Block's biographical help. Alexander Blok: poems, creativity, biography, interesting facts from life

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Biography, history of the Life of the block of Alexander Alexandrovich

The poet Blok was born in St. Petersburg in 1880 on November 16, he was the son of professor-lawyer. The mother of the bloc went away with her husband immediately after the birth of the boy. The child was brought up in the family of his grandfather, who was the rector of the St. Petersburg University, Beketov. Becketov Alexander Nikolaevich was on the formation of a botanist. The mother married the second time, the family settled in the Grenadier barracks, since stepfather was the Guards officer. The surname of him was CUBCI-Piottuch. The unit has fully completed the gymnasium and entered the University of St. Petersburg to learn at the Faculty of Law. Soon he realized that his interests were far from legal science and turned to the Faculty of Philology, the Slavic-Russian branch. Alexander managed to adhere to legal on the legal, before fucked by philosophy and poetry.

Familiarity with the future wife took place in the university walls, it was the daughter of the famous Mendeleev, a chemical scientist. A young couple married in 1903. The block was in love with his wife. It was a rare sense that happens not to everyone. The first love of the block also left a deep mark in the soul and in poetry. The first inlentibility of the poet survived in the gymnasium at the resort in Baden-Baden, where the family rested in 1897. By 1901, the poet had already written many poems, it was a lyrics about love, poems about nature. The poetry of the block was built on the idealistic ideas of Plato's philosophy, it was full of unclear premonitions, hints and allegory. In poetry attended an unreal world higher ideasThat was something sublime.

Relations with his wife were contradictory and very complex, since almost no proximity between them was almost. At this time, the block became close to the symbolists. There were two mug of symbolists - Petersburg and Moscow. In the first, Zinaida Hippius and Meriazhkovsky reigned, in the second, in Moscow, the main figure was Bryusov. Alexander became close to the Moscow circle of fans of philosophy Vl. Solovyov, among them allocated Andrey White. White then was a novice prosair and a poet, theorist and a connoisseur of new literature and new art. Andrei White Group with delight met poems block. In the publishing house of symbolists, a book "Poems about the beautiful lady" was published. Block's wife became the subject of Andrei White in love, but he was rejected. Nevertheless, family relations have become even more intense.

Continued below

The block began to gradually move away from symbols in 1905-1907, during the revolution. He turned to a civil subject, at that time he wrote a drama for Meyerhold Theater called "Balabanchik". During the war and revolution, the block wrote a lot of works in which he tried to comprehend the historical path of Russia from the point of view of the ministry of symbolism. Gradually, catastrophic motives began to grow in his work, he realized that the artistic language of symbolists was alien to him. The block accepted the revolution as the element of purification, but no one understood his images and did not accept. The block became a professional writer about years in 1906-1908, when the books began to go out one after another, but from the same time the disorder with symbolism was determined. He finally stood up on his own way in the literature, making the conclusions from his thoughtful and doubt.

In the life of the block there was not one woman who had an impact on his poetry. Each period of biography became poetry. The history of the appearance of the Carmen cycle is associated with a sense of love by Alexandrovna Delmas. Delmas was her scenic pseudonym, according to the mother's name. The real surname was Tishinskaya. It was a famous singer who completed the Petersburg Conservatory. She sang a romance to the word block in the Tenishevskaya school, when everyone noticed that the block and Delmas were strikingly fit to each other. Their feeling was "terribly serious." It was a dazzling woman, but was she beautiful? The block had a peculiar representation of feminine beauty, in fact it was no longer a young, cargo woman. She was dedicated to the cycles "Carmen", "Arf and Violin", "Gray Morning", the poem "Solovyan Garden", which the block completed in 1915.

completing interesting travel Abroad, the block released the cycle of the best in the Russian poetry of verses about Italy and many other wonderful works.

In the summer of 1916, the block called on the army, where he found his information about the February Revolution of 1917. When the poet returned to Petrograd, he began to participate in the investigation of the crimes of the royal regime as part of an emergency commission. His book about these investigations came out posthumously. The last short creative rise occurred in 1918, when the poems "twelve" and "Scythians" came out. Nobody accepted the image of Christ and did not understand, the poem was perceived very differently. Revolutionaries reacted more condescendingly, but the opponents of the revolution declared a Poet of a real boycott.

In 1919, the block was accused of an anti-Soviet conspiracy. He was interrogated for a long time, but Lunacharsky was styled. The poet was freed, he began to try to cooperate with the authorities. Soon the block felt the offensive of the crisis of creativity, he realized that he would not have places in the new literature. His physical condition has deteriorated greatly, he was on the verge of depletion, on the verge of life and death. He refused lately from creativity and died of inflammation of cardiac valves on August 7, 1921.

Alexander Alexandrovich Blok (1880-1921) - an outstanding Russian poet symbolist, writer, playwright, publicist, translator, critic. The classic of Russian literature, one of the most striking representatives of the silver century poetry, influenced the work of many literary figures - contemporaries and descendants.


