Eastern European Plain: geographical position, characteristic. The East European Plain

The article contains information that gives a complete picture of the Eastern European Plain, its relief and minerals. Indicates states that are located on this territory. Allows you to determine exactly geographical position Plains and indicates factors that influenced climatic features.

The East European Plain

Eastern European Plain is one of the extensive territorial units on the planet. Its area exceeds 4 million km. sq.

On the flat plane, such states are completely either partially found.

  • The Russian Federation;
  • Finland;
  • Estonia;
  • Latvia;
  • Lithuania;
  • Republic of Belarus;
  • Poland;
  • Germany;
  • Ukraine;
  • Moldova;
  • Kazakhstan.

Fig. 1. Eastern European Plain on the map.

The type of the geological structure of the platform was formed under the influence of shields and folded belts.

It occupies a second position in the ranking of quantities after the Amazonian plain. Plain is localized in the eastern part of Europe. Due to the fact that its main part is localized within the limits of Russia's borders, the Eastern European Plain is still referred to as Russian. Russian plain is washed by the waters of the seas:

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  • White;
  • Barents;
  • Black;
  • Azov;
  • Caspian.

The geographical position of the East European Plain is such that the length of it in the direction from the north to the south is more than 2.5 thousand kilometers, and from the west to the East - 1 thousand kilometers.

The geographical position of the plain is due to the specifics of its nature of the seas of the Atlantic and Northern Ocean Oceans. There is a full range of natural areas - from the tundra to the desert.

The peculiarities of the geological structure of the Eastern European platform are determined by the age of rocks to the territory of the territory, among which the ancient Karelian rock crystal foundation is distinguished. His age is over 1600 million years.

The minimum height of the territory is located on the coast of the Caspian Sea and is 26 meters below the sea level.

The prevailing relief in this area is the hollow-plain landscape.

Zoning Soils and Flora is provincial and distributed in the direction of the west to the East.

On the flat territory, most of the population of Russia and the bulk of large settlements are concentrated. Interestingly: It is here that a lot of centuries ago a Russian state emerged, which became the largest country in the country of the world.

On the Eastern European Plain there are almost all types of natural zones that are characteristic of Russia.

Fig. 2. Natural zones of East european plains on the map.

Minerals of Eastern European Plain

There is a significant accumulation of mineral resources in Russia.

Natural resources that occur in the depths of the East European Plain:

  • iron ore;
  • coal;
  • uranus;
  • non-ferrous metal ores;
  • oil;

Nature monuments - a guarded territory on which unique objects of living or inanimate nature are located.

The main monuments of the Eastern European Plain: Lake Seliger, Kiwach Waterfall, Kizhi Museum-Reserve.

Fig. 3. Museum-Reserve Kizhi on the map.

Considerable part of the territory is assigned to agricultural land. Russian regions on the territory of the plain actively use its potential and maximize water and land resources. However, this is not always good. The territory is strongly urbanized and is substantially changed by a person.

Critical marker reached the level of pollution of the mass of rivers and lakes. This is especially noticeable in the center and in the south of the plains.

Security measures are caused by an uncontrolled human economic activity, which is today the main source of environmental problems.

The plain almost absolutely corresponds to the borders of the East European platform.

This explains the plain appearance of the relief. Small hill-shaped formations within the Eastern European Plain arose as a result of faults and other processes of a tectonic nature. This suggests that the plain has a tectonic structure.

The formation of a flat relief contributed to the formation of a flat relief.

The water arteries of the plains have snowmall, which occurs during the spring flood. Multiple northern rivers fall into the White, Barents, the Baltic Sea, and occupy 37.5% of the entire Plain Square. The inland waters are due to the seasonal distribution nature, which occurs relatively uniformly. In the summer season, the rivers are not subject to sharp finish.

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Eastern European Plain is one of the largest plains on our planet (the second largest after the Amazonian plain in Western America). It is located in the eastern part of Europe. Since its large part is within the boundaries of the Russian Federation, the Eastern European Plain is sometimes called Russian. In the north-western part, it is limited to the Mountains of Scandinavia, in the southwestern part - with sudden and other mountains of Central Europe, in the Southeast Caucasus, and in the East - Urals. From the north, Russian plain is washed by the waters of the White and Barents Seas, and from the south - black, Azov and Caspian.

The length of the plain from north to south is more than 2.5 thousand kilometers, and from the west to the east - 1 thousand kilometers. Almost all over the Eastern European Plain, the hollow-plain relief prevails. Within the territory of the Eastern European Plain, most of the population of Russia and most major cities of the country are concentrated. It was here many centuries ago a Russian state was formed, which became the largest country in the world in its territory. It also focuses a significant part of Russia's natural resources.

Eastern European Plain is almost completely coincided with the Eastern European Platform. This circumstance explains its plain relief, as well as the absence of significant natural phenomena associated with the movement of the earth's crust (earthquakes, volcanic eruptions). Small hilly areas within the Eastern European Plain arose as a result of faults and other complex tectonic processes. The height of some elevations and the flatary reaches 600-1000 meters. In the ancient times, the Baltic Shield of the Eastern European Platform was in the center of glaciation, which is evidenced by some forms of glacial relief.

The East European Plain. View from satellite

On the territory of the Russian Plain, platform deposits are practically horizontally, making up lowlands and elevations that form surface relief. Where the folding foundation protrudes on the surface, the elevations and ridges are formed (for example, the Mid-Russian hill and the Timan ridge). On average, the height of the Russian plain is about 170 meters above sea level. The lowest sections on the Caspian coast (its level is about 30 meters below the world's ocean).

His imprint on the formation of the relief of the East European Plain imposed aolenion. The most bright effect was manifested in the northern part of the plain. As a result of the passage of the glacier, many lakes appeared on this territory (moon, Pskov, White and others). These are the consequences of one of the latest glaciers. In the southern, southeastern and eastern parts, which were subjected to glaciations in an earlier period, their consequences were smoothed with erosion processes. As a result of this, a number of hills were formed (Smolensko-Moscow, Borisoglebskaya, Danilevskaya and others) and lake-glacial lowlands (Caspian, Pechora).

The zone of elevations and lowlands stretched into the meridional direction is still south. Among the elevations can be noted the Priazovskaya, Middle Russian, Volga. Here they also alternate with the plains: Meshcherskaya, Okskoy-Don, Ulyanovsk and others.

More south are located seaside lowlands, which in ancient times partially plunged under the level of the sea. The plain relief here was partially corrected by water erosion and other processes, as a result of which the Black Sea and Caspian lowland were formed.

