Greece where it is better to rest. For the first time in Greece where to go

Tatyana Solomatina

Which resort to choose in Greece?

And hello again, dear readers! On the courtyard December and until the summer is still far away, but now many are thinking about vacation. I want to draw your attention to Sunny Greece.


Kos is a chic and expensive resort for chosen, no wonder, Hollywood stars choose him for rest. The island is small, located in the southeastern part of the Aegean Sea. There are many greens, nature is very beautiful.

Prices are high, therefore budget to relax, most likely it will not work.


Zakynthos is an amazingly beautiful island to return. Two rods of the mountain ranges close the valley from bad weather. Brown vegetation, sheer rocks, picturesque, closed from the sea of \u200b\u200bthe Bay of Golden Sand - the real paradise for tourists.

Unfortunately, on the island rarely lands, you can only get here with local airlines or ferries.


Santorini is a small island, volcanic origin, with a coastline of 70 km. White houses of locals are concisely inscribed in the mountain landscape. Here is your own, some kind of aristocratic, cozy atmosphere. Life flows slowly, time, as if stopped.

If you move a little from the tourist trail, you can find wild places and enjoy loneliness. Islands beaches are very diverse, even sand in every place of its shade, from gently yellow, to bright red.

Rest on the island dear. As a rule, tourists come here for one day as part of excursion groups.


In Greece, many resorts and choose really difficult. Beautiful nature and gorgeous beaches are almost every corner of this sunny country. So where is it better to relax in Greece? How many people, so many opinions. Where to enjoy one, there it is not necessary to be completely different.

If you, dear readers, I wonder my opinion, now I would have operated in such a sequence:

  1. Ready general information About country and main resorts
  2. We look at the price of tours or housing and air tickets (perhaps you will get off cheap tickets and it will be more profitable to go on your own)
  3. Based on the second point, we decide how to relax, through the tour operator or independently. How to make the right decision I wrote
  4. Most likely, for the first acquaintance with the country, I would choose one of the islands, focusing on the price-nature-quality-light transfer (precisely in such a sequence). You may have other priorities.
  5. Deciding with the island, read detailed information about the resorts of this place, relying on fresh reviews on the net.
  6. Further choose accommodation, hotel or house (if not tour)
  7. Now buy a tour or tickets (if you drive yourself)

This plan is not suitable for those who purposefully go to watch certain attractions. Such tourists are easier, you just need to choose the resort closer to the desired visits.

That's all about what I wanted to tell, I hope you have developed a shared picture about the resorts of Greece.

My personal impressions can be soon to learn from the stories in the "My Travels" heading. In the meantime, I propose to get acquainted with the article. It seems to me that this is an urgent question.

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Tatyana Solomatina

The stretched extended coastline and many large and small islands in the Mediterranean Sea turned Greece into a beach holiday country: stony, sandy, mixed beaches, framed by resort towns or palm groves, are found almost every step.

Perfect place For a serene and relaxed rest on the seashore, this is an incredibly beautiful island of Santorini, who is headed by the list of the most beautiful islands of the world, which includes Bali, islands of a large barrier reef and Boracay in the Philippines.

Santorini is actually a group of islands surrounding ancient flooded caldera, which formed in a few centuries BC after eruption of the volcano. Especially beautiful the resorts of the main island of Tira on the shore of this caldera: there is a pretty cool coastline, with the height of the cliff, the picturesque islands on the other side of the lagoon are well. The resort villages of the island are an unforgettable spectacle: traditional Greek houses are painted in a bright white-white color, especially dazzling on the hot Mediterranean sun. Resting here is not, but the beauty of the island is worth it.

The main resorts of Santorini are the towns of Fira, OA, Kamari and Imerovigli.

Corfu Island is also popular with tourists who prefer beach rest. This corner of Greece earned fame due to the abundance of greenery, which is usually unknown by the Greek islands and resorts. There are also whole forests of olive groves and other trees, and picturesque beaches and good hotels Any class, from the cheapest to five-star, make this place even more attractive.

Almiros on Corfu is one of the most beautiful beaches of Greece, which preserved a virgin nature and has crystal clear water.

