How to install a new refrigerator compressor. Replacing the compressor in refrigeration

Motor-compressor - "Heart" of the refrigerator, one of its main details. Unfortunately, the cases of the motor breakdown are not uncommon. It suffers from time to time, and from voltage jumps, and from too intensive work. It is possible to repair this item, but as a rule, repair is extremely expensive, painstaking and cannot guarantee that the breakdown will not appear again. Therefore, when the compressor breakdowns, it is usually changed to a new one. Installing the motor is a difficult task, which in addition to "removed-set" requires vacuuming of the system and refueling it by freon. You can not cope with it yourself. Trust the replacement of the compressor to Rembytte specialists, and they will quickly work work - already within 24 hours after receiving the application!

The procedure for conducting the compressor replacement

  • Dismantling of a faulty compressor motor. The Master will care and breaks the filling tube through which the system is refilled by Freon. This tube will be needed for a new compressor. Then, at a distance of 20-30 mm, the capillary tube will cut the capillary tube to the desiccant filter so that Freon is out of the system. After evaporation of the refrigerant, the master falls out of a faulty motor (or cut) suction and suction tubes, they are soldered at about a distance of 10-20 mm from the compressor. Next remains to unscrew the motor mounts to the refrigerator housing and remove the motor.
  • Replacing a filter-desiccant. The third stage is the zeolite cartridge, it is the filter desiccant. The master falls out or cut the old one and gives a new one. Filter-desiccant - small but very important detail. It prevents small particles and moisture to enter the capillary tube, which can derive refrigerator. The filter desiccant must change each time the refrigerator cooling system is opened. Its value in the ratio with the overall cost of repair is low. But the preservation of old spare parts can significantly reduce the work time of the new compressor.
  • Installation of a new motor. The wizard will secure the motor in the case and docile all the tubes of the refrigerator (suction, sucking and filling) with the corresponding pipes on the compressor. Then it sends the plugs of tubes with a motor.
  • System vacuuming. After the sealing of all the seams, using a special pump, the wizard will vacuum the refrigerator, during which an excess moisture is removed from the system.
  • Refrigerated refrigerator refrigerator. When refueling the master also check the tightness of the soldering of all connections.

The main part of each refrigerator after the cabinet is a compressor. Usually they don't break long yearsBut sometimes, because of the voltage droplets on the network, the refrigerator may fail.

Your refrigerator stopped working, and you want to replace the compressor.

As a rule, masters have many years of experience The replacement of the compressor, however, often comes yesterday's student of short-term courses, whose qualification is equal to zero, so you need to know about some important nuances:

  • Choosing a new compressor. It is better to buy the compressor of the same company, then there will be no problems. If you have chosen analog, then watch carefully to specifications The new compressor exactly coincided with the compressor indicators set by the manufacturer.
  • Pay attention to the cooling capacity of both compressors. They must completely coincide. This can be found by checking the working schemes of the old and new compressor. Sometimes you can choose a more powerful compressor, but this is provided that all other indicators are identical.
  • Check if your refrigerator has an oil shock system. If there is, then the new compressor must also have such a system. If you choose the compressor of another model, then in this case the heat exchanger serpent will not work.
  • It is important to remember that there are compressors with a low and high launcher. If there is a capillary tube in your refrigerator, then you need to install the LST compressor (low launcher). If there is only a regulatory valve in your refrigerator to adjust the pressure, then the HST compressor (high starting mechanism) is suitable.