As a result of the passage of the glacier in the territory of the East European Plain, the valleys were formed, tectonic depressions were expanded and some rocks were even polished. Another example of the influence of the glacier is tortuous deep bays of the Kola Peninsula. When the glacier retreats, the lakes were not only formed, but also concave sandy lowlines. It happened as a result of the deposition of a large number of sandy material. Thus, for many millennia, there was a long-range relief of the East European Plain.

Meadow of Russian Plain. Volga river

Some of the rivers flowing through the territory of the Eastern European Plain, belong to the pools of the two oceans: the Northern Icetic (Northern Dvina, Pechora) and the Atlantic (Neva, Western Dvina), and others fall into the Caspian Sea, which has no connection to the oceans. In Russian plain, the longest and long-water river of Europe - Volga proceeds.

Russian Plain

On the Eastern European Plain there are almost all types of natural zones available in Russia. The coast of the Barents Sea in the subtropical belt is dominated by Tundra. South, in the zone of a moderate belt, the strip of forests begins, which stretches from the woodland to the Urals. It includes both conifer taiga and mixed forests, which in the West are gradually moving to deciduous. The south begins the transition zone of the forest-steppe, and behind it the steppe zone. A small strip of deserts and semi-desert begins on the territory of the Caspian lowland.

Russian Plain

As mentioned above, there are no natural as earthquakes and volcanic eruptions on the territory of the Russian plain. Although some underground shocks (up to 3 points) are still possible, they cannot be damaged, and they are fixed only by highly sensitive devices. The most dangerous phenomena of nature, which can occur in the territory of the Russian plain - tornadoes and floods. The main environmental problem is to pollute the soil, rivers, lakes and atmospheric by industrial waste, as many industrial enterprises are concentrated in this part of Russia.

Bulgaria Bulgaria
Romania Romania

Eastern European Plain (Russian Plain) - Plain in Eastern Europe, component European plains. Strays from the coast of the Baltic Sea to the Ural Mountains, from Barents and White Seas - to Black, Azov and Caspian. In the North-West, the Scandinavian Mountains is limited, the southwest - the Southeast and other mountains of Central Europe, the Southeast - the Caucasus, and in the West the conventional border of the plain is the Vistula River. Is one of the largest plains globe. The overall length of the plain from the north to the south is more than 2.7 thousand kilometers, and from the west to the east - 2.5 thousand kilometers. Area - Over 4 million square meters. km. . Since most of the plain is located within Russia, also known as Russian Plain.

In addition to Russia, Finland, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Belarus, Ukraine, Moldova, Romania, Bulgaria are completely either partially located in addition to Russia.

Relief and geological structure

The East European Plain consists of elevations with altitudes 200-300 m above sea level and lowlands, for which large rivers flow. Medium height Plains - 170 m, and the greatest - 479 m - on the Bugulmino-Bellapenda elevation in the prison.

According to the features of the orographic signs within the Eastern European Plain, three bands are clearly distinguished: the central, north and south. Through the central part of the plain there is a band of alternating large elevations and lowlands: Midnesday, Volga, Bugulmin

To the north of this band, low plains are dominated by the surface of which smaller hills are scattered on the surface of which are garlands and one. From the west to the East-northeast, there is stretched here, replacing each other, Smolensko-Moscow, Valdai Hills and Northern Horses. They are mainly undergoing watersheds between the Northern Arctic, the Atlantic and the inner heartless Aral Caspian pools. From the Northern Uvarov, the territory decreases to the White and Barents seas
The southern part of the Eastern European Plain is occupied by lowlands (Caspian, Black Sea and others), separated by low elevations (Ergen, Stavropol elevation).

Almost all large elevations and lowlands of the plain of tectonic origin.

Based on the East European Plain Russian stove. With the Precambrian Crystal Foundation, in the south of the North Territory Scythian plate With Paleozoic Folded Foundation. The border between the plates in the relief is not expressed. On the uneven surface The Precambrian Foundation of the Russian Plate is the strata of the Precambrian (Venda, in places of Reefieya) and Plyerozoic sedimentary rocks. The power of their non-etinakov (from 1500-2000 to 100-150 m) and is due to the irregularities of the foundation relief, which determines the main geological stoves. These include syneclides - areas of deep lowering the foundation (Moscow, Pechora, Caspian, Glazovskaya), Antekliza - Areas of Shallow Survessment of the foundation (Voronezh, Volgo-Uralskaya), Avlacogens - Deep Tectonic Rips (Sleepy, Soligalsky, Moscow, etc.), protrusions Baikal foundation - Timan.

He strongly affected the formation of the relief of the Eastern European Plain olelion. The most bright effect was manifested in the northern part of the plain. As a result of the passage of the glacier, many lakes appeared on this territory (moon, Pskov, White and others). In the southern, southeastern and eastern parts, which were subjected to glaciations in an earlier period, their consequences were smoothed with erosion processes.


The climate of the Eastern European Plain is influenced by the features of its relief, geographical position in moderate and high latitudes, as well as neighboring territories (Western Europe and North Asia), the Atlantic and Northern Arctic Oceans, a significant length from the west to the East and from the north to south. Total solar radiation for the year in the north of the plains, in the Pechora basin, reaches 2700 mJ / m2 (65 kcal / cm2), and in the south, in the Caspian lowland, 4800-5050 MJ / m2 (115-120 kcal / cm2).

The smoothed relief of the plain contributes to the free transfer of air masses. For the Eastern European Plain, the western transfer of air masses is characteristic. In the summer, the Atlantic air brings coolness and precipitation, and in winter - warm and precipitation. When moving to the East, it is transformed: in the summer it becomes in the surface layer more warm and dry, and in winter it is colder, but also loses moisture. During the cold season, from different parts of the Atlantic, an East European plain comes from 8 to 12 cyclones. When they are moved to the east or northeast there is a sharp change of air masses, which contributes to the warming, then cooling. With the arrival of southwestern cyclones to the south of the plains invade warm air subtropical latitudes. Then in January temperature air temperature can rise to 5 ° -7 ° C. The general continentality of the climate increases from the west and northwest to the south and south-east.

In summer almost everywhere on the plain the most important factor In the temperature distribution, solar radiation is sootherms, in contrast to winter, are located mainly in accordance with the geographical latitude. In the extreme north of the plains average temperature July rises to 8 ° C. The middle July isotherm 20 ° C goes through Voronezh to Cheboksary, roughly coinciding with the border between the forest and the forest-steppe, and the Caspian lowland is intersecting the isotherm of 24 ° C.

