We choose fittings for metal-plastic pipes. Select fittings for metal-plastic pipes Axial Pressing PEX A Pipe

Name.: Victor Ruzhin
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The conversation about the difference and similarity of any products makes sense if in reality they can replace each other when solving the same task. With new construction, reconstruction and simple premises, you need to decide which fittings to use and why.

Fitting, they are called "connecting details", in addition direct connection pipes with each other allow you to simultaneously branch or stick different types Pipelines, for example, transition from a polymer pipe to steel or copper. We found out that the fitting solves several tasks. What qualities should the perfect fitting be posted?

The perfect fitting should:

  • Do not interfere with the passage of fluid, i.e. The inner diameter of the fitting must be as close as possible to the diameter of the inner section of the pipe.
  • Be 100% hermetic
  • Accelerate the compound assembly process (otherwise to be easy to assemble
  • Do not lose your properties over time, i.e. be durable
  • Eliminate the possibility of error when assembling, i.e. Easy mounted
  • Have an acceptable price

Most often when connecting pipes from PEX and metal polymer pipes (metalplastic) use special types of fittings, but with equal wall thicknesses and outer diameter for assembly, fittings can be used, originally intended for metal plastic. On the contrary, it is impossible to do.

Let's consider first Fittings for crosslied polyethylene pipes .

Accene type fittings with gils - The most common connections for PEX pipes. They are arranged very simply and consist of two elements: in fact, the fitting part of the fitting (the part of the fitting, which is put on the edge of the pipe) and the fixing sleeve. Both fittings and sleeves can be made of metal (brass sometimes) or plastic (polyfinyl sulfone, polyvinyl fluoride, polyethylene). are axial type fittings and produced only from brass. To assemble an axial connection, a special tool is required. Due to the fact that in the design of the fitting, uniform maximum durable materials are used, the compounds are not weakened over time, and their service life exceeds 50 years and, therefore, they are suitable for laying in concrete.

To connect metal-polymer pipes there are two types of fittings: thread Fittings Typebut and so-called press fittings .

First type of fittings for metal pipes called "Crimple" . It is a combination of nuts with a collet ring and fitting with fitting and outdoor threadwhich when tightening fix the edge of the pipes on the fitting. To collect such a connection is enough to have a hex key. In these compounds there are no other materials except brass. However, such fittings are not suitable for laying in the tie of the floor or walls, because threaded connections Over time, it can be relaxed and must always be open to check and tightening. This type of compounds is most often used to finish apartments and country houses or cottage.

The following type of fittings for metal plastic is Press fitting . The name comes from the English Press - i.e. compression. For such compounds, a special tool is always used, which is round ticks, which crimp the steel sleeve (removable or fixed) around the fitting fitting, thereby sealing the connection. A feature of such fittings is the use of several materials in their design at once: brass (less often PPSU) for fitting, of stainless steel For the sleeve, EPDM rubber for seals on the fitting and a paronite for a dielectric strip. Due to the heterogeneity of these materials, they lose strength with different speedthat limits the service life of the entire compound to the maximum of the 10th year. Such connections do not provide 50 summer term service, which is mandatory when placed in concrete structures (Floor screed, overlaps or walls). It can be concluded that the use of such compounds is justified only when finishing the premises and when laying pipes in temporary decorative partitions (often from plasterboard or other panels).

We looked at three types of compounds, one for PEX pipes (axial with a sliding sleeve) and two for metal-polymer pipes (crimp and press compound). Only axial fittings have a service life of 50 years ensure the reliability required in modern capital construction. Today in Russia in construction apartment houses from horizontal systems Heating In most projects, cross-linked polyethylene pipes are used with axial fittings.

Teceflex is a system of polymer pipes with a wide area of \u200b\u200bapplications in internal engineering systems. Brass fittings are certified and allowed for pipeline networks drinking water, heating, gas supply and compressed air. The special design of TECEFLEX Metal Pipes makes them suitable for universal application. The exception is a pipe for a gas, which outer layer yellow color. Therefore, Teceflex is really a universal pipeline system.

Universal Pipeline System for All Applications in Outdoor Engineering Equipment

  • Can be used in pipelines of drinking water, heating and compressed air - "5 systems - one fitting"
  • Technology of compounds without sealing rings
  • Pipes and fittings Practically with the same inner cross section
  • Tolstone, unlocked metal-polymer pipes with diameters 14-63 mm
  • Sustainable Mounting Errors Technology
  • Simple tools
  • A wide range of brass fittings with diameters 14-63 mm
  • PPSU fittings (from polyphenylsulfone) diameters 16 and 20 mm as an inexpensive alternative
  • Resistant to errors and reliable
  • High heat resistance and compression strength

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TECEFLEX pipes are supreme with fittings by axial pressing. Only the pipe material is used as a seal. No other means, such as sealing rings or sealing tape, is not required. The technology of compounds without sealing rings is highly resistant to montage errors and especially hygienic.

Teceflex offers a wide range of brass fittings. Universal brass fittings Apply for pipeline networks of drinking water, heating, gas supply and compressed air. Fittings are made of a special corrosion-resistant brass (with a low leveling of zinc) recognized in Europe and the recommended DVGW. In accordance with the current drinking water directives, it is suitable for water of any quality.