The future poet was born in a notable noble family. Alexander Alexandrovich Bloka Father - Alexander Lvovich - University of Warsaw Professor. Father's brother at the time occupied high state post. Alexander Alexandrovich Bloka's mother - Alexander Andreevna - was the daughter of the rector of St. Petersburg University.

The marriage of the parents of the poet existed for long: after the birth of the son of Alexander Andreevna, he left her husband and never returned to him again. Leaving the Son the Father's name, she married the Guards officer. The childhood of Alexander Alexandrovich Bloka passed on the outskirts of St. Petersburg in the military barracks. He studied in the introduced gymnasium.

The first love

When Alexander was 16, while resting with her mother in the German resort city, he met a woman who left an indelible mark in his life. An interesting fact about Alexandra Aleksandrovich the block is that this woman was Xenia Sadovskaya - a thirty-semilenia married lady, the peer of mother of the block. Forky enthusiastic love of the gymnasium found a response in the heart of an adult woman with a difficult fate. And she answered his feelings, to the vast displeasure of the mother Alexander. But the mother who worked out the novel did not manage to prevent.

It's time to drive around. Lovers said goodbye, having arranged to write each other and certainly meet in St. Petersburg.

After a while they met, and their relationships continued. But it was obvious that their connection is temporary. Jealousy, quarrels, clarifying relationships rapidly carried the block and the garden to an inevitable rupture. In addition, Alexander began to get involved in any Mendeleev, which was hotly supported by his mother. Meetings were becoming less and less, letters are all colder.

Ksenia Sadovskaya lived heavy, complete tests of life and died the beggar, mentally ill in Odessa hospital. After her death in Podol, the skirts of Ksenia found 12 letters from the block and dried rose.

In the work of Alexander Alexandrovich Bloka, the image of Sadovsky is traced not only in the early period, a lot of poems are written about it and after the gap, and after the news of her death. So the blue-eyed beauty with a foggy loop forever remained in the immortal poems of his beloved.

Start of a creative path

Alexander Blok wrote his first poems, being a five-year-old child. Five years later they were written two issues of the magazine "Ship", and later - 37 numbers of the journal "Vestnik", which he wrote along with his brothers.

In 1898, Alexander became a student of the Law Faculty of St. Petersburg University. But after three years, he decided to translate to the historical and philological faculty.

An interesting fact about Alexandra Alexandrovich the block is that he was fond of theater and even signed up in the theater circle. But he did not have stage roles. The future poet willingly participated in home productions.

"Beautiful lady"

From childhood, a block every summer rested in the near Moscow estate of the grandfather. Nearby was the estate of the grandfather - the famous Chemist of Dmitry Mendeleev. Mendeleev's daughter - a love - fascinated by a beautiful dreamy Sasha and tried to pay attention to himself. It did not succeed immediately. The mother of the novice poet contributed to the rapprochement of Luba and Alexander. But their novel happened more than once and could not come to a logical junction - the wedding. Finally, in 1903, the block made any offer, and she answered agree. So the marriage began, brought by both spouses only suffering and misfortune.

Lyuba - the heroine of the first book of the poems of Alexander Alexandrovich block "Poems about the beautiful lady." He extolled his beloved, for life she remained the main woman of his life. But the poet wanted to perceive his wife as an elevated, unearthly creation, a beautiful lady from a dream. Therefore, immediately after the wedding, he declared her that married relations for this reason are impossible between them. Lyuba was shocked. Trying to attract the attention of her husband, she flirted, dressed up, but instead of her husband she was put in his friend's network - Andrei White poet. Painful love triangle Soon collapsed, reflected in the work of the block. The closeness of the spouses that emerged later disappointed them.

Alexander Alexandrovich Bloka Family

Alexander Block was not at all a faithful husband. The infinite number of women from public houses, novels with famous actresses and singers, of course, were known to anyone. And she tried to keep up with her husband: her numerous fleeting novels were known to everyone. As a result of a rampant life - addiction to the guilt.

Alexander Alexandrovich Bloka could not be due to the suffilis suffered in his youth.

Lyuba played in the theater, often drove on tour. The block tormented from loneliness, very bored in his wife, which, contrary to everything, called the main woman in his life.

When the wife became pregnant from the next random lover, the block, oddly enough, was delighted and announced that he was ready to recognize the child with his own. But the unfortunate infant lived quite a bit. Alexander was killed by grief. So there was a poem of Alexander Alexandrovich Bloka "on the death of a baby."

In the same period (1909), the father of the poet died.


Trying to find peace of mind, Block and wife go to rest in Italy, and after - to Germany. Westerns are reflected in the work of the poet. For the Italian poems of Alexander Bloka, they accepted a society called the Academy, which also consisted such well-known poets like Brucery and Annensky.

