The script of the gaming program dedicated to the Day of Mother: "While mom is not at home." Scenario of the competitive gaming program dedicated to the Day of Mother

Concert and game program "My mom is the best in the world"


    Create warm atmosphere And the moral climate between children and mothers.

    Develop the creative and acting abilities of children, as well as the desire to arrange holidays for loved ones.

    Educating respectful attitude towards mothers, love, senses of thanks.

    Presentation "I and My Mom"

    Pictures of children

    Gifts from children "Flowers for Mom"

Invited to visit us
We are grandmothers and mothers.
We promise, promise
It will not be bored for you!


Today we celebrate a wonderful holiday - Mother's Day

Mother's Day is a wonderful reason to once again tell the words of love and appreciation to the native and near man, give the tribute to love for the generous maternal hearts, for their caring and affectionate hands.

Mom, mommy! So we call the most native and beloved man. The first word that gives each kid is the word "mother". In all languages \u200b\u200bof the world, it sounds affectionately, warm and gently.

Mom is our first teacher, a wise mentor, she cares about us. It is from the mother's mouth that the child hears the first songs in his life. All today's speeches - songs, poems - sound just for you, dear our moms!

Today, the whole world is a big and bright.
Listen, moms, listen - children congratulate you!

Scene "Surprise"

    And what gift mom will we give in mom's day?
    There are a lot of fantastic ideas for this.

    After all, a surprise cook mom is very interesting!
    We knead the dough in the bath or buy the dough.

    Well, I am as a gift to my mother painting the cabinet with flowers ....
    Good b and ceiling ... It is a pity that increasing low.

    And now on the entire planet wishes, simple:
    All and adults and children - send smiles and flowers.

    So that there is no sadness so that there is no wrinkle,
    So that we do not notice the reaches that appeared ...

    So that children do not share to make moms do not be upset
    To fighter moms loved, we learned to "5".

    Today, mom weekend and pope decided to give.
    Only she was not allowed to enter the kitchen.

    We had a lot of affairs, worries and dance:
    Our soup escaped, the cake burned down, and we did not eat all day!

    A fun holiday came to us!
    Cheerful holiday - Holiday Mom!
    Congratulations to mommy my
    I love her most!

    Mom made a cake, I helped her a little:
    In the dough put cinnamon, poured mustard jar,
    Spank a spoon of lentils,
    In general, I did everything that could!

    You guys do not climb, I wash with my mother together,
    So that the trousers are cleaned and the shock was white
    True, I did not regret soap, I don't regret the strength.
    I became clean Panama. "Well, mom, look!"
    I am smiling mom: "I'm afraid after washing,
    I have to dwell holes! "

    And I got a top five, my mother gave a holiday,
    Mom embroidered a white collar as a gift.
    Paul I washed yesterday, dust I wiped out in the morning.

    We went for bread themselves, we will help you in everything!

let's play in the game "Mommy »:

Who came to me in the morning?

Who said: "It's time to get up!"

Publishing house who managed to cook?

Pour tea in a cup?

Who flowers in the garden narrow?

Who kissed me?

Who child loves laughter?

Who is best in the world?


Mothers Day -
Worthy good holiday
Which is included

Solny in the family.
And not pleasant
Every mom is unless
When her honor
ON THE Right Recommend!

Mum! What good word!

Mom all the time being close

Per minute of misfortune is always near

Support a smile, and a word, and a look.

Divide hopes, comforted, will understand

In life, it will be confident nearby.

Always believe it can be believed

To her secret to entrust anything easy.

Host: Dear our moms, on this holiday, take the words of congratulations from your children.


In the light of good words a lot,
But everyone is kinder and most important:
Of the two syllats a simple word: "Mom"
And there is no words more expensive than it.

Without anyone impossible to live in the world?
Without anyone impossible smart things to talk?
And who dedicate poems?

Yes indeed,

- For each of us, be it small child Or already saddened - Mom - the most native, the most expensive man in the world. And today we once again congratulate our moms with the holiday and wish them health, youth, peace of mind and a caring relationship from loved ones and relatives. But, as you know, Mama are not born, moms become. Once our moms were restless cheerful girls who loved to play in different games. Therefore, we also offer Mama to remember your childhood and again feel like young girls and participate in our competitive game program.

Today is a holiday, and for holidays usually give flowers, here our participants today will collect flowers in the basket

Competition "We will collect flowers"

Song "Mommy, Cute, My Mom"

Competition "Find your child by voice"

Dear our moms! How many sleepless nights have you spent baby cots! You drove out the bed, having heard my child's voice. And just like no other, you remember the voices of your favorite chad. Therefore, you will not be much difficult to learn your crying child. Now your kids will cry, as in childhood, and your task is to learn your voice to raise your hand up.

Next contestour program"Tasting".

Now you will be tied with eyes and provided 4 varieties of jam. You must guess what kind of jam, you can try each jam up to 3 times.

Scene "Three Moms"

(In the center of the table, around 4 stool. On children's chairs Sits an elegant doll.)


Tanya under the evening
From the walk came
And the doll asked ...


How, daughter, affairs?
Again climbed under the table, fidget?
Again promoted all day without lunch?
With these daughters just trouble!

