Abnormal phenomena in the apartment. Unexplained phenomena that scientists simply ignore

A young family from the capital of Khakassia has unexplained paranormal phenomena in their apartment. Moreover, only the author of the letter and her husband are witnesses of the strange events. Their family and friends have never noticed anything like this.

  • On the night we first moved, there were shuffling steps down the hallway towards my bedroom, you know, how old people walk in slippers. The door handle went down and went up, the door did not open at the same time, then steps were heard in my room, stopped near the head of the bed, I heard someone breathing. A few minutes later, everything repeated in the opposite direction: steps across the room, doorknob, steps down the corridor. Neither my parents nor my sister came to see me.
  • Sometimes I was told that a light was on in my room at night, on days when I was either not at home or I was asleep at that time.
  • My future husband and I once spent the night with me when my parents went on vacation. This is what he told me. At 11 pm in the summer, he went into the apartment to take the disc to give to a friend, walked down the corridor towards our room where we slept, bumped into someone in the corridor, this someone ran from him into the room where we lived in that time, my husband thought it was me, but when he entered the bedroom, I was asleep. There was no one else in the apartment.
  • Sometimes blows are heard somewhere: once there was a moment, as if they hit the dryer with the linen with all their might, when I looked, the linen was moving at that moment - I did not have a cat yet, nothing fell on the dryer, it generally stood in the middle of the room. Recently I was in the bedroom, I heard the movement of the box from the shoes on the floor, I thought the cat was furious, I turned around - the box was 10 centimeters from the previous place, the cat was in another room with her husband at that moment.
  • The latter was quite recently. When I roll over to my side at night, I often wake up, blink for a minute, listen to my husband sniffing, and sleep on, and now I turn from the closet to the door, throw my hand over my husband, raise my eyes, and there are 2 black figures standing near the door in the corner, by the meter tall. I got scared, closed my eyes, after a couple of minutes I opened my eyes - no one was there. The curtains were drawn tightly, no shadow could fall like that.

I am afraid to live in this apartment, all the time I have the feeling that someone is standing behind. For some reason, I can’t leave either. As well as I can not find out what is going on. The apartment was consecrated, my mother used to go with holy water and a candle. I’ll just begin to persuade myself that all this seems to me, that in fact it’s a cat, the neighbors rustled, rattled, but then something happened again. I would be glad to hear at least some explanation.

Incredible phenomena

Humanity has known that the soul is immortal since time immemorial. True, over the past hundred years we have been persistently convinced, and have almost been convinced that this is not the case. But a thousand-year historical tradition is immeasurably stronger than any recent trends. Suppose for a moment that some part of our personality is actually experiencing.

Dracula. For millions of people, this name is associated with the image of the legendary vampire from the dark and mysterious country of Transylvania - during the day he pretends to be a lifeless body, and at night he goes hunting - he has been committing murders, terrifying people since 1897. It was in that year that he became the protagonist of the overwhelmingly successful horror novel.

In the early morning of June 30, 1908, a strange, unprecedented phenomenon was observed in the sky over Central Siberia: a blinding white ball was rushing from the southeast to the northwest with great speed and a deafening roar. The ground shook all the way through his flight. In the houses 1 glass shook, plaster crumbled, burning wood and coals flew out of the stoves, from the shelves.

No matter how the Roswell incident is interpreted, one fact remains: since the late 1940s, humanity has entered the era of UFOs. People have observed amazing flying objects for centuries. Many early historical sources record descriptions of phenomenal celestial phenomena. So, in 215 BC.

If you look at the map, you can easily notice the amazing similarity of the coastlines of Africa and South America, Australia and Africa, Australia and the Indian subcontinent - as if the fragments of a single whole were pulled away by an unknown force and separated by the ocean expanses. Probably the first to pay attention to the similarity of the outlines of the western one.

