Courses for teachers Dow on traffic rules. Workshop for teachers "It is important to know the rules of the road

Purpose: to increase the level of preparation of educators, the improvement of the practical skills necessary in the formation of preschoolers of the rules of safe behavior on the roads.

develop cohesion, skill work in a team.

Participants of the workshop have become educators and teachers specialists.

Head of the Center BDD

To teach children to the safety of safety and traffic rules, first of all the teacher must be well aware of this issue and is interested in solving such a problem as children's road traffic injuries. That is why work in this direction is conducted not only with children, but also with teachers. Today, on the basis of the center of the BDD will be held a workshop "I know PDD itself - Scientific Other."


1. Word-greeting of a specialist department of education - apricatina Larisa Viktorovna

2. Report of the Inspector OGIBDD Doroshenko V.V.

"Analysis and Statistical data on DDTT

per summer period»

4. Acquaintance with work plan

for 2012-2013 academic year - Senior Educator Demidova E.V.

5. Dialogue - Exchange of views.

Dear friends, now we have gathered for holding a competition: attentive, resourceful, where you need to pass the tests of the road, we wish the teams of success. Let the strongest wins. And who will determine our jury stronger.
The first competition "Workout"

Questions Team "Melniki"
1) What part of the street is intended for pedestrians?
2) Which part of the bus is around when exit?
3) which side do you need to get out of the passenger car?
4) Where to watch when moving the road
5) Call the best way to save life on the road

Questions team knowing ":
1) Where can I go around the street?
2) What are the colors of the traffic and what are they denoted?
3) What types of transitions do you know?
4) On what road the car is better inhibited?
5) What machines have the right to go to the red light?

2 game contest

"Molchanka". (Every 3 cards with numbers 1,2,3 will distribute each 1,2,3.

I will ask questions and 3 options for answers. On the desired option you raise the appropriate card. CANCE? For every question, 10 seconds are given to thinking.

1 team

one . What part of the street is intended for a pedestrian?

1. Bridge

2. Sidewalk

3. Bike track

2. Where should the pedestrian going in the absence of a sidewalk?

1. On the right side of the curb

2. On the left edge of the road

3. On the left side, towards moving transport.

3. How should the pedestrian going?

1. Adhering to the left side

2. Holding the right side

3. Adhering to the middle

2 team

1. At what distance from the right edge of the carriageway is allowed to ride

by cycling?

1. Not more than 0.5 m.

2. Not more than 1m.

3. No more than 2 m.

2. How should a pedestrian act, if during the transition a crossroads a green traffic light changed to yellow, and you did not have time to go the road?

1. Quickly run the street

2. Return to the sidewalk

3. Stop on the axial line

3. Is it allowed to transport a passenger on a bicycle?

2. Allowed, child under the age of 7 years old on extra seat.

3. Allowed, on the frame.

3 contest

Each team of separate cut and mixed lines to collect a poem and read it expressively. The team that first fulfilled the task is wins.

4. Concurs - literary. You need to answer the proposed questions. Each correct answer - 2 points

1 team

What traffic light is missing in the poem "My cheerful ringing ball?" (Green)

What book are these lines from:

"The stepan did not talk,

Light hand took out

In the middle looked

Something got somewhere ...? " ("Uncle Stepa")

In what a fairy tale, what hero has a hat of the same color as the traffic light signal? ("LITTLE RED RIDING HOOD")

Name the work in which the bears rode on a bike ("cockroach")

2 team

What kind of work and who the tram cut the legs? ("Dr. Aibolit", Bunny)

What insect of the same color with a traffic signal lives in the grass? (GRASSHOPPER)

Name the city in which Dunno learned to ride a car? (SOLAR)

What form of transport got Cinderella to the ball to the king? (Horse)

-5 Contest "Fairy Situation". You will listen to the riddles on the road and answer the question. Rating - 3 points.

1 team

1. Birthday vini fluff.

Today, vini-fluff has a birthday. He turned 6 years old. On this day, he bought a large bike. And he, so that the whole city see his gift, sat down on him and drove out.

What mistakes allowed vini fluff? (Children up to 14 eats to leave for the road. It is possible to drive in the courtyard)

2. Barrock on the road.

A kolobok rolled around the country road, and he will meet the wolf: "Kolobok, Kolobok, I'll eat you, if you do not guess the riddle! I'm going today to the fox on the car, as it should be, on the left side, I hear the policeman whistles. What do you think, why did he stop me? " (Vehicles allowed to go on the road, adhering to the right side)

2 team

3. Boy and red hat.

The boy rides a bike, at the bus stop sees a red hat and minor.

Understand me to the pharmacy, - asks his red hat, - my grandmother is sick.

No, no me, - Forgive Dunno.

Who will go with the boy?

