Consultation for parents Mushrooms useful and poisonous. Caution! Poisonous mushrooms and berries! Consultations for parents in kindergarten "Mushrooms"

Larisa Osipenko
Environmental KVN for senior preschool children

Ecological KVN.

purpose: To identify knowledge children About inanimate and wildlife, about migratory and winter birds. Develop the intelligence, smelting, the ability to find the correct answer in a short time. Call interest, the desire to learn as much as possible about natural phenomena. Relieve the ability to communicate with each other in the business situation, rejoice in the success of peers, correctly take defeats.

Rules of the game: quickly and together to look for answers, make decisions and clearly answer questions.

Game traffic:

Lead: To everyone, everyone! We start KVN! Two participate in it teams:

"SALES" and "Accidental". Greeting them!

To the music of the team enter the hall.

Lead: Represents the captains of the teams and introduces the jury, which will sum up after each competition.

1 contest. Greetings of teams.

Team "Sign":

We team "Troops" Helmet Our inquisitive hello,

From the soul, we wish you to know a proven answer.

We will find out with you about animals and about birds,

Do not want to fight with us? We have not seen such intelligent persons.

We all know about nature, we save and guard.

And we will always take care to be eternal life!

From the team "Accidental":

We came to our evening, we will not be lazy

Answer questions, sing and have fun.

We are our rivals "Salok" loudly speak:

"We will fight with you, but I just don't give up".

We are familiar with nature, we will guard and forest, and water.

All living live should, let it grow and live it!

While the jury appreciates the competition, children sit on chairs.

2 contest. Workout. "Who is bigger"?

Call as much as possible folk admission. for example:

1. Ants are hiding in the nest to the thunderstorm.

2. Swallows fly low before the rain.

3. In the evening, grasshoppers are strongly shy - to good weather.

4. Large rain bubbles - to bad weather and strong rain.

5. Smoke pillar - to the frost or to the wind.

6. Sparrows flounded in dust and tweet - wait for rainy weather.

7. Brown dawns - to be windy weather.

The jury appreciates the competition.

Theatrical game:

"Happy Old man - forestovichk»

The educator reads a poem Old man - Lesovich says his words on text with different intonation, children repeat.

Educator: Lived in the forest old man of little height

And laughing an old man is extremely simple:

Antique-timber: Ha ha ha and chehe hehe

Hee chi hee and sooooooooooo!

Bu-bu be-bb

Din-Ding Ding and Trekh-Treh!

Educator: Once, seeing spider, scared scared,

But, clutching the sides, loud laughed:

Antique-timber: Hee Hee Hee and Ha ha ha

Ho-ho-ho and Gul-Gul-Gul!

Go-go-go boule-bull-bulb!

Educator: And after seeing dragonfly, it's terribly angry,

But from laughter on the grass and fallen:

Antique-timber: Gee-gey-gee da Gu-gu-gu,


Oh, guys, I can not!

Oh, guys, ah-ah-ah!

3 contest. Find in pictures of animals living next to man.

Find animal pictures that live in the forest.

Find out animals by description:

1. He has short, thick, wide legs. Front legs twisted on the sides. The house is wearing. In nature hides in the sand. Loves vegetables and fruits. (Turtle)

2. Summer and winter sails fat. Does not love heat and cold. Eats roots, mushrooms, raspberries, honey. Winter sleeps. (Bear)

The jury appreciates the competition.

Theatrical game:

"Fox and Wolf"

Gray wolf in dense forest met red lisu.:

Wolf: Lizaveta, Hello!

A fox: How are you, toothy?

Wolf: Nothing go things,

The head is still a must.

A fox: Where have you been?

Wolf: On the market.

A fox: What bought?

Wolf: Pigs.

A fox: How much took?

Wolf: The wool of the chop risen right side.

Tail soldered in a fight

A fox: Who is Ott?

Wolf: Dogs.

A fox: Is it alive, cute kumanek?

Wolf: Barely legs widels.

How is your business?

A fox: I was on the bazaar.

Wolf: What are you so tired?

A fox: I thought ducks.

Wolf: How many were it?

A fox: Seven with the eighth.

Wolf: How much did it become?

A fox: None.

Wolf: Where are these ducks?

A fox: I have in the stomach!

4 contest "Connoisseurs of Nature"

1. Which animal has needles?

2. Who is sleeping in the forest all winter?

3. What time of year on the trees are blooming leaves?

4. Lion - wild or pet?

5. What pets do you know how to swim?

6. What time of the year harvests are harvesting from fields and gardens?

7. What pets have horns and hooves?

8. What is terrible: Thunder or zipper?

9. Why leave birds in the fall of birds?

10. What is the forest?

11. Why are beautiful and fragrant flowers?

12. Why do birds call our assistants, feathers?

13. What is useful insects?

14. Why is the nettle burns?

15. Do animals know how to talk?

16. What medicinal plants you know?

17. What flowers first bloom in spring?

18. What does the toad eat in winter?

19. Who has ears on the legs?

The jury appreciates the competition.


