Abstract on ecology the journey of the droplet. Synopsis of the lesson in the preparatory group for environmental education "droplet journey"

Formation of the foundations of a healthy lifestyle in preschoolers

Preschool age is an important and responsible period. During this period, there is a restructuring of the functioning of various systems of the child's body, therefore it is imperative to contribute in every possible way to the upbringing of habits and needs in children of this age for a healthy lifestyle, maintaining and strengthening their health. This is one of the priority tasks facing parents and teachers. It is at this time that the formation of the foundations of a healthy lifestyle in preschoolers should begin.

A healthy lifestyle for preschoolers: what it should be

Formation of the foundations of a healthy lifestyle in children before school age

It should be noted that at present there is a low level of knowledge about the value of their parents' health and about the health of their children. As you know, health most often depends on lifestyle, slightly less on environment... Heredity and the state of health care in a country affect the health of a generation to a much lesser extent. Therefore, the task of parents and teachers is to instill in a preschooler respect for own health and responsibilities to protect it. And start forming the foundations of a healthy lifestyle for preschoolers as early as possible.

In the preschool period, there is an intensive development of organs, the formation of functional systems of the body. It is very important at this time to lay children a certain base of knowledge and practical skills of a healthy lifestyle, to form the need for regular and systematic physical education and sports.

Since a healthy lifestyle is understood as an active human activity aimed at maintaining and improving health, this activity should include such components as proper nutrition, rational physical activity, hardening of the body and maintaining a stable psycho-emotional state. It is these components that should form the basis of a healthy lifestyle for a preschooler.

Regime, daily routine of the child

Mainly in the formation of the foundations of a healthy lifestyle among preschoolers and the correct attitude to their health among preschoolers, appropriate games, watching films, cartoons, reading and discussion fiction, quizzes, hiking, health days, sports events. It is these events that are most interesting for children, and in this process it is more productive to form the right attitude to a healthy lifestyle among preschoolers.

In the course of physical culture and health-improving work, namely physical culture minutes, minutes of health, motor discharges, relaxation elements, etc., physical, mental and moral qualities children are brought up independence and creativity.

It is necessary to pay serious attention to cultural and hygienic skills, to form the habits of correct washing, wiping, taking care of the oral cavity, using a handkerchief, and correct behavior when coughing and sneezing.

It is necessary that children have the opportunity to move systematically. To do this, it is necessary to promote the development of basic motor qualities, to maintain working capacity throughout the day. high level... However, it should be borne in mind that a healthy lifestyle for preschoolers involves an alternation of active and quiet games, so that a reasonable balance between physical activity and rest must be maintained.

Formation of the foundations of a healthy lifestyle in preschoolers: what parents need to know

Healthy lifestyle for preschoolers

Preschool age, according to experts, is one of the decisive ones in creating the foundation of the child's mental and physical health. Just before the age of seven, the most intensive formation of the child's body takes place. At the same time, the character, habits are actively formed, and the life priorities of the individual are laid. That is why it is very, very important in these years to actively instill in children the basic knowledge, skills and habits of a healthy lifestyle for preschoolers.

In the modern educational process, the priority direction in the upbringing of preschool children is to improve the level of children's health, the formation of healthy lifestyle skills, as well as the upbringing of the need for regular classes and gaining new knowledge. It is worth noting that at this age, preschoolers lack such qualities as:

- perseverance,

- control and correction of emotions and mood,

- the ability to quickly switch from one activity to another.

Consequently, before adults, teachers and, first of all, parents, there is a task to form in little man these skills that will help maintain and strengthen the physical and mental health of the baby.

Parents of a preschooler need to learn that the health of a baby is not only the absence of illness, emotional tone and poor performance, but also laying the foundations for the future well-being of the child's personality. Proceeding from this, the main direction for strengthening the health of preschool children is the formation of preschoolers' understanding of health as one of the fundamental values ​​of life. Kindergarten teachers, parents at home must constantly teach the child the correct behavior in various life circumstances, be prepared for unforeseen situations. During this period, the child must clearly learn what is good and useful, and what is harmful and bad.

Parents and grandparents should constantly instill in the child the correct attitude to their health and responsibility for it. This direction in the upbringing of a preschooler should be solved by creating an integral system to preserve the physical, mental and social well-being of the child.

Particular attention should be paid to parents of such components of a healthy lifestyle for preschoolers:

- Compliance with the regime of the day, activity and sleep.

- Physical activity, walks, outdoor games on fresh air.

- Correct, healthy eating.

- Compliance with the rules of hygiene. Instilling in the child a love for physical cleanliness. Learning to watch your body.

- Hardening. Formation of the body's ability to withstand unfavorable natural factors.