(No one, the bike is allowed to ride only one. Trunk - for the transportation of baggage, and frame - for fixing the main parts)

4. Chip and Dale.

Chip and Dale went on a journey, they walked all day and very tired. On the side of the road Dale saw a road sign, which was very happy. Soon they approached the small cozy housewhere they stayed for the night.

What kind of road sign saw the bugs? (CAMPING)

Competition 6 "ABC of Road Signs".

I want to ask about the sign,

A sign is drawn like that.

In the triangle guys

From all legs run somewhere.

("Caution, children!")

We went from the garden we home,

We see a sign on the pavement:

Circle inside the bike

There is nothing else!

("Bicycle lane")

Here is a circle with a rubber red,

And inside the pattern is not.

Maybe girls beautiful

Should be inside a portrait?

Circle empty in winter and summer,

How is this sign called this?

("Movement Prohibition")

In a triangle - two brothers

Everyone is rushing somewhere, rushing.

The most important sign in the world -

It's just near ...

In the blue circle pedestrian

It is not hurry, goes.

Track safe,

It's not scary here.


What kind of sign is hanging?

Stop - car he makes ...

A pedestrian! Go firmly

On the tracks black and white.


Go boldly young and old

Even cats and dogs ...

Only here is not the sidewalk -

The thing is all in the road sign.


Ill belly from Roma,

Do not reach the house.

In such a situation

You need a sign to find.

("Item first medical care»)

7 Competition "Figure".

"Road Vernissage" - draw a non-existent road sign.

- "Liquid asphalt";

- "Wild schoolchildren":

- "Deaf old women";

- "Flaws".

Musical pause - Avtodiscotek with Zebra

Summarizing. Award

Stolp Galina Vladimirovna

"Teacher's self-education" is an adaptive problem-search innovative. Self-education. Write individual self-education plans different options. Self-education levels: the purpose of the teacher's self-education. Content. Individual self-education plan.

"The work of a social teacher" - educational. Group. Advisor - talks about the development of the child; Gives pedagogical advice to raise children. Family counseling in the work of a social teacher. Social teacher when working with his family performs in three main roles: learning. Collection of information, family feedback.

"PDD in school" - conduct traffic regulation. Before all boys and girls on traffic rules, we know the knowledge! Chefting work: Nikita White became the best. Competition " Expert of PDD" We help to design stands on traffic rules. The headquarters from its composition elects the commander of the detachment and approves commanders of offices. Conduct lesson: Safe speed.

"Teacher's culture" - Lesson # 2 (Winter holidays) 60 minutes. Image of a modern teacher. 1 group. (red). Corporateness - 2-3 terms, choose one most suitable. Work in groups (in four colors, each group - creative task) 15 minutes. Corporateness - (Lat Corporation - Community) - belonging to a specific group, community ...

"Creative teacher" - features of the emotional-volitional sector of a creative personality: constructive organizational communicative gnostic. Young specialist: creativity and quality. - The process of solving pedagogical problems in ever changing conditions. Conditions for the development of creative style activities: obstacles to the manifestation of creativity can be:

"Profession Pedagogue" - information manager. Psychologist. Being a teacher - honorable and difficult. Calm. Related professions: patience and excerpt. Love for children. Consultant. Profession. You do not need to become a teacher if you have: administrator. Head teacher. Features of the teacher's personality: lawyer. Motives of participation in pedagogical work.

The audience: Parents of children of the middle age group (25 people).

Number of participants: Team teacher, parents, traffic police inspector.


1. Activation of propaganda activities among parents Dou According to the rules of road and safe behavior on the road.

2. Optimize the knowledge of parents about the rules of the road traffic preschool age For the full development of personality.

3. To encourage the parents to think about the respect of the traffic rules is the most important thing to preserve the life and health of children.

Expected results:

  1. The appearance of interest among parents to problems.
  2. Parents are familiar with the rules of the road, which the child should know.
  3. Parents have clear ideas about what children's rules should know.
  4. Parents themselves and their children comply with the rules of the road.
  5. Supporting family communication with the educator, with traffic police officers.

Information - technical support: Visual information (folders-mobile, visual materials, corner of traffic rules).

Didactic games for the study of traffic rules ("Young pedestrian", "PDD for kids", "Signals of traffic lights", "traffic light", "Domino road").

Layout of the city / bulk scheme of the city with road signs, zebras, etc.

Materials and equipment:

Group room, tables and chairs in the number of adult participants,

an interactive board, laptop, presentation, a lying cop, traffic lights with different burning colors, pedestrian crossings, pedestrians of a doubling or toys.

Logic of holding:

1. Show movie "Baby on the Road"creating the necessary emotional attitude.

Dear Parents!

