrate on balconies and loggias under a warm floor. The high operational and reflecting qualities of such an insulator have proven perfectly.

Type "C" - self-adhesive product, with a one-sided reflective layer, is easily mounted on the walls and ceiling. Requirements for surfaces under such a heater are minimal: purity (removal of dust) and surface surface (can be glued to concrete). Do not forget to carefully primed insulation places.

Type "ALP" It has both a reflective layer and a protective polyethylene membrane.

If, for example, you want to withdraw additionally pipes for floor heating in the loggia, the "ALP" type of foam is laid as a reflective layer for pipes and a screed. Protective film Such material does not react with a raw solution during work on the pouring of the screed. Then, making reinforcement with a grid, (usually brand BP-1) and putting beacons or guides, pour the solution. Do not forget about aluminum scotch for suturing seams and adjoins. The edges of the foam better wrap on the walls, about 80 mm.

Important:pipes that are laid as a heating element when pouring should be under pressure 5-7 atmospheres. Such a measure will prevent the rupture of the base in the future and will remove the voltage in the thickness of the material during heating (there is space for expansion). Installing a pressure gauge to the system will give the opportunity to check the indicators and prompt whether there are leaks in the system.

And the screens for additional batteries on the balcony are best to skim the type "C" foam, reflecting the layer inside the battery.

Briefly about the properties of the foam:

What is better to insulate the balcony?

Before deciding than to insulate a balcony or loggia, you need to understand the insulation from which side and where. At the same time, the glazing of the balcony is a mandatory stage, otherwise, which sense to warm if everything is thought out.

Balcony can be inspired:

  • bottom (floor);
  • from above (ceiling);
  • from the inside (walls);
  • outside (also walls).

Floor insulation balcony or loggia

The better the material for the insulation of the balcony, the better the closed space microclimate will be maintained. In the light recent trends, insulation the floor on the balcony is strongly recommended. This will give energy saving heat savings from 20 to 40% depending on the type of insulation. Costs will pay off, especially if you plan to convert a balcony in an extra room.

Hearth Methods:

Insulating materials:

Mineral wool

The advantage is low cost, simplicity of laying. The disadvantage - over time it is flattened and loses its isolation qualities. With the illiterate calculation of the heat insulating layer (this is a completely separate topic of the conversation), you can not achieve the effect.


Good, comfortable, cheap Material. The disadvantage - it eats it mouse. It will be necessary to take care of the magnificent tightness.


Easy, cheap, eternal heat insulator, but cooler.


Moderately costly. Combines the qualities of mineral wool and foam. You can lay on a non-ideally smooth surface. According to experts - one of the best thermal insulation materials For insulation of balconies and loggias.


Also moderately costly, good thermal insulator, but requires a very smooth surface.

System "Warm floor"

There are three versions:

Water floor

Connect to the system central heating. If you do not have individual heatingThis option is not suitable due to the lack of permitting legislation.


  1. Cable.
  2. Cable with reinforcing grid.

Electric floors are effective with bulk polls and tile.

Film (infrared)

Stacked without capital repair work. Technically, the solution is performed.

Attention: film floor can not be used under the tile and screed. You can under linoleum or laminate.

Warming of a balcony or loggia ceiling

The ceiling on the balcony makes sense to warm in the event that your balcony is located on the top floor.

For insulation, the ceiling on the balcony uses the following materials:

  • plasterboard;
  • styrofoam;
  • penophol;
  • penoplex (foamed polystyrene foam).

Do not forget that when the ceiling insulation is inevitable, a decrease in the ceiling space is inevitable.

If you do not want to make a capital insulation of the ceiling, then you can do the decorated Penueritan tiles. In this case, there will be two advantages: an elegant ceiling with a small layer of insulation.

Wall insulation balcony or loggia

Before insulation of the walls of the balcony, it is necessary to close all holes and gaps. Neggrerying such trifle as a gap, in cold windy weather will fall into the loss of heat and lack of comfort.

Materials for insulation of the balcony are used as for the insulation of the floor. It:

You can add here materials such as faith. This is a more modern mineral wool based on fiberglass. Produced in rolls or sheets.

Another option - studio - This is a green extruded polystyrene foam.

Wall insulation can be carried out from the inside and outside. In the event that you need to save the useful space of the balcony, it is recommended to carry out insulation outside, and inside - only finishing works.

As in any other case, the choice of insulation from the outside has its advantages and disadvantages:

Choose what exactly the insulation is suitable for you than specifically isolate this or that room is not easy. Best way Warming will be combined.