The main tasks for parents to form the foundations of a healthy lifestyle in preschoolers: Hygiene and hardening of preschoolers

The formation of the foundations of a healthy lifestyle among preschoolers should be carried out constantly, without days off and holidays.

A child should learn from infancy that it is good to be healthy and bad to be ill. To always be healthy, he must observe certain rules and not do anything that could lead to illness or injury.

The kid always follows the lifestyle of the elders, mom and dad. Therefore, parents, first of all, should lead a healthy lifestyle themselves and not set a bad example for their child.

Thus, an integrated approach to the formation of a culture of a healthy lifestyle in preschoolers will allow them to instill in them the necessary habits and skills that will be the basis for their future life.

Didactic game - effective remedy forming perceptions of healthy way life of preschoolers.

The problem of raising the personal interest of each person in a healthy lifestyle in last years is especially relevant in connection with the negative trend towards a deterioration in the health status of all socio-demographic groups of the population of Russia, and especially children of preschool and school age. Its solution requires an active, meaningful attitude to one's health and strengthening it from childhood. The formation of ideas about a healthy lifestyle should begin already in kindergarten. There are no trifles in this matter. All life activities of a child in a preschool institution should be aimed at forming ideas about a healthy lifestyle, maintaining and strengthening health.

Federal State Educational Standard preschool education along with others, it solves the following tasks:

Protecting and promoting the physical and mental health of children, including their emotional well-being;

The formation of a general culture of the personality of pupils, the development of their social, moral, aesthetic, intellectual, physical qualities, initiative, independence and responsibility of the child, the formation of the prerequisites for educational activity.

A separate area in the Federal State educational standard preschool education, the area "Physical development" is highlighted, in which, among other tasks, mastering the elementary norms and rules of a healthy lifestyle (in nutrition, physical activity, tempering, in the formation of useful habits, etc.). Special attention should be given to mastering the elementary norms and rules of a healthy lifestyle, because it is this that is one of the main components of the child's physical development.

It is in preschool age, as a result of targeted exposure, that health, a habit of a healthy lifestyle, general endurance, body performance and other qualities necessary for the full development of a personality are formed. The child's attitude to his health is the foundation on which the need for a healthy lifestyle can be built. This need arises and develops in the process of a child's awareness of himself as a person and personality. A child's attitude to health directly depends on the formation of this concept in his mind.

The basics of a healthy lifestyle in preschool children are determined by the presence of knowledge and ideas about the elements of a healthy lifestyle (compliance with the regime, hygiene procedures, motor activity, and the ability to implement them in behavior and activities in ways accessible to the child (brush your teeth, wash your hands, do exercises)).

The successful formation of the foundations of a healthy lifestyle among preschoolers largely depends on purposeful systematic educational work in a preschool educational institution and the family, creating conditions for the implementation of the pedagogical process, coordinated interaction in the child - teacher - parent triad, the initiator and coordinator of which should be the teaching staff preschool.

Any system will not serve effectively and long enough if it is not improved, updated, modernized. Therefore, the most urgent task at the present stage of development of preschool education is to comprehend the accumulated experience of preserving and strengthening the health of children. Against the background of environmental and social tension in the country, against the background of an unprecedented increase in civilization diseases, in order to be healthy, you need to have an idea of ​​a healthy lifestyle, health, its preservation and strengthening, because the formation of a healthy younger generation is one of the main strategic tasks of the development of our country ...

Realizing the child's right to health and safety, we, teachers, pay great attention to introducing preschoolers to the values ​​of a healthy lifestyle.

One of the means that effectively contributes to the formation of ideas about a healthy lifestyle in older preschoolers and the development of correct habits is a didactic game. Didactic play is a multifaceted, complex pedagogical phenomenon, it is both a play method of teaching, and an independent play activity, and a means of comprehensive education of the child's personality.

In the game, all aspects of the child's personality are formed, significant changes occur in the psyche. In games, preschoolers reproduce everything that they see around them in the life and activities of adults.

In play activities, many positive traits child, interest and readiness for the upcoming teaching, cognitive abilities develop.

The didactic game makes it possible to solve various pedagogical problems in game form most accessible for preschoolers.

The value of didactic games as a means of forming ideas of preschoolers about a healthy lifestyle lies in the fact that they are created for educational purposes. Thanks to their use, it is possible to achieve more solid and conscious knowledge, abilities and skills in the formation of preschoolers' ideas about a healthy lifestyle. Didactic game awakens children's imagination. Passion for the game mobilizes mental activity, makes it easier to complete tasks. Timely and correct application of didactic games in educational practice ensures the solution of problems in the most acceptable form for children.

In my work, I use the following tools for organizing didactic games:

Using and combining didactic games in the learning process;

The inclusion of didactic games in the independent activity of preschoolers;

The use of educational exercises, physical education minutes in didactic games.

