Installation Operation and repair of refrigeration equipment. Educational courses on refrigeration equipment, air conditioning and ventilation systems, refrigeration technologies of food production

So that your refrigeration equipment worked reliably and served for a long time, we recommend that you follow several simple tips if operating it:

Any refrigerator should coolant according to one. For this in the housing refrigeration equipment Special slotting holes (grids) are envisaged, to block which in no case cannot be - otherwise the air access to the refrigerator unit is stopped, the refrigeration machine overheating, which can lead to its failure.

Of great importance for maintaining the performance of your equipment has adherence to the proper temperature regime: Operation of the refrigeration machine indoors with increased temperature The air can lead to the triggering of the protective devices of the motor-compressor, or to the premature failure of the motor-compressor. Try to locate the refrigerator in places with good ventilation, or provide forced cooling of the room in which the refrigeration machine is operated.

At the same time, the operation of the refrigeration machine indoors with reduced temperature The air can lead to a decrease in pressure in the refrigeration system to unacceptable and, as a result, the premature failure of the motor-compressor.

The presence in the air of the room where the refrigeration machine is operated, oil vapors Provokes the rapid contamination of the refrigeration unit. Preventive work on capacitor cleaning refrigeratorsworking in such conditions should be carried out at least twice as often.

We present the basic rules taken during the operation of refrigeration and freezer:

1. It is necessary to put the goods correctly: products should not be blown up the air cooler;

2. It is preferable to store hermetically packaged products in the refrigeration chamber (especially fish). Poorly packaged products highlight an excessive amount of moisture, and snow "fur coats" is very quickly formed to the air cooler of the refrigerator;

3. It is necessary regularly, in accordance with the instruction manual, to detect the refrigerator and its disinfection;

4. You can not overload refrigerated Camera Products, score it "under the string", filling the entire volume. Do not allow the contacts from the refrigeration chamber panels. Between the rows of laid products, there must be a distance that provides free circulation of air inside the refrigeration chamber;

5. It is necessary to exploit the refrigeration chamber only in accordance with temperature conditions Storage of a specific group of goods, it is impossible in a refrigerator with a temperature regime -18? With steam meat with a temperature of +2? C and use a refrigeration chamber for product salary. If you need to freeze or cool the products in storage chambers, you need to inform the firm selling refrigeration equipment to avoid further problems with the implementation of the guarantee (it does not work on equipment that is not applicable to the appointment).

    trust installation, startup and operation of the aggregate by random persons;

    run and operate the unit with faulty or noncompliament electrical equipment, without a fan node, without grounding or with unreliable grounding, with open current-time parts;

    include, even for a short time, the unit with a burdened injection valve, if any. In order to avoid breakage of the compressor, the discharge valve should be fully open until the unit is turned on;

    operate the aggregate with the flow of the chladone (permissible leak of 0.5 g / year), such an unit must be turned off immediately. Near the aggregate with the county of the chladone is not allowed smoking and working with open fire;

The purpose of the technical operation of the refrigeration unit is to establish and maintain the specified temperature and humidity modes in cooled rooms. The main task is to ensure reliable, trouble-free and safe operation of the whole refrigeration equipment at minimum costs on the production of artificial cold.

The correct organization of the technical operation of the refrigeration unit must meet the requirements:

reliability and durability of the operated refrigeration equipment;

security and trouble-free operation.

Cost production costs associated with energy savings, labor, water, operational materials should be minimal.

Important condition The normal operation of the refrigeration is the presence of specially trained personnel. The personnel serving a refrigeration unit must be guided technical documentation on refrigeration, manufacturing instructions For maintenance of the entire installation as a whole, as well as individual units and elements.

With economical safe operation refrigeration installation must be observed optimal mode Its works, equip the installation of control and measuring devices, automatic control and protection devices, correctly fill the system with a refrigerant, contain the surface of the heat transfer of capacitors and evaporators in the purity of the heat transfer of the condenser and evaporates, to carry out the planned-preventive repair of refrigeration equipment, to maintain the daily refrigeration journal and compile technical reporting.

