Material words that were normal before. When and how the mat appeared

Materbia is accompanied by Russia since its inception. The authorities, social formations, culture and Russian itself are changing, but the mat remains unchanged.

Native speech

Virtually the entire XX century dominated the version that the words we call the Material were in the Russian language from Mongol-Tatars. However, this is a delusion. Materciste is already found in Novgorod birch grams dated XI centuries: that is, long before the birth of Genghis Khan.

Riot against Matriarchaat

The concept of "mat" is quite later. In Russia, the time of centuries called it "Laya Matery". I must say that initially material Invassed the use of the word "mother" in a vulgar, sexual context. The words, denoting the critical bodies, which we consider today, did not belong to Lai Maternaya.

There are a dozen versions of the MAT function. Some scientists suggest that the Matercass appeared at the turn of the transition of society from the matriarchate to Patriarchate and initially meant the authority of a man who, having passed the rite of copulation with the "mother" of the genus, has publicly declared him to tribesmen.

Pins Language

True, the previous version does not explain the use of the word "lying". On this score, there is another hypothesis, according to which the "Materbiar" had a magical, protective function and was called "Pinsim". In the Slavic (and Indo-European as a whole), the tradition of the dog was considered animals of the "illuminated" world and served the goddess of death of MOREH. The dog who served an evil witch could turn into a person (even familiar) and come with evil thoughts (to bring the evil eye, damage or even kill). So, feeling a worthless potential victim of the Moraine, just had to pronounce a protective "mantra", that is, send it to the "Mother". It was his time to expose the evil demon, the "son of the Mary", after which he had to leave a person alone.

It is curious that even in the 20th century, the people have survived the belief that the "Materchika" scares the devils and the conventional makes sense even "for the sake of prevention", without seeing a direct threat.

Vocation of good

As already mentioned ancient Russian wordsDignifying childbearing organs began to attribute to the "Materian region" much later. In the pagan era, these lexemes were commonly used and did not have a sworn color. Everything has changed with the arrival of Christianity and the beginning of the displacement of the old "dies" of cults. The words of sexual coloring were replaced by "church smells: copulate, childbody, dick, etc. In fact, in this taboo, there was a serious rational grain. The fact is that the use of the former "terms" was ritualized and is associated with the pagan cults of fertility, special conspiracies, prisoners. By the way, the word "good" (on the old Slavic - Bogo) marked "a lot" and was used in the beginning in the "agricultural" context.

The churches took many centuries to reduce the agrarian rites to a minimum, but "fertile" words remained in the form of "relics": the truth, already in the status of curses.

Censorship Empress

There is another word that is unfair today to Matsechina. For the purposes of self-censorship, we denote it "in a word to the letter" b ". This lexeme calmly existed in the elements of the Russian language (it can even be found in church texts and official state certificates), having the values \u200b\u200bof "Blud", "deception", "error", "heresy", "error". The people often this word was used to the slit women. Perhaps during the days of Anna John, this word began to be used with more frequency and, probably, in the last context, because it was this empress who put a ban on him.

"Bloomy" censorship

As you know, in criminal, or "blessed", the environment is rigidly tabulated. For incomultuous, the crushed maternity expression of the prisoner can wait much more serious responsibility than an administrative penalty for a public obscene brand in the wild. Why don't the Russian Mat like "Urcagans"? First of all, the Matermia can pose a threat to "Feni" or "Blouth Music". The Keepers of thieves traditions well understand that if the MAT will displace the Argo, then the following will lose their authority, its "uniqueness" and "exclusivity", and the main power in prison, the elite of the criminal world - in other words will begin "chaos". It is curious that the criminals (in contrast to state husbands) well understand what any language reform and borrowing of other people's words can lead to.

Renaissance Mata.

Today's time can be called the Renaissance of the Materian. This contributes to the boom social networkswhere the people got the opportunity to firm publicly. With some reservations, we can talk about the legitimization of obscene branches. Even Fashion appeared on Materchinchina: if earlier it was the lot of low layers of society, now the so-called intelligentsia is resorted to the "Successitude", creative class, bourgeoisie, women and children. What is connected with such a revival "Lai Maternaya", it is difficult to say. But it can be safely argued that the crops will not increase this, the matriarchy will not win, demons will not be angry ...