Example:the ceiling of the loggia and all the walls to insulate better mats from basalt wool, floor polystyrene, and foam use as an additional noise absorbing and reflective heat layer.

Choosing the material remember, the class of flammability and environmental friendliness is perhaps the most important criteria.

So, given the plans to be enjoyed on the further use of a balcony or loggia, temporary and financial opportunities, taking into account the recommendations received, you can now take a reasonable weighted solution for the choice of insulation for your balcony or loggia.

Loggia is part of the apartment requiring high-quality insulation. If you leave it in the initial state, then in winter the cold will penetrate the rest of the rest, and this is the extra money costs for heating. Owners who do not know how and how to insulate the balcony independently invite workers whose services are worth a lot of money. And well, if the wired masters will be professionals, because the challenges often come contractors with a lack of qualifications.

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    If you take into an example of professionals, then they first visually assess the state of the balcony and take into account, in which year was built apartment house. Then they pay attention to the frame (metal or wooden) and evaluate the waste of the trim. Lastly, experienced employees compare neighboring loggias and can offer the owner to make a design in one with them.

    Due to the balconies of the old sample, all the work is complicated, especially if this building is not closed, but open type. In this case, the masters are engaged in additional strengthening the construction and replacement of rotten details: cut off the rusty metal frames of the frame and reconstruct the concrete site. The upper and lower part of the balcony is strengthened necessarily.

    how to insulate the balcony do it yourself

    It was after the events to restore the design of the specialists engaged in cladding and internal thermal insulation premises. Often the owners prefer to equip their balconies by foam blocks and double beds. Stones lay out half the total height of the loggia, and the open space is closed by windows. As a result, not only attractive appearance Buildings, but also significantly increase its strength. By the way, the glass will be significantly insulated with a room.

    If the apartment owner changes windows into plastic, then it is desirable to purchase products with double glass, since single in cold hours hold heat just 30%.

    Without preparation of the balcony, not to approach the subsequent cardinal actions. Before purchasing materials for the insulation of the loggia, specialists are carried out inside the premises:

    The internal arrangement of the loggia concerns not only the ceiling and walls. Equally important to warm and floor, for example, foam.

    For internal insulation Almost all structures are very widely used polystyrene foam. His low cost Not reflected on quality. It is sold in the form of plates with a thickness of 5 cm and more. If the apartment is in the conditions of the north, then it is better to use 15 cm sheets in thickness. For mounting foam plastic Master the crate with the same cells. The polystyrene foam is that it is easily cutting with an ordinary knife.

    The positive aspects of this insulation is that it does not smell, does not highlight harmful substances, environmentally friendly and does not affect human health. Sheets, as a rule, are fixed on special "umbrellas" or construction glue. As saving, it is better to warm the balcony inside them.

    Mineral wool is quite popular. Such a heater is a bit more expensive than foam, but this is due to additional sound insulation, which has the material. Therefore, using Minvatu, you can not only warm the design, but also to eliminate street noises. It is sold in the form of yellow rolls.

    Warming of loggia Secrets of skill from Alexey Zemskova

    Fire safety of this insulation is on high levelAnd the lack of a specific smell makes the Minvatu one of the most sought-after. The material begins to melt at a temperature of 1000 degrees. Under such rolls, it is also necessary to make a shawl. Another plus lies in light cutting. The disadvantage is due to the composition where the powder glass is included when working into the skin and causing itching and redness.

    Penoplex - new insulationwhich appeared on the market building materials Relatively recently and has already managed to become popular. It has a small weight, due to which it is convenient to work with him. Penoplex is made in the form of rectangular sheets, the cutting of which is possible even by the stationery knife. By the fastening method, it looks like a foam, which is glued or fixed by fastening elements. The surface of the material is rough, so it does not slide in the hands.

    The granulated clay is often placed on the floor. Such a heater for the balcony inside has a porous structure and consists of burnt clay, so it is environmentally friendly. Builders use it for floor insulation and ceiling.

    The process of operation is simple, it is enough to create a layer of clay and shed liquid cement so that the granules be interrupted. But it must be borne in mind that such a material takes 15-20 cm height from the floor to the ceiling. In addition, the thin-layer screed will have to fill over the ceramzit, because the embossed surface will not be suitable for laying, for example, the same parquet or laminate.

    Another version of the insulation - penophol. It is made of foamed polyethylene. The material is especially applicable for water heating floors, since it has a foil coating with a reflective effect. This insulation has 4 advantages: does not miss the wind, keeps heat, prevents the penetration of water and has vaporizolation properties. Penofol flexible and easily cuts, and environmentally friendly substances will not harm human health. They produce insulation in the form of rolls, therefore, it is convenient to work with it. Installation process takes no more than 1 hour.

