Is there a stone that protects against drunkenness. How to stop drinking with a stone called amethyst

When a loved one abuses alcohol, this is a disaster that is very difficult to deal with.

Exhortations to drinking people do not work, as their whole world narrows to the diameter of a glass, and they enjoy it. As a rule, drunkards do not want to be treated, destroying themselves and those who are forced to live with them under the same roof. However, if you value such a person, then you should not give up - you can still help him, or rather, at least try to do it.

We offer you a few not quite standard methods fight against drunkenness - an amulet, talismans, conspiracies. All this was inherited by us from distant ancestors, that is, it passed the centuries-old test for effectiveness. Try it, maybe it will help you to get a loved one out of the “alcoholic swamp”.

Astrological amulet against drunkenness

To get rid of alcohol addiction you can use an astrological amulet. It is done like this: take a sheet of drawing paper (or thick cardboard) and draw a circle on it with a diameter of 3 centimeters, cut out a circle, then enter an isosceles triangle into it. So you get the form of an amulet that will draw power from Saturn. It is this planet that is "responsible" for different kind restrictions.

Then draw the sign of Saturn in a triangle, it looks like this:

Below it, also in a triangle, but much smaller than the symbol of Saturn, draw the sign of Neptune:

In the power of this planet is such a process as intoxication and the desire for it.

Next, on all three sides of the triangle inside it, repeat the word “alcohol” three times, and with outside parties triangle, write the name, surname and patronymic of the person you want to get rid of alcohol addiction. It is best to do it in Latin. Then, closer to the edges of the circle to the right of the triangle, draw the sign of the Sun (Figure 1), and to the left - the sign of Mercury (Figure 2).

fig.1 fig.2

The sun in this case will support the strength of the one for whom the amulet is intended, and will give him energy to fight addiction, and Mercury will “attract” to this person all the information about the dangers of alcohol. And the drinking individual willy-nilly will be forced to perceive and process the information received.

Then turn the amulet over, on the reverse side in a circle, again enter the name of its future owner (in Latin), and in the middle indicate it full date birth and draw the symbol of the zodiac sign of this person. All inscriptions are best done in black ink or ballpoint pen the same color.

Now take an ordinary wax candle or just a piece of wax and melt it in a water bath. Quickly and with your own fingers, dip the amulet into warm wax, immediately remove it and do not put it anywhere until the wax glaze has completely hardened. Your simultaneous contact with the amulet and wax is necessary so that you transfer your will and a piece of your strength to the “astrological assistant”.

After the wax dries, hide this amulet in the things of the one for whom you made it. It is desirable that this person does not find him within a month. After the amulet works, take it away and burn it on the waning moon.


As talismans for getting rid of alcohol addiction, it is best to use natural materials. They have a special energy and truly magical properties.


Amethyst has been considered an excellent talisman that protects against drunkenness since ancient times. It can be worn as some kind of jewelry or you can buy a crystal of this mineral and put it at the head of the bed. The second is even more preferable, since in a dream a person is more susceptible to energy impact and does not resist it.

Amethyst gently relieves alcohol addiction, it seems to create positive circumstances in which a person simply has no time to "take a bottle", as he is busy with something no less pleasant or very important. Thoughts that “it would be nice to have a drink” appear in his head less and less. However, this stone helps to escape from domestic drunkenness, and it has practically no effect on inveterate alcoholics.


Another stone that gets rid of addiction is jade. However, before turning to its power, it is worth considering whether you are ready for the possible consequences.

The fact is that this mystical mineral promotes healing through pain and through the attraction of tough situations. That is, to get rid of alcohol addiction, it can provoke an exacerbation of some disease, for example, a stomach ulcer or what is commonly referred to as a “squirrel”.

And although after such a test a person, as a rule, really refuses alcohol (at least for a while), this is not easy for him and those around him.

There is another difficulty here - for the best effect, jade should come into contact with the human body as often as possible or in some other way contact it. If you are trying to help a woman, then there will be no problems - give her beads, a pendant or a ring entirely carved from this stone; but if your "patient" is a man, then you have to go for a trick. For example, put a piece of mineral in his bed, or better, sew 7 beads into a pillow.

poplar and aspen

Poplar and aspen are vampire trees, with a short contact they are able to draw negativity out of a person, including craving for alcohol. In order to make a talisman, cut a washer 5 centimeters in diameter and 2 cm thick from the wood of one or another plant, sand and polish the sections. When working with a tree, ask him to help you.

