Internet Speed \u200b\u200bTest 2IP COM UA. Why do speed tests different results

Many modern Internet providers declare that provide maximum data transfer rate. How truthful is this statement? Different factors are influenced by various factors: day of week, time, communication channel load, communication status, maintenance of the servers used, even the weather. Customers who acquire a specific package of services want to be sure that their money will be provided with the Internet with the stated speed. In this article we will inform you how to find out the speed of the connection, as well as what services are best used for this purpose.

How can I check the Internet speed?

To check the speed of the Internet, we will use special services available on the network. This method It is the most accurate, affordable and convenient. Measurement of speed at the same time is carried out from the computer before the server on which the service is running. Indicators in all cases will differ from each other.

We will measure the incoming speed, as well as extending (the speed with which we give information, for example, via torrent).

These indicators are usually different from each other, outgoing speed, as a rule, less incoming. The best will be considered the service that showed the greatest incoming speed.

Before testing, you must perform the following actions:

  • Close all applications, with the exception of the browser (especially those programs that can download anything).
  • Wait for the end of downloads or suspend them in the browser.
  • To ensure that the operating system is not updated during the check or other applications.
  • So that Windows Firewall does not affect the results, it is also desirable to disable it.

Services by which you can check the speed

The network has several services through which you can check the data transfer rate :, etc. You can test a few of them and choose the most suitable. Below we consider the most popular of these services.

Internet meter from Yandex

To test the speed of your connection using this online service, you must. Having done it, you will see a big button. yellow color « Change" Here you can see your IP address. To Yandex start testing, you must click on the button and wait a bit. The duration of testing is determined by the speed itself. If the speed is too low or there are communication interruptions, the test may hang or end the error.

Yandex, testing the speed, downloads and downloads a test file several times, after which it calculates the average value. The strong failures, it cuts off, so that the maximum accurate determination of the connection speed is ensured. However, despite this, after repeated checks, we obtained various results, the error of which was 10-20 percent.

In principle, this is normal, because the speed is a non-permanent indicator, it jumps all the time. Yandex argues that this test accurately determines the speed, but many factors affect the result.


Very popular. With it, you can not only determine the speed of your Internet connection, but also to learn the IP address of the computer. This service will issue full information on your IP address, check any of your file to viruses, and also tell you a lot. interesting information About any site on the Internet (site engine, IP, distance to the site, the presence of viruses on it, its availability, etc.).

To check the speed, click on the "Tests" tab on the inscription "Internet connection".

After that, specify the rate declared by your provider so that the service can compare it with a real speed, and then press the large button " Test" By running a few re-checks, you will need to enter a simple captcha.

This service issued almost 3 times higher outgoing compound speed and a slightly lower incoming speed. A BB code is offered to insert the test results on the forum. To insert the code to the site it will need to be appointed independently.

Speed \u200b\u200bchanges after each re-test were insignificant - within ten percent.

This is a very convenient, serious service that allows you to determine the speed of your Internet connection with maximum accuracy. Although this site is located in America, the server is used for the test, located next to the user, so this server is suitable for everyone, regardless of their location.

This "chip" allows you to get the highest results, but it has its own negative sides. The user received the user has the ability to compare with the stated data provider, but the real speed of the Internet has a lower just for the reason that the remaining servers are scattered throughout the planet. Therefore, it is advisable to use multiple services to check the speed at the same time.

It works all this on flash animations, so it may not earn everything. To start testing, follows, then press the " Start check».

After the testing process is completed, the user can see the link to the picture, which he can independently insert on the website, as well as a BB code designed for the forums.

As you can see, this test showed a high incoming speed and normal outgoing, but we managed to achieve such results only with the fifth attempt, since the results differ significantly. But at similar speeds approximate to theoretical, this situation is normal.

Speedwave tournaments periodically pass on the service, during which you can compete with other participants or just learn what kind of speeds are at all.

After registering on the portal you will be available the story of all your checks, thanks to which you can compare various indicators. You can run periodically test, and then check the story for the year in graphical representation. It will clearly demonstrate you, whether your provider develops upwards or it's time to change it.

You can also visit a foreign service that tests no longer speed, but the quality of communication. The thing is also necessary. The service closest to you is selected, after which the level of communication quality from this service is tested. We have the following results:

"Grade B" - it is believed that this good quality Communication. Packet Loss (i.e., loss of packages), if it is zero, this is a very good indicator.