In commerce and catering enterprises, refrigeration equipment serve mechanics of specialized refrigeration equipment. Maintenance includes inspections carried out once a month with the implementation of preventive work and the necessary small repair, troubleshooting that may occur, daily inspection of the refrigeration function.

The amount of maintenance depends on the type of machines, installation schemes and the degree of automation.


Today, the manufacture of refrigeration installation techniques are on very high level. The development of new models of refrigeration units today raised even the sphere of microelectronics. Also did not bypass the technology and technology of production of refrigeration machines and digital computer technologies.

Application of refrigeration systems with computer control In everyday life adds convenience in their operation, creates energy savings, and computer control over the state of assembly assembly supports it more reliable and safe work For long years.

The use of refrigeration plants with computer control in production - increases production efficiency, ensures reliable temperature control. Thereby preserving the raw material and provides minimal losses.

Perhaps the main disadvantage of such installations is the complexity and high cost of repairing electronic parts of computer control. All other electronic components require special operating conditions. Another disadvantage is that computer control refrigerators are quite expensive, but the savings on minimal loss of raw materials during storage in production fully justifies the cost of the aggregates.

Another not an unavailable problem is the lack of specialists in the maintenance of such equipment. But most enterprises in Russia invite specialists from abroad to serve imported refrigeration facilities. Most of the digital control refrigerators comes from abroad.

Unfortunately in Russia, such refrigerators produce little, or produce, but under license foreign firms, respectively, such aggregates enter the market under the brand overseas company.

Therefore, it is necessary to develop in Russia the development and production of refrigerators and refrigeration units with digital control and create new technologies for their manufacture, so that Russian refrigeration units have become competitive in the global market.

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Regular maintenance - indispensable condition for the durability of refrigeration equipment in different areas Production and maintenance of the population.

The company "ECOLIF" carries out professional maintenance of refrigeration equipment in Moscow and the Moscow region. We will ensure the stable work of your technique and as a result, the entire enterprise.
You will be guaranteed from a sudden stopping of refrigeration equipment due to the mode failure, faults, wear of parts, clogging and contamination of the aggregates.

The list of maintenance of refrigeration equipment depends on the specific type of technology, features of operation and design.

Cost of work

The cost is calculated individually depending on the form of cooperation. Community prices can be found on request.

We work throughout Moscow and MO with departure to equipment. The guarantee of our work is to use high-quality components and tools and professionalism of employees at an affordable cost. In our work we use low-breeding detergents "FRIONETT" and "CONVOTHERM", allowed in the territory of the Russian Federation.

Refrigeration Service Treaty

We conclude with customers a contract for the maintenance of refrigeration equipment, in a special application of which is prescribed a list of works with all equipment support in working condition.
Each list item is consistent with the client, the contract type depends on the long-term cooperation, type and complexity of equipment.

We offer three typical treaties:
1. Treaty of one-time service
2. Permanent service agreement
3. A planned service agreement (annual service with a schedule of activities)

One-time maintenance of refrigeration equipment

Includes diagnostics, troubleshooting and prevention for the further functioning of the equipment.
First, the preliminary departure of specialists in place, drawing up the estimates with the list of works and the coordination of the fulfillment.
Payment is made for the activities carried out under the contract after the signing of acts.

Typical list of works with one-time maintenance:

1. Inspection and visual assessment of the external state, configuration and functionality
2. Check and adjusting loops and locks
3. Purification frame, compressor, air capacitor
4. broach threaded connections
5. Check for refrigerant leakage,
6. Check insulation of the refrigeration circuit
7. Check electrical networks, contacts and connections
8. Elimination of the existing faults, refueling the contour and replacing the extensive parts if necessary
9. Testing operation modes
10. Making data log

At the end of the work, the company's employee is recommendations on the further operation of the equipment.
During the work, the list of services can be adjusted if faults are detected during the inspection process.