Sequence of work

  • Initially, the refrigerator is turned off from the network. Very careful, so as not to break the steel tubes, wounded these tubes to appear gap. Then carefully lift the compressor and push it ahead. No more than 5 cm.
  • Next, remove the entire refrigerant from the compressor. To do this, it is necessary to have a piercing valve and a special cylinder on which there is a vacuum. If your compressor can still work a little, it will greatly facilitate the task of the wizard. Then this procedure takes no more than 5 minutes. Pump the refrigerant to the condenser. The master is overwhelmed with a refueling tube, and the capillary just climbs. Then includes a refrigerator, and it works for 4 minutes. Then neatly pins the filter-desiccant, takes the valve, fixes it and attachs to the balloon. Opening the cylinder, he without difficulty will pushing the entire refrigerant into it.
  • Now a special soldering iron is needed, in order to disappear filter-desiccant from the capacitor and then replace the refueling tube. It is recommended to use copper tube, the diameter of which is 6 millimeters, and the length is 10-15 centimeters. Then the master embarks the final dismantling of the compressor. On the last stage It should dig, clean and put the plugs on the injection and suction tube.
  • Plugs stand on a new compressor. The master cleans them and attach the ends of the refrigerator pipeline with the ends of the tubes on the compressor. Then soldes the connection location. He also needs to solder a new filter desiccant. When he cope with it, he should cover those places where soldered, enamelled paint.
  • Then, according to the instructions, the wizard will fill the compressor with a refrigerant. Only the required volume is used. It will be done through a refueling tube.

The refrigerator is a complex and expensive household appliance consisting of several dozen nodes and parts. The most important of them is the compressor (in the technical literature it is customary called its engine-compressor). In modern two-, compressors may be somewhat (for each camera).

Frequently important when the refrigerator fails due to the compressor breakage. As a rule, his breakdown is serious. Replacing the refrigerator compressor - the procedure is not cheap. Therefore, before proceeding with the repair, it is worth a competent diagnosis, and set the correct cause of the breakage. For example, replacing the refrigerator compressor "Stinol" will cost from 6900 to 11500 rubles. The process itself is complex, and requires special knowledge and equipment.

What is the compressor?

Many masters call him the heart of the refrigerator. The performance of the entire cooling system depends on the serviceability of this element. Motor pumps the cooling reagent pairs in closed system Refrigerator, which consists of a compressor, evaporator and a capacitor.

The compressor itself is a technically complex unit. It consists of:

  • relay;
  • electric motor;
  • piston (by type of internal combustion engines).

The deterioration in the compressor motor requires immediate repair, and when the failure may need to be replaced.

How does the refrigerator work?

To determine the possible breakdown or compressor malfunction, you need to understand the basics of the refrigerator.

The refrigerant evaporates and in a gaseous state enters the condenser, in which, giving heat, gradually turns into a liquid. In evaporator freezing chamber Due to the heat again becomes gaseous. If the condenser and evaporator work constantly, the compressor is turned on only from the thermal sensors in the refrigerator chamber. The temperature rises, the temperature sensors signal the launch relay, and it starts the motor-compressor. When the temperature decreases in the chamber, the motor is disabled.

Signs of compressor malfunction

Most of the refrigerator faults, in which the compressor operation is disturbed, can be determined visually:

  • the temperature in the chambers is higher than usual;
  • motor compressor works without stopping;
  • the compressor overheats;
  • the compressor works, but does not heat;
  • the start relay starts the compressor, but it does not start work (characteristic clicks without the start of the motor);
  • when working there were noises that were not previously noticed, vibration, rattling;
  • the condenser (with the compressor) is not heated, but remains room temperature.

Causes of the breakdown and failure of the compressor

The refrigerator cooling system, as mentioned above, is a complex closed circuit. Most modern manufacturers guarantee her good job during long lasting. In addition, almost all such systems are equipped with protection systems from most common violations of the rules of operation arising from the fault of the consumer.

A cup of all the breakage of the compressor is due to:

  • increased or reduced voltage in electrical network;
  • peak stress saccha;
  • violations of the refrigerator operation modes (for example, forget to turn off the temporary mode "Fast freezing");
  • additional heating of the refrigerator parts (for example, if the refrigerator is located near the heating battery);
  • attempts to consumers independently change and repair parts of the refrigerator.
  • damage (housing, capacitor) when transporting or moving the refrigerator.