Click the "Run Test" button.

It does not average the values. Picture If you wish, you can insert on the forum or the site. Each repeated test showed completely unpredictable results, and the most big number Real indicators did not reach.

Try, perhaps you will have the result better, we will no longer use this service.

This server is tested only incoming speed. Test high-speed Internet with this service does not make sense, it can only come in handy to people using not very fast Internet or modem. There are 5 packets used to start testing.

The results are displayed for comparison average results for different interfaces, as well as your result for comparison.

Let's summarize

The maximum possible indicators characteristic of our Internet connection failed to identify no service. Therefore, for testing the maximum incoming speed, you can use the program. Find a popular distribution for this, in which there are 20 or more siders, download it and watch the speed.

Exercising testing, remember that the low speed of your computer can be the cause of low speed.

Many users of computers are often faced with low Internet speed. If you have connected high-speed Internet, and it is repeatedly or constantly freezing, then the first reason can be the provider. Also on the Internet speed can influence viruses, browser, and computer problems.

Many users of computers are often faced with low Internet speed. If you have connected high-speed Internet, and it is repeatedly or constantly freezing, then the first reason can be the provider. Also on the Internet speed can influence viruses, browser, and computer problems.

Before deciding what to do to increase the speed of the Internet, you must first find out its speed at the moment. In this article, we will tell you how to check the speed of the Internet on a computer with Windows 7, and with other operating systems, so that you will fully have been able to express a claim to the provider.

Internet speed check through

The most convenient and more accurate sites for checking the Internet speed is considered.

But before starting the check, learn the status than the provider's speed of the Internet, most often they indicate the speed "to", for example up to 100 MB / seconds. Immediately it is worth saying that this lie, rarely meet the Internet, which will be able to reach a speed of 100 mg / second, (although Rostelecom issues even more declared under the contract of speed.

In this case, the declared speed is 50MB, and as can be seen in the screenshot, the speed of receipt is really higher), but our task will check if there will be at least 2-3 MB / s that will be enough to run music or video less quickly.

  • 1 . We go to the site by reference
  • 2 . Click on the "Start Check" button or if you have the English version of the website "Begin Test".
  • 3 . After pressing the button starts checking the speed of the Internet. You do not need to do anything, the program itself will check. It is advisable to disable all the processes that the Internet is loaded, as they may affect the final indicators. The verification process will take from a few seconds to a minute.
  • 4 . In the end, you will see Ping (Ping), (a little about the ping itself. Ping (from English) is called the reaction time of the Internet connection: namely, as a quick client computer, send a request, receives a response from the server. Ping is measured in milliseconds (MS, MS), and naturally the smaller Ping - the better . An ideal value is up to 40 ms, above - already a bad ping, which leads to "freezing" network applications). Download speed (download speed) and UPLOAD SPEED. The main thing is to know the speed of receipt, if it is 5 MB / second, then this speed is quite enough. Our task is to verify the real speed of the Internet with the stated provider. If they do not match even close, then you need to urgently contact the provider, or change it to another.

Checking the speed of the Internet through

If you want to fully make sure the speed of your Internet can use another site 2IP. . But know, both submitted sites can be slightly mistake, so count the average after checking the speed.

  • 1 . Go to the site by reference.
  • 2 . In the left side of the screen, click the "Speed \u200b\u200bInternet Connection" button in the "Tests" field.
  • 3 . On the page that opens, check if your location and internet provider is indicated. If all the data coincides, click on the "Test" button.
  • 4 . Wait a few seconds while the program counts the speed of the Internet.
  • 5 . After checking, the page will open in which your IP, provider, platform, ping and time will be written. Just below green numbers are the speed of your Internet.
    As already mentioned, both services are checked in their own way. different time. If there was 2 mg / s on Speedtest, and in 2IP 1 mg / s, then the average check speed will be 1.5 mg.

Yandex. Internet meter - Internet speed check

Our many good and useful services, including checking the speed of the Internet. We go through this link -, and press the "Measure" button

Now you know how to check the speed of the Internet on the computer. If you want to always know the current Internet speed, you can download a special program to the computer. But such programs have a minus - they slowly slow down the computer and the Internet connection. Therefore, you need to solve such a program on a computer or not!

