Dead people in the dreams. Dead: What dreams sleep

Dream of Astromeridiana

Why do you dream of a dead person in a dream?

By dream of alive man dead It dreams of some happy news, in case you are or your familiar.

What dreams a living man dead - to failure, unfamiliar man - To weather change. See yourself dead in a dream - you have a long life in front.

What dreams of dead relatives are shot - talking to them in a dream - to find out the future, because they want to warn you about something or give advice. The dead relative in the portrait is the personification of what you keep with them a spiritual connection.

Dead relatives are the fulfillment of your desires, you will support your plans.

What dreams that dead man alive - if this is your friend or close personYou really lack it.

Lunar dream book

What do you dream of a dead person?

As the dream interpretation: Dead Sunday see - a sign of well-being.

Children's dream book

What does the dead man in the dream mean?

What dreams of what dreams of a dead congratulatory in a dream is - you will soon make a good deed.

Symbolic dream book

Dream Interpretation: Dead Man If Dream

  • What dreams of the dead that the people will be filmed (revealed in a dream) - those people who are no longer in reality continue to live (exist!) In our mind.
  • IN folk accepting "To see in the dream of the dead - to the change of weather." And there is a share of truth in it - as a result sharp drops The atmospheric pressure in the image of the closest people in the dreams in the dream of people most easily penetrate either the phantoms of dead familiar, or lucifagi from non-physical measurements of the Earth's Nonospheres in order to study, contact and influence sleeping. The essence of the latter can be clarified by special techniques only in conscious dreams. And since the energy of Luciphages is alien (inhuman), then it is quite simple to determine their arrival. And although the lucifagges are very often "hiding" under the images of our favorite who went into the world of other loved ones, at meetings from allegedly our deceased relatives, instead of joy, for some reason, for some reason, are experiencing special discomfort, strong excitement and even fear! However, from the access to a direct destructive energy contact with authentic representatives of underground infernal spaces, we save us the absence of a full-fledged day consciousness, etc. - Unconsciousness - which, together with the high-speed action of our body, is our spiritual protection from them.
  • Nevertheless, we often often be "genuine", "real" biodowers who have once living with us close people. In this case, contact with them is accompanied by fundamentally different states and moods. These moods are more confidential, intimate, sophisticated and friendly. In this case, from the dead relatives, we can get both a good farewell, and a warning, and a message about future events, and - real spiritual and energy support and protection (especially if the dead were Christian believers).
  • In other cases, the dead people in a dream are our own projections showing the so-called "unfinished gestalt" - unfinished relations with this person. Such non-surgical ongoing relations are expressed by the need for reconciliation, love, proximity, understanding, resolving past conflicts. As a result, such meetings become healing and expressed by feeling sadness, guilt, regret, repentance - spiritual cleansing.
  • In general, the dead are messengers from the world of dead, conductors or defenders. The scenario itself is very important with the dead and what they say to us. Sometimes (especially when they try to hover to themselves, in "their" world, kiss something to take or give us) informs the dream that he either will die himself, or any serious trouble will happen to him Disease, or we are just about farewell to those who have left of life, they go to others, hope for higher non-physical dimensions. In many such cases, the case, however require or ask for recording and special church service and prayers for their rest. The last aspect complements modern psychology - It is necessary to internally forgive and release your memory of the departed relatives, acquaintances, parents (different: complete the gestalt - unfinished in life difficult relationships and problems with a deceased person).
  • Die in a dream by itself, on the contrary, - to luck, peace, the end of difficult affairs. The unfamiliar dead more relate to empty unrest, an end to an alarm or inform about minor ailments.

Modern dream book

If a dead person dreams:

  • What dreams of a dead person - an unfavorable sign. After such a dream, you should wait for the sealing news from those who are now far from you. There are also failures in commercial affairs.
  • If the dead dreamed of you lying in the coffin, then you will be pursued by troubles and failures.
  • See by dream dead Someone from loved ones can mean misfortune in a family or a serious family quarrel. For lovers, this is a sign of treason.
  • What dreams of a dead person - if in a dream you put the coins on the eyes of the deceased, then I will suffer from the dishonest actions of your enemies that will take advantage of your constraint circumstances.
  • Put the coin only one eye means that you will partially be able to defend your position. For a young woman, such a dream is a harbinger of misfortune because of her excessive gulling.
  • If you learn about someone's death, then wait for this person unpleasant news.

Dreams in which the dead man appears is not pleasant. Not so scary if the late grandmother was harmed or someone else, with whom you were well acquainted, but if the dead in your dream was a stranger, you can hardly wake up with a smile on your face.

Typically, such visions leave terrible memories, and long does not go through a terrible disconnection in the whole body.

