Play what is where when for preschoolers. "What? Where? When?" in the Preparatory Group

Intellectual quiz "What? Where? When?" For senior preschoolers Dow.

1. Deliver to children joy and pleasure from educational games. 2. Support interest in intellectual activity, the desire to play games, showing perseverance, purposefulness, mutual assistance. 3. Had children work in subgroups. 4 Be able to listen to someone else's opinion, to defend your answer and justify it. 5. Develop logical thinking. 6. Relieve a sense of mutual assistance and preferably.
Table with a playing field, divided into 8 sectors. Rebus, road signs, patterns with syllables, cards with numbers, cards with traffic lights, audio recordings, chips.

Sounds the saver of the transmission "What? Where? When?" 4 teams of children / 5-6 people / each team takes place at its table.
Educator: We are glad to welcome you, expensive participants of the game, viewers and guests! Today we will be entertaining - the informative game "What? Where? When?" During the game, our guys will show their knowledge and skills obtained in kindergarten. Each team for the correct answer will receive chips in the form of strawberries, because our kindergarten is called?

Children: Strawberry!
Educator: At the end of the game, we will sum up. Who will collect more than all chips - he will be the winner of the game. Before us game field. The figures are laid out on the edges. I will turn the arrow, and what kind of task it will indicate, then you will perform. Ready for the game?

Children: Yes!
Educator: And so greet four teams! The number one command!
1 Team: "Salinks"!
Educator: Motto!
1 Team: We are strong and bold, clever, skillful. Our motto: do not lose heart! All go through and find out everything!
Educator: Team number two!
2 Team: "Accidental"!
Educator: Motto!
2 Team: We are inquisitive minds. We are questions on "you". "Why?" - a favorite question! Helps us to grow!
Educator: Team number three!
3 Team: "Wise men"!
Educator: Motto!
3 Team: We are almost that wise men, we read a lot. Mistress and clever - you wish to know a lot!
Educator: Command number four!
4 Team: "Fireflies"!
Educator: Motto!
4 Team: Let the light be weak and we are small, but we are friendly and the stronger!
Sounds music from the transfer "What? Where? When?". The tutor twists the arrow. The arrow stops on the figure 8.

Educator: And so the task number 8, these are "fun challenges." Now I will read the challenges, you tell them them and the right answer should I have to show .. Cards with numbers lie in front of you. Give 15 seconds to a task.
1 task: Apples in the forest slept. We have time to taste them. Five ruddy poured, three with sourness. How many of them? (eight)
Educator: Consider. Time went.
Sounds music from transfer What? Where? When?. Children advise and believe. Each team raises the card with the answer.

Educator: Good task.
2 Task: Three lamb lived together, yes four more goats. Calculate everyone more than them in my family? (7)
Educator: Consider. You must show me the correct answer.

Educator: And the last task. The task of subtraction.
3 Task: Four hare went from school and suddenly the bees were attacked, two bunny fled from evil, and how much did not have time? (2)
Educator: Be careful, talking.

Children must comply with each other and come to the correct answer. Let's sum up the first task. Commands who have given correct answers get chips for each answer.
Educator: We continue the game.
Sounds music from the transfer "What? Where? When?". The tutor twists the arrow. The arrow stops on digit 7.
Educator: Task at number 7-Blitz is given for 10 seconds for discussion and answer. . These are questions about fairy tales. Guys do you like fairy tales?
Children: Yes!
Educator: Then you need to know the answers to these questions:
1 question: What lubricated his motor carlson that lives on the roof? (jam).
2 Question: What turned the kind fairy pumpkin for Cinderella? (in the carriage).
3 Question: What went to Leningrad a man scattered from the street of the pool? (by train).
After each question, music sounds from the transfer "What? Where? When?". Teams are discussed and prescribed their representative to answer. The representative of each team is responsible. After that, the teacher reads the correct answer. Following, each team gets chips for the right answers.

Educator: We continue the game.
Sounds music from the transfer "What? Where? When?". The tutor twists the arrow. The arrow stops on digit 3.
Educator: Look at this picture. Petya thought. He will soon go to school. Tell me one phrase What is a school?

