When the nut the hazelnut trim branches. Pruning walnut - in spring or summer

Sit on a permanent place of two and three-year-old seedlings, since at that age the trees are easier to come true, while older seedlings can cost several years without growth, forming the root system. Walnut is not very demanding for the soil, you probably noticed this tree in all the edges, on a variety of soils. However, to obtain a good harvest in the future, it is best to plant a tree into well-drained, fertile soil.

A seedling pit should be up to a meter deep and the same size in width. In the wells should be filled with 2-3 buckets of humidiation and compost. Important moment - in mandatory, it is necessary to cut the main root, which departs from the trunk vertically.

Sketching on the bottom of the pits of a piece of stone or broken bricks, rubbents, you stimulate the development of side roots that are responsible for the delivery of nutrient elements to fruits and branches.

Unlike, the walnut is best shocked in summer periodIn the second half of summer - at this time the wounds are much faster healing, and there is much smaller down. However, it does not interfere with the garden to the garden, to carefully smear the cuts. Trimming walnut In the spring, it is also permissible, however, at this time weak or frostbed branches are not yet visible, so you can carry out the initial trimming, freeing the crown from shadowing and growing the branches, and in the summer it is completed.

How to form a crown - pruning step by step

In the first stage of growth on young tree May be formed a crown of 4-5 branches. If the seedling is well rooted and demonstrates growth, then besides these shoots, it is no longer necessary to leave anything in the tree, deletingly at the stage of the kidneys. If the tree weakened, then leave everything as it is, but at the end of the summer, free the crown from the extra branches. The walnut for the second year is focused on shortening branches up to two kidneys - the main and reserve. If both of them wake up, then one of them needs to be removed.

Of the remaining Escape of about 60 cm, it should be shorted to two kidneys during the subsequent trim. Walnut responds to such trimming the formation of the crown on fruiting. If shoots grow even more, then shortening them for several centimeters follows in August. When the main branches are already laid, the central conductor should be cut over the top. In the future, systematic shortening of skeletal and half-plated branches by 15-20 cm should be carried out, depending on the growth of the tree, delete the strambed threshold.

Did you know that the United States is the leader in the production of walnut? They have a medium yield from one hectare of land is 3.4 tons.

And this is not surprising, because the value of the fruits of walnut and other types of walnuts are widely known. Their nuclei and oils made of them are used in the food and confectionery industry, as well as in medicine, vitamin, pharmaceutical and perfumery industries. Walnut wood is highly valued in furniture manufacturing. In addition, it is used for interior decoration houses, shops, wagons, bathrooms, etc.


This plant is one of the most valuable wood breeds. Since ancient times, its surprisingly nutritious fruits are eaten, and the leaves are used in alternative medicine.

By nature, walnut is a mountain plant. You can meet it in the mountains of Europe and Asia.

Walnut - wood up to 30 m in height and up to 2 m in the diameter of the trunk. Durability Its about 400 years. The bark of the trunk is gray, smooth, as agrees a little cracks. The wood is solid, viscous, bending, although little elastic, is practically not working, it gives in to polish, has a good texture. Quite often used in the furniture industry for making expensive and beautiful furniture, as well as interior decoration of houses, shops and bathrooms.

Croon nut has a spherical shape, strong and thick. It can reach huge sizes.

If we talk about yield, it all depends here directly from the variety of nut and its age. For example, from a tree that has reached 300 years, you can collect about 200-300 kg of fruits.

Most of the grades of walnut are unpretentious in care and resistant to frozen.

Beneficial features

Scientists have long been proven that the walnut kernels are amazingly useful. They are used actively in medicine and pharmacology. And it is right.

After all, no wonder our progenitors in antiquity were treated with nuts with nuts, various diseases were made of healing tincture.

The fruits are contained a large number of iodine, vitamin C, E, as well as other microelements, which positively affect the work of the brain, and the potency in men. In addition to the use of nuclei, it is worth noting the presence of lemon and malic acid, as well as sugar, calcium phosphate and calcium oxalate in a green outlander. The decoctions of it are recommended to be used during the treatment of anchina, or, as an anthelmilic drug, and the alcohol infusion on uncooked nuts should be taken in pain in the stomach and disorders of the digestive system.

Among other things, this plant has an anti-inflammatory, invalid, anticerotic and tonic effect on the human body. Also, with the help of nuts, it is possible to treat rickets, crofulosis, venereal diseases, tumors and ulcers. As you can see, the spectrum of action of this plant is pretty wide.

To improve the condition of the human body, you can use not only the kernel, but also leaves, cuttings, kidneys and bark. All this, with proper use, will help improve health, and in some cases even relieve diseases.

For example, walnut leaves are used to treat venereal diseases, avitaminosis, gout and anemia, tuberculosis and even diabetes mellitus. Also, they are widely used in cosmetology and treatment of skin diseases, such as furunculosis, purulent wounds, dermatomycosis and chronic eczema.

ABOUT useful properties Walnut can speak very long, but is there any contraindications to the account of its application? Let's find out.

Walnut and side effects

It is impossible to abuse people with thrombophlebitis in the use of drugs prepared from oily villains and leaves, since they significantly increase blood clotting.

Exceeding the norm of nutrition of nuts can lead to strong head pains, so we do not recommend that they are strongly carried away. An adult man can eat 15 pcs, a woman - 5-7, and children at the age of five are no more than 5 cores.

In addition, as the fruits contain about 15% protein, they are not recommended to use people prone to allergic reactions. It is also forbidden to eat nuts to persons who are ill neuroders, psoriasis and eczema, since this product may lead to the exacerbation of these ailments.