In the north of the Eastern European Plain, precipitation falls more than they can evaporate under the data of thermal conditions. In the south of the northern climatic field, the moisture balance approaches neutral (atmospheric precipitates are equal to the magnitude of evaporation).

The relief has an important effect on the amount of drop-down precipitation: on the Western slopes of elevations falls 150-200 mM precipitation more than the eastern slopes and the lowlands shaded. IN summer time On the elevations of the southern half of the Russian plain, almost two times the repeatability of rainy weather types increase and the repeatability of arid types is at the same time. In the southern part of the plain, the maximum of precipitation falls on June, and in middle lane - By July.

In the south of the plain, the annual and monthly precipitation amounts sharply fluctuate, the wet years alternate with arid. In Buguruslan (Orenburg region), for example, by observations of 38 years, the average annual precipitation amount is 349 mm, the maximum annual is 556 mm, the minimum is 144 mm. Frequent phenomenon for the south and southeast of the Eastern European Plain are drought. Drought can be spring, summer or autumn. Approximately one year out of three turns out to be arid.

In winter, snow cover is formed. In the north-east of the plain, its height reaches 60-70 cm, and the duration of the occurrence of up to 220 days a year. In the south, the height of the snow cover decreases to 10-20 cm, and the duration of the occurrence is up to 60 days.


The Eastern European Plain has a developed lake-river network, the density and the regime of which is changing after the climatic conditions from the north to south. In the same direction, the degree of root of the territory, as well as the depth of the ground and the quality of groundwater changes.


Most of the rivers of the Eastern European Plain have two main directions - North and South. Northern subtle rivers flow to the Barents, the White and Baltic Seas, the South Substability Rivers are sent to the Black, Azov and Caspian seas.

The main watershed between the rivers of the south and southern subtleness will be pulled out from the West South-West to the East of the North-East. It takes place on the swamps of Polesia, Lithuanian-Belarusian and Valdai Hills, North Horses. The most important waterproof node lies on the Valdai hill. Here in close proximity are the origins of Western Dvina, Dnipro and Volga.

All rivers of the Eastern European Plain belong to one climatic type - predominantly snow nutrition with spring floors. Despite belonging to one climatic type, the northern subtle rivers differ significantly from the rivers of the Southern subtleness. The first are located in the area of \u200b\u200bthe positive balance of moisture, in which the precipitates prevail over evaporation.

With the annual amount of precipitation of 400-600 mm in the north of the Eastern European Plain in the Tundra area, the actual evaporation from the earth's surface is 100 mm and less; In the middle strip, where the crest of evaporation, 500 mm in the west and 300 mm in the east. As a result, the share of river flow comes from 150 to 350 mm per year, or from 5 to 15 l / s from a square kilometer area. The ridge of flow passes through the internal areas of Karelia (the northern coast of Onega Lake), the average course of the Northern Dvina and the High Sovers.

Due to the large drain of the Northern Rate River (Northern Dvina, Pechora, Neva, etc.) Multiple. Taking 37.5% of the Square of the Russian Plain, they give 58% of its common runoff. Multi-way these rivers are combined with a more or less uniform distribution of the flow of the season. Although they stand in the first place in the first place in the first place, causing the spring and ground diet playing a significant role.

The rivers of the southern subtracy of the Eastern European Plain proceed in conditions of significant evaporation (500-300 mm in the north and 350-200 mm in the south) and the small amount of precipitation in comparison with the rivers of the northern subtleness (600-500 mm in the north and 350-200 mm In the south), which leads to a reduction in flow from 150-200 mm in the north to 10-25 mm in the south. If you express the flow of the rivers of the South subtle in liters per second from a square kilometer of the square, then in the north it will be only 4-6 liters, and in the south-east less than 0.5 liters. Minor flow dimensions determine the lowestity of the rivers of the Southern subtleness and its extreme unevenness during the year: the maximum of the runa accounts for a short period of spring flood.


Lakes are located on the Eastern European Plain extremely unevenly. Most of all, they are on the well-moistened northwest. The southeastern part of the plain, on the contrary, is almost devoid of lakes. It receives little atmospheric precipitation and has a more mature erosion relief, devoid of closed pitual forms. On the territory of the Russian plain, four lake areas can be distinguished: the region of glacier-tectonic lakes, the region of the moraine lakes, the area of \u200b\u200bthe floodplain and suffosion-karst lakes, the region of the liman lakes.

Glacial and tectonic lakes

Iceectonic lakes are common in Karelia, Finland and the Kola Peninsula, forming a real lake country. Only on the territory of Karelia installed almost 44 thousand lakes with an area of \u200b\u200b1 hectares to several hundred and thousands of square kilometers. Lakes of this area, often large, scattered on the tectonic variablines, an in-depth and treated glacier. The coast of their rocky, are composed of ancient crystalline rocks.

Area of \u200b\u200bmoraine lakes area of \u200b\u200bfloodplain and suffosion-karst lakes

The internal central and southern regions of the East European Plain covers the area of \u200b\u200bfloodplain and suffosion-karst lakes. This area lies outside the borders of the glaciation, with the exception of the North-West, which covered the Dnieper Glacier. Due to the well-pronounced erosion relief of lakes in the region. Only floodplain lakes on river valleys are ordinary; Occasionally there are small karst and suffosion lakes.

Region of liman lakes

The region of liman lakes is located in the territory of two seaside lowlands - the Black Sea and Caspian. At the same time, the limans understand the lakes of various origins here. The estuans of the Black Sea Lowland are the sea bays (in the past, the mouth of the rivers), sanding off the sea with sandy braids. Limans, or Ilmeni, the Caspian lowland are weakly decorated lowering, which in the spring are filled with water from rivers flowing into them, and in the summer turn into swamps, salt marshes or hayflakes.

The groundwater

Underground waters are distributed throughout the Eastern European Plain, forming the East European Platform Artesian region. The foundations of the foundation serve as reservoirs for the accumulation of waters of various largest artesian pools. Within Russia, three artesian first-order artesian basins are highlighted here: Midnesday, East-Russian and Caspiani. It is within their limits of the second order artesian basins: Moscow, Surie-Hawk, Volga-Kamsky, Pre-Uralsky, etc. One of the major is the Moscow basin dedicated to the syneclise eponymous, which contains pressure water in fractured carboxyl limestones.

With the depth of the chemical composition and the temperature of the groundwater change. Freshwater They have no power of no more than 250 m, and with depth increases their mineralization - from fresh hydrocarbonate to salt-salty sulfate and chloride, and below - to the brine chloride, sodium and in the deepest places of the pool - to calcium-sodium. The temperature rises and reaches a maximum of about 70 ° C at depths of 2 km in the West and 3.5 km in the East.