Best places in Greece for cultural holidays

Greece is one of the few countries where beach rest can be easily combined with sightseeing, which is very rich in this ancient country. Even on small islets and in small resorts you can find residues ancient civilizationswho flourished on this territory, but there are several places with the richest historical heritage.

Crete is one of the most interesting islands of Greece. The cradle of ancient Greek, or rather, the Minoan culture, which posted the beginning of the development of the first developed European civilization, left behind many monuments. The beauty and purity of sandstall-pebble beaches of Crete attract much less attention than ancient destroyed cities, an ancient Palace, the Cave of the Chief Olympic God, old monasteries.

The most complete idea of \u200b\u200bthe heyday of an ancient Greek civilization can be obtained by resting in Athens. This city harmoniously combines the most ancient monuments of architecture and modern reality. Its main attractions - Acropolis with many ancient temples, including famous Parthenon and Museums ancient Mira. Nearby Riviera is located nearby - a number of resorts along the coast of the Mediterranean Sea, where you can relax after active excursions on the hot city.

Publication date:

If the vacation was issued in June, spend it in Greece! This amazing country is rich in chic natural landscapes, there are many ancient architectural monuments and each self-respecting traveler should visit Greece at least one day. Why in June? At this time, the weather in Greece is the most favorable for recreation - the sea is already warm, but the air temperature does not reach the maximum and holds within the limits of comfortable values, and the cloudless sky will always be your companion. Therefore, June is a great time for swimming.

Where to go to rest in June? Magic Greece - our advice!

In addition, at this time there is still no influx of tourists, respectively, prices (for products, excursions, accommodation, transportation, souvenirs, etc.) In most, very acceptable. Boldly go on excursions - on trips you will not be completely hot. If your children are schoolchildren, then it is in June they will restore the strength after tedious everyday life.

In general, Greece is a very multifaceted country for tourists, here you can arrange a romantic journey, and relax in a relaxed family circle. Lovers of fashionable parties and incendiary discos will also find interesting options recreation. Tourists of any wealth come to Greece - you can settle in a luxurious villa, and in more affordable apartments. Everywhere you are waiting for a warm and warm welcome.

What is the Greek resort to choose for a trip in June?

So, the decision is made: we are going in June In Greece! The case, it would seem, for small - choose the resort. But this is not so simple: even experienced travelers in Greece have been thinking for a long time before choosing a destination. Socrates country resorts are conditionally divided by geographical position (on the mainland and on the islands), by what kind of sea is washes the coast (Ionian, Aegean or Mediterranean), as well as internal infrastructure.

Northern Greece

In the north of Greece you are pleased with the warm Aegean Sea and the famous resorts: Thessaloniki, Sithonia, Athos and, of course, Castoria.

- One of the largest Greek cities, it is called the capital of Northern Greece. It is here that an international airport is located, and there are many hotels and apartments of the most different level of availability (from categories VIP and de Luxe to cozy removable apartments).

However, most resorts of Northern Greece are concentrated in the Peninsula area. The peninsula itself resembles a trident in shape, and his "teeth" is Sitonia, Cassandra and Athos (Agion Oros). The main advantage of these places is that, unlike the southern islands, the territory of Chalkidika is drowning in greenery even in the midst of the summer season. To go in June and can be perfectly resting here connoisseurs of relaxing holidays, couples with children. Peak high temperatures On the peninsula is observed in the second half of July and August, and in June, when the sea is already warm enough, there is still no strong heat.

- This is the peninsula whose name according to mythology corresponds to the name of Son Poseidon. Famous resort pure Morce and beautiful natural species. Here, in addition to hotels in a different level of star, there is even a golf course, the casino is the only on Chalkidiki (in the tourist hotel complex Porto Carras).

As happened everywhere in Greece, there are ancient cities in the Sithonia Peninsula (Toroni, GalipSos, Sarti, Singos and Derra), where you can see unique archaeological monuments. The best coast on Sithonia is considered West - from Neos-Marmaras to Nikiti. These villages are famous each in their own way: Nikiti is a concentration of vintage houses with invariably red roofs, and Neos-Marmaras is a nightlife center at Sithonia.

