The easiest way to get a tattoo machine. How to make a tattoo machine at home

To get a tattoo on your body, you do not have to buy an expensive machine or seek help from a professional tattoo parlor. This equipment can be made at home with little effort. If you look back in history, you can see that the first tattoo machine was made by Samuel O'Reilly, who took elements from the equipment for copying documents as a basis to reproduce the reciprocating movements of an electric typewriter.

Initially, it is necessary to prepare all the necessary parts that will make up the future product. This will require:

  • helium or ballpoint pen;
  • the thinnest string 15 centimeters long;
  • motor and bushing, which can be removed from the tape recorder or purchased on the radio market;
  • small plastic tube.

For the translational movement of the needle, you need to find a gear that can be taken from the same tape recorder. Its diameter should correspond to the size of the engine shaft. This is necessary so that the gear fits snugly on the shaft and cannot rotate. The final component of the product is an energy source that will create a voltage of 3-5V. To do this, you can use a regular power supply.

Before making a homemade tattoo machine, you need to squeeze a ball out of the paste. The paste itself will act as a guide for the needle. We push the string through the paste shaft. In the event that the string cannot pass through the small hole in the rod, you can cut off the rounded part in the place where the ball was previously located. You can also slightly sharpen the string to make it easier to pass through the handle. Before doing this, you need to make sure that the size of the string matches the length of the rod.

Then we take a plastic tube and bend it over low heat so that an angle of 90 degrees is obtained. We attach the engine on one side of the tube, and the handle on the opposite side. You can fix it with electrical tape. When this stage is completed, it is necessary fasten the string to the bushing... To do this, a loop is made in advance at the end of the string, which must correspond to the diameter of the sleeve.

The loop must be made so that it is not tightly tightened, but, at the same time, does not dangle freely on the bushing. Using a soldering machine, the sleeve is soldered to the gear. In this case, you need to withstand correct distance from the sleeve to the center of the shaft. This directly affects the depth of entry into the skin of the needle.

It is also necessary to take into account that the smaller the gear is selected and the closer the sleeve is to the center, the more blows will be applied. By moving the handle towards the motor, you can adjust the speed of the blows. If you want to correctly make a homemade tattoo machine, the assembly video will be a good visual aid.

To check the resulting product in operation, you must first prepare a solution based on black ink. To get a more accurate drawing, the sketch of the tattoo is first applied to the skin with a regular pen. During tattooing, there is no need to rush to press the needle against the body so that it can drive enough paint. If an even black cut remains on the body after the machine, then the machine is working properly. Before applying the tattoo, it is imperative to treat all parts of the machine with alcohol so as not to infect the skin under the skin.

Making a tattoo machine yourself, of course, significantly reduces financial costs. However, it is worth taking into account the disadvantages of such a solution. Making a tattoo yourself with such a machine is not very convenient. The process itself can be accompanied by unpleasant sensations. This, in turn, can be reflected in the quality of the picture.

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Elena Flying Tattoos

In order to get a tattoo on the body.

First, I suggest you watch the author's video about the craft:

Many people, regardless of their faith, wealth, age, in one way or another want to express something in order to be different from the other gray mass of people. All this is done in different ways: some dye their hair, get piercings or join one of the many subcultures, and some get tattoos. Few greet such an expression of themselves, but still there are such people. Getting tattoos in special institutions is a very expensive pleasure, so I want to show how homemade device- tattoo machine.

To make the device, we need the following components:
- helium pen;
- pen or aluminum wire (approx. 12 cm;
- a motor (for example, from a tape recorder or toy car), the more powerful the better;
- guitar string;
- power unit;
- insulating tape;
- lighter;
- sandpaper or a small sander.

Let's proceed directly to manufacturing.

First, take a handle, light a fire and use it to bend the handle:

Next, use pliers to "flatten" the bent tip of the handle:

You need to attach an eccentric or gear to the motor and fix everything with a glue gun:

Cut off half of one handle and use electrical tape to fasten one handle to the other:

You should have a construction like this:

After that, we take a small piece of a metal stick, heat it up over a fire and carefully "melt" it into the eccentric:

After that, we glue that flattened part of the end of the handle, which we made at the very beginning of manufacturing, and carefully glue the motor to the handle:

We take a string and thread it through the eccentric and through the handle:

We pull the string over the eccentric and fix it.

