How to split a manchore nut at home. Strong manchuric nut dish with metallic bottom

nuts, in any case, they were q like walnuts, only had a somewhat strange view: Zaost-Gury from both ends, too £ wrinkled and oblong. On-I took us then this good full G: Bag, because we did not have competitors for "collecting giving nuts. Then we understood why other people who wanted to eat with nuts were found: at home we could hardly break one walnut. But inside it turned out to be At all, not similar to 80 on walnut. The edible kernel of the Manchurian walnut (and it turned out to be stubborn in the winding shortcuts, and it was possible to extract from there, and it was possible to remove the tasty stuffing.

To throw out the full bag is unknown for what the necessary nuts (albeit a little) was sorry. It is good that familiar acquaintances were found, prompted, for which Manchurian nuts are suitable and how to contact them. It turns out that usually make women's decorations (earrings, beads, bracelets, pendants). For this, nuts are cut into thin discs, receiving openwork elements of future jewelry.

So, on the advice of the "person knowing", we all the family in turn began to "dissolve" nuts on the plastic

billets (Fig. 1) 2 ... 3 mm thick, to then make some kind of openwork. True, at first, on the quality of the workpieces, the taja-p is- 1. The shaft is our ineulsion so "waterproof smoothly, so kyut" ° С

on the plates

on disks were obtained by the billets of the blades and other cropness. But, even absolutely not having skids, they purchased it literally through a couple of nuts: the discs managed almost even in thickness and with smooth cuts. Next began to cleanse channels and winding moves from the remains of the walnut kernel using a thin sequila. We coped with this work. But then circumstances were interrupted by our relationship with Manchurian Walnut.

Who said that the ability to make the things like-tsu liked for themselves - a lot of talented? That was what I thought and sometime. And no strength would make me change my mind and take up our nuts again if it were not for a vase from which it was impossible to take eyes. So still decided to try to repeat without artistic talent and experience like a lace miracle. And then the old magazine "Science and Life" with the article "Manchurian Walnut - Natural Lace" came to her arm, where it was said about the technology of manufacturing such a VAZ. (By the way, the drawings are taken from this article.)

It remained only to get the workpiece from the mezzanine, to clean each supphyl and collect a vase. Now everything was easier, since the very tedious part of the work has already fulfilled many years ago.

As the basis on which I was advised to form a vase, I chose a five-liter bank from under

