Material (preparatory group) on the topic: Brain - ring. Ecological brain-ring for older children

Organization: MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 253 supervision and rehabilitation"

Location: Kazan

Intellectual game "Brain ring" "I want to know everything"

for children of the preparatory group.

Purpose: to systematize and clarify children's ideas about natural phenomena. Develop curiosity and cognitive activity.

Tasks: to systematize children's ideas about natural phenomena; to consolidate the knowledge of children about the water cycle in nature; develop cognitive and curiosity; develop logical thinking, the ability to analyze situations, express an answer on behalf of the whole team, prove their statements; educate honesty, truthfulness, responsibility; to cultivate the ability to listen to the answers of comrades, without interrupting each other.

Game progress

Leading. Good afternoon to everyone in this room. We are glad to welcome you as our guest!

Will take place today intellectual game"Brain ring" -

"Want to know everything"

In order to start playing on the ring, the team is invited to the game table "Know".

The captain of this team is Kamila Valiullina.


"Success awaits us, our Znayki are the best!"

(Music sounds, a photo from the life of children in kindergarten appears on the screen. The children walk through the hall at this time the presenter gives brief information about the team, the children utter a speech, and sit down at the tables).

Leading. The guys from this team are united by the desire to get new knowledge every day. They are very fast, funny and friendly.

Favorite game "Learning to count".

Favorite cartoon "Wait for it!".

Leading. The team is invited to the game table "Diplomas".

Captain - Anastasia Polyakova.

These guys are passionate about research and experimental activities.

Favorite game "Twister".

Favorite fairy tale "Little Red Riding Hood".


"Smart, courageous, we strive for knowledge - what we want - we will achieve it!"

Leading. So the players took their places.

The gamewill be held under the motto:

"What one cannot do is easy for a team!"

The teams' play will be closely watched by a respected jury (jury members are introduced)... All players know the rules of the game, but we will change them a little, since the game is held in a kindergarten, and its participants are preschoolers. I will just remind them once again.

Rules of the game.

After the question is asked, you will be given 30 seconds to discuss the answer. As soon as the time is up, the tambourine will ring. The team, ready to answer, rings the bell. One participant answers. If you know the answer before the beep, rings the bell immediately. Whose command is the first to call is the one who will answer. If the team gave the wrong answer, the floor is given to the team that was the second. For each correct answer, the team receives one point.

I wish all the players every success.

Let's start our "Brain Ring" with the first warm-up round, let's call it

"Who knows, he answers"... It consists of six questions.

  1. - How can the water be transferred in the sieve? (frozen)
  2. - Why is a spoon visible in a glass of water, but not in a glass of milk? (clear water)
  3. - When water boils in a kettle, what do you see above it? (steam)
  4. - What do the water droplets form in the sky? (cloud, clouds)
  5. - What will we see if two clouds collide? (lightning)
  6. –Why mixing wooden objects and nails to separate them we use a magnet? (magnet attracts metal nails).

Leading. The first round is over. You all tried, but the jury will appreciate your knowledge. The account is announced.

Leading. Round two. Working with cards. Select cards that depict natural phenomena. Name them.

Leading. The word for the assessment is given by the jury.

Leading. Children, while you and I were playing, a question from the audience came to the participants of the "Brain Ring".

What is the water cycle? (The water from the reservoir, under the influence of the sun's rays, evaporated and rose into the sky, went high above in the form of steam and returned to the ground like rain. This is the water cycle in nature).

Leading. A musical pause is announced. Dance with umbrellas.

Leading. We got some rest and our game continues.

Leading. Round four.

Children, you all remember the fairy tale "Cinderella". The evil stepmother, leaving for the ball with her daughters, left a lot of work to Cinderella. I suggest you help her.

The Znayki team will sort out sunflower seeds and millet.

The "Literacy" team will sort out beads and carnations.

But the fairy godmother prepared two black bags for Cinderella to help her. What do you think can be in one bag to quickly separate seeds from millet? (Colander).

And to quickly separate the beads from the nails? (magnet).

Leading. I now give the floor to our distinguished jury.

Leading. Fifth round. Captains competition.

There is a coded word on the magnetic board. Unravel it.

Complete your answer with an explanation.

The captain of the Znayki team (volcano. The volcano is very dangerous for the life of people and animals. It is a mountain with overflowing fiery lava. Magma from the bowels of the earth rises through the crater and pours out onto the surface of the earth. Together with lava, minerals, ash, are poured out. )

Captain of the team "Gramotey" (rainbow. A rainbow appears on a sunny summer day during a pouring rain. Sun rays refracted in water droplets. The colors of the rainbow are arranged in a specific sequence.)

Musical pause.

Leading. - Our children know that all substances are composed of the smallest particle-molecules. These particles are located differently among themselves in solid, liquid and gaseous states. They will show the location of the particles in the dance.

Leading. This was the end of our game.

Rewarding teams.

Final song.


  1. Varley K., Maila L. Encyclopedia: Geography. M., 1998.
  2. Gomboli M. a window into your world: Earth. M., 1994.
  3. Greshnevikov A. ecological primer. M., 1995.

Target: Show the level of formation of skills and abilities acquired during the academic year.



Consolidate children's knowledge about trees, birds, mushrooms, field and garden flowers, wild and domestic animals, etc.