What if the refrigerator does not work?

The most correct will be called a specialist who will inspect and diagnose the refrigerator malfunction. If the user also decided to begin to assess the cause of the fault independently, it is worth going along the way from simple to complex.

Not always disorders of work or failure are associated with a compressor engine.

Important to remember! With the normal operation of the refrigerator itself, the compressor itself can be heated slightly, but should work silently (you can only learn about the work on the uniform buzz of the refrigerator or compressor only if you have a hand to apply it). Condenser tubes are slightly heated (at the same time heating should be uniform).

To begin with, it is worth checking the thermal sensors in the chambers. The failure of such a sensor makes it impossible to function the normal functioning of the refrigerator. Check can be implemented only by special tools.

Then it is worth checking the start-up compressor motor relay, for which special devices also need.

Checking the mains cord and wiring of the refrigerator often becomes a cause of malfunction due to external mechanical damage.

When is the replacement of the refrigerator compressor?

In the event that the diagnosis of other assembly nodes did not give results, and the motor does not work and does not make any sounds, most likely it is required to repair. In most cases, it is necessary to change it completely. The burnt motors are not subject to repair.

How much will the repair cost?

How much is the replacement of the compressor in the refrigerator, will depend on several factors:

  • the price of the motor itself or its analogue;
  • the complexity of extracting the device failed and installing a new one.

If during diagnosing a malfunction, you can save significantly. For example, the replacement of the compressor of the Atlant refrigerator is from 7400 to 11500 rubles. It turns out that restoration work can do almost half the cost of a new device.

By approval experienced masters, expensive repair of the refrigerator and replacing the compressor in most cases can be avoided by contacting professionals at the first signs of breakage. Often the harbingers of a big malfunction are small reasons (Freon leakage, the failure of the thermostat, wear rubber seal), fix that is much cheaper than complete replacement.

Direct renovation

Today, some are hastily taken for complex work (such as the replacement of the compressor), in which they have no experience, except allowances on the Internet from the "DIY" series.

Replacing the refrigerator compressor is a complex process in which the exact installation of the cause of the malfunction, the availability of experience and qualifications of the specialist, specialized tools are needed ( gas-burner, Refrigerant drive, puncture valves and other equipment).

Even more absurd lovers, who are taken to repair the outstanding motor. Absurdity is that manufacturers intentionally produce a compressor in an unbearable form. This is evidenced by the wig of the entire body (despite the fact that the device is very complex and consists of several dozen items). In the event of a failure of some parts of the motor, they are not repaired, and they carry out a complete replacement of the refrigerator compressor to a new one.

This should only do a specialist with experience using a special tool.


Since such a repair is expensive (for example, replacing the refrigerator compressor "Indesit" will cost the owners from 7400 to 9900 rubles), it is necessary to follow the rules of operation. Most frequent cause The breakdown is the instability of the power grid. Therefore, it is recommended to connect the refrigerator is not direct, but through the voltage stabilizer.

The cost has an introductory nature and consists of the compressor price, the cost supplies and work, in the case of air conditioners, add work on dismantling and installation external block.

The main criteria on which the price is depends - the cost of the equipment itself, its brand, type and power.

In which devices compressors are changing:

  • Conditioners
  • Ice generators
  • Drying air
  • Refrigerators
  • Freezing chambers
  • VRV and VRF systems
  • Chillera
  • Rufta
  • Refregnients
  • Lyophilic dryers

Replacing compressors in the refrigerator

In refrigerators in the overwhelming majority, low-power piston non-communicator compressors are used in a hermetic case. The cost of such compressors is small, as the time required to replace them - about 40 minutes, along with all the works.

But recently the number is increasing inverter compressors (with electronic control) and linear compressors (in LG products), the cost of such compressors is higher than normal.