Place this wooden round on the pillow of the person you want to heal from drunkenness. This should be done after the person falls asleep, and removed after a maximum of 10 minutes. You may need 30-40 sessions, especially if your addiction to alcohol is very strong.

Also, get ready for the fact that for some time your "patient" will suffer sharp drops mood and possibly severe headaches. In addition, indigestion and vomiting are likely. Do not be afraid - this is how accumulated alcohol comes out of a person.


Conspiracies are enough powerful weapon in the fight against alcohol addiction. However, to achieve a lasting effect, you will have to use them at least 10-15 times.

Conspiracy from drunkenness to vodka

This plot is best read on an open bottle that your "patient" is going to drink. In addition, you can slander it once a day with a teaspoon of vodka and add it to food (best in spicy soup) to someone you are treating for drunkenness. After a while, he will feel an aversion to alcohol.

Vodka, step aside from (name), part in different directions, do not stop him (her) mind, there is no your power over him (over her)! I send hops to the thicket to wild animals, to pigs, frogs, beggar jackals, to insatiable wolves, to buried carrion. Hops, stay in the forest, do not return to (name), but leave (name) bitterness in the mouth, aching in the body. And from now on, vodka will smell of carrion, do not amuse the body, do not stir up the mind! My word is strong!

Conspiracy against drunkenness on water

This plot is read into the water and offered to the drunkard when he woke up with a hangover. In addition, you can say these words to food.

I lock vice on a huge lock, vodka will no longer step on your (name) threshold, hands will not rise to the bowl, the body will resist vodka, neither swallow, nor savor, nor be drunk. I will let in nightmare dreams, I will turn you (name) away from drunkenness, I will put drinking into sin, you will only drink water without interference. The vodka will get up in a lump in your throat, press on your belly like a stone, loosen your stomach, twist it, twist it, and ban it. It will be worse from drinking, where there is a glass - there is a tub, you will drink a fraction, a little bit, and if you miss - already horror. From the amount of any and from the weak intoxicated, even a light wine will send you under the porch. And from now on, and forever you are a hard man. My word is strong!

All of the above means help get rid of alcohol addiction, but sometimes they are not enough. Do not neglect the services of specialists and drug treatment. In addition, it is worth remembering that if you yourself do not believe in the power of amulets, talismans and conspiracies, then you will not succeed, since your own energy, your message, plays an important role. So if you are a skeptic in life, then look for other methods of dealing with drunkenness.

Nadezhda Popova

If there is a drinking person in the family, then everyone without exception living with him suffers. And often the suffering of family members exceeds the suffering of the drinker himself. Drunkenness is a disease, although this definition still has many ardent opponents. Another thing is that a person acquires this disease on his own and voluntarily.

It is difficult to resist such a temptation, especially after a week of work.

It all starts quite innocently, but this is only at first glance. Indeed, well, why not allow yourself to properly “rest” on a holiday, if there is good cognac and an excellent snack on the table? In the morning, the body desperately signals that such a “rest” is contraindicated for him, but the person “treats” him with a bottle or two of beer. Really, what's wrong with a bottle of beer? Gradually, the festive “rest” becomes weekly, and the morning “treatment” becomes traditional. At this stage, it is already difficult for a person to cope with the habitual consumption of alcohol. This is the period when drunkenness develops into a disease, when alcohol becomes necessary for the body, and a person literally cannot do without it.

The last stage of alcoholism is truly terrible - periodic binges lasting several days or even weeks, a terrible hangover, which not every organism can withstand without medical intervention, toxic damage to all organs and, as an inevitable consequence, premature death.

Don't wait for it! If you have a constant desire to turn Friday into a “drinking day”, and in the morning you don’t see anything special in “healing” your body, then it’s time for you (or better, much earlier) to sound the alarm and save yourself from the next nightmare. This is the period when your body still has time to save the amulet from alcoholism in combination with folk remedies and medical preparations. Nothing will help you later!