Natural zones

On the Eastern European Plain there are almost all types of natural zones available in Russia.

The most common natural zones (from north to south):

  • Tundra (North Kola Peninsula)
  • Taiga - Olonetskaya Plain.
  • Mixed forests - Central Operations Plain, Orsha-Mogilyovskaya Plain, Meshchersky lowland.
  • Wide forests (Mazovian-plystal lowland)
  • The forest-steppe - the Okoc-Don Plain, including Tambov Plain.
  • Steppes and semi-deserts - the Black Sea Lowland, the Precaucasian Plain (the bonus lowland, Chechen plain) and the Caspian lowland.

Natural territorial plain complex

Eastern European Plain is one of the large natural territorial complexes (PTK) of Russia, whose features are:

  • large area: the second largest plain in the world;
  • rich resources: PTK has rich land resources, for example: minerals, water and plant resources, fertile soil, many cultural and tourist resources;
  • historical significance: the plain there were many events important in the history of Russia, which is undoubtedly the advantage of this zone.

The largest cities of Russia are located on the territory of the plain. This is the center of the beginning and foundation of Russian culture. Great writers dragged inspiration from beautiful and picturesque places of Eastern European Plain.

Great variety of natural complexes of Russian plain. These are flat seaside lowlands covered with shrub-moss tundra, and hilly-naval plains with spruce or coniferous-coal forests, and extensive wetlands, erosion-dissected forest-steppe hills and floodplains of rivers, crouched meadows and shrubs. The largest plain complexes are natural zones. Features of the relief and climate of the Russian plain determine a clear shift within its limits of natural zones from the North-West to the southeast, from the tundr to the desert of a moderate belt. Here the most complete set of natural zones is traced compared to other large natural areas of our country. northern regions Russian plains are occupied by Tundra and Festroy. The sweeping influence of the Barents Sea is manifested in the fact that the strip - the tundra and forest tundra in the Russian plain are narrow. It expands only in the east, where the severity of the climate increases. On the Kola Peninsula, the climate is wet, and winter is unusually warm for these latitudes. Vegetable communities are peculiar here: the shrub tundra with the waters is replaced by the south of birch forestry. More than half of the plain territory occupy forests. In the West, they reach 50 ° C. sh., and in the east - up to 55 ° C. sh. Taiga and mixed and large forest areas are placed here. Both zones are very wetrated in the western part, where the amount of precipitation is large. Fir and pine forests are common in the taiga of the Russian plain. The mixed and large forests are gradually tightened to the east, where the continentality of the climate is increasing. Most of this zone are occupied by PTK of the nasty plains. Picturesque hills and ridges with mixed coniferous-wide forests that do not form large massivers, with meadows and fields alternate with monotonous sandy, often swampy shorts. There are many small lakes filled with transparent waters, and bizarre to winding rivers. AND great amount Valunov: from large, magnitude with a cargo car, to very small. They are everywhere: on the slopes and the vertices of hills and hills, in lowlands, for arable land, in the forests, river rivers. The sandy plains left after the receding of the glacier, the sandy plains - woodland appear. On the poor sandy soils, broad forests do not grow. Pine bours are dominated here. Large squares of the malee of marshy. Among the marshes are dominated by low herbal, but there are also riding sphagnum. Along the outskirts of the forests from that west to the northeast stretched a forest-steppe zone. In the forest-steppe zone alternate elevation and low plains. Hills are dismembered by a thick network of deep beams and ravines and is better moisturized than low plains. Before the human intervention, they were covered mainly by oak forests on gray forest soils. The meadow steppes on the chernozem occupied smaller squares. Low plains are dismembered weakly. There are many small slides on them (stock). In the past, the meadow disordered steppes were dominated here on chernozem. Currently, in the forest-steppe zone, large areas of placas. This causes an increase in erosion. The forest-steppe is replaced steppe zone. The steppe spreads to a wide unbarrow plain, often completely flat, places with mounds and small hills. Where the stepope virgin sections are preserved, it seems in the early summer of silver from the blooming pitch and worries as if the sea. Currently, everywhere, as far as the eye is enough, the fields are visible. You can drive tens of kilometers, and the picture will not change. In the extreme south-east, in the Caspiani, semi-desert zones and deserts are placed. A moderately continental climate led to the domination in Festour Tundra and the Taiga of the Russian Plain of Fir Forests, and in the forest-steppe zone - a tower. The increase in the continentality and dryness of the climate is reflected in a more complete set of natural zones in the eastern part of the plain, the displacement of their borders to the north and seduce the zone of mixed and large forests.

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  • Lebedinsky V.I. Volcanic crown of the Great Plain. - M.: Science, 1973. - 192 p. - (present and future of land and humanity). - 14,000 copies.
  • Koronkevich N. I. The water balance of the Russian plain and its anthropogenic changes / Academy of Sciences of the USSR, Institute of Geography. - m.: Science, 1990. - 208 p. - (Probl. Constructive geography). - 650 copies. - ISBN 5-02-003394-4.
  • Vorobyov V. M. Ways on the main watershed of the Russian Plain. Tutorial. - Tver: Slavic world, 2007. - 180 p., Il.


  • Eastern European Plain // Big Soviet Encyclopedia: [in 30 tons] / ch. ed. A. M. Prokhorov. - 3rd ed. - m. : Soviet Encyclopedia, 1969-1978.