Yet positive moments Much more than negative. Why actually the demand for this plant does not fall. Walnuts are increasingly people in private farms to provide their seven valuable product, and sometimes in order to create a family business. And, it is very wise. After all, you need to invest very little, and then, over the past few years you can make a profit.

Breeding walnut

Walnut garden for fruits can be created by planting seedlings, graft good varieties Walnut or its best forms. The creation of such plantations requires the organization of a whole walnut economy in which the selection is best species Saplings, their storage, cultivation of grafted material and double plants, construction of premises for the vaccination of trees throughout the year.

In addition to these methods, you can grow plants from seeds. This option is suitable for small farm and small plantations. It is worth noting that it will cost several times cheaper than having vaccinated or buy ready-made copies.

When planting seedlings, you need to diligently prepare the soil. It must be carefully fertilized. For this you can use different composts, peat or manure. Before this procedure, you need to clean the site from weeds and plow the earth. Then you need to prepare pits for trees. It is best to do this in the fall, and plant seedlings in the spring. It is necessary to distribute trees around the perimeter from this calculation: 6 * 6, 7 * 7, 8 * 8, 9 * 9. It all depends on the area of \u200b\u200bthe plot. Of course, it is better if the distance between the seedlings will be more, in the future, with active growth, they will not interfere with each other, and the sun will illuminate them from all sides, and it is more convenient to collect the fruit.

The size of the landing pit should be in diameter from 60 cm, and in the depth - about 80 cm. It is necessary to lower the seedlings into a casual mixture. That is, before planting, we pour water into the pit before planting, add fertilizer and earth to it, and only then we lower the seedling into this mixture. Top sprinkle with soil and water water. So that the fluid does not evaporate very quickly upper layer Pits put straw, hay or freshly ached grass.

Caring for walnut at home

It is very important during the growth of a plant to receive a lot of moisture, so it is necessary to organize a timely and periodic watering of walnut. Especially there are trees in spring and summer, when the time of drought and heat comes. Watering is needed for each plant approximately 3-4 buckets of water based on one square meter Earth. It is worth conducting such procedures at least two or three times a month. In principle, this will be enough for normal growth and development of wood. When seedlings grow more than 4-5 meters in height, you can already pay less attention to this issue.

As for feeding, then it needs less. It is necessary to carry out fertilizer twice a year. Once - in the fall, and the second is in the spring. If you use nitrogen feeding, it is better to hold such a procedure at the beginning of the year, and, that's the potash and phosphate fertilizer are engaged closer to winter.

Another one an important point In the care of walnut is trimming. Let's consider this important question in more detail.


So we approached the topic of interest. There are a lot of differences in this issue: some gardeners say that it is not necessary to cut the nut, he is formed, others say that the creation of the right crown should be monitored and trimmed in a timely manner. So, who is right? How to do it? Crop walnut or not? Now we will deal with everything.

Crown of this plant, like others, without good care It can develop incorrectly and lead to poor wood growth. Therefore, pruning must be carried out. Just do it stands with special care and care. First, there are such saplings of walnut, whose Crohon has been formed on their own, and do not touch them. But unfortunately, not all trees grow so much. There are such seedlings that need constant care and timely pruning.

It is very important to know that it is necessary to carry out this procedure since the middle of the summer. Young seedlings need to remove the lower branches, forming a stamp, leaving five to ten major pains. The fewer branches, the stronger there is a plant. It is also worth removing the paps that grow up, at the bottom, and those branches that interfere with each other's development.

Here in principle, and the essence of the circumcision of walnut. As you can see, there is nothing complicated in this matter or an unbearable amateur gardener.

Walnut is demanding of light. In thick plantations, with a side shading of a branch, he quickly die off, the crown is taken off, height and fruiting move up. In most varieties, the bulk of the fruit mass is formed on the terminal growth of short generative branches. Initially, due to lack of light on such growths, fruits are not formed, and the branches are also dying, fruiting decreases sharply. In conditions good lighting The yield grows much faster than the crown size. It is noted that with an increase in the crown by 3 times the amount of fruits increases 18 times.

Intensive growth in walnut lasts up to 5-6 years of age (in the porch forms, he is shorter), the length of shoots can reach 1.5-2 m. Vegetative kidneys, laid in the sneakers of the leaves, begin to germinate after 3 years, from that time comes Crown saturation by turning branches.

With a strong increase in young plants, walnuts can form premature shoots from the kidneys, located close to the top, the angle of death is sharp. Green trimming can be caused by the formation of premature shoots closer to the base of the carrier escape.

The length of the generative branches on which men's and women's christmas are formed, from 6 to 15 cm. This is a sorticification sign.

The grades of walnut are different and the strength of the growth of trees:

  • reaching 15-18 m (Muminabadsky major, korgeutsky, Krielyansky, Tashkent-2, Navraster, a crop);
  • with restrained growth - 5-9 m (ideal, Pyandzhsky-2, Vakhsh, Glotoror, Pervomaisky, Crimean, hardy);
  • slabor, the height of which is 4-4.5 m (dream, throne);
  • dwarf (Anapa's dwarf) - the height of the tree is 1.8 m.

In the form of a crown from spherical to wide-walled. In the thickness of the crown: Rare (Baikonur), medium density (Corgeutsky) or dense (Kostyujukh, Kalarash).

Walnut is formed by an improved-long, modified leader or invigorate system. In any case, Krone is created on a stammer height of 1-1.5 m. The height of the stan is specified depending on the type of grade crown. It is important that it was as far as possible.

If the landing is carried out with weak seedlings (they are shorter or equal to the total length of the strain and crown zone), they should be shorted briefly, leaving 20-30 cm. From kidney of the bottom, severe shoots grow, one of which is chosen, taking it to the cola or spitting . On such a shoot, sometimes in the same vegetation manages (after green trimming) future skeletal branches.