You go to kindergarten! On the way you overcome a long way along the streets of our city. Currently, a sharp problem is child trauma on the roads. In order to prevent violation by children of the traffic police rules, we need to know how in one situation or another we need to behave. And for this, let's break into two teams and play a little, "Chain" I will ask questions, and you will give the answer for the answer. (5 tokens equals 1 ball.)

Questions to parents:

What do you think is to blame in road traffic accidents with the participation of children?

Why injuries most often happen due to the fault of adults?

Why do children do not follow the rules of the road?

- How should adults behave towards a child who walks next to the roadway one?

2. Speech by the traffic police inspector

2.1. Rights and obligations of parents(report)

Russian legislation is fairly accurately defined both the rights and obligations of the parents. They are entrusted to prepare a full person for our society. This duty is the daily continuing work of both parents aimed at preparing a child for adulthood.

In accordance with the provisions of the Family Code of the Russian Federation (Articles 61-70), the following rights and obligations of parents are identified:

  • protection of the rights and interests of children is assigned to their parents (in other words, parents advocate the rights of their children in all state and other organizations);
  • parents are not entitled to harm the physical and mental health of children, their moral development;
  • provide within its capabilities, living conditions necessary for the normal development of the child;
  • all questions regarding the upbringing and education of children are solved by parents by their mutual agreement, based on children's interests and, taking into account the opinion of children;
  • ensuring the publicity and free reception of children of basic general education, including in educational institutionslocated at the place of residence;
  • the right to assist parents in the provision of a family of medical, psychological, pedagogical, legal, social assistance;
  • parental rights cannot be conflicted with the interests of children.

For non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment of their parental duties, as well as for committing offenses against their children, parents bear administrative, criminal and other responsibility, depending on the nature of the actions perfect.

2.2. Rights and obligations of parents-drivers(Report, booklets)

Violation of the requirements for the transport of children established by the Rules of Road Article 12.23 Part 3. Violation of the rules for the use of seat belts or motorbers Article 12.6.

Intersection of organized transport or walk columns or occupation of a place in it. Article 12.15 Part 1. Failure to fulfill the requirements of the road traffic rules before stop-line marked by road signs or markup of the roadway, with a traffic light-prohibiting signal or a prohibiting adjustor gesture.

Article 12.12 Part 2. Failure to fulfill the requirement of road rules to give way to pedestrians, cyclists or other road users (with the exception of vehicle drivers), using the advantage in the movement article 12.18.

2.3. Pedestrian rights and obligations(Report, booklets)

Pedestrian has the right to:

Move on roads in accordance with these Rules.

On the predominant crossing of the roadway of the road along an unregulated pedestrian crossing, as well as according to the adjustable pedestrian crossing with the resolution of the controller or traffic light.

Pedestrian owed:

Move along the sidewalk, pedestrian or bicycle path, and in their absence - on the side of the road. In the absence of these elements of the road or the impossibility of moving pedestrians on them, pedestrian movement along the edge of its carriage part towards the movement of vehicles is allowed.

When moving along the edge of the roadway, the pedestrian must designate itself with a retroreflective element (elements). The retroreflective characteristics of these elements are set by technical regulatory legal acts.

To move (cross) the roadway in the underground, overhead pedestrian transitions, and if they are absent, making sure that the output on the roadway is safe, - according to the ground pedestrian crossing (in the absence of a terrestrial pedestrian crossing - at the crossroads along the sidewalks or ookolin).

In the absence of a pedestrian, overhead, ground pedestrian crossroads and an intersection to move (cross), passing part of the road along the shortest trajectory on the site, where the road is well visible in both directions, making sure that the way out of the roadway is safe and your pedestrian Create obstacles to the movement of vehicles.

When crossing the carriageway outside the road, overhead, ground pedestrian crossroads and intersection in the dark pedestrian, it is recommended to designate itself with a retroreflective element.

Pedestrians are prohibited:

Move along the edge of the carriageway in the presence of a sidewalk, pedestrian or bike path, the curbs for which pedestrian movement is possible, except in the cases specified in paragraphs 21 and 135 of these Rules.

To linger and stop on the roadway part of the road, including on the horizontal road markup line, separating the oncoming and passing streams of vehicles, except for the stop on the islands of security.

Switching (crossing) the roadway outside the underground, overhead, terrestrial pedestrian crossings on the road area:

With a separation zone, separation strip;

FROM general number Motion strips six or more;

Where road fences are installed.

Going to the roadway of the road due to the standing vehicle or other object that limits the visibility of the road, without making sure the absence of approaching vehicles.

When the vehicle is approaching the light and blue light and red and red colors, pedestrians are prohibited to move (cross) the roadway, and the pedestrian located on the roadway of the road should leave it by observing precautions.

3. Speech by the teacher.

In our country, the situation with child road traffic injuries was and remains very disturbing. Most often, children pedestrians become participants in the authors. Concept for pre-school education, reference books and requirements preschool education A series of sufficiently serious requirements, the safe behavior of children in the surrounding reality. In this regard, there was a problem: how to teach the child to safe behavior on the road as a pedestrian.