Starting from 1985 to today, more than 70 of my articles about different plants are printed in the newspapers and magazines of Russia, but most of all I am writing about grapes. During this period, I managed to create 3 gardens, and I tried to share all my finds and discoveries with gardeners through my articles. But about 300 plants grow on my site, many of them can be written very much, and it is clear that it is simply impossible to write about everything. So, on my site and nuts grow, letters of gardeners with a request to tell about these plants and the fact that I read in the Gardens of Siberia №7 for 2010 Galina Kruglova (Mr. Mezrechensk, Kemerovo region) "Jam from Manchurian Orekhov "Where she tells his recipe, forced me to write about these plants. Honestly, I was very glad that Galina Kruglov touched this topic. The fact that from fruits of the manchursky walnut can be boiled jams have been known for a long time. But first things first.
The walnut family includes childbirth, Hikari and Lapin. This time I will tell about the nut with a manchursky, about which gardeners ask many questions. I will make a reservation only that in the territory of Russia they grow, besides the walnut walnut, still walnut walnut, bearish, gray, black, pecan and lapin-labby.
What is good manchursky nut?
The fact is that many gardeners want to grow nuts in their sites, but no frost-resistant species are put on, mainly walnut, Usually do not achieve success, and get one disappointment.
Walnut Manchurian stands out by its frost resistance, withstands frost to -45 °. Walnut Manchursky - wood up to 25-29 m high, with large leaves, up to 1-1.25 m long and up to 40 cm wide, consisting of 11-19 fine-blooded leaves. Each of the leaves reaches 10-21 cm. Length and 4-8 cm. In width. In May Walnut, the manchursky blooms, releasing long (up to 30 cm) stameling earrings. Pesting flowers for 3-10 pcs bloom at the ends of the shoots. The fruit (bone) of the elongated-ball-shaped form, up to 6.5 cm long and 3.5 cm in width. Ripen stake in September and quickly fall. In 1 kg of dried nuts about 120 pcs.
In the forest blooms for 12-13 years, in a rarefied state - from 5 years. I have in the garden - and in Ufa, and here in Ulyanovsk - began to be fruitful from 8 years.
Trees are growing in front of the house, at a distance of 7.1 m from the walls.
In Ufa, I had a garden plot on which there was a cottage with a balcony, accusing grapes. When I decided to plant a manchu walnut, experienced gardeners I was warned: "Walnut is not friendly with grapes. Put the nut - grapes will die. " I had only 6 acres, and I wanted to grow everything! I still decided and planted the nut Manchurian. But whatever his branches would interfere with grapes, whose tweller was 40 cm from the wells with nuts, I applied the formation of the nut. I began to remove all the side kidneys, leaving only the top. I did it so while I could reach, and then gave nuts to the will, and he, like Palma, highly spread his openwork crown, for which all gardeners began to admire. The tree looks very nice! And grapes grew, bloom, gave a harvest, and both plants felt good.
Having moved to Ulyanovsk in 1991, I planted the grapes again, and the manchursky nut, applying the same formation to the nut.
Walnut Manchursky grows the first 80 years fast. Its barrel reaches 1 m in diameter, lives up to 250 years and more. Root system Very powerful, deep. The tree wind resistant, loves fertile soils. It takes temporary flooding and a small soil drought.
Walnut does not like a transplant. Therefore, it is breeding with seeds (nuts), which are seeded in the fall. It is better to do it right away how nuts fall. When stored at home, quickly loses germination.
The kernel contains 59.4% fat, has a pleasant taste, is used in fresh form. Split at home the nuts is the easiest in the vice. Such a tight shell. Nuts in dairy maturity (in early June, immediately after they start) are used for cooking. Walnut wood appreciate the furniture makers for the beautiful texture.
Walnut Manchursky grows in the Amur region and Primorye, but in cultural plantings it is found in many cities of the European part of the country, Siberia, Central Asia, in the Caucasus.
And I appreciate it also for therapeutic properties.
Drug raw materials are the leaves, torn during flowering, as well as immature fruits and spindlers.
In the leaves a lot of ascorbic acid, tannins, essential oilsLittle alkaloids, carotene and phytoncides are also present.
The decoction of leaves and octurizers is used in the cathars of the stomach, diarrhea, rickets by exudative diathesis. Recipe: 20 g. Crushed leaves are poured with a glass of boiling water, insist 20-30 minutes and drink 3 times a day in a tablespoon.
The tincture of the leaves can be sprinkled by the mouth when the gums loosen. The leaves are applied to wounds and furunculam. In homeopathy, drugs from ocoloplodnikov and leaves are used as uterine.
And to keep feet in cleanliness, enough to soak in 20-30 minutes hot water 1 sheet of Manchurian walnut, and when water will cool down to pour it into a pelvis and at least 20 minutes to hold the legs in this water. Repeat the procedure for a week. The fungus will disappear, do not go to the pharmacy, spend money for medicines. For a long time, after all, it is known that human skin diseases are countless!
The leaf decoction can also rinse the head after washing to get rid of dandruff and improve hair quality.
Finally, I remind you that thanks to your huge, albeit openwork crown, the nut Manchursky improves on garden plot phytosanitary and medical situation, because also dust delays. Specialists have established that 1 sq. M. The leaf surface projection detains about 5 g of dust in 1 month, which contains over 1 million microorganisms. This means that my plot becomes much healthier, and the air is cleaned.
And the jam from the fruits of the manchurs nut is not only tasty, but also hebly!
Here you and the Manchurian Walnut!
Love and appreciate the nature of our Russia!
Ivanova Tamara Georgievna, Forestry Engineer