There are many dreams who can join sleep with the dead man. They are as much as possible plots of night visions. But one thing is: these dreams foreshadow something, and if - his words can come true. Carefully remember vision, Up to the smallest detail, it is very important.

It happens that the deceased asks to take from home or buy some thing and leave him on. Be sure to comply. Do not think to think that it could mean. When you fulfill the will of the deceased, you will immediately become clear to you.

We saw the late man alive: warning sign!

If someone is from your friends, and in a dream you felt strong fear, excitement, be prepared that in the near future there will be unpleasant events in your life.

We will have to go through big obstacles, experience difficulties. Listen to the councils of the dead, because they can wonder the key to overcoming all difficulties. If in life you got lost from the right track, having dreamed of living dead will help return to the main road.

Are you talking to the dead, which is alive in your dream? To changes in B. real life, new turns and meetings with new people. But if the "live dead man" pulls you to himself, takes your hand or just calling to go with him, and also if he stretches anything to you, and you take this thing to take a big trouble.

If the dead has given you not only alive, but also quite happy, in good location Spirit, do not rush to rejoice. This is a warning symbol: you are led by you, and this someone has dishonest intentions towards your person.

Dead as alive and appeared to you in sleep

Sleep means coming changes, and those that you could not think about. However, you can try to guess that they will be imagined if it is pretty to put up their memory and remember words, phrases, suggestions that the deceased pronounced.

If he was alive, one who in his time died of illness, do not wait for anything good. You threaten either a meeting with a dishonest person, or the situation where you will unjust fell.

If the dead was like alive in the vision, and you even with him, this is a wonderful sign. He says that you will very soon get rid of obsessive fears and phobias.

The dead man comes to life: bad sign, be alert

Sleep with quite terrible. Sometimes people wake up in cold sweat and then all day with a shiver remember what they saw. The value of this sleep is also not positive.

The rustic dead person wants protect you from danger that lies. It can come in the face of enemies, major monetary losses, difficulties in working moments. Perhaps you will lose something.

If the dead man, who suddenly comes alone, shows rage, begins to rebel, fight, throws on you - show the maximum vigilance in real life. Sleep is clearly preparing for something.

If the dead dreamed alive, but 40 days after his death

If you buried a person, but until 40 days he managed to appear to you in sleep, it means that the connection with him is not lost yet. Maybe he died in the offense at you, loving you or angry for something. Similarly, you can be in love with him, to be offended by IL.

If you still love the deceased very much - you can't let him go. So he is at night. Understand: let go just necessary, it will help you and him.

If a person died from suicide, and you are angry with him for it, think: isn't it to blame for what happened? After all, there was something stronger and powerful, which made him go for such a step. Stop getting angry. The dead man leaves and you will not dream more. By this you give calmness and your soul, and it.

It happens that sleep with the participation of the deceased is quite pleasant. For example, you talked with a man during tea drinking, and when you woke up, felt in a raised mood, you were light and good. This is a wonderful sign. In your life, the delightful events will soon happen from which you will simply be delighted.

Blood dead man

The dead in foreshadows that you will be rich.

They themselves are poured into your river pocket, and your health will greatly benefit.

But that the signs become a reality, you need to work very well on yourself and keep vigilance.

Drawn the deadman is in the water

In the life and fate of the one who was chosen by the Dead, which is in the water, will be changed.

It is advisable to control your emotions, otherwise you can get into the unpleasant alteration and put yourself in a negative light in the eyes of others. Subsequently will be not easy to rehabilitate.

Dreamed the dead relative: what the Dream Dreams says about it

If the vision has shown you, prepare and betrayal from your second half. So that this does not happen, try to give your favorite time as possible, surround it with care and often praise.

Apostle Cannel about a dream in which you saw yourself dead

This dream can instill fear in anyone, so far is nightmarly. And yet it can be solved in the positive light. The apostle kanitis believes that such a dream promises consistency, success, happiness. You will live for a long time and do not need money.

Explanatory dream book about dead men in a dream

In an intelligent dream book, if you wear a deceased person in clothes, you threaten the disease. If you wear the dead man in your hands - the result can be tragic.

With you condemn the deceased: What will the dream of Ezopa tell about it?

Did you see the dead in a dream and lying in him? People gathered around, but instead of paying the tribute to the deceased memory, do they scold him in every way and watered mud? Vision indicates the approaching unpleasant events in your life.

Most likely, at work something will happen, perhaps you allow a number serious mistakesFor which you will read. A quarrel may occur with another person, for example, with a neighbor, a friend or an unfamiliar person.

How decrypts sleep with the late prince Zhou-Gong?

Dream Interpretation of the prince in his own way explains different dreamswhere the dead man appears:

The dead man pouring and flaruse - to the coming conflict, you are very rushed with someone.

The dead man stands on his feet - to be trouble.