Replacing the compressor in air conditioner

The main type of compressors used in air conditioners - rotary hermetic compressors with a capacity of 2.0 - 14.0 kW. Management type is not inverter in earlier models and inverter in release models recently. Also a large percentage of spiral compressors.

The feature of the compressor replacement in the air conditioner is the need to dismantle the external block, followed by its installation to the previous place, which increases the cost. Otherwise, all work is the same as on other refrigeration equipment.

Replacing the compressor in dryers

In desiccants, medium-temperature and high-temperature piston and rotational compressors are used.

Spiral compressors are used in powerful installations.

Compressor replacement work

When replacing the following works are carried out:

  • Diagnostics
  • Evacuation of refrigerant
  • Dismantling compressor
  • Flushing system
  • Spike compressor
  • Wpai Filter
  • Refill refrigerant
  • Additive in the refrigeration contour of anti-cylinder additives
  • Running system

Compressor selection

There are two ways to solve the issue with the selection of the compressor - to purchase an original compressor or its functional analogue.

The first case is the easiest, since in this case it will definitely suit and there will be no problems with adaptation - fitting the fasteners, the attack of the transition clutch on the suction and discriminating compressor highway, eliminate problems with excess vibration, etc.

But this is not always possible for a number of reasons - the cessation of production of these products, restricting the budget of work or a long delivery time in case of urgency of repair work.

In this case, it is quite possible to choose a similar compressor of another type and manufacturer, and more than a better analogue can be cheaper than the original.

Main characteristics for selection:

  • compressor power
  • type of refrigerant (freon)
  • gabarits.

Compressor Protection Events

So that the new compressor fails to be sure to protect it. For this, anti-seed filters are installed, dehumidifiers filters, anti-seed additives are added.

It is also necessary to eliminate all the reasons for the failure of the compressor, if they were:

  • Eliminate Freon Leaks
  • Install Carter Heater
  • Mount the oil loop
  • Return oil refund to compressor
  • Install protection from stress reduction in the network

Refrigerating devices differ from another major household appliances Durability, while operating daily. However, they are subject to breakdowns.

With frequent power voltage drops, the compressor for the refrigerator becomes the first. It is this mechanism that is considered the most an important element Systems running freon through pipes, due to which the cooling is ensured.

In this article, consider existing varieties Compressor and analyze the causes of typical breakdowns. Also give detailed instructions By replacing it with your own hands.

The broken compressor promises significant spending not only to purchase a new device, but also to the work of the master.

However, you can go to another way and independently replace. Whatever the option is selected, first of all it will be necessary to choose the desired type of compressor.

Collective air supercharger

Receiving information about innovative models of refrigerators can be found as a "regular" compressor. However, not everyone knows meaning.

Under this term, there is a collector mechanism, with a vertically installed electric motor shaft. It is mounted on the spring mechanism and is closed with a hermetic box, thereby providing a high degree of sound insulation of the system.

In the old models, a horizontal layout was used, which made the aggregate more noisy - the vibration was reflected on the entire case.

It uses the standard principle of operation and technology developed by many more tens of years ago - the supercharger works until a specified temperature mode is reached in the refrigeration unit, and then turns off.

Refrigeration units can be equipped with one or two collector superchargers. If there are two of them, then one maintains the temperature in the freezer compartment, and the other in the cooling unit. Now you can even meet two-component equipment

Surveillance models are equipped mainly budget options Refrigerators and this is their only advantage over other representatives of the species.

Inverter type compressor

Upgraded units are equipped with an inverter type of supercharger. An ordinary compressor comes out on the peak of its capabilities when disabling, while on the day of such repetitions is very much, and accordingly, it is subject to fast wear and reduction in the operational period.

Then the inverter devices operate even with sufficient injection of air in the chambers, periodically reducing the number of revolutions. The wear resistance of component elements is significantly lower, and accordingly, the term of uninterrupted use is higher.