Go dining, turntable.

(The girl takes a doll and puts on the table.)


Tanyushina Mama
I came back from work
And Tanya asked ...


How, daughter, affairs?
Spent again, probably in the garden?
Again managed to forget about food?
"Dining!" - screamed Granny a hundred times,
And you answered: "Now, yes now!"
With these daughters just trouble,
Soon you will be like a match, Hud.
Go for dining, turntable!

(The daughter sits down at the table.)


Here grandma
Mother Mom, came
And mom asked ...


How, daughter, affairs?
Probably in the hospital for the whole day.
Again for food did not find a moment,
And in the evening I ate a dry sandwich?
You can not sit all day without lunch!
I became a doctor, but all fidget.
With these daughters just trouble,
Soon you will be like a match, Hud.
Go for dining, turntable!

(Mom and grandmother sit at the table.)


Three moms in the dining room are sitting,
Three moms on her daughters look.
What do your daughters do stubborn?

Everything(chorus) . Oh, how difficult to be moms!

Each mother loves his child and will be easily finding it among others, even in the dark (blindfolded).

Competition for mothers "Find out your child " (Mom is tied eyes, several children are built up in a row, Mom to the touch recognizes his child; you can change the details of the clothes, put on the hat or tapework)

Competition "How we help mom"

2 boys or (2 girls) are invited to participate. Children with blindfolded eyes per minute must clean up: remove the cubes scattered along the floor. Wins the one who makes more in the basket of cubes.

Each in childhood, probably, heard a fairy tale about Soroku - Beloboku, who boiled. Guys and you knowwhat can you cook porridge? Let's check. I will call food. If they are needed for porridge say "yes", and if not needed - "No".

Forty - Beloboka conceived porridge cooking,

To feed the kids.
Went to the market
And that's what I took:
New milk? - Yes!
Egg? - not!
Semolina? - Yes!
Kochan cabbage? - not!
Pickle? - not!
Meat chill? - not!
Sugar yes salt? - Yes!
White beans? - not!
Celed oil? - Yes!
Salty fish? - not!
Bay leaf? - not!
Chinese rice? - Yes!
Prune and raisins? - Yes!
Chocolate bow? - not!
Sweet pepper? - not!
Tatar sauce? - not!
Strawberry jam? - Yes!
Biscuit cookies? - not!

Yes, the Slavnyaya Kashka turned out! And we have the next competition

For participation inculinary toonkurs We call two moms and 2 children.

1 task is to prepare pilaf, and for the second - borsch. For this, the first participants run to the table on which the cards with the names of the products are played, choose a product for their dish and, returning to the place, put in a saucepan. Then the following players run. Those participants who will correctly choose food products will be victorious.

- Today we have grandmothers: Mamina Mom and father's mom.

Grandma, because it is a mother.
How many love and affection in it.
Remembers the many poems,
Listen to grandmother's fairy tales
You can even up to the roosters.

Between grandmothers and grandchildren are usually installed the most friendly, trusting relationships. It is grandmothers whistling their favorite grandchildren. Grandmothers are trying to divide our joys and sorrows with us, advocate, warned against rash deeds. Respect and appreciative to grandmothers for their love for you, grandchildren. We congratulate you on the holiday

Competition "Find Babushkina hands"

How many kind, gentle words are said about grandmother's hands. They wash, prepare, erase, treat, caress, soothe. Will your grandchildren know the hands of their grandmothers?

Several grandmothers get into the circle, one child tie their eyes. Touching his hands, he must learn his grandmother, etc. every child.

Dear moms, the holiday is taken to make compliments. We also prepared you compliments. I have a magic chamomile in my hands. It will help you to learn the features of your appearance and character and make a compliment. Grade of thismagic Chamomile is called "the most-most". Taking off the petals from him, we will give our moms with our smiles, our compliments, our attention.

Fly, fly, petal,

Through joy and delight.

Only touches you

Our mother Odari!

( moms tear the flower petals on which the compliment)

The most charming.
- The most attractive.
- The most beautiful eyes.
- The most charming smile.
- The most, most kind.
- The most affectionate.
- The most caring.

The most charming.

The most attractive.

The most tender.

The most beautiful eyes.

The most charming smile.

The most, most kind.

The most affectionate.

The most caring.

The most beautiful.

The most charming.

The most favorite.

The cutest.

"For shopping jogging"

2 teams of 5 people. Run to the conventional place, they take only one product (cube) put it in the package, bring, lay out on the table, and only then the next player runs. The team will win, which will quickly transfer all the products and will neatly fold them on the table.

Followingcompetition "Collect a portfolio"

In all in life there were situations when electricity was turned off indefinitely, and it urgently needs to do some matter, for example, collect a portfolio. So, in the next competition participates on one participant from the team. You will now start your eyes and give a portfolio to which you should put: a diary, a notebook, tutorial, pen, pencil, line, washing.