"Fast Charging"

Once - a fury,

Two - jump.

This is a hunger gait

And licked how to wake up

(to grab your eyes)

Love for a long time to stretch


Be sure to wear

(yaw, covering mouth palm)

Well, the tail is wilt

(movement hips to the side)

And wagon the back will be arched

(Finger in back forward)

And lengthenly jump

(Light jump up)

Well, and the teddy bear

(Hands semi-bent in the elbows, ladoshki connected below the belt)

Widespread paws

(legs on the width of the shoulders)

Then one, then both together

(Step from foot on foot)

Long step in place

(swaying torso to the side)

And to whom there is little charging -

Starts all first

(Dilute your hands on the side at the bottom of the palm belt up)

Lead: Children, Now we will go to the forest.

There are many miracles.

Children greets from forests.

The child reads the poem of Pogorelovsky.

Hello forest, dense forest, full of fairy tales and miracles!

What are you seeing foliage at night dark, thunderstorm?

What do we whisper at dawn, all in dew, as in silver?

What is in the wilderness of your luxury, what kind of beast, what a bird?

All open, do not hurt: You see - we are yours!

Lead: Look around, how beautiful! What flowers are beautiful! See what a beautiful bloomed flower with big petals.

Oh, yes here riddles!

5 competition "Guess the riddle"

1. One leg, and a lot of hands. (Wood)

2. Winter and in summer in one color.

3. Neither in fire is not lit, nor in water is not sinking.

4. Snow melts, a meadow came to life, day arrives when it happens?

5. What is white in winter, and in the summer green?

6. Not a bird, but with wings, not a bee, but over the colors flies.

The jury appreciates the competition.

Lead: We continue the walk. We go to the clearing.

Children, see what is happening here. Everywhere trash, packages, banks. Let's spend ecological Saturday.

Children clean garbage.

Lead: And what kind of forest sanitation do you know? (Ants, woodpeckers)

6 Competition "Game "Earth, air, water"

Lead: Children, you worked well. And now we will play the game.

With the word "Land" call animals when "Air" - birds, with the word "Water" - Fish. He who incorrectly calls - comes out of the game. The team in which there will be more players will win.

The jury assesses the competition, summarizes the results.

Lead: Offers to make a live picture "If I were a tree".

Children, raising hands up, freeze for a few seconds.

The leading asks - who was like that. (Oak, pine, spruce, birch, ox, linden, maple, rowan)

Children, look at some signs, let's look carefully them:

1. "Take care of anthills"

2. "Do not fit close to the nests"

3. "In the woods try to walk along paths»

Poem "Nobody is offended"

No one offense

Neither bee nor fly

Neither snail

Neither the beetle - the dark abdomen,

Neither a grasshopper in the grass

Gucky cleverly

Neither shiny in the grass

God's cow

Neither a blue nor droozda

Neither the locks are blind ...


Do not be offended by living

K. Rossetti

And now we say goodbye to the forest.


Forest dense - Goodbye!

You grow to joy to people.

We will be friends with you,

Good forest, mighty forest,

Full of fairy tales and miracles!

The jury summarize, presents gifts.

The relevance of the topic is that environmental education And the education of children is an extremely relevant problem of the present time: only an environmental worldview, the ecological culture of the living people can bring the planet and humanity from the catastrophic state in which they are now. The world of nature pays great opportunities for the comprehensive development of children. The thoughtful organization of walks, training, special observations is developing their thinking, the ability to see and feel the colorful diversity of nature phenomena, notice the large and small changes in the surrounding world. Reflecting on nature under the influence of an adult, the preschooler enriches his knowledge, feelings, he has the right attitude towards the living, the desire to establish, and not to destroy.




I. summarize kids about characteristic signs Plants and animals, recognize them in description.

II. Develop attention, observation.

III. Brief love of nature, the need for a careful attitude towards her.

Preliminary work: Choosing team names, maiden, prepare emblems as a gift.

Material: Emblems, leaflets of trees, vegetables, box, toy - cat, 2 pencil, leaves, wonderful bag, gifts to winners.


Comes two teams. Reading the poem E. Serov "Green Country".

I love to wander

In the green country.

Here are friends to start

I like me very much.

In that country - grace

Amazing light.

I wish us to solve:

What is the main secret?

Evaluate our jury competition

With the help of readers, choose captains.

(Children independently choose counting and consider).

I. Team: "Grasshopes" (Children speak choir) Motto: "Jump more fun, you will be healthier!"

II. Team: "Butterflies"

The motto: "If the air is cleaner, then we will flag more often"

Teams prepared surprises to each other. Hand gifts!(emblems).

I. We start our KVN:

A) Call as much domestic and wild animals as much as possible.(in turn).

B) wintering and migratory birds.

C) on the leaflesties they define a tree.

II. Reading poems on the topic "Nature".

III. Guess three riddles.

A) under the pines, under the christmas trees, is a bag with needles(hedgehog).

B) I am a cheerful animal, jump from the Christmas tree on the oak(squirrel) .

