Modular kitchen furniture: types, advantages. Modular kitchens - an overview of budget options and the best design solutions (109 photos) What are modular kitchens and kitchen sets

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Modular kitchens are simple and budget solution to decorate your kitchen. Any kitchen furniture is a set of cabinets and drawers made in the same factory, in the same style and color. Buy and collect this own kitchen will come out inexpensively, but the disadvantage will be a certain monotony and banality. Indeed, many people throughout Moscow, the country or even the world will have the same furniture, differing only in the size of the parts. In this article we will talk about what modules for the kitchen are, and what they are.


Advantages of modular furniture

Ready-made kitchen modules are convenient in terms of design. You do not need to puzzle over how to choose the selected wardrobes according to style, because here all the little things have already been thought out for you. So let's talk about the pros of a modular kitchen:

  1. Standard view. You simply choose from the options offered in the store or in the photo in the online catalog. You do not need a complex design project or consultation with a professional in this matter, since all modules look standard. You need to choose the elements that suit your taste and arrange them in your kitchen.
  2. Variability. Usually one and the same module is manufactured in several versions at once. For example, a hanging cabinet can have two or three doors.
  3. Price. Firstly, the price for a piece-by-piece kitchen set is less than that sold as a set. Secondly, you can easily calculate this price yourself.
  4. Speed. All items are delivered quickly, because they are already in stock and are waiting in the wings. You do not have to languish in anticipation when your furniture will be made.

What materials are they made of

Modular kitchen sets economy class is, in general, a positive decision for your apartment. The purchase is really cheap, but you should not count on very small amounts. The cost varies depending on the material of manufacture.

What are the cases made of

  • Chipboard - the main advantage of this material is its low price. And the very disadvantage with which all the housewives of the kitchen from laminated chipboard suffer is hydrophobicity. Particle board is terribly afraid of moisture, begins to swell from direct contact with water. Chips and cracks appear in the corners of the furniture. This can not be prevented, but delayed by using a special silicone neutral sealant;


  • MDF - the advantage of this material its affordable cost and variability in shapes are considered due to its flexibility and elasticity. But here, too, there is one problem: a thin layer of coating, which is used to decorate MDF furniture, can begin to peel off in places of intensive use. Such flaking will give your kitchen an untidy look, but it will last longer than if it is made of chipboard.


What facades can be

  • the film is the most inexpensive finishing... A film covering imitating a solid wood covering is stretched over the base;
  • veneer - given view the design of the facade is more expensive, but it also looks more pleasant. Also imitates wood finish;
  • plastic is one of the most practical finishes because the material is strong, durable, easy to use and clean. However, you should give up gloss - this reduces the solidity of the design. Instead, look for matte or semi-gloss surfaces;
  • the frame is not the most budget option, but it looks very stylish. Tempered frosted glass or plastic is inserted into the aluminum alloy frame. It looks fashionable, modern, but remember that the glass needs to be wiped frequently, and there must be order inside the cabinet.

Types of cabinets in modular kitchens

The assembly of a modular kitchen resembles the children's designer... There are many variations of the elements, made in different configurations and sizes, but the same style and color scheme. You just need to choose the right dimensions of furniture that fit into your kitchen, as well as appearance which would be most enjoyable.

By installation type

By the type of installation, kitchen cabinets are divided into pendant and floor-standing ones, and the main furniture set consists of them. In the store, it is better to immediately look for these elements in pairs so that they match in width and height.

Some models do not have a work surface. Here the focus is on purchasing similar elements, installing and covering with one common worktop without seams, purchased separately.

Often there are situations when more hanging cabinets are used than floor standing ones. This usually happens in a place above the stove, if it is possible to mount a hood in the cabinet above it. Floor cabinets can have more than just the look we are used to. There are also cabinets and cabinets for the island kitchen. They represent modern furniture, fit perfectly into the interior of the room, adding unusual details to it.

By sight

Cabinets can be different in a set of drawers, their height, a combination of doors, and so on. Modular corner kitchens are popular for L-shaped and U-shaped rooms. Furniture, which is located in the corner of the kitchen, should be spacious and deep so that you do not have to reach far for the object inside. Therefore, they are made of two types:

  • two separate cabinets - hinged doors that open each in its own direction are not very convenient, since not all of the place is easily accessible;
  • one L-shaped cabinet - one door that folds like a book when opened, giving access to a large interior space.