The most popular myth, widespread, says that a Russian mate is the grievous century-old heritage of Tatar-Mongolian yoke. Meanwhile, most scientists converge in the fact that the roots of the phenomenon are still Slavic. Traditionally, the history of Mata is associated with pagan erotic rites who played important role In agricultural magic. With the arrival of Christianity as rites, and the "Terms" labeled them in opal and were preserved only in folklore.

The three most used obscene words literally voiced the symbolic picture of the device of the universe. The first is the designation of the male, active principle, the second is a female, passive, third - the process of their interaction, dialectic. Just "Yin-Yan" some kind!
Since the gods, and the demons represented a danger to people, they tried to stay away from them in everyday life, not to call and not call them vousa, without need.

Among the "sexual" cries, several large blocks can be distinguished.
1. The departure of the female genitals swore into the zone, in the zone of born, productive bodies, in the body of the hell ("went to ..."), - nothing else like the wish of death. As Mikhail Bakhtin showed, Women's Lono is simultaneously a symbol of birth and death.
2. Hint on the fact that someone sexually possessed the mother of scolded, "... Your mother."
3. The accusation of instications with the mother, widely represented in English curses like "MotherFucker". 4. Speech revolutions with mention of male genitals (like "went to ...") put the scolded sexual position, which is equivalent to the deprivation of male dignity and virility.

Mantic Bran is already in Ancient Russia It was estimated as blasphemy, desecrating and Mother of God, and mythological "mother raw land", and his own mother of a swearing. However, nothing helped, since the material expressions themselves have sacred origin and in the past were associated with ritual functions.
There is no single point of view, where the word mat happened to. In some reference manuals You can find a version that "Mat" is a conversation (as evidence of this assumption, the expression is given to "scream good mate"). But why is the word mat so much like the word mother?

There is another version associated with the fact that the word mat came to Russian after the expression appear to send to the mother. Practically, this is one of the first expressions that have become indecent. After the appearance of this particular phrase, many words that have previously existed in the tongue have become faded and indecent. In general, it should be noted that, practically, up to the 18th century, those words that we now take to the matery and crucial were not at all. The words that became indecent were previously or some physiological features (or parts) of the human body, or were generally ordinary words. So, for example, the verb **** ITI in ancient Russian language was the meaning - "to finish, deceive." "Many words that are currently considered insulting were not previously so. Material words carried the function of ordinary words. They can be abundant to meet in the writings of Avvakum Protopopa and Patriarch Nikon and much where. But in the letter of Cossack Sultan, written specifically, to insult the recipient, there is no single mother word. "

But in the Old Russian language there was also the verb of the Bluditi - "wander." Dictionary V. I. Dalya allocates two meanings: 1) Evasion from the direct path and 2) illegal, celibe tobate, "therefore the word of this is better to avoid in the hostel." There is a version, in our opinion, quite viable, what happened to the merger of two verbs (**** ITI and Bluditi). Maybe I didn't swear in Russia? No, and drank, and loved, and wander, and swear. Everything is like now. As always. Moreover, the Maternaya Brand is already evaluated as blasphemy, desecrating and Mother of God, and mythological "mother raw land", and his own mother swearing. (It is possible that speech words that have existed in Russia have not reached us, for this reason). However, nothing helped, since the mothers themselves themselves have sacred origin, and in pagan times were associated with ritual functions.

Here is the history of the origin of one famous word. In Latin, there was a pronoun hoc ("this"). In the early 19th century, this pronoun appeared in the vocabulary of doctors. They appointed a medicine "for this" (genitive case) or "this" (duty case), which in Latin sounds, respectively, as Huius and Huic. Less educated patients Russified the scientist Latin. At first, this word was used quite widely and without restrictions. But then he was put on his taboo. Most likely, it was due to the imposition of a ban on the pronouncement of out loud of the male genital organ. (Just as the word UD, popular in the 18th century, in the 18th century, was forbidden in this sense of the 19th century, in the 18th century. By the way, there is a version that the word fishing rod and audio are also associated with the word UD: Most likely, this version is based on the similarity of the Bed Bird shape and hook).