In 1911, in the summer, the spouses ride in France, and then in Belgium and the Netherlands. Two years later, Alexander Block rides again to France. It is noteworthy that in this country the poet absolutely did not like it, he was painful local life And in the nravami. But the Doctor advised him there.

Written during these years, the "Rosa and Cross" drama was highly appreciated by K. Stanislavsky and V. Nemorevich-Danchenko. But it was not set in the theater.

In 1916, the poet was called to the service in the engineering part. He served in Belarus.


The symbolism of fascinated the block at the beginning of its creative path - no specifics, only symbols, hints, mystery, riddles. This direction was close to the poet's globility.

In poems of the block, there is a synthesis of everyday and mystical, spiritual and domestic. Its pre-revolutionary poetry is inherent in smoothness and musicality. The works of Alexander Alexandrovich Bloka, written later, characteristic of the piercing intonations of the Gypsy Song Folklore, as a consequence of the poet's hobby, at that time, the singer's love of Delmas and frequent visits to Cafe Shantanov.

One of the main features of the poetry of the block is a metaphor. According to him, the present poet should have a metaphorical worldview, so that in his verses a romantic vision of life was not given to a high poetic syllable, but a natural look of the poet on the world.

An innovation of Alexander Blok is that he began to use the dolnik as a rhythm of the poetic string. He freed the Russian session from the canons introduced by Lomonosov and Tremakovsky, which demanded the accounts of the syllables in the footsteps - a certain metric ordered quantity and the location of the unmarked symbols. Later, almost all the poets of the new time followed the block.

Poet and revolution

If the February Revolutions, many representatives of the creative intelligentsia, with the hope of positive changes in the life of the state, then the October Revolution divided them on those who adopted the revolution and became on the side of the new authorities, and those who categorically did not accept the revolution and emigrated from the country.

Alexander Alexandrovich Blok decided that it should be in his homeland at this difficult time. In May 1917, he worked in an emergency investigative commission. The report on work in this commission, he placed the magazine "Poison" and the book "Recent Days of the Imperial Power."

The poet accepted the October Revolution with delight, for which he was dramatically condemned in St. Petersburg literary circles. A lot of derogatory words were written and written to the block, his position caused anger and misunderstanding of Ivan Bunin, who wrote about it in his work "the appearance of the days".

The child's joy of the poet, who considered the revolution of the elements, the flame and did not notice (or not want to notice) of its cruelty and bloodshed, lasted for a long time. The Bolsheviks did not slow down the bloc of the block, hoping to attract the intelligentsia to their side with a loud name Alexander Blok. He was appointed to various positions, included in numerous commissions, and often without his knowledge.

Poem "Twelve"

In the work of the writer Alexander Alexandrovich, the poem "Twelve" is a mansion. This is absolutely exceptional, the work is atypical for the author, to the end, not understood by neither contemporaries of the block, nor his descendants, causing an infinite number of disputes and disagreements. The block in this poem is almost unrecognizable.

Alexander Alexandrovich sought to comprehend the events of the October Revolution not only in journalistic works. And it was an impetus to the appearance of the work.

It is amazing, but the key to understanding this poem is the work of the poet chanson Mikhail Savoyarova known to the pre-revolutionary times of Petrograd. The coarse work of Savoyarova, the block highly appreciated and gladly visited his concerts.

Of course, in literary circles, the new poem of Alexander Blok was unanimously condemned. Everyone got used to his sublime poetry, and the style appeared in this poem was akin to street checks.

Preparing the wife of Lyubov Dmitrievna to read the poem at concerts and evenings, the poet led her to Savoyarov's concerts, so that she realize and felt the style, eccentric and even a few shocking manner. Alexander Block itself in such a manner read poems did not know.

Perhaps the poet considered the Language of Street Bareth or the Criminal only possible in a complex post-revolutionary time.

After the revolution

Suddenly, in February 1919, the bloc was arrested due to suspicion of participation in the anti-Soviet conspiracy. In prison, the poet spent a little more than a day, thanks to the intercession of Anatoly Lunacharsky. But it happened strongly shocked him and influenced the revaluation of values, and also accelerated the insight of the block, fascinated by the revolutionary element.

Stressful social work, staying in cold cheese of St. Petersburg, longing and accumulated fatigue undermined the already weak health of the poet. He opened several serious diseases, both bodily and spiritual. The work of Alexander Blok has not been engaged for some time. His body was tormented by unbearable suffering. At the same time, the poet was in the deepest depression.

In 1920 he died stepfather. Mother began to live with Alexander and Dmitrievna's love. The situation in the house was extremely angry, since the young woman's closest poet did not get along with each other.

Famous speech

At the meeting in the House of Writers on the occasion of the anniversary of the death of A. S. Pushkin, Alexander Alexandrovich, the block made a speech "On the appointment of the poet". In it, he raised questions, exciting for every literary figure: who is a poet and what is his role in history. The reasoning of the block about Pushkin gives an understanding of how highly he put Pushkin creativity, appreciating him great value For Russian poetry. This distinguishes Alexander Alexandrovich Blok from Futurists, who consider Pushkin only the remnant of the past. According to the block, the assessment of the person's personality of the poet is changing, characterizing only in black, and not a poet. And when the poet take the right to create freely, he cannot live more.