Children: This is where learn, they write, believe, friends, learn, etc.
Educator: Okay. But Petya does not know what to take to school with him. You have envelopes lying on the tables. And in the envelopes there are pictures, get them. What subjects here are superfluous and they will not be needed at school? And why? Minute for discussion. Time went.
Sounds music from the transfer "What? Where? When?". Children are discussing and choosing pictures with the image of items that will not be needed at school. After that, the representative of each team answers the question and explains why one or another item will not be needed at school. According to the results of the team, the answers are correctly obtained by chips.

Educator: We continue the game.
Sounds music from the transfer "What? Where? When?". The tutor twists the arrow. The arrow stops on digit 6.
Educator: Task number 6. This is the rules road. You have road signs on your tables. I read the poem, and you find him suitable sign, Show it to me and call. Attention! We listen to!
Educator: The boy with a girl walked, in the triangle ran. All drivers in the world understand are children. ("Caution, children.") What is the sign?
Educator: What does this sign mean?
Children: Carefully children!

Educator: Well done! Next poem, listen!
This sign of this kind: he is guarded by a pedestrian. Go with a doll together we are the road in this place! ("Pedestrian crossing".) What is this sign?
Children raise a picture with a road sign.
Educator: What does this sign mean?
Children: Crosswalk!

Educator: Well done! Right. The next poem if a sign is hanging, it means that the passage is closed. Maybe the asphalt is put or pitted. Maybe the brick is lucky, the house is high build. ("Travel is prohibited.") What is the sign?
Children raise a picture with a road sign
Children: Road up!

Educator: Okay! And the last poem, be careful! Look, the sign is dangerous: the man in the circle red cropped in half. ... Here the cars rush quickly, maybe even be misfortune. ("Pedestrian movement is prohibited.")
Children raise a picture with a road sign.
Educator: What does this sign mean?
Children: No Pedestrians!

Educator: Well done everyone answered correctly. All teams are obtained by Fishke. Educator with children: In the city, the street does not go just like that. When you do not know the rules, it is easy to get to come. All the time be attentive and remember in advance "His rules for the driver and a pedestrian."
Educator: We continue the game. I already want to rest on a vertex!
Sounds music from the transfer "What? Where? When?". The tutor twists the arrow. The arrow stops on the figure 5.
Educator: Guys and just at number 5 We have a traffic light game. We leave everything.
Song "Traffic light" / Jasmine /. Children are dancing.
1 verse:
Each of us knows perfectly
That violating is very dangerous
If sometimes you go to red
You do it in vain
Do not go to the intersection
Red light burns

Yellow blinking ray of light
Speed \u200b\u200bturn it right
You fly like a hurried
Soon there will be green
You believe here is not in vain
Traffic light cost

Red, yellow and green
Stop, ready, forward
We know for a long time
We need traffic lights
Red, yellow and green
Stop, ready, forward
Song Mo.
Each let drink

2 verse:
Go home or at sea
Song Singo About Traffic
Let him love with a diaper
Song that every child
Do not go to the intersection
Red light burns

Red, yellow and green
Stop, ready, forward
We know for a long time
We need traffic lights
Red, yellow and green
Stop, ready, forward
Song Mo.
Each let drink

At the same time, the teacher shows the colors of the traffic light. On red children stand. On yellowly jump. On green - walk. At the end of the song, the teams occupy their places.

Educator: We continue the game.
Sounds music from the transfer "What? Where? When?". The tutor twists the arrow. The arrow stops on digit 4.
Educator: Task number 4. Before you lies a syllable caterpillar. There are syllables on this caterpillar. You must now for one minute to make words from these syllables and write them on the leaves. Let's see which team will get more words. And so time went, started!

Sounded music from the transfer "What? Where? When?". Children discuss and write words. At the end, the teams read the words and consider the number of words.
Educator: Guys, you all tried very well. And invented a lot of words. All teams get chips. Well done! Applause guests.

Educator: We continue the game.
Sounds music from the transfer "What? Where? When?". The tutor twists the arrow. The arrow stops on digit 2.
Educator: Task number 2- rebuses. I now give you 2 rebus and you will need to unravel them in one minute.

Meet our experts.

The team is smart

We are waiting for success and is waiting for luck

Forward to victory Our motto

And who is weaker - beware!

Team - erudite

Our motto: Erudites - this is mind

Erudites are powerful

Not scary to us quiet and noise

We believe in victory for sure!