There are similar version. The difference is that the modern Material Word has happened from another Latin pronouns: HUC ("here") and a location combination of HUC-Illuc (here-there "). With respect to the next motley word, existing versions are somewhat divergent. Many linguists believe that it comes from the PEZD- Root PEZD- ("spoil the air, boil"). The difference is manifested in the look of the lingules on the further fate of this basis. What language did she come directly in Russian? Most likely, through Latin. There is a point of view that the Latin word Pedis ("LoH") is an expansion of the Pyranceo European Word considered above (in the value of the "smelly insect"). From the point of view of phonetics, this process is quite natural. Already from the Latin language it came to some other languages, including Slavic.

But this point of view is disputed by some scientists: doubts cause directly the language process (the transformation of the Praiado European root in the Latin word) and the "stainlessness" of such an insect as they do. Supporters of this point of view suggest that the distant root temporarily disappeared, obsolete, and then returned again in languages \u200b\u200bin an artificial manner. But this assumption looks somehow strained. Nevertheless, the most indisputable is that the modern obscene word goes to its roots in distant language antiquity.

Here is another gift of the ancients. In ancient Russian language there was a word of Mudo, meaning "male egg". The word it was a lotly and did not have an obscene shade. And then, apparently, it reached our time, turning away from a lot to consuming.

Consider the story of another, quite popular curses. In the distant Pyranceo European language, the prefix e is indicated by the action directed. And in Latin you can meet the root of Bat- ("Zev", "yawning"). It is possible that the literal meaning of the words known to us is "to die out." A.Gorokhovsky suggests that "the verb originally treated the actions of a woman (in ancient times, a normal intercouction took place in the position" Man behind ")." He also claims that "this russian word It has a very ancient, directly pyrendo-European origin, so this verb is a kind of Patriarch of the Russian Materiashina. "

How many words are the Material language? In general, somewhere about hundreds; In the actively vocabulary Located, in general, approximately 20-30. But the replacements of these words are very actively used (damn, e-mine, Eryryna Matrona, Japan Mother, Christmas Trek, Yossel-Moxel, Yursh Your Copper, Yolmn and Many dr.)

Whatever it was - Material words have long and firmly durable in our lexicon. We are trying with the help of their expression, add your approval to the maximum expression, strengthen the semantic load ...
There are also low social levels and people who occupy a high position in life on Mate. And it is already useless to say that it is low, unpleasant, it is not easy - this is the fact of which is not going anywhere.


In my opinion, the main mother words on the letters "X" and "P" occur with Languages \u200b\u200bof Mordvo, more precisely from Mokshansky and Erzyansky, namely from the words of utter dialects, like Gui -Zima or Kui -Zhi and Pisa -nork, Nora or nest, hollow! Logically, everything is right, snakes "seeks" in a mink or nest! Yes, unwittingly and the connection is defined with the same snake-tempter. For example, on Mokshansky two nests or two minks sounds like "Cafe Pizyda", where the cafeta is two or two. There is also a different meaning of the Mokshan word of the pussy - to the words from the word of Pysyndema -slasting. Material word on the letter "P" even now in the sound of something mean between Pisa -nork, nest and actually female organ between legs, sounding like a pad. By the way, it's funny, but Mokshanskoye and the Erzyan word dad means penis! The word mat is coming from Mokshan words: Matt- lie, go out, Matte - will open, rewind or from Matyma - laying, extinction! I do not say that the fact, but it looks very similar to that, for example, the American comedy with the name "old kind orgy" looked, so there is a naked guy run into the pool, shouted: "Pass, a person with a snake runs!". Notice, in the Languages \u200b\u200bof Mordva there is no birth, i.e. Gui - it may be a snake and snake. By the way, it is possible by chance, but the spermatozoa is also a snake-shaped, small snakes or snakes from the Languages \u200b\u200bof the Morder sounds like a guynyat or chunnut, and Smereysh sounds like Guin or Kuynya, unwittingly consonant with the word X. As a reminder, Mordva from non-Slavic peoples is the closest territorial to the capital of Russia - Moscow.