All beaches of the peninsula are covered with small crumbbed sand, and forests are rich in pine. If in June you were on Sithonia, be sure to look at Vurvuru Bay, where the beach is the same name, which is considered the most exotic and beautiful on the peninsula. Here you will see the crystal clear sea, scenic coves and olive groves. The best hotels of Sithonia are customary to Anthemus Sea Beach Hotel & Spa, Maria Elena Villas, Porto Carras Meliton Hotel, Lagomandra Beach. All these complexes offer big choice Rooms, which allows you to choose options for both family pairs, and for those who wish to plunge into romantics.

The Holy Mount Athos is a place where the atmosphere of privacy and spirituality reigns. There are two dozen of Orthodox monasteries, among which there is a Russian Orthodox Monastery of St. Panteleimon. It should be said that the entrance to Athos women is strictly prohibited, and even men can visit the peninsula only with a special resolution. However, admire the stroke spiers and architecture of buildings can always be from the sea.

In almost any resort town, marine excursions on Athos will start at almost any resort town, during which the yachts fit the peninsula pretty close. On Athos there is a visa regime, it is possible to obtain a visa to a limited number of days and it is issued, as a rule, professors and students of theological specializations. Such precautions have their own foundation, because here, in the capital of the monastic republic, the Museum of Orthodox Christianity, which is located in the capital of the Monastic Republic ancient icons, manuscripts and unique books. Given the specificity of the territory, tourist hotels on the peninsula not as many, they are located in the 2 coastal towns of Uranopoli (the name of which is translated as "Heavenly City") and neo-kind. The best among them is Alexandros Palace 5 *, ARISTETELS Hotel 4 *, Eagles Palace & Spa.

Among the Greek resorts has special popularity. This city is located on the coast of the Orestiad mountain lake and has a special attractiveness. Castorina is the global center for the production of fur products. If you want to buy a high-quality and beautiful coat at the price of the manufacturer, look shopping center Edika in Castoria. About 80 thousand models of fur products are represented in 12 shopping halls. As for hotels, the choice is small, the best can be called Apollo Palace 5 *, Esperos Palace 4 *. Rooms in hotels are better to choose overlooking the lake. There are no beaches in Castorian: in the lake is not accepted, but there are wonderful opportunities for fishing.

South Greece

South Greece resorts are customary to Loutraki, Eui, Wulyagmen, Glyfand and of course the island of Crete.

The most famous resort of this part of Greece, where, in our opinion, it is better to go in June, it is not far from Athens (80 km) and is washed by the waters of the Corinth Gulf. Despite the fact that the city is small, it is here that the largest casino is located in the Balkans (Club Hotel Casino Loutraki 5 *). Hotels here are not very much, they are built mostly along the coast. It should also be noted that most hotels in Loutraqi new or newly renovated. As entertainment, tourists are offered scuba diving, surfing, riding on yachts, water skiing, motorcycles. Beaches at this resort pebble.

In Loutraki in June and not only go to relax and heal, because there are many sources of healing mineral waters. There is also a hydrotherapy center in the city, where, combining with rest, you can go through the course of therapeutic procedures. Lutraki is an antiquity admirers: this town is quite close (a few dozen km) from the main attractions of Greece: ancient Corinth, Acropolis, Mycene, Epidaur, Delph. In Loutraki, you can look at the famous Byzantine and antique temples, such as the temple of the goddess Gera. Thus, this town is universal in terms of tourist infrastructure.

At the suburbs of Athens (15-20 km) are located and. Prices for accommodation here in the season are always higher than in the rest of the resort Greece. The influence of the proximity of the capital affects. This area is the concentration of fashionable five-star hotels, but not all of them can correspond to the stated level of star. As for the beaches, they are sandy here. "Wild" beaches do not always boast of cleanliness, unlike those equipped (although it is about 4 euros for renting sun beds and umbrellas). Hotels with category 5 * have their own beaches and provide such equipment for free. As for the sea, it in glyfade and vulgaria is very clean, as in all Greece. In general, the resorts boast of excellent entertainment and sports infrastructure. These resorts are a great place for both business tourism.