Crying and at this time disintegrates into parts - your financial position Improved significantly.

The dead suddenly came to life and began to behave like a common person - Wait or important news.

- There will be great happiness.

The son was hardened the late - someone from familiar or relatives will be added in the family. It is not excluded that you yourself.

PrabaBabooks, great-grandfathers and other long-range ancestors, which are not really alive - await happiness, good luck.

Someone condolences you about the death of a native person - you have.

Vanga about a dream with a man in a state of clinical death

Vangan's appearance believed that if a dream was hanged, in which a person lies nor either dead, that is, clinical deathIt must be decrypted as follows: familiar to you people build plans, but you do not talk about it.

For a long time, you will not know anything about their ideas and therefore you can not stop them. When the intentions of these people become a reality, you will get a strong kick in your back.

Opinion Mr. Miller about donated dead father or dead mother

Means that you risk to get involved in the case unprofitable. The enemies around you: be careful, do not trust anyone. Mother who greeted the dead, also promises unpleasant events. They will happen if you do not harm your emotions away. Perhaps even someone will get sick.

See a live man dead in a dream - A terrible, frightening event. What dreams of a living person dead? What does such a dream mean?

Dreams often fall into panic after such dreams, I prophes to relatives of the disease or even an ambulance ending, prematurely prepare mourning robes and absolutely do not assume that in fact such a dream is interpreted completely differently.

Let's try to figure out what a living person dreams in a dream is dead?

The death of a living person in a dream - forever change in the life of a dream or "deceased." In itself, such an event, like death, foreshadows the rejection of the old and ever in favor of the new, accustomed to the unexplored and unobed.

The dream can expect to move to another city or even to another country, a change of activity on a completely opposite, meeting with man, in short time Having made an important place in his life, or simply rearrange the priorities.

He can quickly disperse in those principles held Throughout life. His religious views may also be changed: his faith will become dubious and riding, or, on the contrary, very strong.

Changes may affect not only a dream life, but also the life of the "deceased" in a dream. The dreams can cause change or just to be near specific momentInevitable by being in the center of events.

The death of a living person also talks about changes in relation to him. The dream should analyze its attitude towards the "deceased": it is possible, recently, it exhibits aggression, envy or other negative feelings.

It is important to temper your dust in time to avoid scandals and conflicts.

Get news about the death of a living person - Also, the foresight of changes in the dream of a dream, but not so radical, as if he becomes a witness of death.

A dream in which a living person dies can also serve as a warning. It is possible that someone from the close environment of the "deceased" wishes him evil, builds a walkway, inserts sticks in the wheels.

In this case, the "deceased" really threatens the danger, but not physicallike the danger of death or illness, and financial or spiritual - the danger of losing large amount Or relive an unpleasant event.

Who died?

If the dead man appears alive near a dream relativereally awaits him long and happy life, financial prosperity and strong health.

The death of a close relative, who is actually alive, most often serves as a warning, condemnation of a dream lifestyle. He should be cautious in affairs and statements.

If a dream is dying in a dreamwhich is actually alive and healthy, such a dream foreshadows the emergence of problems and responsibilities.

Girls such a dream promises the loss of support and patronage, the need to grab men's responsibilities for women's shoulders. People who have children, after such a dream, should give them maximum attention and care.

If a dream is dying in a dreamSoon, there are problems and failures. The reason for this will be his own recklessness and unjustified risk.

There will be a joyful event with adding.

Dead man eats - foreshadowing.

Dead of another person or himself - fortunately.

The dead of his son will be a joyful event with adding.

Eating meat of your own dead body - foresaw parting.

Dry and dead trees are something dysfoliage in the house.

Fallen or faded trees - foreshadows misfortune for anyone.

Interpretation of dreams from chinese dreams

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Dream Interpretation - Dead

Dead - unfamiliar - to change the weather.

Relatives and loved ones who are alive, but dead in a dream - most often this warning to you to abide care.

The most relative is not a danger threatening. Those who died, but in a dream are alive: Mother - to good luck; Father - to support.

Close, friends, relatives - a call to think about the meaning of life.

Familiar - you will be waiting for a shock by pride.

Dead is called with themselves - if you went, there will be trouble, illness, death; I did not go - be careful, you are threatened with a deadly danger, but it can be avoided, take action.

Offer to eat - you have dangerous disease, need medical help.

If it was broken with the dead - death on the threshold. From all the proposals emanating from the dead, but the living in a dream is better to refuse.

It is better to give this installation in advance so that it clearly triggered in a dream.

The dead come to life - amazing events, extraordinary adventures. Note: Dead themselves can not be in a dream. Their image is only a symbol.

The information that we really get from the dead is made by us by the way of clairvoyance through other images.

The dead do not need to be to instruct the right way.