All these items and many others are in front of you on the table. Estimated speed and accuracy of execution

Our moms are most brave. They are ready for everyone for their children. They are ready to go on stage and take part in our next competition

Execution of "Song about Momchka"

Competition "Dress of the child"

Each participant-mom will have to wear his child, the role of which is performed by the disciples of our class, in warm clothes for a walk. This is a jacket, hat, scarf, mittens, jumper and shoes. All things are in this big pile. At the signal, the command starts to perform the task. It is important that things remain clean, and the child was dressed neatly.

Auction "What is your baby?" Spectators are actively called the items necessary for the baby. Who will call the latter - will become our winner.

Competition for mothers "Learn yourself on a portrait » (Portraits of mothers are drawn by students in the lesson

I painted a portrait

he tried from the soul.

from the effort broke

all your pencils.

And brown and blue

and orange broke ..

all the same portrait of a beautiful

because it's a mom!

Dear moms! You probably know our dear kids well. And the children, in turn, know their mothers very well. Even drew such wonderful portraits. But, unfortunately, no portrait is signed. Now we will see if you will learn your portraits

For you, dear guestsNow they will sound the trigger chastushki.

1. Dear our moms,
We are drinking to you.
Happy holiday you congratulate
And hello to you a big helmet.

2. To clean once a year
I solved the pan,
And then 4 days
Could not wash me!

3. burned soup and porridge
Salt puffed in compote
How did mom come from work
There was a lot of trouble.

4. In the kitchen broom I found
And the apartment was all smoking,
But it remains from him
Three straws total.

5. Sasha floor fume to shine
Prepared vinaigrette.
Looking for mom what to do
There is no work.

6. Galya washed the floors,
Katya helped
Only pity - mom again
Everything was jumped.

7. Dad decided to me the task,
In mathematics helped
We then solved with mom
What he could not solve is.

8. Mom in the morning our Mila
Two candy gave
Present barely managed
Immediately they herself.

9. We sang you as they managed,
We are only children,
But we know, our moms -
Best in light.

10. Let it be ringing everywhere
About your loved ones.
We are for all, for all, relatives,
We say "Thank you!"

Competition of the quiz

And now Moms will visit the role of students. You have to answer a number of quizzes questions. Questions traps, be careful.

    What mothers love to walk barefoot in the country? (on earth)

    What do guests eat on her mother's holiday? (at the table)

    What note need mom for soup? (salt)

    What does not even enter the biggest mother's saucepan? (cap)

    What hand is better to interfere with tea? (spoon)

    When does mom walk sitting? (when plays chess)

    What web should not be sewed mom's dress? (from rail)

    How much do you need the same letters and what to tell about all my family relatives in one word? (a family)

    Institution, where does moms lead illiterate children? (school)

    When can mom rush with the speed of the car? (when herself is in the car)

Pupil: Assistant

I love my mom,

I will help Mamule.

To the store for bread bullet

I run today.

Quickly wash the dishes,

For guests cover the table,

Cloth idol dust everywhere

To come to us!

I will put flowers in the vase

And write a postcard,

Provinity all at once

I will tell Mamule.

I am a mamoul kiss

I'm hugging my mother,

Mom good such

I will not give anyone!

For mom, you always want to do something good, kind. For example, give gifts made by your own hands, because it appreciates them more than others. Because a gift made with your own hands is created from the heart and with love. On this day, we want to give you exactly such gifts.

(Children give gifts)

Dear our moms! Stay always unique! The most beautiful, the kindest! Let the smiles be afraid in your eyes, and let the star of happiness and love shine to you.Dear, moms! Be always beautiful and loved! Let your children give you strength and happiness! Life continues, because you have!

On this, our competitive-game program is completed.

Friendship won!!!

All participants, fans, thank you very much. Let this charge of cheerfulness and good mood stay with you for a long time. And we say goodbye to you. To new meetings!

Municipal budgetary educational institution

Gymnasium Navashino

Competitive - Game Program

for children and parents

to the day of the mother

"Daughters - Mother"


Social teacher

Purpose: to instill with children love, respect for a woman - mother, care

about your loved ones.

Form: Competitory Gaming Program

for children and parents for the day of the mother.

Preparatory work:

Think about the design of the holiday;

Prepare a festive concert, gifts;

To issue a stand with the reproductions of artists;


Music Center;


Discs with sound recordings;

Registration on the board

Music row: songs "Mom", "Russia, We are your children",

"Let the sun will always be."

Holiday move

IN 1: In the light of good words a lot,
But everyone is kinder and most important:
Of the two syllables, simple: "ma-ma"
And there is no words more expensive than it.

AT 2:The words "Mom, mother - one of the most ancient on earth." All people respect and love mothers. The word "mother" is called and his homeland to emphasize that it treats her motherly in maternity.

No, probably, not a single country where they would not be celebrated Mothers Day. In Russia Mothers Day began to celebrate relatively recently. Installed by presidential decree Russian Federation B. N Yeltsin № 000 " About the bottom of the mother "dated 01.01.01He is celebrated on the last Sunday of November, paying tribute to maternal labor and their disinterested victim for the benefit of his children.