Didactic games- This is a kind of games with rules, specially created by a teacher for the purpose of raising and educating children. These games are aimed at solving specific learning problems, but at the same time, the educational and developmental influence of game activity is manifested in them. They teach certain skills that a person needs in the process of his daily life. Didactic games are diverse in their content, game material, game actions, cognitive activities and have a certain structure that characterizes play as a form of learning and play activity at the same time, they create a kind of microclimate for the formation of ideas about a healthy lifestyle among preschoolers.

By leading the game, the teacher fosters an active desire to do something, learn, seek, exert effort and find, enrich spiritual world children. And this all contributes to the mental and overall development... For this purpose didactic games are used.

Thus, as a result of the formation of initial ideas about a healthy lifestyle by means of didactic games in preschoolers, I propose to note the positive dynamics of the state of health, an improvement in the physical qualities of children, an increased interest in didactic games. Children not only need to know and follow the basic rules of the game, but also be able to formulate, explain the need for their application. Didactic play is also important for making children's lives complete and happy.


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5. Magazine Handbook of a senior preschool teacher March, 2011

Kurashova Olesya Alexandrovna

Explanatory note. In preschool childhood, the foundations of personality are laid, including a positive attitude towards nature and the world around us. Kindergarten is the first link in the system of continuous environmental education ... Therefore, before us teachers are faced with the task of forming the foundations of preschoolers ecological culture.

Abstract of the lesson "Travel of the droplet"

Theme: Travel with a drop of water.

Target: Consolidation of children's knowledge about water, about its properties, creation of a holistic view of water as a natural phenomenon.


Educational: Reinforce children's knowledge of properties water(taste, color, odor, fluidity, as well as the sources of its pollution.

Developing: to promote the development of curiosity, thinking, speech, attention, memory of children;

Educational: to educate a respectful attitude towards nature, and in particular, water, to follow available environmental rules in activities and behavior.

Integration of educational areas: cognition, communication, health

Children's age: middle group(4-5 years old)

Form of conducting: class - travel.

Activities: cognitive research.

Preliminary work : Conversation on theme: "Where does water meet", "For what and who needs water"... Reading stories, fairy tales of a cognitive nature; observation of transformations water for a walk, during the experiments, learning nat. minutes.

Vocabulary work: travel, companion, water pipes, boiled water

Equipment: screen, projector, doll "Kapitoshka", song for the competition « Droplets, jump, jump, jump "(A. Yaranova), masks droplets(by the number of children, audio recording of the murmur of a brook, video slides, equipment for experiences: glasses of water, empty glasses, gouache, milk, spoons, a cup.

Course of the lesson

Organizing time

Educator: Dear guys, today they've come to us guests... Let's say hello and give them our smiles and good mood!

I. Introductory part. Motivational moment

Educator: Now please listen to the poem I prepared for you:

Have you heard of water?

They say she is everywhere!

In a puddle, in the sea, in the ocean

And at the faucet.

Freezes like an icicle

Creeps into the forest with fog.

Our stove is boiling.

The kettle's ferry hiss

We can't wash our face without her,

Do not gorge yourself, do not get drunk!

I dare to report to you:

Without we cannot live with water! (N. Ryzhova)

Educator: Guys, I think you already understand what our conversation will be about (Answers of children)

Educator: Yes, that's right, about the water!

Game situation.

I invite you to the kingdom of the Water Sorceress. We will go to this the journey is not alone... Look, this is a magic chest. Let's open up and see what's in it.

(audio recording of the murmur of a brook sounds)

it droplet, whose name is Kapitoshka. She came to invite you on a little trip, because she knows a lot about water. Do you mind? (Answers of children) Well then let's go!

Educator: Boys and girls, look, this ball is our planet Earth, this is where we live. What do you think is painted on it in blue? (Answers of children)

Educator: Yes, that's right, and it's all water. Most of water is found in oceans and seas, lakes, ponds, rivers, streams.

Educator: Do you know where else water is found? Where can we see her in our group? (Answers of children) (photos of places from the group where there is water)

Well, well, now droplet invites us to rest a little.

Physical education: Fizminutka "Rain"

The rain sings a song: (raise your hands above your head)

Drop, drop, drop (clap our hands)

Only who will understand it (spread arms to the sides)

Drop, drop, drop (clap our hands)

Neither I nor you will understand (hands to chest, forward)

But the flowers will understand. (hands folded into a bud)

And spring foliage (we shake our arms above our head)

And green grass. (tilt down, shake hands)

The grain will understand best of all - (sit down)

It will begin to sprout: (we go up, hands up)

Drop, drop, drop (clap our hands

Educator: Guys, and also droplet prepared riddles for us. Are you ready to guess them? Droplet told me in secret, if we correctly guess the riddle, the answer will appear on the screen.