Anchor the idea of ​​a point and a line; consolidate the skills of quantitative and ordinal counting; fix the names of geometric shapes; to consolidate the ability to continue a closed pattern; to consolidate the idea of ​​the order of increasing and decreasing sizes.


Develop mental operations, logic, figurative thinking, Creative skills, general speech skills.


To foster a spirit of competition, perseverance, to establish the right relationships with peers.



Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution

"Kindergarten No. 218" of general education type

Altai Territory, Barnaul

Abstract of an open integrated lesson.

Topic: "Brain - ring".

Senior group

Educator of the highest qualification category:

Olga V. Nosova.

Senior group №11

Barnaul 2017

Target: Show the level of formation of skills, skills acquired during the school year.



Consolidate children's knowledge about trees, birds, mushrooms, wild and garden flowers, wild and domestic animals, etc.

Anchor the idea of ​​a point and a line; consolidate the skills of quantitative and ordinal counting; fix the names of geometric shapes; to consolidate the ability to continue a closed pattern; to consolidate the idea of ​​the order of increasing and decreasing sizes.


Develop mental operations, logic, imaginative thinking, creativity, general speech skills.


To foster a spirit of competition, perseverance, to establish the right relationships with peers.


Verbal (conversation, dialogue)

Use of ICT, multimedia;

Game (didactic games "The fourth extra", "Wild animals", "Mushrooms", "Wildflowers", etc.)


Use of health-saving technologies;

Use of demo material.


3 tables: 2 - for teams, 1 - for the leader; chips for dividing teams; presentation "Blitz-survey"; a set of geometric shapes, a set of numbers for each child from 1 to 10; a card with dots for each child, pencils are simple.

Course of the lesson:

Guys, guests have come to our class today. Let's welcome them.

Organizing time:(emotional attitude)

"Mood Bowler".

Now we are going to cook the mood.

Let's put in a little mischievous fun

100 grams of pampering

200 grams of a good joke,

And let's cook it all three minutes.

Then we'll add a blue sky

And a couple of sun bunnies

Let's put our best dreams yet

Let's take a look under the cover:

We don't have jam there,

And what? ... Good, excellent mood!

Guys, today in class we will hold a "Brain-ring" with you. You will count, add, connect dots with lines, answer difficult questions, solve fun problems. And now we need to split into teams: the blue team and the red team. Do you agree to compete with each other?

Before starting the game, I want to warn you that for each correct answer, your team receives one chip. The RED team will receive red chips, the BLU team will receive blue chips. At the end of the game, we will count your chips and the team with the most chips wins.

1 task:

Whose team will correctly guess the riddle. Listen carefully:

  • The house goes along the street, everyone is lucky to work, not on chicken legs, but in rubber boots. (Bus). What kind of transport is it?
  • A fable bird flies, and inside the people sits, talking among themselves. (Airplane). What kind of transport is it?
  • A canvas, not a track,

A horse, not a horse, is a centipede.

Crawling along that path

The whole wagon train is lucky. (Train)

What kind of transport is it?

  • Without asking ford, I boldly climb into the water - at any depth, always up to my waist. (Ship) What kind of transport is it?

Well done, guys, each team coped with the task and gets a chip.

2nd task:

The next task is called "Blitz - tournament". Each team takes turns quickly answering a question, a total of six questions for each team. The chip will be received by the team that answered all the questions correctly.

C) Name the herbivorous domestic animals (donkey, cow, horse. Sheep, goat). Why are they called home?

K) Name the predatory wild animals (tiger, wolf, bear, hedgehog, lynx, fox, etc.). What are predators?

C) Name the wintering birds (tit, bullfinch, waxwing).

K) What migratory birds do you know? (Swift, lark, starling, swallow, rook).

C) What are the signs of spring.

K) What are the signs of winter.

C) Name the wildflowers (chamomile, cornflower, poppy, forget-me-not, dandelion, pansies).

K) Name which edible mushrooms you know? (chanterelle, aspen, boletus, etc.)

C) Fourth extra: rose, carnation, aster, cornflower.

K) The fourth extra: a dragonfly, an ant, a bee, a spider.

C) Name the trees that you see on the screen: oak, aspen, birch, poplar, spruce, pine.

K) What is the name of our country? What is the capital of our Motherland? What is the name of the land in which we live? Name the capital of our region.

3 task:

In the next task, each of you will receive a card with dots. You must connect these points in order and you will have the fastest mode of transport. At the command "1,2,3, start!" start connecting the dots.

Well done! Both teams did the job! Have you got straight or curved lines?

Physical education:

"Young Cosmonauts".

5-4-3-2-1- here we are flying into space ...

The rocket is flying fast

To the radiant stars .. (children run in a circle)

We flew around the star

They wanted to go into space ... (movement in zero gravity)

We fly in weightlessness

We look through the windows ... (keep their hands above their eyebrows and scatter to their places)

4 task:

Let's move on to the next task. In front of you on the screen are located geometric figures... Name them in turn. Let's start with the Reds team. How many blue shapes do you see, Team Blue? How many red pieces does the Red team see? Team BLU, tell me, how many circles are in this row? Red Team, how many triangles have you counted? And now, you must put those figures in front of you and in the order that you see on the screen.