An excerpt characterizing the Eastern European Plain

"So, so," said Bagration, something that think, and drove to the extreme to the tools.
While he approached, from the tool, stunning him and a retinue, ranged, and in smoke, suddenly surrounding the tool, were visible by artillerymen, picked up the gun and, hastily tightening her, rolling it to her former place. Widewriting, a huge soldier of 1st with a banner, spreading his legs wide, bounced off the wheel. 2nd shaking hand laid charge in a blow. A small stupid man, a tushin officer, stumbling on the trunk, ran forward, not noticing the general and peeping out of under a small handle.
- Two more lines add, just so it will be, - he shouted with a thin voice, which he tried to give the Moltoint, who did not go to his figure. - Second! - he regained. - Crush, Medvedev!
Bagration called an officer, and Tushin, a timid and awkward movement, not at all, as the military saluting, and so, as priests bless, putting three fingers to the visor, went to the general. Although Tushina's guns were appointed in order to install a hollow, he shot the firecakels on the village of Schangraben's Village, before large masses French.
No one ordered Tushin, where and how to shoot, and he, having consulted with his Feldebell Zakharchenko, to which he had great respect, decided that it would be good to light the village. "Okay!" He said Bagration to the report of the officer and began to look around the battlefield that opened in front of him, as if something consumed. On the right side, the most approached the French. The lowering of the height on which the Kiev regiment was stood, in the river hollow, heard the rugged crucian rugs for the soul, and much to the right, behind the dragoons, the Sweet officer pointed the prince to the French column by our flank. Left The horizon was limited to a close forest. Prince Bagration ordered two battlements from the center of reinforcement to the right. The Sweet officer dared to notice the prince that the torture of these battlements will remain without cover. Prince Bagrationov turned to the Sweet officer and looked silently in dull eyes. Prince Andrei seemed that the comment of the Sweet officer was fair and something had nothing to say. But at that time, an adjutant came from the regimental commander who was in the hollow, with the news that the huge masses of the French were walking down that the regiment was upset and retreating to the Kiev Grenades. Prince Bagrations tilted his head as a sign of consent and approval. He went to the right and sent the adjutant to the dragoons with the orders to attack the French. But sent there, the adjutant arrived in half an hour with the news that the Dragun regulatory commander had already retreated for the ravine, for a strong fire was sent against him, and he wondered people and therefore rushing the shooters in the forest.
- Okay! Said Bagration.
While he drove away from the battery, the left also heard the shots in the forest, and since it was too far to the left flank, in order to come to arrive at the time, Prince Bagration was sent there to Gherkov to say to the senior general, the one who represented the regiment Kutuzov in Brownau, so that he retreated as if you can hastily for the ravine, because the right flank probably will not be able to hold the enemy for a long time. About Tushina and Batalion, who covered it, was forgotten. Prince Andrei carefully listened to the conversations of Prince Bagration with the heads and to the orders given to them, and surprise noticed that there were no orders, and that Prince Bagration only tried to pretend that everything that was done by necessity, chance and will of private bosses, That all this was done at least by his order, but according to his intentions. Thanks to the prince of Bagration, Prince Andrei noticed that, despite this chance of events and their independence from the will of the head, the presence of it made extremely many. Heads, with upset persons who approached the prince Bagration, became calm, the soldiers and officers were having fun and became lively in his presence and, apparently, they fought their bravery before him.

Prince Bagration, having left for the highest point of our right flank, began to descend the book where the rolling shooting was heard and nothing could be seen from the powder smoke. The closer they descended to the hollow, the less time they became visible, but the proximity of the real field of battle was becoming more sensitive. They began to meet wounded. One with a bloody head, without a hat, dragged two soldiers under his arms. He hoisted and spoiled. The bullet fell, visible, in his mouth or throat. Another who met him, cheerfully walked alone, without a gun, rubbed loudly and Mahai from fresh pain handle, from which blood flowed, like from Staklyanka, on his chinel. His face seemed more frightened than suffering. He was wounded a minute ago. Having moved the road, they began to descend cool and several people saw on the descent, who lay; They met a crowd of soldiers, including and not wounded. The soldiers went uphill, breathing hard, and despite the form of the general, speaking loudly and waved their hands. Ahead, in smoke, the ranks of gray sinels were visible, and an officer, seeing Bagration, who won the soldiers who were walking crowd, demanding that they were brought. Bagration drove up to the rows, on which there, then the shots, drowning and team screams quickly clicked here. All the air was powder was powder smoke. Persons soldiers were all walked by gunpowder and revived. Others scored with shroms, others sprinkled on the shelves, delivered charges from bags, the third shot. But in whom they shot, this was not visible from the powder smoke that was not worn by the wind. Quite often, pleasant sounds of buzzing and scones were heard. "What it is? - thought Prince Andrei, approaching this crowd of soldiers. - It can not be an attack because they do not move; Can not be Carre: They are not so worth it. "
Lucky, weak on kind of old man, regimental commander, with a pleasant smile, with centuries, who more than half closed his senile eyes, giving him a meek look, drove up to the prince of Bagration and took him as the owner dear guest.. He reported to the prince of Bagration, which was against his regiment there was an equestrian attack of the French, but that, although this attack is repel, the regiment lost more than half of the people. The regimental commander said that the attack was repulsed, inventing this martial name for what happened in his regiment; But he really did not know himself that he had happened in these half an hour in the troops entrusted to him, and could not say with reliability, whether the attack was removed or the regiment was defeated by the attack. At the beginning of actions, he knew only that the kernels and grenades began to fly around his shelf and beat people that later someone shouted: "Cornia", and our began to shoot. And they still fired no longer to the Connection, which was hiding, but in the footsters, who appeared in the hollow and fired on our. Prince Bagrationon toned his head as a sign that all this was completely the way he wanted and assumed. Turning to the adjutant, he ordered him to bring two battleships from the mountain of the 6th Hansky, by which they passed now. Prince Andrew struck at that moment the change occurred in the face of Prince Bagration. His face expressed that concentrated and happy determination, which happens at a person, ready to rush on a hot day into the water and taking the last span. There was neither unreceived dull eyes nor a pretended thoughtful type: round, solid, hawk eyes enthusiastically and somewhat contemptuously looked ahead, obviously, without stopping for nothing, although in his movements remained the former slowness and dimension.
