Two-pipe system of heating benefits and disadvantages. Two-pipe system of heating of a private house: we use the scheme and make it yourself

When refusing ineffective centralized heating In favor of the individual system, the owner of the apartment is difficult to decide what is better: a single-tube or two-pipe heating system. Thusll, what type of system is better to choose for installation, what is the difference between these connection schemes and how significant it is.

Advantages and disadvantages of one-tube and two-pipe heating systems

The main difference between the two heating schemes is that a two-pipe connection system is more efficient in operation due to the parallel location of two pipes, one of which feeds the heated coolant into the radiator, and the other - the cooled fluid.

A single-tube system circuit is a sequential type wiring, and therefore the first connected radiator receives the maximum amount of thermal energy, and each subsequent heats up is weaker.

However, efficiency is an important, but not the only criterion to which you need to rely on, deciding to choose one or another scheme. Consider all the pros and cons both options.


  • simplicity design and installation;
  • saving materials due to the installation of only one highway;
  • natural coolant circulation, possible due to high pressure.


  • complex calculation of thermal and hydraulic network parameters;
  • problematization of elimination of errors allowed when designing;
  • all network elements are interdependent, with a malfunction of one section of the network ceases to operate the entire contour;
  • the number of radiators on one riser is limited;
  • adjusting the receipt of the coolant in a separate battery is not possible;
  • high coefficient heat loss.

Two-pipe heating system


  • the ability to install the thermostat for each radiator;
  • independence of the network elements;
  • the possibility of cutting additional batteries in the already collected line;
  • easy to eliminate errors made at the design stage;
  • to increase the volume of coolant in heating devices, no additional sections do not need to add;
  • lack of limitations of the length of the contour in length;
  • the coolant with the desired temperature is supplied throughout the pipeline ring, regardless of the heating parameters.


  • complex scheme connections compared to one-tube;
  • greater consumption for materials;
  • installation requires high time and labor.

Thus, the two-pipe heating system in all respects is more preferable. Why do the owners of apartments and houses refuse her in favor one-pipe scheme? Most likely, this is due to the high cost of the installation and the large consumption of materials necessary for laying two highways at once. However, it is necessary to take into account the fact that a two-pipe system involves the use of a pipe of smaller diameter, which are cheaper, therefore the total cost of arranging a two-pipe version will not be much larger than one-tube.

Owners of apartments in new buildings were lucky: in new homes, unlike residential buildings of Soviet buildings, a more efficient two-pipe heating system is increasingly used.

Types of two-pipe systems

Two-pipe systems are divided into species depending on:

  • type of contour (open and closed);
  • method and direction of water current (flowing and impasse);
  • method of moving the coolant (with natural and forced circulation).

Systems with open and closed circuits

Two-pipe system open type In urban apartments, it did not take place due to the features associated with the upper layout of pipes involving the use expansion tank. This device makes it possible to monitor and replenish the heating system with water, but the apartment does not always have a place for mounting such a volumetric device.

Flowing and deadlock

In the running system, the direction of water current in the feed and discharge pipe does not change. With a dead-end scheme, the coolant in the feed pipes and return moves in opposite directions. Bypass are installed in such a network, and radiators are located on closed areas, which makes it possible to turn off any of them without disturbing the operation of heating.

With natural and forced circulation

For natural water circulation, the laying of pipes is made with a mandatory slope, an expansion tank is installed at the top point of the system. Forced circulation is carried out at the expense of the pump installed in the return pipe. Such a system requires air vent valves or cranes of Maevsky.

Components of a two-pipe system of individual heating

Two-pipe network scheme individual heating Apartments include the following elements:

  • heating boiler;
  • thermostatic valves for radiators;
  • automatic air vent valve;
  • device for balancing;
  • pipes and fittings;
  • radiators;
  • valves and cranes;
  • expansion tank;
  • filter;
  • temperature gauge;
  • circulation pump (if necessary);
  • safety valves.

Installation of a two-pipe heating system with upper and lower wiring

The two-pipe system has varieties according to the installation scheme. The most commonly used top and bottom types of wiring.

Upper layout

Laying the upper wiring involves mounting work To fasten the heating system under the ceiling part of the room. To batteries installed in places of cold air accumulation (window openings, balcony doors), branches are served from the main pipeline. In the lower part of the pipeline, which is diverting, the liquid falls, in the process of cooling the cooling process. Such a system is suitable for extensive premises, in one-room or two-room apartments The installation of the heating with the upper wiring is not recommended, as it is from the economic and from the design point of view, it is unprofitable for the owner.

Installation of the heating circuit with an upper horizontal wiring is performed according to the following scheme:

  1. The angular fitting required to connect the pipe, directed up, is mounted to the cape of the boiler.
  2. With the help of tees and corners produce horizontal mounting Top Line: Tees are installed above the battery, angles - on the sides.
  3. The final stage of installation of the upper horizontal is the installation of tees with nozzles on a battery, complemented by overlapping valve.
  4. At the bottom branch, the accurate ends are made to the overall return highway, on the plot of which the injection pumping station (circulation pump).