End cabinets are usually placed on outer corner compositions and perform a decorative function. It is not possible to place anything on their shelves for frequent use. Such models look beautiful because of the curved shape, but do not represent practical value.

Economy class modular kitchens: the order of the selection of cabinets

The first step is to choose whether you are doing a renovation from scratch or simply replacing a few pieces of furniture. In the first case, you need to start thinking exactly from the headset, place sockets under it, lay pipes and electricity, rearrange the stove, sink, refrigerator.

In the second case, you have already installed equipment that you will not move. Then you need to be guided by the following action plan:

  • select a countertop under the sink;
  • pick up corner cabinets;
  • measure the dimensions of cabinets with built-in appliances, select similar ones;
  • consider whether you need end cabinets;
  • fill the rest of the space with ordinary floor cabinets.

We figured out how to assemble a kitchen element by element, using separate modules in our work. It is not difficult, the main thing is to correctly determine the dimensions so that they fit into the room. Enjoy the shopping!

Video: modular economy class kitchens

In the kitchen, you cannot do without a kitchen unit - this is the most important furniture, without which it is impossible to imagine workroom... Today, a kitchen set, as a rule, is a set of different modules - separate pieces of furniture, each of which has its own practical load. What are modular kitchens and what are their varieties - a little theory and practice.

The idea of ​​furniture modules appeared not so long ago - in the seventies. But very quickly, furniture from individual segments gained popularity. Nowadays, modular kitchens are ubiquitous - moreover, it is almost impossible to equip the kitchen with free-standing cabinets and shelves.

The standard currently existing kitchen modules consist of a standard set of sections.

These include:

  • floor cabinets;
  • a floor cabinet for a sink;
  • hanging cabinets;
  • wardrobe with shelves and drawers;
  • cabinets for built-in appliances.

Base cabinets make up the main line of the headset and are most often combined with a common table top. They are used for storing food and dishes. Wall cabinets are a type of furniture placed on the walls. Its application is similar. Wall cabinets are not designed for storing heavy items, including small household appliances. Variety wall cabinet serves as a cabinet with a dish dryer.

A sectional module - a cabinet with shelves - can stand alone. This piece of furniture is the tallest. Its sizes can be both standard and non-standard, depending on whether the furniture is made to order or not. Modular furniture can be supplemented with shelves of various configurations. Their sizes depend on the design of the headset.

As a rule, the dimensions of modular cabinets are fairly typical. Standard modular kitchens sold in stores have dimensions of 600 mm for base cabinets and 400 mm for wall cabinets. Sizes may differ in one direction or another, but only slightly.

Pluses of modules

Modular kitchens have many advantages.

These include:

  • the ability to arrange modules to your liking in the kitchen, depending on its configuration and your own ideas about aesthetics;
  • the ability to change the design of the kitchen by changing the modules in places;
  • practicality and functionality;
  • the ability to remove all things from the eyes.

Before arranging the furniture, the kitchen is detailed, when it is roughly outlined where the individual modules will be located.

Dimensions (edit)

Dimensions (edit) modular headsets can be very different. Today in the world there is great amount factories producing modular furniture. As a rule, manufacturers offer several standard lines - for small kitchens, for medium-sized and full-size kitchens. In this case, the dimensions of the headset are determined not by the number of modules, but by the dimensions of the cabinets themselves. However, you can go the other way, trying to place furniture in a small kitchen. standard sizes, dispensing in this case with a smaller number of sections.

The height of the base cabinets has a size of 85 cm. The depth of the cabinets can be different - it is larger for the floor cabinets, and less for the wall mounted cabinets. As a rule, the dimensions are within 45-50 m.

Ready-made or customized

Modular furniture can be of different types:

  • ready-made factory according to standard sizes;
  • custom made in standard sizes;
  • made according to our own project of non-standard sizes;
  • handmade.

Each species has its own advantages and disadvantages.

The main advantages of standard factory models are that it is easy enough to purchase and arrange without waiting for its execution, which can take several weeks or even months. In addition, on occasion, a standard headset can be easily expanded by simply purchasing another module. If a separate module fails, it is easy to replace it. The disadvantages include the fact that one should not expect much individuality from the interior.