Family support for an alcoholic is very important - you need to have time to lend a helping hand to the patient in time

Another point, the importance of which cannot be overestimated, is the desire and will of the patient himself to return to normal life. The best helpers in this are hobbies and an active lifestyle.
However, members of the patient's family should not wait for the hour when the drinker comes to his senses and wants to live. It must be remembered that alcoholism is a chronic disease, and the concept of “former alcoholic” is meaningless. Relapses of alcoholism are more than likely. Therefore, depending on the current situation, certain measures must be taken, including the rituals, which are described below.

How to make a charm against drunkenness


  1. Some minerals, for example, and the serpentine, seem to have been created by nature itself to combat such a disaster as alcoholism. By the way, the literal translation from ancient Greek - "amethyst" means "not to be drunk." Amethyst is the best talisman against drunkenness. It is quite affordable and can be easily bought in jewelry stores. There is only one condition - the stones must have sharp corners. Charge the stones on the full moon, putting them on the windowsill for the whole night. Then the amulet stone is simply placed in the drunkard's clothes. The result of the action of the amulet appears gradually, be patient.
  2. You can buy glasses of amethyst. More than once it was noted that a person drinking from these glasses practically does not get drunk. Believe me, such a glass will become a talisman for relatives of an alcoholic in the most literal sense of the word.
  3. Another natural help is to stuff a small cotton pad with oak leaves and place it under the patient's head. You will notice the result in a reduction in periods of binges and in the appearance of an aversion to alcohol. Leave the pillow at the head even when your patient stops drinking.
  4. If you have the opportunity to be outside the city early in the morning, then you can conduct the following ceremony. Place a lit candle on a natural silk scarf spread on the ground. Place a glass of vodka next to the handkerchief. Tie the coil with a string, and dip its ends in a glass. Then set fire to the ends of the rope from the candle and wait until the rope burns out. You've got a talisman against alcoholism. Wrap it in a handkerchief and secure it in the amulet. Let the patient wear the amulet around his neck. If you did everything right, then the effect of such an amulet from drunkenness will not keep you waiting and will pleasantly surprise you with its power.
  5. There is an even simpler one. Any little thing made of amethyst should be sprinkled with a small amount of holy water, the prayer “Our Father” should be read over it three times and hidden in the clothes of the patient.
  6. Well, if the house has an icon "Inexhaustible Chalice". Pray before her regularly.

Many people are faced with a problem that has a strong impact on both a particular person and his loved ones. Millions of men and women with my own hands destroy their lives when they become addicted to alcohol. In such a difficult period, relatives are trying to find a variety of ways to solve the problem.

Unfortunately, not every person decides to seek help from a specialist. Moreover, not everyone uses medications or even herbal preparations in treatment. Some women, for example, prefer to find a talisman against their husband's drunkenness, believing that such an object is able to resolve the situation.

For most people, an amulet against drunkenness is a completely useless thing, unable to in any way affect such a complex, often chronic illness like alcoholism. On the one hand, this is true. Despite the proven ability of minerals to slightly affect the state of the body, such an impact will still not be enough to get things off the ground.

Theoretically, amulets against drunkenness work only through self-hypnosis. If the patient himself believes that such a method of influence can change something, then it will be so. However, many try to protect not themselves from drinking bouts, but other people who often do not believe in these methods, and often do not know at all why they were given the amulet. It is not worth hoping that in this case the stone will have its influence.

According to Ayurveda, gems and minerals activate a series energy chakras body. Most often they are used to influence specific organs. For example, agate is considered beneficial for the gastrointestinal tract and is used as a remedy for headaches. Amethyst influences the mind, helping to eliminate stuttering, improve vision and the degree of prudence.

In Ayurveda, there are a number of rules that must be followed so that the stones can affect something:

  • Such materials easily absorb other people's energy and vibrations, therefore, before using them, they must be left for several days in milk or salt water. So they can be cleansed;
  • In order for the wearing of the amulet to have any effect, the stone must touch the surface of the skin. In the case of rings, this is most often achieved through a window in the frame;
  • To create amulets choose raw, natural stones on which there are no cracks or other defects;
  • If the material has been subjected to chemical or heat treatment, it will no longer be able to affect the human condition.