Linear type of device

Innovative developments in imported technique have used a new type of blowers - linear. The principle of operation is similar to the previous instruments, however, this type is functions much quieter and more economical.

Unlike conventional mechanisms in them there is no crankshaft. Through the action of electromagnetic forces, reciprocating rotor movements are provided.

New modern models The cooling devices are presented in the layout with inverter compressors. They work measuring and smoothly, without amplitude drops, which are the main causes of the wear of the mechanism

Linear superchargers are technically similar to the two previous analogues, but have a number of significant advantages:

  • smaller weight;
  • a big degree of reliability when working;
  • no friction in the compression plane;
  • application at low temperature mode.

The main ideologist, which engaged in the active implementation of linear type blowers is considered LG. Most often, they are used in refrigerators with the system No frost.having individual temperature regulators in different blocks.

Rotary blower with plates

Rotary (rotary) horizontally or vertically positioned superchargers are equipped with one or two rotors and are analogues of a two-screw juicer, but the helix spiral type is unequal.

Depending on the principle of operation, they are divided into two main classes: with rolling and rotating shaft.

Between the piston and the compressor housing with movable plates, a gap is formed. Due to the eccentricity of the rotor, its value is changed when reproducing rotations, thereby blocking the refrigerant transition from one zone to another

In the first case, the unit is represented by the engine shaft with an induced cylindrical piston, located eccentric relative to the center, that is, is shifted.

Rotation cycles are made inside the cylinder housing. The gap, which is available between the case and the rotor, changes its dimensions during rotation.

In the place of the minimum opening there is a pumping nozzle, maximum - suction. The plate is attached to the roar piston, which is attached to the springs, which blocks the space between the two nozzles.

In the second embodiment, the principle of operation is similar to one difference - the plates are fixed and placed on the rotor. In the process of operation, the piston rotates relative to the cylinder, and the plates rotate with it.

Overall refrigerator algorithm

The functioning of all refrigerators is based on the effects of Freon, acting as a refrigerant. Moving on a closed contour, the substance changes its temperature indicators.

Under pressure, the refrigerant is brought to a boil, and this is from -30 ° C to -150 ° C. Evaporating he captures warm atmospherelocated on the walls of the evaporator. As a result, the temperature in the refrigeration unit is lowered to a specified level.

In addition to the main discharge device, creating pressure in the refrigerator, there are auxiliary elements that perform the specified options:

  • evaporator, collecting heat inside the refrigeration unit;
  • capacitorIntroducing the coolant outward;
  • chrosting device, Adjusting the refrigerant flow by means of a capillary tube and a thermostatic valve.

All these processes are dynamic. Separately, it is worth considering the engine algorithm and the principle of operation during its malfunction.

The compressor is responsible for the system regulation of pressure level drops. A steady refrigerant is delayed in it, which is compressed and pushed back to the heat exchange device.

In this case, freon temperature indicators increase due to which it goes into a liquid state. Compressor functions using an electric motor located in a hermetic case.

Having understood with the device, go to the analysis of the main factors of the compressor breakage, after which it will be necessary to make it dismantling.

The main reasons for the blower breakdown

All problems in the compression node are conventionally divided into two main groups: with a working and non-working motor. The first option looks like this: when you turn on the sound from the compressor, the light bulb is on on the refrigerator. Accordingly, in another embodiment, the unit does not turn on at all.

Cause # 1 - refrigerant leak or thermostat defect

Here the main reason can be enclosed in the leakage of freon.

It is possible to carry out an independent check in this way: to touch the condenser - its temperature will correspond to the room.

Inspection of the degree of heating of the capacitor can reveal one of the causes of the breakfast breakdown - refrigerant leakage. In this case, the device will function, but the temperature in the chambers will not be supported

Another reason is possible - failure. In this case, the signal about the incorrect temperature mode is simply not flowed.

Cause # 2 - problems with winding

If the unit does not turn on, then possible cause May serve a compressor winding circuit.