Well done! Now let's check both commands. Rita, read what figures and in what order did you put them in front of you? Danil, now it's your turn.

5 task:

The next task is called "Fun Puzzles".

Task for the BLU team

Near the forest at the edge

Three of them live in a hut.

There are three chairs and three mugs

Three cots, three pillows.

Guess without a clue

Who are the heroes of this tale? (Three Bears).

Task for the Reds team.

A puppy is sitting on the porch

Warms his fluffy side.

Another one came running

And sat down next to him.

How many puppies are there? (2)

Task for the BLU team.

Sanya has four pears,

Little brother has one.

Count all the pears yourself

Well, try, guys. (5)

The last task for the Reds team.

Three fluffy kitties

We settled down in a basket.

Then one came running to them,

How many of them are there in the basket? (4)

6 task:

Guys, on the last stage our ring, I propose such a task. You must place the numbers in front of you in order. The BLU team lays out the numbers from 1 to 10, and the RED team lays out the numbers from 10 to 1. 1,2,3 - start! The one who builds the digital row faster is the winner.

Now look at the screen. A number series has appeared in front of you. Red Team, what numbers are missing in this number row? Team BLUE, what are the neighbors of the number 4? Red team, what number is greater than 5 but less than 7? Team Blue, name the number between 8 and 10.

Well done! Both teams earned one chip each. This completes our tasks. It's time to determine the winner. Let's count the chips. It turned out to be a draw, friendship won.


Guys, did you like to compete with each other? What was the hardest part of this game for you to complete? And what did you manage very easily? Now it's time to say goodbye!

Methodical literature:

1. Mulko I.F. Development of ideas about a person in history and culture. - ITC "Sphere" 2004.

2.Aleshina N.V. Familiarization of preschoolers with the surrounding and social reality.

3. Novitskaya M.Yu .. Navumenko G.L. One, two, three, four, five - we are going to play with you. Russian children's play folklore.

4. Alyabyeva E. A. "Correctional and developmental classes for older children preschool age: a methodological guide ".- M.: Sfera TC, 2003.

- f. "Preschool education" No. 10, 2005

- f. "Preschool education" No. 5, 2005

5. Krasnoshchekova N.P. " Role-playing games for preschool children. ”- Rostov on Don: Phoenix, 2006

6. Krupenchuk O. I. "Teach me to speak correctly!" A manual on speech therapy for children and parents. - St. Petersburg: "Litera", 2003.

Ecological brain - ring for children senior group
"Alone with nature"
... to consolidate children's knowledge about nature;
... to form elements of ecological consciousness and culture in children;
... generalize children's knowledge about natural communities;
... to form the ability to solve riddles about natural communities, to name natural communities (field, meadow, forest, etc.) according to their constituent plants and animals living in them;
... continue to form speech, teach coherently, succinctly answer the questions posed;
... to intensify vocabulary children;
... develop speed of reaction, quick wits, logical thinking, erudition;
... to captivate children and cause a joyful experience from joint team activities;
... foster a sense of camaraderie, respect for partners and rivals in the game, teach to abide by the rules of the game, the ability to listen to answers and supplement them.
Materials and equipment:
pictures from the life of nature;
equipment for the game “Guess Who?”;
phonogram "Voices of the Forest";
pictures with the rules of conduct in the forest;
scoreboards for the jury;
prizes for rewarding children;
team emblems;
sound recording - voices of birds and animals
Preliminary work:
carrying out work on environmental education(games, observation, etc.);
memorizing poems, proverbs, making riddles about nature and weather;
conversations with children about endangered animals and plants that are listed in the Red Book;
board and didactic games about nature and weather: "Edible and inedible", "Field, forest, vegetable garden", "Fishermen and fish", loto "Domestic and wild animals";
Consideration of the encyclopedia "Animals and Plants of Our Nature".
Introductory conversation.
- Guys, today we'll talk…. And about what, you yourself will guess.
Five kingdoms, in which there are many organisms,
We call mother -... (nature) about nature. The remarkable writer and great nature lover M. Prishvin wrote: “We are the masters of our nature, and for us it is the storehouse of the sun with the great treasures of life. Fish - water, bird - air, beast - forest, steppe, mountains, and man needs a Motherland. And to protect nature means to protect the Motherland ”.
What do you think, what is ecology?
Ecology is the science of home, of nature. And nature is ours big house and we must all work together to keep it in order.

Good afternoon dear friends! Welcome to our brain-ring "Alone with nature" The teacher reads the motto:

“You are a person who loves nature
Though sometimes you feel sorry for her
On pleasure trips
Don't trample her fields.
In the train station bustle of the century
You hurry up to evaluate it.
She is your good old doctor,
She is the soul's ally.
Do not burn it recklessly
And do not exhaust to the bottom.
And remember the simple truth
There are many of us, but she is one.

Representation of the jury members.
The jury, as you can see, is worthy of respect here.
They had, and more than once, to evaluate the battles!
The jury will award one point for each competition.
I ask the teams to take their places. Nature hides many secrets and mysteries from us. But you and I are an inquisitive people and any secrets are revealed to us! We start the game. So - forward to victory!
"Representation of teams" (name, motto, emblem)
The game involves two teams: "Earthlings" and "Naturalists", led by captains.
So, I ask the teams to greet each other.
1 team - "Earthlings". Children answer in unison.
Our motto is: “Take care of your planet - there is no other in the world”.
Team 2 - "Naturalists" Children answer in chorus.
Our motto is: "Everyone knows, you and me, you cannot offend nature!"