And what Russian is not expressed by a strong senior? Moreover, many of the Material words are translated into foreign languages, but it is interesting that there are no full-fledged analogues in foreign languages \u200b\u200band is unlikely to ever appear. Linguists have long been calculated that there is no other language on the planet for a long time in Russian!

In oral form

How and why did the mat in Russian appear? Why do other languages \u200b\u200bcost without it? Perhaps someone will say that in the development of civilization, with improved welfare of citizens in the overwhelming majority of our planet, the need for Mate naturally disappeared? Russia is unique in that it did not come in it, and the mat left in it in a virgin, his primitive form ... It is not by chance that no great Russian writer and the poet walked around this phenomenon!

Where did he come to us from?

Earlier, the version was disseminated that the mat appeared in the gloomy times of the Tatar-Mongolian yoke, and before the arrival of the Tatars on Russia, the Russians were not fully met, but swearing, called each other only dogs, goats and rams. However, this opinion is mistaken and denied by the majority of researchers. Of course, the invasion of nomads affected the life, culture and speech of the Russian people. Perhaps such a Turkic word as "Baba Yagat" (Knight, Vityaz), has changed social status and sex, turning into our Ban Yagu. The word "Carpus" (watermelon) turned into a remedy little boy. But the term "fool" (stop, hare) began to call a stupid person.

The MAT to the Turkic language has nothing to do, because the nomads have not been made to focus, and the sword words were completely absent in the dictionary. From Russian chronicle sources (the most oldest known samples in the birch grades of the XII century from Novgorod and Staray Russa. See "Obligible vocabulary in birch grades". The specifics of the use of some expressions are commented in the "Russian-English diary" Richard James (1618-1619) .) It is known that the Material words appeared in Russia long before the Tatar-Mongolian invasion. Linguists see the roots of these words in most Indo-European languages, but they received such distribution only in Russian land.

Here to stay

So why nevertheless, from a variety of Indo-European peoples, the tilt mat only to the Russian language? Researchers explain this fact also with religious prohibitions that other nations have appeared before the earlier adoption of Christianity. In Christianity, as in Islam, the foul language is considered a great sin. Russia accepted Christianity later, and by that time, together with the pagan customs, the mat was firmly rooted among the Russian people. After the adoption of Christianity in Russia, the war was announced.

The etymology of the word "mat" may seem fairly transparent: allegedly goes back to the Indo-European Word "Mater" in the meaning of "mother", which has been preserved in different Indo-European languages. However, other reconstructions are offered in special studies.

So, for example, L. I. Skvortsov writes: "The literal meaning of the word" mat "is a" loud voice, a cry. " It is based on sound resistance, that is, involuntary shouts "Ma!", "My!" - washed, meowing, the roar of animals during the period of estrus, marriage calls, etc. ". This etymology could seem naive if it were not formed to the concept of an authoritative etymological dictionary of Slavic languages: "... Russian Mat, - derived from the verb" Matati "-" scream "," loud voice "," Creek ", the word" Matoga " - "Matazy", that is, to cry, break, (about animals) to wind your head, "mattime" - disturb, disturb. But "Matoga" in many Slavic languages \u200b\u200bmeans "ghost, ghost, monster, sorry, witch" ...

What does he mean?

The main mate words are three and denote by the sexual intercourse, male and female genitals, all others are derived from these three words. But in other languages, these bodies and actions also have their names that for some reason did not become abusive words? To understand the reason for the appearance of mothers in Russian Earth, the researchers looked into the depths of centuries and offered their own answer.

They believe that in a huge territory between the Himalayas and Mezhdrachy, on the endless expanses, the few tribes of the Perfume-European, who were to multiply, to expand their habitat, so great value Putting a childbody function. And the words associated with childbearing organs and functions were considered magical. They were forbidden to pronounce "VSU" so as not to smooth, not to damage. Tabu's sorcerers violated, behind them untouchable and slaves, which the law was not written.