1. Challenges the tenants in the houses.

3. Sakery picture From chopsticks of a cueiser.

Golden Key (Pinocchio)

Egg (rush)

Thermometer (Aibolit)

Soap + Urinary (Moydodyr)

5. "Make a word"

1 question

2 question.

3 question.

4 question.

5 question.

8. Mister H.

Heals young children

Treats birds and animals

Through his glasses looks over

Good doctor ...

We put on your shoulders

We begin to rotate them.

So post can we fix

1 2 3 4 5

Hands put in front of the breast

We will do warmth.

Right raise your hand

And the other down to lay down,

We change them in places,

Smoothly moving hands.

And now let's together

We firm everything in place.

9. Save an example and 1 task

10.Sobii puzzle

11. Issue from the Internet.

12.Musical pause. Players dance dance.


Good day, dear guests OUR children's gardenbut. Welcome to the intellectual game "What? Where? When?"

Meet our experts.

Guys, look at how many guests came to your game. Let's greet our guests.

And now greet each other (motto).

The team is smart

Our motto: we are clever, and that means

We are waiting for success and is waiting for luck

Forward to victory Our motto

And who is weaker - beware!

Team - erudite

Our motto: Erudites - this is mind

Erudites are powerful

Not scary to us quiet and noise

We believe in victory for sure!

Thanks to the teams. I remind the terms of our game. Before us, a table with 12 sectors and in the middle of a tip with an arrow. Each team alternately leaves one player and turns the drum. All perform the task that the arrow will indicate.


1. Challenges the tenants in the houses.

Each player is given a card with numbers. It is necessary to add a digit to pretend the amount specified in the card.

2. Find an excess object. Each connoisseur is a card. He must define an extra subject, call it and explain why he decided so.

3. Sakery picture From chopsticks of a cueiser.

4. Clear box "Guess the fairy tale"

Golden Key (Pinocchio)

Magic Mirror (a fairy tale of the dead princess and seven heroes A.S. Pushkin)

Poroshina (Princess on the Peas)

Egg (rush)

Thermometer (Aibolit)

Ball (Winnie Pooh)

Soap + Urinary (Moydodyr)

The tutor alternately gets objects, children call a fairy tale. The correct answer is displayed on the projector.

5. "Make a word"

From split letters, you must draw up the word with the whole team. The projector displays the correct answer.

6. Current "Graphic Dictation".

Under the dictation of the teacher, the captains of the teams write a graphic dictation.

7. Like questions "Merry tasks". The educator reads the tasks, the commands are responsible. Who is faster, he gets the "owl" chip.

1 question . How many horns in two cows? (four)

2 question. Lena plays with girlfriends in hide and seek. Suddenly she notices that 8 legs can be seen due to the partition. How many children play hide and seek? (5)

3 question. Granny Dasha, granddaughter Masha, cat gun, dog friend. How many grandchildren's grandchildren?

4 question. If the chicken is standing on one leg, it sweels 2 kg. How much will the chicken weigh if it is standing on 2 legs?

5 question. On the table lay 3 pears. One of them was cut in half. How many pears on the table?

8. Mister H. Children guess the hero on the riddle:

Heals young children

Treats birds and animals

Through his glasses looks over

Good doctor ...

Enters Aibolit and conducts wellness gymnastics:

We put on your shoulders

We begin to rotate them.

So post can we fix

1 2 3 4 5

Hands put in front of the breast

We will do warmth.

Right raise your hand

And the other down to lay down,

We change them in places,

Smoothly moving hands.

And now let's together

We firm everything in place.

9. Save an example and 1 task. Each team is given a card. You must add an example and in one picture to make a task.

10.Sobii puzzle (team) on the topic "Nature".

11. Issue from the Internet.

Cognots are given a question through the projector.

12.Musical pause. Players dance dance.

At the end of the game summarizes. The winner is awarded prizes.

Purpose:Give children ideas about the game "What? Where? When? ", Introduce the rules of the game.