C) in winter sleeps, in the summer of the hives(bear).

D) burned on the mountain, and from the mountain Kuvarka(hare).

E) who is changing four times in a year?(land) .

E) the whole world I feed, but I do not herself(land) .

A) Determine the touch of vegetables.

B) Determined vegetables to taste with closed.

V. Defined that in a black box. Whose team gave faster.

Ears sticking, but not big,

The tail is fluffy, but not short,

Myself smooth, but not solid,

(Commands in turn offer options).

Vi. Captains with closed eyes draw:

  1. captain - Kuznechik
  2. captain - Butterfly

VII. Commands each other in turn makes riddles about animals, insects, birds

VIII. List the rules of friends of nature

A) do not tear the colors

B) do not break branches

C) don't kill frogs

D) do not catch insects

E) do not catch wild animals

While the jury sums up, let's sing a song together:

Song: "Pigeon of the World"

I give the word respected jury.

The result of the jury. Presenting gifts to winners.

The topic of ecology today is very popular. From the television screens, we broadcast us about the need to take care of the environment in which we live, the pages of newspapers and magazines are pushing the river articles on such subjects. In children's summer camps are created ecological detachments, schools and others educational institutions Thematic measures are held on ecology. Ecological motto, river, slogan or slogan come up with not so simple, so we decided to help you with this.

On the Environment

Environmental environmental motto should be a call to preserve the beauty and uniqueness of natural wealth. Examples of such mottos may be the following:

  • Nature is amazingly beautiful, love her and not rubi in vain!
  • We take nature - we take and your homeland.
  • Everyone who loves nature, be happy and fun will be!
  • Help nature, we will protect it, our house is protected from the sad consequences!
  • We will love nature, take care of her and you. Let the soul and the heart sing from the magical beauty!
  • We must protect the planet, because there is no other similar one!
  • Whoever chooses nature, he lives in Lada!
  • And go to the fire, and in water with those who choose nature!

Environmental environmental slogans should call on specific actions:

  • Remove trash behind yourself and do not let it be left!
  • Still cleanliness ambient Just as you follow the purity of the parquet in your own home.
  • Environmental cleanliness - the guarantee of the health of all people. You are not an exception.
  • Do not give the waste ditch to turn into the ocean.
  • Nature is a reflection of our souls. Look more in the mirror and follow the reflection.

Water, land and air are three main elements. Environmental slogans, speeches and mottos about them should be considered separately.

About water

The reservoirs are subjected to pollution only because of human actions, so environmental speeches and water motto should remind people that life without water can not be.

  • Clean water will save you, dirty - kill!
  • A man without water is that a tree without a root.
  • Wildlife life gives strength, do not be angry water element. To be in life "on the wave", belong to the water.
  • Transjurce - No, saving - yes! Watch, so as not dripped from the crane water!
  • Let both the brother and sister beat the Ward from childhood!
  • There is a nice speaker: "In life, water is the main thing!" For the purity of lakes and rivers, so well there was a person!
  • She has no price, it is needed, simple fresh water. It gives us life strength, shiny eyes and clarity of thought.
  • Water does not have a smell or color. But without her, a person will not be able to live nor enjoy bright colors Nature, nor feel flavors of flowers and herbs.

About air

One of the main problems of modernity is the destruction of the ozone layer. Everyone knows about it, but air pollution does not stop. Ecological slogans about air will help to pay attention to the sharp problem.

  • The air is needed to all around, take care of him, my friend!
  • Everyone wants to breathe. Let everyone follow the cleanliness of the air.
  • Stop walking under the cap from smoke, breathing with smoking is incompatible!
  • Air is a wealth that you can not buy for money.
  • It is transparent and tasteless, but it is very necessary for life.
  • He can fly on the ground and drive around the sky, cool to palace the heat and reclaim the Devora. Let the breeze be clean, then he will only be the case.
  • Let air clean to be a sweet aroma of us. So that everyone was breathing perfectly and was to live in the light of the cool!

About Earth

Earth is one of the main natural wealth of humanity. Environmental slogans to preserve the purity of the soil should be quite bright and laconic to attract attention to the problem.

  • If you want to eat useful, not infected bread, do not pollute the soil.
  • Raise the battery from the ground, so you give both that, and another new life.
  • Remember! Man is what he eats. You do not want to be poisoned from the inside - take care of the soil!
  • If you plan to live a long and happy life, do not forget that its quality directly depends on the purity of the environment.
  • A piece of paper abandoned in a trash can, speaks of much larger patriotism than a tricolor on a car, because true love Motherland begins with love for native land.

About the vegetable and animal world

People know that they are far from the only inhabitants of the planet, however, they often think that they are kings of nature. But animals and plants are the same full inhabitants of the Earth, as we. Motto by ecological topic May attract attention and force everyone to think about whether it makes it possible to preserve the variety of flora and fauna.