1 Competition "Warm-up" (question-answer)

It is a blitz poll. I will ask the teams questions, and you will take turns answering them. You cannot shout out, points will be reduced for this. In one minute, you need to answer as many questions as possible. The start and end of the competition is announced by a sound signal to the jury.

Questions for the team "Earthlings":
... When does a squirrel store nuts? (in autumn)
... What is the word for birds that fly to warmer regions? (migratory)
... Crucian carp, catfish, pike, perch? (fishes)
... When do raspberries ripen in the garden? (summer)
... What kind of beast can be called long-eared? (Hare)
... How many legs does a spider have? (eight)
... Which bird heals trees? (woodpecker)
... When the white snow sparkles in the sun? (in winter)
... What is one word called animals that live next to a person? (home)
... Which tree has a white trunk? (near the birch)
... When does a snowdrop bloom in the forest? (in spring)
... What does a butterfly eat? (with nectar)
... Which herb helps to heal a wound? (plantain)
... What do migratory birds mainly eat? (insects)
... When does the leaves fall from the trees? (in autumn)
... What is the name of a man-made birdhouse? (birdhouse)
... Who weaves a web in the forest? (Spider)
... When does the ground rest under the snow? (in winter)
... What is one word for the animals that live in the forest? (wild)
... What is the green cover of the Earth? (grass)
... Which insect has ears on its feet? (at the grasshopper)
... What does a hedgehog do in winter? (sleeping)
... What birds fly to us first? (rooks)
... Who was red in summer and gray in winter? (squirrel)
... Who carries their house on their back? (snail)
Questions for the Droplet team
... When does grandpa dig potatoes? (in autumn)
... What tree do acorns grow on? (on oak)
... Crow, starling, sparrow, swallow - who is this? (birds)
... When does the icicle drip and melt? (in spring)
... What animal has a red fur coat? (squirrel, fox)
... How many legs does a beetle have? (six)
... Who sleeps in the forest all winter? (hedgehog, bear, badger)
... When does river water freeze? (in winter)
... Which bird has a red breast? (at the bullfinch)
... Is a lion a wild animal or a pet? (wild)
... Which insect has red wings with black dots? (at ladybug)
... When are strawberries ripe? (summer)
... Which bird breeds chicks in winter? (crossbill)
... A fly, a mosquito, a butterfly, a dragonfly, an ant - who is this? (insects)
... What is the name of the house of ants? (anthill)
... Which animal has needles? (at the hedgehog)
... When is the harvest from fields and gardens? (in autumn)
... What is the word for the birds that winter with us? (wintering)
... When does a butterfly fly over a field? (summer)
... What bird is called "forest radio"? (magpie)
... What is the name of the person who guards the forest, keeps order? (forester)
... What mushroom is called a forest predator? (fox)
... What animal is like a hedgehog? (porcupine)
.What kind of flowers are human names? (Rose, Lilia, Ivan da Marya, Vasilek).
... Which bird tosses its eggs into other people's nests?

The floor is given by the jury, which names the total score.

2nd competition. (Riddles-descriptions of natural communities)
1. Guess where we came from?
- Around the tall grass, beautiful flowers, trees and bushes are not visible at all, butterflies flutter, busily, bumblebees are buzzing. (meadow)
2. Now it has become darker and cooler. The grass has become less dense. Here is a birch, here is an oak, and there are many deciduous trees beyond. (forest, grove)
3. Look, now there is no grass underfoot at all, deciduous trees come across less and less. On the ground - thorny needles, cones. (coniferous forest)
4. Here the forest thinned, the trees parted. What glitters ahead? Playful, naughty,
Chatty, talkative.
In a blue shirt
Runs along the bottom of the ravine.
5. The river is getting slower, the current is getting shallower. It smells of mud, frogs croak.
Mosquitoes fly in flocks. (swamp)
6. Runs without legs, not knowing grief,
And gets to the sea. (river)
At the end of the competition, the floor is given to the jury.
3 Competition "How to behave in nature". Situations for each team
1st situation
The girls were walking in the forest in an early spring morning.
- Oh, look what I found. Nest!
- And there is a testicle in it.
- Maybe we can take him home, and we will have a chick.
- We'll take care of him!
The girls took the testicle with them.
Leading. Did the girls do the right thing?
Children. Not right. The chick will die because it needs mother's warmth.
2nd situation
Two sisters were walking in the woods.
- Which beautiful flower! I wonder what it's called?
- I know it's a lily of the valley. It smells so good!
- Let's rip it off and take it to mom.
The girls picked the flower and went home.
Leading. Did the girls do the right thing?
Children. Lilies of the valley are listed in the Red Book, they cannot be torn, otherwise they will disappear.
3rd situation
The boy walked along a forest path, saw a hedgehog and decided to take him home.
Leading. Did the boy do the right thing?
Children. Wild animals cannot be taken home, they can die in captivity
4th situation
After the rain, the children went for a walk in the yard.
- Look how many worms!
- Let's collect them and scare the girls!
- Let's go see where the girls are!
Leave the jar of worms closed.
Educator. Did the guys do the right thing?
Children. You cannot collect worms, they have their own role in nature. They loosen the earth so that the roots of plants breathe; some animals feed on them.
The jury evaluates the competition.
Now let’s rest a little. Close your eyes.
The music of F. Schubert "Ave Maria" is played. Held
Relaxation “If I were a tree” (to music).
“Our feet are the roots. They keep us firmly on the ground, they are looking for water for us to drink. They grow deeper and deeper (sit on a chair, feet firmly in place). Our skin is bark. It is hard and tough, covered with bumps and furrows. It protects us from injury. And everyone will understand that you cannot cut out inscriptions and marks on this skin, which is called bark (they stroke themselves with their hands). Our hands are branches. They are reaching, reaching for the sun. Birds can rest on them and even make a nest (raise their hands up). Our cams are kidneys. Every spring, our buds open and leaves appear.