At all times, people believed that the Earth has a satellite - the Moon And only recently there was evidence that the Moon is not the only natural satellite of our planet In the myths of antiquity, information about a certain cosmic body falling to the Earth could be found. legendary Atlantis Na.

The moon is the only celestial body Solar system, on which the foot of man has stepped This satellite of our planet is under the constant sight of telescopes, it is studied from the Earth and from space, but, according to scientists, our knowledge of the Moon has not increased much over the past forty years and the number of mysteries surrounding this planet has not.

Moving rocks, also called sliding or crawling rocks, is a geological phenomenon found on the dried up Lake Racetrack Playa in Death Valley in the United States. The stones move slowly along the clay bottom of the lake, as evidenced by the long footprints that remain behind them. Stones move independently without the help of living beings, but no one.

Exists general idea that people who have lost their sight or hearing compensate for this physical handicap by exacerbating their other senses. In some recorded cases, the lost feeling was restored on another part of the body. The most famous case of feeling transference is reported by Dr. Lombroso, the famous neurologist and.

Unusual rustles

Here is one more of the testimonies: "I am sleeping somehow, and suddenly it feels like I woke up, but I can't finally raise my eyes, my eyelids seem to weigh half a ton. And the body seems to be not mine. I look in the doorway - and there so black, shaggy like a bear, eyes alone are burning. This monster looked at me and disappeared into the air. The numbness passed and I instantly jumped out of bed.

And the second time - I'm lying in bed sleeping. The bed was under the wall, and there was a large mirror on the wall. And then I have the feeling that someone is pulling me in the mirror, I can feel it being pulled by the sheet, I can feel it crawling on the bed, I can feel it. how my legs move on this sheet. I began to read the prayer, it's over. "

Based on the last phrase, it is not difficult to understand what kind of force is the source of these phenomena. And the most important thing - what is the only means to fight them!

Sources: secretplanet.ru, www.ufolog.ru, xistor.ru, www.woman.ru, www.urano.ru

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Cases when objects suddenly began to move in houses, strange fires occurred, inscriptions that had come from nowhere appeared on the walls, and the inhabitants of a bad dwelling suddenly heard otherworldly voices, were described back in the Middle Ages.

Then all manifestations of the poltergeist were associated with the activity of evil spirits. People who found themselves at the epicenter of events were considered possessed, and most in an efficient way the fight against an incomprehensible phenomenon was considered to be the reading of a prayer and the consecration of dwellings. Over time, the poltergeist has acquired a wide variety of theories, scientific and pseudo-scientific explanations.

The case in Baltimore

One of the most well-documented cases of poltergeist occurred in 1960 in Baltimore. The family of retired police officer Edgar Jones became victims of the naughty spirit. In addition to the head of the family, his wife, his parents, 17-year-old son Ted and daughter and husband lived in the house. For no apparent reason, inexplicable phenomena began to occur in the house. Dishes and soda bottles exploded, fell flower pots, the furniture moved by itself. A psychologist and researcher came to the Jones family home to understand what was happening. unusual phenomena Nan-Tor Fodor.

According to the scientist, young Ted was the cause of what was happening. At the age of 16, the boy was expelled from school for academic failure, although, according to the teachers, Ted was superior to his peers in intelligence. However, the child did not want to study at all - his only interest was reading fantastic books and writing equally fantastic stories. Ted had no friends, the family also did not approve of the teenager, who fancied himself an outstanding writer and at the same time dropped out of school. According to Fodor's version, Ted had accumulated so much negative energy that it “splashed out”, causing household items to explode. After the psychologist managed to convince the boy that he was really an excellent writer and that a great future awaited him, the mysterious phenomena in the house stopped.

However, skeptics assured that evil spirit was not pacified by a psychologist at all, but by a plumber who visited the Jones' house shortly before the disasters ended. The plumber assured that the reason for everything is chimney... He convinced the Jones to seal up all outside openings and keep the dining room window open to equalize the pressure. But it was not possible to find out which version was correct.