Using a point soldering iron, we fix the wiring from the motor:

We need a power supply unit with wiring, which you can remove from charging to your phone. We attach the wiring from the charging socket to the motor, and from the motor we connect the wiring to the wiring leading to the plug and then to the outlet:

Using glue, we attach our socket to the back of the flattened end of the handle:

In the army, I learned how to assemble tattoo machines, as well as draw and beat half-dead tattoos. I will reveal the secrets of unprofessional cuisine: cattle most of all love to stuff themselves with scorpions. Now he carries the same scorpions, not without my assistance, on his arms and backs great amount demobels. The soldier's main friend is a tattoo "For the Air Force" or "For the Airborne Forces", stamped on the edge of the palm, so that when vodka is poured into his mouth, drinking companions can see this inscription. The images of such animals as scorpions, tigers, dragons are held in high esteem. You can also make a meaningless pattern (Celtic, tribal). Each drawing should, according to thieves' "concepts", mean something neutral, therefore, the meaning of the picture is of interest in the first place. Even details such as open / closed scorpion claws, raised / lowered sting are important.
But the main thing in this matter is the apparatus itself. Assembly homemade tattoo-machines are a simple matter.

To create the apparatus, we need the following items:

The gel pen:

Motor (a motor from a tape recorder, cassette player, VCR, printer is suitable, well, at worst, a motor from a Soviet children's toy will go):


Guitar string (first or second):

Electrical tape (or tape):

Charger for phone or power supply for Dandy:

Let's start by breaking off the devouring part from the spoon, and bending the other part at an angle of 90 degrees.

Let's saw the handle together with the rod. Correct uneven edges with sandpaper or a lighter.

Let's cut out a similar shape from the eraser:

Let's put her on the spit of the motor.

We take the ball out of the handle, maybe even bite it out with nippers.

Let's bite off with the same pliers a string that is four centimeters longer than the handle. The string now needs to be sharpened on sandpaper, grindstone, or Cherkash from matches.

Let's estimate what can come of all this.

Let's apply electrical tape. The rod should rise above the upper plane of the eraser by a millimeter or a couple. When rotating, the eraser should not touch the handle.

We bite off its connector from charging and strip two wires.

We solder or simply twist the charging wires and the motor contacts, insulate abundantly with electrical tape.

The string, coming out of the back side of the rod, is bent at 90 degrees, passes through the eraser and bends at the bottom of it. The principle of operation is the reciprocating movement of the string, produced by the rotational movement of the crankshaft. On the other hand, where the tip of the string is located, there are also rules: the tip should not protrude more than 5 mm from the rod.
The machine is ready for grievous bodily harm.

Tattooing today is one of the personal and creative forms of self-expression. The author of the modern tattoo machine can be considered Samuel Riley - it was he who created its prototype and brought the art of tattooing on new level... We suggest that you read the article and try to make a tattoo machine yourself.

Finding the parts you need

First of all, we need an electric motor designed for a voltage of at least 12 volts (preferably 18 volts). Usually a small gear is mounted on the motor shaft. Take a small four-hole button and glue it to the gear with super glue. Be careful not to tape over the holes in the button, they must remain open to secure the needle. Set the motor with the glued button aside to allow the glue to dry.

You can try using a motor from a VCR or a toy car, but usually they are designed for a voltage of 3 ~ 5 Volts, which will not be enough for a homemade tattoo machine.

Find the right pen or pencil

It will perform two functions simultaneously:

  • serve as a body for a tattoo machine;
  • the pin inside the handle will guide the needle.

For these purposes, a regular mechanical pencil is excellent, regardless of whether it is plastic or metal.

A regular "Bic" type ballpoint pen can be used. Blow out the paste from the rod, remove the ball and, if necessary, slightly widen the hole so that the needle passes freely through it.


With its help, the motor will be attached to the ballpoint pen. You can make it, for example, from a teaspoon. You need to break off the part of the spoon that you are eating. We bend the rest of the handle in the form of the letter "G".

You can also use a toothbrush for this. Use a lighter to heat up the plastic handle and bend it. Keep the brush bent until the plastic cools and hardens.

Needle for tattoo machines

A metal guitar string will be used as a needle for a homemade tattoo machine. Cut a piece of string so that it is a couple of centimeters longer than the length of the previously made pipe.

The needle should reach from the center of the motor to the tip of the tube after assembly (see next photos).