“I am all people and birds
Green good friend
I pull everyone's palms
And many - many hands ”(clenching and unclenching fists).
How wonderful it is to be a tree! In the summer heat, give coolness and shade. And a light breeze will blow, and we swing from left to right, barely audibly talking to each other (swing with hands raised up).
My trunk, my branches are stretching towards the sun.
These are trees in the forest.
The elbows were bent, the hands shook.
The wind knocks down the dew.
We gently wave our hands.
These are birds flying to us.
We will show how they sit down -
Wings folded back
4 Competition - "Guess whose voice?"
An audio recording of the voices of various animals sounds.
The team representatives take turns naming the birds. Participants will recognize singing
nightingale, crow, cuckoo, owl, bear, wild boar, fox, wolf, mosquito, bee.
5 "Answer quickly" competition
You only have to answer YES or NO.
If I come to the woods and pick a chamomile? (No)
If I eat a pie and throw away a piece of paper? (No)
If I leave a piece of bread on a hemp? (Yes)
If I tie a branch, put a peg? (Yes)
If I make a fire, but I won't put it out? (No)
If I mess up a lot, but forget to clean it up? (No)
If I take away the trash, will I bury the can? (Yes)
I love my nature, I help her (yes)
6th competition "Environmental Labels".
- Each team receives 5 signs. The guys must determine the name of each of them.
1st command:
1) - You cannot spoil the bark of trees.
Did you know that oxygen is emitted by green plants. Large, spreading trees are especially useful. It has been calculated that one 60-year-old pine tree gives off as much oxygen per day as is needed per day for three people.
2) - Don't leave trash.
Did you know that most garbage takes a very long time to decompose, for example:
... orange peel - 2 years;
... plastic bags - from 10 to 20 years;
... tin cans - from 80 to 100 years;
. plastic bottles do not decompose at all!
3) - Do not destroy mushrooms, even poisonous ones.
Did you know that even mushrooms that are poisonous to humans are useful, because they provide food for some animals, in addition, some plants cannot live without them.
4) - You cannot cut down trees.
Did you know that man uses trees to make paper? By saving paper, you save trees from being cut down!
5) - You can't make noise in the forest.
Did you know that many interesting animals can be seen in the forest, provided that you are quiet and do not frighten them. Chamois, deer, squirrels are afraid of noise.
2nd command:
1) - Don't catch butterflies.
Do you know that you cannot kill any animals, because they are part of our natural surroundings... Such animals are under special protection that require special attention because they are either very useful or very rare.
2) - Don't break the branches.
Do you know that plants delay great amount atmospheric pollution and dust, in addition, they dampen noise. Trees, absorbing pollution, purify the air, but they themselves get sick and die. Remember that if you break even one branch, the tree can dry out!
3) - Don't touch the bird's nests.
Did you know that birds abandon the nests that were touched by humans and never return to this place. If there were eggs in the nest, then chicks will not appear. If there were chicks in the nest, then they will die without a mother.
4) - Take good care of the water.
Do you know that all living organisms need water. Healthy person consumes about 2 liters of water daily. People get water not only in the form of drinks, but also in food. For example, an apple contains 80% water. A person cannot live more than a week without water.
5) - Don't pick flowers.
Did you know that humans have threatened 25,000 plant species in the last 100 years. Among them are lilies of the valley, bells, snowdrops, anemone, a lady's slipper, which blooms only at the age of 18, and many others.
(Summing up the results of the competition "Environmental signs")
- Let's think together: will our forest be worse if, passing along the path, you break a twig, or step on a fly agaric; will you make a wreath of flowers that grow in the meadow? (Answers of children)
- Yes, nature will be worse! After all, every twig, broken in vain, or a trampled mushroom is a small wound inflicted on nature. And it is difficult for nature to heal even the smallest wounds. Try to remember the "forest rules".
Let's take care of our beautiful Earth, our common Home... Protect and love all living things! Remember, children, you are a part of nature! A forest or a river will get sick, and we will feel bad. Don't hurt any tree, cat or ant! Don't hurt each other! A person must be kind!
1 child:
Take care of the earth! Take care!
Love your native nature:
Lakes, forests and seas.
It's ours with you
Native land forever!
2 child:
You and I were born on it,
We live with you on it.
Children in chorus:
Come on, people, all together
We are kind to her!
3 child:
Let's take care of the planet -
There are no similar ones in the whole Universe,
There is only one in the whole universe,
It was given to us for life and friendship!
4 child:
Our planet earth
Very generous and rich:
Mountains, forests and fields
Our dear home, guys!
5 child:
Let's keep the planet safe
There is no other such in the world.
Let's scatter clouds and smoke over her,
We will not give it to anyone in insult!
6 child:
We will take care of birds, insects, animals.
From this we will only become kinder.
Let's decorate the whole Earth with gardens and flowers.
We need such a planet!
The jury sums up the results.
Rewarding is in progress
Thank you for your participation
Brain ring is over, friends, goodbye!
I want to say goodbye to everyone:
There are so many of us living on Earth
And we can take care of nature alone!