To achieve our goal in educational region Safety We use the main general education program DOUand the program additional education Preschoolers on traffic police "good road of childhood" Author: Shaidulin N.V.; Program "LIGHTFOR" Training of preschool children Author: Danilova T.I., S. Volkov "Pro Rules of Road". All this is aimed at forming in children of this socio-personal aspect. One of the main forms of children's development is an organization joint activity With a teacher through didactic game ("Learn Road Signs", "Traffic", "Ochami says traffic light", "sidewalks and children", "What is first, what then?", "Caution road").

Movable game ("Sparobushki and the car", "traffic light", "be attentive", "Pedestrian attention",);

Plot role-playing game (We are pedestrians, "on the roads of the city," "Movement Rules").

4.1. The analysis for analysis:

1 slide. Mom leaves his son from kindergarten, the front passing part of the road, the sidewalk is no boy runs, ahead of it where it fell. Mom does not respond to it.

Question. How to do mom?

2 slide. Mom and son goes down the street. On the opposite side, the boy sees Pope and "rushes" to him across the road.

Question. How did you have to do mom?

4.2 Interactive game.

The educator offers parents to pass two levels of difficulty: the first and second.

3 slide. The first level is called "baby's mouth." The conditions of this game are similar to the television transmission of the same name. If the word is guessed from the first attempt, players receive 5 points. Each next tip deprives member points.

When you are on it, you can not yawn.

Everyone is looking around it. (Crossroads.)

This is something so long.

It happens multicolored, and sometimes one color.

If it is, it means, near the railway.

If it is raised, you can go. (Barrier.)

In winter, it is not visible, and in the summer it is painted.

Someone walks on it, someone stops before it.

Looks like a horse.

Like a vest. (Zebra.)

Eyes glow in turn. (Traffic light.)

Educator: Congratulations You have passed with success this level.

4 slide. The second level is called "Collect the picture."

I will ask the questions in turn then the one team is the other, and you answer. For each right response, the parent receives a part of the picture, then they collect her who first collected 5 balls.

  • What transport goes through the streets of our city?
  • Where should the pedestrian walk in the country road?
  • Why is it dangerous to run the road in front of close-going transport?
  • What is the traffic light, what signals does he serve?
  • How do you need to move the street after leaving the transport?
  • What is called a pedestrian crossing?
  • How and where do you need to go around the street?
  • Who is called a passenger?
  • What types of passenger transport do you know?
  • What traffic lights forbid a pedestrian and car movement?
  • What does the yellow traffic light signal mean?
  • In which sequence are the light signals of the traffic lights?
  • What should parents do to transport children in the car?

Let's sum up. Who has more tokens ... On this, our interactive game ends. Congratulations! You have successfully passed all the tests according to the rules of the road.

4.3 . Educator: Now I suggest you a little moving and play the game "Blind driver."

Before starting the exercise for the group, various obstacles are arranged (a surrounding policeman, traffic lights with different burning flowers, pedestrian crossings, pedestrians (doubts or toys).

Parents are divided into pairs, one of them tie their eyes. The purpose of the second participant to manage the "blind driver" i.e. In a timely manner, report obstacles, road traffic signs on the specified route.

"The traffic light is our assistant."

Suggest to remember the poems or read about the colors of the traffic light (red - no drive, yellow be ready for the way, and green color - Kati!). The game is held "Be attentive" on the traffic light - a red light! It is dangerous way - no passage! And if the yellow light is burning, - he "prepare" says. Green flashed ahead - free path - go. In the game, all participants are pedestrians. When the traffic controller shows the yellow light on the "traffic light", then all participants are built into the car and are preparing for the movement when the green light is "ignites" - you can walk, run, jump throughout the hall; With red light - everything is freezed in place. Oven - drops out of the game. When you cross the street - watch the traffic lights.

Game "Road, Transport, Pedestrian, Passenger"

Participants are in a circle, in the middle it becomes a traffic controller. He throws the ball to someone from the players, uttering one of the words: road, transport, pedestrian, passenger. If driving said the word "road!", The one who caught the ball should quickly call any word associated with the road. For example: Street, sidewalk, sideways, etc. On the word "transport!" The player meets the name of any transport; On the word "pedestrian!" You can answer - traffic light, pedestrian, etc. Then the ball is returned to traffic control. A mistaken player drops out of the game.

The educator offers to play in computer game On an interactive board.

4.4. "Vovka Pedestrian."(computer game)

Note Slide Actions I. possible variant explanations of the teacher
№1 "Vovka Pedestrian."
№2 "Help forever gather a picture"

(With the help of a manipulator, the child chooses a picture moves it to the desired cell if the actions of its correct it hears a beep.)

