How to make a slide of snow for children. Winter fun: How to properly fill the slide for skiing

A do-it-yourself snow slide is an ideal activity for adults and children. After all, you will have to spend only a few hours building the structure.

But for the whole winter, your kids will get a wonderful ice attraction.

We all start together

How to fill a slide of snow? It takes just a little - snow, desire and enthusiasm. Well, also a few working hands. It is good to involve children in this business. After all, a do-it-yourself slide of snow will be especially beloved if a piece of your labor is invested in it. Younger children can be entrusted with the simplest and most elementary work, for example, bringing snow in children's buckets or rolling snowballs. Older kids can be puzzled by building steps. Well, the more experienced can even be entrusted with filling the descent with water. Believe me, the children will remember the process of building a slide from ice and snow for a lifetime. It's so exciting!

Required inventory

Before building a slide out of snow, we will prepare the tools and devices that will be needed for the job. There should be a lot of snow so that you can build a frame and steps from it, as well as add slides during operation. You also need to prepare:

It is advisable to well equip the kids who will help you with the construction. After all, the main thing in this matter is not to get sick, and not just the solution to the question: "How to fill a hill of snow?" Therefore, it is better for children to wear waterproof overalls, and also stock up on several pairs of gloves. Make sure that the kids do not sweat and do not unbutton at the same time, otherwise it is very easy to catch a cold.


Any construction object must have its own parameters. They depend on the age of those who will ride the homemade slide. If these are teenagers and adults, you can safely erect a slide with a height of one and a half to two meters. If kids are going to ride on this snow attraction, then the height of the slide should be no more than one meter.

The length of the descent, so that it is easy and not dangerous to ride, should be provided for about 5 meters. It is very important to calculate the angle of descent. The slide should not be too steep, the slope should be about 40 degrees. If you make it larger, then the pleasure of

there will be less descent, moreover, at the end of the descent on a steep hill, the child may receive a tangible blow. But a hill that is too flat will be uninteresting, because then the speed of the person moving will be significantly reduced.

The width of the slide must be large enough to be able to slide down on a sled. This is about half a meter, no more. Once you have figured out how to fill the slide with snow, do not forget about the bumpers on the descent to ensure safety. Otherwise, babies run the risk of falling before reaching the end.

Do not forget about reliable steps - it will be easy to climb the hill along them, and if they are sprinkled with sand, they will cease to be slippery.

Benefits of a snow slide

If you make a slide at the beginning of winter, then throughout the snowy time it will be possible to improve and modernize it, adding arches, turns, making branches, adding and decorating with snow sculptures. The advantages of this design are obvious:

  • construction can be carried out with children of all ages;
  • no special costs expensive materials or specific tools are not required;
  • you can experiment and apply your own designs.

Before pouring a slide of snow, you need to choose a convenient place. It is very important to place it away from the roadway and away from paths. See how well it gets lit in evening time, because it gets dark early in winter. Choose its location so that there are no bushes and trees nearby, no fences and hatches, poles, or anything that could pose a danger to the skaters.

Shovels in hand - and forward

Better, of course, to guess when the relatively warm day comes. Then the snow will be sticky and the construction process will be much easier. How to make a slide of snow? First, roll some snow balls different sizes... We put the largest one at the base, then we set the smaller ball and so on until the very descent. The empty space between them is covered with snow and tamped tightly.

Then we form the steps. They should be wide enough and not too high. It is recommended to lay sheets of plywood on the descent line - then the surface will be flat and smooth. The plywood should be covered with snow and the surface should be tamped tightly with a thickness of about 10-15 centimeters. Then, after filling with water, the descent will not subside and no pits or bumps will appear on it.

Fill it several times

When the frame of the slide is ready, it remains only to fill the descent with water. It is best to repeat this several times over several days to keep the ice layer firm.

Otherwise, the ice will quickly break with a sled. Do not pour water with a strong stream so as not to wash out the snow, do it carefully and slowly.

If there are already frosts on the street and it is impossible to choose a warm day for the construction of a slide due to meteorological conditions, then from plywood and wooden boards you can install the formwork and fill it with snow.