Ekaterina Checheneva
Intellectual game brain-ring "I want to know everything" for older preschool children

Software content: consolidate knowledge children from the areas of the program"Origins"... Exercise in the ability to read, count, carry out the simplest experiments, solve logical problems. Develop spatial orientation, memory, thinking, imagination, speech. Train in the ability to analyze situations, express an answer on behalf of the whole team, prove their statements. Foster honesty, justice, responsibility. Continue teaching to work in a team.


3 tables (red, green, blue, clock, gong, prizes, certificates, flags, "black box", easels, games, materials for experiments, games, video material, markers, notepads, pens

Preliminary work: excursions to the park, forest, garden, to the river, watching birds, animals, conducting various experiments, collecting herbariums, medicinal herbs, conducting didactic games reading fiction watching videos "Seasons", "In the animal world", "Travel in Crimea" and etc.

Game progress

Leading. Good afternoon to everyone in this room. We are glad to welcome you as our guest!

Will take place today intellectual game brain - ring -« Want to know everything»

In order to start the game on the ring at the blue game table, the team is invited "Know"... The captain of this team is Pogodaev Dmitry

(Music sounds, a photo from life appears on the screen children in kindergarten... The guys walk through the hall at this time, the presenter gives brief information about the team, the children utter a speech, and sit down at the tables.

Leading. The guys from this team are united by the desire to get new knowledge every day. They are very fast, funny and friendly. Darling the game"Football", favorite cartoon "Luntik".


“Success awaits us,

Our Znayki are the best! "

Leading. The team is invited to the green gaming table "Clever people".

Captain - Dorokhovskaya Dominica

These guys are passionate about research and experimental activities. They collect various fillers. "Kinder surprises"... Darling the game"Handkerchief", favorite fairy tale "The Snow Queen".


“Smart, brave, we strive for knowledge-

What we want - we will achieve it! "

The team is invited to the red table "Why Much".

Captain - Kirov Vladislava

The kids on this team love to design and invent. Their dream is to assemble their own aircraft that will circle over the kindergarten and guard it. Their beloved the game"Paints", favorite book of N. Nosov "Adventure of Dunno".


“Why are great fellows!

Everyone in the world knows

Because the questions

Everyone answers them! "

Leading. So the players took their places: at the red gaming table with us the team is playing -"Why Much", behind green - "Clever people", behind blue - "Know".

The game will take place under motto:

"What one cannot do is easy for a team!"

The teams' play will be closely watched by a respected jury (jury members are introduced)... All players know the rules of the game, but they will be slightly changed here, since the game held in kindergarten, and its participants - preschoolers... I will just remind them once again.

Rules of the game.

After the question is asked, you will be given 30 seconds to discuss the answer. As soon as you hear the signal that the time is up, quickly raise the flag. This means that the team is ready to respond. One participant answers. If you know the answer before the signal, raise the flag immediately. Whose team is the first to raise the flag - that one will answer. If the team gave the wrong answer, the floor is given to the team that was the second. For each correct answer, the team receives one point.

I wish all the players every success.

Let's start our brain- the ring from the first round of the warm-up, let's call it "Who knows, he answers"... It consists of six questions.

Attention! There are 5 images of various objects on the screen, name them and say what they refer to.

1). Pine, birch, acacia, maple, willow - trees

2). Starling, cuckoo, rook, tit, crane - birds.

3). Wild boar, roe deer, fox, deer, mouflon are wild animals.

4). Stag beetle, Colorado beetle, tick, aphid, bug - insect beetles

5). St. John's wort, plantain, celandine, nettle, knotweed, mother and stepmother-

medicinal herbs.

6). Narcissus, aster, peony, violet, tulip, chrysanthemum - garden flowers

Leading. The first round is over. All of you tried but the jury will appreciate your knowledge. We look at the scoreboard. The account is announced.

Leading. Guys, while we were warming up against the participants « Brain rings» a letter and a parcel post arrived.

Let's read it.

The presenter opens the envelope and reads the letter.

“I am a funny fox, a wasp grabbed my tail.

I am a poor thing, I was spinning so much that I shattered into pieces.

Three magpies near the spruce began to lay me down.

Broke out between them dispute: "It turned out to be a fly agaric!"

Help, help, put me together out of parts ”.

Leading. Guys, let's help the fox, assemble it from parts. And this will be the task of our next round.