Many who have already come across the service speed check services, noticed that the result of these tests is quite often dispersed with the tariff plan (speed provided by the provider). Most are not engaged in the details and subtlety of the services, prefer to believe the indicated speed check results, may be for the first time, open site. And then calls to the technical support provider with complaints and complaints. Often, long negotiations with technical support ends with nothing - the recommendations of the technical personnel are difficult, or scary. And, as the result - the client is not satisfied.

We have conducted a small testing of the most popular services for checking the Internet connection and decided to find out what the services still give the greatest preference, as well as tried to find out why such different results Show speed measurements. On each of the sites we spent from 3 to 5 measurements, leading the best indicators here.

For testing, a simple system unit with a two-core processor was used, 2 GB random access memoryinstalled operating system Windows 7. The computer does not set, the firewall is disabled. All components and modules (including Flash player) are updated. Used browsers: Opera, Chrome, Fire Fox, Safari, testing was carried out in each of them. The network board is the most inexpensive, with the speed of the interface - 100 Mbps (Full Duplex). The computer was connected to a 3-meter twisted pair to the L2 Cisco switch with a port 1 GB / s (AUTO) and an external interface (Internet channel) 2 GB / s (LACP Bonding Mode 2).

Total, an analogue of broadband Internet access with a speed limited to the bandwidth of the computer's network card is 100 Mbps. by Ookla - Global Speed \u200b\u200bCheck - Probably one of the first and most popular services for verifying the main network parameters. The test itself is created on the basis of flash technologythat, on the one hand, beautiful, conveniently and clearly, on the other hand, it can bring - not the correctly installed flash player on your computer, or the browser's Flash module is not able to implement the speed testing fully, and, as a result - errors in measurement .

The web-interface of the page, looks like a map with the ability to select a server with which you want to test.

When opening a page, the service determines your location. Very useful in this service. Availability of a server selection with which you want to test, because the smaller the intermediate nodes between your computer and the server, the more accurate the measurement results will be.

Before starting testing, a ping test occurs - the server response time for your appeal to it.

Immediately, after measuring the ping, the download speed is measured - download.

After measuring your incoming speed, the service will automatically start measuring the outgoing speed - upload, the speed with which you can download and transmit files to the Internet.

Testing outgoing speed - upload.

After the work of all tests - ping, incoming and outgoing speed, the results will appear on the screen with the proposal to repeat the test ( Test Again.), or choose another server ( New Server) To check the parameters of the Internet.

Testing result.

Further using the service chose another, the most distant server in Kiev, the data to which will be held through several data centers, we will show the effect of intermediate nodes on the accuracy of testing measurement.

Select a remote server located in Kiev.

Testing speed with a server located in Kiev.

It is worth paying attention to the increase in ping to 13 ms, which indicates data delays on intermediate servers and routers located between us and Kiev.

Result for by Ookla - 95/95 Mbps With our bandwidth, 100 Mbps is the most accurate result.

If you need to do testing with our server located in Torez, go here. - Speed \u200b\u200bCheck for All Devices - Just like uses Flash technology to measure the network speed. Everything is more modest here, selection of servers (button SELECT Server) For testing is small, only about 15, the location of which says that the service is focused on America and Japan. Namely to us was Frankfurt (Germany).

The result of the inspection, to put it mildly - no. With our actual width of the channel 100 Mbps, the service showed only 11 Mbps - 10 times lower from our real speed. Moreover, you failed to check our outgoing speed with this service.

Testing the speed of

All wine remoteness of the server and a large number of intermediate nodes to it. We counted 8 pieces.

Route tracing to Server -

Result for - 11 / - Mbps With our bandwidth 100 Mbps - this service is not suitable for our region. - Portal of network services - Probably one of the first Russian-speaking services for the Internet. Among them and speed check service.

Before checking, the service proposes to introduce your speed by the tariff plan, for further evaluation - the stated / actual one.

The lack of the choice of the Naja Server affected the results.

Result Speed \u200b\u200bInternet Connection -

Despite the fact that the service is focused on Russian-speaking network users, he himself is in Germany, so the service is more suitable for Western regions of the CIS countries (Kaliningrad, St. Petersburg ...). In view of the fact that there is a large number of nodes between us and the service, it does not fit for accurate measurements.