Video answer to the question: Where better to go in June?

Film about the magical rest on the island of Crete

If in question "Where better to go in June?" Your choice fell on the southern part of Greece. There are many resort towns and villages. The most developed and large part with an excellent tourist infrastructure is Heraklion - there are many bars, large discos, comfortable hotels and beautiful beaches. In Heraklion, there is an international airport and seaport, which significantly facilitates the shuttle service to the place of residence. One of the main resorts of Crete - the village (8 km from Heraklion), which is famous for the fact that there is an Olympic stadium with pools nearby. If you wish to join the local gastronomic flavor, then you taste the famous Cretan dish - a hagging, which in the restaurants of Amudara is preparing flawlessly. This is a roasted snail with the addition of rosemary.

Island Greece

Perhaps the most famous resorts in Greece are its islands. Corfu, Rhodes, - all this places for a wonderful rest, rich in impressions and filled with comfort. Greek islands is a place of an elite rest, this is the best choice where to go in June.

Make sure the island is not for nothing that is nosted by emerald - here for a long time orange gardens, olive and lemon groves, cypress forests are growing. Most of the hotels in the island refers to the category de luxe. As for cultural and entertainment program, little place can be compared with Corfu. Here you can see, for example, Spianda Square, which is not equal to beauty in all Greece. There are many museums on Corfu and about 800 ancient monasteries and churches. For tourists, golf clubs, tennis courts, diving centers, can be riding, visit the fitness club or beauty salon, and children's clubs, water parks and playgrounds are opened for children. Nightlife on Corfu is just as diverse. The best places for lovers of bars and discos - Ipsos, Sidari, Moraite and Mesongy.

But this is a concentration of chic beaches and fashionable hotels. Here, in addition to standard entertainment institutions, there are many cozy little places. Rhodes is washed by the water at once of the two seas - in the west of the Aegean, and in the east of the Mediterranean. This invaluable advantage can appreciate those who love variety. The West Coast (Yalissos, Ixxia) will delight windsurfing fans, because Here are permanent waves, but Eastern (Faliraki, Caliphi, Lindos, Quizbia) is the best place for traditional beach holidays, because here the sea is always calm, and there are many beautiful sandy beaches.

In general, Greece is a unique country for tourists. Each of its corner is rich in historical monuments, ancient cities, wonderful natural landscapes. Here you can find a holiday in taste and couples, and lovers of romantic quiet places, as well as those who do not imagine relaxation without nightly fun. Having visited Greece once, you will not be able to refuse the pleasure to return here again.

Have time to order a tour in order to fully enjoy all the beauties of Greece in June, because the popularity of the resorts of the Mediterranean among tourists from Russia is growing from the year, and this can leave you without the possibility of choice.

The height of the heat begins, and the journey here at this time is undesirable for those who suffer from heart and diseases of the respiratory system, as well as from unstable pressure.

Where to go to rest in Greece in August?

Before making a bet on Greece on the last summer month, it is necessary to take into account that in August there are practically no precipitation and the most hot during this period in the south and south-east of the country. So, the air is late to + 36-38˚C, so from 11 to 15 hours it is better not to go outdoor in the avoidance of burns and solar shock, and to arrange a siest, especially since most cafes and shops on the lunch watches will be closed . As for walking, they are more comfortable to perform after sunset when the air temperature decreases to + 24-25˚C.

Want to combine excursions and rest on the beaches? Make a choice in favor of the Athenian Riviera (provides guests with modern yacht clubs and well-equipped beach zones) or peninsula (tourists will be delighted with its chic nature). The water temperature of these shores is not lower than + 26˚C.

If you like calm and silence, at your service - the resorts "Trident" (Temperature of August Water + 25˚C). If you do not want to be limited to bathing and chafell, and you are going to surf, keep the course for Crete or Cyclades.

