Consultation for parents Mushrooms useful and poisonous. Consultation for parents "Caution, poisonous mushrooms !!!" Consultation on the topic

To avoid a dangerous meeting with poisonous mushrooms, you need to know the distinctive signs of mushrooms.

Some people seriously think that poisonous mushrooms somehow signalize your poisonousness: unpleasant odor Or taste, the fact that their worms and snails do not touch them.

Like nor sadly, but similar views are a dangerous error.

Poisonous mushrooms



Consultations for parents


The next comes mushroom season. Baskets and hiking baskets are extracted from secluded places.

Harvesting mushrooms - a lesson that melts a certain risk. Alas, poisoning mushrooms are not so rare.

Who did not hear about the extreme poisonousness of the pale toadstool? And yet, this mushroom, concealing that under the champignon, then under the cheese, no, no, and it will get to the inexperienced mushroom.

In one of summer days A five-year-old girl, going for a walk in the forest with his twelve-year-old sister, found a mushroom and tried it. A few hours later she began nausea, vomiting. It was urgently hospitalized. In the hospital made washing the stomach and intestines. After that, the adolescence of the girl was so good that the parents, despite the advice of the doctor, hurried to pick her up from the clinic. And after a few hours, the condition of the child worsened, and soon the girl died. As it was established, the cause of death was poisoning pale toes.

It is so in most cases and children poisoning occurs when they are left without proper supervision.

Pale refantas has long gained a bad fame to his torture. Every year hundreds of people suffer from all over the world, many of them dying. Such a high mortality is explained not only by the strong effect of the poison that is part of these mushrooms, but also its unusual properties. The main role in the mechanism of poisoning pale leafers is the amanitotoxin. 25-30milligrams of this poison contained in the same mushroom with a pale toadstool, it is enough to cause fatal poisoning. In addition, the amanitotoxin is completely dissolved in water, retains its poisonousness even after a 20-minute boiling. And, hitting the body, the poison gives you to know about myself not immediately, but a few hours later. When signs of poisoning appear, then it is already difficult to save a person: the toxin of the mushroom, penetrated into the blood, is difficult to remove from the body. Therefore, treatment does not always give reliable results.

What are the symptoms of poisoning? Most often they arise 6-12 hours after the use of mushrooms. This is abundant salivament, severe pick-up abdominal pain, indomitable vomiting, intestinal disorder. Because of the large loss of fluid, the victim is developing painful thirst. Strong liver pain is accompanied by a rapid development of jaundice. Often, convulsions arise, difficulty breathing, the face takes a bluish shade. With each hour, the patient weakens, flows into oblivion. And in a day or two, a tragic junction may occur.

To avoid a dangerous meeting with poisonous mushrooms, you need to know the distinctive signs of mushrooms. Some people seriously think that poisonous mushrooms somehow signals about their poisonousness: an unpleasant odor or taste, the fact that they do not touch the worms and snails. Like nor sadly, but similar views are a dangerous error. Relaxed, for example, a pale grass, often with a big praise, responded about her taste, and the smell of her very much resembles the smell of champignons. What is the difference between this mushroom from champignon? Pale refraining on the bottom of the leg always has a dumb ointment covered with a plenized cover. In the upper part of the leg - a photon ring of white, greenish or pale yellow color. Plates on the bottom surface of the hats are frequent, white, which do not change their color. At the same time, the champignon has these plates - from pale pink to dark-brown tones, rings, dirty thickening on the leg and films are absent. As for the cheesecakes, the main difference is the same: this mushroom has no cheerful blistering with a film cover and rings on a leg characteristic of pale toes.

The thorough knowledge of the "portrait" of pale toadstool will avoid dangerous consequences. Of course, the kids are not able to remember all this, so they need them, as they say, eye and eye.

At first glance, the conversation about the poisoning of mummars is only theoretical interest: the amanita, especially red, it is difficult to confuse with some edible mushroom. Nevertheless, even red amansor is poisoned. But there are still gray-pink and panty mumers who are much more modest.

Nevertheless, the poisoning is extremely rare. The poisonousness of the amansor is greatly exaggerated. Mortal poisoning is very rare and happen only when eating a large number of ammorov. This is simply explained. The poison of the amansorov is only a functional effect on the nervous system of the victim and does not cause damage to the internal organs.

The chemical composition of the poison of amansorov and the mechanism of its action on the human body is now well studied. The main poisonous beginning of the ammorovo is muscarine. Despite the name ("Musk" - translated from the Greek "Fly"), Muscarine is completely safe for insects, but it is very harmful to humans. 3-5 milligrams of this poison can kill pooled. It is believed that such a quantity of muscarine is contained in 3 or 4 mumers.

His name Amanita is obliged to other substances that are really killed by flies. They are called toxalbumin.

The symptoms of poisoning with a red amoor are usually developing after 30-40 minutes at 1-2 hours). The victim usually sweats, he begins saliva, the intestinal disorder with pain in his stomach, pupils are narrowed, the heartbeat slows down, the blood pressure drops, it falls.

If a person ate a panther agarity, a central disorder nervous system Received more sharply.

The most severe poisoning of an agarity flows in children. We give a pretty characteristic example.

In one of the Siberian villages, two boys aged three and four years ate dried red amansor, which parents burned to prepare poison for flies. After half an hour, both guys developed vomiting and intestinal disorder, then an abundant sweating and salivation occurred. By evening, convulsions appeared, the pulse began to tackle badly, both children lost consciousness.