  • On the robus, you are quiet, it does not see the fish. Catch fish there without measure, these people are poachers. You take care of the nature, save her enemies
  • Does it not seem strange the fact that the number of animals and birds is inversely proportional to the number of people on earth?
  • Do not let the Red Book turn into an endless multicolor where all plants and animals are listed on the planet.
  • Anyone who believes that people who dressed in artificial fur do not have natural enough funds, do not understand that they themselves do not have enough mind to save life with several animals.
  • Pass the waste paper, give trees the right to life!
  • Tuning the waste paper, brand the muscles!
  • Hooligan, throw a slingshot and birds do not shoot! Better you take the shovel and trees to Nasaayay!
  • Man, do not touch the bird: neither crow or blue. Be it for them is not an enemy, but a friend, let them live around!
  • Shed one tree - put a dozen!
  • You are animals take care, because for them we are not enemies. Be for them the most powerful, but not a drop of dangerous.
  • Trees and flowers, grass and birds will not be able to defend themselves. If you destroy them forever, it will be a lonely person!

Instead of imprisonment

A man, in his entire life, not learned to love the nature, probably can't love to love and at all. Lisite truly can teach only nature itself. Let them sound like an ecological motto the following lines:

Nature has no immunity.

Kill birds from crossbow,

Ruin, destroy sockets,

Pollize the air in the sky Star.

This list can be continued for a long time.

If people stop poisoning

Rivers, skies, lakes, groves,

Agree, it will be much easier!

And then we will give you another answer:

"Nature has immunity!"

And the main environmental motto for all times as follows: "Live so that the next generations can with pride for ancestors to say cordial thanks for the purity of the environment!"

Scenario of ecological KVN in the preparatory group.

Subject:"Young connoisseurs of nature!"

Purpose:fastening the knowledge of children about nature.

Tasks:form in children elements of ecological culture, develop creative skills children, smelting, intelligence, their erudition, continue to form speech, to learn it is connected, concisely respond to questions, intensify vocabulary Children, develop the speed of the reaction, captivate children and cause a joyful experience from joint team activities, bring up careful and caring attitude towards nature, a sense of partnership. Respect for partners and rivals on the game.

Equipment:emblems for teams, signs with estimates for the jury, prizes for awarding, pictures "Environmental Signs". Didactic material on the topic "Living-Non-residential", postal envelopes, rebuses, phonogram "Nature sounds", phonogram "Voice of birds", equipment for the game-relay "Clearing the road".

Preliminary work:memorizing poems, make riddles of nature, conversations with children about animals and plants listed in the Red Book, conducting observations for walks, excursions in nature, the manufacture of Lapbukov on the topic "Take care of nature", didactic games According to the ecology, the creation of collective posters, wallpaper on the topic "We are connoisseurs of nature", viewing and reading cognitive literature for children.

Structure of the event

For musical accompaniment, children enter the hall. Children participate in the event preparatory Groups "A" and "B". (5 people from each group - participants of the game. The rest of the guys are fans)

Opening conversation.

Good afternoon dear friends! Today we will talk about nature. Today we are waiting for a fascinating journey through ecological paths. Ecology is a science of our house, about nature. And nature is our big house. And we all must support order in it.

We welcome all of you in our club cheerful and resourceful! The topic of today KVN sounds like this: "Young connoisseurs of nature." But first you need to get acquainted with the teams. So, today the team will participate in the game. "A" and under. "B". And the jury will judge them. Let me present the members of our respected jury.

Presentation of members of the jury

Jury, as you can see, we are worthy of respect. They had, and more than once, evaluate battles! For each jury competition will be awarded one score, which is 1 chip.

Teams please take your places. Many secrets and riddles hides nature from us. But we are with you inquisitive people and we open any secrets! We start the game! So. Forward to the victory!

Representation of commands. (name, motto, emblem)

The lead asks for children the name of their team.

Team p.Gr. "BUT" - "SALES" (Children answer chorus).

The captain of the "Salok" team is Turon-Ladyko Plato.

Our motto - "Take care of your planet - because there is no other in the world!". Team emblem

Team p.Gr "B" - "MOGNI"

The captain of the Melnikov team - Dotsenko Polina

Our motto is "We protect the nature quickly, in the forest and in the parks will be pure!". Emblem.

Well, that, we start our game. So - 1 contest. "Warming up".

Represents blitzopros. Each KVN game begins with a warm-up. Therefore, we will not violate this tradition. I will ask questions to teams. And you take turns on them. Shout out it is impossible, for it will be filmed.

For one minute, you must give as many correct answers as possible. The beginning and end of the competition informs the jury beep. So. Teams are ready?

So, questions for the "Salok" team.

    What time of year is the leaf fall?

    What kind of bird is called "Forest Doctor"?

    When does Malina sleep in the garden?

    Which tree has a white trunk?

    When will the snowdrop bloom in the forest?

    What plant helps to cure the wound?

    What word is called birds that fly into warm edges?

    How many legs of a spider?

    When does the white snow sparkle in the sun?

    Who carries her home on his back?

    What is the name of the house for birds made by the hands of a person?

    As in one word, animals are called. Who live in the forest?