- continue to form the ability to listen to someone else's opinion, to defend your answer, justifying it;
- expand and deepen the ideas of children about the state;
- consolidate knowledge of state symbols;
- develop logical thinking, intelligence, the ability to solve simple mathematical tasks, the ability to navigate on a sheet of paper, the ability to build an offer correctly, expressively tell the poem, know the names and its author;
- develop cognitive interest in children;
- to educate the feelings of mutual assistance, preferably;
- cause joyful emotions in children, make a holiday in daily life;
- Used benevolence and contact in relationships with peers.
Wordwork:connoisseurs, symbol, bogatyr,

Preliminary work:

Consider illustrations for playing
- learning poems,

Methodical techniques:

1. Conversation.
2. Creating a Success Situation.
3. Search questions.
4. "Nazis unnecessary", "opposite words", "Fort the error."
5. Fizkultminutka - Music pause "If you have fun, do so."
6. Mathematical tasks.
7. Logic conclusion.
8. Fizkultminutka - Music pause "Spring Song".
9. Graphic exercise.
10. Speech dialogue. Poems about spring. Black box.
11. Summing up the game.

Structure occupation

Educator: Guys, today I suggest you play with me in the game: "What? Where? When?". Maybe some of you saw her on TV? (Slide 1)
- Children meetings. Do you know which bird is a symbol of the game what? Where? When? (Owl symbol). What do you think, why this is this bird? (Slide 2)

Owl is considered a symbol of wisdom, knowledge. Then I will talk about the rules of the game: Please note, there are envelopes on the table with questions that you will need to answer. For each correct answer, the point is counted. I wish you success and hope you will handle all the tasks. So begin.

(Music Start)
- Good day Dear guests! We are in the intellectual club "What? Where? When?" Today, the team of viewers plays against the team of connoisseurs of the preparatory "b" group of the children's garden "Teremok".
1. First round (music, top)(Adult spins drum).

Leading: Sector No. 1. This blitz sent us the head of the children's garden Yudina Marina Vladimirovna.

  1. Name the colors of the state flag (what do they mean?) Who will answer?
  2. What is the name of the President of Russia.
  3. How many days in the week?
  4. How did the warrior called "warrior" before Rus?
  5. What flower blooms first in the forest glade in the spring?

(For the correct answer I give you a point.) And now attention, the correct answer (repeat the answers). The point earns a team of experts. (put on the board card with digit 1)

2. Leading. Round 2 (brushing drum) music)

Leading: Sector No. 2 fell. This question sent us the Senlana Vladimirovna Neveyev's senior teacher.
« Namely»
1. Winter, Wednesday, Spring, Summer. (explain)
2. One, two, circle, four.
3. Plus, minus, Friday, equal.
4. Circle, square, March, triangle.

"Nazovit opposite words»
1. Ice on the river in the winter thick, and in the spring - (thin)

2. High - (Low)

3. Long - (short)

4. Deep - (small)

5. Heavy - (Easy)

6. Cheerful - (sad)

7. thick - liquid

"Correct the mistake"

1. Worm Kleval Skvortz.

2. Song sang Solovya.

3. The shaggy caterpillar ate a blue.
4. There was a vase in the flower.

5. Children collected children in the basket.

6. Fluffy mouse caught a cat.

The point earns a team of experts. (For the correct completed task, get the point.)
Creepy keyh I will put the musical pause with us, friends.

Musical pause

3. Lead: We continue the game. Round 3. (Baraban Music Splitting.)

Leading: Sector No. 3 fell. This question will ask us the educator of the preparatory "A" group of Maryavin L.N. Attention!
1. Apples in the garden sucked, we have time to taste them. Five ruddy, bulk, three with sourness. How many of them? (eight)

2. Gave the hedgehog of eight leather boots. Who will answer from the guys - how many were everyone? (2)

3. The walls have a row, in every pitch one frog. If there were five risks, how much frogs would be? (five)

4. Name the previous and subsequent number (5,8,11,).

Lead: Experts answered correctly. A team of experts earns a point.

4. Leading: We continue the game. Round 4. (Split drum music.)
Leading: Sector No. 4 fell. This question will ask us the educator of the preparatory "in" group of Gaschukt.I. Attention! Solve the tasks:

1.What common u white bear and goose?

  1. By any bush sat the hare during the rain?
  2. What do crocodiles eat on the North Pole? (crocodiles do not live there)
  3. What kind of dishes do not eat? (from empty)
  4. Demolished dodder egg. Which of it hatch, chicken or cockerel? (duckling)

The point earns a team of experts.