Fortunately, medical care arrived on time, and everything ended well. Already on the fifth day, children were completely healthy were discharged from the hospital.

And this story happened in one of the country's villages. A girl of three years old, walking on the edge of the forest next to the house. Found a red amanita and decided to try it. Fortunately, as it turned out, she ate only part of the mushroom. Therefore, not serious poisoning has evolved. However, the girl had to be placed in the hospital.

As you can see, and in the other case, parents left unattended small children. But such carelessness and negligence from adults could cost the guys! Adults are obliged to strive to protect children from unwanted meetings. To this end, it is necessary to organize throughout summer period Ubiquitous viewing of the lusts, places of walking and games of children in institutions and at the cottages, in order to deliver the seen poisonous plants And mushrooms. During the period of forestry walks, parents, educators and other adults must exercise a strictest supervision with all children and especially for those who collect flowers, mushrooms and herbs, triggers them. It should not be forgotten about careful control over the use of mushrooms collected by older children.

To carry out these events, and parents, and employees of children's institutions should know the creature this issue. Alsomely also stock specialist literature, colorful tables, booklets and posters. As they say, every mushroom in the hands take, but not everyone - they put in the body. Each adult. Who is entrusted to the health of children, should know well what mushroom take, and what to throw.

So, in order to avoid poisoning with poisonous mushrooms, you need to collect only those that you know well.

Health, and even the life of pointers poisoned in many ways depend on how timely it will be medical care. It should be remembered that with any poisoning mushrooms, even at first glance, it is not heavy, you must immediately contact the doctor. But before the arrival of the doctor, you need to act quickly and decisively. In case of poisoning, any of the poisonous fungi should be triggered to remove poisonous substances from the body: to take a laxative, rinse the stomach with a solution of potassium mangartage. The affected child should be in bed, it is harmful to walk and sit.

Any poisoning of mushrooms accompanies vomiting and intestinal disorder, causing dehydration of the body and painful thirst. To facilitate the condition of the sick child, you need to give it cold, slightly salted water, cold tea, coffee, milk.

Cover poisoning mushrooms, as a rule, only in hospitals. To make a doctor easier to deal with the reasons of poisoning, the remains of mushrooms should be saved to research in the laboratory

Poisonous mushrooms

Moochalova Svetlana
Consultation for parents "Caution, poisonous mushrooms"

The next comes mushroom season. Baskets and hiking baskets are extracted from secluded places. Collection mushrooms - occupation, melting a certain risk. Alas, poisoning mushrooms are not so rare. What are the symptoms of poisoning? Most often they arise 6-12 hours after use mushrooms. This is abundant salivament, severe pick-up abdominal pain, indomitable vomiting, intestinal disorder. Because of the large loss of fluid, the victim is developing painful thirst. Strong liver pain is accompanied by a rapid development of jaundice. Often, convulsions arise, difficulty breathing, the face takes a bluish shade. With each hour, the patient weakens, flows into oblivion. And in a day or two, a tragic junction may occur.

Unlike adult poisoning poisonous mushrooms and plants in children proceed harder because what:

All system systems are still immature.

Low body stability to poison.

Characteristically faster penetration of poison in the body.

The tendency of the children's body to toxicosis and excicosis (dehydration).

Prevention of poisoning poisonous plants and mushrooms consists in precautionary measures.

Dear parents! Teach your children next:

You can not try to taste unknown berries, leaves, plants, fruits, seeds, mushroomsNo matter how attractively they did not look.

Unnekdied plants can not even be adopted, as it is possible to get an iron, an allergic reaction.

IN poisonous Plants contain poisons capable of causing poisoning both inhaling the volatile aromas substances isolated by plants and when the juice falls on the skin.

The strongest poisoning can be obtained when taking inside toxin with berries, leaves, roots.

Myths and the truth about mushrooms.

1. Mushrooms are needed in the dietbecause in Russia they collected them and spruce

Modern man Not at all the statements about the "food of our

grandmothers. Our ancestors lived in environmentally friendly time. Berry I. mushrooms Not yet been poisoned by waste production to the full extent. IN ancient Russia The peasants worked up to seven sweats, such work implied huge energy costs, so the body was able to digest heavy food. Our life will not call the exhausting.

Mushrooms Since ancient times, it was not cooked and not roasted, they were harvested with raw, so

way mushrooms Store all nutrients. Nowadays mushrooms(because of bad ecology) It is necessary to boil, at a temperature of 100 degrees, almost all benefits are destroyed.

2. To secure dubious mushrooms, they must be pre-freeze.

Minus 18 - not enough low temperature to stop the vital activity of pathogenic microbes and gribkov. In the freezer mushrooms

continue to accumulate toxic substances. More or less reliable way - Cooking. All this is suitable for edible mushrooms: If pale cerebry was poured in a pile, it is impossible to reveal it or freeze. Her poison is considered the strongest vegetable poison in nature.

3 Mushrooms You can distinguish with the smell. The same pale custodia does not smell nothing.

4 insects do not eat poisonous mushrooms. Extremely willingly, especially slippers.

5 Owka or garlic head, laid in a pan, shaves because

presence at least one poisonous mushroom, and a silver spoon - will darken.

In fact, the pursuit of Luke and garlic occurs under the action of the enzyme tyrosinase, which is also in edible and in poisonous mushrooms. The silver darkening occurs under the action of amino acids containing sulfur, which is also in all mushrooms.