№3 "Help the voyage to go across the road."

(With the help of a manipulator, the child chooses a picture and moves it on the hero field, if the actions of its correct it hears a beep.)

№4 "Always go through the intersection, on which signal of the traffic light can go the road." (With the help of a manipulator, the child chooses a picture, and moves the hero on the field if the actions of its correct it hears the beep.)
№5 "Help forever to determine who violates the rules of the road." (With the help of a manipulator, the child moves a picture in the hero field. If its actions are correct, it hears a beep.)
№6 "Help forever to determine which sign should stand in this place. (With the help of a manipulator, the child moves objects on the hero field, if the actions of its correct it hears a beep.)
№7 "Help the voyage hang sign in place." (With the help of a manipulator, the child selects the item, and moves the hero on the field if its actions are correct it hears a beep.)
№8 "Help forever to determine which sign is called" Carefully children ". (With the help of a manipulator, the child chooses the item and moves the hero on the field if its actions are correct it hears a beep.)
№9 "Well done!"

5. Reflection.

Educator: To form in children safe behavior skills through:

Parents Answers:

Personal example. Remember, if you violate the rules, your child will do the same! Remember that you are responsible for the life and health of children.

Automate the skills when moving the roadway. The child should have a hard skill: before making the first step from the sidewalk, he turns his head and inspect the road in all directions. Show! Explain! That the car must be noticed from afar that it moves with different speedthat she has special beacons for which you can determine the direction of the movement of the machine. Teach him to peer into the distance.

In conclusion, we express deep gratitude to my parents and introduce a corner of traffic police, and we distribute the booklets "Pedestrian Rules".


Purpose: to increase the level of preparation of educators, the improvement of the practical skills necessary in the formation of preschoolers of the rules of safe behavior on the roads.

develop cohesion, skill work in a team.

Participants of the workshop have become educators and teachers specialists.

Head of the Center BDD

To teach children to the safety of safety and traffic rules, first of all the teacher must be well aware of this issue and is interested in solving such a problem as children's road traffic injuries. That is why work in this direction is conducted not only with children, but also with teachers. Today, on the basis of the center of the BDD will be held a workshop "I know PDD itself - Scientific Other."


1. Word-greeting of a specialist department of education - apricatina Larisa Viktorovna

2. Report of the Inspector OGIBDD Doroshenko V.V.

"Analysis and Statistical data on DDTT

for summer period

4. Acquaintance with work plan

for 2012-2013 academic year - Senior Educator Demidova E.V.

5. Dialogue - Exchange of views.

Dear friends, now we have gathered for holding a competition: attentive, resourceful, where you need to pass the tests of the road, we wish the teams of success. Let the strongest wins. And who will determine our jury stronger.
The first competition "Workout"

Questions Team "Melniki"
1) What part of the street is intended for pedestrians?
2) Which part of the bus is around when exit?
3) which side do you need to get out of the passenger car?
4) Where to watch when moving the road
5) Call the best way to save life on the road

Questions team knowing ":
1) Where can I go around the street?
2) What are the colors of the traffic and what are they denoted?
3) What types of transitions do you know?
4) On what road the car is better inhibited?
5) What machines have the right to go to the red light?

2 game contest

"Molchanka". (Every 3 cards with numbers 1,2,3 will distribute each 1,2,3.

I will ask questions and 3 options for answers. On the desired option you raise the appropriate card. CANCE? For every question, 10 seconds are given to thinking.

1 team

one . What part of the street is intended for a pedestrian?

1. Bridge

2. Sidewalk

3. Bike track

2. Where should the pedestrian going in the absence of a sidewalk?

1. On the right side of the curb

2. On the left edge of the road

3. On the left side, towards moving transport.

3. How should the pedestrian going?

1. Adhering to the left side

2. Holding the right side

3. Adhering to the middle

2 team

1. At what distance from the right edge of the carriageway is allowed to ride

by cycling?

1. Not more than 0.5 m.

2. Not more than 1m.

3. No more than 2 m.

2. How should a pedestrian act, if during the transition a crossroads a green traffic light changed to yellow, and you did not have time to go the road?

1. Quickly run the street

2. Return to the sidewalk

3. Stop on the axial line

3. Is it allowed to transport a passenger on a bicycle?

2. Allowed, child under the age of 7 years old on extra seat.

3. Allowed, on the frame.

3 contest

Each team of separate cut and mixed lines to collect a poem and read it expressively. The team that first fulfilled the task is wins.