Greek water parks enjoy special demand in August. So, it is worth looking at the Acqua Plus Water Park on Crete: It provides guests with free Wi-Fi, the main pool, the lazy river, the extreme slides (Giant Slides, Space Bowl, Tsunami, Two Massive Black Holes, Multirace Slides, Extreme Kamikaze & Tornados), Children's zone (Octapus Kids Waterslides, Kids Tower Waterslides, Snake Kids Waterslide).

Augustus will delight and lovers of all sorts of interesting events: in the village of Avda (Crete) at this time passes the rock festival "Ikarus", on - music FestivalIn the epidavre - the Ellin festival, on Santorini - the festival of volcanoes.

Corfu Island

If we compare with Rhodes, then in August is more comfortable, since this island is north and famous for lush vegetation, which softens the heat.

The main sights of Corfu: the old fortress Kerkira (the ruins are subject to the inspection and the surviving bastions; come here in the evening, to admire the light show), Cathedral of St. Spiridon (there are the relics of the saint in the silver sarcophage), the viewing area "Throne Kaiser" (one side opens the view At sea, and the other is on the whole island).

In August, everyone will be able to get to the Barcarol festival in Paleokastric: the holiday is accompanied by honored by Holy Spiridon, which is considered to save Corfu in 1716 from Turkish conquerors, and access to the sea of \u200b\u200bboats with choir. Fireworks start to the sky in the sky.

Beach Corfu:

  • Agios Gordios: Resting on Agios Gordios, everyone will spend time in the bay, which surrounds the swords of grapes and olive trees Rocks. If necessary, you can rent a chaise lounge, an umbrella and even catamaran, and also satisfy hunger in one of the cozy taverns. And close to guests are a souvenir shop and mini market.
  • Peroulades: 2 ladders equipped in rocks will lead to the beach of vacationers. It will be possible to splash in the water surrounded by rocks, reaching a height of 100 m. At the very perouldes infrastructure of the underdevelopment, but everyone will find a tavern over it with a terrace (delightful views are opened, especially at sunset). Here, if you wish, you can stay overnight or longer period.

Kos Island

In the afternoon in the August spit, the air warms up at least to + 33˚C (water temperature + 25-26˚C), but heat is transferred easier than, for example, in Turkish resorts. And thanks to often revealed winds that have a beneficial effect on the microclimate, humidity decreases.

Guests will be able to inspect the Castle of the Knights of Johnitov (excursions will be able to admire the columns, tombs, altars, as well as to see the stone bridge), Askletpion (today is the ruins of the temple and hospitals; before, the patients spent the night, talking on the morning about their dreams, Askletpiad The basis of which he was prescribed treatment) and the Altar of Dionysis (the surviving foundation, fragments of some structures and monumental walls, are subject to inspection, and spend time on the beaches on which the golden, white or volcanic sand is black. Interest is also caused by thermal sources located on the coast near Psalidi.

I thought for a long time where to go to disperse, and in the end they chose olive in the homeland? Greece - a wonderful and multilateral country with many entertainment for both youth and for those who are older. This article contains information not only which exactly exactly to you, but also information about temperature conditions From April to October in different cities of this country. So, we'll figure it out on islands or mainland, where is it better to relax in Greece what kind of cities can be rightfully called " the best holiday destinations in Greece «?

Greece - This is not just a country of the oldest myths and echoes of the past, but also an amazing place for tourism. Some of the local beaches deserve to be in lists of blue flag . However, in addition to the most interesting excursions and tourists, surprises are expected as a meal, because Greek cuisine is simply great! And what frames will remain in family photo albums after unforgettable walks in Greek streets and riding on blue water stroit on the boat!

When is it best to relax in Greece?

In connection with the presence of the three seas there is a Mediterranean subtropical favorable climate. In the winter months, rains are rain and everywhere, in the spring - pleasantly, in the summer - heat and not very "in a kaif". The most comfortable time of the year is autumn. Baby and people in years are suitable for travel in May, in June or September. If you have a rest with an abundant number of excursions, then best time For him - this is October and April.

The official opening of the beach season falls for April, you can climb, but cool. At the very end of March, opens the swimming season, and several other islands. The air temperature during the daytime is about + 25c. The sea warms up to + 19. The beach season lasts about five months before the middle of October.