This situation may occur both on the work and on the launcher or on two at once. With the refrigerator on the network, the supercharger does not work, and its temperature of its room block.

Cause # 3 - Mixless Circuit

The device starts, but no more than a minute. And the housing is overly warmed.

At the same time, the coil windings are closed, their resistance is lowered, an increased strength of the current passes through the relay block. The relay turns off the supercharger, a click will be heard. After cooling the penny, it turns on the compressor and so in a circle.

Cause # 4 - Engine Jumping

When you turn on, the operation of the electric motor is heard, but the rotation does not occur, the compressor does not compress, the resistance of the windings at the maximum.

Cause # 5 - valve breakdown

Loss of cooling capacity is associated with valve defects.

As a result of such a breakdown, the unit operates without shutting down and does not create a proper compression level, respectively, the blocks of the refrigeration device do not gain the desired temperature.

Often, in this case, an uncharacteristic ringing of metal parts can be heard when functioning. It is possible to find out this by determining the degree of air supply.

You can confirm the presence of deformation of the valves by fixing the degree of air supply to the compressor. This will require a special device with a manometer.

To make sure the "diagnosis", it will be necessary to cut off the filling pipe using the pipeline. Similar actions are done with a condenser filter.

Now in their place, connect the pressure gauge collector, turn on the supercharger and check the formable level of air compression - the norm of 30 atm.

Cause # 6 - thermal sensor or launcher relay

It is also necessary to check for defects such elements as the thermostatic sensor and.

With this failure, the compressor is either not turned on, or is turned on by 1-2 minutes. When checking the resistance of the windings, nominal values \u200b\u200bwill be recorded.

Phased process of self-replacement

If the reasons for failures in the work are not determined, the repair itself is subject to the repair. And to begin with, it will be necessary to extract from the refrigeration unit and check the performance.

Stage # 1 - We carry out the displacement

There is a compressor behind the refrigerator in its lower part.

The following tools will be applied during dismantling:

  • pliers;
  • spanners;
  • plus and minus screwdrivers.

The supercharger is located between the two nozzles connected to the cooling system. With the help of pliers, they will need to be bought off.

No pipes for which the refrigerant circulates, in no case cannot be cut off with a hacksaw, because the process will definitely be formed in the process, which, when entering the capacitor, will move through the system, thereby leading to a rapid failure of its elements

The refrigerator is triggered for 5 minutes during which freon goes into condensate state. After the filling line connects the valve with a hose connected to the cylinder. For 30 s with an open valve, the entire refrigerant will be pulled.

After removing the relay block. It can be visually compared with a conventional black box with wires coming from it.

First of all, the top and bottom are taught on the penny - it will be useful in the process. reverse Installation. By rejuving the locks and removed from the traverse, also snack the wiring leading to the fork.

All fasteners are unscrewed with the overview device. We clean all the tubes for soldering a new device.

Stage # 2 - Measure the resistance to the ometer

In order to make sure the performance of the component element, we will produce an external inspection, as well as testing and verifying its individual components. First of all inspect the state of the motor. This can be done using a multimeter or an omeme.

As mentioned earlier, the feed cable is initially checked. If he is working, examine the supercharger itself. To do this, use the tester.

The correctness of the functioning of the compressor can be checked with a handicraft method using charging: minus probes wear on the bulb case with a nominal value of 6 V. Plus connect to the upper leg of the power winding and concern each of them the base of the light bulb. If you manage, all of them must give the lamp illumination

First, remove the protective block and remove the content, disconnect from the starting relay. Next, using the multimeter probe, we produce pairs of wiring.

The results obtained with the table in which the optimal indicators are specified for this compressor model.

Data good device in standard variant The following are: between the upper and left-sided contact - 20 ohms, the upper and right-sided - 15 Ohm, left-hand and right-hand - 30 ohms. Any deviations indicate breakdowns.