Last year

In 1921, the poet asked for departure for treatment in Finland. But he was denied. Thanks to the petition of Maxim Gorky and Anatoly Lunacharsky permission to depart the block and his wife finally gave. But it was too late. Almost beggar, seriously ill, disappointed, offended and desperate poet died. He was only 41 years old.

Before the death of the block on Petrograd, rumors were rumored about his insidiance, because in nonsense he was obsessed with only an obsessive thought: destroy everything to a single copy of the poem "Twelve". After receiving a refusal to go abroad to the necessary treatment, the block destroyed some records, and also refused food and drugs. He was in the complete consciousness, which refutes rumors about his madness.

Conduct Alexander Blok on the last path just two hundred people came. Among them were friends-colleagues of the poet. Buried the poet at the Smolensk Orthodox Cemetery in Native Petrograd. In 1944, his ashes was reburied on the literary holders of the Volkovsky cemetery.

Alexander Blok's wife survived him for 18 years, suddenly died with the name of her husband on the mouth.

With the death of the block, a whole epoch took place. Singer sublime feelings, intellectual, knight - he was a stranger for the new time. No wonder he was so hated his poem "Twelve": the poet understood how deeply he was mistaken, as he was used to use him and threw unnecessary, dying.

The poets-contemporaries of the block also had an unenviable fate: too many Soviet power destroyed or morally, or physically.

Having affecting everyone with his irrepressible faith in the future of Russia and people. Loving and suffering to arouse an immense, man with a broad soul and tragic life. The life and creativity of the block deserve attention to their fullness and refritch.

Biography of Poet.

Block Alexander Alexandrovich, year of birth 1880, November 28. Place of birth - Petersburg. His parents: Father - A.L. Block, worked as a lawyer at University in Warsaw, Mother - A.A. Beketova, the daughter of the famous nerd scientist.

Parents of the boy divorced before his birth, so it did not work in full family. However, grandfather on the maternal line A.N. Beketov, in the family of which Alexander grew up, surrounded the child with due concern and attention. Gave him a good education and start in life. A.N. himself Beketov was a rector of the university in St. Petersburg. The highly moral and cultural atmosphere of the surrounding environment imposed its imprint on the formation of worldviews and education block.

Since childhood, love for the classics of Russian literature is laid in it. Pushkin, Apukhtin, Zhukovsky, Fet, Grigorievs are those names, on whose works is a small block of Ros and acquired to the world of literature and poetry.

Poet training

The first stage of obtaining education for the block was the gymnasium in St. Petersburg. After her ending in 1898, he enters the University of St. Petersburg to the department of lawyers. Finishes legal training in 1901 and changes the direction to the historical and philological.

It is at the university that he finally decides to deepen into the world of literature. Also, this desire is supported by beautiful and picturesque nature, among which the estate of his grandfather is located. Growing in such a surroundings, Alexander almost absorb sensitivity and subtlety of the worldview, and reflected it in his verses. Since then, the creativity of the block begins.

With his mother, the block supports a very warm relationship, his love and respect for it is infinite. He, until the death of his mother, constantly sent her works to her.

Exterior appearance

Their marriage took place in 1903. Family life It was ambiguous and difficult. Mendeleev waited for great love, as in novels. The block also offered the moderation and peace of life. The result was the passion for his wife with his friend and like-minded people, Andrei White, a poet-symbolist who played a last role in the work of the block itself.

Work during life

The life and creativity of the block was developed in such a way that he, in addition to the literature, took part in quite everyday affairs. For example:

    he was an active participant in the drama productions in the theater and even saw himself as an actor, but the literary field attracted him more;

    two years in a row (1905-1906) The poet is a direct witness and participant in revolutionary rallies and demonstrations;

    leads its own literature column in the Golden Fleece newspaper;

    from 1916-1917 gives the debt to the motherland, passing the service under Pinsky (engineering and construction squad);

    is part of the leadership of the big;

    at the arrival of the army, it is set to work in the investigative commission of an emergency in the affairs of the royal ministers. Works there by the editor of the stenograph report until 1921.

    Early creativity bloc

    The little Sasha wrote his first verse for another five years. Already then in it read the talent deposits that needed to develop. Than block and engaged.

    Love and Russia - two favorite topics of creativity. The block wrote a lot of things and about the other. However, at the initial stage of development and the realization of his talent, his love was attracted. The image of an excellent lady he was looking for everywhere, captured all his being. And he found the earthly incarnation in the love of Mendeleev.

    The topic of love in the work of the block is revealed so fully, clear and beautiful that it is difficult to challenge it. Therefore, it is not surprising that his first brainchild is a collection of poems - called "poems about a wonderful lady," and is dedicated to his wife. The poetry of Solovyov, a student and the follower of which he is considered to be a great influence when writing this collection of poems on the block.