Furniture for individual project convenient in that it allows you to:

  • create an individual interior solution;
  • It has individual sizes for the area of ​​a specific room, which allows you to use every centimeter of the area in the most optimal way.

The disadvantages include the fact that it costs more than the factory one.

Important: It is more convenient to make furniture in standard sizes because then it will be possible to purchase ready-made facades for it and change them if you want to change color scheme... This at the same time reduces the manufacturing time of the headset. When custom-made, the detailing of the placement of modules in the kitchen is extremely important.

DIY modules

A modular headset can be made with your own hands. To do this, you need to decide on its concept and draw drawings of future cabinets. DIY furniture can be made standard and non-standard. In some cases, it is more profitable for the master to follow the standard sizes. In this case, you do not have to make drawings yourself. Today, almost any drawing of standard sized kitchen cabinets can be found on the Internet.

Important: In order to get the perfect set, you need to carefully measure all the dimensions of the kitchen and, based on them, develop the drawings of the cabinets.

After the development of the drawings, the selection and calculation of the required material is made. Again, in order to reduce the cost of work and speed it up, you can pay attention to ready-made elements that are sold in stores for home and repair - shelves and facades.

Detailing of parts on the material canvases is done independently. But the cutting can be done either yourself, or you can order it in the same building materials store or special furniture companies. Professional sawing is preferable, as it is performed on professional equipment people with many years of experience... In this case, you can avoid marriage, careless performance and subsequent inconsistency of parts and work on their fitting.

Assembling a self-made headset is carried out in the same way as assembling a headset purchased from a store from modules.

Important: when assembling, euro ties are used - this allows you to make the structure more durable and stable.

Work always starts from the beginning with the assembly of the frame. Then the back wall is placed and the modules are installed in their place. After that, the table top is installed, the shelves are inserted. Doors are hung last.

Modular kitchens are comfortable and practical. They can become a real decoration of the kitchen and its highlight.

Modular kitchens (photo)

If the dimensions of the kitchen are non-standard and the room has an unusual shape, it is impossible to equip it according to existing standards... Make a work area kitchen area convenient and comfortable - quite a feasible task if you buy a modern headset.

Furniture allows you to equip a kitchen with any shape. You can create your own culinary masterpieces in a cozy environment.

What is a modular kitchen?

A set of furniture made of many different elements is a modular set. This includes modules:

  • pedestals floor type, differing from each other in width and design. They can be open, closed, combined. Often manufacturers equip them with drawers;
  • wall cabinets with shelves;
  • cabinet in which the hood is installed;
  • speakers for household appliances or standard;
  • corner elements;
  • modular furniture for special purposes - vanity unit, table under hob or dishwasher;
  • elements for installation along the edges;
  • other components.

The chosen style of the interior of the room determines everything - a bar counter with a mini-bar can be included in the model, and lunch groups the set may include not one, but several.

Modular-style ready-made kitchens provide room for creative ideas... You can use the kit as a designer and create many options for arranging your workspace. The hostess decides for herself which one is suitable for her. Before that, she has the opportunity to try everything.

Elements of any set allow you to assemble any module at your discretion. It could be corner kitchen or parallel. The island type is not difficult to create - you just need to remove those modules that are not needed.

Why is the popularity of modular models growing?

Each housewife has her own idea of ​​how the cooking process in the kitchen should be organized. For one woman, the location of the sink next to the stove is of fundamental importance, while the other, on the contrary, wants to separate the sink from hob and installs a tabletop between them.

Someone is satisfied with the modules placed in one line, while others consider the corner model to be a compact and practical.

Kitchens from the manufacturer - design solutions that make it possible to embody any female ideas about a dream kitchen into reality. Other benefits include the following:

  • Multifunctionality, comfort, convenience, good capacity with relatively modest dimensions.
  • The ability to constantly innovate the environment.
  • Possibility to supplement the model with new modules that can be ordered.
  • Ergonomics, practicality and attractive appearance.
  • Compact arrangement of elements.

Furniture design is not done according to established templates. You choose which elements you use. Hanging cabinets do not need to be installed above the worktop - they can be placed in any order. The same goes for the shelves.

Among the disadvantages, one can note the higher price of modular models compared to built-in ones. Each element of a modular system must look perfect so that the hostess can use it separately.

