Planting crocuses in autumn in the middle. Tips for experienced gardeners on landing crocuses in the fall in the ground

Crocuses are one of the popular flames of bulbous primroses, bloom in the spring of one of the first. To rejoice as early bloom, you need to put flowers in the fall in the fall.

Time of autumn landing of crocuses bulbs

Almost all bulbies are planted at one time. Crocuses can be planted a little later than tulips and hyacinths. When establishing a comfortable weather, the bulbs will need no more than a month.

The bulbs of crocuses of primroses are planted from the beginning of September to the end of October. For a more accurate date of disembarking, concrete weather conditions and the region are important. The main principle is to plant the bulbs a month before the onset of real frosts, when the depth of the soil freezing will be more than 10 cm.

Table: Approximate deadlings of crocuses on bulbs in different regions

Video: Planting Crocuses

There is another group of crocuses blooming at the end of the season - in September and even October. Such varieties are a bit: albus, roller, oxonian. They are planted at the end of summer.

Crocuses blooming in the fall, as if confused by the time of year

Living in the north-west, with landing crocuses is still not particularly hurried. Basically, it falls at the beginning of October. Having landed the bulbs too early, you can lose colors if they not only have time to root, but their sprouts will turn out.

Lined not in time crocuses may not transfer the winter and not please their bright spring blossom. Partly choose time for landing can more successfully help annual landing diary.

Crocuses are very ancient historyin which the wonderful pattern was intertwined seasonings, dyes and countries from the East to the West. You can delve into it when you complete the landing of these spring colors at home. We will talk about this process! By the way, there are both springwenty and autumn varieties, accordingly, the time of their disembarkation can be different.

The planting crocuses in the spring is not really very possible, because the spring varieties have time to dismiss long before the start of any work on the site, and the autumn views are more correct to plant in summer. But annually digging the bulbs of these plants is not needed, it is enough to do this time in the fifth anniversary. Most varieties belong to what should also be considered when disembarking.

Love crocuses light land, so if you have a heavy plot clay soilsIt should be made a fair share of compost with ash. The choice of landing place is very an important stage, because you need to take into account the feature of crocuses to awaken together with the first rays of the sun. Their bright flowers appear on the protanes, which means it is precisely where the snow comes down first, and you need to find. It makes sense to equip just on such sites that will begin with the flowering of saffron. Many mistake embark on these flowers in the places of snow accumulation, for example, near the tracks.

But it is from the tracks that we try to scatter the snow to the ground around them, and this snow stands until spring, holding back the growth of colors.

In addition, in places of melting of snow, stagnation of water can be formed, which is very undesirable for these plants. Feature or prepared necessary soil, crocus clubnewukovitsa should be planted in the fall after the leaf fall to the depth equal to their double height. Usually this distance is at least 5 cm to the surface. If you first plan these flowers, it is enough to observe the distance of 10 cm, because over time the carpet from crocuses will grow and constructed itself - in good conditions Each clubnelluca is able to give an annual increase. It is in close group of crocuses and look best.

Digging the bulbs of these plants is not more often than once in the fifth anniversary. Spring-driving varieties are digging already after the leaves are yellowed, their bulbs dried and are famous for saving in a cool shade to autumn. Late in autumn They should be returned to land. At the same time, it should be noted that Saffran's clubnelukovitsa are very loved of different kind Rodents, for example, proteins are easily finding out the places of their recent landing. If you live near the forest, an urgent precautionary measure will fallout bulbs in the net baskets.

During the shoots, watch the buds - noticing the stains on individual plantsThey should be digging and destroyed because they are infected with viruses whose carriers are insects. By destroying the patients of the plants, you will avoid further infection of the neighboring clubnellukovs. By the way, in the seeds viruses are not capable of penetrating, so if the entire variety is infected, you can restore it through seed landing. However, it should be noted that the blossoms of new bulbs will be only three years later.

On fertile soils, fertilize crocuses is practically no need. If you notice some growing rise, on next year Before starting growth, adopt the plants with superphosphate and potassium sulfate. After completion of flowering, it will not hurt with phosphoric and potash fertilizers. In nitrogen, saffron practically does not need, and its excess will cause an extra growth of the leaves, which in turn can lead to fungal diseases.

Crocus (or Saffron) - welcome inhabitant of the spring garden, representative bulbous plantswhich is in a hurry to get out of snow in the gardens. When to plant a crocus in the fall, so that the delicate flowers could get out of the marzular land and blooming for a long time, while larger fellows departed from them?

This fidget does not bother underground. Crocus want to soak on the sun, while everything is spacious and everything is permeated sunny rays. It is necessary to possess certain knowledge so that one of the first spring flowers could pridefully raise his head as soon as the sun warm the soil with its rays.

Croquuses for landing in the fall

Crocus or Saffron is an extensive botanical genus, including more ninety species of bulbous plants.