Fig. 1 - 1-1) weak walnut seedlings, the dimensions of which do not allow to select the zone of the strain (a) zone of 1-1.5 m and the crown zone (b), cut briefly, leaving 20-30 cm; 1-2) a slam-free seedling is not cut, he has a flutter of shoots in the upper part sharp angles disheeming.

Fig. 2 - 2-3) a weak seedlock is cut at an altitude of 20-30 cm above the soil level; 2-4) from an accepted strong branch form a stramb, and in the next year the crown using branches with good angles of disheavage

If the seedling does not be cut, from pinned kidneys, his top will grind a meal of shoots with very sharp corners, which cannot be left as skeletal branches.

Enhanced Yarus Crown

When forming an improved-long system There are three branches in the tier with an interval of 10-15 cm. You can allow the creation of two branches from adjacent kidneys, but then the angle of discrepancies should be such that the third branch selected at a distance of 15-20 cm formed angle from one of them. discrepancies of at least 90 ° and no more than 150 °. Crown should not be one-sided. Branches from adjacent kidneys due to a weak bond with a barrel can be laid out. For the same reason, branches with dieting angles less than 45 ° are impossible. Branches that are not selected as skeletal are cut onto the ring.

In a year, when after-closing trimming is performed, it is necessary to remove the strambed threshold, which is more often formed near the vaccination location and may be abundant. If this is not done, the shoots necessary for the formation of the crown will develop weakly. If we remove the piglet in the spring, in the period of trimming, many wounds are formed on the strain, the formation is delayed, the start of the start of fruiting is distinguished. Porn shoots are removed by ochmygization when they are in a herbist state. Some gardeners prefer to pinch them over the second-third sheet, in order to enhance the survival rate of seedlings, improve plant feeding conditions in the initial period of their development. Since after the segments, strong shoots are not formed, they can be cut in the spring with the next trimming.

Above two or three single branches are laid above: the first 50 cm from the top branch of the tier, follow-up at the same distance from each other. After laying the last skeletal branch, the conductor is cut out.

For the formation of second-order branching, the main branches are shortened so that the necessary branching of two or three to each to each at a distance of 50-60 cm from the trunk and apart. In particular, shortening is necessary when the gains are excessively long. Skeleton branches are shortened and when they need to balance their development. It is unacceptable and strong shortening, which leads to the formation of powerful branches in the forks that thicken the crown.

Construction of the crown ends for the fourth year after landing. Then, if necessary, only thinning is carried out.

Changed leader crown

Modified leader crown Form of five alternately (spiral) placed skeletal branches with distances between them 50-60 m. In the lower three, they are laid in two or three branches of the second order at the same intervals. The process of forming such a crown is longer than a year with an improved-long-tier amount of skeletal branches. The lack of it, in addition to the already marked, is unreasonably long distances between the lower branches, which makes the lower part of the crown one-sided, increases the height of the trees. The dignity is the strength of the combination of skeletal branches with a barrel and some improvement in the light mode. If the distance between the lower three branches is reduced to 25-30 cm, and the remaining two lay down in 50-60 cm, then such a crown in the structure will occupy between the improved-long and modified leader, removing the flaws of both. It is called the nuclear-dialing leader and more often used when growing nut trees.

The structure of cupid crowns, allows you to have smaller trees. Good upper lighting, in such crowns to some extent compensates for the deterioration of lateral lighting when they are expanded.

Crashoid crown

A cupchaid crown Formed on the stamper the same height as other types of crowns, the number of skeletal branches is limited to three to four.

They are laid evenly around the circumference with an interval of 20-30 cm. When forming four branches, two bottoms can be laid out of opposite kidneys with a smaller interval or even adjacent. The top three lay down with the bottom: the third at a distance of 30-40 cm from the lower and fourth after 30 cm from it. The central conductor is removed. The formation lasts 3-4 years. The desire of the upper branch to take the place of the conductor is limited to trimming on the outer branch until the upper branch takes the necessary angle of inclination.

If the main branches are three, each form two branches of the second order, if four are usually limited by half-mowed branching.

During the formation period, skeletal branches are shortened to align their growth (trimming on the coencing) and for the formation of second-order branches.

After the creation of such crowns is completed, good top lighting is supported by cutting the branches thickening center.

With age, a lot of drying branches are formed in the crown, both inside and peripherals. Flowering begins with small branches, the productivity of trees falls. As soon as the process of motioning small generative branches begins, conducting a rejuvenating trimming of skeletal and semi-melting branches on 4-5-year-old wood. Cropped with their side or outer faceted branch, as a result of which its growth is stimulated. At the same time thin the crown. Walnut speaks well on such a rejuving trimming, quickly increasing the generative branches, the crop is restored.

If, after the rejuvenating trimming, it is necessary to restore the axis of the skeletal branch, the topmost of highly growing regenerative shoots are tied up to the support, giving it the desired direction of growth. If this is not done, it will be angry under your own severity, it will turn off and will not be suitable for the formation of the axial branch, the recovery of the crown is delayed. Next year, all unnecessary branches formed from sleeping kidneys are removed to avoid thickening, long branches, continuing skeletal axis, shorten for the formation of branching. You can delete unnecessary shoots when they are in a grassy state, having gone out them, but it is necessary to leave 2-3 backups in case of a salary selected to restore the branch of escape.


  1. Fisenko A. N. Trimming fruit trees. Takes and ways of creating and maintaining highly productive crowns in fruit trees in industrial and amateur gardens of the South of the USSR. - Krasnodar: KN. Publishing house, 1990. - 278 p.

Trimming walnut is mandatory procedure In horticulture. For her, you need at least preparation, since one possession garden tools Not enough.