Main selection criteria

Economy class kitchens are made of chipboard - a material available to everyone who wants to equip their home. More expensive models are made from wood, metal or glass. Products from MDF are presented in the middle price category. The filling of the model also affects its cost. The more expensive option is where more shelves and drawers.

Modular kitchen white looks just great. This color brings a sense of celebration to the room. Chipboard items look noble and expensive.

Accommodation options

Models are attracted by the opportunity to experiment. There are several types of layouts.


Units lined up in one line are the preferred variation among the vast majority of city apartment owners. If the room is small, then this is the only variation. The hostess, engaged in culinary masterpieces, can freely move from the refrigerator to the countertop and from the sink to the stove, without bumping into pieces of furniture.

Many consumers point to low price... Linear variation looks harmonious in a rectangular room. Curbstone and work surface installed between the sink and the stove. The dishes can be stored in wall cabinets and a floor stand.

2-row placement

When food is just being prepared in the kitchen, and the dining room is located in another room, then two-row placement of the headset is possible. If the hostess has to cook all day, then a more convenient organization of the kitchen space is difficult to find.

It is impossible to put anything else in the room, it looks long and narrow. There is little space left in the middle of the room.

Corner option

In these models individual elements designed to be placed in corners. This arrangement is considered the most rational way to place pieces of furniture and make it as practical as possible.

To arrange the modules, select 2 adjacent walls. While the rest of the space remains completely free. Corner model great for a square kitchen.

U-shaped placement

If you are the owner of a spacious kitchen, then you will need to arrange cabinets and cabinets in a large number... The U-shaped layout will help to zone the room, and all household appliances can be built into the furniture. This increases the functionality of the kitchen.

There is a drawback, but it is only one. Dinner table can be placed only near one wall, the other three will be occupied. This model can be safely chosen by the owners of large apartments or those who only cook in the kitchen.

Peninsular or island accommodation

An island or peninsula can be created in large rooms... Cabinets with pedestals are placed against the walls, and a bar is placed in the center of the room. Work zone can be designed in the form of a peninsula.

Have similar layout flaws are visible to the naked eye. The headset requires a lot of space. On the other hand, furniture with curved contours looks luxurious and elegant. Rounded corners prevent injury to household members.

What's the best design solution?

The simple form of the modules gives endless possibilities for design. Conglomeration decorative elements can completely ruin the overall experience. If we consider inexpensive solutions, then the appropriate styles are:

  • Modern. Clear and smooth lines look impressive. The richness of the color palette is simply amazing.
  • High tech. The fashionable trend of recent decades involves the use of glass, metal and glossy surfaces in the interior. Stylish and practical furniture is convenient to use.
  • Classic. This is an eternally fashionable direction. Classic style gives a feeling of reliability and home comfort... Solid wooden furniture- that's all you need.

Review of budget options

If we consider domestic products, then you can find offers from 7200 rubles. This kit includes 4 modules: 2 are installed on the floor, and 2 others are hung on the wall. One of the modules is equipped with a drawer. Cabinets have a depth of 54 cm and a worktop width of 60 cm.

The Gamma 1100 set has characteristic differences... Here, each component is well-chosen. The hinged door design means savings as well as thoughtful filling. This kit uses a wall-mounted dryer only.

Basis 17 - original version organization of the workspace. He decorates the room. The presented option is of the linear type. The manufacturer produces it in the Provence style. On the facades, a film is glued that imitates ancient wood, which the sun has been burning with its rays for decades. The handles seem to be made of porcelain, and the table top is made of planed boards.

Some of the hinged doors of the wall modules are glazed. Floor cabinets are equipped with drawers. The set contains 8 separate segments.

Chrome fittings are in perfect harmony with the Provence style. A photo of a modular kitchen confirms this. An indelible impression is made by the design of the walls under the artificial stone and flooring from terracotta tiles.

The cost of stylish furniture is 19,000 rubles. You can afford to buy it, the products have served their owners for decades.

If you have not yet decided on a model, then take a look at IKEA modular kitchens. The manufacturer is constantly studying consumer demand. Therefore, among his offers you will find one that will not leave you indifferent. High quality products will last you a long time. Each product has a photo and a detailed description.

Choose a neat design and the necessary configuration to organize your cooking space according to on their own... A ready-made suite will help you create your dream kitchen.