6 are dangerous only inedible mushrooms. Any, even edible mushrooms Contain several hazardous toxic elements. In edible mushrooms Found in micro-like poisons, a certain number of which is deadly - oxal, blue, gelvelic acids, arsenic. Do not collect mushrooms In very hot weather, because of the heat more than half

edible mushrooms become poisonous.

7 If in the first day after mushroom Lunch nothing terrible happened, it means everything is in order. The killing properties of toxins acquire, undergoing various changes in the liver, and poisoning is developing 6-35 hours after mushroom lunch.

8 with poisoning mushrooms It is enough to drink a shock dose of the sorbent.

Poisoning mushrooms never goes in itself, therefore, having the first help, immediately call "Smeal". Remember that children's poisoning edible mushrooms Always leak very hard, with complications. Easy cases do not happen!

Didactic games on the topic « Mushrooms» .

The game « Mushroom Polyanka»

purpose mushrooms, find out what places grow in the forest mushrooms; form the ability to find edible mushrooms According to the didactic picture.

Material: A large didactic picture with the image of autumn forest, drawn mushrooms of large formatinserted into the picture, baskets, mushroom Lesovik.

Collect no less than three mushrooms(pay attention to the fact that mushrooms one species in the picture should be somewhat if one « mushroomer» found, for example, white mushroom, then others are given the opportunity to find the same mushroom).

1. The teacher offers children stroll to the fairy forest for mushrooms, remember what you need to take with you in the forest.

2. Each child chooses edibles in the picture mushrooms And collects them in the basket.

3. Mushroom-Lesovik clarifies with children, as it is called one or another mushroomwhere he loves to grow.

The game "Why mushrooms are so called

purpose mushrooms, highlighting groups of edible and inedible mushrooms; Teach children with different methods of word formation on examples mushrooms.

What is the name of mushroomwhich grows under the birch? (Podberezovik.)

What is the name of mushroomwhich grows under the aspen? (Boostic.) What do you think he is so named?

- Mushroomwho loves to grow in Elov or Pine Bor, what is called? (Borovik.)

What is the name of mushrooms with red hats? (Ryzhiki, chanterelles.)

What is the name of mushroomsgrowing friendly families on hemp? (Walked.)

What is the name of mushroom With a round wavy cap? (Wave.)

What is the name of mushrooms with oily hats? (Oily.)

What mushroom Is the name of the wild animal? (Chanterelle.) Why was it so called?

Name mushroom Very similar to the name of the pet. Which one mushroom? (Pork.) Why is it so called? (Because it is in stains, "Dirty like a twist".)

What kind mushrooms Named in honor of the rain? (Raints.)

These mushrooms can be? What are their names? (Edible.)

- Mushroomsthat mushroom pickers do not like, Pigs mushrooms are called? (Items.)

What else mushrooms do not like to meet mushrooms? These mushrooms can be? What are their names? (Inedible.)

The game "Pick up a hat to the leg"

purpose: To introduce children with a variety mushrooms, teach pick a hat mushroom to his leg; Develop visual perception, attention, thinking, speech, small motility.

Material: Set of pictures with the image mushroomsdried on 2 parts (Hats and legs separately).

Pick up a hat to the leg mushroom. What mushroom got you? (Boostic.)

The game "Edible - Inedible"

purpose: Fasten the knowledge of children about the autumn gifts of nature, about edible and inedible mushrooms, find out what mushrooms can beand which you can not eat; Develop attention, thinking, speech.

Teacher calls mushroomsand children answer, you can eat them or not: Opel, Amanita, Syroezhka, Paddy, Boostinovik, Borovik, False Walkers, Podberezovik, etc.

The game "Fourth extra"

purpose: Teach children to allocate in the subjects their essential signs and make the necessary generalizations on this basis, to intensify the substantive dictionary.

Look at the picture

Subject of extra name

And your choice is explained.

Podberezovik, Amanita, Borovik, a boletus.

Amanita, crested, cheerful, false pole.

The game "One - a lot"

purpose: Teach children to form nouns multiple numbers of nominal and parental case.

We are a little wizard,

There was one, and there will be a lot.

(Boosynovik - Supports - a lot of boosts and so on.)

The game "Calculate - one, two, five" (with a ball)

purpose: Teach children to coordinate nouns with numerical "one", "two", "five".

How many of them - we always know

Good we all consider.

One Amanita - Two Amanita - Five Amannors.

The game "Slug the picture"

purpose: To introduce children with a variety mushrooms, learn to select parts into a whole picture; Develop a holistic perception, attention, thinking, speech, small motor.

Each child has pictures mushroom, cut into 4 parts.

What mushroom got you? (Podberezovik.)



Consultation for parents

"Caution, poisonous mushrooms !!!"

The next mushroom season has come.Baskets and hiking baskets are extracted from secluded places. Harvesting mushrooms - a lesson that melts a certain risk. Alas,mushroom poisoning is not so rare. What are the symptoms of poisoning? Most often they arise 6-12 hours after the use of mushrooms. This is abundant salivament, severe pick-up abdominal pain, indomitable vomiting, intestinal disorder. Because of the large loss of fluid, the victim is developing painful thirst. Strong liver pain is accompanied by a rapid development of jaundice. Often, convulsions arise, difficulty breathing, the face takes a bluish shade. With each hour, the patient weakens, flows into oblivion. And in a day or two, a tragic junction may occur.