    Carat, catfish, pike, bream?

    Who is in the forest weave web?

    Name the young chicken?

    What is the green cover of the earth?

    What kind of bird throws his eggs in other people's nests?

Questions for the Melnikov team.

    When does the nuts of the nuts praise?

    What kind of beast can be called longuhim?

    How can one call animals that live next to a person?

    Which insect ears on the legs?

    What makes hedgehog in winter?

    What birds fly to us first?

    Who was the summer of redhead, and in winter it becomes gray?

    What tree grow acorns?

    When is the icicle dripping and melts?

    When the water in the river freezes?

    What bird is the breast red?

    Which insect has red wings with black dots?

    Dragonfly, ant, Mosquito, butterfly - who is it?

    Who is sleeping in the forest all winter?

    Crow, Sparrow, Swallow, Skzorten - Who is this?

    When is the potato grandfather digging?

    What is the name of the Ants House?

(Summing up 1 contest)

2 Competition "Environmental Signs"

Each team receives 5 characters. The guys must determine the name of each of them.

1 Team:

    Do not touch the bird nests.Do you know that the birds throw nests, who touched a man, and never object to these nests. If there were eggs in the nest, then the chicks would not appear.

    Do not break the branches.Remember that if you break at least one branch, the tree can dry.

    Do not catch butterflies. You can not kill any animals, because they are part of our natural environment.

    Do not leave garbage. This clogs the environment.

    It is impossible to make noise in the forest.Do you know that in the forest you can see many interesting animals, provided that you will behave quietly and do not be frightened.

2 Team:

    Do not RVI flowers.Do you know that the people of the last 100 years have threatened the disappearance of 25,000 species of plants.

    Do not ruin anthills.Do you know that ants are forest seats.

    Do not divide the fire.Fire enemy for the forest.

    You can't cut down trees.Trees are the light of our planet.

    You can not spoil the bark of trees.

(Summing up the results of the competition "Environmental Signs")

Let's think together: whether our forest will be worse, if walking along the path, will you break the twig, or step on an amoor, make a wreath of flowers? (Children's responses). Yes, nature will be worse! After all, every broken twig, a truncated amanita, a torn flower is a small wound caused by nature. And nature is very hard to heal even the smallest wounds. Therefore, you must remember and follow the rules of behavior in nature!

3 Competition: Environmental relay "Clearing the road".

    Collect rubber products 5 pcs.

    Collect candy paper 5 pcs.

    Collect plastic products (bottles, disposable dishes, etc.) 5 pcs.

    Collect cellular packages 5 pcs.

    The latter runs on the trash basket, who is faster - the winner.

(The word is provided with the jury to summarize).

Representatives of the teams are offered in turn to know the voice of the bird and call it. They recognize the singing Soroki, Sparrow, Crows, Tits, Dyatla, Cuckoo, Owl, Pigeon, Rooster, Gracch.

5 Competition: Competition of Intellectuals "RB Robuses".

The teams are invited to solve 2 rebus, and the answers - the deposits to lay out in the form of a collected puzzle on the tables.

Variants of Rus:

Competition of captains.

The captains of both teams are invited. KVN participants welcome captains.

Host: lived - there was a person in the world - scattered and he was instructed to write two letters for a scientific expedition. Each letter should have contained information about representatives of the living and inanimate nature, which scientists should have to collect information and provide them with a scientific laboratory. But since the author of the letter was very scattered, he interpreted all pictures with each other. Your task: properly decompose pictures in envelopes. Bike the "Salties" team - collects pictures of wildlife into an envelope for a scientific expedition, and the captain of the "Melniki" team - collects pictures of inanimate nature. And team members - rivals will verify the correctness of the task.

The jury appreciates the competition.

6 Competition: "How would you do?"

Each team is playing and shows two ecological situations for their rivals. The guys must define, suggest the name of the situation, comment on it and make the right conclusion.

Options situations

1. - Vanya nest with foam eggs in the grass. Little testicles he really liked. He wanted to take them home. And the foam spisled over him and screamed. How to do it?

2. Children came with the educator on forest Polyanka. And in amazement stopped: "How many colors! Chamomile, bells. Let's Narrem big bouquets of flowers, "the children offered. And the educator said ... What did the educator say?

      On Sunday, I decided to go to the lake. Two boys went along the path in front of the path. Suddenly they saw a small frog in the grass. "Let's take her to yourself so that she does not get lost," said one boy. "Do not touch her, the frog itself will find the road," said another. Who from the boys was right?

      Andryusha found hedgehogs in the forest and decided to give him his girlfriend Nastya. But Nastya said: "Let him go, please!" "Never! I know that some people are catching and bringing home, they give them milk, they feed with sweets, "Andryusha replied. "So only do cruel people. Hezhi cannot live in captivity and often die! " Why so said Nastya.

The jury summarizes the competition.

Playing with fans.

"If I come to the leaks."

Now we will check how you know the rules of behavior in the forest. I will tell you my actions, and you answer. If well, we say "yes", if bad, together I scream "no".