He comes to us from heaven,

The sky is in the gray haze.

It looks like a cheerful shower.

What is it? Of course. (Rain)

He's all the time busy with business,

He can't go in vain.

He goes and paints white

Everything that he sees on the way. (Snow)

Fluffy cotton wool

Floats somewhere.

Than cotton wool is lower

The closer the rain. (Cloud)

Grains fall from the sky

These are small pieces of ice.

Nobody is happy with them at all,

Because it is (Hail!

Educator: Guys, I think we did a great job!

Droplet Kapitoshka invites us to continue our travel... To make it interesting and exciting, we, too, will turn into droplets.

(I read magic words and put masks on my heads- droplets)

A cloud walked across the sky.

The cloud has lost the beads.

Beads gallop along the path

Like crystal polka dots.

Let's go! (children jump on two legs in place)

On the sand! (children rub their palm on their palm)

By the pebbles! (nails knock on the floor)

On the pavement! (children banging their fists on the floor)

Through the swamp! (children clap their puffed cheeks, blowing out air)

Liked travel?

(children's answers)

Educator: Oh, take a look at the screen, while we were traveling with our droplet, it got dirty. How and where did this happen? (Answers of children)

Educator: Guys, it turns out, our droplet became so dirty because people have built many factories and factories. The air is also polluted from these enterprises - it is polluted by the smoke that comes out of the pipes into the sky, gases from cars. Waste from factories is discharged into rivers, seas and pollutes them. And many more people throw various rubbish into the water. I think our a drop needs help... How can you and I help her? (children's answers)

Educator: Guys, people very often leave garbage after resting on the banks of reservoirs and this also pollutes the water. Let's clean up all the trash with you and try to help. a little bit cleaner... Do you agree?

The game "We are cleaning droplet»

To participate, you need to organize 2 teams of 4 people. The team that collects the most trash wins.

Educator: Well done, guys, you cleared the river bank from garbage, and our the droplet has become very clean... She thanks you for your help. Please tell me how to behave in nature so as not to pollute the water? (children's answers)

Educator: From pollution water suffers all living things... If the water is polluted, it is very harmful to human life and all living things.

Educator: And now droplet invites us to play a little, and at the same time learn about the basic properties water... We will spend a few experiences:

Experience N1. "Water is liquid"

(there are glasses of water on the table, empty glasses, children pouring water from one container to another)

Educator: Guys, what can we say about water? What is she like?

Water is liquid. It can be poured into something, it can be poured, and even poured, as we did with you.

Experience N2. "Colorless water"

On the teacher's table is a glass of water, a glass of milk, a spoon.

Educator: Guys, I'm putting a spoon in a glass of milk. Do you see the spoon? (No)... Now I'll put the spoon in a glass of water. Can you see the spoon? Tell me what color is the milk? (white) What color is the water? That's right, water has no color, it is colorless.

Educator: Guys, what do you think, can the water become a different color? Let's see. On the teacher's table are two glasses of water, gouache.

Educator: I will now add magic paint to the water, and we will see what happens to the water. Is the water the same? The water has changed its color.

Educator: So what conclusion do we make? (water can change color depending on what is added to it)

Our droplet I am very grateful for your help, and wants to show a film of where and what kind of water comes to the tap.

5. Viewing slideshow

(slideshow accompanied by the teacher's story)

Slide 1. Our city Mozhaisk is big and beautiful. A lot of clean water is required for consumption.

Slide 2. The river has a long way.

Slide 3. Water rushes with the flow. Cheerful, mischievous, noisy droplets spray scatter in different directions.

Slide 4. River water is needed for trees, and flowers, and fields, and meadows, and birds, and animals, and people.

Slide 5. Large pumps pump river water into large pipes, form a water intake.

Slide 6. Then water travels through the pipes... These pipes are called plumbing pipes.

Slide 7. By water pipes the water runs to the water treatment plant, where the water is purified from dirt, algae, sand, dust.

Slide 8. In special laboratories, they improve the smell of water, monitor the quality of water.

Slide 9. After all the procedures, purified water goes to the city through water pipes. They can pass above ground and underground.

Slide 10. There is already purified water in the city, in every apartment.

Slide 11. Pure water runs at the tap, you can drink, cook, you can wash your face, hands, water the flowers, clean the room.

Slide 12. There is clean water in the bathroom, we can swim, take a shower.

Like this river water comes to our house already cleansed and useful. To keep the water so clean, people spend a lot of effort and work. Therefore, we must conserve water.

III. Final part. The result of the activity.

Educator. Today you have learned a lot about water. What do you remember and like the most in our trip? Surprising moment.