The regimental commander turned to the prince of Bagration, causing him back, because it was too dangerous. "Mill, your shyness, for God's sake!" He said, at the confirmation, looking at the Sweet officer, who rejected him. "Here, learn to see!" He gave to notice the bullets who were constantly squeezed, sang and whistled about them. He told such a tone of the request and reproach, with what a carpenter says Barina with a tagged for the ax: "Our business is usual, and you are copyright." He said as if he could not kill these bullets, and his half-closed eyes gave him the words even more convincing expression. Headquarters officer joined the guarantees of the regimental commander; But the prince of Bagration did not answer them and only ordered to stop shooting and built in such a way as to give a place to meet two batalian. While he said, as if an invisible hand was reached on the right left, from the raised wind, a canopy of smoke hiding the hollow, and the opposite Mountain with the French moving around it opened before them. All the eyes were involuntarily asked for this French column, which walked to us and twisted on the leaving of the area. Already visible were the shaggy caps of soldiers; It was already possible to distinguish officers from ordinary; It was seen how they trembled their banner.
- They go nice, "said someone in Sweet Bagration.
The head of the column went down already in the hollow. The collision was to happen on this side of the descent ...
The remains of our regiment, the former in the case, hastily under construction, went away to the right; Because of them, overclocking the retired, fit the two battalions of the 6th Hengers. They have not yet missed Bagration, and already heard was a heavy, cargo step, to keep up with all the masses of people. From the left flank there was a closer than everyone to Bagration Rotten commander, a rounded, a statute man with a stupid, happy facial expression, the one that ran out of the Balagan. He, apparently, did not think about this minute, except that he was well done by the bosses.
With Fruntovo complacency, he walked easily on muscular legs, he exactly sailed, without the slightest effort stretching and distinguishing this ease of the heavy step of the soldiers who were walking around his step. He carried at his feet with a thin, narrow sword (bent a sapest, not like a weapon) and, looking back to the bosses, then back, without losing step, he was flexible to all his strong mill. It seemed that all the strength of the soul was aimed at the best pass by the bosses, and, feeling that he was performing this thing well, he was happy. "Left ... left ... left ..." He seemed inwardly sentenced it through every step, and on this TACT with a different patterns, the wall of soldier shapes aggravated by the finished and guns was moving, as if each of these hundreds of soldiers mentally sentenced: " Left ... left ... left ... ". Fat major, puffy and crossing a step, went around a bush on the road; Starting soldier, fattening, with a frightened face for his malfunction, a tricky rone; The kernel, pressing the air, flew over the prince of Bagration and Sweets and in the clock: "Left-left!" Hit in the column. "COMMUNIC!" I heard a rooting voice of a regular commander. Soldiers Arc went around in the place where the kernel fell; Old cavalier, flanking Unter Officer, retarded near the dead, caught up with his row, bouncing, changed his leg, got into a step and angrily looked around. "Left ... left ... left ...", it seemed, it was heard because of the threatening silence and monotonous sound at the same time hitting the legs of the legs.
- Well done guys! Said Prince Bagration.
"For the sake of the ..." Go! ... "ran out in the ranks. The sullen soldier who went on the left, shouting, looked back by his eyes on Bagration with such an expression, as if he said: "We know"; Another, without looking around and as if afraid to have fun, drowned his mouth, shouted and passed.
It was ordered to stop and remove the recorders.
Bagration broke through the past rows and tears from the horse. He gave the Cossack reins, took off and gave the burku, straightened his legs and corrected the Kartus on his head. The head of the French column, with officers ahead, seemed from under the mountain.
"With God blessing!" Speak Bagration with a solid, heard voice, for a moment turned to the front and, slightly waving his hands, an awkward step of a cavalryist, as if working, went ahead along the uneven field. Prince Andrei felt that some kind of irresistible force entails his forward, and experienced great happiness. [Here the attack took place, about which Tiere says: "Les Russes Se Conduisirent Vaillamment, Et Chose Rare A La Guerre, On Vit Deux Masses D" Infanterie Mariecher Resolment L "Une Contre L" Autre Sans Qu "Aucune des Deux Ceda Avant D "Etre Abordee"; and Napoleon on the island of St. Helena said: "Quelques Bataillons Russes Montrerent De L" Intrepidite ". [Russians behaved, and the thing is rare in war, two masses of infantry went strongly alone against the other, and none of the two gave way to the collision. " Napoleon's words: [Several Russian battalions showed fearless.]
Already close became the French; Already prince Andrei, who was walking next to Bagration, clearly distinguished the reassure, red epolutes, even the French faces. (He clearly seen one old French officer, who was twisted in the shitbiles with difficulty walked in the mountain.) Prince Bagration did not give a new order and everything was so silently in front of the ranks. Suddenly, one shot was cracked between the French, another, the third ... and on all the upset enemy rows, the smoke was smashed and shook a palfa. Several people of our fell, including a church officer, who went so fun and diligently. But at the same moment, how the first shot was heard, Bagration looked around and shouted: "Hurray!"
"Hooray A A A!" A long cry was separated by our line and, overtaking the prince of Bagration and each other, nestroyny, but the fun and busy crowd ran our mountain behind the upset French.