Mothers Day - This is a wonderful reason to once again tell the words of love and gratitude to the native and close person, to give a tribute to love, for generous maternal hearts, for their caring and affectionate hands.
Mom, mommy! So we call the most native and beloved man. The first word that gives each kid is the word "mother". In all languages \u200b\u200bof the world, it sounds affectionately, warm and gently.
Mum - Our first teacher, wise mentor, she cares about us. It is from the mother's mouth that the child hears the first songs in his life. All today's speeches - songs, poems - sound just for you, dear our moms!
In many countries, the "Mother's Day" is celebrated. People congratulate their mothers and come to visit them, arrange a holiday for them, give gifts.

Yes, indeed, for each of us, whether it is a small child or an adult already sad - Mom is the most native, the most expensive man in the world. And today we once again congratulate our moms with the holiday and wish them health, youth, peace of mind and a caring relationship from loved ones and relatives. But as you know, moms are not born, Mama becomes. Once our moms were restless cheerful girls who loved to play different games. Therefore, we also offer Mama to remember their childhood and again feel like young girls and participate in our competitive-gaming program "Daughters, grandmothers and moms." ______ teams participate in the game:


Well, we met with teams, let's get acquainted with the jury that will evaluate the performance of our participants.

Today in the jury: ___________________________________________


Music number

1 competition. Well, it's time first Competitionand this is a competition - warm-up

Now we will check the memory and observation of our moms. Need to answer questions:

1. What fairy tale first shows the family contract? ("Repka")

2. How many times did the old man go to the sea in a "fairy tale about fisherman and fish"? What did the nehel bring and what did the old man asked? (Six times the old man went to the sea: I came the nemid with the one tina, the first time I went - I came with the grass with the grass, I came by a nemody of one fish; the second time - I asked the trough, the third time - Izbu, the fifth, the fifth - Olla Tsaritsa, the sixth time - the Ladyman of the Sea.)

3. What fairy tale speaks of bad work director, about his evil character and severe fate of the actors? (A. Tolstoy. "The Adventures of Pino, or a Golden Key.")

4. How many times did the prince Guidon flew to the kingdom of King Saltan and in whom did he turn into? (Three times: Komar, Fly, Bumblebee.)

5. What was the name of the heroes of the tale "Teremok"? (Mouse-norushka, frog-cuckoo, bunny-jump, chanterelle-sister, wolf teeth lump, bear.)

2 Competition - "Button".

You need to sew quickly and efficiently buttons. (Button is cut from cardboard with diameter 20

3 Competition "Flower Mosaic"

1. Ancient legend Talks: When Adam and Eve were expelled from Paradise, he walked heavy snow, and Eva became cold. Then, I spare it, several snowflakes turned into flowers. Seeing this, Eva had fun, hope came to life. Since then, this flower has become a spring messenger, a warm days approaching. (Snowdrop)

2. There was once a wonderful young man. Many girls sought his love, among them there was a nymph echo. But the young man has rejected everyone. The Greek Goddess Nemesis punished the pride. One day, the young man leaned toward the stream to get drunk, saw his reflection and fell in love with him. He admired his reflection day and night, until there is no worries. And in this place, a white fragrant flower grew up - a symbol of self-ability. (Narcissus).

3. When the goddess Flora appeared on Earth, she began to give flowers to the names. All colors gave names and already wanted to remove, as suddenly heard a weak voice.

Do not forget me, Flora!

The goddess looked around - no one can see, looked like and saw a bluish flower - very tiny.

Well, she said, "Do not forget." You will be called ... (forget-me-not).

4. The stem of this flower is manipulated with small white lines, and the finest, the finest, has no comparable aroma from each jug. And in the ancient Russian legend, the Sea Tsarevna Volkhov loved the young man Sadko, and he gave his heart Lyubava. Heatless Volkhov came ashore and began to cry. And where the tears of the princes fell, the flowers rose - a symbol of clean and unrequited love. (Lily of the valley).

5. In the ancient Russian legend, loved each other a mermaid and plower. Mermaid began to call him to her water element, and the young man called to settle in Pashnya. Well done was well done. Turned his mermaid into a modest blue flowerwhich became an eternal satellite rye field. What is this flower who wears the name of the pahahar? (Cornflower).

Mom has long worried:
All things, business, business ...
Mom for the day is so tired.
The sofa faced.
I won't touch her
Only near the stop
Let her sleep a little -
I'll sleep a song.
I will become a closer to my mom -
I love her very much!
I feel sorry just not hears
Mom Song Mo.

Music number

4 Competition Crossword for Mom
1. Lip paint. ( pomade)
2. Self strand. ( curl)
3. Joyful event. ( holiday)
4. The substance that is added in jelly. ( gelatin)
5. Clothes for the kitchen. ( apron)
6. Permanent place to sting the cones ( forehead)
7 Flower-shovel. ( chamomile)

5 Competition "Pantomimim"

Teacher: Guys, you gradually grew and have already been learning the first children's poems with mothers. And when you confused lines, moms tried to tell you. How did they do it?

So, Mom receives a note with the beginning of the poem and the pantomime tip shows the movements of the characters of the poem, and her child guess and tells the poem to the end.


"There is a bull, swinging ..."

"Floor a bear on the floor ..."

"The hare threw the mistress ..."

"Our Tanya cries loudly ..."