    Warming of balconies and loggias: eight errors of the finishers

    As previously said, the foam is cheap, but nevertheless it is practical, they enjoy many builders. How best to insulate a balcony from the inside by polystyrene foam:

    Wall thickness from the edge interior decoration Before the outer, considering the foam block, should be 30 cm. This is enough to keep heat and prevent the penetration of the cold inside the room.

    Pouring concrete, claying stratum and similar ways are a lot of money. You can make similar insulation, but in this case and save. An option cheaper finish from wood and foam can be like this:

    How to warm the balcony? Selection of insulation.

    Experts always begin trim from walls and ceiling, and at the end do floors. If you do everything on the contrary, the reason is damaged, and facial surface scratched.

    It is very difficult to calculate the final amount, because many factors affect it. First, you must first decide whether the loggia will be a residential room. If so, you will have to spend money on double-glazed windows. Secondly, the price of insulation changes almost every day. Thirdly, you need to decide which furniture the room will be furnished. Therefore, it is not necessary to allocate a strictly fixed amount for such an event, it's better to prepare additional finances in case unforeseen expenses arise.

    It is also recommended to prepare the estimate in advance and find the source of the sales source is cheaper, for example, not through intermediaries, but directly to buy a building material on the basis. If you seek help from specialists, they will take into account the following items:

    Also, it may have to spend money on furniture and other interior items.

    The arrangement of the loggia with the help of specialists will cost a large amount, which will noticeably hit the wallet. But if you warm the balcony inside with your own hands, the final consumption will be approximately 10 thousand rubles.

Independent joining and insulation of the loggia is a whole story with additional construction, complex technologies and the sea of \u200b\u200bpaper rolls. And with an unpredictable result: it happens that after all the works, the warmed wall repents from under glazing, the handles of the windows are too high, and the condensate dripping from the ceiling. We will tell you how to make a loggia full part of the apartment and do not regret it!

Error 1: Reconstruction and redevelopment without permission

Even if you do not want to demolish the wall between the apartment and the loggia, but you wish only to insulate the space outside the window, it is better to notify the representatives of the representative of the BTI - to then not have problems, for example, with the sale of an apartment in the presence of inconsistencies in technical passport housing.

Tip inmyroom: Glazing the balcony with sliding glass windows with an aluminum profile - and soory in this way unheated loggia. The spaces of this measure will still add (for example, for storage), and the drafts from the balcony will be significantly less. For such glazing, permission is not required.

Error 2: Transferring Radiator on Loggia

If you have received permission to reorganize, it is hardly planning to turn a similar trick. But in any case, know that bringing pipes for the radiator and the battery itself for outdoor wall Buildings are not allowed. Teplockotieri on the loggia is too large, the pipes with improper warming can freeze, accidents are possible; For heat supply, even recently non-residential meters would have to pay a tangible amount after an individual recalculation. Anyway, the batteries on the loggia are not transferred - remember this at the stage of designing a warmed balcony.

Tip inmyroom: You will help the electric heating floor system or oil radiator - It can be attached to the wall as well as the usual battery.

Error 3: installation of frameless glazing

Frameless flaps look great - in a closed form it is a smooth surface, sometimes not disturbed by even the edges. In addition, the sash is conveniently gathering "in the harmonica" without occupying the space of the loggia. However, for a warmed balcony, such a solution is not suitable: single glazing and cracks between the canvases will not be able to protect from the cold. In addition, dirt and dust and dust accumulate on them, traces from fingers and the mosquito net is not attached.

Tip inmyroom:take a look at the latest developments - for example, to thermally insulated lifting and sliding windows. But the best choice For glazing warm balcony remain glass windows PVC with old good swing sash. In fact, they take not so much space - they can only be opened on the ventilation, and swing twice a year to wash the glass outside.

Error 4: Remote glazing on brackets

In an effort to increase the area, or rather, the volume of the joined loggia, the owners of the apartments build a frame for glazing with a removal of several dozen centimeters. A wide visor appears on the upper perimeter, on which the snow constantly accumulates, and rain knocks loudly in the offseason. Most importantly, glass growth appears on the facade, which spoils the appearance of the building.

Tip inmyroom:the alternative is possible only within the framework of the facade uniformity. If your home is completely open balconies (or they should, in fact, be such) - It is worth parting with the idea of \u200b\u200bjoining or even just glazing. And to enjoy the loggia with the help of green plants.