Interpretation of dreams

If a dead person or other creature visits in a dream, it is not surprising that the sleeping is experiencing anxiety. What dreams of such night visits are being shot, is often a good sign or an important warning. Dream interpretation is considering all sorts of scene lines And offers interpretations for each case.

Abstract dead

When the dead people appear in a dream, especially many dead people, the symbol is a harbinger of injustice.

Chinese interpretation very symbolic explains what the death of children dreams. Dead girl symbolizes the delay in spiritual development, the deceased boy promises problems in business.

Drawn Male The dead man will make a dream blush for their actions. For a woman, a dead girl means the coming separation.

If the dead embryo dreamed pregnant, it is possible that in fact the health of the embryo is under threat, it makes sense to consult a doctor.

If a stranger newborn baby has dreamed, your undertaking is doomed. If the baby you know well, in a dream it was in a coffin, this child threatens a real danger.

When the head is separated from the body, the dream book claims that good signSweet luck in gambling And liberation from unpleasant responsibilities.

The dead sea either warns of a stagnant in affairs, or is the echo of memories of the journey,


See yourself dead or pretend to be dead by those who are actually very afraid of death.

If the living parents, mother or father dreamed of the dead, seeing in a dream, consider the call to pay them more attention.

The deceased mom and dad often testifies to the feeling of guilt. The image of the father's dream book also interprets as a guide to action.

Often the deceased grandmother is in a dream when sleeping needs a wise council. Listen to her words. Grandfather reflects the dream thrust to independence.

The dead bride for the bridegroom means his insecurity in readiness for family life.

If the son or daughter dreamed of dead, in reality they will delight you with their successes.

The late wife, her husband or boyfriend indicate an excessive dependence on their second half. A friend or friend in the coffin hints that you manage your life is not too intelligent.

The deceased mother-in-law testifies to the hidden conflict in the family or about internal contradictions. Reflection of unconscious rivalry is also their brother and sister.

If the familiar who left this world in a dream, in fact alive, the dream book promises well-being as they and you.


In the dream, you can find an interpretation why they come dead in a dream. The plot in which it happens to communicate, talking to the dead, is characteristic of dreams. The conversation content will help interpret its meaning.

Seen in a dream communication with the deceased often testifies that you still have not resigned with a loss. Vintage Russian Dream Interpretation believes that the dream, in which the dead came to life, foreshadows the change of weather. Modern interpretation offers a somewhat different interpretation, which will dream that the deceased comes to life: to change in the sleeping life.

What does it mean if the dead is calling with him, tells the further course of events in a dream. It is very desirable to confront his call, then I will be able to avoid trouble or bad well-being.

What dreams of hugging and kissing the dead depends on who the initiator of the manifestation of gentle feelings. If the sleeper himself expressed a desire to kiss, it awaits disappointment if he allowed himself to kiss himself, a career takes ahead.

If the same deceased often dies in a dream, forcing you again and again to experience the loss, remember it according to traditions or how the heart prompts.

If the dead gives money, the dream book believes that you are in vain to be involved in an unpromising and risky adventure. If you have failed to feed the dead in a dream, you can rely on unexpected help or a gift of fate.


It is extremely undesirable to see a deceased cow in a dream - not to avoid trouble. The fallen horse points to the spiritual and emotional depletion of the dream.

Darky pig warns about overlapping the main source of income, and piglets - about the loss of additional earnings. If only one piglet or hamster survived, you will easily survive the financial crisis.

He suspended his cat foreshadows victory over rivals, kitten - solving the main problem. If the patient dreamed of dead kittens, he would go on amend, for a prisoner kittens mean amnesty and rehabilitation.

In the dreams you will find an interpretation, why not surviving puppies. The image symbolize quarrels with friends. The only puppy warns that one of the buddies in danger.

Killed wild animals: Bear, Fox, wolves and hedgehogs serve as a sign that all obstacles to the goal are eliminated.

Dead dolphin and rabbit serve as precursors inevitable separation.


The dead dove, crow or sparrow predict career growth and at the same time remind you that you should take care of health.

If a deceased parrot had dreamed, the symbol speaks about the coming problems with society.

Dream Interpretation explains why the paddle chickens dreams. Rooster or chicken chickens Duck and goose foreshadow.

Little bird or chick will force you to accept unfavorable circumstances.

Other creatures

The dead spider promises a mighty detention of a dream. If flies and cockroaches are hardened, it is unreasonable to let things go on a self-shot and hope for perhaps.

Involving, what dreams frozen forever for the turtle, the dream book hints that you miss a lot in life.

The pop-up aquarium fish serve as a warning: you risk creating problems with your loved ones.

Dream Interpretation claims that Shark testifies to the presence of a cunning enemy in your environment. The rolled crocodile, the snake or frog mean that you will be able to get ahead of the enemy.