4. Concurs - literary. You need to answer the proposed questions. Each correct answer - 2 points

1 team

What traffic light is missing in the poem "My cheerful ringing ball?" (Green)

What book are these lines from:

"The stepan did not talk,

Light hand took out

In the middle looked

Something got somewhere ...? " ("Uncle Stepa")

In what a fairy tale, what hero has a hat of the same color as the traffic light signal? ("LITTLE RED RIDING HOOD")

Name the work in which the bears rode on a bike ("cockroach")

2 team

What kind of work and who the tram cut the legs? ("Dr. Aibolit", Bunny)

What insect of the same color with a traffic signal lives in the grass? (GRASSHOPPER)

Name the city in which Dunno learned to ride a car? (SOLAR)

What form of transport got Cinderella to the ball to the king? (Horse)

-5 Contest "Fairy Situation". You will listen to the riddles on the road and answer the question. Rating - 3 points.

1 team

1. Birthday vini fluff.

Today, vini-fluff has a birthday. He turned 6 years old. On this day, he bought a large bike. And he, so that the whole city see his gift, sat down on him and drove out.

What mistakes allowed vini fluff? (Children up to 14 eats to leave for the road. It is possible to drive in the courtyard)

2. Barrock on the road.

A kolobok rolled around the country road, and he will meet the wolf: "Kolobok, Kolobok, I'll eat you, if you do not guess the riddle! I'm going today to the fox on the car, as it should be, on the left side, I hear the policeman whistles. What do you think, why did he stop me? " (Vehicles allowed to go on the road, adhering to the right side)

2 team

3. Boy and red hat.

The boy rides a bike, at the bus stop sees a red hat and minor.

"Taking me to a pharmacy," asks his red hat, "my grandmother is sick."

"No, no me," Forgive Dunno.

Who will go with the boy?

(No one, the bike is allowed to ride only one. Trunk - for the transportation of baggage, and frame - for fixing the main parts)

4. Chip and Dale.

Chip and Dale went on a journey, they walked all day and very tired. On the side of the road Dale saw a road sign, which was very happy. Soon they came to a small cozy house, where they stayed for the night.

What kind of road sign saw the bugs? (CAMPING)

Competition 6 "ABC of Road Signs".

I want to ask about the sign,

A sign is drawn like that.

In the triangle guys

From all legs run somewhere.

("Caution, children!")

We went from the garden we home,

We see a sign on the pavement:

Circle inside the bike

There is nothing else!

("Bicycle lane")

Here is a circle with a rubber red,

And inside the pattern is not.

Maybe girls beautiful

Should be inside a portrait?

Circle empty in winter and summer,

How is this sign called this?

("Movement Prohibition")

In a triangle - two brothers

Everyone is rushing somewhere, rushing.

The most important sign in the world -

It's just near ...

In the blue circle pedestrian

It is not hurry, goes.

Track safe,

It's not scary here.


What kind of sign is hanging?

Stop - car he makes ...

A pedestrian! Go firmly

On the tracks black and white.


Go boldly young and old

Even cats and dogs ...

Only here is not the sidewalk -

The thing is all in the road sign.


Ill belly from Roma,

Do not reach the house.

In such a situation

You need a sign to find.

("Item First Medical Aid")

7 Competition "Figure".

"Road Vernissage" - draw a non-existent road sign.

- "Liquid asphalt";

- "Wild schoolchildren":

- "Deaf old women";

- "Flaws".

Musical pause - Avtodiscotek with Zebra

Summarizing. Award

for educators on the topic: "Organization of training classes

preschoolers safe behavior on the street "

We all live in a society where certain norms and rules of behavior in the road transport situation are observed. Often the culprits of road accidents are the children themselves who play near the roads are moving the street in the wrong places, incorrectly enter the vehicles and come out of them. However, children of preschool age are a special category of pedestrians and passengers. Therefore, from the itself early age It is necessary to teach children to safe behavior on the streets, roads, in transport and road rules. Parents and pre-school institutions should be taken in this, and in the future, of course, school and other educational institutions.

It is known that habits enshrined in childhood remain for life. The main task of educators is available to clarify the rules of the child, and when choosing a form of learning, to convey to children the meaning of the danger of non-compliance with the rules, while not distorting their content. Children need to be trained not only by road rules, but also safe behavior on the streets, roads, in transport. High level Accidents are largely due to the disadvantages in organizing the education and training of preschool children with safe behavior on the street. Innovative approach To the organization didactic occupations With preschoolers on road topics, it consists in simultaneously solving the following tasks:

1. Development in children of cognitive processes needed to them for proper and safe orientation on the street;

2. Training of preschoolers of road vocabulary and the inclusion of them in independent creative work, allowing the tasks in the process of fulfilling the tasks and to realize the danger and safety of specific actions on the streets and roads;

3. Formation in children skills and sustainable positive habits of safe behavior on the street.

The program of education of preschoolers should include issues that reveal the content of the terms "Danger" and "Security". The heading goal of educational work on children's training. The basics of road safety should be in the formation of them necessary skills and skills, developing positive, sustainable habits of safe behavior on the street.