Photos of modular kitchens

Modular kitchens are a great opportunity to properly plan the interior, create a really cozy and comfortable space. Small kitchens are one of the most significant disadvantages small apartments... Soviet builders allocated very little space for kitchens, now apartment owners have to make efforts to create a stylish interior.

By purchasing individual modules, you can assemble any kitchen to your taste

Experienced designers disagree with the fact that small apartments you won't be able to make a beautiful space. They suggest using modular kitchens for this purpose, which consist of several modules of different sizes, which allows you to create a set of any configuration.

Advantages of modular kitchen furniture

Property owners, having chosen a modular system, can efficiently use the area. If after a while the owner of the apartment wants to change the interior, then it is enough for him to swap the modules.

One of the advantages of a modular kitchen is that its parts can be rearranged.

Modular furniture has good spaciousness. It is easy to transport and does not require any special installation skills. Kitchen furniture is distinguished by high functionality, each housewife will be able to choose a set of the most suitable cabinets and drawers.

Disadvantages of modular furniture

Among the disadvantages of modular furniture, it is worth noting the likelihood of gaps between several modules. Usually they arise due to unevenness in the floor, as well as due to an error in the selection of elements.

Before you go to the store, you need to decide on the style of the interior. If you want to buy a modular kitchen for a small space, you should remember that what easier style, the more advantageous the interior.

Good in small kitchens pieces of furniture made in modern and high-tech style look. When buying, you should give preference to those headsets that have muted facade tones. Furniture in light colors looks good. Such items will visually expand the space, they will not clutter up the kitchen. Modules with facades bright colors it is not recommended to choose for small spaces.

Modules of light colors will visually expand the space

It is best to purchase several cabinets and cabinets. Do not force all the free corners with objects, this approach will avoid unnecessary clutter in the space. In order to divert attention from a small area of ​​the room, you should pay attention to cabinets with mirrored surfaces.

Do not purchase Kitchen Area, it is better to stay on the table and chairs. This will significantly save space. Be sure to make a design project, think about where you can place the refrigerator.

It should be noted that today almost all kitchens are chosen according to the principle of assembling modular elements. This means that each customer, having looked at the catalog, can choose the most suitable configuration of the kitchen set, focusing on the desired appearance, dimensions and functional purpose furniture. In stores, an experienced manager helps the buyer to make a choice. This allows the client to receive an individually selected headset at the best price.

In the catalog of many stores, you can choose from the most different materials... Ready modular systems - good way create a functional space in the kitchen.

Characteristics of modular systems

Each set of modules has its own characteristics, the width is one of the most important. In addition, each manufacturer of modular systems offers elements characterized by their own pitch. Usually its size is from 5 to 20 cm.

When choosing modular kitchens, you should pay attention to the frame. It can be of two types - glued and prefabricated. The first option assumes that the delivery of elements to the object is carried out in a ready-made form. Prefabricated facades are assembled at the buyer's home.

Assembling a modular kitchen

Headset frames are most often produced from modern materiallaminated chipboard... This is very economical material which is safe for health. In addition, chipboard is practical, facades will serve for a long time. Today, everyone can choose kitchens by element, focusing on their own budget.

For the manufacture of the facade, manufacturers use the following materials: chipboard, MDF, wood, glass, plastic. Chipboard surface and MDF can be laminated, lacquered and veneered. Manufacturing companies can use in the release of modular systems and metal and various combinations of materials.

The format can be different - it all depends on the preferences of the buyer. There are also planes on sale that can be opened with the push of a finger, and other modules for the kitchen. Manufacturers offer modules with traditional hinged doors, as well as vertical curtains made of horizontal slats.

Metal kitchen set

When buying modular kitchens, you should pay attention to the countertop.

This element can be made from different materials, but it is the material of the countertop that has a significant impact on the final cost of the kitchen. Chipboard countertops have the lowest price, followed by steel and ceramic tile... Countertops from artificial stone are even more expensive, products from natural wood and natural stone complete the list.

Types of modular systems

All kitchen modules that are on sale in stores can be divided into floor-standing and wall-mounted, the latter also include corner elements.

First, let's look at the floor elements. The modular kitchen offers a choice of the most essential elements. Many housewives purchase corner modules, because they save space. Such systems are often equipped with a retractable carousel, which is mounted from the inside of the door.

Corner modular kitchen

Units under the countertop are often closed kitchen facade... In such cabinets on legs, household appliances and kitchen utensils fit well.