It will also be convenient to cut snow bricks from snowdrifts that are well compressed. They are placed, for example, at the base of the steps.

Initially, the steps should also be filled with water - then they will acquire a fortress and will not crumble underfoot. As soon as they are well frozen, they must be sprinkled with sand so that the children can climb them without fear.

Think about the top of the snow slide as well. It should be level, safe and relatively large so that the child does not fall off of it. You can also lay boards or plywood on top of it. But you should definitely provide that the site is not slippery.

You can make two descents from one site: one steeper, the other more gentle. Do not forget to decorate your slide with an arch or a funny snowman - your attraction should be not only functional, but also aesthetically pleasing.

It is necessary to build and fill the slide at sub-zero temperatures.

Tyumen and Tyumen region news - 12/21/2015

The most pleasant memory from childhood to - this is, of course, winter fun. Snow games, sledding, ice skating, skiing and slides. We will talk about the latter in more detail and describe how to make it out of snow and how to fill it correctly.

How to build a slide with your own hands in Tyumen

In practice, many have faced a serious problem when. It then disintegrates, then collapses, then pits form on it after pouring. We will teach you how to do the correct slide yourself without unnecessary physical effort.

So, let's begin. To make a slide yourself, you will need:

- Pure snow

- The water is cold)

- Shovel or stretcher

- Ladle, watering can

- broom

To make a slide of snow, you need to build on a few simple rules:

Choose a safe place

1) If you build it in kindergarten or in your backyard, then you do not need to beware of nearby roads. And if you are making a slide in an unfenced area, then you need to choose a safe place. Far from the roadway, far from various obstacles, bushes, trees, fences and so on, so as not to harm the child.

You need to build a slide from pure snow

2) After the location is determined, it is necessary to pack a lot of clean snow. The average and safest slide for children is two to four meters. You can use a stretcher or a large shovel to carry snow. We used a shovel. Let's say in advance, it took us half an hour to erect a meter-long slide. Mostly it took time to bring to the place required amount snow. Then we collected the snow in one pile and formed a base from it - a slide.

How to make steps and sides of a slide from snow

3) After the base, we make steps. They are easy to make with a shovel. It is necessary to compact first with your feet, and then shape with a shovel. It is important to make them comfortable and small so that the child can easily climb to the top. By the way, the safe width of the steps is from fifty centimeters. Do not forget about the sides. They can also be done with a shovel and hands. Choose the height based on the height and weight of your child. On average, the sides are made in 10-30 centimeters.

How to properly fill a slide of snow

4) When the base of the slide is formed, we move on to the most difficult process: pouring. The slope is filled only with cool water from a watering can, a hose with a spray nozzle or a bucket. It should be remembered that you need to fill in at a low temperature - on average, from minus 10-20 degrees. Otherwise, all your efforts are down the drain. Important! You need to fill the slide in three to four stages. To make the slide even, without pits and bumps, you need to use a regular broom when pouring. Yes, broom! We level the surface of the slide with a broom, and your children can easily slide down the slide with great pleasure!

When pouring the slide, you need to slam the surface with a broom

5) A slide of snow is poured with water several times. After the first, a thin and brittle crust is formed, after the second - coarse ice, and the third time can be poured for the greatest strength and smoothness of the surface. When you fill the slide for the first time, pat the surface with a broom! If you adhere to all these rules, then you will have a great homemade slide!

  • Choose pure snow! If you neglect this rule, then when it gets significantly warmer outside, your children can get dirty!
  • Try to make the slide smoother, without pits, depressions or bumps. If there are sharp bumps on the slide, children can tear their clothes.
  • The best and best height for children is two meters, and for older children - three, four meters or more. For small children, it is best to provide the necessary supports to prevent falls.
  • You need to ride the hill on the ice. Ice-cream can be bought in a store for an average of 100 rubles, or you can make it yourself. You can make an ice cake from linoleum or use a simple cardboard.
Ice slide ride - traditional Russian fun

For construction we need: a couple of large shovels, a lot of water and a great mood. And also you cannot do in this business without frost, snow and several pairs of free hands.

Choosing a place for construction

First you need to determine the place for construction. It must necessarily be safe, that is, it is located away from plantings, buildings and other objects into which you can crash.