    In all poems, there is a feeling of eternal femininity, beauty, naturalness. However, all expressions and turnover used in writing are allegorical, unrealistic. The block is worn in the creative impulse in the "worlds other".

    Gradually, the topic of love in the work of the block is inferior to more real and urgent problems surrounding the poet.

    Beginning of disappointment

    Revolutionary events, disorder in family relationships, with a cracking of fallen dreams about clean and bright future for Russia forcing the work of the block to undergo explicit changes. The next collection is called the name " Inadequate joy"(1906).

    More and more he raises the symbolists to which he no longer belongs, is still stronger and cynical refers to hopes for the best ahead. He is a participant in revolutionary events, which is completely on the side of the Bolsheviks, considering their business right.

    During this period (1906), his drum trilogy is coming out. At first, the "Balant", after some time, "King on the square", and completes this trio experiencing a bitter disappointment from the imperfection of the world, from his deceived hopes. In the same period, he is fond of actress N.N. Volokhovah. However, reciprocity does not receive, which adds it to the poems of bitterness, irony and skepticism.

    Andrei White and others previously like-minded poetry do not take changes in the block and criticize its current creativity. The block Alexander remains adamant. He is disappointed and deeply saddened.

    "Current trilogy"

    In 1909, the Father dies at the bloc with whom he does not have time to say goodbye. This imposes an even greater imprint on his mental state, and he decides to unite his brightest work in his opinion in one poetic trilogy, which gives the name of the "entering trilogies".

    So the work of the block in 1911-1912 was marked by the emergence of three collections of poems, which are poetic names:

    1. "Poems about the beautiful lady";

      "Inadequate joy";

      "Snow Night."

    A year later, he produces a cycle of love poems "Carmen", writes the poem "Nightingale Garden", devoted to his new passion - singer L.A. Delmas.

    Motherland in the work of the block

    Starting from 1908, the poet positions itself more not as a lyrics, but as a chant of his homeland. During this period, he writes such poems as:

      "Autumn Wave";

      "Autumn Love";

    • "On the field of Kulikov."

    All these works are impregnated with love for their homeland, to their country. The poet at the same time shows two sides of life in Russia: poverty and hunger, mantomic, but at the same time wildness, unbridle and liberty.

    The theme of Russia in the work of the block, the topic of the Motherland is one of the most fundamental in his entire poetic life. For him, Motherland is something living, breathing and feeling. Therefore, he is too hard, the events of the October Revolution are seriously seriously given.

    The theme of Russia in the work of the block

    After revolutionary trends capture all his spirit, the poet almost completely loses lyrics and love in their works. Now the whole point of his works is directed to Russia, his homeland.

    The unit personifies his country in verses with a woman, he makes it almost tangible, real, as if he is thinking. Motherland in the work of the block takes so large-scale importance that he never writes more about love.

    Believing in the Bolsheviks and their truth, he experiences a cruel, almost murderous disappointment for him when he sees the results of the revolution. Hunger, poverty, defeat, mass extermination of the intelligentsia - all this forms in the consciousness of the block an acute hostile attitude towards symbolists, to the lyrics and forces it from now on to create works only with a satiristic, poisonous mockery over faith in the future.

    However, the love of him to Russia is so great that he continues to believe in virtue of his country. In the fact that she will rise, devouches and will be able to show its power and glory. Creativity of the block, Mayakovsky, Yesenin in this similar.

    In 1918, the block writes the poem "Twelve", the most scandalous and loud of all of its works, which caused the mass of curvotors and conversations about it. But the poet of Criticism leaves indifferent, the emerging depression begins to absorb all his being.

    Poem "Twelve"

    The author began writing his work "twelve" in early January. On the first day of work, he did not even take a break. In his records it is said: "tremble". Then writing the poem has suspended, and finish her poet managed only on January 28.

    After entering the light of this work, the creativity of the unit has sharply changed. You can briefly describe it as follows: the poet lost itself, it came stagnation.

    The main idea of \u200b\u200bthe poem each recognized in different ways. Someone saw in her support for revolution, mockery over symbolic views. Someone, on the contrary, satirical bias and mockery over revolutionary orders. However, the block itself when creating the poem meant also. She is contradictory, like his mood at that time.

    After the "twelve" edition, all the already weak connections with the symbolists were torn. Almost all close friends were turned away from the block: Merezhkovsky, Vyach, Veschzhet, Sologub, Pyat, Akhmatova and others.

    In Balmont, by that time he disappointed himself. Thus, the unit remains almost one.

    Postwear creativity

    1. "Retribution", which he and write.

    The revolution was held, and bitterness from the disappointment of Bolshevik politics and increased. Such a cut between what was promised, and what was done by the revolution, became unbearable for the block. You can characterize the work of the block briefly during this period: nothing is written.