To May slightly warmer, temperature +24. + 28C, and water heats up to + 22c. By June, the thermometer column slowly moves to + 33c, but still tolerant and for excursions. Better during these months is resting in Northern Greece.

Northern Greece, Chalkidiki

In July and August, the hottest heat comes, in the afternoon of air about + 35s and above, and the sea + 25c. During this period, it is best to visit, because it is located in the north of the country and the temperature there is more gentle. More on a lot of vegetation and you can always find salvation in the shade of thick thickets. The humidity is small, the summer sea breeze facilitates and pleasantly refreshes.

Ideal weather can be called in September, when the heat falls and usually does not exceed + 33c, and the sea is still warm, nice to relax in an absolutely any city Greece. The closer the end of September, the better to be in the southern part of the country, there is warmer and while dry. In November, the rainy season begins.

The best Greek resorts of Greece, according to tourists

Rest in this country - It is a rest on the mainland or rest on the islands. Best rest in Greece- This is the pastime in the most common among holidaymakers:; , on the peninsula; Peloponnes and islands; ; ; and. Tours on CyprusBut about that another time.

Islands of Greece

Cultural leisure in Greece

You arrived not only to fry on, but also visit various excursions? If so, then you need to think and distribute your leisure, so that time and enjoy the sea and taste the beach holiday and spend the time culturally. One of the main, favorite tourists is the temple complex -. However, if you believe the reviews, the trip is not for everyone, since it is necessary to heat this historic monument to rise long ago, in summer, also in the heat, there are practically no places for photos, so also huge crowds of tourists. But if you are a connoisseur of art and ancient history, for you, this is a chance to touch the past.

At the resorts of the peninsula Peloponnes It is very convenient to combine pleasant with useful: the presence provides pleasant conditions for the body, and the opportunity to visit the Olympia - the cradle of all famous Olympic Games, the Fortress Apparel, I. Ancient Corinth - will increase your knowledge.

Rather tedious, but no less interesting can be considered excursions to monastery complex in meteors And ascent to the abode of the ancient gods - the mountain. Despite fatigue, you will get a sea of \u200b\u200bbright and unforgettable impressions.

IN Greece Orthodoxy originated and therefore do not consider here orthodox churches and holy places, which will make your trip unique. If you manage to get permission, then men will be able to visit the monastery on the mountain Athos.

On the island, the most famous landmark can be called, of course, the well-known minotaurus Labyrinthlocated in. The legend of this labyrinth is truly terrified, the more interesting. Cave Zeus It causes no less excitement, as well as vacationers love to walk around the city with the Venetian architecture of Chania. It can boast of your palm trees, but the beach with pink sand is even more popular with tourists. For a couple of hours, on the ferry, you can get to the island in which there are cities with the most romantic streets: And I and Fira.

The skipping beach, on the island, is very famous. And if you are interested in a knightly topic, then there are a lot of architectural monuments resembling that heroic era, it is not for nothing that this island is considered the main center of medieval chivalry. The palace complex is also interesting to visitors.

The best places to travel with the child, based on family reviews, are different. All these cities have safe sand beaches and hotels with playgrounds for your children and other joys for small tourists, especially for family trips. On being Dinosaur Park and AquariumAll this will be interesting to visit both children and their parents. If you are traveling with very crumbs, then take care, so that your chosen location is located on the first line and had a safe sandy gently, not a sharp entrance to the sea.

Resort prefers to young people Chersonissos. Here you will find thousands of clubs, water extreme classes and hotels in the affordable price category. Also here we are glad to you dive centers and aquapark. And if you suddenly want to visit the idea of \u200b\u200ba living, unusual show or a stormy concert, that is, there is one bohemian place here - Chania.

Resorts for the elderly in Greece

The most calm places in which will be comfortable elderly tourists are Rethymno and Loutraki. IN Loutraki You can combine bathing in the sea with treatment with mineral water, it will not only be pleasant, but also useful. In addition, Athenian monuments are only 80 km from Loutraki.

Greece is a beautiful country, it can be found in it a comfortable place to stay, regardless of your finance, age and season.