Lower layout

In the network S. lower layout Mounted discharge channels and supply heat pipes. The superiority of the bottom mounting scheme is expressed as follows:

  • The heating pipes are located in the lower, unobthetic part of the room, which gives more opportunities to implement various design projects.
  • Minimum pipe consumption: all installation work is carried out almost at the same level. The wiring point and the radiators nozzles are located at a short distance from each other.
  • Due to the simplicity of the scheme, the installation of such a system will be under power even non-professional.

Important! The lower wiring is mounted only if the coolant circulation will be carried out forcibly in otherwise Water will not move along heating pipes. This scheme is applicable exclusively in urban apartments or single-storey buildings.

One of the minuses of the scheme is the complexity of adjustment and balancing, but the simplicity of installation and reliability in operation blocks these disadvantages.

  1. Mounting works start from removal from the boiler nozzles with an angular fitting downward.
  2. The wiring is performed at the floor level along the wall using two the same pipe diameter. One of them connects the cap of the boiler with the entrance to the battery, the other is summarized to the receiving pipeline.
  3. Connections of radiators with pipes are performed using tees.
  4. The expansion tank is located at the highest point of the feed pipe.
  5. The end of the discharge pipe is connected to the circulating pump, the pump itself is located at the entrance to the heating tank.

Two-pipe heating system

There are only two types of heating systems: single-tube and two-pipe. In private homes, try to establish the most efficient heating system. It is very important not to be done, trying to reduce the cost of buying and installing the heating system. Providing houses with warmth - it consumer work, And so that the system does not have to establish a newly, it is better to understand thoroughly, and savings to implement "reasonable". And in order to conclude that which of the systems is better, it is necessary to figure out the principle of operation of each of them. Having studied the advantages and disadvantages of both systems, both from the technical side and with material, it becomes clear how to make an optimal choice.

One-pipe heating system

Works on the principle: on one trunk tube (riser), the coolant rises to the upper floor of the house (in the case of a multi-storey house); All heating devices are sequentially connected to the downward highway. In this case, all the upper floors will be heated intensively than the lower. Well common practice in multi-storey houses Soviet buildings, when on the upper floors is very hot, and on the bottom - cold. Private houses, most often have 2-3 floors, so one-tube heating does not threaten a large contrast of temperatures on different floors. In a single-storey structure, the heating is almost uniform.

Advantages of a single-tube heating system:hydrodynamic stability, ease of design and installation, small material costs and means, as it is required to install only one highway for the coolant. Increased water pressure will provide a normal natural circulation. The use of antifreeze increases system efficiency. And though, this is not best sample The heating system, she got very widespread due to the high savings of the material.

Disadvantages of a single-tube heating system: complex thermal and hydraulic network calculation;
- It is difficult to eliminate errors in the calculations of heating devices;
- interdependence of the work of all network elements;
- high hydrodynamic resistance;
- a limited number of heating devices on one riser;
- the inability to regulate the flow of the coolant into separate heating devices;
- High heat loss.

Improvement of single-tube heating systems
A technical solution has been developed that allows you to regulate the operation of individual heating devices connected to one pipe. Special closures are connected to the network - bypass. Bypass is a jumper in the form of a pipe segment, which connects the straight pipe of the heating radiator and reverse. It is equipped with cranes or valves. Bypass makes it possible to connect automatic thermostators to the radiator. This allows you to adjust the temperature of each battery and, if necessary, overlapping the coolant supply to any separate heating device. Due to this, you can repair and replace individual devices without turning off the entire heating system. Proper connection Bypassa makes it possible to redirect the flow of the coolant for a riser, bypassing the replaceable or repaired element. For high-quality installation such devices, it is better to invite a specialist.

Vertical I. horizontal scheme riser
According to the installation scheme, one-tube heating is horizontal and vertical. Vertical riser is the connection of all heating devices sequentially from top to bottom. If the batteries are consistently connected to each other throughout the floor - this horizontal riser. The disadvantage of both connections are air traffic jams that occur in heating radiators and pipes due to accumulating air.

The heating system with one trunk rummer is completed heating devices, having increased characteristics regarding reliability. All single-tube systems are calculated on high temperature and must withstand high pressure.

Installation technology of a single-tube heating system
1. Installing the boiler in the selected place. It is better to use the services of a specialist from service CenterIf the boiler is warranty.
2. Installation of the main pipeline. If an improved system is mounted, then the mandatory installation of tees in the locations of radiators and bypass. For the heating system with natural circulation When installing pipes
create a bias of 3 - 5to per meter of length, for a system with forced circulation of the coolant - 1 cm per meter of length.
3. Installation of the circulation pump. The circulation pump is calculated to the temperature to 60 ° C, so it is installed in that part of the system where the lowest temperature, that is, at the inlet of the reverse tube to the boiler. Works pump from power supply.
4. Installation of the expansion tank. An open expansion tank is installed in the highest point of the system, closed - more often next to the boiler.
5. Installing radiators. Make marking places to install radiators, fix the latter using brackets. At the same time, we maintain the recommendations of the manufacturers of devices to comply with the distances from the walls, windowsills, gender.
6. The radiators are connected by the selected scheme, installing the cranes of the Maevsky (for heavy radiators), overlapping cranes, plugs.
7. Pressing the system is carried out (air or water is supplied to the system under pressure to check the quality of connection of all system elements). Only after that the coolant is poured into the heating system and the test system is performed, adjustment elements are configured.