Error 5: Warming in one layer

To create a warmed loggia, parapet and walls are duplicated by masonry from foam blocks with a thickness of 70-100 millimeters - this material has excellent thermal insulation properties and frost resistance, so some believe that further insulation of the walls and parapet, which are not needed from the inside of foam blocks. In fact, the laying of such a thickness can freeze.

Tip inmyroom:add to the insulation cake or the extruded polystyrene panel, or stove stone wool.

Error 6: Paracoolement disengagement

Especially dangerous if you use minvatu as insulation - without vaporizolation material It will answer and spoil the walls and the floor on the balcony, and the neighbors can detect condensate on the ceiling. Inside the accounted without vapor barrier, the street reinforcement is definitely condensate appears instantly.

Tip inmyroom:even if you are using only foam or other foamed materials for insulation - nothing will prevent you from adding a thin layer to them vaporizoation film. For Minvati Such an additive - Absolute Must-Have!

Error 7: Abuse sealant without protection

Sews with bubble mounting foam - Perfectionist nightmare. Aesthetically unattractive, they are also threatened to spoil the climate in the apartment: the fact is that foam polyurethane sealants Does not tolerate straight sun rays and the impact of moisture. And without proper protection, it is quickly destroyed by opening earlier clearances and gaps for drafts and street noise.

Tip inmyroom:carefully treat "stamped" seams - cut over the excess sealant, polish the material thin emery paper And cover with putty or acrylate paint (better use both and the other option). If there is no putty or paint at hand, take a special assembly tape - but keep in mind that such seams will feel bad paint.

Error 8: Incorrect floor design

Do not try to make the floor perfectly smooth with the help of a thick sandbetonic screed, to which the solid layer of tile glue will later fall, and then ceramic lining. Overlapping is dangerous. It is better to warm the floor using ultralight materials (we will immediately agree that this example does not talk about the heat-mall system).

Tip inmyroom: Recipes for Floor Heating Cake For Loggia Set, But all of them are essentially reduced to use soft insulation right concrete slabs (You can take a penplex or minvatu). Then it is recommended to put the second layer of the insulation - and be sure to apply waterproofing (the hydrochloxycol is used with over 15 centimeters with a solar). On top, you can make a thin screed - and many craftsmen just put the plywood, if there is no significant slope on the balcony: the plywood is thin, light, smooth, and on top of it in warm and protected from moisture of the loggia, both carpet and laminate. Lamb 10: Inbid to little things

This error is normally found absolutely from everyone. But the most common punctures can be eliminated for the root:

  • when glazing, plan and discuss the height of the arrangement of the handles, as well as the material, thickness and method of mounting the windows (if you decide to add the windowsill);
  • understand whether the mosquito net will be attached;
  • the slots between the parapet and the slab overlap, which are not brought to the ceiling or the plane of glazing the wall will need to lay and complete. Determine what materials and tools will be needed - and run before the start of insulation.

Tip inmyroom: If the heating cake on the walls is obtained quite thick, take care of the good profile expansors - so that the wall does not perform far from under the glazing.

Despite the small dimensions, the complex modernization of these parts of residential objects is a challenge. To find out how do it yourself, step by step photos Need to complement detailed descriptions Working operations. Create information O. modern materials. It is necessary to find out how the new room will be equipped. Find the right answers to these and other practical questions will be easier after reading this article.

Read in the article

Hearth balcony with their own hands: Step-by-step instruction of preparatory work

Open balconies in domestic climatic conditions Not more than a year can be fully operated. They are blocked with cold winds, poured rain and covered with snow. After the project is implemented on the necessary protection will be created. Even when choosing himself economical option The insulating characteristics of the real estate object will improve, costs will be reduced. After a deep modernization, you can actually increase the living area with relatively lowest costs.

Prevent erroneous actions

Some important details It should be noted first to exclude incorrect solutions:

  • Excessive "thrift" is able to subsequently transform into additional costs. If you install cheap frames without, not enough high quality and decoration MaterialsThe necessary result will not be obtained. Subsequent alterations are additional costs.
  • An erroneous choice of technology is also accompanied by trouble. It is necessary to carefully examine the nuances of the techniques to make sure of their reproduction own forces. To fulfill the most complex workflows, you can invite specialists.
  • On the balcony can not be installed typical. Some municipal authorities prohibit the change in the color of the external surfaces, the installation of frames and other noticeable changes outside.
Picture Name Benefits disadvantages
CeramzitLow cost; good filling of compound granules in the form of volumes; preservation of integrity during long time services; Non-hatching.High moisture permeability, which is accompanied by loss of insulation properties.