Result for - 27/7 Mbps

PR-CY.RU - Analysis and testing of network resources - Another popular Russian-speaking service, specializes in sites analysis, speed check service on it - as a pleasant addition to other services.

The speed check page contains a card with which you can select a preferred server with the smallest number Nodes on the way to it for the most accurate result.

Speed \u200b\u200bcheck page - PR-CY.RU.

After pressing the button "Start the Internet Speed \u200b\u200bCheck Test"First, the server response time is measured (ping), after which the incoming and then the outgoing Internet speed is automatically produced.

Testing the speed of the Internet on the site

The result of testing the speed of the Internet.

The result of the inspection disappointed, deviations of more than 20%. Most likely the owner of the resource does not put the accuracy of measuring the speed of the Internet and pay more attention to the accuracy of other services.

Result for - 80/20 MbpsIn our opinion, a dubious service for our region.

On this, we consider quite comparative tests. Our goal was to show that speed check services are no more like entertainment, it is not more or less serious. We specifically did not consider the rest of the services, such as.

Hello, dear blog readers Website. There is a lot of online services allowing to do this, and they will be discussed below. But often all this is not necessary - only quickly test your Internet channel And to understand how much it corresponds to the tariff plan, for which you pay the cash provider.

Not so long ago, the Bourgeois service "NPERF SPEED TEST" suggested installing their script to the site. It works very clearly and perfectly copes with his task - check the quality of your connection with the global network. Simply click on the "Start Test" button Bully below (this is not a screenshot, but a completely working speedometer).

First measured data loading speed from the network (as a rule, this test is the most important for most users), then goes measurement rate of recoil, well, at the end is calculated ping. Delays in response when accessing any server on the Internet.

Yes, in fact, what to say. Try yourself. Just above, the window of this online meter is shown and you only need to click on the button.

Right here measure the speed of the Internet on the computer

Despite the fact that the above speedyman is extremely simple in circulation and, which is important, completely translated into Russian, it is worth saying about several nuances associated with its use. It is usually one or two minutes by checking (depending on the speed of your connection), after which you can see the test results in the same window:

The main indicators will see in the right column:

  1. Download speedthe most important characteristic For those who often shakes something "heavy" from the Internet.
  2. Unloading - Testing the reverse channel for which you will pour files to the network. It is important for those who laid out something on the Internet, for example, videos on YouTube loads, (on,) or something else, or in large quantities. It is also important when you actively work with cloud services. Although in the latter case both values \u200b\u200bof speed are important.
  3. Delay - It is essentially good old, which is very important for those who play over the network. It will determine the speed of the response, i.e. Reaction time to your actions (the quality of the Internet channel is tested). If the delay is large, it will be difficult to play or is impossible at all.

I have a MGTS Internet provider (GPON) and a tariff with a declared channel width of 100 Mbps. As can be seen from the charts of the speed measurement, this figure did not work in one direction. In principle, this is normal, for I have a signal transmission from the router to a computer electrical networkin which, apparently, there are tip. In addition, there are several other consumers of the Internet in the apartment except me and make them stop not in my power.

Let us return, however, to our instrument of measurements. On the right in its window you will see the name of your provider and the IP address of your computer. Under the button "Start Testing" is available. wrenchby clicking on which you can select speed measurement units:

By default, megabits are used per second, but megabytes can be selected, as well as kilobytes or kilobits. , You can see the link. In general, the speed in megabytes will be about eight or nine times less than in megabits. The theory should be 8 times, but there are service packages that eat part of the channel speed.

We might slightly in the possibilities of the meter and the differences from competitors (about competitors will be discussed below):

  1. Like other similar online meters, it works on Flash, but it does not require any additional plugins - it works in all browsers including mobile
  2. This speed test is designed for HTML5 and knows how to measure channels width more Gb / s, which is not available to many other online services
  3. You can check any connection type including WiMAX, WiFi and Local Networks

Yes, this AIDS test allows you to choose a placeFrom where they will be downloaded and where data is sent, in the speed of the transmission of which you will also judge the quality of your Internet channel. By default, the server is selected for testing (?) The closest to your current location (it is easy).