Two-pipe heating system

In the two-pipe heating system, the heated coolant circulates from the heater to radiators and back. This system is characterized by the presence of two branches of the pipeline. In one branch, transportation and distribution of hot heat carrier takes place, on the second - cooled fluid from the radiator returns to the boiler.

Two-pipe heating systems, like single-tube, are divided into open and closed Depending on the type of expansion tank. In modern two-pipe closed heating systems, expansion tanks of membrane type are used. Systems are officially recognized as the most environmentally friendly and secure.

By the method of connecting elements in a two-pipe heating system, distinguishes: vertical and horizontal system.

IN vertical system All radiators are connected to the vertical riser. Such a system allows in a multi-storey building to connect separately to the riser every floor. With such a connection, there are no air traffic jams during operation. But the cost of this connection is slightly higher.

Two-pipe horizontal The heating system is mainly used in single-storey houses With a large area. In this system, the heating devices are connected to a horizontal pipeline. Racing for wiring the connection of heating elements is better installed on staircase or in the corridor. Aerial traffic jams Breasted by Maevsky cranes.

Horizontal heating system happens bottom and upper wiring. If the bottom layout, then the "hot" pipeline passes at the bottom of the building: under the floor, in the basement. In this case, the return highway is laid even lower. To improve the circulation of the coolant, the boiler is plugged so much so that all radiators are above it. Even below is the return highway. Upper aerial line, necessarily included in the contour, serves to remove air from the network. If the wiring is top, then the "hot" pipeline passes at the top of the building. The place for laying the pipeline usually serves a warmed attic. With good insulation, heat loss pipes are minimal. For flat roof This design is unacceptable.

Advantages of a two-pipe heating system:
- At the design stage, it is provided for the installation of automatic thermostators for heating radiators and, therefore, the ability to control the temperature in each room;
- Pipes on the premises are bred according to a special collector system, which ensures the independence of the operation of the chain devices;
- in other words, the elements of the chain in the two-pipe system are connected in parallel in contrast to the one-tube, where the inclusion is consistent;
- in this system you can cut the batteries even after assembling the main line, which is not possible when one-pipe system;
- A two-pipe heating system is easy to extend in the vertical and horizontal direction (if you have to hold a house, then the heating system is not necessary).

For this system, it is not necessary to increase the number of sections in the radiators in order to increase the volume of coolant. Especially eliminated errors made at the design stage. The system is less vulnerable to defrost.

Disadvantages of a two-pipe heating system:
- a more complex connection scheme;
- a higher project price (much more pipes are required);
- more time-consuming installation.
But these shortcomings are very well compensated in winter timeWhen the house takes the maximum heat accumulation.

Installation of a two-pipe heating system
I. Installation of the heating system with upper horizontal wiring
1. To the nozzle emerging from the boiler, mount the corner fitting, which turns the pipe up.
2. Using tees and corners, mount the upper line. Moreover, the tees are attached over the batteries.
3. When the upper line is mounted, the tees are connected to the top of the battery, the overlapping valve is installed at the dock point.
4. Then mounted the lower branch of the discharge pipeline. It bypasses the perimeter of the house and collects all the pipes coming from the bottom of the batteries. Typically, this branch is mounted at the ground level.
5. A free end of the discharge pipe is mounted into the receiving boiler nozzle, if necessary, the circulation pump is installed before entering.

This method is mounted and closed system With constant pressure supported by the injection pump, and an open heating system with an open expansion tank in the highest point.

The main inconvenience of the two-pipe heating system with an upper wiring is the installation of an expansion tank outside the warm room on the ceiling overlap. The heating system with the upper wiring also does not allow to make the selection of hot water for technical needs, as well as combine the expansion tank with the expenditure tank of the water supply system of the house.

II. Installation of the heating system with lower horizontal pipe wiring
The system with the lower layout came to replace the two-pipe heating system with the upper pipe laying. This made it possible to place an open-type expansion tank in a warm room and an easily accessible place. There was also a possible suction of pipes, combining the expansion tank and the expendable tank of the water supply system at home. The compatibility of the two tanks eliminated the need to control the level of the coolant, allowed, if necessary, to use hot water directly from the heating system.
In such a scheme, the discharge highway remains at the same level, and the feed - falls on the level of removal. It improves aesthetics and reduces pipe consumption. But it works only in systems with forced circulation.