5. Leading: Round 5.MusicSector No. 5 fell
Attention experts! This question will require you a lot of perfection. accuracy. It is necessary to draw the pattern, for this sit at the tables, take pencils.

Purpose: Form interest in fairy tales
- Form personal qualities Children: a sense of partnership, responsibility, mutual arms, the ability to work in the team.
- develop curiousness, communicative, coherent speech of children;
- learn to answer questions;
-Shipping interest K. different types activities, creativity.
Equipment: Gaming table, top, questions in envelopes, black box, bageiks, stand with numbers, tablecloth.

Stroke Game
Croupier: Hello dear guests, fans and participants of the game!
We are glad to welcome you in our elite club "What? Where? When? "!
Today, fabulous heroes play against the "experts" team.
Allow you to submit to the "Correspondee" command. I will call the name, the name of the connoisseur, and it takes place behind the playing table. ................
(Children to the music occupy places behind the game field - the final of the team is the last.)
Now listen rules of the game:
Respered experts, you see, there is a task with an arrow on the playing table, and envelopes with questions. On each envelope, the photo of who sent a question to the experts. The captain of the team turns the top. Which envelope will show the arrow of the Wolf, that envelope we open and read the question. Replies to the question that expert, near which this envelope lies. If the tip arrow points to the sector where there is no envelope with a question, take the nearest envelope with a question clockwise. Experts must answer all the questions that are in 10 envelopes. For each correct answer, the connoissems are given 1 point. Wins the team that scored large quantity Points. Results after each round will be hung on the scoreboard.
Dear experts, you have listened to the rules and, now, it's time to start the game.
1 Round
Let's head the top. The captain of the team turns the top. ( Music).
Playing you ... .. answers the question ......
Caution Question: Who came to the house to three bears, and what is the name of this fairy tale?
children discuss the answer).
I repeat the question:
Answer banner: ……….
Croupier: And now the correct answer. A girl (Masha) came to the house to three bear in the three bear fairy tale. Account 1: 0 in favor of experts (fabulous heroes). ( ).
2 Round