Consumers choose the standard floor-standing module most often. These are ordinary cabinets with one or two doors, in which it is convenient to store utensils and food. There are also modules with drawers on sale. They may have different sizes, the bottom drawer is used to store pots.

Sink modules are designed not only to accommodate the sink itself, but also to install filters and garbage buckets. In addition, there are modules on sale designed specifically for the installation of built-in appliances. There are items for a refrigerator, oven and microwave.

Refrigerator cabinet


The hanging and floor elements are different systems. These can be islands, shelves, separate modules for drying and for dishes. There are open and closed shelves; consumers will also find corner shelves in stores. Modules with drying are most often installed under the sink; at the bottom of the module, a tray is placed in which water from the dishes collects. Hinged models for dishes can have decorative walls; there are also items with blind doors on sale.

We should also mention pencil cases or columns. Such modules take up space from floor to ceiling; a refrigerator or other household appliances... Pencil cases are used to store jam pots or other utensils.

07.10.2019 13:10 69

What is a modular kitchen? A set of pieces of furniture made in the same style, suggesting the ability to change the order of the headset parts. it practical option suitable for different cuisines: by style, size and shape.

The correct choice of furniture will increase the functionality of the room, fill it with aesthetics and comfort.

Features of the choice of furniture for the kitchen

  • Functionality of the headset: it is worth answering the questions: "How will I use the room?", "What elements of the set do I need?"
  • Colors: focus on the lighting features of the room, its area, your own preferences, trends. Popular options: bright colors combined with neutral, light pastel shades, natural shades of wood that are always relevant.
  • Style: consider all the nuances of the classic and modern options design, consider the merits and demerits.
  • Dimensions and shape: if you have a kitchen of medium size and good shape, there are no niches, obvious flaws - you are in luck. The rest of the problems are a small area, irregular shape, poor lighting - will have to be solved with the help of furniture and decoration.
  • Materials: facades of kitchen furniture are resistant to moisture, fading, exposure to temperature changes and chemical detergents... The customer chooses any kind of material from those offered.

Advantages of modular furniture

What are modular kitchens? This is an opportunity to furnish the premises in the most practical and functional way, emphasizing the advantages and hiding the disadvantages. The advantages of modular headsets include:

  • Ample opportunities: the elements of the headset can be swapped if it is necessary to increase the functionality or the existing arrangement is tired.
  • Modular headsets to order are made, taking into account all the wishes of the customer, the features of the room are The best way hide the flaws of the kitchen.
  • No problem when moving: if you are changing your place of residence but want to take your furniture with you, this is quite possible! The modular design can be easily disassembled and reassembled at a new location.
  • Maximum functionality: kitchen space will be organized as successfully and efficiently as possible.
  • Variety of materials and colors: modern modular design is a rich range of colors, textures, natural and artificial facades.

: we solve all the problems!

In the process of choosing a headset for the owner of an apartment or house, difficulties are often expected:

  • Small or too spacious kitchen: the heart of the problem is standard dimensions furniture that most boutiques offer. Ordering according to individual parameters intelligently organizes the space.
  • Narrow kitchen-pencil case: you need to make a set with the minimum possible depth, massive furniture will "eat" all the free space.
  • Non-standard shapes: in new buildings, premises often have unusual shapes, beveled or rounded corners- standard furniture will not work, you need to order a set that fits perfectly.
  • Personality: Standard typefaces will not appeal to connoisseurs of creativity. A personal design project will help to realize all your wishes in shape, color and style.

Types of modular furniture

The main classification criterion is the options for placing the headset in the room:

How to choose a facade material?

Materials for kitchen furniture- aesthetic, environmentally friendly, functional, durable, moisture resistant, durable:

  • Solid wood with protective coating- traditional, natural material, fits harmoniously into the classic interior.
  • Veneer, MDF - beautiful and stylish, profitable, stylistically versatile.
  • Plastic - resistant not only to moisture, but also chemicals, does not fade, inexpensive.
  • PVC laminated film is an inexpensive type of coating for modern kitchen... Benefits: strength, durability, variety of colors and textures.

Modular kitchen - what is it? This is an opportunity to embody any style: classic, hi-tech, minimalism, modern, ethno, hiding the flaws of your kitchen. The set harmoniously fits into a studio, loft.