Installation sequence:
1. On the boiler nozzles are mounted downward angular fittings.
2. At the floor level, two lines of pipes are mounted along the walls. One line is connected to the feeding of the boiler, and the second to the receiving one.
3. Each battery is installed tees connecting batteries with a pipeline.
4. At the upper point of the feed pipe, an expansion tank is installed.
5. As in the case of the upper wiring, the free end of the discharge pipe is connected to the circulation pump, and the pump is to the inlet of the heating tank.

Service two-pipe heating system
For high-quality maintenance of the heating system, it is necessary to implement a whole range of events, including adjusting, balancing and configuring a two-pipe heating system. To adjust and balance the system, special nozzles are used, located in the uppermost and the lowest point of the heat pipe. Through the upper nozzle, air is discharged, and through the lower supply or drain water. With the help of special cranes, strengthen the air in batteries. To adjust the pressure in the system used special containerin which air is injected using an ordinary pump. Special regulators, reducing the pressure into a specific battery, configure the two-pipe heating system. The consequence of the redistribution of the pressure is the leveling of temperatures between the first and last batteries.

Most of the heating systems of multi-apartment and private houses are built according to this scheme. What is its advantages and is there any deficiencies?

Can a two-pipe heating system be mounted with their own hands?

The difference between the two-pipe heating system from one-tube

Let's first decide that it is generally for the beast - a two-pipe heating system. That she uses two pipes - it is not difficult to guess from the name; But where do they behave and why do you need?

The fact is that for heating heating device Any coolant needs its circulation. It can be achieved one of two ways:

  1. Single-pipe diagram (so-called barny type)
  2. Two-pipe heating.

In the first case, the entire heating system is one big ring. It can operate with heating devices, or, which is much wiser, they can be put in a parallel of the pipe; The main thing is that through the heated room does not pass separately and reverse pipeline.

Rather, in this case, these functions combine the same pipe.

What in this case we get, and what we lose?

  • Dignity: minimum costs Materials.
  • Disadvantage: a large scatter of the coolant temperature between radiators at the beginning and at the end of the ring.

The second scheme is a two-pipe heating - a little more complicated and more expensive. Through the entire room (in the case of a multi-storey house - at least two pipelines go on one thing or in the basement) - the feed and reverse.

According to the first hot heat carrier (most often, the usual technical water) is sent to heating devices to give them heat, on the second - returns.

Each heating device (or a riser with several heating devices) is placed in the gap between the feed and reverse.

The main consequences of this connection scheme are two:

  • Disadvantage: Much more pipe flow per two pipelines instead of one.
  • Dignity: the ability to apply for all heating devices of the coolant of about the same temperature.

Tip: For each heating device, in the case of a large room, it is necessary to put an adjusting throttle.

This will allow to equalize the temperature more precisely by making it so that the water current from the feed in the raise in the near radiators will not "close" more distant from the boiler or elevator.

Features of two-pipe heating systems in apartment buildings

When apartment housesOf course, no one puts throttles into separate risers and does not regulate the water consumption permanently; The equalization of the temperature of the coolant at different distances from the elevator is achieved by another method: the feed and return pipelines running through the basement (the so-called heating fiery) has where large diameterthan heating risers.

Alas, in new houses built after decay Soviet Union and the disappearance of a rigid state control over construction organizations It began to practice the use of pipes of about the same diameter on risers and litter, as well as thin-walled pipes installed on welding valves and other cute signs of a new social building.

The consequence of such economies is cold radiators in apartments at the maximum distance from the elevator assembly; According to fun coincidence, these apartments are usually angular and have general wall With Street. Pretty cold wall.

However, we retreated from the topic. The system of two-pipe heating in an apartment building has another feature: for its normal functioning, water should circulate through the risers, lifting and dropping up and down. If something prevents her - the riser with all the batteries remains cold.

What to do in case the home heating system is running, but radiators have room temperature?

  1. Make sure the valve on the riser is open.
  2. If all flags and lambs in the "open" position are shut down one of the pair of risers (we, of course, talk about the house with, where both foxes are located in the basement) and open the scope located next to it.
    If water comes with a normal pressure - obstacles to normal circulation of riser, except air in its upper points, no. Tip: Sale more waterUntil after a long frying of the air-water mixture, a powerful and stable jet of hot water will not go. Perhaps in this case you will not need to climb the top floor and burst there air - circulation after launching will be restored.
  3. If the water does not go - try to rebuild the riser in the opposite direction: perhaps somewhere stuck a piece of scale or slag. The countertock can be taken out.
  4. If all attempts did not have actions and the riser does not go to the reset - most likely the search for the premises in which the repair was made and the heating devices changed. Here you can wait for any Caverza: removed and plugged radiator without jumper, completely cropped riser with plugs at both ends, blocked from general considerations Chokes - Again in the absence of jumpers ... Human stupidity truly gives an idea of \u200b\u200binfinity.

Features of the upper filling system

Another way that the two-pipe heating system is carried out is the so-called upper bottling. What is the difference? Only in the fact that the feed pipe is moving into the attic or the upper floor. Vertical trumpet Connects a feeding with an elevator.