Caution black box (carrying a black music box).
I am to the Tauride Garden
Jumped over the fence
And she rushes after me
And bites like a wolf.
Caution Question: Who bicked like a wolf's fabulous hero in the "Moydodyr" fairy tale? What is in a black box?
You have 1 minute to discuss the answer to the question. ( children discuss the answer).
I repeat the question:
Answer banner: ……….
Croupier: And now the correct answer ( opens the box and gets a washcloth).
Score ......... ... (music - the score is hung on the scoreboard)
3 Round
The captain of the team turns the top. (Music).
Playing you ............ Answers the question ............ ..
Musical question. (Fragment of songs are included).
Attention question: Who sings this song?
You have 1 minute to discuss the answer to the question. ( children discuss the answer).
Once again, listen to the song fragment. ( Fragment of songs are included).
I repeat the question: Who sings this song?
Answer banner: ………..
Croupier: And now the correct answer. This song sings vini-fluff.
Score ………..…………..( Music - the score is hung on the scoreboard)
4 Round
The captain of the team turns the top. (Music).
Playing you ............ Answers the question ............ ..
Dear connoisseurs, you certainly know the fairy tale "Cinderella, or a crystal shoe." Do you know what Cinderella's carriage turned into at midnight?
You have 1 minute to discuss the answer to the question. ( children discuss the answer).
I repeat the question: What turned Cinderella's coach at midnight?
Answer banner: ……….
Croupier: And now the correct answer. Cinderella's carriage at midnight turned into a pumpkin.
Score ………..…………..( Music - the score is hung on the scoreboard).
5 Round
The captain of the team turns the top. (Music).
Playing you ............ Answers the question ............ ..
His house in winter, in the cold
She blinded ice
But the house stood perfectly in Studu,
In the spring, turned into a puddle.
Lubyana's house built a bunny.
Now, experts, remember
Who did the hare deceived?
And kicked him out of the hut?
You have 1 minute to discuss the answer to the question. ( children discuss the answer).
I repeat the question:
Answer banner: ……….
Croupier: And now the correct answer. A fox
Score ………..…………..( Music - the score is hung on the scoreboard).
Musical pause.Fizkultminthka is performed.
6 Round
The captain of the team turns the top. (Music).
Playing you ............ Answers the question ............ ..
Dear connoisseurs, remember the tale "Ryaba". Answer the question: how the mouse broke the testicle?
You have 1 minute to discuss the answer to the question. ( children discuss the answer).
I repeat the question: How the mouse broke the egg?
Answer banner: ……….
Croupier: And now the correct answer. The mouse fled, the tail waved, the testicle fell and crashed.
Score ………..………….. (
Round 7.
The captain of the team turns the top. (Music).
Playing you ............ Answers the question ............ ..
Dear experts, listen "Mix of fairy tales" i.e. invented fairy tale where there are characters from different fairy tales, and you need to guess from what fairy tales these characters?
"... killed a bun on the track and sees: standing in front of him a hut. I knocked the bunchel and asks: "Tuk, Tuk, Tuk! Who lives in the terme? " "I am a mouse - Narushka, I am a frog - a cuckoo. And who are you?"
So, the question: What fairy tales are these characters?
You have 1 minute to discuss the answer to the question. ( children discuss the answer).
I repeat the question:
Answer banner: ……….
Croupier: And now the correct answer. Fairy tales "Kolobok", "Teremok".
Score ………..………….. ( Music - the score is postponed on the scoreboard).
Round 8.
The captain of the team turns the top. (Music).
Playing you ............ Answers the question ............ ..
Dear experts, name the heroine of Russian folk fairy talewhich grew in the garden of the grandfather?
You have 1 minute to discuss the answer to the question. ( children discuss the answer).
I repeat the question:
Answer banner: ……….
Croupier: And now the correct answer. The heroine of the Russian folk fairy tale, which grew in the garden of his grandfather - repka.
Score ………..………….. ( Music - the score is postponed on the scoreboard).
9 Round
The captain of the team turns the top. (Music).
Playing you ............ Answers the question ............ ..
Dear connoisseurs, in what a fairy tale a girl, looking for her brother, turns for help to the stove, apple tree, river with fermented shores.
You have 1 minute to discuss the answer to the question. ( children discuss the answer).
I repeat the question.
Answer banner: ……….
Croupier: And now the correct answer. In the gossi-swans' fairy tale, looking for her brother, drawn for help to the stove, apple tree, river with fermented shores.
Score ………..………….. ( Music - the score is postponed on the scoreboard).
10 Round - Blitz
The captain of the team turns the top. (Music).
Playing you ............ Answers the question ............ ..
Question number 1.. Dear connoisseurs, name the fabulous hero who spoke such words in the fairy tale:
Sad on Penoska
Pattrootes pick up
children discuss the answer).
I repeat the question.
Answer banner: ……….
Question number 2. Dear experts, name the fabulous hero, who lowered the tail in the hole and sang: "Fish, the fish is big and small."
You have 20 seconds to discuss the answer to the question. ( children discuss the answer).
I repeat the question
Answer banner: ……….
Croupier: And now the correct answer. Wolf.
Question number 3. Dear connoisseurs, name the fabulous hero, who flew at the stage, lived in a fabulous dark wilderness, in the hut on the couch legs.
You have 20 seconds to discuss the answer to the question. ( children discuss the answer).
I repeat the question.
Answer banner: ……….
Croupier: And now the correct answer. Bear.
Score ………..………….. ( Music - the score is postponed on the scoreboard).

Dear connoisseurs, all tasks are made. All questions are answered and the time has come to summarize. .......
The croupier declares the winners to the music
The croupier congratulates the winners.
Dear experts, I wish you to always be friends with fairy tales.

IN:Always before the hard work is needed.

You have to answer 6 questions correctly for one minute. The first will answer the team Ruslan S. Time went. (Clock)

1. How much floors in the 5-storey house? (5)

2. What is longer week or month? (Month)

3. Which figure there is no beginning, no end? (Circle)

4. How many in the empty glass of strawberries? (Empty)

5. Little girl living in a flower? (Thumbelina)

The team of Ulyana N. time went.