For disinfection - boil the needle for ten minutes. You can prepare several needles beforehand. In this case, you need to store them in a sterile jar.

Getting started assembling a tattoo machine

Connect the ballpoint pen and staple together.

The photo shows how to position the bracket - with the long part along the handle, while the end of the ballpoint pen and the fold should be at the same level. Secure the parts together with electrical tape. The connection must be strong to prevent swaying and loosening.

Attach the motor with the button glued to it in the same way.

Pass a guitar string through a ballpoint pen. After that, bend its end in the shape of the letter "P" and insert it into one of the holes in the button. Turning the motor, you will see that the needle of the tattoo machine moves up and down. Cut off excess length at the needle if necessary.

Connect the power supply.

You can use any charger that is rated for a voltage no lower than the electric motor you are using. For more convenience, you can install a switch or button.

After you are done with the tattoo machine, discard the needle and tube (pencil or pen).

Do not reuse them under any circumstances! Failure to comply with these rules threatens the possibility of contracting diseases such as hepatitis and HIV.

Note: this article is presented for informational purposes only!

Greetings, dear readers of my blog, from the title it is immediately clear what this blog is aimed at and now I want to write detailed instructions About, how to make a homemade rotary tattoo machine.

I don’t want to write a long preface, but I read all the manuals for creating my own wheelbarrow from scrap materials and, alas, they disappointed me, I believe that the instructions should be more understandable for a beginner, so I decided to write it myself, let's go ...

First, let's think about what we need:
1. Motor for ~ 9V.
2. A pen.
3. Clamp.
4. String.
5. Charging from an old phone.
6. Corner.

Let's look at everything in order:
1. The motor may not necessarily be 9V, but this is the most the best option... The motor can be bought on the radio market, for example, I took it out of an old tape recorder.

2. The pen is the most important element our machine, it must meet certain requirements. I have tried many types of pens in order to creating a rotary tattoo machine and finally found the best option. The handle must be capillary, now a little more ...

This is what a capillary pen looks like, as you can see, it has a metal tip through which the string fits perfectly, which means this is what we need! The price of such a "tool" is not as high as you might think; for example, I bought such a pen for 32 rubles.

3. I bought a clamp for the size of my motor with a small margin, as far as I remember the size of my clamp is 15x20mm, it cost me 15 rubles, a penny to put it simply :)

4. The string is also not an unimportant attribute of our car. Before that, I bought the wrong strings and nothing worked for me, because I took the strings in the form of a spring, but I need to buy a string "two"! It is thin and comes in the form of a uniform, metallic wire.

5. I found the charger in my trash deposits, but even if you don't have an old charger at home, you can easily buy it within 50-100 rubles on the local internet forum.

6. It is not even necessary to buy a corner; it is quite possible to find a thin metal plate and make a corner of the desired size out of it.

Now I will finally write about how to assemble our miracle unit:

1. We need to completely disassemble our handle:

2. Then make a corner, I made it from construction fasteners, cutting out this way:

The resulting plate is:

3. We bend our plate and fasten it to the handle with electrical tape:

4. We pass a string through the body of the handle and cut it off with a margin, I cut it with scissors for metal, it is probably better to use nippers ...

5. Now we need to convert the rotational movement of our motor into the translational movement of the string, for this we melt a hole with the help of a heated needle into the plastic tips of the motor, into which we insert the string, something like this:

6. We attach the motor to the corner on a clamp, like this:

Bend the edge of the string 90 degrees and insert it into the previously melted hole.

7. On the opposite side of the motor, the string should come out through a metal insert:

8. Then I soldered the pins from charger to the motor, do not be afraid to confuse "+" and "-" - this is not important!

Then I tightened the bare wires with heat-shrinkable tubes, if you do not have such tubes at hand, then you can use ordinary electrical tape ...

9. Cut the string to the desired length. I pulled the string to the farthest point of the lunge and cut almost all of it:

10. That's basically all, it remains only to sharpen! I recommend using my mother's nail file :). Let's count maximum costs to assemble such a machine ...

1. Motor - 100 rubles.

2. Pen - 35 rubles.

3. Clamp - 15 rubles.

4. String - 30 rubles.

5. Charging - 100 rubles.

6. Corner - 10 rubles.

Total 290 rubles.

I will be glad to your comments, I will answer all questions, pis everyone!