"Bear whites ..."

6 Competition "Useful thing"

From the ordinary newspaper to make useful things for the house, for the family, for themselves.

7 Competition "School Menu".

The "Schoolboy" restaurant offers a menu:

cutlet "Again Double";

geometric potatoes;

cocktail "Chemical Reaction";

cupcake "cool";

salad "Excellent".

The task of participants to describe from what these dishes are prepared.

Leading: Oh, Mom, Mom!

Name gold.

Oh, how much light in it and warmth.

Oh, woman.

Oh, the miracle is unearthly!

Oh, mom, how beautiful you are!

Divine, light, unique

And the soul, and your youth.

And day, and night I repeat the name -

Oh, Mom, Mom, my sweet!

Oh, affectionate, kind!

I give all the colors of the earth to you.

I kiss your hands, hug.


Love, respect, take care of my mother, do not hurt her

in your own words and actions. Thank you for the works and

caring for you, be kind, sensitive, responsive.

Constant care, attention, heartiness, sympathy,

good word is waiting for mom. All mommies as a gift

music greeting.

Music number

The time of our meeting is unnoticed, and I want to once again wish you peace and happiness to your home. The world and happiness on the ground, on which you yourself are myself, Mom!

Used Books

1. "Children up to 16 entries are allowed" - Yaroslavl: Academy of Development: Academy Holding, 2004.

2. School holiday calendar / auth. Cost. . - M.: 5 for knowledge, 2006.-288С.

3. "Holidays for schoolchildren" - Academy of Development: Academy Holding, 2007.

4. "Holiday of Good Mood" - Yaroslavl: Academy of Development: Academy Holding, 2006

6., Tolstuhova N. S, Obukhov forms of work with parents. - M.: 5 for knowledge, 2005.

7. "Encyclopedia of school holidays" - m.; Pilgrim, 1999.

Scenario of the competitive and entertainment program,

dedicated mother

"You are one such - the only and native!"

(Leading one comes to the scene.)


Good afternoon dear friends! We are very nice to see you all in this room! It is especially nice to see here moms, because it is in your honor we organized this event! Today we celebrate Mother's Day!

2 Host:

Today is a holiday! Today is a holiday!
Holiday grandmothers and mothers,
This kindest holiday,
In the fall comes to us.

This is a holiday of obedient,
Congratulations and colors
Pruthet, Obahan -
The holiday of the best words!

There are the word eternal in our world,

Short but the most heartfelt.

It is beautiful and kind,

It is simple and comfortable,

It is spiritual, favorite,

Not comparable to anything:


Song "Song about Mom"

2 Host: Mother's Day celebration began in Ancient RomeWhen people are poring the goddess of land and fertility. In Christianity, this holiday is associated with honoring the coverage of the Mother of God.
Since 1998, in Russia on the last Sunday day of November, the day of the mother, the custodian of the focus is celebrated. This is a kind of thanksgiving, expressions of love and respect for mothers. They gave us life, affection and care, warmed love.. The words "Mom", "Mother" - one of the most ancient on earth and almost the same in languages of different nations. This suggests that all people worship and love mothers. In many countries markedMothers Day . People congratulate their mothers come to visit them, give gifts, arrange a holiday for them.

1 Windowed

Mom - it means tenderness,

It is caressing, kindness,Mom is serenity,

This is joy, beauty

Mom is a fairy tale at night,

This morning dawn,

Mom - in a difficult hour Tip,This is wisdom and advice!

Mom is a summer greens,This is snow, autumn leaf, Mom is a ray of light,Mom - this means life!

Mommy is our native,

These gentle lines are you!
The most pretty and most beautiful
The best thing on this earth is.

Such a warm, live word -
There is nothing more expensive and relatives.
Always in everything is ready to protect us,
It is the basis of our life all!
Only say: "Mom", - and colonel in the heart,

The huge world was filled with warmth.
The door opened hope and love

After all, Mom is all that we live!

The sun will warm us only
Mom - without days off
And cares, cherishes,
And sculpting his children.
Month shines only at night,
Mom - loves all year round.
He loves gently, very much.
And love not getting tired!

My mom is best

She is accompanied by success.

I managed here and there

Mold not by year.

Loves to sing and have fun

And beautiful like a firebird.

Smart, mila, generous, slim,

And in dad is very in love.

I love Mamuly firmly me

After all, Mom is the whole family.

Who are all gentlemen in the world?


Who is the most beautiful in the world?


Who loves us all stronger?


Who is warm in the cold?


She is everywhere, she is one for us,

And there is no her mile in the world.

Does not notice mommy leprosy,

And he says: "That they are children!"

She and here she and there

Everywhere is sitting.

And children walk along the heels,

And hell, and yawning.

Mommy - gifts
I am a beloved mom
I will give gifts:

By letting her handkeys.

How alive, flower!

Purely remove in the apartment -

And nowhere will not be dust.

Delicious cake pie

With apple jam ...

Only mom on the threshold -

Here and congratulations!

You mummagna is mine

I congratulate you:

Song performed by girls "You will wake me at dawn"

1 video. Our first competition is called

"Mother's name".