1. Why can not drink sea water? (She is salted.)

2.What is it usually a rainbow? (After the rain)

3. Where can Kangaroo wear his cub? (In the bag)

4. What gift brought flea-bonds to fly? (Boots)

5. Who collects pollen from colors? (Bee)

6. Which animals do not like the sun? (Mole)

Against teams today play: Heroes of fairy tales and cartoons:

(decompose envelopes on sectors)

1 Cheburashka and Crocodile Gena

2. Vasilisa Vasilisa

3. Shooter Blitz from Salves

4. Kapitan Lunnershel

5. Question from parents

6. Leopold

So, "What? Where? When? ", Ruslan S. Team against the Ulyana N. Team game up to 6 points, account

(Tip turns a lead) Music sounds

Letter with a task from Cheburashka and genes. They need urgent help in the construction of a new school. Teams on the screen "School Project", you need to calculate which and how many building materials you need to fill out the bookbands

As soon as the commands calculate you need to get building materials ( geometric figures) And all team members proceed to the construction of the school (sample).

The team that is correct and accurately performs the task.


Attention to the monitor, the next task was sent to us Vasilisa dislude

"Decipher the word"

It is necessary according to the first letters of the pictures to decipher the word that is hidden here.

On the tables, these letters arose correctly and read the word.

Dear computer Show the correct answer. Slide of the guess.

(Leading Vruit Tip) Music Sounds

Blitz sector from the skill.

1. What time of year goes for in the summer? (Fall)

2. What flower has spikes? (Rose flower)

3. When will birds come back from the south? (Spring)

4. What bird does not build a nest? (Cuckoo)

6. The relative of the Christmas tree. (Pine)

7. Does the ostrich can fly? (Not)

8. With her help worked wonders Old Man Hottabych. (Beard)

9. What makes the trees swing? (Wind)

10. Name the neighbors of the number 7? (6 and 8)

1. In what type of transport went bears in the fairy tale "cockroach"? (On a bike)

2. They show time. (Clock)

3. What object of the house lies on the floor, and in fairy tales - flies? (Carpet plane)

4. Crystal shoe. (Cinderella)

5. What is the name of a large dark cloud? (Cloud)

6. What is the name of the poultry house? (Nest)

7. What tree are considered slim? (Birch)

8. She can do everything invisible. (Invisible hat)

9. Black Forest Berry. (Blueberry)

10. Which bird has the most beautiful tail? (Pavlin)

1. What comes after the winter? (Spring)

2. Where are the eyes of a snail? (On horns)

3. The hottest season. (Summer)

4. The shortest month of the year. (February)

5. Snow time year. (Winter)

6. In which month, children go to school? (In September)

7. What snake has a hood? (Cobra)

8. When the leaves on the trees change their color? (Autumn)

9. What do you need to break to defeat the blasphemy of the immortal? (Needle)

10. When water in rivers becomes solid? (Winter)

11.kom belong to the words "if I want, and I swallow the moon!" (Crocodile)

12. The very first month of the year. (January)

"Giraffes spots, stains, specks everywhere ..."

(Leading spins the top)

"Fruit Arithmetic" from Leopold.

Pay attention guys to the next slide. In these examples, some numbers are encrypted, hidden behind fruit. You need to guess what numbers are encrypted and solve examples. (Write answers to leaves)

Slide with the right answers.

(Leading spins the top)

Task from Captain Lunned.

Attention on the screen. In front of you the huge ocean and small islands, we need to get to the island with treasures, and on what we will get to you with you, correctly performing graphic dictation. (According to the instructions, the team paints the ship). Well done, now we can get to the island with treasures.

(Leading spins the top)

Task from parents:

Teams you want to know what's wrong black box?

Listen to the excerpt from fairy tales of dead and living water. So, asked Baba Yaga Ilya Muromets to bring her live water to save those who fall into trouble and then living water will help. Ilya Muromets went for living water, and Baba Yaga gave him this device, which will determine where live water, and where is dead, because it is impossible to touch the water - it is magical!

Ilya Muromets came to a big rock, and in the rock of the cave. He went to the cave and sees two large lakes, one with a dead, another with live water. In the dead lake, the water is cold, and in live - water is warm. And where what water Ilya Muromet knows. With what can you know where what kind of water? (thermometer)

Water experience (slide)

Each team has two glasses of water (hot and cold) and on a spoon;

"One glass with" lively "water-hot, and another glass with" dead " water cold. Which of you can determine, not touching glasses with your hands, in which one is hot, and in what cold? " (It is necessary to lower the spoon in one and the other glasses and swell it.)