Music sounds. Children add the fox image from the game elements "Tangram"

Leading. The teams completed the task. The first was the team…. She gets an extra point.

Results of the second round on the scoreboard.

Leading. Next round. Attention! "Black box!"

(Music sounds, black box is brought in)

The box contains items that can be green, yellow, red and even dried out.

Command responses.

Leading. A musical pause is announced. Dance "Barbariki"

Leading. Here we have a little rest and our game continues.

I am announcing the fifth round, it consists of one question that the guys from kindergarten No. 51. They offer us to decipher the saying. The work of the whole team at the easel.

Children are offered a Whatman paper on which letters are written, and below them signs or numbers, and an encrypted phrase is given. (There is safety in numbers).

Children, substituting letters instead of signs, read a proverb.

Leading. Dear jury, please rate the fifth round.

The jury reads out the results. The results are updated on the scoreboard

A knock on the door. Carlson runs into the hall to the music (adult in costume) with a basket of bagels, looks at children.


“I came without an invitation

AND want without delay

Refresh yourself with delicious jam, treat yourself with sweet cake

Play with the kids, invite them to the roof. "

Leading. Hello Carlson! The children recognized you. But we are not having a dinner party, but brain-ring intellectual game« Want to know everything»

Carlson. Oh, it's good that I got here. I just have a question interesting ripe... The Kid and I conducted experiments, mixed different substances with water, and now we will not figure out where, what we added. Maybe you guys will help, and I will treat you to donuts for this.

Leading. Well, guys, let's figure this out.

Children. We will try.

B. Carry your mixes. Guys, this will be our next sixth round. Carlson puts on each table trays with 5 numbered glasses in them: glass No. 1 - paint, glass No. 2 - coal, glass No. 3 - clay, glass No. 4 - sand, glass No. 5 - oil. Children do the experiment, they pass water into second clean glasses through cheesecloth lying in the funnel, and consider what substance was in the glass

Carlson. What clever and prudent children are! I will leave these treats for you, (transfers to the presenter, and I myself will run, oh, I will fly to my friend Kid, I will tell him how to know that is in the water. Oh, how we are now going to be clever with the Kid. Bye guys! See you soon!

Leading. Bye Bye! Thanks for the treat.

And now the floor is given to the jury.

The jury reads out the results. The results are updated on the scoreboard.

Leading. We have come to the final round. Attention video questions sent by children from kindergarten №101

"What fairy tale is the hero from?"

Leading. Game over... The floor is given by the jury.

Brain-ring for 4th grade students “Know! If you do not know - learn! "

Goals: expand the horizons of children, consolidate the knowledge gained in the lessons; to form the ability to work as a team, to feel responsibility for your class.

Materials (edit): scoreboard with numbers from 0 to 6, red cards; 4 cards with numbers 1, 2, 3, 4; recording melodies; 4 whistles; 3 tables with Roman numerals; still life image; 4 paper owls.

Game progress

Fanfare sounds.

Leading... Guys, today we will have interesting game... Six of the most erudite and prepared guys will fight for the title of the winner. And now, guys, I present to you the participants of the game.

The presentation of the participants is by name.

Leading. Please listen to the rules of the game. They are as follows: until the question is fully asked, the participant has no right to answer. After the question has been asked, the participant, who has a ready answer, gives a sound signal with a whistle and gets the right to answer. If the answer is correct, a point is awarded. If not, the right to answer passes to the next player, who must answer within one minute. If the answer is correct, he gets a point, if the wrong one or the participant does not have time to answer in a minute, then no one gets a point. The score goes up to 6 points.

We have experts at the game. These are our respected teachers. They keep score of the game and show it on the scoreboard. L also resolve controversial situations, if any. Let me also introduce you to the observers. These are our parents.

They have red cards in their hands. If they hear a prompt from the audience, they will signal us with these cards. So here we go!

The first game.

First question:

Complete the proverb: "Eyes - ..., hands - ...". ("You never know what you can do till you try".)

Second question(literary):

Arrange literary heroes by the time in which they lived, starting from the earliest: Chapaev, Ilya Muromets, Harry Potter. (Ilya Muromets, Chapaev, Harry Potter.) Timur with his team, Electronic, Robinson Crusoe. (Robinson Crusoe, Timur with his team, Electronic.)

Question three:

Question four(mathematical):

There are 10 fingers on the hands. How many fingers are there in 10 hands? (50 fingers.)

The fifth question:

What number is written in Roman numerals: XXXIV (show them)? (34.)

Sixth question(from the field of natural history):

At what time of day is a person taller and why? (In the morning. Since the intervertebral spaces are stretched when a person sleeps.)

Seventh question(musical):

Please listen to the melody. What is the name of this melody, who is its author and why is it called that?

The phonogram of S. Rachmaninov's work "Vocalise" is played. (The work of Sergei Rachmaninoff "Vocalise." birches.)

Question eight(literary):

My years are growing

I will be seventeen

Where to work for me then.

What to do?

(V. Mayakovsky "Who to be?".)

Ninth question(historical):

What were the names of the historical records kept by the monk?

In a narrow monastery cell,

Within four blank walls

About old Russian land

The monk wrote down the story.

He wrote in winter and summer,

Illuminated by a dim light.

He wrote from year to year

About our great people.