Children should come to participate in the competition for helping Mama.

Task to children: by letters to the name of the mother, list the quality of its character. For example, charming, loving, clear - Olya; Delightful, intriguing, communicable, demanding, charming, decisive, sparkling humor, bright - Victoria

2 Host: And now listenchastushki. performed by boys

1) Dear our moms,

We drink to you!

Happy holiday you congratulate

And hello to you a big one!

2) We are fun boys.
We dance and sing,
And now we will tell you,
How we are having fun.

3) so that mom is surprised
Dad made us dinner.
For some reason even a cat
Turned away from the kitlet.

4) Dad floor fill to shine
Prepared Vinaigrette

And, I will tell you a secret,

Having made a lot of troubles:

5) he boils milk,

Departed not far.

It came to him again:

Milk does not see!

6) burned soup and porridge,

Salted it in compote,

As returned mom Ours,

There was a lot of hassle.

7) Galya washed the floors,
Katya helped
Only pity, mom again
Everything was jumped.

8) dad decided to me the task
In mathematics helped.
We were then solved with my mother,
What he could not solve is.

9) wrapped saucepan
Lena cleaned sand,
Two hours in the trough Lena
Soap mommy then.

10) we sang you as they managed to
We are only children,
Just know our mothers
Best in light.

1 presenter.

All women are excellent owners, they spend a lot of time in the kitchen. And our mothers are the best mistresses in the world. In our next competition"Hostess"

it is necessary to determine with the blindfolded eyes to determine what is on a sowing.

(On a sauker saucer, salt, millet, buckwheat, rice, barley. The participants of the competition are guessing, what kind of cereals in front of them.)


And so, endedanother contest.

1 presenter. See Dance performed Girls 1 Klass.

2Worth. And you know that during the year moms wash 18,000 knives, forks and spoons, 13,000 plates, 8,000 cups.

1 video. The total weight of the dishes that our mothers are transferred from the kitchen cabinet to dining table. And back, per year reaches 5 tons.

2Worth. During the year, our mothers go shopping more than 2,000 km.

1 video.

Next contest of our program


There are 5 items in the bag (mug, grater, kettle, grater, meat grinder). Participants in the competition should not look into the bag, determine what the dishes are lying there, and write on the leaflet.

Song "Who You, Children, Loves More" "

2 presenter.

All time to go on the run, on the fly,
Sew, iron, cook and clean the stove,
Wash, clean, learning lessons -
Try you to live in this pace!
1 video. Yes, you have to have a special talent!

After all, the whole house holds on my mother!

2Worth. Listen to the poem

"The person who keeps the house"

Schummit and live any trouble,

How spring porch thunder thunder,

If she is near, if you are always

Maybe thirty-three her Ile seventy three,

How much would it be to her, the age here is nothing to do with it:

In anxiety, in affairs from dawn to dawn

The person who keeps the house.

Her husband is general, engineer Il Poet,

Maybe he is minister, miner, doctor,

All the most important it is, in that doubt no,

The person who keeps the house.

Very rare, but still sick,

And then everything around the knuckle up the bottom,

Because she is because she is

The man in which the house is holding.

We will take us somewhere in the rapid century,

In the fuss, we sometimes forget about

That she is not a foundation, she is a man

The person who keeps the house.

To be in the heart and in the house light

At her kindness to answer good

Let her feel love and warm

The person who keeps the house ...

1 Windowed

But the hands of mommies

It's just a treasure

Be without a mouse

Hands do not blame

2 designed . Without toys, the child can not. Yes, and with your own hands toys are much more expensive than a child than purchased in the store. Here and our mothers have to show your talent of needlework and make it a toy from those materials that we will offer them.

Competition "TOY"

Moms from healthy materials for limited time must make a toy for a child. Possible list of materials for the contest: Colored paper, Loskutka, Shells, match boxes, balls, markers, scissors, glue, stapler, wool, thread, postcards, paper IT.D.

1 presenter. While moms are crawling
Our children will entertain!
We bring to your attention the scene"Three Moms"

"Three Moms"



Roles are executed by children:




( In the center of the hall or on stage the table, three stools. On one of the chairs sits a doll. On the table dish with four chests). Leading.
Our children are so stubborn!
Everyone knows himself.
They tell them often moms,
But they do not hear moms.
Tanya under the evening
From the walk came

And the doll asked:
This includes Tanya, comes to the table and sitting on a chair, a doll takes on his hands. Tanya .
How, daughter, affairs?
Again, did you climb under the table, fidget?
Again promoted all day without lunch?
With these daughters just trouble,

Go for dining, turntable!
Today I will dinner Vatrushka!
Mom's Tanyushina came from work
And Tanya asked:
Mom enters, sits on a chair near Tanya. Mum .
How, daughter, affairs?
Spent again, probably in the garden?
Again managed to forget about food?
Dining screamed Baby more than once

And you answered: "Now yes now."
With these daughters just trouble,
Soon you will be like a match, Hud.
Go, dinner, turntable!
Today I will dinner Vatrushka!
Here grandmother - Mother Mama - came
And mom asked:
Granted grandmother with a stick, comes to the table and sits on the third chair Grandmother.
How, daughter, affairs?
Probably in the hospital for the whole day
Again for food did not find a moment,
And in the evening I ate a dry sandwich.
It is impossible to sit without lunch all day.
I became a doctor, but all fidget.
With these daughters just trouble.
Soon you will be like a match, Hud.
Go for dining, turntable!
Today I will dinner Vatrushka! (
All eat cheesecakes.) Leading .
Three moms in the dining room are sitting,
Three moms on her daughters look.
What do your daughters do stubborn?
All three. Oh, how not to be moms!