Unlike adult poisoning to poisonous mushrooms and plants in children proceed heavier because:

  • All system systems are still immature.
  • Low body stability to poison.
  • Characteristically faster penetration of poison in the body.

The tendency of the children's body to toxicosis and excicosis(dehydration).

Prevention of poisoning poisonous plants and mushrooms consists in precautionary measures.

Dear Parents! Teach your children the following children:

It is impossible to taste unknown berries, leaves, plants, fruits, fruits, seeds, mushrooms, as if attractive they did not look.

Unnekdied plants can not even be adopted, as it is possible to get an iron, an allergic reaction.

In poisonous plants, there are poisons that can cause poisoning both when inhaling the volatile aromas substances isolated by plants and when the juice falls on the skin.

The strongest poisoning can be obtained when taking inside toxin with berries, leaves, roots.

Myths and truth about mushrooms.

1. Mushrooms are needed in the dietBecause in Russia, they were collected in Russia and ate with a contemporary man do not go to the statements about the "food of our grandmothers". Our ancestors lived in environmentally friendly time. Berries and mushrooms have not yet been poisoned by waste productions fully. In ancient Russia, the peasants worked up to seven sweats, such work implied huge energy costs, so the body was able to digest heavy food. Our life will not call the exhausting.

Mushrooms since ancient times did not boil and not roasted, they were harvested with raw, so

mushrooms retained all nutrients. Nowadays Mushrooms(because of bad ecology) It is necessary to boil, at a temperature of 100 degrees, almost all benefits are destroyed.

2. To protect dubious mushrooms, they must be pre-freeze.

Minus 18 is not enough low temperature to stop the vital activity of pathogenic microbes and fungi. In the freezer mushrooms

continue to accumulate toxic substances. More or less reliable way - Cooking. All this is suitable for edible mushrooms: if a pale cellar was poured in a pile, it is impossible to rejuvenate or freeze it. Her poison is considered the strongest vegetable poison in nature.

3 mushrooms can be distilled by smell. The same pale custodia does not smell nothing.

4 Insects do not eat poisonous mushrooms. Extremely willingly, especially slippers.

5 Owka or garlic head, laid in a pan, shaves because

the presence of at least one poisonous mushroom, and a silver spoon - will darken.

In fact, the pursuit of Luke and garlic occurs under the action of the Tyrosinase enzyme, which is also in edible and in poisonous mushrooms. The silver darkening occurs under the action of amino acids containing sulfur, which is also in all mushrooms.

6 Only inedible mushrooms are dangerous. Any, even edible mushrooms contain several dangerous toxic elements. In edible mushrooms found in the meadows of the poisons, a certain amount of which is deadly - oxal, sinyl, gelvelic acids, arsenic. Do not collect mushrooms in very hot weather, because of the heat more than half of edible mushrooms become poisonous.

7 If, in the first day after the mushroom lunch, nothing terrible happened, it means everything is in order. The killer properties of toxins acquire, undergoing various changes in the liver, and poisoning is developing 6-35 hours after mushroom lunch.

8 When poisoning with mushrooms, it is enough to drink a shock dose of the sorbent.

Mushroom poisoning never takes place in itself, therefore, providing first aid, immediately call"Smeal".

Remember that children's poisoning edible mushrooms Always leak very hard, with complications. Easy cases do not happen!

Poisonous mushrooms of Russia: how to determine a poisonous mushroom, how to distinguish edible mushroom

Poisonous mushrooms of Russia: how to determine a poisonous mushroom, how to distinguish edible mushroom

Poisonous mushrooms in its composition there are deadly toxins and that is why they are strictly prohibited in food! Even after a long and thorough treatment (drying, soaking, seating, etc.)poisonous mushrooms may not lose harmful substances. Before you go to the forest to collect mushrooms, you need to know at least in theory what some look liketypes of poisonous fungi which may be met in our forests. Every person who loves to go for mushrooms should clearly remember that putting unknown mushrooms in the basket is not worth it. After all, even the smallestpoisonous mushroom , recycled together with the rest of mushrooms, is able to lead to difficult consequences.

Poisonous mushrooms - These are mushrooms, when using which in ordinary doses, a person gets severe poisoning. By the nature of the actions of toxinspoisonous mushrooms are divided into three groups :

    mushrooms with a local irritant action (food intoxication);

    mushrooms, causing violation of activities in the central nervous system;

    mushrooms, causing poisoning, leading to death.

The first signs of poisoning mushrooms - what to do when poisoning mushrooms

The first signs of mushroom poisoning are similar to many other pathologies:

    vomiting, diarrhea, weakness, high temperature.

The case may end, but sometimes after the first symptoms develop a heavy lesion of the liver, pancreas, kidneys. May come death. That is why self-medication cannot be engaged in any way!If you filed mushrooms and felt bad, immediately contact the doctor. While the ambulance is driving, drink small sips of 4-5 glasses of boiled water room temperature (weak warman or soda solution). It is done in order to cause you vomiting and rinse the stomach. Mushrooms' mortality rate is very high - from 50 to 90% by regions of Russia. Tragic cases are known when whole families died.

In general, mushrooms are very heavy to digest the product. Do not recommend mushrooms to children, older people, as well as those who suffer from the diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. In addition, even healthy people
do not use mushrooms with alcohol and starch-containing products, in particular with potatoes .