Through the direct perception of the road environment during targeted walks, where children are watching traffic and pedestrians, road signs, traffic lights, pedestrian crossings, etc.;

In the process of special developing and training lessons on road topics.

Especially important is the development of such skills and habits, as a conscious attitude towards their own and foreign actions, that is, an understanding by a child of what is right or wrong. Also great importance He has the formation of a preschooler habits to restrain their impulses and desires (for example, to run, when it is dangerous, etc.).

Rising preschoolers, the teacher applies techniques such as suggestion, conviction, example, exercise, promotion. Rise children should be constantly: in the process of games, walks, special exercises, developing motor skills, when performing tasks in drawing albums, stroke, hatching, design, execution of applications, etc., on road topics, in speech development activities using Road vocabulary, with the analysis of dangerous and safe road situations.

The principle of clarity is especially important, which is traditionally used in working with preschoolers, when they should see everything themselves, hear, touch and thereby realize the desire for knowledge. Thus, the education program and didactic classes aims to not so much the training of preschoolers directly by the rules of road traffic, how much the formation and development of their skills and positive sustainable habits of safe behavior on the street. At the same time, it is necessary to take into account the following pattern: the more the preschooler formed useful skills and habits of safe behavior on the street, the easier it will be given knowledge on road themes in a general education institution.

In general, the plan of conducting didactic classes with preschoolers should provide for the development of the cognitive abilities necessary for them to be able to navigate in the road environment. The main ones are:

Skill notice in time dangerous placesapproaching transport;

The ability to distinguish between the magnitude of the transport;

Ability to determine the distance to the approaching transport;

Knowledge of traffic lights, symbols on road signs and their meaning;

Understanding the peculiarities of traffic; that he cannot instantly stop when he saw a pedestrian on his way (child);

Understanding of the potential danger of transport; the fact that the roads can be an accident with death and injuries of people;

The ability to connect to express their thoughts.

Enter to active vocabulary Basic concepts on the road vocabulary (pedestrian, driver, passenger, traffic light, sidewalk, border, driving part of the road, road signs, pedestrian crossing, underground pedestrian crossing, overhead pedestrian crossing, road marking "Zebra", danger, security, accident (road traffic accident));

Become acquainted with the main types of vehicles;

Determine dangerous places around the preschool institution, in the neighborhood of living, in the courtyard, on the streets on the way to kindergarten;

Magate together with children Safe movement route in preschool institution;

Clarify children typical errors behavior on the street, leading to accidents and departures on pedestrians;

Talk about hazards on streets and roads related to weather conditions and lighting;

To teach to be attentive, be able to see and hear what is happening around, carefully behave in the courtyards, on the sidewalk, when moving the group, when driving on a bike, roller skates, skateboard, scooter, sledding;

To train rapid orientations in the road atmosphere: inspected when leaving the house, being in the courtyard, on the street, do not go on the roadway due to obstacles and structures; Do not stand close to the corners of the intersection, on the border; Do not play near the roadway road.

Also, the educator independently determines which roads on road topics can be carried out in the youngest, middle, senior, preparatory groups. Given that preschoolers have a different level of individual development, classes need to be carried out with regard to their interests. We must not forget that in each group of kindergarten there are preschoolers included in the "risk group". It may be overwhelmed by mobile children or, on the contrary, too slowed down. With them the educator conducts classes taking into account their individual features And necessarily organizes work with their parents.

Modeling of dangerous and safe road situations;

Independent work in drawing albums or specially developed notebooks, forming and developing cognitive processes of children;

Interactive survey;

Collective activities of children in the study, understanding and awareness of road traffic, danger and safety in the road environment.

Particularly effective interactive method Training aimed at the active inclusion of children in the dialogue. With this method, the teacher can help the guys visually present traffic and pedestrians, to understand dangerous and safe action in specific situations, To form the ability to observe, compare, analyze, summarize visual information and transfer it to ultimately on real road conditions.

When moving from one age group to another child should have certain knowledge on the basics of safe behavior on the street. It is necessary to start learning from younger preschool age, gradually increasing the knowledge of preschoolers in such a way that they can already be focused on the street and clearly knew the rules of the road.

In the younger group Classes are best for walking (for better visibility).

On them, the teacher shows the sidewalks, the roadway road, explains their meaning. Children will learn who is called the driver, pedestrian, passenger. When studying the traffic light, they explain the value of red and yellow signals as prohibiting the movement and the value of the green signal as a resolution movement.

Also, preschoolers are watching the movement of transport, pedestrians, learning to distinguish vehicles by name and magnitude (large / small): passenger car, tram, bus, trolleybus, etc. Pedagogue is important to explain to children as far as real cars are more dangerous than toy them. In class in the group it is useful to resort to visual modeling of road situations. Best way - pushing preschoolers to games with cars, during which they will find each action aloud (the car has turned, gave reverse, increased the speed, etc.).