According to traditional medicine, each stone has its own unique properties. To make a talisman against drunkenness of a husband, you need to pick up suitable material. If the patient himself believes that such a remedy will help him on the road to sobriety, then this may work. In general, the desire of a drunkard to get rid of addiction is one of the most important factors in successful treatment.


When people decide to make an amulet for alcohol addiction, most often amethysts become the material of manufacture. This is the most popular stone for such purposes, and there are several reasons for this. The main one is the name of the stone. Translated from ancient Greek, it means "not drunk." It is believed that such a mineral will help:

  • learn to control their own passions;
  • strengthen the will
  • relieve hangover symptoms
  • improve the state of the immune system;
  • reduce cravings for alcoholic beverages.

Since ancient times, people have decorated cups from which they drank alcohol with amethyst, as they believed that the stone would help maintain sobriety of mind, even if a person drinks. In addition, the mineral was kept in water for a day, and then this water was added to an alcoholic in order to arouse his aversion to alcohol.

A person who has decided to fight his own drunkenness can put the amethyst in his wallet or in a more accessible place so that he can constantly turn the stone in his hands. As a result, there will be an energy exchange, which theoretically should help in the fight against alcoholism.

Creating an amulet

Contrary to popular belief, it is impossible to make an amulet from amethyst that will be worn around the neck. For this option, you will need to make a hole in the stone, and it will interfere with its normal operation. Usually people simply select the appropriate material and perform some rituals on it.

It is believed that amethyst is not suitable for people with the zodiac signs Leo and Taurus.

One of the most common rituals requires waiting for the full moon. That night, the amethyst will have to lie on the windowsill until morning. There is more fast option: over the selected stone, it is necessary to read the prayer “Our Father” three times, after which the amethyst is placed in the clothes of an alcoholic.

It is believed that the greatest efficiency can be achieved if amethyst is combined with a serpentine. It is best to make a bracelet from such stones, and it is important to purchase all the materials yourself. Before you start wearing the amulet, you must refrain from drinking alcohol for three days.

Other stones

If amethyst affects the psycho-emotional state of a person more, then the serpentine is considered a healing stone. In vessels made from it, they used to store medications. It is believed that the mineral successfully fights toxins, including those resulting from alcohol poisoning.

Serpentine is usually purchased for male drunkards if their zodiac sign is not Pisces. Before wearing, it is wrapped with a thread, the ends of which are lowered into a container of vodka. After that, you need to set fire to the candle just bought in the church. With its help, the ends of the thread are ignited. It must burn out completely, so if the candle goes out, you need to relight it. The finished amulet should be put on a man by the hands of a loving woman.

It is considered that strong amulets can be made by hand from the following materials:

  • Chrysocol. Its effect is aimed at harmonizing the soul and body. It has a beneficial effect on diseases of the thyroid gland, nervous system and gastrointestinal tract. Most often, chrysocolla amulets are made for women, because they help drunkards to remember their maternal essence. In addition, the stone is useful for the proper functioning of the genital organs;

  • For men, jade beads are usually sewn into a pillow; there should be at least seven of them. Women tend to wear jade earrings or rings. The main condition is that the mineral must touch the skin. In general, jade is rarely used against alcoholism, since for its beneficial effects it takes a price in the form of health or well-being. It is believed that thanks to this stone, a person can overcome the craving for alcohol, but before that he will face a difficult life situation or a serious illness;
  • Emerald. Used to relieve hangovers and organize thoughts. Not suitable for Scorpio and Capricorn.
  • Smoky quartz. Amulets are made from it for nervous people with suicidal tendencies. An alcoholic should hold the quartz tightly in his hand if he notices a desire to drink.

In the treatment of alcoholism, malachite is used if the condition has already had a negative effect on the liver. Agate is acquired from bad thoughts, in particular from drug addicts. Alexandrite is widely used in Indian countries for the purpose of restoring peace of mind. Diamonds can also fight stress and depression.