Poisonous mushrooms in the forests of Russia

Mortality from poisoning to poisonous mushrooms reaches in some cases 90%! Especially dangerous to poisonous mushrooms for the children's body.The main thing distinctive feature Poisonous mushrooms are fatally hazardous substances in them, and not the external similarity or the absence of any "normal" mushroom. Therefore, going to the mushroom hunt, it is important to know well with representatives of poisonous fungi.

Pale cheagle - hardly the most poisonous mushroom! Pale refining poisoning is better not allowed! The appearance of this mushroom is practically much different from the other mushrooms growing in the forests, so it is easy enough to simply confuse with edible mushroom.
The color of the hats of this rigging has a yellowish-brown, pale greenish or greenish-olive color. Usually the center of the Hat is darker in color than its edges. The structure of this type of fungi is rather fleshy, with strips of a cylindrical shape of a pale green color. From above on the leg is located ring of striped and pale or white.
Pale refraining (photo) forms mikuriza with deciduous species of trees, grown in mixed and deciduous forests. Fruit starts at the end of summer to the end of September. Pale tower (pictures) has a strong toxic effect.

Mushroom has a convex cap to 5 cm in diameter. Color Hats predominantly yellowish with red or orange tint and more dark color in the center. The mushroom has a thin, smooth, hollow, fibrous leg. Flesh mushroom light yellow, has a bitter taste and nasty smell.
False the Opel lives from June to October.
Most often it can be found quite large groups on rotting wood.
Mushroom is poisonous and causes disorder of digestive organs. After 1-6 hours, signs of poisoning immediately appear: vomiting, loss of consciousness, nausea, excessive sweating.
Falsely opens like external signs With Opened Autumn, Winter, Summer and Serious Plate.

This poisonous mushroom has a bright colors hat from orange-red to copper-red. The shape of a focus cap is false resembles a funnel having a smooth edge. Plates of bright red mushroom, winding. The leg is about 10 cm long and 10 mm wide, often to the base is narrowed. The focus is mostly growing in a warm period of season from July to October, near real chanterelles. Also, this type of mushrooms often grows by families, in rare cases singly.
Flame False can easily be distinguished from edible chanterelles: the real chanterelle has a bright yellow color, concave, smooth top and wavy along the edge of the hat. The leg is dense and elastic, a little darker hats. Characteristic feature Lisicheek is their pleasant fruit flavor. False fods of chanterelles externally brighter, yellow orange color, with a hollow and a thin leg. The edges of her hats are smooth, unlike the real chanterelle. And most importantly: the flesh of false chanterelle has a very unpleasant smell.

How to distinguish a poisonous mushroom - how to distinguish edible mushrooms

It is no secret that many poisonous mushrooms are disguised as edible. So, let's deal with how to distinguish edible mushrooms from inedible. It should be remembered that even edible mushroom may be the cause of poisoning.

Overwhelmed mushrooms with opened as an umbrella, no hats food value. Such a mushroom is best to hang on the twig - let the disputes will be separated around the district. But if the hat is deployed, like the dome, means
mushroom has already released disputes and poison is formed in it, an analogue corpse . It is dangerous, it is the main cause of poisoning.

Differences of poisonous and edible mushrooms

We will deal with what differences in poisonous and edible mushrooms need to know beginner mushrooms. What is worth paying attention to the collection of mushrooms, which should alert mushroom lovers and how not to become a victim of poisonous fungi.

Danger : Change color on a break, bitter taste. Do not confuse white mushroom With poisonous yellow - on a cut, his flesh pink.


Description : The boletus is distinguished by a dense, a brown-red hat, the flesh shines on a break. So you can distinguish the edible mushroom of the boletus from other mushrooms.



Description : Podberezovik is distinguished by a white leg with bright flakes, a hat on top of a drowned, a white hat from below, the flesh on a white break. These are the main differences between the edible mushroom, so distinguish edible boomes from inedible mushrooms.

Danger : The mushroom grows not under his tree.


Description : Maslenok (butter) has a yellow leg and the same cap with white traces along the edges and sticky, as if lubricated oil, leather from above, which is easily removed with a knife. Learn to distinguish poisonous mushrooms.

Danger : Change color on a break, reddish sponge layer, bitter taste.


Description : Mochoviki have a dark green or reddish velvet hat, a yellow leg and a sponge layer. These are the main signs on which the edible mushroom mushroom can be distinguished from inedible mushrooms.

Danger : Lack of velvety, reddish color of the spongy layer, bitter taste.


Description : Chanterelle - dense, apricot or light orange, plates from under the hats smoothly go to a dense and durable leg. Method to distinguish edible mushroom chanterelle from inedible mushrooms.

Danger : Red-orange color, empty leg.


Description : Ryzhik - Plate mushroom of the corresponding color, separating the milky juice - orange and not bitter taste. So distinguish edible mushroom Ryzhik from twin mushrooms.

Danger : white, bitter, caustic milky juice.


Description : Soon they are sick with families on the stumps, roots, trunks of the dead trees. Opel-colored Opel Hat is covered with small black flakes directed from the middle, under it - whitewastered plates, on the leg - white ring or film.

Danger : Grows on Earth, a yellow or reddish hat, without scales, black, green or brown plates, there is no film or rings on the leg, earthy smell.


Description : Gruce is a plate mushroom, white, with fluffy edges, white and caustic milky juice, grows by styles next to birch. So you can distinguish a germ from poisonous and inedible mushrooms.