Gradually, a habit of being expressed by a mat from the completeness of feelings or just for a ligament of words. The main words began to turn around the set of derivatives. Not so long ago, just a thousand years ago, the word, denoting a woman's easy behavior "Bl * h", is one of the crucial. It happens from the word "bleak", that is, "to exploring abomination".

But the most important mother word is considered to be the very word of three letters, which is found on the walls and at the fences of the entire civilized world. It is as an example and wonder. When did this three-letter word appear? One will say exactly what is clearly not in Tatar-Mongol times. In the Turkic adctor of Tatar-Mongolian languages, this "subject" is indicated by the word "Kuta". By the way, many are now worried about the name from this word and do not consider it ungually: "Kutakhov".

In the Indo-European language, which spoke the distant ancestors of the Slavs, Balts, Germans and other European peoples, the word "Her" indicated the goat. The word is kindly Latin "Hircus". In the modern Russian language, the word "Hari" remains related to him. This word has recently called goat masks used by rich during the card.

Thus, it can be concluded that the mat arose in ancient times and was associated with the pagan rites. Mat - First of all, the way to demonstrate the willingness to break the taboo, break certain boundaries. Therefore, the theme of curses in different languages Similar - "body bottom" and everything related to the departure of physiological needs. And in Russians, this need has always been great. It is possible that even, like any other people in the world ...

Do not confuse!

In addition to "bodily crops", in some nations (mostly French-speaking) exist in blasphemous. Russians are not.

And one more important moment - With a mat, it is impossible to mix argotizms that are absolutely not a mat, but most likely, just a foul language brave. As, for example, only thieves argotisms with the meaning of the "prostitute" in Russian dozens: Alura, Baruch, Maruha, Profrupet, Shalava, and the like.

Someone does not swear by Mat at all. Someone inserts a broken through the word. Most at least sometimes use strong words. What is a Russian mat and where did he come from?

Russian Mata has a rich history
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Attention! The text contains an abnormative vocabulary.

Study the old good mat does not allow a notorious social opinion. This complains the majority of researchers who have chosen so hard. Therefore, the literature about Mate is very few.

One of the mysteries of Russian abnormative vocabulary is the origin of the word "mat". According to one of the hypotheses, initially "Mat" means "voice." That is why we reached the phrases like "screaming good mate". However, the generally accepted version reduces the word "mat" to "Mother", therefore - "swearing on Mother", "send to damn mother" and so on.
Another Mata problem is the impossibility of making an accurate list of swiss words, because some native speakers allocate certain words as obscene, others - no. So, for example, it is the case with the word "Gondon". Nevertheless, typical mothers occur from four to seven roots.

It is known that different peoples have a different "stock" mat that can be erected to different areas. A Russian mat, like a brand of many other crops, is tied to the sexual sphere. But this is the case far from all nations because there is whole line Cultures, where everything related to sex is not published. For example, at the indigenous population of New Zealand - Maori's nationalities. One of the tribes is the ancestor of Maoritians - quite "officially" was called "Ure Vera", which means "hot penises", or "hot penis". In European culture, the sphere of Mata, by the way, is also not necessarily associated with sexual relations. If you look at Germanic languages, it will become clear that many curses are associated with feces.

The basis of Russian Maternaya vocabulary, as in many other languages, is the so-called "Obligible Triad": male sexual organ ("HI"), female sexual organ (p..da), and verb describing the process of copulation (" ..t "). Interestingly, the Russian language is characterized by a complete lack of designation for these words of literary original Russian terms. They are replaced by either Golima Latin and medical silent equivalents, or emotional - bluff.

In addition to the surrounding triad for the Russian mat, the word "bl." Is the only one that does not indicate genitals and copulation, and comes from Slavic blѫd.that translated into Russian means "forn - delusion, error, sin." In the Church Slavonic, the word "Bl..bye" means "lie, deceive, slander".

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Popular are also "M..De" (male testicles), "Man.A." (female genitals) and "E.Da" (men's genitals).

The above seven lexemes, a well-known researcher of the Russian Mata, Alexey Plurzer-Sarno proposes to take the concept of a Russian mat, leading, however, another 35 roots that participants in surveys found as Mantic (among them, by the way, such words as "eat" and "shove" ).