How to work

  • From the very beginning, patients or old parts of the plant are determined.
  • Form the future development of young branches.
  • Achieve yields and correct growth.
  • The pruning itself should be performed at a specific time of the year.

    When to cut?

    Naturally, care is starting with spring, before the development of shoots. Best time - This is March and April. How to trim the walnut in this case? You need to decide on the weather. When the night drops of temperature or, simply speaking, frosts are already over, but garden plants Not yet "came to life." This is the period is ideal for work.

    Walnut trimming requires:

    1. High-quality, sharpened tool. Stupid secateurs or peelings leave traces that harm the trunk.
    2. Competent processing. Cuts do not need to be lubricated with champs or paints, because it is not a vaccination. The trunk of the plant is faster in the head itself.
    3. Do not start working at low temperatures. When the window is far from June, the branches of the nut are fragile enough, and it is harder to delete them.
    4. Experiments. Yes, all according to the standards and rules, but the trimming of walnut is not dry instruction. And only an experienced way can already "help" a tree in the formation of the crown. But to get involved in a secateur or knife is not worth it, otherwise the plant can perish. With age, you can work on this slightly harder.
    5. More about the spring season

      As already noted, after the winter, we try to form the crown of the nut.

      You can start working with a young plant only after achieving a certain height is 1.5 or more meters.

      Moreover, the barrel itself is at least 80 centimeters. And the crown is approximately 60 or more see for competent formation in the future, it suffices to leave 10 skeletal branches. And the shoots need to shorten on 20 centimeters.

      Video: Walnut Pruning:

      What is even desirable to do:

      1. Remove strambet processes.
      2. The center is cut only after the formation of fresh branches.
      3. Remove gingerbread shoots.
      4. Walnut trimming scheme in spring:

        Is it possible to handle the nut in the summer?

        Admissible trimming of many years of walnut in the early summer. Approximately, it is mid-June. This period differs not so active as an alignment. It is allowed to work on the crown, freeing the tree from the branches in the inside.

        But it is not desirable to touch the weak plant. Be sure to wait for the year when the tree will have strength. This is usually at least 2-4 years after landing. On it, first form not 10, but only 5 shoots, cutting off all the others in advance during the swelling of the kidneys.

        And on a two-year nut, all branches cut off, leaving only two kidneys. Moreover, one basic, second - backup. And if both wake up, then only one is left. The next season is all for the same scheme - only one kidney is left for the future. So seek good fruiting.

        Even the young trees in the autumn season are cut off, if they have grown above 60 cm. It is desirable to do this in September.

        Pruning for rejuvenation

        This procedure is already needed on an adult tree, and it is applied when a trend towards a crop reduction is noticeable. And also, if the fetus is already born or non-standard form. Here you need to wait for spring. And cut those branches that grew above the rest. More cut crowns growing inside. It is necessary to increase the amount of light, and collect nuts on the same branches in the length are much simpler.

        Do not forget about the branches where there are lateral branches. They are also cut off. And in the future new kidneys will appear, forming already correct shoots for fresh crowns.

        It happens that the nut got frostbite, and extinct everything is up to the root. In this case, it is necessary to cut the trunk to the stump, and the plant itself will restrict. Over time, you can form a fresh crown, you only need to wait for new branches.

        The frozen crown must be aligned. And on such trees, in the warm season, it is not forbidden to process small-faceted sprigs. They may form many annual shoots. And this is the basis for the future harvest.

        Formation of a walnut crown - video


        Trimming walnut: in the fall or in the summer?

        Krone walnut, like others fruit crops without proper care gets whole line major defects. It can often form easily discrepancies with sharp corners, the branches are growing too long. They are weakly covered by side branches, poorly thicken, they will write out, which reduces their strength. Due to the congument of the crown, the death of fruitless shoots increases, for this reason, the yield of the tree is reduced. In addition, preventive work makes it difficult to combat diseases and pests, as well as the collection of fruits.

        The trimming of walnut is necessary for the formation of the crown of the correct form, increase the volume of harvest and the quality of fruits, regulating the growth of the tree.

        This work is carried out in autumn, in spring or summer. To do this, use a clean, well-sharpened knife so that the cuts turn out to be smooth, in a matter of fact you can cause harm to the plant. IN spring period The trimming start in March-April, when there is no threat of late frosts, but the plant is still at rest. At this time, the plant easier will take the removal of shoots, and the wounds will be listed pretty quickly. You can not form a crown when low temperaturesWhen branches become brittle and poorly removed.

        In the spring, the crown shaping is particularly valid. young sapling. The plant is cut into a height reaching 1.5 m. The strab after that should be about 80-90 cm, the crown is 50-60 cm. When forming the crown, no more than 10 skeletal branches leave. The shoots are shortened by 20 cm. Stumbling pigs are removed. After the new branches are completely formed, the central conductor is cut above the upper branch. For 4 years of life, the crown tree is considered to be fully formed. In s next years Conduct cropping dry, unnecessary branches and greasy shoots.

        The trimming of walnut in the summer is performed in the middle of the end of July, when the sloping is no longer so intense. The crown is freed from thickening and growing branches.

        On the young Plant Form the crown of 5 shoots, removing extra at the stage of the kidneys. But you should not trim a weakened tree. You need to wait until it gets strength, and transfer this work for the next year. When trimming, two-year trees shorten the branches of up to 2 kidneys, one of which will be the main, and the second backup. If both kidneys are awake, one of them is removed. Escape from the second kidney during subsequent trimming is also shortened to 2 kidneys. This work will contribute to the good fruction of the tree. If shoots grow longer than 60 cm, they are shortened in September. In the formed basic branches of young trees, a conductor is cut on the upper right of them. At the end of August, young increments are cut by 1/3. By this time, a short branch already laid fruit kidneys and they are decorated to winter, become resistant to frost. Long branches, as a rule, freeze.