The power of a word

In search of a remedy for drunkenness, some turn to conspiracies. If the impact of stones on a person is somehow proven from a scientific point of view, then this cannot be said about this technique. However, this does not prevent people from looking for texts of spells supposedly aimed at ensuring that a person copes with alcoholism.

Some read a maternal conspiracy over a talisman against drunkenness, but this type of spell is aimed at completely different goals.

The most common techniques require rituals with water, photography or soap. Some conspiracies are carried out in a cemetery or, for example, in baptism. As for the maternal conspiracy, it is customary to read it in Maundy Thursday after all the windows in the house are washed. As a result, water will remain, which is poured onto the son's back. At this moment, it is necessary to read the text: “As you were born, nurtured and raised, so you, (name) did not drink vodka and did not touch wine. The windows are clean, and so are you, Amen."

One of the most powerful methods is considered to be a slander on water. To do this, a clean liquid (preferably from a stream or spring) is poured into a glass container. During the waning moon, after midnight, a conspiracy is read: “Water is clean, like a mirror. Whoever looks into it sees a clean face, and who drinks water, the spirit purifies. He who drinks it will become like glass. Amen".

The text must be repeated three times, and then set the container under the moon. In the morning, the liquid is given to the drunkard to drink. If he himself refuses to do this, you can gradually add water to drinks or food. Usually you need to drink a person for a day, and sometimes longer.

Slavic amulets

Among the remedies against drunkenness, some turn to Slavic talismans, but this option is very difficult. The meaning of such amulets is a separate section of history, so it’s not enough just to know what a particular symbol is aimed at. Previously, magicians were engaged in charging talismans, but today people themselves are trying to conduct magical rituals.

There are no universal Slavic talismans aimed directly at combating drunkenness. To find an option that will help specific person, you have to study the features of each amulet for a very long time. In the future, such talismans are made of metal, usually silver. Such amulets are just a way to concentrate energy. In a person's life, nothing will change just from the fact that he simply put on a talisman.

Slavic amulets are strictly divided into male and female, and this must be taken into account when choosing your option. Sometimes it is possible to make a decision only through intuition, but for this a person must be very confident in it. In addition to amulets, the use of Slavic dolls, but among them there are no those that are aimed specifically at combating drunkenness.

How to overcome alcoholism

Whatever stones and talismans people use, the likelihood that such methods will work is minimal if the alcoholic himself does not want to stop drinking. His desire is a key factor in the treatment. When a drunkard realizes the need for changes in life, he should turn to specialists who will help to establish both the physical, the track and the emotional aspect of the condition that has arisen.

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In the fight against the green snake, any remedy is good if it helps. To date, there are traditional and non-traditional methods for. One of the latter are stones from drunkenness, they are used as a talisman against the abuse of alcohol.

If a loved one in your family began to drink too much and does not notice the real problem, then you need to take control of the situation. If the addiction gradually becomes chronic, it is unlikely that the alcoholic will want to be treated. Therefore, try to use non-traditional methods that will help, for example, stones from drunkenness. Which stone to choose and how do they work?

Since ancient times, amethyst has been considered a mineral endowed with special properties. It protects a person from excessive alcohol consumption. It is also used in jewelry, where it won the name "stone violet".

From ancient times there is a legend about the power of amethyst. Dionysus, the god of drunkenness and wine, once became very angry with people. Being intoxicated with a strong wine drink, he ordered a pack of wolves to kill the first one who gets in their way. The beautiful girl Ametis was destined to become a victim of a hungry flock. But the other gods of Olympus took pity on the unfortunate beauty, turning her into stone. When Dionysus woke up, he realized that it was his fault that an innocent girl was ruined. His tears hit the stone statue, turning it into a beautiful amethyst.

Even the name of the mineral is closely related to the use alcoholic beverages, since it translates as "not to succumb to intoxication." It is these properties of the stone that lithotherapists use to treat alcoholism in the modern world.

Stone action

Lithotherapy, that is, treatment with the help of minerals, has long recognized amethysts as a remedy that protects a person from cravings for alcohol. Of course, this is unlikely to help an avid alcoholic. But he will be able to control himself, to restrain impulses to drink as much as possible. Amethyst disperses the vapors of alcoholic drinks, so a person gets drunk much less and more slowly.