The resistance between the passing contacts and the case is checked. Recreation readings (infinity sign) indicate the serviceability of the device. If the tester issues any indicators, most often it is zero, - there are faults.

Stage # 3 - Check current strength

After checking the resistance, you need to measure the current. To do this, connect the start relay and turn on the electric motor. Tester tick clamp one of the network contacts leading to the instrument.

When working with the compressor, it is initially inspected on the subject of the tribute to the casing, since there is a probability of shocking in case the winding gives voltage to the body

The strength of the current must be identical engine power. For example, a power motor 120 W corresponds to the strength of the current in 1.1-1.2 A.

Stage # 4 - Cooking Tools and Equipment

To replace the faulty refrigerator compressor, you need to prepare such a set of tools and materials:

  • portable regeneration station, refueling and evacuation;
  • apparatus for welding or with cylinder Marr gas;
  • compact;
  • ticks;
  • hansen Coupling for sealed compound compressor with filling pipe;
  • copper pipe 6 mm;
  • filter-absorber for mounting at the entrance to the capillary tube;
  • copper alloys with phosphorus (4-9%);
  • bura soldering as a flux;
  • cylinder with freon.

Also, the attention should be focused on safety measures when working with repair equipment. First of all, you need to equip an insulating platform and turn off the refrigeration unit from the power supply.

Removing the old compressor, you must prepare and clean all copper pipes for subsequent spikes with a new device.

After each refueling by freon, before performing the soldering room is ventilated for a quarter of an hour. It is not allowed to include the heating devices in the room where the repair is made.

Stage # 5 - Mount New Compressor

First of all, it is necessary to attach a new supercharger on the traverse of the refrigeration unit. Remove all plugs from pipes that come from the compressor and check the pressure of the atmosphere in the device.

To depict it no earlier than 5 minutes before the soldering process. Then, carry out the connection of the compressor pipes with the injection, sucking and filling lines, their length is 60 mm, and the diameter of 6 mm. Picked tubes is performed according to the order: filling, removing excess refrigerant and discharge.

Now we remove the plug from the drain filter and install the last on the heat exchanger, inserting the throttle nozzle into it. Separate seams of two contour elements. At this stage, we dress the Hansen clutch on the refueling hose.

Stage # 6 - Run refrigerant to the system

For refueling refrigeration system Freon to a filling line with a coupling we connect a vacuum. For the primary launch, bring to the pressure of 65 Pa. By installing a protective relay on the compressor, contacts are switched.

The vacuum process is the creation of a compression level in the cooling unit below atmospheric. Reducing pressure in this way, all moisture is removed

Connect the refrigerator to the power supply and fill the refrigerant by 40% of the norm. This value is specified in the table located behind the device.

The unit is included for 5 minutes and the connecting nodes are checked for tightness. Then you need to turn off again from meals.

The refrigerant is refilled in liquid state. The required amount is indicated by the manufacturer in the refrigeration device parameters placed on the back wall

Perform the second time vacuuming to a residual value of 10 Pa. The duration of the procedure is at least 20 minutes.

Include the unit and make a complete filling of contour by freon. At the finish stage, we can serve the tube by the method of expressing. Remove the coupling and sear the nozzle.

Soldering two pipes produced from copper, carried out with copper alloy with phosphorus (4-9%). Docked elements are placed between the burner and the screen, heated it to the cherry blossom.

The heated is lowered into flux and melted by pressing the rod to the heated docking area.

The control inspection of the solder joints is made from all sides with the help of a mirror. They must be holistic, without gaps

Compressor service declared by manufacturers is 10 years. However, his breakdowns are inevitable.

In the event of a fault, the supercharger can be replaced by a broken compressor independently, after reading all the safety rules and stages of the upcoming work. Also, for these purposes, it is necessary to stock the necessary equipment.

If you have any questions about self-eliminating breakdowns, ask them to our experts in the comments to this publication.