    How to write later about the death of the poet, "Bolsheviks killed him." And indeed it is. The block failed to overcome and take such a discrepancy between the word and the case of a new government. I failed to forgive myself supporting the Bolsheviks, her blindness and short-sightedness.

    The block is experiencing the strongest breaking inside itself, completely goes into its internal experiences and torment. The consequence of this is a disease. From April 1921, at the beginning of August, the disease does not let go of the poet, turning it stronger. Only occasionally leaving half fees, he is trying to console his wife, Love Mendeleev (Block). On August 7, the block died.

    Where there lived and worked the poet

    Today, the biography and creativity of the block are fascinated and inspired by many. And the place where he lived and composed his poems and poems, turned into a museum. Photos, we can judge the situation in which the poet worked.

    The appearance of the estate in which the poet spent time, you can see on the photo on the left.

    The room in which the poet spent the last bitter and difficult moments of life (photo below).

    Today, the creativity of the poet love and study, they admire them, recognize its depth and integrity, unusualness and brightness. Russia is studied in the work of the block in school classes, writings write on this topic. This gives the full right to name the author a great poet. In the past, symbolist, then a revolutionary and at sunset, just deeply disappointed in the life and power of the unfortunate man with bitter, severe destiny.

    In St. Petersburg, a monument is established, perpetuating the name of the author in history and giving properly respect to his indisputable talent.

Block Alexander Alexandrovich (1880─1921) - Russian poet and writer, playwright and publicist, literary critic and translator. His creativity refers to the classics of Russian literature of the twentieth century.


Poet's father, Alexander Lvovich, had German roots in his family, he was a lawyer, he worked as an associate professor at the Department of State Law at Warsaw University.

The mother of the boy, the translator of Alexander Andreevna, had a purely Russian roots, she was a daughter of the famous academician, the rector of St. Petersburg State University of Beketova A. N. In the family, her name was Asey and loved incredible, firstly, because she was younger, secondly, For kindness, affection and very fun. Most of all Asya loved literature, especially poetry, perhaps this love and was then passed to the future poet at the genetic level.

Block's parents met on a dance evening. Asya made a strong impression on Alexander Lvovich, he fell in love and began to look for meetings with a girl in every way, he often got into the house of Beketov, where she was arranged for Saturdays. ASI and Alexander Lvovich's relations developed pretty quickly, in early 1879 they were responsible for the university church. The groom was older than the bride for 9 years, on the day of the wedding they immediately went to Warsaw.

Alexander Lvovich loved his wife insanely, but in his life he was a despot and tyrant, his love alternated with torment and bullying. Their first child was born dead. A woman was desperately burning and dreamed of going to spend the second kid.

When Asya was pregnant for the second time, they and her husband came to St. Petersburg to protect his dissertation. Settled immediately at her parents. After receiving the next scientific degree, Alexander Lvovich was returned to Warsaw alone. The parents of his wife persuaded him to leave their spouse, because on the eighth month of pregnancy, it is unsafe in trains.

In the house of his grandfather Beketov, Alexander Blok was born. The boy was large and perfectly folded, from the first day of his life he became in the family the center of attention. Immediately reported to the Father in Warsaw about the birth of the Son. When he arrived in St. Petersburg for Christmas holidays and stopped at Beketov, here all his despotic character was opened. Everyone understood that Asya hid from her parents, as she really lived with her husband.

Alexander Lvovich again left one, it was decided that the wife weakened by the birth with a tiny son until the spring would remain in the parents' home. But she did not return more to her husband in Warsaw, her father insisted that his daughter was left in St. Petersburg.

The baby was dried and capricious, sometimes they could not specify it for several hours. He fell asleep only on his hands at his grandfather who walked with his grandson in his arms and at the same time was preparing for lectures at the university.

Sashenka began to walk and say late, but every summer spent in the village of Chekhmatovo, he gained his health. Three years old, the boy was so pretty that passersby could not pass by, without looking at the child.

The future poet inherited in his character exactly in half the features and father, and the mother. According to Blokov, Alexander got the mind, the depth of feelings and the strongest temperament. But along with these harsh features, the Beketov sides were present in him, Alexander Blok was very generous, kind and childishly trusting.


The boy grew back and interesting, but very highly, to dissuade or teach it to something almost impossible, the mother often had to punish Sasha.

Until three years, he could not pick up a suitable nanny. But then the nanny Sonya appeared, who had a special relationship with the child. He adored her little block, he liked her most when the nanny read him out loud to Pushkin's fairy tales.

He loved to play, while he absolutely did not need comrades, he was fond of the game himself so much that he could run around the rooms for a whole day, portraying people, horses, conductor. In addition to games and nanny fairy tales, he had another strong passion - ships, he painted them in different types And hated around the house, this passion remained with him for life.

On the fourth year of life, the boy first visited the border with Mom and Nanny, in Trieste and Florence, where a lot was bought in the sea and sunbathing.