The influence of amethyst on different signs of the zodiac

It is very important to take into account the sign of the zodiac of an alcoholic, because amethyst can affect each of them in different ways. So, this stone has a very good effect on Pisces, Scorpio and Capricorn.

For Pisces, stone is considered one of the best amulets. It not only, but also has a general beneficial effect on the body. The Pisces sign is very sensitive to stress, which can lead to problems with alcohol. The stone will help to cope with problems and survive depression. If your loved one was born under the sign of Pisces and has addiction problems, then the best gift will become an amethyst decoration.

Amethyst is also considered auspicious for Capricorn. The stone has a special effect for this zodiac sign - it drives away sadness and spiritual anguish. Capricorns can be upset in very rare cases, but if this happens, they often go on a drinking binge. To prevent this, it is enough to put an amethyst accessory in Capricorn's personal belongings, for example, a keychain.

Scorpio can also be seen in the state alcohol intoxication rarely. However, he must have good reasons for drinking. If your close Scorpio still does not have an amethyst, quickly correct this situation. After all, this mineral for him is not just a talisman against intoxication, but also a powerful protector and a “magnet” of good luck. For Scorpio, it is best to wear this stone not just as a trinket in a bag or purse, but also as body jewelry.

The sign of Leo is considered quite strong, strong-willed and without that charismatic. Amethyst will help him from excessive drinking. But global changes in the life of Leo in the personal or family sphere should not be expected from this mineral.

The maximum anti-alcohol effect of amethyst is manifested not only for Leo, Pisces, Scorpio or Capricorn, but also for other signs of the zodiac. He protects everyone who needs help in the fight against the green serpent. However, these stones require special handling.

How does amethyst work?

The amethyst stone will protect not only Pisces, Leo, Scorpio or Capricorn from intoxication. He will help anyone who wants it. The mineral puts thoughts in order, forcing you to think about the course of your own life. Stones can be placed in water and left there for several hours. After that, it will also have healing properties.

If you have drunk a lot of alcohol, amethyst will save in this case too. You need to use both water and the stone itself. It will help you get to normal condition and will also soothe the symptoms of a hangover.

Stones are the keepers of the energy of the earth, they have long been endowed with magical charms that give people strength, health, and protect them from evil thoughts and rash acts. Astrologers claim that they are able to control the fate of people. Are there stones that protect against drunkenness, how do they work, which stone is suitable?

Amethyst - able to save from drunkenness

One of the strong minerals that can save you from drunkenness is amethyst. Even its name speaks for itself, in translation it means "not drunk". Its main advantages:

  • with its help, a person learns to control passions;
  • curb cravings for alcohol;
  • strengthens the will;
  • get rid of a hangover;
  • strengthen it the immune system, which weakened after drinking alcohol.

Since ancient times, it was believed that the mineral allowed to remain in a sober mind, even when too much alcohol was drunk. Therefore, they decorated bowls for wine. It was believed that if you insist water on this stone for a day, it will be filled healing power and help with drunkenness. Gravy infusion drinking person, you can turn him away from alcohol.

The stone must be constantly carried with you, then it will help the owner. Those who dream of getting rid of a bad habit put it in their wallet, take it out all the time, turn it in their hands, this is how an exchange of energies takes place. But it is not recommended to wear it around the neck. It is said that the hole for the rope interferes with the full release of power. If you associate amethyst with the signs of the zodiac, then it does not suit Taurus and Leo.

How to make a charm

For the stone to work, it must always be near the owner, so the alcoholic needs to make a charm to direct the energy of the mineral in the right direction:

  • On the full moon, amethyst is placed on the windowsill, left until the morning, but do not rush, it will not immediately reveal its power.
  • There is also a ritual for preparing a talisman: they read the prayer “Our Father” three times over an amethyst and put it in the clothes of a drunkard.
  • The amulet will work more efficiently if it is made from two minerals - serpentine and amethyst.

The stone must always be near the owner

The strength of the two stones will merge and double, only you need to do everything according to the rules:

  • alcohol should not be consumed for at least three days;
  • buy a new stone, smooth and even;
  • you can pick up not only a pendant, but also a bracelet;
  • you should not take it from other people, you must buy it yourself in a specialized store.