For autumn landing crocuses, you need to choose varieties that bloom in early spring:

Preparation of land for landing crocuses in autumn

Place for planting crocuses It is necessary to highlight where there is a lot of sunlight. Crocuses are poorly growing in wet soil. Crocuses love soil to be lightweight and well fertilized. There is nothing terrible, if on the place allotted for planting the place, the soil does not quite enough correspond to these conditions.

There are 5. simple waysTo create crocuses the opportunity to grow and blossom to blossom:

  • Reduction of excess moisture can be achieved by drainage;
  • Drainage is made from large river sand, rubble or clay at a depth of more than 20 cm;
  • For a better air exchange and water permeability, the land is dripped with humus and river sand to a depth of 20-25 cm a few days before the autumn planting;
  • Acid soil can be neutralized with a mixture of peat and lime;
  • In front of the autumn planting is nice to feed the bulbs, but only granulated mineral fertilizers, rich in potassium and phosphorus.

In autumn, noble saffron lays flower kidneys and will delight a luxurious flower.

Preparation and storage of tubers before landing in the fall

Work on planting crocuses in the soil in the fall, it is necessary to start in the middle of summer. The plant is alone. It is time to dig crocuses.

You can not cut off the leaves of crocuses to the natural die, the plant is poured after flowering

How to determine a healthy tuber:

  • The bulb should be heavy and dense;
  • Through, shaggy roots are not given good shoots in early spring;
  • Dark spots on the tubers talk about the beginning of rotting.

Healthy tubers need to dry in a shaded place for at least a week, and then separate from small bulbs, divide the sockets and take the children who themselves easily.

Dried material is placed half an hour in a strong solution of manganese and dried again. Put for storage in a dry place, putting them in wooden boxes In one layer at room temperature.

Crocus landing in the autumn in the ground

When to plant crocuses in autumn? It all depends on what will be the weather. Warm and long autumn, and even Indian summer will detain the landing of crocuses until the beginning of November. But, if the bad weather charged back in September, and even got the frosts, then it's time to start planting bulbs. Clubberry Crocus begin to awaken when the temperature in the ground is lowered to 10 o C.

In the prepared land, dig holes. Its depth depends on the composition of the soil and size of the bulk itself. The larger the planting material, the more the hole should be dug. In order to multiplied bulbs torokusov, it is necessary to plant them just 5 cm in the ground and you can get up to 10 kids.

In order for the crocus to bloom longer, it is necessary to plant the seeds deeper and less often will need to be divided into the dividing tubers.

The distance between the wells is no more than 10 cm. Crocuses quickly turn children. Lovers of a thick carpet from crocuses can reduce the distance between the landing material up to 3-5 cm. Then to take the transplantation not after 4-5 years, and after 2 years. Watering crocuses is made after landing only when autumn dry and soil requires moisture.

Caring for crocuses in autumn

Autumnal care for planted flowers is watering if the autumn was dry. To loosen the Earth after each watering.

Weeds must be regularly deleted. In the case of endless torrential autumn rains, it is necessary to protect tubers from excessive moisture, covering the film. Feature crocuses in the fall should not be.

We should not forget about the pests and diseases of these small towns:

  • Mice love delicious crocus bulbs and often drag them into their minks to enjoy in winter. It is enough to cover the landing by branches or use ultrasound dischargers;
  • The holes in the bulbs make butterfly-scoop caterpillars. They must be simply assembled with autumn landing;
  • Slugs on the site where Crocus is planted, you can remove the mechanical collection of these pests;
  • From the wireman applied great harm Bulbs of crocuses, you can get rid of making traps from wet grass or hay. Cover their boards and collect pests in a few days;
  • Gray rot appears on small, underdeveloped tubers. Get rid of them when examining tubers Il Springs ash.

Clubberry Crocuses easily endure the winter cold, but after the first cooling rarers, in the fall, break the earth where crocuses are planted and make a mulch here. It may be peat, leaves of trees that fell in the fall in the garden or a husknik brought from the forest.

Galant Crocus, planted in the fall, proudly raise his beautiful head on the spring lawn in gratitude for care and effort.

Early spring, barely left, at the flower beds of many gardeners you can see the delicate yellow, white or purple flowers. These are crocuses, which in nature there are more than 80 species, especially rare of them are even listed in the Red Book. Wild crocuses grow in the Caucasus and Crimea, are often found on the slopes of the Alpine Mountains.

There are both spring and autumn varieties of these colors. Crocuses look very impressive when they are dense landing on a flowerbed or alpine slide. Perfect these flowers and for trampling to certain festive dates.

Rules for growing crocuses on flowerbed

How to grow crocuses in indoor conditions

Crocuses blooming in pots on the windowsill will help you to feel the approach of spring when the windows are still a winter blizzard. Grow these gentle flowers to the holiday is quite simple, if you know a few secrets.