Circulation from top to bottom; The path of water from feeding to the return at the same height of the building is twice as shorter; All air is not in the jumpers of risers in apartments, but in a special expansion tank in the upper part of the feed pipeline.

The launch of such a heating system is immeasurably simpler: because for the full work of all the heating risers, you do not need to fall into each room on the top floor and burst there.

It is problematic to turn off the risers if you need to repair: after all, you need to go down to the basement, and climb the attic. Shut -ling fittings Located there, and there.

However, the above two-pipe heating systems are still characterized in more than For apartment buildings. What about private owners?

Starting with the fact that in private homes used 2-pipe heating system can be radial and sequential by type of connecting heating devices.

  1. Rayad: From the collector to each heating device there is its own feed and its return.
  2. Sequential: from the general pair of pipelines, radiators are powered by all heating devices.

The advantages of the first connection scheme are mainly reduced to the fact that, with such a connection, the balancing of the two-pipe heating system is not required - no need to adjust the crossings of throtters from the radiators located closer to the boiler. Temperature and so everywhere will be the same (of course, at least about the same length of the rays).

Its main drawback is the largest pipe consumption among all possible schemes. In addition, the eyeliner to most of the radiators will simply be unrealistic to stretch along the walls, saving enough decent appearance: They will have to hide under the tie during construction.

You can, of course, to drag both on the basement, but remember: in private houses of basements of sufficient height with free access there are often not there. Moreover, radiation scheme Something is convenient to use only during the construction of a one-story house.

What do we have in the second case?

Of course, from the main disadvantage single-tube heating We left. The temperature of the coolant in all heating devices theoretically may be the same. Keyword - in theory.

Adjusting the heating system

In order for everything to work exactly how we want, you will need to configure the two-pipe heating system.

The configuration procedure itself is extremely simple: it is necessary to twist chokes on radiators, starting with the closest to the boiler, reducing the flow through them. The goal is to make it so that the reduction in the flow of water through the neighboring heating devices increased water consumption on distant.

The algorithm is simple: slightly press the valve and measure the temperature on the far heating device. The thermometer or to the touch is in this case anyway: the human hand perfectly feels the difference of five degrees, and more accuracy we do not need.

Alas, a more accurate recipe, except "jog and measure", it is impossible to give: calculate the exact patency for each throttle at each temperature of the coolant, and then also adjust it to achieve the necessary numbers - the task is unwise.

Two points that need to be taken into account when the two-pipe heating system is adjusted:

  1. It takes a lot of time simply because after each change in the dynamics of the coolant, the temperature distribution stabilizes for a long time.
  2. Adjusting the heating of a two-pipe system should be carried out before the onset of cold. It will not give you to defrost the home heating system if you missed the setting.

Tip: With a small amount of coolant, you can use non-freezing coolants - the same antifreeze or oil. It is more expensive, but you can leave the winter house without heating, without fear for pipes and batteries.

Horizontal layout system

With the horizontal arrangement of the feed and return pipeline, the last time from its faith - private and low-storey houses - began to penetrate the multi-storey new buildings.

Apparently, it is most related to the fact that the popularity of apartments - Studios began to gain popularity: with a large area of \u200b\u200bthe room without inland partitions Just unprofitable to pull the stands through the floors, as it implies 2 pipe heating system vertical type; It is much easier to make a wiring horizontally.

The two-pipe horizontal heating system in a typical modern house looks like this: risers from the basement go through the entrance. On each floor in the risers, the risers are made, which through the valve is served coolant to the apartment and remove the spent water in the return pipeline.

Nevertheless, the rest exactly as in a private house: two pipes, batteries and chokes on each of them. By the way, the horizontal heating system is a two-pipe or single-tube - it is easier to repair: to dismantle and replace the pipe section, it is not necessary to disturb the integrity of the overlap; This is undoubtedly worthwhile to record such a scheme.

The heating system horizontal two-pipe has one feature that follows from its device and imposes its mark on the launch of heating. In order for the heating device to carry a maximum heat from the coolant to the air of the room, it must be filled completely.

And this means that each such heating device, being in a typical case above the feed and return pipelines, must be equipped with a crane of Maevsky or any other discharge at the top.

Tip: Maevsky's cranes are very compact and aesthetic, but are not the most convenient device To remove air from the radiator.

Where aesthetics is unimportant (for example, when heating devices are closed with decorative lattices), it will be more convenient to put a watershed tap with a spout or a ball valve.

We will not make this feature in the list of shortcomings: bypass the batteries in one apartment once a year - it's small work.

How easy it is to guess, the heating system is two-pipe horizontal - this is not only a solution strictly for one-storey buildings or for apartment buildings with studio apartments. For example, a two-storey house with separate rooms can also be heated in the same way; We only have to make a wiring identical on both floors and bring pipelines from the boiler to both systems.

Of course, balancing such a heating system will have to pay a little longer; But this event is one-time, and it is easy to survive once for several years.