Determine the height, width and slope of the slide

The choice of height depends on the area where the slide is being built, taking into account the length of the slide. If you are building it for kids, the slope should not be steep, on the contrary, make it gentle. For adults, the optimal angle will be 40-50 degrees at the beginning of the mountain, and gradually decrease, making it more gentle.

We make steps and sides

Place the steps on the highest side of the mountain. Their width should be about 50 cm so that it is convenient to rise.

It will also be great if you make bumpers on the sides of the steps, 30 centimeters high. The same can be built along the edges of the slide itself, so that you can safely ride and not be afraid to fly out of it.

Sculpting a mountain

You need to start the construction after waiting for the thaw. It is when the snow is sticky that you can easily make a hill of snow. After that, the embankment must be well tamped.

Fill in

It is imperative to fill the slide in frost. This can be done from a hose or buckets. And the most The best way- an ordinary watering can. After climbing the steps, pour gently and slowly, trimming the surface to create a perfectly even finish. You can fill the slide with a large shovel or plywood, pouring water onto their surface, from which it will drain onto the snow. You can do this by covering the mountain with a huge rag - thanks to this method, the water will more evenly cover the mountain. Another way: collect snow in some container, stir with a stick and evenly cover the mountain with this gruel. Where water holes have formed, fill them with snow and fill them again.

Finishing touch

After the slide is filled, leave it alone until the ice freezes. Then pour in the same way a few more times, leaving the ice to freeze. Do this until the ice is perfectly flat and leave the slide overnight. During this time, your structure should freeze even more and you can try to ride. But before that, do not forget to shake the steps with sand, and spill the hill again with water and let it stand for another hour. Another nuance - be sure to make sure that the transition between the descent and the ground is smooth.

Slide Rides

You can swim down the slide on bags, bags, cardboard or rubber mats. But all these devices are not safe, because when descending on them, you can get injured, as well as frostbite or squeeze your hands. For a faster, more comfortable, and most importantly safe descent from the ice slides, there are special equipment: ice cakes, tubing or cheesecakes.

The ice cube is a special device for sliding downhill made of plastic in the shape of a heart. Such a plate is very light and it is convenient to take it with you for walks, and you can control it with a handle.

Tubing or cheesecake - an inflatable ring, similar to a life buoy, inside which an inflatable chamber, and outside a protective cover bright color... It also has handles for the child to hold on to.


Ice slide skiing is a well-known traditional pastime. Knowing all the nuances and rules, you can easily build such fun in your yard. A DIY ice slide can be the best gift beloved family for the New Year holidays.

Downhill sledging, skiing and ice skating, building castles from the snow - these are not all the fun that winter gives a child. If parents want to give their own child real pleasure from then they definitely need to learn how to make a snow slide in the courtyard of the house.

Snow slide: making a winter attraction

To build a snow slide, you need just a little quick wits, a free flight of imagination and a couple of improvised tools that are sure to be found in every home.


  • metal or plastic shovel;
  • scraper, construction trowel;
  • spray;
  • buckets and watering cans.

Usually, for the construction of a full-fledged snow slide, a small shovel is enough, which will help form the basis of the future structure, as well as several spatulas for leveling surfaces. A metal or plastic bucket and a pair of warm gloves will come in handy. However, depending on the complexity of the work, conditions and circumstances, you can use any other convenient one of your own free will.

Engineering sophistication and security

Figuring out how to make a slide out of snow is not at all difficult. However, before starting work, it is necessary to pay attention to some "secrets of engineering" that will help make the structure stronger, safer and more durable.

  1. First, you need to find the optimal location to place your homemade attraction. Naturally, the longer the slope, the more fun it will be to ride.
  2. In order to avoid problems with pouring and freezing water, it is better to make the slope of the slide more gentle.
  3. To protect children from injury, it is imperative to equip the roll-out onto a flat area, the plane of which will ensure uniform sliding until it comes to a complete stop.

How to make a slide out of snow: construction technology

Before proceeding with specific actions, it is necessary to protect yourself from frostbite by protecting your hands tightly and, if necessary, putting on warm gloves on top.