A strong manchur nutgore How to extract the kernel of a manchurian walnut. Have you tried the kernel of a manchur walnut? Not? Try. It is very tasty. Obviously tastier than walnut. Just hardly you succeed. This walnut is impossible to launch with teeth, crush the forceps, smash the hammer. After hitting the hammer or stone, the shell and the kernel are flying around with small crumbs. In the village of Altai Altai district of the Altai Territory there are setting of walnut in the form of forest protection strips in old fruit gardens. Trees have long already achieved fruitful age, and the total crop annually is about 10 tons. Despite such an abundance of harvest, local population It practically does not collect it and does not use it, although the kernel in the nut is 30 percent of the total weight and is a valuable food and dietary product. The reason is the very thick and solid walnut sheath, and a rather thick inner partition. In one note, I read that in China somehow successfully split nuts, and the resulting grains are used in nutrition, including and for the production of high-quality walnut oil. After many attempts, I still managed to find a reliable way to split Manchurian nuts. The method is quite simple. I will share my secrets. The preparation of the nuts themselves usually spend at the end of September. At this time, the juicy upper sheath of nuts becomes dry and such nuts are more convenient to collect, they weigh less. Sparkling nuts spend in December. Until this time, the collected nuts are stored in bags in the subfield. To extract the kernel, a birch high is full of 30x70 cm and a mid-sized hammer. As a stand, lamps are not suitable, both of solid and soft rocks. Berezova - the most suitable. On the end cut, we make a small deepening, into which we insert the spout (sharp part) of the nut and the hammer without much efforts we produce several blows into the rear part. When you split your fingers left hand, it is necessary to hold the nut in a vertical position. It is not necessary to try to split a nut with one blow, the result may be unexpected: the nut will be rolled out into small pieces, and the fingers can suffer greatly from such a blow. From several moderate blows, the hammer of the nut shell cracks, but it does not fly away, and the inner partition of the nut is collapsed at the same time, after which it is no longer possible to get the kernel. How it will not seem strange, but also time, but rather, the physical state of the nut when grain seizure also has great importance. The fact is that the core of the freshly plane manchurian walnut occupies all the space in the shell and fits tightly to the walls. When nuts dries out, it is much easier to be withdrawn from the shell. You can not cut the nuts too, because then the kernel of the walnut at the slightest blow it crumble into small pieces. In order for nuts not dry, they should be stored without cleaning from the soft outer shell. And one more remark - about the hammer. The working surface of the hammer should not be rounded. Hammer with rounded working surface When hit, it often cleans with nut and can injure your fingers. Successes to you in the mining of the Golden Core!

How to extract the kernel of a manchur walnut

Strong Manchur Oreshk

Have you tried the kernel of a manchur walnut? Not? Try. It is very tasty. Obviously tastier than walnut. Just hardly you succeed. This walnut is impossible to launch with teeth, crush the forceps, smash the hammer. After hitting the hammer or stone, the shell and the kernel are flying around with small crumbs.

In the village of Altai Altai district of the Altai Territory there are planting nuts in the form of forest-protection strips in old fruit gardens. Trees have long already achieved fruitful age, and the total crop annually is about 10 tons.

Despite such an abundance of harvest, the local population practically does not collect it and does not use it, although the kernel in the nut is 30 percent of the total weight and is a valuable food and dietary product.

The reason is the very thick and solid walnut sheath, and a rather thick inner partition. In one note, I read that in China somehow successfully split nuts, and the obtained grains are used in nutrition, including for the production of high-quality walnut oil.

After many attempts, I still managed to find reliable way split manchuric nuts. The method is quite simple. I will share my secrets.

The preparation of the nuts themselves usually spend at the end of September. At this time, the juicy upper sheath of nuts becomes dry and such nuts are more convenient to collect, they weigh less. Sparkling nuts spend in December. Until this time, the collected nuts are stored in bags in the subfield.

To extract the kernel, a birch high is full of 30x70 cm and a mid-sized hammer. As a stand, lamps are not suitable, both of solid and soft rocks. Berezova - the most suitable. On the end cut, we make a small deepening, into which we insert the spout (sharp part) of the nut and the hammer without much efforts we produce several blows into the rear part. When you split your fingers left hand, it is necessary to hold the nut in a vertical position.

It is not necessary to try to split a nut with one blow, the result may be unexpected: the nut will be rolled out into small pieces, and the fingers can suffer greatly from such a blow. From several moderate blows, the hammer of the nut shell cracks, but it does not fly away, and the inner partition of the nut is collapsed at the same time, after which it is no longer possible to get the kernel.

How it does not seem strange, but also time, but rather, the physical state of the nut when grain seizure is also of great importance. The fact is that the core of the freshly plane manchurian walnut occupies all the space in the shell and fits tightly to the walls. When nuts dries out, it is much easier to be withdrawn from the shell. You can not cut the nuts too, because then the kernel of the walnut at the slightest blow it crumble into small pieces. In order for nuts not dry, they should be stored without cleaning from the soft outer shell.

And one more remark- About the hammer. The working surface of the hammer should not be rounded. The hammer with a rounded working surface when he hit often slides with nut and can injure fingers.

Successes to you in the mining of the Golden Core!