People are still trying to find an explanation for the phenomenon of poltergeist. Some theories seem like science fiction, while others are based only on scientific facts.

Who is behind the door?

According to one of the versions, which fans of esotericism insist on, a poltergeist appears in the apartment at the behest of an evil sorcerer. Let's say, a family quarreled with neighbors, or just someone wants to spoil the inhabitants of the apartment. To force people to leave their homes, ill-wishers seek help from a magician. Allegedly, people with paranormal abilities can hypnotize the inhabitants of a bad apartment so strongly that they cease to notice the sorcerer who has settled in their house. As a rule, it all starts with knocking or ringing the doorbell. But on staircase empty.

This is the sorcerer who checks which of the inhabitants of the apartment will most sensitively react to hypnosis. Having chosen an object through which one can act, with the help of an “intermediary” the sorcerer enters the apartment, where after that mysterious phenomena begin to occur. The hypnotist forces his victim to unknowingly move objects or set fire to things in the apartment. It is no coincidence that in apartments where the poltergeist is raging, as a rule, there are children or adolescents - they are more responsive to hypnosis than adults.

It is by the penetration of the sorcerer that they usually explain the fact that pets, before the poltergeist occurs, begin to behave strangely - show aggression or begin to hide. Allegedly, animals that do not lend themselves to hypnosis see a stranger in the apartment.

Are you to blame?

A more plausible explanation for the poltergeist is the presence of people with an unbalanced psyche among the inhabitants of the dwelling. According to statistics, most cases of poltergeist occur where one of the family members suffers from epilepsy, some other nervous or mental disorder, and experiences severe stress. A poltergeist rarely visits well-to-do families. Usually, the mysterious phenomena are preceded by conflicts or sad events.

In these cases, poltergeist phenomena occur either at night, when the inhabitants of the house are sleeping, or in their absence, when only one of the family members is in the apartment. Usually a child or teenager. Unconsciously, he begins to spoil property or draw threatening graffiti on the walls, and at the same time he does not remember anything about his actions. For a child or an unbalanced person, this is a way to get rid of accumulated stress. Several cases of poltergeist after installing video cameras in apartments received just such an explanation.

Resonance and underground workshops

There is an even more mundane explanation for the poltergeist. The most a large number of reports on mysterious phenomenon fell on the 90s, when the whole country was suddenly carried away by the search for ream and ghost hunting. Perhaps some of these cases can be attributed to mass hysteria, when not too balanced people, who had read horror stories about evil spirits, began to think that similar phenomena were occurring in their own home... But still, some of the manifestations of paranormal activity had a completely material basis.

In those years, underground workshops and production facilities were in full bloom. Legally rent a room, provide everything sanitary requirements and the norms for small firms and private entrepreneurs were quite expensive and overly troublesome. So "secret workshops" were opened right in the basements and in the attics of dwelling houses. So that residents did not complain and did not know about such a neighborhood, the work was carried out mainly at night, and various perfumes were added to the ventilation in order to drown out the smell of clandestine production. This is how “bad apartments” appeared, in which extraneous smells and sounds appeared out of nowhere, and people fell into depression for no reason. One of these cases was described in detail at one time.

One of the apartments where residents complained about the poltergeist was examined by specialists. In the house there were substances very harmful to health - compounds carbon monoxide, phenol and a whole bunch of toxins, which not only have a depressing effect on the psyche, but can also cause hallucinations. It turned out that in the basement, right under this apartment, there was an underground car battery repair shop.

Another case of a poltergeist, when movements and falls of heavy objects were recorded, experts explained by the phenomenon of resonance. The machines were working in the basement of the house.