Attack of the 6th Henger secured the retreat of the right flank. In the center, the action of the forgotten battery Tuska, who has managed to light Shenagraben, stopped the movement of the French. The French extended the fire, the wind, and gave the time to retreat. The retreat of the center through the ravine was performed hastily and noisy; However, the troops, retreating, were not confused by teams. But the left flank, which was at the same time attacked and bypass the excellent forces of the French under the authorities of Lanna and who consisted of the Azov and Podolsky infantry and Pavlograd Gusar regiments, was upset. Bagration sent Zherkova to General of the left flank with the ordination immediately retreat.
Gorkov Boyko, not torn hand from a cap, touched a horse and crushed. But barely only he drove away from Bagration, as the strength changed him. He found an insurmountable fear, and he could not go there, where it was dangerous.
Having arrived at the troops of the left flank, he went not forward, where she was shooting, and began to find out the general and bosses where they could not be, and therefore did not give orders.
The command of the left flank belonged to the head of the regimental commander of the very regiment, which was presented to Brownau Kutuzov and in which he served as a soldier of Doolokh. The command of the extreme left flank was intended to be the commander of the Pavlograd Regiment, where Rostov served, as a result, a misunderstanding occurs. Both bosses were very annoyed against each other, and at the time, as the right flank had long been the case and the French had already started the offensive, both bosses were engaged in negotiations that were intended to offend each other. Shelves, both cavalry and infantry, were very little prepared for the upcoming cause. People of regiments, from the soldier to the general, did not expect battles and calmly engaged in peaceful things: feeding horses in Connection, collecting firewood - in infantry.
"There is he, however, older than mine in the rank," said the German, the hussar colonel, blinning and turning to the adjutant who arrived, then leave him to do as he wants. I can't sacrifice my hussar. Trumpeter! Play a retreat!
But it became to the rush. Cannonade and shooting, merging, threatened to the right and in the center, and the French hoods of Lann arrows have already passed the mill's dam and lined up on this side in two rifle shots. The infantry colonel shuddered by the gait approached the horse and, hacking at her and having done very straight and high, went to the Pavlograd commander. The regimental commanders gathered with tricky bows and with hidden angry in the heart.
- Again, Colonel, - said General, - I can not, however, leave half of the people in the forest. I ask you, I ask you, "he repeated, - to take a position and prepare for the attack.
- And I ask you not to be interhesive not your work, - answered, hot, colonel. - if you were a cavalryman ...
- I'm not a cavalryman, Colonel, but I am a Russian general, and if it is unknown to you ...
"It's very well known, your excellency," suddenly cried out, the touching horse, the colonel, and putting red bugs. - Will you please come to the chains, and you will see that this position is not anywhere. I do not want to exterminate my shelf for your pleasure.
- You forget the colonel. I do not even pleasure myself and saying it will not let it.
General, taking the invitation of the colonel to the courtyard tournament, straightening the chest and frowning, went with him together towards the chain, as if all of their disagreement had to decide there, in the chain, under bullets. They arrived in the chain, several bullets flew over them, and they stopped silently. There was nothing to look in the chain, since it was clear from the place where they were before, it was clear that the bushes and ravine cavalry could not act, and that the French bypass the left wing. The general and colonel strictly looked significantly as two roosters preparing for battle, each other, in vain waiting for signs of cowardice. Both withstood the exam. Since there was nothing to say, and neither the other did not want to submit a reason to another to say that he would have left under the bullets, they would have exercised there, mutually experiencing courage, if at this time in the forest, almost from behind them, not They heard the crackle rifles and a deaf merging cry. The French attacked the soldiers who were in the woods with firewood. Husar was already impossible to retreat with the infantry. They were cut off from the path of retreat to the left french chain. Now, no matter how uncomfortable was the terrain, it was necessary to attack to lay the way.
A squadron, where Rostov served, just managed to sit on the horses, was stopped by the face to the enemy. Again, as on the Ensky Bridge, there was no one between the squadron and the enemy, and between them, separating them, was the same terrible feature of the unknown and fear, as if the trait separating alive from the dead. All people felt this feature, and the question of whether or not and how they would drive, worried them.
A colonel drove up to the front, angrily replied something to the questions of officers and, as a person, desperately insisting on his own, gave some kind of orders. No one has said anything definite, but the Squadron swept on the attack on the squadron. There was a team of construction, then the sabers were snered from the sheath. But no one was moving. The troops of the left flank, and the infantry and hussars, felt that the bosses did not know itself what to do, and the worship of the bosses was reported to the troops.
"Quick, as soon as possible," thinking Rostov, feeling that she finally had time to make the pleasure of attack, about which he heard so much from comrades Gusarov.
- With God, G "Fuck," Denisova's voice sounded, - G "Yotso, Mag" Sh!
In the front row, cereals of horses swam. The grike pulled the reins and moved himself.
On the right, Rostov saw the first rows of their hussar, and further ahead of him a dark strip, which he could not consider, but he considered the enemy. The shots were heard, but in the distance.
- Add lyry! - the team was heard, and Rostov felt like arms back, interrupting in a gallop, his grike.
He guessed his movement forward, and he gotting more fun and more fun. He noticed a lonely tree ahead. This tree was first ahead, in the middle of the feature that seemed so terrible. But they switched to this feature, and not only nothing terrible was, but everything became more fun and was becoming lively. "Oh, as I am a Rubana," thought Rostov, squeezing in the hand of Ephes Sabli.
- O O O O A A A !! - Topped voices. "Well, now, who will now be," thought Rostov, pressing the spurs with a gross, and, distilling others, released him into the entire quarry. Ahead was already visible was the enemy. Suddenly, as a wide broom, it was settled something along the squadron. Rostov raised a saber, getting ready to chop, but at this time ahead of the surrounding soldier Nikitenko separated from him, and Rostov felt in a dream, which continues to ride with the unnatural speed forward and at the same time it remains in place. From behind, the familiar Gusar Bandandarchuk roused on him and looked angrily. Bandandarchuk's horse stragped, and he got drowned by.
"What is this? I do not hit? "I fell, I killed ..." Asked and replied Rostov in an instant. He was already alone in the middle of the field. Instead of moving horses and the hussar spin, he saw a fixed land around him and stuffier. Warm blood was under it. "No, I'm wounded, and the horse is killed." The grief rose to the front legs, but fell, giving the sidoka to his leg. Blood flowed from the horse's head. The horse begged and could not get up. Rostov wanted to rise and fell too: Tashka clinched behind the saddle. Where were our, where were the French - he did not know. No one was circle.
Losting my leg, he rose. "Where, from which side was this trait, which so sharply separated two troops?" - He asked himself and could not answer. "Is no bad thing that happened to me?" Are there such cases, and what should be done in such cases? " - he asked himself getting up; And at that time felt that something more superfluous was hanging on his left-handed hand. Her brush was like someone else's. He looked around his hand, in vain looking for blood on it. "Well, here are people," he thought he gladly, seeing several people who fled to him. - They will help me! " Ahead of these people ran one in a strange cyer and in blue overcoats, black, tanned, with a humpback nose. Two more and a lot more from behind. One of them spoke something strange, non-Russian. Between the rear of the same people, in the same cisiver, stood one Russian hussar. He was kept behind his hands; Behind him kept his horse.
"True, our twisted ... Yes. Did you really take me? What are these people? " Everything thought Rostov, without believing his eyes. "Does the French really?" He looked at the approaching French, and, despite the fact that in a second he gone only, to overtake these French and cut them out, their proximity seemed to him so terrible that he did not believe his eyes. "Who are they? Why are they running? Is it really me? Do they raise me? And for what? Kill me? Me, whom everyone loves? " - He remembered the love of his mother, family, friends, and the intentions of the enemies to kill him seemed impossible. "Or maybe - and kill!" He stood for more than ten seconds without moving from the place and not understanding his position. The front Frenchman with a humpback nose ran up so closely that the expression of his face was already visible. And the physiognomy of this man, who was alien to the messenger, holding back the breath, easily ran up to him, frightened Rostov. He grabbed a gun and, instead of shooting from him, threw them in a Frenchman and ran to the bushes that was forces. Not with that sense of doubt and the struggle, with which he went to the Ensky Bridge, he fled, and with a sense of a hare running away from dogs. One inhabitant feeling of fear for his young, happy life owned all his being. Quickly jumping through the Misa, with a fucking, with whom he ran, playing in the burner, he flew around the field, occasionally turning his pale, kind, young face, and the cold of horror went on his back. "No, it is better not to watch," he thought, but, ranging to the bushes, looked back again. The Frenchmen fell behind, and even at that moment as he looked around, the front had just changed the lynx per step and, turning around, something shouted with the rear comrade. Rostov stopped. "Something is wrong," he thought, "he could not be that they wanted to kill me." Meanwhile, the left hand his hand was so heavy, as if the two-pate giri was lesy to her. He could not run on. The Frenchman stopped and ate. Rostov climbed and bent. One, the other bullet flew, buzzing, past him. He gathered the last strength, took left Right and ran to bushes. In the bushes were Russian arrows.