        Rejuvenating trimming is required if the crop of fruit decreased significantly, and the fruits are formed small and incorrect form. Adult nut clip in early spring. The branches located too high as well as the growing crowns in the crown. Thus, they provide sufficient for wood permeability of light and ease of harvest. In addition, the branches are removed in places with side branches, directing their development to the parties. This will cause them the influx of nutritional juices and the awakening of new kidneys, of which new shoots will be formed over time. Of these shoots, in the future you can form a young fruit-eyed krona.

        For more information about how the walnut trimming is carried out, addressed the video below:

        When to trim the nut?

        Crimping errors

        To deal with the fact that such a trimming of walnut, the photo will great in this will help:

        Features of trimming some varieties

        Basically, pruning is made as usual, without any features compared to the rest of the garden. But still, there are certain differences if we consider some varieties individually.

      5. For instance, trimming manchur Out It should be extremely carefully and neat, as the tree is very bad to carry this procedure. Most often, the trimming form the desired height stack, thus attached to fit form crowns. It is necessary to trim only in the fall or in winter, since in the springtime the nuts strongly suffers from the released juice from the wounds formed.
      6. Trimming forest walnut It comes down mainly to the formation of the crown. Usually 8-10 skeletal branches are left, and unnecessary pigs are removed. High yield This plant is possible only if the crown is well lit.
      7. Grinding rut trimming It seems two main ways: forming a bush and forming a tree. Most often, with the help of trimming, the shape of a shrub is attached. In this case, the branches are cut off very much in order to maintain in all parts of the crown abundant growth Young shoots and a slight decrease in the overall height of the plant.
      8. Trimming old walnut

        Trees of this kind in natural conditions form a powerful tree plant. And if there was no appropriate care behind the tree, with time, fruiting the tree begins only in the upper parts of the crown. In order to fix it, the so-called is being carried out. rejuvenating nut trim. Conducting an adult walnut is better in early spring, in order to come to the arrival of heat, the tree is already beginning to develop in a new way. Spilute skeletal branches that are too high, quite strongly thinning the crown, providing good permeability for light and air. The branches are cut in the place where there is a side branch, straining them to develop to upwards, and on the parties. Over time, the influx of tree nutritious juices will cause the awakening of young kidneys, of which a certain number of new shoots will increase. Of these, in the future it will be necessary to form a new fruitful crown.

        We told you only the main features of the trimming of the nut. You can guide them during this procedure. But if, after reading this article, the ruler of the cutting of the nut still remains unclear for you, we advise you to seek help from our site specialists. Our professionals work in the field of gardening for more than one year, and they know all the subtleties in matters to handle plants. They will be able to tell you how to properly produce any garden care procedures will help to resolve any questions regarding this sphere and teach how to properly handle plants. Contact us You have the opportunity to the specified phones in contacts.

        Video trimming

        trimming walnut

        Trimming walnut

        Walnut is demanding of light, in dense plantings it quickly die off the branches. Crown is taken off, growth and fruiting move up. In walnut, the bulk of the mass of fruits is formed on the end growth of short generative branches. Because of lack of light on these growths, fruits are not formed, and then dying and branches. Fruiting decreases sharply.

        It must be considered when it came to pruning walnut!

        The trimming of walnut is very important in landing and at the beginning of growth. The walnut plant is cut, as soon as the village reaches more than 1.5 m. On the stack leave 80 - 100 cm, the crown zone is 40 - 60 cm. The height of the strain is specified by the gardener itself depending on the type of crown, varieties. It is important that it was as far as possible.

        Walnut form for improved long-term, changed - leader and cupid systems. Most often leave 6-10 skeletal branches.

        It is used to systematically shortening the escapes of the continuation of skeletal and half-plating branches by 15-20 cm. Remove the regular straak piglery in a grassy state in the spring by sip, or pinch on a 2 - 3-m sheet, and then removed the next year.

        After bookmark the branches, the central conductor is cut over the top, skeletal branch.

        Construction of the crown ends for the fourth year after landing. Then there is only a trimming of thickening branches.

        Old walnut trees poorly carry the cropping of large skeletal branches. The rejuvenating trimming of walnut makes gentle, remove not more than 1 - 2 branches per year.

        Last years, walnut is greatly frozen (remember that women's kidneys are on the tops). When frosting, damaged branches are cut to healthy wood.

        If the Walnut tree has extinzed to the root neck, it is cut into a stump and Subsequently, the plant is restored. From new branches, the branches are again forming the crown: leave the strongest escape, the rest are cut, and then remove everything.

        The frozen crowns cut into order to avoid one-scenes. During the period of fruiting, the branches are moderately shortened and small faint sprigs are weakly thinned. At the same time it is formed great amount Small annual shoots, on which the harvest is laid.

        Walnut trees grow very rapidly and develop. The first crop is collected for 5-6 years of life. In addition, such fruits contain a huge number of useful trace elements necessary for a person. Walnut pruning is needed for proper formation Crowns, also this procedure will help to avoid the emergence of various diseases.

        Choice of season

        Experienced gardeners recommend spring. It is best to pruning after the end of frosts, but before the start of the growing season. The tree must be in a calm state. In compliance with such conditions, it will be able to recover faster, and the risk of damaging the crop will be minimized.

        The trimming of walnut in autumn is carried out in order to prepare a tree as much as possible to winter. At this time of year, it is necessary to remove all dry and damaged branches so that they cannot settle bacteria or pests. Sanitary trim is the best prevention of any diseases.