DVGW approval confirms the hygienic and biological suitability of Teceflex for drinking water pipelines and long term Services - minimum 50 years. Strong side Also is the technology of axial pressing without sealing rings. There are no cavities in the compounds, and the water forcing is important from a hygiene point of view. Materials used for fittings are approved throughout Europe. Thanks to the use of corrosive (CR) brass, Teceflex fittings do not need additional protective layers with a complex application technology. Techeflex system is suitable for drinking water of any quality.

TECEFLEX Metal Pipe is equally suitable for pipelines of drinking water, heating, surface heating and compressed air. Pipe for gas supply is different only yellow. Due to the special design, the universal pipe has a high margin of reliability, retains a round cross-section when bending and does not forms burrs when cutting. Inner trumpetIn contact with the medium, made of PE-XC polyethylene registered in DVGW.

Up to 32 mm diameter inclusive, Techeflex connections can be done using hand tools. Most compounds are performed using only muscular power. No electricity and batteries need. Tools are very light and extremely reliable. They do not need regular maintenance. To connect the pipes, you just need to wind the press sleeve on the covering fitting part of the pipe - it turns out a hermetic connection!

Good day to everyone who reads this article. In it, I will briefly tell about axial fittings and pipes for them. Currently, they are becoming more and more popular. Especially in developers who use them everywhere, where it is impossible. I try to start all your articles with definitions and there will be no exceptions.

What is axial fitting?

Axial fitting is brass or plastic fittings for cross-linked polyethylene pipes with a special sliding sleeve. The connection of such fittings with pipes is carried out using two special tools:

  • Extender mechanical or electric - extension polyethylene pipe. After that, it becomes possible to insert the fitting into the pipe.
  • An axial press electric or mechanical - this tool pulls the sleeve for the fitting. This is done using special replacement lips.

As usual, for a better understanding, look at the following pictures:

Electric axial press.

And one more picture:

Manual and electric extension for pipes.

The entire inventory described above is sold by sets in which the expander includes the press and various nozzles for them. In most sets of nozzles begin from 14 mm and end with a size of 32 mm. It looks like this:

Now, to expand the horizons, let's talk about what stitched polyethylene is

What is stitched polyethylene.

Anyone who kept the plastic bag in their hands knows that it is a material. For cold water, it is applied, but for heating and hot water supply such material does not fit. To increase the strength of such pipes, a molecular stitching of polymer chains among themselves is used. This allows you to get good characteristics The strength of the material at relatively thin walls of the pipes (for heating, pipes with SDR 7.4 are usually used). There are several types of polyethylene stitching:

  • PEX-A is the chemical crosslink method using the addition of peroxide.
  • PEX-B is a chemical method of stitching the addition of silane.
  • PEX-C is the radiation method of stitching.
  • PE-RT - stitching by adding copolymer during production

In addition, such pipes are produced with an antidiffusion layer of EVOH ethylene vinyl alcohol. Such a pipe will already be five-layer as metal plastic. To be clear, see below:

It must be said that if you can cut such a pipe and you will look at her end, then there will be no layers. But this does not mean that there are no them there and you were deceived, they are simply all transparent and smoothly go one into another.

Now I will give you specifications Pipes from stitched polyethylene:

I remind you that the higher the temperature, the shorter the life of such pipelines. This I speak specifically for those who want to connect such a pipe directly to solid fuel boiler. Now let's talk about where axial fittings can be used. Yes, and I almost did not forget! If you are going to make warm floors with such a pipe, it is very desirable that the length of the contour does not exceed 100 meters. Otherwise, due to the large circulation on the contour there will be no.

Where can I use axial fittings and pipes for them?

Axial fittings, as mentioned above, are intended to connect pipes from stitched polyethylene. According to they can be used in the heating systems for private and apartment buildings, in water supply systems and for transporting non-aggressive liquids (for example, refrigerants).

In the heating systems of apartment buildings, pipes are used with a thicker wall than in private homes and cottages. And for you can use pipes with a wall of 2.0 millimeters. Fittings themselves can be made of both brass and special plastic - PPSU. This personally my opinion, but brass seems to me more reliable. I repeat, I am mine and not necessarily correct.

Now let's discuss the features of the installation of this material.

Installation of PE-RT and PEX pipes with axial fittings.

The main way to install these types of pipes is hidden. That is, the pipes are stacked inside the walls or floors. If we are not talking about water warm floorsThe pipe is stacked in the corrugation that protects it from mechanical and other damage. As for, there was a separate article that I recommend reading. But in order not to be unfounded, I propose to watch a video dedicated to the installation of PEX or PE-RT pipes with axial fittings:

I can say that such a way of installation on the shoulder of any person and any special wisdoms and tricks here. Prices for the tool, of course, bite, but now it can be easily leased at the rental or sellers themselves.

The results of the article.