Photos from open sources

Someone is constantly faced with miracles, for someone they are fairy tales, nevertheless, paranormal things happen in our lives, and this is the same reality as, say, rain or snow, which seem so commonplace to us. (site)

Alien artifacts

On the evening of January 29, 1986, a strange event took place near the Far Eastern town of Dalnegorsk. A large luminous "meteorite" crashed into the hill at great speed. The top of this hill is visible here from all corners of the city, so almost all local residents have witnessed something mysterious. Later, on the hill, lights began to burn, resembling welding. January did not allow us to immediately approach the glow, which lasted, as the locals say, about an hour. Only three days later, the researchers managed to climb to the top and see strange fragments, clearly melted under the influence of high temperatures. Surprisingly, at the same time, at a distance of several centimeters from the fallen celestial body, bushes and trees remained unharmed.

Photos from open sources

The collision with the rock left many interesting artifacts, chemical composition which turned out to be extremely rare, if not completely atypical for the Earth. For example, balls and structures were found that resemble a grid in their structure. Many of them possessed high temperature melting, although they seemed plastic. Scientists have suggested that such chemical compounds almost impossible to obtain in the natural environment of our planet. Then - what is it? ..

Annabelle doll

These events formed the basis of the American horror film "The Curse of Annabelle". In 1970, an American student celebrated her birthday. Mom gave her a large old doll, which she bought in an antique shop. A few days later they started. Every morning, the girl carefully laid the doll on the bed in the apartment she rented with her friend. The toy's arms were at the seams, and the legs were stretched out. But in the evening, the doll took a completely different position. For example, the legs were crossed and the hands were on the knees. The doll could also be seen in unexpected places of the dwelling.

The girls came to the logical conclusion that during their absence a stranger with a strange sense of humor visits the apartment. It was decided to conduct an experiment and seal the windows and doors in such a way that the intruder would leave traces after the visit. None of the traps worked, and the doll's oddities continued to happen. Moreover, bloody spots began to appear on the doll. Naturally, the police, who were involved a little later in this strange case, could not help the girls in any way. I had to turn to a medium. He said that once upon a time a seven-year-old girl died on the site of this dwelling, whose spirit was playing with this doll, thereby giving some signs, for example, requests for help. But then something terrible began to happen to the doll.

Photos from open sources

Once a friend of theirs was visiting the girls. Suddenly a noise was heard from the adjacent empty room. When the guys looked out the door, there was no one in it, and a doll was lying on the floor. Suddenly the guy screamed and grabbed chest... Blood stains appeared on his shirt. The chest was all scratched. The girls left the apartment on the same day and turned to a couple of famous esotericists, Warren, who were engaged in research. It turned out that Annabelle is not just a doll, but some evil entity that took advantage of the girls' trust. The Warrens performed a cleansing ceremony, after which terrible things in the apartment no longer appeared. The girls themselves happily gave the doll to their saviors for eternal safekeeping.

Rubber blocks

Over the past thirty years, they have been regularly discovered on the shores of Europe. These are rubber blocks rectangular with rounded edges and TJIPETIR lettering. It turned out that this word was used to refer to an Indonesian rubber plantation that existed at the beginning of the last century. But how to explain the appearance of these products on the other side of the planet? Experts suggest that the plates are washed out from the sunken merchant ship.

Photos from open sources

But in this case, very mysterious oddities can be traced. Firstly, plates appear in England, Sweden, Denmark, Belgium, France, which speaks of huge amount blocks during a shipwreck. Such an impressive consignment of cargo should be reflected in any archival documents, but none were found. Secondly, the rubber was made 100 years ago, but, to the surprise of the researchers of this phenomenon, it is very well preserved. Are these plates really made of? ..

Probably, many people by the twenty-first century will no longer be surprised by the words: "Ghost", "Poltergeist", "Astral entities", "Spirits". For many, these are just words ... But not for those in whose apartments something supernatural has settled. For example, like in my apartment. Sometimes it seems to me that I live in a minefield. You never know if it's a cat rustling in the next room, or something else. Opening doors, strange sounds are just a few of the oddities in my life. (If someone is interested, I can make a separate post about my encounters with such phenomena, because now there is not much about it.) So, here are a few signs that uninvited guests have appeared in your house / apartment / room.