        Required tools

        Before starting work, you need to prepare special tools, thanks to which the process will pass Much easier and more pleasant:

    • Ceattor - Used to remove the finest branches (no more than 20 mm thick). It looks like a tool like scissors with convex blades.
    • Suchkorez - on the principle of work and appearance Reminds the secateur with long handles. Can remove branches up to 50 mm thick.
    • Garden saw - It does not differ from the usual, with the exception of the sickle shape of the blade, whose length is for the most part is 30-35 cm.
    • Chainsaw - It may be necessary to remove thick branches, in addition, it will help to get rid of the bitch of the middle thickness over a smaller period of time.
    • Garden knife - We are necessary to remove the green part of the plant and soft, one-year branches. It is also very convenient to use it at stripping various mechanical damage.
    • Stairs - As you know, the height of the tree is much larger than human growth. In this case, the simplest and most effective assistant in the implementation of trimming will be a stepladder. Professional samples Help to rise to a height of up to 8 meters.

    Since the trimming of a walnut belongs to complex and painstaking procedures, when working with various tools, it is impossible to forget about the means of individual protection (about gloves, glasses, etc.).

    Technology of work

    • Before cutting the thick branch, it is necessary to cut it from the opposite side. Such trick will help to avoid the occurrence of bark loans.
    • Cutting thin swings, you need to leave an outcross a length of 1-2 mm after the first kidney.
    • When the branches are removed, the thickness of which will be more than 2 centimeters, experienced gardeners are recommended to lubricate the place of the cutting slicer of the garden. This procedure will help to avoid enhancing infection and drainage part of the tree.
    • Crane formation

      In the first year of life, a crown is formed on a small tree, consisting of 4-5 branches. If there are no signs of any diseases, it is worth removing all other shoots at the renal development stage. In case of manifestation of any illness, all the pigs should be left before the end of the summer. In August, the crown frees from the extra branches.

      For the second year, the crown formation should be directly. Trimming the trees of walnut begins with shortening all branches up to two kidneys. One of them will be the main, and the other spare. If both eaten, the second must be removed. From the remaining will grow up the length of about 60 centimeters, it will have to shorten up to two kidneys.

      Then the central conductor is cut over the upper main branch.

      Crimping the old walnut walnut. Rejuvenation of a tree

      It often happens that the trees are simply launched and cease to give good harvest. The fruits begin to appear only closer to the trunk. To post this state of affairs, you need to produce a rejuvenating trimming.

      The best time is the beginning of spring, but only when the threat of frosts is completely passed. In this case, the tree will be able to restore the strength and start correctly forming its crown already in the present season.

      Cutting walnut nut (long-term) begins with removing dry bitch at the top. Such a procedure will strengthen the transmission into the crown of light and air. They are necessary for high-quality fruiting. Next, you need to create a new crown correctly, for this, the place is selected where there is a branch. It is necessary so that the future crown grew towards upwards. Technique and rules trimming will be similar to those necessary when working with a young tree.

      In the selected place, a small number of young kidneys will be formed, which will subsequently turn into shoots, they will become the main parts for the rejuvenated tree.

    • Before chopping the crown of the tree, you need to know how to put it properly, because after an artificial formation, the vaccination is strictly prohibited.
    • In the first year of life, the height of the tree should not exceed 100 centimeters. Krone should be like a bowl.
    • The walnut trim should always begin with the removal of patients damaged or rubbing on each other branches.
    • In order for the tree to bring the greatest amount of harvest, one of the following crown formation schemes should be used:
    • Chapheloida - The easiest and affordable option for any gardener.
    • Non--Russian - Used to trim young trees.
    • Improved Yarus - requires experience in gardening. To give Krone such a form, you need to clearly represent the expected result and assume how to crop each branch.
    • The trimming of walnut is a very painstaking and complex procedure that requires good preparation from gardener. Working with a young tree, it is necessary to control each action, because one incorrect step can cause the full death of the plant. On time, the pruning is the key to a good harvest and the maximum long period of fruiting.

      Trimming walnut

      Anyone knows about the beneficial properties of walnuts today. Trees grow quickly and begin to bring first fruits after five to six years. Walnut is a sufficient branched tree with a wide crown, which allows you to have a nice summer day in his shadow for reading the favorite book or in the company of friends. In areas of small amounts, grown nuts are quite problematic. If you are lucky and your plot is large enough, do not forget that in addition to planting a tree, care will be needed. One of the important items is the trimming of walnut.

      It is necessary to carry out this task on a regular basis so that the tree is well maintained and does not hurt during growth, and its crown was formed correctly. The trimming of walnut is a fairly responsible procedure. If you do not have special knowledge and have never been implemented before, it is better to resort to the help of a specialist. In this process, it is important not only for the presence of a special tool. You must also understand which branches can be left intact, and which need to cut.

      This is explained by the fact that in addition to the removal of patients and old branches, you also put the task of the correct formation of the future tree crown. From this will also depend on the growth of walnut. Thanks to the pruning, you can affect the quality and yield of future fruit, as well as the development of the tree as a whole. Depending on the time of the year, in which trimming will be carried out, you can also monitor the development of shoots and ask them the direction of growth.

      Selection season

      The trimming of walnut in the spring is done much more often. It should be started after it will cease to hit frosts, but the nut is still in peace. In this period, the trees of nuts are quickly restored from the received wounds, therefore the risk of damaging the tree during trimming becomes minimal.

      Frequent errors

      Many people do not know how to trim walnuts allow mistakes. Take care so that the tool is well sharpened and clean. Otherwise, you will get curves, uneven cuts that will only harm your tree. As in the case of vaccination, sections of sections can not be processed with oil paint or garden preparation. Special research was conducted, during which it was found that such treatment not only does not speed up the process of restoring the tree, but also brings additional harm. Wounds on a tree after trimming should be healing naturally.