Permanent maintenance of refrigeration equipment

The contract on constant cooperation is concluded on the agreed period during which our specialists are making all the work in maintaining the condition of technology for fixed tariffs. Accurate work schedule is not installed, all events are carried out if necessary or at the request of the Client. Payment occurs on the fact of the work performed every time after delivery.

Planned annual maintenance of refrigeration equipment

Planned annual service includes a set of regular measures to the established schedule. In coordination with the customer, experts travel to the place of work, experts, evaluate the state of technology and conduct all the necessary measures for further operation in the right mode.
Regular maintenance will help to identify serious malfunctions and take preventive measures By eliminating them. Timely inspection can prevent sudden breakdown and equipment stop. All works are conducted strictly according to the scheduled schedule, which includes the payment schedule.

Refrigeration Machine Rules

Periodicity List of refrigeration machinery Additional list of works for pumping station refrigeration unit

Visual inspection,
. checking fencing, fasteners,
. Checking the current and voltage balance
. revision of the status of power cables,
. control of the testimony of instrumentation, pressure in systems,
. Control of the status of automation,
. Check the tightness of water and freon contours,
. Trigger protective Systems,
. Oil control,
. Check freon filters.

Control of corrosion processes in the main nodes of the mechanisms,
. coolant pressure control,
. Control of power supply lines,
. Checking the absence of leaks from the circulation circuit.


Control air capacitors,
. Check blades of fans,
. If you need to suspend connections, checking control and power circuits.

Refueling and analysis of the coolant,
. Sit down.
. Once in half
. control and cleaning of water filters,
. Safety valve density control,
. control chemical composition coolant.

Once in half

Monitoring condition and cleaning of capacitors,
. revision safety valvesChecking the triggering.


Revision of internal cavities and fans bearings,
. monitoring the insulation of the motor
. revision of the bearings of pumps,
. Testing operating parameters (freon humidity and oil acidity),
. Introduction of antifriction additives
. Pressure control B. expansion tank With a possible refueling.

Cleaning all filters,
. Checking kip
. For expansion tanks of membrane type, refueling with nitrogen is provided.

Once every 2 years . Replacing compressor oil
Once every 3 years . Restarting the coolant and cleaning the entire system

Additional service

Each client with whom we have entered into an agreement are provided. additional servicescomprising free consultations and recommendations for the operation of refrigeration equipment. Also, our customers receive a discount on spare parts and components to refrigeration technology.

To obtain detailed information And leave an application for individual services, you can call us by phone or fill out the form on the site. Our specialists will contact you in the near future and provide detailed advice on issues of interest.

Machinery and refrigeration devices are placed so that their normal maintenance and repair is provided.

Refrigeration service is to prepare it to work, start, adjusting the refrigerant supply to evaporative system, Care of the refrigeration installation during operation, stopping and off machines and devices, compliance with the safety regulations, maintaining cleaning and serviceability of machinery and work premises, as well as filling out the necessary reporting documentation.

The entry into the duty of replacement personnel begins with checking records in the journal of the refrigeration station, and ends with temperature control at the main points refrigeration cycle and checking the equipment of the refrigeration station.

Both shifts - passing and receiving - sign about the delivery and reception of the change in the journal.

The duty officers periodically check the amount and density of the brine, the water supply to the capacitors, the health of emergency ventilation, the presence of the necessary spare parts, materials and tools, personal protective equipment. Special attention It should be paid to checking the condition of the rubber parts of compressors and pumps, the operation of the oil system, valves and the glands.

For the convenience of service personnel on coolant pipelines, observation lights or other devices can be monitored.

In various places of the refrigeration, nests for devices required both for continuous control of the installation, and for periodic tests. Pressure gauges, thermometers, ammeters and others measuring instruments Install so that when the installation starts, they were in the field of view of the driver and his assistant.

Automatic regulatory fittings are usually duplicated manual. This allows you to continue the production of cold at the failure of the part of automatic control devices.