For the development of the right orientation of children in space, it is necessary to teach them to determine the location of objects (right, left, in front, behind, at the top, below), their size, and also learning to compare items for these parameters. As a result of such classes, preschoolers receive knowledge that such a traffic light, transport, road. They get used to, being on the street, keep an adult by hand.

Didactic training on road topics can be carried out in the form of drawing in albums or in special notebooks with attachments on hatching, stroke, drawing items, developing items small motor Hands.

For walks with middle preschool children It is necessary to start learning oriented on the ground, namely in the territory of the kindergarten. Also, the tutor must certainly explain that it is impossible to go beyond its limits. For the territory of the Dow, it is necessary to expand the knowledge of preschoolers about vehicles, their types and constructive features. The educator shows the children those part of the street on which pedestrians are safe: sidewalks, pedestrian crossings, by which, holding an adult by hand, you can cross the roadway. It is useful to carry out exercises on the development of the charming and lateral vision. Thus, the guys are formed the ability to feel and distinguish with a hidden threat in the road environment.

In classroom, the teacher's group can give a task to make a story about the road situation. For example, the guys can tell how they drove in the car (bus, tram, etc.). Or how they went on foot to kindergarten. At the same time, the teacher unobtrusively fixes the preschoolers an understanding of what places on the street are dangerous, and also finds out how well the children own road vocabulary. In explanations it is useful to use illustrative material: books and posters, where depicted dangerous situations, For example, in the yard, as well as various guidelines on behavior next to the roadway.

Thus, by five years, the children are expanding the ideas about the rules of safe behavior on the street, the skills of observation of what happened in the road environment are being formed.

In the senior group The familiarity of children with the peculiarities of the road traffic and pedestrians continues. The ability of the guys is enshrined freely navigate the territory around the kindergarten in the presence of educators. It is necessary to continue to acquaint children with the basic concepts of the road "dictionary." For walks behind the territory of the preschool institution, it is recommended to pay advantage of preschoolers on the correct and incorrect actions of other pedestrians. Then the children themselves must tell that it is some pedestrians make it wrong why their actions are dangerous and what to do to be safe. And for walks, and in the classroom in the group (with the help of an illustrative material), you need to pay advantage of preschoolers on the features of the movement of large and small transport. For a walk, the educator clearly shows preschoolers movement of vehicles: large, trucks, bus, trolley buses and cars, motorcycles that are not visible for large vehicles. Explains that if a pedestrian goes the road in a wrong place, he does not see that a motorcycle can go for a large vehicle at high speed. In turn, the driver of the car (motorcycle) also does not see a pedestrian if he goes the road at the location of the closed review. As a result, races occur. If in kindergarten there is a microdistrict layout with streets adjacent to the territory of the kindergarten, then the teacher, putting children around the layout, can tell them about the city, streets, traffic lights: transport and pedestrian, pedestrian crossings, etc. Using pedestrian figures and transport vividly show what can happen if you break the rules of the road. And also explain how to behave correctly on the streets and roads, show dangerous turns of transport at intersections, etc.

Especially carefully treat children preparatory group, After all, they are future schoolchildren who will soon have to independently cross the road, perform the duties of a pedestrian and passenger. It continues to work on the development of cognitive processes: attention, perception, imagination, thinking, memory, speech. The preschoolers of this age group need to develop the ability to perceive the spatial segments and spatial orientation. They should be able to independently evaluate the actions of the driver, pedestrian and passenger, to anticipate the danger on the street. Also, for age, preschoolers should be able to observe, evaluate the road situation with the help of vision, hearing (I saw a traffic light signal, heard a warning beep submitted by the driver of the car, etc.), with understanding to explain dangerous places in the surrounding road.

Principles of Education and Training:

Unity; clarity; gradualness; Availability, etc.

Approximate subjects of classes with preschoolers:

"Road to pre-school institution." "Road signs for pedestrians."

"The prediction of danger on the streets." "Types and traffic lights."

"The rules of behavior on the sidewalk, in the courtyard, in the playground."

"Finding on the street with adults and the rules for the transition of the roadway."

"Dangerous and safe actions of pedestrians and passengers."

"Pedestrian crossing (underground, above-ground and ground -" zebra ")".

When teaching children, the following scientific research data should be taken into account:

Preschool children junior Group can remember only two three bright signs of objects;

Children middle group Three four signs of the subject can be remembered;

Children are senior group remember no more than five six signs of the subject.

Means: color, shape, structure, proportion, quantity, purpose assignment.

When implementing the education and training program for preschoolers, the educator is recommended to identify goals and guidelines for each age group (from 3 to 7 years old) to which he should strive to form, forming and developing their skills of safe behavior on the street.