  • To reversal colors, it is necessary to remember that the entire process takes about 15 weeks. In accordance with this, the dates for planting tubers in the pots.
  • When storing the bulbs until the point is required every two weeks to lower the temperature, which ultimately should fall to +9 ° C.
  • The planting capacity should be equipped with a large drainage layer, and as a soil it is better to apply coarse sand. Additional feeders during the surveys are not made, the tuber itself provides themselves nutrient substancesaccumulated earlier.
  • The bulbs when landing are placed as close as possible, since the additional space for the formation of children in this case is not required, and the bouquet will look more lure and more effectively.
  • Pots with tubers should hold about 2 months in a cool and dark room. Next, they are exhibited in a warm illuminated place and a couple of weeks are obtained wonderful flowers.

Crocuses (saffron) - flowers characterized by beauty and unpretentiousness. Their painting is different, but always they please the sovereign eye, because they are combined with any environment and look fascinating. Often crocuses are used for decoration alpine Gork. To enjoy luxurious blossom In the spring, you need to put on the bulbs - as a rule, it is made in the fall.

Features of autumn landing crocuses

Crocuses live in one place for several years, knocking out the bulbs annually. The question of the spring or autumn to plant these flowers is solved very simply. Most crocus varieties bloom early in spring, and, of course, they must be squeezed in autumn. But there is both autumn varieties, such varieties bloom at the end of the summer or early autumn. Their landing falls on the spring or early summer.

Crocus S. tender flowers Albus varieties bloom in late September or early October, it is planted in spring

Thus, when buying planting material It is necessary to find out what kind of variety gives this variety. OssennetsNews are much smaller, for example, albus, milk, oxonian. Springnet crocuses are much more common, which is not surprising: after all, it is in the spring when it is still gray and few greedy, the eye wants gentle flowers.

When the Earth is still raw after winter, and the grass is just beginning to appear, spring flowers are especially welcome

Spring spring-working crocuses are unrealistic, they must be planted in the autumn period, at about one time with tulips or daffodils, and better - later. Before frosting, the bulbs should be rooted and strengthen.

How to plant crocuses in autumn

Planting crocuses for experienced dacnis It does not represent difficulties, and a beginner flower model will be completely cope with it.

Dates of landing

Terms of autumn planting crocuses depend on the region and weather of the current year. They do not need much time to take care of a new place: enough 2-3 weeks. No heat needed, but moistened soil is required. But too early landing It may be destructive: if the bulbs not only germinate, and the sprouts will seem outside, at the occurrence of frosts you can lose plants.

Therefore, focusing on many years of weather observations, try to plant the bulbs 2-3 weeks before stable frosts, that is, when daytime temperatures were installed not higher than + 6 ... + 8 ° C, and weak frosts are already observed at night. In the middle lane, and in particular in the Moscow region, this weather comes no earlier than October, and in other years only by the end of this month. And even in Siberia and in the Urals before September, there is no on bulk.

Preparation of the site

Crocuses love slightly wet soil, but do not tolerate water stagnation. Therefore, they are suitable for spikes and light loams, and heavy soils need to be corrected by adding sand. It is necessary to plant crocuses on a well-lit place, otherwise the flowers will be small and unfounded. If the area is superfluous with rains or it is stored tELL WATER, bedding must be lifted.

Crocuses look good on the elevated areas: they are the traditional component of the Alpine slides

At the end of the summer, the plot for landing crocuses is drunk with the addition of conventional doses of fertilizers: buckets of humidiation or compost and handstone wood ash on 1 m 2. In the case of acidic soil, the amount of ash can be increased or add a pair of handful of lime: the optimal environment for crocuses is neutral or weakly acidic.

Read also about what can be planted at the end of summer, in our article -

Preparation of planting material

It is important to choose the bulbs and disinfected them before planting. They must be hard, slightly spring with pressure covered with dry scales. Mechanical damage and spottedness are not allowed, there should be no proceeding sprouts, as well as grieving roots.

Lukovitsa in crocuses resemble the bulbs of other early bulbs

Before planting the bulbs, rolling for 30 minutes in a pink solution of manganese or treated with fungicides (founda oscol, soon, etc., according to the instructions).

No growth stimulants in the fall applied!

Planting scheme

As a rule, crocuses are planted so that when flowing, they formed a solid group, without significant intervals. These may be 5 x 4 cm circuits, 4 x 4 cm and any similar. With a rare boarding, the flowers look not so impressive.

The depth of planting depends on the size of the bulbs and is equal to its tripled altitude. But on very dense soil crocuses plant slightly slightly. Since the blossom time depends on the magnitude of the bulbs, they try to calibrate and plant the bulbs of about the same size.


The landing of the prepared bulbs in loose soil looks simple.

  1. They dig a trench of the necessary depth and width, the drainage layer in 2-3 cm is poured onto it - large river sand.

    Trench is needed not very deep, 10-12 cm

  2. On the sand lay onion with the selected interval (usually 3-6 cm).

If the landing was carried out on time, the bulbs appear well, and flowers will appear in the spring. All simple landing process can be found in the video.

Video: Autumn planting crocuses

Crocuses blooming in the spring are mandatory in the fall. Landing technique is easy, but right choice time and plot has great importance. Too sooner or later, planted bulbs may not be overwhelmed, but planted on the flooded plot - often rotate.