Danger : Rare plates, sharp screaming and stone hardness at a break, lack of birches nearby.


Description : Waves - a plate mushroom with a shaggy pink hat, bent along the edges, white and caustic milky juice. it distinctive features Waves.

Danger : The wrong hat is not pink, unfolded, without shaggy.


Description : Raw Mushrooms - Plate Mushrooms, Easy Break, Hats different color - Pink, brownish, greenish, skin with them is easily removed. So you can distinguish edible mushrooms of raws from inedible.

Danger : Red or brown and black hat, pink leg, reddened or darkened soft film on the leg, rough and rigid flesh, unpleasant and bitter taste.

Black white.

Wolf Lyko.

Voroniye eyes.

Mushroom poisoning. Poisonous mushrooms include mushrooms, in the fruit bodies of which at all stages of their development contains poisonous substances - toxins that cause poisoning.



Consultation for parents

"Poisonous plants and mushrooms"

Collecting mushrooms, it must be remembered that among them there are poisonous, very dangerous. You need to use the rule - if you do not know what kind of mushroom, it is better not to take it. To the number of poisonous fungi applies, first of all, pale reels. It contains strong poisons that are not destroyed when coaling and root. Pale cheeker can be confused with a champignon. The difference is that on the bottom of the legs, the pale zeadstock always has a small stray blossom, covered with a shell in the form of a sprinkle or a collar. At the top of the legs, a film ring (white, greenish or pale yellow). Plates under a white hat, unpainted. At the mature champignon, these plates are dark, the young is weakly pink, and the rings, there is no swollen on the leg and the shell. Some edible mushrooms sometimes encounter tuberous education. And although it happens very rarely, they are better not to collect.

To poisonous fungi, trees are agricultural (panther, red, smelly, porphyur). It is impossible to eat false sides. They are smaller in size than edibles, and do not have films on the legs.

In bright deciduous forests, more often under beech, you can meet a satanic mushroom. His hat has a gray-whitish, convex, tubular layer greenish-yellow, with red pores, pulp with a cut blue, and then becomes a pale with a weak unpleasant odor, very poisonous.

Bile and pepper mushrooms, although not poisonous, but are not suitable for food because of the bitter taste. The bile mushroom looks like white, it is even called a false white mushroom. Different with a darker pattern on the leg and pinkish bottom cap. Pepper mushroom It is much stronger than gall. From similar species of oil and mokhovikov, it is smaller with smaller sizes. Botts Hats with a large uneven pore and yellowish-red tint.

It is necessary to keep in mind the possibility of poisoning in the spring the first mushrooms - false curls and lines.

Among thousands medicinal plants The herbs are the poisonous, which are often artificially masked under their completely harmless fellow fellow. It is very important to be able to distinguish to poisonous plants and of course to know how to act in case the poisoning still happened. We give a few examples.

Black white.

Some poisonous plants synthesize biologically active compounds - alkaloids and in strictly defined doses are used as medicinal products. Such a plant is the Belen, which is used to treat patients from ancient times. But in large doses of Belen can cause poisoning.

Belen - herbate plant Family elevation elevation of 30-60 cm. Straight straight, lowered by soft glands. Leaves are the next, elongated-optional, launder. Burnt leaves are sweet. Flowers are collected on the tops of the stems, large and have dirty yellow with dark purple veins. Fruit - boxes with small brownish gray seeds.

White grows in weeds, on the gardens, gardens, roadside. Wild-growing plants for therapeutic purposes are not harvested. In all parts of the plant contains poisonous alkaloids of the group of atropine. The seeds also contain bitter glycoside, resins, fatty oils. It is seeds that are pleasant to the taste and reminiscent poppy seeds, most often cause poisoning.

The first signs of poisoning is the expansion of pupils, dizziness, redness of the face, excessive excitement, accompanied by nonsense and hallucinations.

Wolf Lyko.

Strong branched shrub from the berry family. The branches of his rod, with gray bark covered with small, brown spots. The leaves are regular, oblong-lanceal, collected at the ends of the branches. From above, the leaves are bluish-green, from below - sly. Four-pointed flowers, pink or white, fragrant, sitting on the sides of the branches in the sinuses of the leaves. The fruit is a juicy berry, bright red, sometimes yellow; Grow straight on the stem.

All parts of the plant is poisonous. They contain a poisonous substance - Daphne. Especially poisonous bark and juice plants, as well as berries that attract their bright color. It is even dangerous to touch the plant, in no case can it be touched by hands, since it is irritation, inflammation, bubbles and long-lasting ulcers appear in contact with the plant. Wolf Lycom poisoning can also occur when drinking berries, most often children who are seduced by their beautiful external species. In case of poisoning, salivation occurs, pain in the stomach, vomiting, dizziness and cramps.

Voroniye eyes.

A perennial grassy plant from the family of Lily. The stem is a reprehensive, 20-30 cm high and has four inversely-shaped leaf, located crosswise. Rhizome Crescent, long, thin. A greenish yellow flower grows in the top of the stem. Flowers in May-June. Fruits formed from the flower in July-August - a black and blue large berry. By ignorance, it is sometimes taken for blueberries or blueberries. It grows on a wet soil, in mixed and coniferous forests, among shrubs, in shady places.

All plant is very poisonous, especially a lot of poison in spherical berries. In case of poisoning, berries occurs nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain.

First aid for poisoning.