Optimal conditions for the construction of a snow slide come with the arrival of a thaw. As soon as the temperature approaches zero as much as possible, and the snow becomes more tenacious, it is necessary to roll up large balls, laying out the base of the future structure from them, according to the planned parameters and dimensions.

How to build a snow slide that will be comfortable and safe for your child? To do this, you need to take care of the preparation of the ladder, which will help to climb the hill without any problems. You can make an impromptu ladder from all the same snowballs laid in the form of steps. The smooth surface of the steps is easily formed with a spatula or scraper.

It is better to fill the snow slide with the arrival of severe frosts. Moreover, this must be done by evenly watering the surface of the slide. warm water from a watering can. In this case, the occurrence of small depressions is possible, which will have to be slightly patched up with snow and smoothed with a spatula.

Parents who know how to make a children's ice slide the right way never build one without curbs. This allows you to increase the safety of the structure and leave the kids alone with entertainment, without fear for their health.

Secrets of creating a track

After reviewing the basic recommendations on how to make a slide out of snow, you can proceed to study the technology for creating an ice path. First, you need to carefully tamp the snowballs, forming a smooth, dense surface of the future descent. You can compact the surface with your feet, a shovel, a small log, or any other means at hand.

The angle of descent must be done, focusing on the age of the kids. For children under the age of 3 years, the angle of the inclined path should be no more than 30 °. Parents who want to learn how to make a slide of snow for older children should be advised to make the descent steeper, otherwise the entertainment can quickly get bored with children.

Preparing the base ice layer

The first layer of ice is the most important start when building a snow slide. His correct formation becomes the key to creating ergonomically thought-out descents, verified inclines and turns.

It is convenient to create a basic ice layer using a conventional home sprayer for spraying plants. The water in the spray bottle must be warm. Otherwise, the descent will freeze too quickly, leading to the formation of uneven areas. The first layer of the ice crust should freeze for at least an hour.

How to make a slide of snow with your own hands? Filling with water

It is convenient to pour the main layer of water to form a full-fledged ice descent using a small bucket, or better ordinary Water in the container should be, again, warm, this will make the surface of the descent smoother. However, you need to try not to overdo it, because when filling the slide, you can frankly put all your efforts down the drain.

In order for the surface of the descent to finally grab onto a solid ice crust, do not allow children to descend until the next morning. For the final fixing of the surface, it is necessary to splash several buckets of water onto the slope of the structure in the early morning.


How to make a slide of snow for a child? When performing such a task, the main thing is to have a reserve of strength and time sufficient to form a full-fledged snow mountain.

In order not to fly off the hill, the descent is best done in the form of a groove with strong, high curbs. Similar to the descent, the surface of the curbs must be evenly doused with water from a watering can, bucket or hose.

Having figured out how to build a slide from snow, you will probably want to make such a structure in the yard. If you also involve others in this process - parents and children, then you can turn the construction of a slide into a rather exciting event. As soon as the slide is finished, you can safely call the neighboring children from all over the area, who will happily test the structure for strength.

Usually filling a small snow slide on their own, even without outside help, is not difficult. Depending on the number of participants in the event, work can take from several hours to several days. However, the work spent will not go unnoticed. Until spring, children will be able to have fun and spend time in the company of their peers, without leaving their own yard.

Winter is just around the corner, and for the kids it's time for school holidays. Any parent wants his child to have fun and usefully during this period. Of course, for children and adults, walks on fresh air and family leisure. So that they do not turn into a boring pastime, you can entertain yourself. For example, together with the children, build a snow slide, after which it is fun to ride from it. We will tell you how to do this in this article.

snow Hill

Since ancient times in Russia it was customary to ride downhill on a sled. It was a favorite pastime, both old and young. Those who live in hilly or mountainous areas are lucky enough to wait for snowy weather and the slide is ready. And most importantly, no effort is needed. Well, if there is no hillock near your house, or you live in apartment building the slide can be built with your own hands. We will tell you how to do this further.

DIY snow slide

Making a slide with your own hands is not so difficult. To do this, you will need:

  • prepared site;
  • snow;
  • several shovels;
  • water.