Finally, several definitions and just useful tips.

In the direction of water current in the pipelines, the heating system 2 x pipe can be dead-top and direct.

  • The two-pipe the deadlock of heating is a system in which the coolant moves along the feed and reverse pipeline in opposite directions.
  • In the direct-flow two-pipe heating system, the current direction in both pipelines coincides.

In private homes, two-pipe heating systems can be used both with forced and natural circulation.

  • Forced circulation of the coolant provides a circulation pump; This quiet and low-power device is supplied, in particular, in one case with many electrocotors.
  • Natural circulation is used in minor heating systems; The principle of its work is based on hot water It has less density and rushes up.

A two-pipe closed heating system, that is, a system with constant pressure and without both water-based and the inflow of the coolant from the outside, is the most popular solution for private houses with electrocotors.

In order to transfer heat to distant rooms from solid fuel boiler Or the stove, it is quite suitable and an open one and two-pipe system.

The project of a two-pipe heating system may include radiators of any type, registers and convectors as heaters; The warm floor implies another connection method.

In order to perform the installation of the heating of a two-pipe system, of course, it is better to attract specialists to participate in the works. However, the abundance of materials on this topic on the Internet and simplicity of assembling of modern water supply and heating systems with fittings and machines for makes it possible to perform this work and the amateur - there would be a desire.

If you are mounted, a two-pipe system of heating of a two-storey house, when balancing the system, it is worth considering the feature of the reporting floors in the heat distribution plan: with other things being equal on the second floor there will always be warmer.

Among the multitude of ways of laying thermal highways around the house, the system of heating is the heating of two-pipe. It is practical, reliable in work and is easy to perform, especially if applied modern materials For mounting radiators and highways. If desired, the ordinary user will be able to assemble such a heating system with its own hands, not attracting installers, whose fulfillment often does not shine quality.

General view and scope of application

In contrast to a single-pipe wiring, the 2-pipe heating system is aimed at feeding the coolant to all heating devices of the same temperature. 2 separate pipelines are supplied to radiators, one hot heat carrier moves from the boiler to batteries, and otherwise the cooled water is returned back. The diagram of the two-pipe heating system provides that the heating appliances are connected to both branches.

As a rule, the movement of water in two-pipe heating systems is carried out using a circulation pump. This allows you to make a pipeline network of any complexity and branching to ensure heating the most remote premises. But if necessary, the scheme is made of both the samotane, without the use of the pump. Used pipes big diameterLocked open way With a slope of at least 10 mm per 1 m length of the pipeline. The two-pipe system of the private house is distinguished by the following advantages:

  • reliability in operation;
  • the efficiency due to the supply to the heating instruments of water with the same temperature;
  • versatility, which gives the opportunity to lay the branches of heat supply open and closed method;
  • convenience of balancing;
  • the possibility of automatic control of thermostatic valves;
  • relative simplicity of installation work.

Thanks to the universality of the scheme of the area where it is possible to use two-pipe heating, very wide. These are civil buildings of any destination and floors, as well as production workshops and administrative buildings.

About pipe laying methods

When organizing the heating of private houses, a dead-end scheme of a two-pipe heating system is most often used. A group of radiators joins 2 highways alternately - from the first to the last instrument.

The required water consumption in each radiator is provided by pre-balancing and automatic adjustment with the help of radiator valves with thermal heads.

In addition to a dead-end scheme, other types of wiring are widely used:

  • passing (loop Tichelman);
  • collective wiring scheme.

With associated wiring there are no first and last radiators, this horizontal two-pipe heating system is a ring that feeds the coolant group of heating instruments.

The battery, the first account on the feed line, is the last on the return pipeline. That is, the coolant for the feed and in the return is moving only forward, and not towards each other (in the way). Due to the fact that the water in the loop passes the same distance, the two-pipe horizontal heating system with associated movement is initially hydraulically balanced.

The strong side of the reservoir heating system with the lower layout is two-pipe connections each heating device to one distribution node - collector. Such are used in the organization of water outdoor heating. Laying individual branches to each battery is carried out hidden way in the screed or under wooden outdoor coating. Regulation and balancing is performed in one place - on a collector equipped with special valves and flow meters (rotameters).

In accordance with modern requirements for interior design in homes, heating with lower layout is most often used, allowing to hide the pipes into the walls and floors or lead them open over the plinths. The two-pipe heating system with an upper wiring, when the feeding line is located under the ceiling or in the attic, is in demand when organizing samotane networks. Then the heated coolant rises under the ceiling straight from the boiler, and then the horizontal tube is diverged across the batteries.

Operating pressure in the network schemes are divided into 2 types:

  1. Open. At the top of the system, an expansion tank is installed, communicating with the atmosphere. The pressure at this point is zero, and near the boiler is equal to the height of the water column from the top to the bottom of the heating network.
  2. Heating systems closed type. Here the coolant is given an overpressure of 1-1.2 bar, and there is no contact with the atmosphere. The closed expansion tank of the membrane type is located at the bottom point, next to the heat source.