Mineral woolDurability of products modern level; Resistance to high temperatures; High quality butt connections.Malaya strength; The deterioration of the structure and an increase in thermal conductivity when water gets into. These materials should be additionally protected from mechanical damage and elevated.

StyrofoamReasonable prices; simplicity processing; Strank outer surface; Low weight.Small strength, flammable. To improve resistance to open flames, special additives are used, but the corresponding materials are more expensive.

Plates of foamed polystyreneHigh strength of products with sufficiently large density; ease of installation; moisture resistance; durability.Relatively expensive materials of factory production from famous manufacturers. The complexity of filling in the internal volumes without the formation of empty spaces.

Polystyrene formed on a construction facility from several liquid componentsIt has all the advantages of the plates, but additionally - fills all the cavities of any form.The total cost is higher, as it is necessary to apply special equipment.
Foamed polyethylene with a layer of metallic foil (foam)Small thickness; long-term preservation of good consumer characteristics; Resistance to moisture.High price.

For your information!The insulation system will be effective if you install insulating materials on the outer wall, the floor, the ceiling.

How to insulate a balcony with your own hands: Step by step photo, installation of windows

Picture Description of action

Loggia is a few square meterswhich can serve as a variety of goals. To enjoy this room round yearYou need to provide a comfortable temperature there. Turn it into a cozy, useful and well-equipped space forces to each homemade Master.

You gathered to make the arrangement of these additional square meters, but do not know how to insulate the loggia with your own hands and what materials do you need for this? We will help you deal with all questions - our article provides recommendations for choosing insulation and reviewed step-by-step instruction By thermal insulation of walls, ceiling and floor of the loggia.

You should begin, of course, with planning. STI should be declared functional purpose This small room. If it is supposed to use it as a warehouse for not too necessary things, it does not have a lot of meaning. But the loggia can be turned into an office, a small gym, winter Garden etc.

There are limitations. For example, the loggia cannot be used as kitchen room, Ie installed the plate there, the sink for washing dishes, etc. Carry out the system centralized heating Also forbidden.

There are still a number of restrictions that may be associated with architectural features and fire safety building. It may be a ban on glazing above a certain floor, to change the appearance of the building, the height of the fence, etc.

As practice shows, many manage to somehow get around these regulations and arrange a loggia to their taste. Before starting work, it will not hurt to agree on their plans with supervisory departments or prepare for the emergence of problems at the end of the alteration.

Installation of electrical wiring, lighting and warm floor during loggia insulation need to be thought out in advance so that the heat-insulating material damage is minimal

But under no circumstances should the openings do carrier wall, only the holes provided for by the initial project are allowed. Even shot from the loggia window-door block may be dangerous.

So that the loggia is warm, it will take high-quality glazing. It is better to order in a reliable firm. Double-glazed windows will perfectly cope with the task.

Part of the space will be "eaten by a layer of insulation. These centimeters will have to donate to securely protect the house from the cold. Loggias that are on the lower floors, most often insulated outside. ABOUT best Materials For the outdoor insulation of the walls we.

From the very beginning you need to think over the options for heating this space.

They are not so much, because for the loggia is suitable only:

  • electric TP;
  • portable heater.

Given that the installation area is small, you can spend on such convenience as TP. Cable systems are easy to install, all work can be performed independently. IK-Paul is more difficult to lay, it requires almost an ideal reason, but electricity costs will be moderate during operation.

But most simple decision There will be use, especially if the loggia is not used every day, but only from time to time. The installation of a warm floor will require more costs and effort.

The choice of materials and options for the insulation of the loggia with their own hands is quite wide.

Among the most popular should be noted:

  • mineral wool;
  • styrofoam;
  • polyurethane foam;
  • polystyrene foam;
  • penofol, etc.

Mineral wool is distinguished by a low price, but it is almost the only dignity. To lay such a material, you will need to pre-arrange a crate. Minvata is sensitive to moisture, when wetting it loses its beneficial features, so it is not always suitable for the loggia.

You need to provide a place to install in advance. Usually on the wall for these purposes make a niche suitable size. Among the turns of the cable TP there is a thermal sensor laid in a corrugated tube. It will also need to be connected to the thermostat.

Conclusions and useful video on the topic

Detailed video equipment on the warming of the loggia do it yourself:

Loggia floor insulation:

Modern materials and technologies allow you to insulate the loggia really reliably and quickly. In any case, when performing mounting work The requirements of the technology and manufacturer's recommendations should be followed. Then the result fully justifies expectations, and insulation will remain effective for many years.

Planning to engage in the hands of the loggia, but did you have questions after reading our material? Feel free to ask the Council from our experts - write questions in the comment block.