Question ten(literary):

What were the names of the three Musketeers? (Athos, Porthos, Aramis.)

Question eleven:

Do you guys like dogs? And books about them, probably, read a lot. Find out from the description and give the name of the dog, as well as the work in which it lives: “Black fur, sharp little ears and small funny shiny eyes. He never got bored: he barked across the steppe, chased the crows and was infinitely pleased with himself. " (Totoshka, A. Volkov, "The Wizard of the Emerald City".)

Additional questions (set if the winner has not yet been determined):

First question:

Winter bear den? (Den.)

Second question:

A cat with tufted ears? (Lynx.)

Question three:

Five tried to eat it, but the sixth succeeded? Who is this? (Gingerbread man.)

Second game.

Leading. So, the winner was determined in the first game. Let's applaud him. And I invite the next two members. I represent the team members.


Leading... Let's start the second game!

First question:

Add the proverb: "... - light, ... - darkness". ("Learning is light, ignorance is darkness.")

Second question(literary):

Arrange the literary heroes according to the time in which they lived, starting from the earliest: Uncle Styopa is a policeman, the cat is Matroskin, "little boy". ("Boy-with-finger", Uncle Styopa is a policeman, the cat is Matroskin.)

Question three:

From which fairy tale the words are taken and who is her

Question four(mathematical):

How many minutes are there in a day? (1440.)

The fifth question:

What number is written in Roman numerals: XXIX? (29.)

Sixth question(from the field of natural history):

Garlands of small white bells hang in the spring between large pointed leaves. And in summer, in place of flowers - a red berry. But don't put it in your mouth - it's poisonous. What is it? (Lily of the valley.)

Seventh question(musical):

A fragment from the opera "Sadko" by P. A. Rimsky-Korsakov is played. (N. A. Rimsky-Korsakov, "Volkhov's Lullaby" from the opera-epic "Sadko." , was its director. In the music of "Sadko" the author depicted "seascapes" - seascapes.)

Question eight(literary):

Once upon a time in the cold winter time

I went out of the forest, it was severe frost ...

(NN Nekrasov "Little man with a nail".)

Ninth question(historical):

- "... Prince Yuri, ascending the mountain and looking from it with his eyes here and there on both sides of the Borovitsky hills and the Neglinnaya river, he loved these villages and soon commanded that the city be made small, dervyans and its name ..." event in question? (Foundation of Moscow.)

Question ten(fairy):

What were the names of the three bears? (Mikhail Potapych, Nastasya Petrovna, Mishutka.)

Question eleven:

What was the name of this dog? What work is it from and who is the author? "A young red-haired dog - a cross between a dachshund and a mongrel, very similar in muzzle to a fox." (A. P. Chekhov, "Kashtanka".)

Additional questions.

First question:

What is left after burning wood? (Coal.)

Second question:

A bird that is not afraid of frost? (Penguin.)

Third question(fairy):

What was the name of Ivanushka's sister? (Alyonushka.)

Leading. And now there is a short break - a musical pause.

A musical number is performed.

Leading. And finally, the ending. Hello finalists.

Detailed presentation of the participants: how old, what are they interested in, special achievements.

Final questions

First question:

Add the proverb: "... a sparrow - ... you will catch." ("The word is not a sparrow - it will fly out, you won't catch it.")

Second question(literary):

Arrange the literary characters according to the time in which they lived, starting from the earliest: the postman Pechkin, Gulliver, Alyosha Popovich. (Alyosha Popovich, Gulliver, postman Pechkin.)

Question three:

From which fairy tale the words are taken and who is her

Question four(mathematical):

Three were playing checkers. Three games were played. How many games did each one play? (Two parties each.)

The fifth question:

What number is written in Roman numerals: XXVII? (27.)

Sixth question(from the field of natural history):

About what animals can we say that they crawl out of the skin? (About snakes.)

Seventh question(musical):

Where did the name of this work come from and who is its author?

A work by A. Borodin "The Quartet" is played. (A. Borodin, "Quartet" (from the Greek word "quart", that is, 4 instruments in a quartet).)

Question eight: What genre is it and how is this word translated?

Display of a painting depicting a still life. (Still life - "inanimate nature".)

Ninth question(historical):

- “... Here I am leaving this world, my sons. Have love among yourself, because you are all brothers ... If you live in hatred, in strife and quarrels, you yourself will perish and destroy the land of your fathers and grandfathers, who obtained it by their great labor ... ”Who said these words ? (Yaroslav the Wise.)

Question ten(fairy):

What were the names of the three Russian heroes? (Ilya Muromets, Dobrynya Nikitich, Alyosha Popovich.)

Question eleven:

What is the name of this dog? From which work and who is the author? “He just cut his back half, which he did every day. The curly hair on the front half of the body was brushed; the tassel at the end of the tail was tied with a black bow. A silver watch is not on the front paw. (Artemon. A. Tolstoy, "The Golden Key".)

Additional questions.

First question:

A structure for crossing the river? (Bridge.)

Second question:

The biggest animal? (Blue whale.)

Question three:

The name of the fabulous horse? (Sivka-burka.)

Leading... So, welcome to the winner! Thanks to all the guys who showed their erudition and knowledge!

The winner is rewarded with a large owl, the rest of the participants are awarded with small owls.