Middle and large refrigeration units are mainly working with a manual start-up system. The technical operation of them is quite complex and requires deep knowledge from attendants physical bases obtaining cold, devices of machines, devices, devices, reinforcements and rules of treatment.

To facilitate the work of the personnel in the machine branches of refrigeration stations, pipeline schemes, equipment plans, information about the main parameters of refrigeration plants, refrigerant consumption rates, oil, electricity, safety posters, graphics of preventive inspections and repairs are postponed.

In order to orient the service personnel in the branched diagrams of pipelines, they are painted in conventional colors. Most often apply the following color:
For refrigerant pipelines: injection - red, liquid - yellow, suction - blue;
For brine pipelines: pressure - green, reverse - brown;
For water pipelines: pressure - blue, reverse - purple.

In the presence of several parameters of the cold on the painted pipelines, there are also conditional rings showing how this pipeline belongs to which machine.

The effective and reliable operation of any refrigeration unit depends not only on the good technical condition of the equipment, but also from the competent operation of it. Direct observation of the equipment of the equipment are driven by machines, their assistants, apparatuses, duty mechanics and electricians who subordinate to the chief of change of the refrigeration station.

The main task is to maintain the given parameters of the refrigeration machines with the lowest expenditure of energy and operational materials and the strict implementation of safety regulations.

For the successful performance of tasks facing operational personnel, needed:
High quality and serviceability;
provision of control and measuring devices;
the presence of spare parts, tools and repair devices;
the presence of refrigerant, coolant, water, lubricating oils, air supplies, operational materials and energy resources;
proper filling of refrigerant and coolant systems; lack of contamination on heat transfer surfaces; timely prevention and repair; conducting a removable journal with identifying violations of the mode of operation;
High qualifications of service personnel.

Operation of refrigeration units is regulated by special instructions. Failure to comply them can lead to violation technological process Consumers have cold and increasing the energy consumption for cold.

Sequence separate operations When starting and stopping and the order of service depends on the design and operational features of the refrigeration unit, which must be reflected in the maintenance instructions.

This chapter discusses the basic rules and techniques for the operation of the most common types of large refrigeration units, which in each individual case should be refined in accordance with the starting instructions of the manufacturers of equipment. After studying these techniques, the future driver or an apparatus will be able to master the order of starting, regulating and stopping the refrigeration units of any systems.

The exploitation of industrial refrigeration facilities are allowed by persons who have reached an eighteen-year-old age, which have passed a medical examination and having a certificate of graduation of the elected specialty.

The service personnel should know well and strictly follow the rules and instructions for the operation and repair of equipment and devices of refrigeration stations. Machine branches of refrigeration stations are a workplace of the driver and his assistant. Pumping and hardware branches are serviced by the drivers, subordinate to the machine and matching all their actions with it.

The staff of the refrigeration stations annually examines the examinations of the Qualification Commission. Exam results are issued by the protocol. Persons who have surrendered these exams give special certificates.

Control questions
1. What tasks are placed in operational personnel of refrigeration plants?

2. List the conditions necessary for the successful operation of the refrigeration unit.

3. Tell us how to fill the system ammonia and freon?

4. How do brine prepare?

5. Tell us about the preparation for the launch of the refrigeration unit.

6. How to produce a refrigeration installation with piston compressors and turbocharger?

7. List the signs of normal operation of the piston compressor.

8. Tell us about the lubricant of the compressor.

9. How do you regulate the work of the compression refrigeration unit?

10. What temperature differences should accompany the normal operation of the ammonia refrigeration unit?

11. Tell us about the order of stopping the compression refrigeration unit.

12. What do you know about the procedure for servicing evaporators and capacitors?

13. What is caused by the deterioration of heat transfer in the evaporator and capacitors?

14. Tell us about the preparation for the launch of freon turbo units.

15. What signs are the normal operation of the turbo crystal freon installation?

16. Tell us about the features of the operation of propylene turbo units.

17. How do absorption refrigeration machines refrigerators with a solution?

18. Tell us about starting and stopping the absorption refrigeration machine.

19. Tell us about the operation of centrifugal pumps.

20. What is the cause of corrosion of refrigeration equipment?
21. How does the protective protection work?

Basics of designing ventilation and air conditioning systems. Modern approach to design. Commissioning works and service of ventilation and air conditioning systems