If the poisoning of poisonous plants still happened, then first of all it is necessary to urgently remove the poison from the body and slow down its suction.

First of all, you need to cause vomiting, irritating the root of the language and give the victim inside a large number of (4-5 glasses) warm salted water. It is also recommended for the oxidation of poisonous products a solution of potassium permanganate for washing the stomach.

Reducing the suction of poisons contributes to the reception of the suspension of activated carbon - carbolne. To do this, several tablets are crushed, mixed with water and give a drink to the victim. It is advisable to make a cleansing enema. When touching a poisonous plant with hands or body, the affected area should be washed several times with water with soap or potassium permanganate solution. The victim immediately should be delivered to the medical institution to provide qualified medical care.

Mushroom poisoning.Poisonous mushrooms include mushrooms, in the fruit bodies of which at all stages of their development contains poisonous substances - toxins that cause poisoning.

The main cause of mushroom poisoning is the inability to recognize edible and poisonous mushrooms, improper preparation of dishes from some edible fungi, as well as possible mutations of edible mushrooms. Species of poisonous mushrooms are relatively small, and fatally poisonous is only a pale custody. Signs of pale refining poisoning appear only 8-12 hours after its use: strong pain In the abdomen, frequent diarrhea with continuous vomiting, severe thirst, headaches, cold sweat. The body temperature drops to 36-35 ', the pulse becomes weak, the limbs is cold. Consciousness in most cases is preserved.

Signs of the poisoning of mumans (red, panthene, stinking), as well as some mushrooms from the genus Clototsib appear 1.5-2 hours after their use: pain in the abdomen, nausea, vomiting, strong salvo selection, sweating. Then the breathtaking begins, nonsense and hallucinations appear, the person loses the ability to manage with its actions and flows into a state bordering at times with obstruction. Death rarely occurs, mainly in children. You can also poison edible mushrooms. In old mushrooms along with useful substances Often there are products decomposition of proteins, adversely affecting the human body. Therefore, only relatively young mushrooms are suitable for food. In addition, the cause of poisoning may be incorrectly harvested or damaged dried and canned mushrooms. In no case can you marry or salt mushrooms in galvanized dishes - it can lead to poisoning.

With any, even light, poisoning mushrooms, it is necessary to immediately consult a doctor or deliver the victim to the hospital. Before the arrival of the doctor, the patient needs to clean the stomach, be sure to put the bedding to the legs and the stomach. It is necessary to give the cold salted water with small sips (one teaspoon of salt on a glass of water) is somewhat weakening nausea and vomiting. In addition, you can give strong tea, black coffee, honey and milk. Man, (right mushrooms, in no case can not be used alcoholic beveragesSince alcohol promotes rapid suction to the organism of mushroom poisons. The remains of mushrooms that led to poisoning should be transferred to the doctor to study this will facilitate subsequent treatment.

Consultation for parents

"Home first aid kit"

Yesterday I had a kid got sick, and it turned out that there is no thermometer in the house! Therefore, it took the idea to look for information about what kind of necessary things should be in a home first aid kit. I will write a post and go to the pharmacy, buying what is missing. Disease - the case is unpredictable, some minimum of drugs and dressings should always be at hand to quickly provide prefigure emergency help.

So, write:

Home first aid kit:

1. Dressing materials:

rubber harness to stop bleeding (certainly, in an easily accessible place!)

sterile bandage for dressing wounds

non-sterile bandage (for fixing dressings and compresses)

vata non-sterile (for compresses and dressings)

bactericidal leukoplasty

lakeechoplasty Normal to fix dressings

2. Emergency help

iodine (processing of bruises and area around the wound. iodine can not handle open wounds and burns!)

zelenka (very convenient in the form of a pencil) or chlorhexidine (the same effect, but it is blunt and therefore, more aesthetic)

hydrogen peroxide (antiseptic, hemostatic - processing of open wounds)

alcohol Medical (for compresses and disinfection of injections)

panthenol (from burns, I keep it in the refrigerator in the kitchen, as burns are mostly happening there)

ammonia solution (ammonia alcohol) - for dismissal

corwalola, Validol, Validol (from pain in the heart. Even if there are no cores in the house, it is necessary to have these funds in a home first aid kit)

I remind you that this is the minimum necessary to provide emergency Before the arrival of the doctor. Keep other first-aid kit, rarely used medications does not make sense, since the shelf life of medicines is limited.

3. Medicines that are comfortable at hand (not for emergency)

paracetamol (to reduce the temperature, weak anesthetic and anti-inflammatory. With very high temperatures may be useful for emergency care)

analgin - anesthetic

but-shpa, spasmalgon - for removing spasmodic pain

smekt - with gastric disorders

imodium (from diarrhea)

maalox, Renny, and the like (from heartburn)

supratine (antiallergic)

activated coal (stomach disorders, meteorism, poisoning)

enterosgel (poisoning, vomiting, diarrhea - especially for children)

drops for the removal of edema during the cold

several bags teraflu, Coldrels, Antigrippina, and the like for first aid with flu and cold

furacillin (if sultile it happens angina - rinse the throat, local antiseptic)

gel "Rescuer", Arnik - from bruises and bruises.

ointment Levomecol, Bepanten (wound-heating)

ointment Viprosal, Dr. IOM (warming)

camphor alcohol (for compresses, rubbing)

Consultation for parents

"Baby one house"

What to do if you leave a child at home one

Warn the child about where and for what time leave. Remove all medicines and hazardous substances (acetic essence, gasoline, medicines, household chemicals, etc.) to the inaccessible place for children. Hide away sharp, stitching and cutting items. Check the windows and balcony doorsEspecially if you live on the first floors of the building.