      Trimming nuts should not be carried out in strong frost. During this period, the tree has very fragile branches that are quite difficult to remove. Yes, and trimming on such weather, you see, not very pleasant.

      Achieve ideal results In pruning, you can only over the years, by taking experience. We should not be afraid of experiments, because only this way you can improve your skills in this difficult business. It is important not to rearrange and not cut off extra, because it can lead to the death of a tree, especially if it is relatively young.

      Trimming the old tree

      If you did not know how to crop walnut or did not do this for any other reasons, then probably noticed a decrease in fertility. The old tree will give nuts only closer to his crown. To fix it, it is enough to carry out a rejuvenating trimming. It is best to do with the arrival of early spring, to the onset of permanent heat began to develop a new way.

      First of all, it is necessary to cut dry branches that are high. They cut the crown of the nut, which is why good transmittance of light and air is formed. For trimming, you need to choose a place in which there is a branch of the Block so that after the procedure the branch develops not to the side, and up. After some time, new kidneys will appear in such places, which will subsequently provide you with a small number of new shoots. The new fruiting crown will form exactly from them.

      In this article, we reviewed only the main features of how to cut walnut. You can take advantage of these knowledge for self-trimming. But if you did not understand the rules of the trimming of the nut, it is best to seek help to experimental gardeners. In this way, you not only harm the tree, but also see in practice how the trimming of walnut is performed correctly, and experienced colleagues will surely answer questions that arise from you in the process.

    Formation of a nut crown - for gardeners it is after harvesting the second most important thing. More precisely, it needs to be done only if the tree needs pruning. After all, it usually "resets" unnecessary branches independently, thereby forming a crown. But if the nut grows too intensively, he needs to help. In the article, we will tell how to crop walnut, we will give recommendations to gardeners.

    There are basic rules for trimming walnuts that will help get a crop

    How to cut walnut

    Basically, the nut grows up to 5 years. Moreover, the length of each branch should not be more than 1.5-2 meters, otherwise the crown will turn excessive greens, and the vegetative kidneys will grow weak. The first time the branches are briefly cut, so that their length is no more than 20-25 cm - it is necessary in order to grow fruitless shoots from the bottom of the bottom. Upon reaching the five-year-old age with strong branches, leave one, better.

    If you do not undergo young trees, from the kidneys located nearby, a meal is formed - another macushkin who gives side shoots that grow at a right angle. The trimming of walnut is carried out in several ways: on the long-term, leader, cupid schemes. There is one rule for all: the crown should begin at a height of 1-1.5 m from the ground. "

    Improved crown screaming diagram

    With this type of trimming in each tier, there are 3 skeletal branches at a distance from each other at 15 cm so that there is less shadow inside the crown so that it is not one-sided and has a rounded form. After the main one autumn trimming It is necessary to carry out a straak: remove the lower tier, so that there is nothing growing from the ground 1.5 m.

    Tip # 1. On the crown, everything should be 5-6 tiers at a distance of 50 cm from each other. The top must be cut off so that the nut begins to grow more wish and gave fruit.

    Leader Crown Crimprint Scheme

    Her chief Principle - The distribution of skeletal branches on the helix at a distance of 0.5 meters from each other in height. In the first three tiers of the branch of the second order can remain before the start of fruiting. Then they gradually need to cut, so that more light came to the tree.

    Walnut Crashoid Scheme

    In order for the nuts to be more convenient to collect, the tree can be trimmed with a cup-shaped method. If walnut takes such a form, he will not grow into height and after the main trimming will remain the same size.

    The stack has a height of 1.5-2 m, the number of skeletal branches is 3-4. By the diameter of the trunk, they are laid evenly at a distance of 30 cm. The two top branches of the crown should be crossped with the branches of the upper tier, and cut the central branch of the base. Within 3-4 years, it is necessary to carry such trim annually.

    Admissible in the cupid trimming of half-honeymakers, which also ripens a lot of fruits. In this type, trimming is justified, because the tree grows not in height, but in width. In the spring, these branches are shortened on 1/3 in order to form new second-order shoots. Young greens, skeletaling under skeletal branches, need to trim or pinch off. "

    Rejuvenating trimming of walnut

    The rejuvenating trimming is carried out by trees over 10 years old: gardeners remove dried bitches, and also cut skeletal bottom branches. The growth of plants and good fruiting are stimulated from such a procedure. It is necessary when the crop of fruit decreased significantly, the fruits grow small, irregular shape.

    Cutting an adult walnut early spring. Too highly located and growing inside the crown of branches of spill, providing a good penetration of light for a tree. We also remove branches in places with side branches, forming their development to the parties. This causes them the influx of nutritional juices, the awakening of the kidneys, of which the new shoots will lean, of which, in turn, will form a young fruiting crown later.

    Features of the trimming of walnut

    The purpose of trimming walnut is the need to form a crown that has the right form, improving the quality of fruits, increase yield. Pruning walnut at different times of the year:

    All types of trimming are held when plants are missing. So, for example, this can be done at the end of winter. It is necessary to remember that to form a crown at low temperatures when the branches are brittle and removed badly, it is prohibited. Sanitary trimming can be carried out at any time of the year.