Twinkting two-pipe systems are horizontal and vertical. With a vertical scheme, both highways turn into risers that fit the inter-storey overlap in the installation places of the heating devices. It is characteristic that the coolant to the risers is still fed by horizontal collectors laid in the lower or top of the house.

Choice rules

Regarding the choice of a suitable heating system there are several general recommendations:

  • with unreliable power supply at home, when the circulation pump is often disconnected, there is no alternative to a two-pipe dead-end scheme with an upper wiring;
  • in the buildings of a small square (up to 100 m²), a dead-ended or passing two-pipe heating system with lower wiring will be appropriate;
  • installation of vertical risers make in multi-storey buildingswhere the planning of each floor is repeated and radiators are in the same places;
  • in the cottages I. wooden houses A large area with high interior requirements is customary to arrange a collector system with a gasket of branches under the floors.

All possible options are impossible, there are too many of them. To choose the optimal, homeowner is recommended to portray the battery layout scheme, squeeze them on paper different waysAnd then perform the calculation of the value of the materials.

Before placing the installation of a two-pipe heating system, it is necessary to choose the pipes of a suitable diameter.

For a dead-end network small housewhere coercive coolant circulation is planned, it is easy to do: a pipe with a diameter of 20 mm is accepted on the highway, for supplying radiators - 16 mm. In a two-story house with an area of \u200b\u200bup to 150 m², the required flow will provide a pipe with a diameter of 25 mm, the eyeliner remains the same.

For collector scheme The eyeliner is performed by 16 mm pipes, and the laying of highways to the collector is performed from the pipelines of 25-32 mm depending on the area of \u200b\u200bthe floors. In other cases, it is recommended to access specialists in design, they will help to choose optimum scheme And the size of all branches.

To mount the heating of the house, you should choose pipes from a suitable material from the list:

  1. Metal pipelines. When assembling on compression fittings No special tools are required, only keys. More reliable press connections are performed by ticks.
  2. Stitched polyethylene. This material Also combined with compression and press fittings, and the REHAU pipes - the expansion method and the locking ring.
  3. Polypropylene. The cheapest option, but requiring some joint welding skills and the presence of a welding machine.
  4. Corrugated stainless trumpet Joining clamping fittings.

Steel and copper pipelines are not considered, because it is not necessary to make heating from them for everyone, the skill and experience is required. The assembly of the system is made from the boiler with the subsequent addition of radiators and shut-off valves.

At the end of the network is checked for tightness using the crimping pump.

The water heating system can be a single-tube and two-pipe. Two-pipe is called so because you need two pipes for work - a hot heat carrier is supplied to the radiators from one of the boiler, on the other from the heating elements, the cooled and is supplied again to the boiler. With such a system, boilers of any type on any fuel can work. It can be implemented both forced and natural circulation. Two-pipe systems are installed and in one-storey, and in two or many storey buildings.

Advantages and disadvantages

From the method of organizing the circulation of the coolant, the main minus of such a method of organizing heating is subject to a double number of pipes compared to the main competitor - a single-tube system. Despite such a position, the cost of acquiring materials is slightly slightly, and all due to the fact that under the 2-pipe system, smaller diameters and pipes are used, and, accordingly, fittings, and they are much less. So as a result, the costs of materials are larger, but slightly. What is really more, so it works, and accordingly it is required twice again.

This disadvantage is compensated by the fact that each radiator can be put in a thermostatic head, with which the system is easily balanced in automatic mode, which cannot be made in a single-tube system. On such a device, put the desired temperature of the coolant and it is constantly supported with a small error (the exact value of the error depends on the brand). In a single-pipe system, you can implement the ability to adjust the temperature of each radiator separately, but for this you need a bypass with a needle or three-way crane, which complicates and increases the cost of the system, reducing notes in cash on the purchase of materials and time to install.

Another disadvantage of the two-tube is the impossibility of repairing radiators without stopping the system. It is inconvenient and this property can be circumvented, if you put near each heating device for feeding and reverse ball Valves. Bring them, you can remove and repair the radiator or heated towel rail. The system will function as much as possible.

But there is a heating organization important advantage: Unlike one-tube, in the system with two highways for each heating element, the water of one temperature comes from the boiler immediately. Although it strives to go along the path of least resistance and then the first radiator does not apply, the installation of thermostatic heads or cranes for regulating the flow intensity solves the problem.

There is another advantage - less pressure loss and easier realization of self-heating or the use of lower power pumps for systems with forced circulation.

Classification 2 pipe systems

Heating systems of any type are divided into open and closed. In the closed, an expansion tank of a membrane type, which makes it possible to function the system when increased pressure. Such a system makes it possible to use not only water as a coolant, but also compositions based on ethylene glycol, which have a reduced freezing temperature (up to -40 ° C) and are called antifreeze. For the normal operation of the equipment in heating systems should be used special compositionsdeveloped for these purposes and not general purposeAnd even more so, not automotive. The same applies to the additives used and additives: only specialized. Especially hard to adhere to this rule when using expensive modern boilers with automatic control - Repair during malfunctions will not be warranty, even if the breakage is not connected directly with the coolant.