1. Perfect realism.

This category includes turning on / off light, opening and closing doors, moving any objects in front of your eyes, or during your absence, as well as the spontaneous movement of children's wind-up toys. By the way, frequent blinking of light can also be attributed to this category.

2. Tactile contact.

Many people feel like someone is touching them either in their sleep or before going to bed. At the same time, touches are light and soothing, and they are quite rough, like a slap in the face. Likewise, "entities" can barely perceptible nudge you.

3. Sound confusion and strange smells.

There are times when people, left alone in an apartment, hear inexplicable rustles, sounds, footsteps, stamping ... Many even hear snatches of phrases and their names. The situation is the same with smells. The smell of perfume, which you never had, etc., appears in the room by itself. At the same time, these smells disappear very quickly, as if they did not exist. For example, I very often smell wet gypsum in an apartment. And when I call someone, this smell is gone.

4. Black shadows

Very often, with peripheral vision, I notice a dark figure seeping past me. At the same time, when I move my gaze to this place, it is already empty ...

5. Loss of things and their subsequent return.

I think many have come across a similar case. Things are constantly borrowed by someone and then politely returns.

6. Unexplained animal behavior

In houses in which various entities are present, animals behave very restlessly. Cats can stare at one point for an hour, hiss into emptiness, fearfully run away from an empty corridor. And dogs can growl and rush into the void, thereby showing their courage.

7. "Inhospitable apartment"

I have had times when it seems the apartment itself refused to let me in home. You insert the key into the keyhole, and you realize that it does not turn. Once, twice. I took out a spare key and tried again. The same result. I walked around, spent about 10 minutes, decided to try it again. And lo and behold, the apartment deigned to let me in ...

Do things happen in your life that terribly scare you, or at least make you wary?

I decided to tell you some strange stories from life. My sister at that time was 1.5-2 years old, I was about six years old. At that time we lived in our private house, in which I spent my childhood, after which we moved to another city.

My sister and I slept in the same room, the beds were opposite each other, when we fell asleep, after a while my sister began to cry, it was not always and not every night. Of course, I woke up, jumped up to her and asked what had happened and why she was crying, she just pointed to a certain place in the room and said: “He's there!” I didn't see anything. By this moment, the parents had already come running, turned on the lights everywhere, calmed my sister, and we calmly continued our sleep. The next morning she told me that she saw a “black uncle with wings” - in her words, he just stands next to her, but this is only a dark silhouette (no face is visible, there are no evil eyes, etc.). But it also happened and there was a "white uncle in flowers" who flew over her, she, apparently, was not afraid of him, because when describing, there was no obvious fear. We did not attach much importance to this, because everything did not last long.

My parents told me that for some not very long time, I jumped out of bed at exactly 00:00 and the site started screaming around the house, they even set the alarm clock for this time to catch me later, they were afraid that I could run out outside. At the same time, in the morning I could not remember anything at all. I have only one moment in my memory, how I wake up in the middle of the night and I’m terribly scared, I grab the blanket and run to the kitchen, under the table, from there I see something floating past the table, someone’s figure, until the morning I slept under the table. I don’t know what it was. Now I remember, it seems pretty funny, but I don't think it was a dream or something else, I saw this is and me it scarecrow.

Mom told me that once she had a fight with dad, and he went to bed in another room. At night she woke up because she did not have enough air, opening her eyes, she saw the site of a translucent face in front of her, it was an old man with a beard, she jumped out of bed and ran to her dad, when she lay down to him, she saw how this grandfather floated by rooms. She said that he was wearing a coat and his eyes were angry.

I know that the house was not inhabited before we moved in, that there was a fire in it, but no one died there. Then my parents bought it out, made repairs and we lived in it for exactly 10 years, the next owners lived in it and sold it, now there are new tenants.

I often dream that we are living in it again, for me it was somehow special, dear, and even now it remains so.