From there returned to his beloved village of Shakhmatovo. Being another child, the block studied here all the surroundings, later he will display this place in his poem "Retribution". He knew where mushrooms were found, the lilies of the valley and forget-me-not, where you can choose the whole Lukokhko forest strawberry.

Little Sasha madly loved animals, yard dogs, hedgehogs, even insects and rain worms caused admiration for him. At the age of five, he dedicated his first poems with a gray bunny and a homemade cat.

Native Father Alexander Lvovich came to the holidays to Russia, visited the Son, but the boy did not cause a special sympathy. The senior block was more concerned about returning his wife, but she persistently asked the divorce. While he himself did not think again to marry Warsaw, he refused in divorce.

And already in 1889, when Alexander Pokhu was nine years old, Mom was married to the Lieutenant of the Grenadier Regiment of Curbor Piottuch. She took the surname of her husband, the son remained the block.

They moved to the embankment of the big sky, there was new flat In regimental barracks, where they lived for 15 years. We did not drink special love for a special love for meat, but did not hurt. The boy became friends with neighboring children, together they skated when the Neck was covered with thick ice. At home he was engaged in drawing and drinking, especially he liked to twist the books.

Gymnasium and university

In 1889, Sasha entered into training in the introduced gymnasium. Study could not be called smooth, the arithmetic was given worse than everything, loved the ancient languages.
The gymnasium he was uncommunicative, unnecessary conversations did not love, often retired, wrote poems.

Already in the ten years old, he wrote two numbers of the magazine "Ship". And in the last courses of the gymnasium, it was together with cousins \u200b\u200bto produce a handwritten magazine "Vestnik". Grandfather Occasionally helped grandchildren to illustrate the magazine. In this edition there were poetry and prose of young bloc, rebuses and riddles, transfers from French and even a small play "Trip to Italy". In one of the rooms, a fairy tale was published, where the existing persons were beetles and ants. Basically, the block wrote humorous poems, but he had a very touching poem dedicated to Mom.

Too much reading in the gymnasium, the block was not fond of, but his favorite poets and writers he had:

  • Zhukovsky and Pushkin;
  • Jules Verne and Dickens;
  • Cooper and Main Reed.

At the senior courses, the block was inserted into the theater, declared Shakespeare, signed up in the theater circle, and even it had several roles in performances.

In 1897, Alexander and Mother and Turatka went to Germany, where the mother passed the course of treatment. His first love happened here. Ksenia Mikhailova Sadovskaya was a secular, beautiful and fused lady of 37 years, mother of the family. The young man was sanking by her bottomless blue eyes, the passion captured him and presented poetic inspiration.

Beauty of the first began to lure an inexperienced guy. He bought every morning and gave her roses, they rode alone in the boat, and, of course, the block devoted her the most touching poems to her, which could only write a young love poet. He signed them "Mysterious K. M. S."

Returning to Russia, in 1898, Alexander graduated from the gymnasium. Immediately he became a student of the Law Faculty at the University of St. Petersburg. After three years, he was studied to the historical and philological faculty, by choosing the Slavic-Russian branch. In 1906, the poet graduated from study at the university.

Family life

In 1903, Alexander married Mendeleev's daughter ─ love.

They met for a long time, even during the summer holidays in the village, where the Manor Mendeleev was located next to the Beketovskaya. He was then 14 years old, and anyone - 13, together they walked and played. The second meeting occurred when the unit only graduated from the gymnasium, this time young people made each other a completely different impression.

During study at the University, the block was often at home at Mendeleev, at that time his poems appeared, which then entered the collection "Poems about the beautiful lady", he dedicated to their future love wife.

In the year of marriage, another sign event took place in the poet's life, his poems began to be printed in the magazine "New Way" and in Almana "Northern Flowers". The work of the block was rapidly rated in St. Petersburg, and in Moscow.

After the wedding, young blocks lived in the house of his stepfather, went for a while in Moscow, and in the summer I left Chessatovo. Here they personally began to equip their own family Gnoveschko. Alexander very much respected physical work, he even wrote in his verses about how he loves any work - "That the stove folded that the poems would write." The blocks have been equipped with a chic garden, built a dery-sofa in it, often accepted guests. They were such a beautiful sunny pair among wildflowers that they were even called Tsarevna and Tsarevich.

They were for each other strong love all life. But their marriage turned out to be rather strange. The block considered his wife the embodiment of eternal femininity and did not allow that he could deal with caring love with her. He had other women, Lyuba also had an affair with the actor Konstantin Lavidovsky, from which she became pregnant. Potted in his youth block, could not have children, therefore he took the news of the pregnancy of his wife with joy that God would give them free birds, a child. But this happiness was not destined to come true, the born boy died, living only eight days. This loss block was very hard and often visited the boy's grave.

At the end of life, the poet will say that there were two love in his life - Lyuba and all the rest.


In 1904, the Publisher "Griph" released the first book of the "poems about the wonderful lady" block.