Anton Makunas , scientist Agron, village Altai

Submitted for publication 12/19/11

Other works of Anton Ivanovich can be found on the page

Landing material nuts Look in the section "Nurseries. Saplings"

In their works, artists and folk crafts Used a lot natural materials - and familiar, such as straw, and sometimes quite like fishing skin, a poplar fluff, a manchur nut.

Recently, interest in the Manchurian nut as a material for artistic products has increased.

By type, Manchurian nuts resemble walnuts, but this similarity is purely external. Unlike walnuts, there are no partitions separating two halves of the kernel - it is located inside the intricate curved channels. Interior These nuts are on a slice of a similarity that is not comparable (as a rule, symmetrical) drawing resembling lace or the finest

wood thread. It is this feature of the structure and attracts artists. It is advisable to choose nuts with a convex and ribbed surface, large sizes. Than ugly outdoor View Nut, the more interesting there will be his inner structure.

Using this natural lace, you can make a lot of interesting things: decorative jugs and vases, plates, cans, frames, edging, bracelets, rings,

beads, brooches, key chains, belts, buttons, caskets and even candlesticks.

When sawing it on thin plates, openwork lace snowflakes are obtained. Walnut clamping from vice and cutting on metal is cut along or across several equal plane-plates on the thickness of flat plates, which will serve concurrencies for most products. Such equally the thickness of the poles should be prepared

against product quantity. Saw should try smoothly so that later it is not necessary to additionally grind the surface on the sandpaper or file. Then you need to carefully clean the kernel from the channels using the needle or sewn, after which it can be used for conceived work.

Jewelry from Manchurian Walnut does not require protective coatingSince even weak lacquer coating can spoil the natural matte brilliance of this material.

You should start with the simplest products, for example, with beads. For their manufacture, two holes are drilled in slices, placing them in the thick of the walls and, depending on the combination of links, perpendicularly or parallel to the lob's plane (Fig. 174). Through the holes, perpendicular to the plane of the surface, are skipped two small rings, which are connected to intermediate rings or segments of the chain. In the holes drilled parallel to the flat

Fig. 174. Production of beads from Manchurian walnut. Two methods of fastening of fractions: A - with a ring with a segment of the chain; 6 - With a wire loop, inserted into a hole and a bounted drop of glue

the surface of the surface is inserted on the glue of the wire loops as in the first case, they are combined with rings or chains.

Pendants and key chain are not better to do from transverse, but from longitudinally sawn nuts that get

cut along the separation seam. At the top of the keyfob, the hole is drilled and the ring is passed through it.

Good pendants and pendants and from a whole walnut, which are left only large polished face, and the entire core is removed. unusually fancy and kra-

singing through openwork form. But pre-nuts need to soak well in water.

For the bracelet use longitudinal and transverse slices, it is possible to extreme - convex, oval. They must be somewhat thicker than for beads, - 6 - 8 mm. Back side should be made slightly concave to the bracelet

family hand.

From Manchurian nuts, original buttons are obtained. They are manufactured from transverse cases, in which one or both planes - the back and facial - washed with a file or emery in the form of convex surfaces. In the middle part of the nut, as a rule, two thin round or oval holes pass through which it is convenient to sew buttons to clothing.

In the manufacture of buttons, the feature of the Manchur walnut should be taken into account: from the middle to the ends, the drawing is changing him greatly, and therefore, to get six buttons, you will have to cut, more precisely, cut the middle of six nuts, since its side parts have another drawing, not less beautiful. Such side sections can be dial the right amountAnd you will have multiple buttons sets.

From the Manchurian walnut, you can make very original rings. It is necessary to choose such a nut in which the hole can be done corresponding to the diameter of the finger.

Initially, the ring option is selected (Fig. 175) and, gently climbing the workpiece in vice, clipped with a saw on the metal


Fig. 175. Ring from Manchur Out: 1 - insert from amber or carnelian

units through which the drill do through hole Small diameter (8 - 9 mm). Then a round file, this hole is expanded to the dimensions of the finger. It should be very careful: all internal partitions Walnuts are interconnected, and with a strong nagged, they can be destroyed. Hole processing finish with a small grinding sandpaper, screwed onto the Crochlgy object. The outer part of the ring is also slightly stabbing.

The top can be left natural or to make a neat speaker with him and polish it. If Ipt is not very good, in its middle, you can put an insert, for example, from a carnelian, etc.

By the same principle, you can make a ring from a small outflow (kapa, capo root, a suwel-shaft) or a piece of wood of Karelian birch, Samshat, Grab.