    What you need to know about the trimming of walnut

    If you decide to plant a walnut on your site, you need to know when and how to trim it. It is believed that the crown of walnut is not necessary to form, as it grows in itself: after all, these trees are growing in the forest. However, if you want to get a good harvest, the walnut needs to cut. And know how to do it, be sure. "

    1. Optimal time to trim the walnut - summer. It is desirable that it was July or August - during this period, the sections will heal faster, the tree will not be hurting for a long time and will soon restore. In addition, the juice of the tree will restore because these months are developing intensively root system and leaves. In the period of rest, it is impossible to trim, as it will lead to illness or even the death of a tree. Before trigging, you can find out how nuts can be instilled, since after trimming it is impossible to do it.
    2. The trimming of walnut needs to be started from the second year, when the height of the tree is at least 100 cm. During this period, it is desirable to form a crown so that it is like a bowl. First, they choose 4-5 main branches - they do not need to be touched, as they will continue to participate in fruiting. Crop walnut, especially in the first years of life, it is necessary very neat.
    3. On the third year of life, the walnut and further trimming should be moderate, but not weak, otherwise the tree will be fruiting badly or not to give fruits at all. When pruning, the gardeners must, first of all, remove dried branches, the pigstream preventing the main branches.

    Frequent errors when cutting walnut

    Many gardeners begin the process of trimming walnut, not knowing how to do it right, therefore they make certain mistakes.

    1. Pruning should be carried out exceptionally pure, very sharp tool, otherwise you will have uneven, careless cuts that can seriously harm the plant. Processing sections are not recommended oil paint Or a garden harder, as is done when grafting. It is believed that the wounds on the tree after trimming should heal in a natural way.
    2. Pruning can not be carried out in very coldy. At such a tree branch becomes very fragile, and it is difficult to remove them.
    3. The main thing - during the trimming does not overdo it and do not cut extra, especially if the plant is young.

    Young walnuts also require trimming, but according to special rules

    Pruning walnut in Belarus

    Walnut is a long-lived. The trees who have reached 20-50 years are considered young, since at this age they are almost more virgin. Some trees reach a few hundred years. The peculiarity of this culture is an increase in yield with age. Moreover, the quality of fruits is improved. So, for example, in the Pinsky district of Belarus, 6-10-year-old trees give up to 10 kg of nuts, and 40-50-year-old and older - about 100 kg.

    Three forms of walnut are grown in Belarus:

    • Ordinary shape. In Belarus, this is the biggest fruit plant. Its height at the age of 6-10 years reaches 3-6 meters. The diameter of the crown is up to 20 meters.
    • Large shape. The sizes of the trunk of the trees of this form do not differ from the nuts of the ordinary, but the weight of the fruits of them - more than 12 g. These trees are not very common in Belarus, so attracting close attention of local gardeners.
    • Estimated form. It is characterized by a short period of fruiting (enter during this period for the 3-4th year of life). In addition, has a number of very valuable signs. In addition to early fruiting, some seedlings begin to bloom in the first year of life, and in 4-5 years already give a rich harvest.

    When choosing a place to land on the site, it is necessary to take into account that walnut is the most large tree. At the young age, other strollery trees can be angled, but in the future, on the contrary, other plants do not survive under the thick crown of walnut. It is planted and transplant early in spring, like all the thermal-loving plants.

    Board # 2. The side roots are shortened before planting, and the central carrot root is cut into the thinnest, lower part (cut diameter of not more than 1 cm).

    Saplings that have one barrel must be cut to 1/3-1 / 5 heights to stimulate the development and growth of side branches for future crown formation. The height of the strain on the site can be 60-80 cm; In the squares, parks, in the courtyards - 80-120 cm. On the central conductor, it is necessary to lay 4-5 skeletal branches, and then the conductor cut into the ring. Skeletal branches should be located in the space evenly, at a distance of each other 60-80 cm.

    All operations on trimming trees of walnut in Belarus are carried out after the beginning of the vegetation. If you make a pruning before the blooming of the kidneys, a lot of fluid will be distinguished from the Russian Academy of Sciences, which greatly hurts the plant. In the first year after planting, trees are formed in one barrel. After the dissolution of the kidneys, the shoots thin.

    You need to leave only the escape of the continuation of the conductor and shoots that will be used as skeletal branches. The rest of the sharp knife must be cut. The same thing is done in the following years. When choosing skeletal branches, to prevent frails, you should choose those that depart from the conductor under a stupid angle.

    Main mistakes when landing walnuts

    1. Acquisition of non-zoned varieties. Brought from others climatic conditions The varieties can not get involved - to freeze, change flowering time, so give a bad harvest or not to give it at all.
    2. Miscending: Walnut does not require spraying, feeding, trimming, etc. After landing, the walnut must be created correctly. The formation of the crown depends on the technology of cultivation. With intense (classical) form a cup-shaped crown; With intense - form the crown along the axis in the form of fruit trellis. Condition is needed in order to ensure the quality of the harvest and large sizes fruit.

    Rubric "Question-Answer"

    Question number 1. We had a lot of walnuts on our site, but they are all worm. Why?

    Most likely, the so-called fruit fly - insect pest. Like a cherry, it affects the fruit when they are already big and mature.

    Question number 2. I have a walnut dumps flowers. Why?

    Male and female walnut flowers bloom in different time - With a difference of a few days. Men's flowers precede earrings. On the female tree at first blooms bloom. If they do not find pollen on men's earrings, then fall. This is one of the main reasons for the lack of fruit on the tree.

    Question number 3. Somewhere heard that, starting from the second year after landing, walnut is beyond, creating a bush form of the crown in such a way. But how is this form better?

    It is necessary to start forming a crown only in a young walnut, since the old simply does not transfer such an operation. It is necessary to remove the central conductor. Make it in the middle of summer, because if you do it before, liquid will be fried from the wound. Of course, sections of sections should be processed immediately. Next, you need to pinch the side shoots after the fifth sixth sheet. Then the crown will acquire the shape of the bush.

    Later it will be necessary to remove crossed and damaged branches, since the thickened Crown causes problems with photosynthesis, which means that with fruiting. The trimming of the walrous walnut should be carried out regularly. In addition, it is also necessary to regularly feather and water such a bush, which requires an ordinary nut to a lesser extent.