Special course on the program with the subject of cooling of ventilation and air conditioning systems:

Topic 1. Basic air parameters. Analysis of the processes of change of air condition. Air temperature over dry and wet thermometer. Dew point temperature. Psychrometric temperature difference. Absolute and relative humidity. Moisture content. Specific heat and enthalpy. The density of dry I. wet air. Partial pressure of water vapor. The processes of heating, moisturizing, cooling and drying air. The processes of mixing outdoor and internal air. Examples of calculations.

Topic 2. Calculation and selection of equipment for cleaning and heat-woofer air treatment. Dry air heating. Calculation of processes and equipment. Heating with humidifier. Calculation of processes and equipment. Moisturizing air. Calculation of processes and equipment. Dry air cooling. Calculation of processes and equipment. Air cooling with simultaneous drainage. Calculation of processes and equipment. Drainage of air. Calculation of processes and equipment. Filters, device; Cleaning classes; Calculation and selection. Selection of equipment for premises various destination. Examples of calculations.

Topic 3. Estimated parameters of external and internal air. Estimated external air parameters. The calculated parameters of internal air for the premises of various purposes (taking into account the requirements of SNiP, SanPiN, technological standards, etc.).

Topic 4. Calculation of heat and moisture refrigeration. Determination of air flow. Calculation of heat-flow in the warm and cold periods of the year according to the model methodology and averaged indicators. Calculation of moisture refreshments in the warm and cold periods of the year. Determination of air flow from the condition of repayment of heat and moisture enforcement. Multiplicity of air exchange. Recommended values \u200b\u200bof the extremes of air exchange for rooms of various purposes. Determination of air flow rate taking into account the recommended multiplicity of air exchange. Examples of calculations.

Topic 5. Constructing air thermal processing processes in ventilation and air conditioning systems. Constructing on J - D diagram of air treatment processes in ventilation systems and, local devices; Construction of air treatment processes in central air conditioners. Determination of the specific load on heat, cold and moisture on equipment. Calculation of system performance: heat, cooling capacity, moisturizing and drying ability. Examples of calculations.

Topic 6. Device of ventilation and air conditioning systems. Calculation and selection. Ventilation system for various destinations. Equipment selection. Local conditioners. Fan coil. Device. Calculation and selection. The device of central air conditioners direct-flow and with recycling. Calculation and selection. Heat engineers. Device, calculation and selection. Examples of calculations.

Topic 7. Air distribution systems. Calculation and selection. Purpose, device. Ways to supply air to the room. Air distribution devices. Air ducts and distribution channels. Calculation and selection. Calculation of air distribution systems for premises of various purposes.

Topic 8. Cooling of ventilation and air conditioning systems. Cooling schemes with direct cooling and cooling with coolant. Equipment device for cooling ventilation and air conditioning systems. Calculation and selection of refrigeration equipment.

Topic 9. Automation of ventilation and air conditioning systems. Automatic adjustment of air temperature indoor. Automatic regulation of air humidity in air-conditioned rooms of various purposes. Automatic protection air heaters from freezing; Interlocking equipment and air valves. Alarm an emergency increase in air pressure behind the filter. Options remote control. Relationship with automatic refrigeration machine.

Topic 10. Measures for energy saving in ventilation and air conditioning systems. The choice of rational parameters of external and internal air; Working difference. Choice energy efficient system Air distribution. The introduction of heat removal systems and the use of natural cold. Selection of cooling and automation options.

Topic 11. Design methods and calculation of ventilation and air conditioning systems for food facilities. Maintenance regulations Design production systems Comfortable and comfortable - technological air conditioning for heat and moisture-lined rooms. Designing technological air conditioning systems (design examples for meat processing, dairy, cheerful, fish-processing and other food industry enterprises).