Despite the very limited number of roots, for the Russian mat, it is simply a gigantic amount of derivatives. In addition to existing, new ones are constantly. So, the researcher V.Raskin leads far from full list derivatives from the word "e..te" (only verbs): e .. beyond, e..y, e..y, e.zy, E.Sh., B .. you. Buy, you. Available, Do. Buy, Became, by. Grab, for. Together, by. Buy, on. Available, by. Blind, bend, about .. bout, about .. sharding, from .. batch, from .. batch, re. batch, revealed, cassted, by passing, under .. bout, under .. like, under .. let, once .. bout, Once .. bounce, s..bat, s .. breathe, s .. bought, y..bat, etc.

Nobody knows the specifically, where did the Russian mat appeared from? The popular once hypothesis that he got to us "from the Mongol-Tatar yoke" ("Tatar version") was fully refuted with the discovery of Novgorod birchy diplomas of the XII-XIII centuries. Fall on the yoke failed. This is understandable, because the obscene brand is somehow characteristic, apparently for all languages \u200b\u200bof the world.

But there are other versions. Two of them are the main. The first - Russian mat is associated with erotic pagan rites that played an important role in agricultural magic. Second - Material words in Russia once had miscellaneous, for example, double. But over time, one of the meanings were crowded, or they were merged together, turning the meaning of the word into negative.

Attention attention! In this article will be attended by obscene vocabulary (After all, how can I write about the history of Mata without him and the birth?). Therefore, persons with a thin spiritual organization and those whom it can offend, please just go nearby and in no case put pressure on the button "Read completely". And all the others - welcome to our next trip by the paths of history, and the topic of today's historical research will be so difficult (or maybe the mega's simple) thing, like mats (they are swearing, Brand, obscene vocabulary, "Strong Drain" and others like them ) Where did they come from, their history, origin and even sacred meaning ... oh yeah, sacred meaning, because the mat is not just all sorts of "dirty words" or vulgnery, for someone, a kind of poetry, an integral component of speech, letters, Maybe even sacred mantra.

Of course, we are more about great and mighty Russian, because it's no secret to anyone that mats are an integral "cultural" property of Russian speech, it gives a reason to some Ukrainians even withered to joking on this.

But be that as it may, the mats are present not only in Russian, but also many different languages \u200b\u200baround the world: English, Spanish, Polish, Magyarsky and still many others. (It would be interesting to listen to, say, how toothies, Eskimos, or how to sound mate on sophisticated French or languages). It seems that mats, these dirty words are registered-sealed somewhere deep in the wilds of our common collective subconscious - " having grated his fingers, Plumbing Ivanov, as always, wanted to tell about a terrible pain, which was tormented by all the nerve endings of swollen fingers and how his thin and sensitive nature suffers about how it was only a short "EP!" ».

But still, no matter how cool, and the Russian mate words are the most colorful, poetic, as the famous Russian humorist Mikhail Zadornov (whom I love very much): "Only a Russian man can be worn to a sunny sunset." And this is true, for some Russians, the mat is not just swearing, (as predominantly for all other nations) it is often a way of self-expression, internal expression, even admiration. And there is something more otherworldly in this, the magic, as if herd, man tells a certain magic formula, spell, mantra.

But let's finally turn to the story: there are several different versions about the origin of the mat. According to the most common of them: in ancient times, our ancestors did not fade, and on the mats came along with the Mongol-Tatar Horde. Although as for me, this version is complete nonsense, because the same English or Spaniards are also not ababrans, however, any lovers of Mathers, but no Mongol-Tatar came to them. The question arises - where did the mat come from the most Mongol-Tatars and whether he had different ancient peoples in ancient civilizations, let's say, whether in the Sumer, Ancient Egypt Or Greece. There is no unambiguous answer to this question, because there are no written references to obscene words since then there is no. But, nevertheless, it does not say that the ancient Egyptians or Babylonians did not comprehend, maybe they can still be sturned. (I think that if some simple Egyptian fisherman since the times whom the crocodile from Nile unexpectedly grabbed in one place, he at that moment was not the sacred mantras declared, and the crocodile wings are the most real ten-story matte, but who knows ...?) But of course , the mats were not written on clay signs and did not fire on the covers of Egyptian tombs or sarcophagus, in one word - censorship! (already)