If I come to the fishing rods and a chamomile? (no, why?

If you eat a piddle and take a piece of paper? (not)

If the bread is a piece on hemp leave? (Yes)

If the branch is letting the peg stand? (Yes)

If I will restore the bonfire and I will not exist? (not)

If he is strong and removed for you forget? (not)

If the garbage will remove, I drip the bank? (Yes)

I love my nature, I helped her! (Yes)

7 Competition (final): Reading poems on the environmental theme.

Two representatives are invited from each team. Guys read prepared poems.

The word is given a jury that calls a common account. In our club cheerful and resourceful, the team won .......... Awarding award.

Thank you for the fate,

Here are souvenirs for happiness!

Look, admire, take!

Choose anyone to taste!

KVN is finished, friends, goodbye!

Protocol assessments for the jury in ecological KVN

"Young connoisseurs of nature"

p / P.

Title competition

Team "Salinks"

P.Gr "A"



P.Gr "B"



Environmental signs

Relay "Clear Road"

Rebuses - Riddles

How would you do?


Competition Captain


Photo 1. Miniovestation "Cognition of Science" Ecology "

Photo 2. Registration of the central wall to the ecological game

Photo 3. Working moments of the game in KVN on the ecological theme.

Poisoning can cause black whites whose seeds are in a box and resemble poppy seeds. In case of poisoning, a strong headache occurs, pupils are expanding, dryness appears in the mouth, the heartbeat and shortness of breath occurs. Poisonous Voroniye Eyes, Wolf Lyko (Daphne), Shooting (Baladonna), Wrestler (acronite), VEKH Poison (Cycut), Spotted Boligols, Voronets Pokolovid, Chemeritsa, Lily of May may cause poisoning. Forest beech fruits with a form resemble a forest walnut (midflower). The consumption of them in the raw form causes poisoning similar to the poisoning of whiten: headache appears, dizziness. Poisoning can be caused by sinks, cherries, apricots, peaches, bitter almonds with non-harmony use. The most poisonous plants include water rags and poisonous mushrooms.

If you have doubts which of plants are poisonous and what are not, watching birds, rodents, monkeys, bears and other herbivores. Typically, the food they use is suitable for a person.

Boligols., It also has a strong poisonous property and belongs to the umbrella family. Poison Boligolova - Konin - causes vomiting, disorder of speech, paralysis, in severe deaths.

Well-known poisonous properties whites and dURMANA. Both plants belong to the family of the Polenic.

Henbane - This is two-year-old herbate planthaving nasty smell. The stem is a reprehensive, sticky, lowered, 30-90 cm high. Flowers are large, up to 2 cm long, dirty yellow (in the middle of purple), with a network of purple vein. The leaves are wide, pubescent, with large teeth. Fruit - box with a cap and partition inside a five-rigid cup. Small black or yellow seeds are placed in the box, similar to Poppy seeds. The root is similar to parsley, soft, juicy, with an acidic and sweet taste. Poisonous all parts of the plant, but especially dangerous seeds.

Duman - This is a large plant with a reprehensive, abundantly branched naked stem. Flowers are funk-shaped, large - up to 10 cm, arranged one in the sinuses of the leaves. The fruit is large, up to 4-5 cm in diameter, box, seated outside with greenish spines. When ripening, the fruit is revealed to four sash. Seeds are numerous, black, almost rounded. Dome is distinguished by drought resistance and powerful growth: sometimes it reaches 120 centimeters of height.

The active ingredients of whlen and dope are alkaloids, which have antispasmodic properties (reduce the tone of smooth muscles), expand the pupil, relax the muscles of the bronchi, reduce the secretion and peristaltics of the intestine.

In case of easy poisoning, these plants appear dry mouth, speech and swallowing disorder, expansion of pupils and a violation of near vision, light-free, dryness and redness of the skin, excitation, sometimes nonsense and hallucinations, tachycardia.

With severe poisoning, a complete loss of orientation, sharp motor and mental arousal, sometimes convulsions with the subsequent loss of consciousness and the development of a comatose state. A sharp increase in body temperature, cyanosis (sampling) of mucous membranes, shortness of breath with the advent of periodic breathing type of Chein-Stokes, the pulse is incorrect, weak, the drop in blood pressure.

Death occurs with the phenomena of the paralysis of the respiratory center and vascular failure.

Specific complications of atropine poisoning are trophic violations - significant swelling of the subcutaneous fiber of the face, in the area of \u200b\u200bforearm and legs.
Care should be taken and against shrubs. To the number of very poisonous applies a typical or wolf lyco - decorative shrub With fragrant pink flowers, dissolving before the appearance of leaves. Fruits - red juicy berries, magnitude with a pea, with one bone inside. The fruits are located close bugs, have burning juice, burning the oral cavity.

All parts of the wolf of ordinary poisonous, especially fruits. You can choose, even cleaning the branch from the bark. In poisoning, the feeling of burning in the mouth and sip, the difficulty of swallowing, salivation, pain in the stomach, diarrhea, vomiting, blood in the urine.