IN open system At the top point is embedded with an open-type expansion tank. It is usually connected to a pipe for removing air from the system, and also organize a pipeline for draining excess water in the system. Sometimes from the expansion tank can take warm water for household needsBut in this case you need to make the system to make automatic, as well as not to use additives and additives.

Vertical and horizontal two-pipe system

There are two types of organization of a two-pipe system - vertical and horizontal. Vertical applies most often in high-rise buildings. She requires more Pipes, but it is easily implemented by connecting radiators on each floor. The main advantage of such a system is an automatic air output (it seeks up and comes out there or through the expansion tank or through the buckthor).

The horizontal two-pipe system is used more often in one-storey or, maximum, in double-storey houses. For airbagging from the system on radiators, Maevsky cranes are installed.

Two-pipe horizontal heating scheme of a two-story private house (click on the picture to zoom in scale)

Top and Lower Wiring

According to the method of laying the feed, the system is distinguished from the upper and lower feed. At the top wiring, the pipe goes under the ceiling, and it is lowered from it to the feed pipe radiators. The reverse goes along the floor. This method is good because it is easy to make a system with natural circulation - the height difference creates a stream of sufficient force to provide good speed Circulation, it is only necessary to observe a slope with a sufficient angle. But such a system is becoming less popular due to aesthetic considerations. Although, if at the top under the suspension or stretch ceilingThis form only the pipes for devices will remain in sight, and in fact, you can be wrapped in the wall. Top and lower layout are used in vertical two-pipe systems. The difference is demonstrated in the picture.

At the bottom wiring, the feed pipe goes to lower, but higher than the return on. The supply tube can be positioned in the basement or semi-basement room (the return is even lower), between the draft and finishing floors, etc. You can bring / allocate the coolant to radiators by passing the pipes through the holes in the floor. With this location, the connection is obtained the most hidden and aesthetic. But here you need to select the location of the boiler: In its position relative to the radiators, it does not matter - the pump "sells", but in systems with natural circulation, radiators should be above the boiler level, for which the boiler is plugged.

The two-pipe system of heating of the two-story private house is illustrated in the video. It has two wings, the temperature in each of which is regulated by valves, the lower type of layout. The system with forced circulation, because the boiler hangs on the wall.

Tepique and passing two-pipe systems

A deadlock is called such a system in which the movement of the supply of heat carrier and the inversion is multidirectional. There is a system with a passing movement. It is called still loop / scheme "Tichelman." Last option It is easier balancing and configured, especially with long-standing networks. If radiators with the same number of sections are installed in the system with the associated movement of the coolant, it is automatically balanced, while the impressive thermostatic valve or needle valve is needed on each radiator.

Even if the radiators and valves / valves are installed with the "Tielman" scheme, the radiators and valves / valves should be put, then the chance is to balance such a scheme much higher than the dead-end, especially if it is quite extended.

To balancing a two-pipe system with a multidirectional movement of the coolant, the valve on the first radiator is required to be screwed very much. And there may be a situation at which it will be necessary to close so that the heat carrier will not flow there. It turns out then you need to choose: it will not warm the first battery on the network, or the latter, because it will not be possible to align heat transfer in that case.

Heating systems for two wings

Nevertheless, more often use the system with a dead-end scheme. And all because long the line of the return and collect it more difficult. If your heating circuit is not very large, it is quite possible to adjust the heat transfer on each radiator and when a dead-end connection. If the contour is large, and I don't want to do the loop "Tichelman", you can divide one large heating circuit into two wings of smaller size. There is a condition - for this it should be technical opportunity Such a network construction. At the same time, in each contour after separation, it is necessary to put the valves that will be adjusted by the intensity of the coolant flow in each of the contours. Without such valves, balance or is very difficult, or impossible.

Different types of coolant circulation are demonstrated in video, it also provides useful tips on the installation and selection of equipment for heating systems.

Connecting heating radiators with a two-pipe system

In a two-pipe system, any of the ways of connecting radiators are implemented: diagonal (cross), unilateral and lower. Most the best waydiagonal connection. In this case, the heat transfer from the heating device may be in the region of 95-98% of the nominal thermal power of the device.

Despite different values Heat loss with each of the types of connection, they are all used, simply in different situations. Lower connectionAlthough the most unproductive, more often occurs if the pipes are laid under the floor. In this case, it is realized the easiest. You can connect radiators with a hidden gasket and on other schemes, but then large areas of pipes remain, or it will be necessary to hide them in the wall.

The side connection is practiced if necessary with the number of sections not more than 15. In this case, there are almost no heat losses, but with the number of radiator sections, more than 15 requires a diagonal connection, otherwise the circulation and heat transfer will be insufficient.


Despite the fact that two-pipe schemes More materials are used, they become more popular due to a more reliable scheme. In addition, such a system is easier to compensate.