Another version of the origin of Mata looks more believable - they came to us (and at the same time in a whole Europe) together with nomadic tribes (those strong guys on horseback, which in their time weighed the Great). Huns themselves (more precisely, some tribes), who first lived in Asia, long ago worshiped monkeys, considering their sacred animals (hello to Charles Darwin). Here are monkeys and to blame for the fact that people began to be workers, because mostly all mats associated with sexual bodies and a sexual act, and if we observe the behavior of the monkeys, say chimpanzees, we note that the males chimpanzees to demonstrate their strength, superiority over rivals And in general, consolidating leader status, often demonstrate their genitals or even imitate a sexual act. And the ancient Gunns, following its sacred animals - monkeys, took and adopted their monkey customs in their life - often demonstrating their genitals to enemies before the fight (probably to scare). Although it was not only Hunnna, I remembered how in the film "Brave Heart" Scottish warriors before the fight with the British demonstrated their bare ass.

And from non-verbal customs already went and verbal, and about the meaning of some mats you can reflect a lot not only to all sorts of philologists-historians, but also psychologists. Here, for example, the popular mat-send "on the dick" (I warned that there would be obscene vocabulary) - that is, the men's childbearing body, puts the one who sent, as if in a female sexual position, which means the loss of male strength and Advantages. Thus, the ancient Gunns and later other barbaric tribes sending their opponents to those most obscene three letters, tried to bring their kind of damage to them, to deprive male strength, to easily win, overcome in battle. And without any doubt ancient Gunns (if they brought mats) invested in them huge sacred meaning and magic power (True, sometimes in a negative meaning).

And finally, the most interesting version of the origin of Mata, according to which they have been spontaneously with us in Russia (and not only with us, but also from other nations) and first were not bad, dirty words, but quite the opposite - sacred Mantrah! So, it is the sacred pagan mantras that symbolized primarily fertility. And fertility, in turn, was associated with various erotic rites, simply our distant pagan ancestors believed that human eroticism and sexuality could affect the natural fertility that gives good harvest (After all, everything is interconnected, and at the top, then at the bottom, right?). By the way, among the numerous Slavic gods, all these Perunovs, dashers and welds, there was one God named EBUN (by the way, then it was not a bad word at all) about which for some reason, not so actively recall historians and religious scientists (may be shy ?)

And the common material words themselves, if you think about it, reflect nothing but the symbolic device of our universe: the first is the very word of three letters, a male active start, the second is a female, passive beginning, and the third is the process of their active interaction (by the way Not only with us, but in all other languages, for example, the most popular English mat "To Fuck" in different variations, just means the active interaction of the male and female start). It turns out the real yin and yang, a continuous update of life through the unity of opposites. And there is nothing surprising in the fact that in antiquity these words were attributed to the most real magic values, properties and used them as chambers (and not as a brand).

With the arrival of Christianity, of course, all the pagan erotic cults were leveled, and mats and mats, which from the sacred pagan mantras and "words of power" turned into a dirty word. So everything was put upside down, turned upside down. Interestingly, some people intuitively feel the power of the Mata and are not shy to actively use them, including on the Internet (which is only worth the mega popular on the windows of the Runet themes of Lebedev). And what about the use of Mata do you think?

At the end, a good esoteric joke:

Nikolai Roerich travels on Tibet, looking for a mystical city of Shambalu, the abode of the highest wisdom. Year, two, three, but feels - it's getting closer. And then rises to the mountain, finds there a descent in the cave, the whole day descends on him and goes into a huge hall. Thousands of Buddhist monks are standing along the walls of the rows, pull the "Ommm" mantra, and in the midst of the cave - huge, meters 30 height from the whole piece of jade lingam.
And the quiet voice sounds from Roerich over the ear:
- Nikolay?
- Yes!
- Roerich?
- Yes!
- Do you remember how November 17, 1914 at the corner of the Nevsky and the Pea, were you sent by the cab with a dick?
- Well yes …
- Congratulations, you came!