If there is a signal in the apartment security devicesTurn on them. Well-trained dog can be best tool Protection, if you get the team "Protect!". Turn off the water, as well as all household appliances and warn the child so that it does not include them. Before leaving the apartment, put the directory with the number of emergency services (militia, ambulance, fire protection, gas services), telephone number of your location, as well as neighbors phone numbers. The child should know his personal data, the address to inform them of emergency services if necessary.

Ask neighbors to periodically check your children (this can be done on the phone). If your apartment has no phone, teach a child how to contact your neighbors in dangerous situation (for example, knock metal subject Battery or wall).

Warn a child to not answer unfamiliar people to questions on the phone and did not open the entrance door, without looking at the eyes and not asking who came.

How to act a child if he is one at home

If your children have to stay at home one, teach them the basic rules of behavior in the absence of parents. To avoid extreme situations, the child must:

Check the reliability of locks and constipation after your departure from the house;

Never open the door to unfamiliar or unfamiliar people, whatever reasons they are called and anyone presented - plumber, a gas driver, a policeman, familiar parents, etc. If the stranger does not leave, call first neighbors, then into the police and parents. If the door is trying to open, barricading it with chairs, a bedside table, other objects, then open (split) the window and scream loudly, calling for the aid of passersby. If attempts to open the door stopped, not to go to the staircase. View in the window, unfamiliar people will not run out of the entrance. Noticing them, try to remember the signs, color, brand, car number, then report this militia;

do not answer by phone any questions (what is your name mother or dad, where they work, what numbers of their office phones when they come). You can always say that at the moment parents (better dad) are in the bathroom, and offer to call back after a while;

If you called the door, see in peephole, hang on the left (right) from entrance door And ask "Who?" Do not open until it becomes clear that a familiar person came to whose visit to the parents;

If no one can see anyone on the stairs, or staircase Forecast light, do not open the door, as the attackers can specifically stick the door eye. You must call the neighbors and ask them to see what happens;

With anyone to enter into conversations through the door, in response to any questions and requests to answer: "Now I will call a neighbor, he will come out and will help you solve everything," or "Now I will call the police, they will come and figure out";

If you are asked to open the door in order to urgently call the phone (call "ambulance" and report an accident), to answer that he will do it independently, but in the apartment of this person it is not to let

Leaving the house even for a while (for example, to endure garbage), do not leave an apartment open, reliably lock the balcony doors, windows, windows, even if the apartment is on the upper floors of the building. Leaving the apartment for a long time, leave the signs that create the impression that someone is at home (for example, a quietly playing receiver). Do not leave the keys to the apartment in the available places (under the rug, in the mailbox, etc.), in the pocket of the coat (jacket, raincoat), leaving it in the school locker room. Do not give the keys to familiar and buddies. When losing keys, immediately reports to parents; Approaching his door when returning home, make sure that there are no strangers behind;

If the apartment is open - not to enter it, immediately inform about this neighbors, call them from them or from the telecommunication phone. Do not try to delay criminals, the child should know what to do and where to call

To find out if the child is ready for any surprises, it is necessary to watch for some time as he behaves when choosing what he do. Does it show no forgetfulness or absentment. Is he independent?

If the parents are not confident that the child will be able to be one at home, it is possible to leave a child alone for a start. If gradually increase the time, then the child will get used and can calmly go around one at home. And for exciting parents it will be calmer.

Before you leave a child one, you need to discuss with him the rules of behavior.

Leaving, close the door and let the child understand that he should not open it outsider.

Children should not tell everyone that they are at home alone. Sometimes parents advise to say that there are someone from adults at home, but at the moment he is busy and can not approach. In most cases, such an excuse for unfamiliar people Acts and they go.

You can come up with a conditional signal, for example, call the door three times - this will mean that parents came.

It is better if the parents make sure that the child knows exactly what to do if the outsiders call the door. The child should be explained that he should not respond to calls of foreign people, but at the same time it should be quietly to call someone from adults so that the unreared guest heard him. Child should remember that opened door - This is an open threat.

Parents should explain to the child that one should not go anywhere without demand, even just take a walk. It will also protect children from strangers. In the event that the child does not understand the importance of these precautionary measures, should not be left alone.

There is another risk if the child remained one house is heating appliances, in particular a stove for cooking. Children should be able to eat on their own, without risk get injured. It is necessary to show them what products you can eat, not warming up. In this case, the possibility of fire will be reduced to the minimum.

It is unlikely that the child will be in an unforeseen situation in the absence of parents. But if it really happens, the child should know what to do and where to call.

Before you leave a child of one house, parents should be seen:

First, that the child knows how to provide first aid;

Secondly, the child knows phone numbers if necessary. He must know the telephone of the rescue service, parents' phones, the phone of the nearest neighbor and the living nearby friend or relative.

Thirdly, that a child, in case of extreme necessity, can take advantage of the evacuation plan. Parents should pre-discuss the possibilities of exiting each room and practice with a child.

All children are different, and only parents can determine whether the child is ready to be responsible and stay at home without supervision. It is worth remembering that if children are already adults, they will feel even more independent when they stay at home alone.