Nightshade - The genus of plants from the Parenic family, containing up to 900 species found in warm and temperate climates. Herbs, shrubs or trees of various appearance: with lying, represented, creeping stem, with simple or peristracial leaves.
Flowers are collected in cinema shields, brushes or sweaters; White, yellow, purple or pink. A cup of 5-10 cloves or shares; Wheel wheel or widespread bellol, five-rigged; The stamens agree on anthers in the cone.

Fruit - berry.

Choy - herbalist annolete plant, developing branchy, fluffy or almost bare stem, covered with egg-shaped, gentle or almost single-circuit leaves; Small gray or slightly purple flowers Collected curls. A five-rigid cup, a whisk of five oblong blades. Fruit - black, spherical, hung berry. Growing is grown black on weed places.

Jaw sharp - Herbal perennial plant.

Plants 30-80 cm high, bare or sometimes pubescent, sly.

Stems upright, round, strigted, bare, upstairs with 1-23 thin, often curved, stitched flowers of 1.5-7.5 cm long, lower with densely icy, subsequently extending flaky branches.

Low leaves dry-film, scratched, stem, siding or barely cherry, from the gradually narrowed base of narrow-reverse lanceal, 2-7 cm long, the most wide in the upper third, 2-8 (13) mm width (length mostly in 7 -12 times the width), stupid or often from the bare-pointed median alkaline, one-eyed, with a slightly curved, sometimes densely wavy edge, the leaves of the top often served, soft, the consequences are sticking, bare, top-green, bottom Blue, bottom horizontally distinguished or even downstairs, often on short stiffs, upper upward directed, on the unconcerning branches 7-20 mm long and 2-2.5 mm width.

In the predfabcasus, the Volga region and Kazakhstan is one of the weeds of crops.

Johnny sharp displaces all the plants living in the prairies and fields, shading them and taking moisture and nutrients, as well as highlighting toxins, oppressing the growth of other plants.

Because of their life abilities and the opportunity to grow from little plot The root, silent sharp extraordinarily difficult to destroy.

Lily of Maysky

The underground rhizome is crazy, not the thickness of the goose feather, carries several pale small lower leaves, semi-littered in the ground. They are followed by 2 (rare 3) large, completely solid broadcast (or oblong-elliptic) pointed root sheets, between which a large kidney is on the top of the root. From the corner of the lower sheet, which claps up the bottom of both green, protrudes colorless stemcarrying a brush of 6-20 flowers facing predominantly one way.
The roots are small, numerous.

Flower stem, a leafless, or carries the leaves only under the inflorescence; Rarely - with filamentous leaves.

Flowers have a rounded-bell-bell-bearded peer of white (less often pale pink) color, with 6 bent blades; 6 stamens sitting on the perianth, and rounded marking ending with a short column. Long curved flowers - with film bracts. Fragrant flowers are choking gracefully. Flowers in May - June.

The fruit is an orange-red spherical berry of 6-8 mm in a diameter containing almost spherical seeds. Berries are long saved on the plant. Fruption - in June - early July.

Breeding both seeds and vegetatively.

Lily of the valley belong to the number shadowish plant. They have long been bred artificially, and varieties are obtained with larger or terry flowers, with pinkish shades, etc. The entire plant of the valley is poisonous!

Poisonous mushrooms

It should be remembered that among them there are poisonous, very dangerous. You need to use the rule - if you do not know what kind of mushroom, it is better not to take it.

To the number poisonous mushrooms Applies, first of all, pale custodia. It contains strong poisons that are not destroyed when coaling and root. Pale cheeker can be confused with a champignon. The difference is that on the bottom of the legs, the pale zeadstock always has a small stray blossom, covered with a shell in the form of a sprinkle or a collar. At the top of the legs, a film ring (white, greenish or pale yellow). Plates under a white hat, unpainted. At the mature champignon, these plates are dark, the young is weakly pink, and the rings, there is no swollen on the leg and the shell. In some edible mushrooms Sometimes there are tuberous education. And although it happens very rarely, they are better not to collect.

To poisonous mushrooms include moid. (Pantry, red, smelly, porphir). It is impossible to eat false sides. They are smaller in size than edibles, and do not have films on the legs.

In bright deciduous forests, more often under beech, you can meet a satanic mushroom. His hat has a gray-whitish, convex, tubular layer greenish-yellow, with red pores, pulp with a cut blue, and then it becomes pale with weak unpleasant odor. Very poisonous.
Bile and pepper mushrooms, although not poisonous, but are not suitable for food because of the bitter taste. The bile mushroom looks like white, it is even called a false white mushroom. Different with a darker pattern on the leg and pinkish bottom cap. Pepper mushroom It is much stronger than gall. From similar species of oil and mokhovikov, it is smaller with smaller sizes. Botts Hats with a large uneven pore and yellowish-red tint.
It is necessary to keep in mind the possibility of poisoning in the spring the first mushrooms - false curls and lines. After the corresponding thermal processing, these mushrooms can be eaten.