Putting on yourself, you should not brag and tell for what purpose it was bought, let it remain a secret.


Serpentine also refers to stones that have the ability to heal. Its purpose is to protect human health. Medicines were kept in vessels from it, healing powders were crushed with mortars. It has the properties to neutralize poisons, reduce the effects of alcohol. It is a male stone.

To heal from alcohol addiction, the stone is worn on a string, but for an effective amulet it must be prepared:

  • first make a hole to thread the rope;
  • then it is wrapped with a thread, and the ends are lowered into a cup of vodka;
  • the ends are set on fire with a candle bought in the church, it is important that the thread burns out completely, if it goes out, it is set on fire again.

This amulet loving woman should hang her man, then he gains strength. You just need to know that it cannot be used for the Pisces sign.


Blue stone, with an unusual shade of black and green. Its task is to create harmony between body and soul. When a person's spirit is weak, he begins to look for the solution to the slightest problems in a glass, this stone is for him. For those who wear it on the chest, it saves from diseases of the stomach, thyroid gland, soothes nervous system and increased anxiety, and for people with severe alcoholism, this is just what is needed. Such pendants help drinking women to remember that they are mothers.

Chrysocolla will help open the feminine and bring back the maternal instinct drowned in wine. For a woman, it is useful in that it restores the functioning of the genital organs. The mineral is especially favorable to Lions and Cancers.

Jade stone, the use of which is effective in alcoholism, but leads to unpredictable consequences. He does not give his energy just like that, but you have to pay for healing. A person will stop drinking, but this will be preceded by a serious illness or a difficult life situation. Before using it, think very well.

The main condition for the use of jade is direct contact with the body. It is easier for a woman, she can wear a ring or earrings. For men, jade is put in bed or beads are sewn into the pillow for at least 7 pcs. It can be used by Capricorn, Pisces, Leo and Scorpio, it is also suitable for other signs.

Jade gives its energy, but you have to pay for healing

Other stones

There are other stones that also help with alcoholism:

  • Emerald will help with a hangover, put your thoughts in order. Only for Capricorn it is required to use it to a limited extent, and for Scorpio it is unacceptable.
  • Malachite is worn by those who have a diseased liver spoiled by alcohol.
  • Another stone is smoky quartz. It is good for nervous people suffering from mental instability, suicidal tendencies. He can also cope with the alcoholism of Pisces, Scorpions and Capricorns. Carry it with you whenever it appears. desire drink, squeeze in hand and ask for help.
  • Agate - protects drug addicts and alcoholics, if he is nearby, then evil thoughts will not touch a person, he will help him survive in difficult times. It can be safely worn by Scorpions, Pisces, Lions, Capricorns. Only Aquarius should limit communication with him.
  • In India, alexandrite has always been considered a keeper from adversity and alcoholism of the signs of Scorpio and Pisces. It will help you calm down and restore peace of mind.
  • Diamond saves people from harmful passions, helps to avoid stress, anxiety, depression and obsessive phobias. Of all the signs of the zodiac, the diamond chose Leo, as it is the stone of kings, but it is also suitable for Scorpio. But it will take at least 7 years before he begins to serve the owner.

Rules for the use of stones

The stone will help a person, if handled correctly, take into account its energy purpose:

  • the amulet should be used for its intended purpose;
  • it is forbidden to give your stone to strangers, not to accept it as a gift, especially from those who cause hostility:
  • especially when it is intended for treatment;
  • stones cannot be used to induce the evil eye or damage;
  • minerals must be worn taking into account compatibility according to the signs of the zodiac;
  • if a decision is made to use the energy of stones in the treatment, well, consult with a specialist in this field;
  • the healing properties of the amulet retain when it is treated with respect, wear it all the time;
  • do not show it to strangers.

Failure to comply with these laws can bring trouble to the carrier, cause the opposite effect.

In order for the stone to work effectively, to help get rid of alcoholism, it is important that the person himself has this desire, and the minerals will add strength to him to fight the disease. Which stone will help and save from drunkenness depends on the circumstances, each is good in its own way, and intuition or practice will help a person.