The infantry shelves, covered by surprise in the forest, ran out of the forest, and the company, mixing with other rotars, went random crowds. One soldier in the fright said terrible in war and meaningless word: "cut off!", And the word together with the feeling of fear was the entire mass.
- went around! Cut off! Diva! - shouted the voices of the runners.
The regimental commander, at that very moment as he heard shooting and cry behind, realized that something terrible with his regiment happened, and the thought that he, an approximate, who served many years, could not be a guilty officer, could be guilty before the bosses In support or unreasonableness, so struck him that at the same moment, forgetting and dismissed cavalry officer of the colonel and his general importance, and most importantly - completely forgetting about the danger and feeling of self-preservation, he, having grabbed the saddle onion and write a horse, rocked the shelf under hail of overwhelmed, but happily minted his bullets. He wanted one: find out what was the matter, and help and fix by all the mistake, if she was on his side, and not be guilty to him, twenty-two years later, who did not notice anything, an approximate officer.

Eastern European or Russian Plain is one of the largest in the world: from north to south it stretches for 2.5 thousand km; From west to east - by 1 thousand km. The magnitude of Russian plain is inferior only by Amazonian, located in West America.

Eastern European Plain - Location

It is clear from the name that the plain is located in the east of Europe, and most of its part extends in Russia. In the north-west, Russian plain passes through the Scandinavian mountains; in the south-west - in courts and others. European mountain arrays; From the West, the border protrudes r. Vistula; From the south-eastern side, the border is the Caucasus; In the East - Ural. In the north, the plain is washed by white and Barents Sea; In the south - the water of the Black, Azov and Caspian Seas.

Eastern European Plain - Relief

The main type of relief is the hollow-plane. Big cities And, accordingly, the bulk of the population of the Russian Federation is concentrated on the territory of the East European Plain. The Russian state originated on these lands. Minerals and other valuable natural resources are also within the Russian plain. The outlines of the Russian plain almost repeat the outlines of the East European Platform. Thanks to this favorable location, there is no seismic danger and the likelihood of earthquakes. There are hilly areas on the territory of the plain, which appeared as a result of various tectonic processes. There are hills up to 1000 m.

In antiquity, the Baltic Platform Shield was located in the center of glaciation. As a result, a glacial relief is present on the surface.

Relief area folds from lowlands, as well as hills, because Platform sediments are almost horizontally.

In the places of the protrusions of the folded foundation, rods (Timansky) and elevation (Middle Russian) were formed.
The height of the plain above sea level is approximately 170 m. The lowest sections are located on the Caspian Sea coast.

Eastern European Plain - the influence of the glacier

The beaming processes significantly affected the relief of the Russian plain, especially in its northern part. In this area, a glacier was held, as a result of which the famous lakes were formed: moon, white, Pskov.
Previously, the glaciation affected the relief of the southeast of the plains, but its consequences disappeared as a result of erosion. Hills were formed: Smolensko-Moscow, Borisoglebskaya, etc., as well as lowlands: Pechora and Caspiani.

In the south there are hills (Priazovskaya, Volga, Midnesday) and lowlands (Ulyanovsk, Meshcherskaya).
Next to the south are the Black Sea and Caspian lowland.

The glacier contributed to the formation of the valleys, an increase in the tectonic depression, grinding the rocks, the formation of the vesized bays on the Kola Peninsula.

Eastern European Plain - Water Arteries

The East European Plain Rivers belong to the pools of the Northern Icetic and Atlantic Oceans, the rest fall into the Caspian Sea and have no connection with the ocean.

On the territory of the Russian Plain, the longest and full-flowered river of Europe - Volga flows.

Eastern European Plain - Natural Zones, Flora and Fauna

Almost all natural zones are represented on the plain.

  • At the coast of the Barents Sea, in the subtropical belt, concentrated tundra.
  • On the territory of the moderate belt, south of the woodland and to the Urals, the coniferous and mixed forests are stretching, alidate in the West.
  • The south prevails a forest-steppe with a gradual transition to the steppe.
  • In the area of \u200b\u200bthe Caspian lowland, the strip of deserts and semi-deserts pass.
  • Arctic, forest and steppe animals live on the lands of the Russian plain.

To the most dangerous natural phenomena, which happen in the territory of the Russian Plain include floods and tornadoes. Asko is the problem of ecology due to human activity.

Russian plain is one of the largest plains of the planet. It is located in the eastern part of Europe, so its second name is an Eastern European plain. Since its most is located on the territory of the Russian Federation, it is also called Russian plains. Its length from north to south is more than 2.5 thousand kilometers.

Relief Russian plain

The hollow-plain relief prevails on this plain. There are many natural resources of Russia here. Hilly areas in the Russian plain arose as a result of faults. The height of some elevations reaches 1000 meters.

The height of the Russian plain is approximately 170 meters above sea level, but there are some areas that are located 30 meters below the sea level. As a result of the passage of the glacier, many lakes appeared on this territory, the valleys, some tectonic depressions were expanded.


The rivers flowing along the Eastern European Plain belong to the pools of the two oceans: the northern ice and the Atlantic, and others fall into the Caspian Sea and are not associated with the oceans. The longest river - the Volga proceeds through this plain.

Natural zones

In Russian plain, there are all types of natural zones as in Russia. There are no agricultural and volcanic eruptions on this territory. Pudgeless shocks are quite possible, but they do not harm.

The most dangerous phenomena of nature on the Eastern European Plain - tornadoes and floods. The main environmental problem is pollution of the soil and atmosphere by industrial waste. In this area, many industrial enterprises.

Flora and Fauna of Russian Plain

In Russian plain, there are three main animal groups: arctic, forest and steppe. Forest animals are more common. Eastern species - lemmings (tundra); Burunduk (Taiga); Surki and Susliki (steppes); Antilopa Saigak (Caspian deserts and semi-deserts). Western species - Forest Cute, Mink, Forest Cat, Kaban, Sonya Garden, Sonya Forest, Sonya Oshness, Chorus Black (Mixed and Wild Forests).

Animal world of Eastern European Plain is greater than any other part of Russia. Because of the hunting and changes in animal habitats, many fur animals suffered, because of their valuable fur, and hoofs because of meat. River beaver and protein were trade objects from the Eastern Slavs.

Almost the 19th century in mixed and large forests lived wild forest horse - Tarpan. In the nature reserve of Belovezhskaya Forest, bison is guarded. In the Voronezh reserve, Bobrov began successfully. A diverse animals of Africa, Asia and Australia live in the steppe reserve Askania-Nova.

In Voronezh regions, it appeared and a previously unknown boar was restored. The Astrakhan Reserve was created in the Volga delta for the protection of waterfowl. Despite the negative impact of a person, the animal world of Russian plains is very large.