As a result, we can say that the use of cross-linked polyethylene for wiring heating or house water supply is worthy of your attention. The pipe itself will be much cheaper than metal plastic and at the same time will have almost all of its advantages. An exception here will be only that it does not hold the shape of the bend as well as PEX-AL-PEX. PE-RT or PEX, in my opinion, are the most profitable solution for water warm floors and heating gaskets using radial wiring. If you take a water pipe, then at the price there can only compete polypropylene pipes. There is no taste and color of the comrade. That's all, waiting for your questions in the comments.

Pipeline system from can be installed using different types connecting fittings. The choice of one or another solution is not always obvious, because each type of fittings has its advantages and disadvantages.

Crimp fittings

Crimping fittings are also called compression and collet, due to the principle of crimping connection. Read more about crimp fittings can be found. .

The advantages of crimp fittings:

  • Easy installation. Special skills and "golden hands" are not required. Can be mounted in hard-to-reach places.
  • Available tool. Mounting with common horn keys, a special expensive tool is required.
  • Collapsible connection.If necessary, the connection can be easily disassembled using horn keys.
  • Reusable use. Canguild fittings for metal-plastic pipes can be used again after disassembling the connection. It is only necessary to replace the deformed, during the installation process, a split collet ring.

Disadvantages of crimping fittings:

  • Low mounting speed.The low processability of the process leads to a relatively long installation of compression fittings.
  • Selling passage. This leads loss of pressure in the system due to the high local hydraulic resistance in compression fittings.
  • You can not be deposited. Crimp fittings are suitable only for open wiring, because they require periodic control and prophylactic suspenders. It is necessary to provide free access.

Radial press fittings with crimping press sleeve

Radial press fittings appeared later crimp fittings, but quickly became very popular among professional installers. .

The advantages of radial press fittings:

  • Can be deposited. The high reliability of the radial press connection allows the use of radial press fittings for the device of the warm floors system, hidden mounting in building structures (walls, floors)
  • Universality. You can use pipes and fittings different manufacturers. Table of selection and replacement of radial press fittings, taking into account the crimping profile.
  • Efficiency. Complete system is cheaper than other types of fittings

Disadvantages of radial press fittings:

  • Special tool required. When installing radial press fittings, it is necessary to use a professional expensive press tool.
  • One-time use. When dismantling the connection site, the press fittings are removed along with the pipe.
  • Selling passage. This leads loss of pressure in the system due to high local hydraulic resistance in radial press fittings.
  • Not like for hard-to-reach places.

Axial press fittings with gils

Axial press compounds were developed for pipes from stitched polyethylene (PEX), and then began to be used for metal-plastic pipes.

Advantages of axial press fittings:

  • Connection without sealing rings.With axial pressing, the pipe itself becomes a seal. Therefore, the reliability of the connection increases and it is not necessary to make the pipe calibration with the discontinuity of the chamfer.
  • Reduced segment of passage. Axial press fittings with a sliding sleeve are distinguished by relatively small pressure loss, which beneficially differs from the other types of fittings for metal-plastic pipes (crimping, radial press and push fittings). This allows the use of pipes and fittings of a smaller diameter with the same hydraulic parameters, in comparison with the system on radial press fittings.
  • Can be deposited. High reliability axial press connection Allows the use of axial press fittings for a device of a system of warm floors, hidden installation in building structures (walls, floors)
  • Reusable use.Axial press fittings and gils from brass, bronze and stainless steel allow reuse. The compound can be disassembled, heating the construction hairdryer.

Disadvantages of axial press fittings:

  • Requires an expensive special tool. When installing axial press fittings, it is necessary to use two types of special tools: tube expander and axial (sliding) press.
  • Does not sound for hard-to-reach places.It must be borne in mind that the tool is difficult to use in hard-to-reach places.

Push fittings / push fittings

Push-fittings (Push - put pressure, push the English) is the last, in the time of appearance, the type of fittings for metal-plastic pipes. For a relatively short time several generations of these self-locking fittings were presented.

The principle of the action of Push-fitting is to self-mix the pipes inserted into it. When installing the pipe is pressed into Push-fitting, putting on an integrated fitting with sealing rings. The system of spring-loaded inner rings tightly presses the pipe to the stacker and does not give her opportunities to get out of fitting. Two EPDM sealing rings provide the desired tightness of the connection. The pipe should be calibrated with the removed domestic chamfer.

Advantages of Push Fittings:

  • No special tool required. It takes only a pipe cutter and a calibrator.
  • Easy installation. Special skills and "golden hands" are not required. You can independently mount on the push fittings pipeline from metal plastic pipes.
  • Accelerated installation.Push fittings allow you to fulfill a large amount of work in a short time.
  • Suitable for hard-to-reach places
  • Can be deposited. Push fittings have reliability , Sufficient for hidden editing in building structures (walls, floors).

Disadvantages of Push Fittings:

  • Selling passage. This leads to the loss of pressure in the system due to the high local hydraulic resistance in Push fittings.
  • High price.These are the most expensive fittings for metal-plastic pipes.
Summary table selection of fittings for metal-plastic pipes

Radial press fittings

Axial press fittings


Crimp fittings

The possibility of hidden pads

Multiple use


The presence of seals in fittings

Setention in fittings

Time and Easy Mounting

Connection reliability


System cost

The cost of the tool kit