First, you need to choose a place for the future slide. It is best to locate it in an open area away from roads. This is primarily a matter of the safety of the children themselves. If necessary, we free the site from debris. The size of the slide is also important from a small slide, it will be inconvenient for children to ride, and a very large slide may not be safe for children. The height should be comfortable and preferably lower than the height of an adult. This will make it more comfortable for you to follow and help the child. It is best to make a length of 5 m, this is the most optimal length. The shape of the slide is also important.

Show your imagination and make it with a twist, or decorate with an arch at the top. Children will have a lot of fun riding a non-standard slide. The place is planned, now it is necessary to sketch the snow in the form of a slide and tamp it. Everything must be carried out evenly and in several stages. The angle of the slide should be between 30 and 50 degrees. The slope angle can be adjusted by adding material. If the slide is intended for small children, then it must be made flat from the very beginning of work. For convenience, it is necessary to provide for the steps along which the children will climb the slide. So that they do not slip, you can lay them out with planks. Along the length of the slope itself, you can make a small side of snow so that the skating children do not fall. After completing the main work, it is recommended to fill the slide with water. To do this, you can take a bucket of water, and gradually water it starting from the steps. Then let the water freeze and repeat the procedure a few more times until the surface is smooth. If cracks and holes appear on the slope during the pouring process, they must be filled with snow and poured with water. After that, it is recommended to leave the slide overnight, during which time the water will freeze and in the morning children will be able to ride from it.

How to make a snow slide

Making a snow slide is easy enough. This will require a minimum of inventory, just a couple of shovels, pieces of plywood and snow. The snow slide has a number of positive aspects:

  1. you can connect children to work, regardless of age;
  2. no material costs;
  3. pliable material gives a great flight for imagination;
  4. the ability to add new items at any time.

There is only one drawback - it's seasonality. The slide will delight everyone only during the winter. The main thing is adults and children can show imagination and create something original. To simplify the work, you can build a frame from pieces of plywood. Fasten them firmly and cover with snow. Having made the descent and steps, it is worth taking care of safety. Along the edges of the descent, make bumpers and provide small handrails for the convenience of climbing the hill. After that, the entire slide must be covered with water to form an ice glaze. It will give strength to the entire structure. The uppermost platform of the structure can be covered with plywood for convenience and safety. Then you need to wait until the next day and you can safely start testing.

How to fill a slide from snow

It would seem that it could be easier to fill the snow slide with water. But, here, too, there are nuances, the implementation of which will significantly simplify the work. For correct filling, the following rules must be observed:

  • you need to protect your hands from cold and moisture, for this we put on warm gloves, and rubber on top;
  • it is best to fill the surface in frosty weather;
  • it is best to fill in with warm water, it will harden faster.

It's not all that difficult. For filling, it is best to use a regular garden watering can... With its help, the water is more evenly distributed along the slide and the surface will be smoother. This process is quite laborious. But a few hours of work are worth happy children's eyes and ringing laughter. This will be the best reward for your efforts.

Snow slide

The snow slide can be done in different form and size. For example, you can build wooden frame with two slopes. One, steeper and longer for adults and older children, and the other with a smaller angle and length of descent for toddlers. After that, the frame is filled with snow and the slide is ready. This structure will be solid and safe. And most importantly, it can be used in the warm season. Placing sheets of tin or other sliding material on the slopes for the fun of the kids.

If you have a fantasy and free time you can build a slide with arches in the form of a log hut for children. There are several slopes on such a slide. It will be very interesting for children to ride down such a slide. The main thing is that they will have fun and active time.

If you wish, you can beautifully decorate even the most ordinary mountain. This will require paints and brushes. On the side surfaces of the slide, you can draw Christmas trees, snowflakes and winter birds (for example, a bullfinch). Such simple patterns will appeal not only to children, but also to adults. Kids will love to ride down the hill and admire the drawings on the way to the climb. As you can see, making a slide is quite simple, and with a little imagination, you can make even the simplest model beautiful.

This article talks about snow slides and how you can build them yourself. Advice on filling the resulting structure with water is given. Describes how you can arrange appearance structures. Using the advice of the article, you can quickly build a safe slide for children using materials at hand. Fill it with water correctly and, if desired, arrange it in an original way. Successful work.