Death cap - One of the most dangerous poisonous fungi.

Fruit body hat icon-like, young aged egg-shaped, fully covered with film. Hat 5-15 cm, olive, greenish or grayish, from a semi-shaped to a flat shape, with a smooth edge and a fibrous surface.

The flesh is white, fleshy, does not change color when damaged, with a low taste and smell. The leg is 8-16 × 1-2.5 cm, cylindrical, with thickening at the base. Color - like a hat or whitish, is often covered with a moar pattern. Plates are white, soft, free. The remains covered. The ring is first wide, fringe, outside - striped, often disappears with age. Volva is well expressed, free, blade, white, 3-5 cm wide, often half immersed in the soil. On the skin hats, the beck remains are usually absent, sometimes there may be dense film scraps.

The color of the hat is from almost white to a grayish-green. Old mushrooms with an unpleasant sweet odor, a hat with age becomes more grayish.
Inexperienced mushrooms can take a pale custody instead of good edible mushrooms. Especially often it is confused with various species Champignon, raw green and crumpled greenish, with floats. It should be remembered that champignons never happen volley and plates with age quickly stain; The cheese makes no volley, nor the ring, besides, they differ in characteristic pulp of pulp; The floats are characterized by smaller sizes, a thinner pulp (the edges of the hats are usually with pronounced radial grooves) and have no rings. There are cases of an erroneous collection of pale custodia when cutting mushrooms with a knife under the hat, when the characteristic film ring remained together with the leg on the ground.

Picture of poisoning

Poisoning occurs during the erroneous use of pale refining in food.
Thermal processing does not eliminate toxic action. ¼ A part of the middle fruit (about 30 g) causes severe poisoning, in children usually ending with death.
Basic symptoms: Filty vomiting, intestinal colic, muscle pain, muscle pain, insufficient thirst, cholera-like diarrhea (often with blood) appears. The appearance of jaundice and the increase in the liver is possible. Pulse is weak, threaded. Hell lowered, there is a loss of consciousness. As a result of toxic hepatitis and acute cardiovascular failure in most cases - fatal outcome.

The special danger of the fungus is that signs of poisoning are not manifested for a long time. The symptoms may not be manifested during the first 6-24 or more hours during which, nevertheless, the body poisoning is already occurring and the application of irreparable damage. After the symptoms manifest, mortality is very high and any treatment is often useless.

Stitch- the genus of the sample mushrooms of the family of stitching, which is often confused with edible curls. In the raw form of a lines of mortally poisonous.

Description and distribution

Fruit body line of ordinary looks like a brain or walnut. The hat in numerous push, the hollow, incorrectly rounded, folded and divided into a plurality of shares, the surface of it on the type of velvety, the color can vary from yellowish brown to reddish-brown - depends on the place and conditions of growth. In the diameter of the hat usually 2-10 cm, the edges are connected to the leg. Normal leg incorrect form, short, wrinkled, furor, often immersed in the soil, the book has a small thickening, inside - the hollow, light, sometimes has a yellowish pinkish shade, in length 2-3 cm, as much in diameter. It is found in conifer, especially pine, forests; On cutting, firewalls heated by the sun.

The line of ordinary has a strong resemblance to a giant line, which is different light color hats big sizes (in diameter up to 30 cm), the structure of the dispute and place of growth (burden). Both species, as well as smurches, grow in the spring, from the end of April to the end of May - the beginning of June.
Unlike them, the lines of autumn meets from July - August, in coniferous and deciduous forests on the basis, as well as on the residues of rotting wood. The lines of the autumnal line is usually up to 10 cm in width, folded shape, brown, with age becomes a brown-black, with a velvety surface. The shape of the Hat Corrid-Sadlovoid (more often found in the form of three controversial horns), the edges of the hat growl with the leg. The leg is 3-10 cm in length, a width of up to 1.5 cm, the floor, often sleeping from the sides, the color varies from whitely to brownish-grayish.

Toxicity and eating
In the raw lines containing gyromeitrines - strong toxins, so the use of fried uncruised lines, as well as broths of them, can lead to serious poisoning, often with a fatal outcome.

Sulfur sulfur

Hat with a diameter of 3-6 cm, convex, then semi-general, yellow, in the center with a reddish tint. The flesh is sulfur yellow, thin, bitter, with an unpleasant smell. Removal plates, sulfur-yellow, then greenish-olive. The leg is 3-7 x 0.4-0.6 cm, cylindrical, hollow, often curved, yellow, raging at the base. Spores purple brown.
False brick-red - poisonous mushroom


Hat with a diameter of 4-10 cm, rounded-convex, then semi-propright, orange, brick-red, on the edges of yellow with tinting flakes from the web-fiber-bedspread. The flesh is dense, relatively thick, yellowish, bitter. Removal plates, yellowish. The leg is 5-10 x 0.6-1.5 cm, narrowed to the base, yellowish, at the bottom of the brown, without a ring, sometimes with the remnants of the private bedspread. Spores purple brown.