Competition "Venicobol".

Each team is issued a broom, and each player, balloon. At the distance before each team puts a basket. Victory is counted

2 master Guys, do you read fairy tale moms in childhood? And we will check now, do not forget the mothers fairy tales, because the children have grown

1 presenter. Competition "Find out fairy tales"

3 fairy tales are prepared. The captain of the Mom team pulls at random leafle with text and expressively reads. Each team tries to understand what fairy tales are involved, and moms write the names. The whole team participates in the gay.

1. Little to Baba with grandfather bun. He was lying on the window. And then the mouse fled, the tail waved. Kolobok fell and crashed. Seven kids came running and eat everything, and the crumbs left. They ran home, and the crumbs scattered along the path. Goose-swans flew, crumbs began to peck, yes from the puddles to drink. Then the cat is a scientist and says: "Do not drink, and then you will become kids!"
( answer : 7 Fairy tales: "Kolobok", "Ryaba chicken", "Wolf and Seven Goat", "Hansel and Gretel", "Gus-Swans", "Sister Alyonushka and Brother Ivanushka", "Ruslan and Lyudmila")

2. There were three bear. And they had a lubyana hut, and was still ice. That fled past the mouse-norushka and frog-cuckoo, they saw a hut and say: "Hut, hut, turn to the forest with the back, and to us before!". It is a hut, not moving. They decided to enter, came to the door, pulled the handle. Tent-pulled, and can't pull out. It can be seen, lies there Sleeping beauty and waits when Emel kisses her.
(answer : 7 Fairy Targets: "Three Bear", "Zayushkina Hut", "Teremok", "Baba Yaga", "Repka", "Sleeping Beauty", "Picky Public")

3. In some kingdom, in some state there was a princess frog. Somehow she sat down on a gray wolf and went to look for a feather's feather a nasal falcon. Tired of the wolf, wants to stay, and she says to him: "Do not sit on a penalty, do not eat a piddle!". And the wolf was angry and says: "How to around me, how to emphasize the shoes on the Zakolem"! The frog was frightened, lashed out and turned into a pumpkin at midnight. She saw her Black Seaner and dragged to his castle.
answer : 7 Fairy tales: "Tsarevna-Frog", "Finist Clear Sokol", "Ivan Tsarevich and Grey Wolf"," Masha and the Bear "," Hanging History "," Cinderella "," Ruslan and Lyudmila ")

1 video. And one more mobile

competition "Relay"

The first member of the teamrunes to the chair puts on the apron, she takes a handkerchief on his head, knocking a chair, comes to the team, removing the apron and the handkerchief, transmits the second participant, etc. until the last participant.The last participant of the relay runs to the chair, on which the cards with the names of the products for cereals are laid out, takes a card with the desired ingredient, puts it in a saucepan. (Cards with ingredients names must be diverse: water, peas, salt, sugar, semolina, carrots, etc., but the same for both teams .) Award is awarded that the first right completed the relay

1 Windowed Love mom, little children,
After all, without it so hard to live in the world,
Her attention, and affection, and care,
You will not replace foreign one.
Love mom, young teenagers
She is your trunk, and you are its processes,
One she, only loving mom,
Always understand you - Chad Her Stubborn.
2Worth. And children adults, always love mom,
On tender words, she does not bother
The road to her is akin to the road to the temple,
And in the house, entering her legs to bow.

Love mom, adults and children,
Rodney her - there is no one in the world!

2 master That's our holiday approached the end! But I want to wish you, dear moms that the holiday has never ended in your life and in your soul! Let your faces get tired only from smiles, and hands - from flowers bouquets. Let your children be obedient, and the husbands are attentive! Let yours home Always decorate comfort, wealth, love, happiness!

"The day before his birth, the child asked God:

  • I do not know why I go to this world. What should I do?

God replied:

  • I will give you an angel who will always be next to you. He will explain everything to you.
  • But as I understand it, because I do not know his language?
  • Angel will teach you your language. He will guard you from all troubles.
  • How and when should I return to you?
  • Your angel will tell you everything.
  • What is your angel called?
  • It doesn't matter what is called, he has many names. You will call him "Mom".

Leading: Mom, mommy ... how much heat is tatting this magic word, which is called the most expensive, close, sole man. Maternal love warms us up to old age. Mom teaches us to be wise, gives advice, cares about us, protects us. Dear our moms, we welcome you and these words for you:

Greetings accompanied by slideshows with photos of mothers and children.

Greet moms children:

1 student:In the world

Good Words

Live a lot

But everyone is kinder

And gentle one -

Of two syllables

Simple word "ma-ma",

And no words,

Relative than it

2 student:Walk around the whole world around

Just know in advance:

Will not find warmer hands

And tender moms.