But the program may be mistaken, or you yourself for any reason you will need to measure the quality of the connection of your computer with a server from another country. It is easy to do this by simply clicking on the corresponding line at the bottom of the window (see Screenshot above).

How to check the speed of the Internet on the phone

In principle, it is possible in the same way. Open this page on your mobile phone, then click on it on the start button "Start testing and waiting for the result". The meter script is quite correctly working on mobile devices and gives the characteristics of direct and reverse Internet channels, as well as the response speed (ping).

If this method seems to you somewhat inconvenient, you can try put on your own mobile phone attachment "Speed \u200b\u200bTest" from NPERF. It is quite popular (half a million installations) and largely repeats what you have already seen:

But after testing the speed of direct and reverse channel, as well as ping measurements, the Speed \u200b\u200bTest application will still measure the download time of popular social networks (web surfing) and determines how your internet connection is suitable for watching streaming video (Streaming) of various quality (from low to HD). According to the test results, a consolidated table is formed and a total assessment is issued (in parrots).

Where else can you measure the speed of the Internet?

Below I want to give examples of free online serviceoV that allow you to measure the speed of your Internet connection, find out my or your IP address from which you go to the network, determine your location, check the site or file to the virus, find out if the right port will be separated from you on your computer and much more.

The most famous of them are Speedtest (, I.InBeternetometer (, as well as the universal online service 2IP (, which, besides measuring the connection speed and definition of the IP address, can do many different things , right up to anonymous (anonim) surfing on the Internet. Let's consider them all in order.

Speedtest (

The most popular online internet speed test service is proud name Speedtest. (from the word Speed \u200b\u200b- speed).

As a result of its use, you will learn the incoming and outgoing speeds of your Internet compound. However, you can feel the possibilities of a full-fledged tool, only by visiting the developer site. It is located at (there is no speed seat), and, for in the latter case you will be taken to an indecent resource.

I met a speedtest immediately as soon as I connected my first unlimited tariff, because I wanted to check if my new provider did not deceive me about the speed of the channel provided me. This later, I was interested in more advanced possibilities of 2IP and other similar to him, about which it will be discussed in the continuation of this publication.

To activate speed test It will be enough to click on the "Start" button. Although you can first select the location of the server from which the check will be performed ("Change server" button):

True, I liked their old design much more. Previously, the measurement of the speed of the Internet in speedtest occurred very clearly (the data transfer was displayed between the chosen city and your computer) and the expectation of the result did not cause negative emotions:

Now solid bugs (return the old design Speedtest!):

Internet meter from Yandex

If the speed checks in speedtests do not arrange you or seem unreliable (and maybe just flash you will not start), then you help will come Online service Yandex - (before he was called Yandex Internet -

Immediately after entering the site, you will see the unique address of your computer from which you went to the Internet meter, as well as other summary information about your browser, screen resolution and location (determined based on IP).

For, to determine the speed of your Internet connectionwill sufficiently click on this service yandex internet button in the form of a green ruler "Measure" And wait a minute before the end of the test:

As a result, you will learn how your channel corresponds to the stated provider characteristics, as well as you can get the code to publish test results. In general, the Internet meter from Yandex is simple to disgrace, but its main task (measurement of the channel width or, in other words, the connection speed) is fully worn.

Test speed in 2IP and Ukrtelecom

With a 2IP, I am familiar enough for a long time, but at the time when I just started to use it, I was not interested in all his capabilities that could come in handy and webmasters. Or maybe there were no more such possibilities there.

When entering the main page of 2 IP, you will immediately get the opportunity to learn and use the whole range of other mini-services:

Well, among other things you can measure the speed of your Ineta in 2IP . Before starting testing, disconnect all downloads, close the tabs in from online video, and then you can fill in the fields with the stated Internet Channel width provider to download and return, and you can simply score and click on the "Test" button:

To check the incoming and outgoing speed of your Internet connection, it will take some time, after which you can evaluate the test results, and at the same time and get the code to insert the widget with the results of measurements, for example, in the message on the forum or somewhere else:

You can check the speed of the Internet connections not only in the services described above, but also in a number of others. For example, Speedtest Ukrtelecom - Very concise, I must say, online service. Nothing superfluous - only speeds and ping numbers:

Good luck to you! To ambiguous meetings on the blog pages Website

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