1906─1908 was marked by a special success and writing of the block. He missed all the events of the 1905 revolution, he himself took part in demonstrations, which was reflected in a number of his works. One after another goes to his books:

  • "Inadequate joy";
  • "Snow Mask";
  • "Earth in the snow";
  • "Lyrical dramas."

In 1909, the poet traveled in Germany and Italy, the result of this trip was the collection "Italian poems".

In 1912, they were written by the Drama Rosa and Cross, which V. Nehirovich-Danchenko and K. Stanislavsky were appreciated, but this was not supplied.

In 1916, the block served in the current army, he was distributed to Belarus in the Engineering Parts of the All-Russian Zemstvo Union. During the service, he learned about the accomplished revolution, which he first perceived with mixed feelings, but did not emigrate from the country.

During this period, these famous collections of poems occur as "night hours", "poems about Russia", "beyond past days", "gray morning".

Since 1918, Alexander has been taken to the service in the Emergency Investigation Commission, which investigated the illegal actions of officials. Here he worked as an editor.

Revolutionary events led to a deep creative crisis and depression at the poet. After the works of "twelve" and "Scythians", he stopped writing poems, according to him, "all the sounds stopped."

Disease and death

From 1918 to 1920, the block worked a lot in different positions in committees and commissions. He was terribly tired, as the poet himself said, "I drank me," the health has sharply went to the decline. Several diseases became aggravated: Cardiovascular failure, asthma, ration, neurosis. In addition, everything in the family had a heavy inventory.

In the middle of the summer of 1921, the poet began problems with reason: he fell into infamousness, he returned to life again. All this time, his wife Lyuba took care of him. Doctors suspected his brain edema.

On August 7, 1921, the poet Alexander Blok died in the presence of his wife and mother. He was buried at the Smolensk cemetery, and in 1944 the dust of him was reburied on the Volkovsky cemetery of St. Petersburg.

A Museum-Reserve of Alexander Bloka was opened in Shakhmatovo, where a monument to the poet and his beautiful lady was established.

(457 words) Butt XIX and XX centuries did not cost without a significant phenomenon. They became Alexander Alexandrovich Block, an epochal poet, a bright star of symbolism.

The poet was born in the Union of Alexander Lvovich Blok and Alexandra Andreevna Beketova in 1880. The marriage of Privat-Docent and the daughter of the rector was not destined to be happy, even the birth of a son did not recover. After nine years, the parents of Alexander officially divorced.

Children's years bloc passed abroad and on the outskirts of St. Petersburg. Summer of the future poet proceeded in the Moscow region in the estate of his grandfather.

Education and creative way

Best of all young Alexander Bloka can be characterized as a person who has different knowledge and hobbies. Already at five years he began to identify poems. The introduced gymnasium took the boy immediately into the second class.

His literary talent demanded will, and the fourteen-year-old block creates the homemade magazine "Bulletin". It was a kind of game that all family members were passionate about: mother, cousins, grandmother and grandfather. Alexandra Manili theatrical layouts, but the actor was not destined to become an actor. In the year of the majority, he graduated from the History and Philology Faculty.

Personal life and "Beautiful lady"

At seventeen, young people first struck love. But this feeling is one detail: his chosen, Ksenia, Sadovskaya, was the same-standing mother of the block. This novel was initially doomed, but still became a red thread in the work of the poet.

The first passion for Alexander shocked her mother, so in many ways she influenced his relationship with the Menndeleev's love. The junction of the new novel was a small marriage. The reverence of the block before his spouse was combined with treason, he only admired her, and was not physically close, but I was looking for dating girls of easy behavior. The young woman herself also did not lag behind her husband. In the end, the spouses reconciled, and the love of Mendeleev became the most beautiful lady, which the poet devoted the cycle of poems.


Since Alexander was a person of non-standard, his creative genius joined the symbolism. Everyday, mysticism, life and folklore - everything fell in his creations.

Alexandra Alexandrovich worry all sides of life: from thinking about the love and beauty of nature to sharp social problems. A special shade of his work was added metaphor. The block showed himself as a wonderful poet, playwright and publicist.

Attitude towards revolution

Alexander Blok belonged to the number of people who were waiting for the revolution of colossal change. He believed that what was happening should make life better, but the coups love blood. "Children's" delight of the poet was replaced by awareness and disgust.

We described this in detail on the example of its poem "12". This work is a stain on the work of the writer. Hessed adoption of the October Revolution pushed the block to writing it. The intelligentsia unanimously condemned the poem as the author himself, but later when he asked for death to destroy all the copies of the book.


Many factors influenced the health status of the block. He was morally exhausted and physically. In this regard, Alexander Alexandrovich had a creative stagnation. "I drank me," the poet described my state.

He needed a trip abroad, but he was refused. Serious cardiovascular disease accompanied with asthma and quantity, reinforced by mental disorders. The heart of the writer stopped fighting on August 7, 1921.

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