Do not find an eye

Gentle and stricter.

Mom to each of us

All people are more expensive.

One hundred ways, roads around

Walk through the light:

Mom is the best friend

Better mom - no!

3 student:I believe that a woman is

Miracle earthly

What on the Milky Way

Do not find.

And if a woman

The word holy

Then three times sacred -

"Woman is a mother."

Children hand out for mothers flowers made in Origami techniques and an air ball in which the team number is hidden.

Children perform the song "My Mom"

Leading:Dear our moms, take a musical gift from us.

Chastushki about mom

  • Galya washed the floors,

Katya helped

Only pity, mom again

Everything was jumped.

  • Dad decided to me the task,

In mathematics helped.

We then solved with mom

What he could not solve is.

  • Burned soup and porridge,

Salt poured into compote.

How came from the work of Mom,

There was a lot of trouble.

  • Our mom at work

Worries, tries,

Well, and the dad is unemployed

At home is cleaned.

  • To mom surprised,

We prepared lunch.

For some reason even a cat,

Ran away from the kitlet.

  • Drew a picture of Vasya,

He is an artist, there is no dispute.

But why he painted his nose

In red, yellow, blue?

  • Vova floor fill to shine,

Prepared vinaigrette.

Looking for mom, what to do:

There is no work.

  • In the kitchen broom I found

And the apartment was drunk.

And left from him

Three straws total.

  • We sang you as they managed,

We are only children,

Just know - our moms -

Best in light.

  • We chastushki sing finish

And today we promise

Listen to you always in everything

In the morning, in the evening and day.

Leading: Dear our moms, grandmothers. Today we invited you to the holiday to give you a little joy, warmth, our love, show you how much we can and a little with you ... Play.

(Numbers on the balls help mothers crash for 3 teams)

  1. Competition 1: "Acquaintance"

Teams need to prepare a story about yourself, about your team, come up with a comic name, motto, song.

Leading: Our moms are the most brave. They are ready for everyone for their children. They are ready to go on stage and take part in our family game: "Mom and me!". On the scene are invited: the "..." team.

Representation of the teams .. Moms briefly talk about the advantages of their son (daughter), a child - about Mom (my mother is ..., my mother can ... etc.).

  1. Competition 2: "Find your child on ... palm"

Do you know your children well? (Question Mama). And you never confuse your child with a stranger? Yes? Now check.

(Mama tie her eyes. Throw to children. Each child stretches his hand. Moms should learn whose hand belongs to her son or daughter.)

  1. Competition 3: "Workout"

Participants need to answer comic questions. The team that gave more answers per minute is considered the winner of the competition.

  • The most terrible river? (Tiger River)
  • One man led a large car. The headlights were disabled. The moon was not in the sky. The woman passed the road. The driver stopped. How could he see her? (It was sunny on the street).
  • The shortest month? (May, because consists of three letters)
  • As the word "Mousetrap" write five letters. (Cat)
  • What is between the river and the bottom of the river? (Letter "and")
  • What can be easily raised from the ground, but far from throwing away? (Pooh)
  • Boiled fruits or berries in water. (Compote)
  1. Competition 4: "Button"

You need to sew quickly and efficiently buttons. The complexity is that the button is cut out of cardboard and has a diameter of 20cm.

Game with spectators.

Name the songs where the word "mother" is found.

  1. Competition 5: "Musical"

You need to sing a children's song "Let them run awkward" as it would be sang:

  • feline Tabor;
  • group of small piglets;
  • ensemble of stray dogs;
  • chicken vocal group;
  1. Competition 6: "pigtails"

You need to attach as much as possible elastic to the hair of the girl in just one minute.

  1. Competition 7: "Gastronomic"

In the bag lie fruits (mandarin, orange, apple, pear, kiwi ...). Moms get one fruit with blindfolded eyes and guess it.

  1. Competition 8: Dance "

It is necessary to dance "Gypsy", "Lambad" and "Tango". During the dances, music is included, not at all corresponding to the dance. The task of participants is not to be knocked out.

  1. Competition 9: "Mummy"

Each team is issued two rolls toilet paper. One of the mothers need to "turn into a mummy", i.e. Clean paper.

Leading:Another comic gift for moms. Scenes are miniatures.

  1. Conversation of a little son with mom:
  • Well, okay, choose what you want?
  • Candy!
  • No, let's something else!
  • Other candy!
  1. Dad and son:
  • How did mom guess that you were not worn?
  • I forgot soap soap!
  1. Mom, buy me ice cream!
  • You just ate!
  • I almost did not eat it! It fell on the dress!
  • What problems? At home, put the dress in the freezer, and then scout!
  1. Dad sits in a chair, resting, reads a newspaper. Son suitable for him:
  • Dad, I can't solve the task!
  • Mom will come, help!
  • Dad, I want to eat!
  • Mom will come, feed!
  • Dad, the kitchen is burning !!!
  • Mom will come, put off! Oh!!! Well, you did not say before !!!

After the miniature of scenes, children are shouting: "Moms, we love you"!