Blue and pistachio color combination. Pistachio color in the interior (90 photos)

What is this color, who will it suit and what is the best way to combine it? Let's figure it out together. For some reason, many of us are accustomed to the fact that a gentle and romantic style in clothes is created exclusively through delicate pink-lilac-beige tones. Yes, that's right, but don't limit yourself to just this colors... Today I want to introduce you to another wonderful color, which can also be called the embodiment of tenderness and romance - pistachio.

What kind of color is this pistachio?

There was a time when this shade was at the peak of its popularity and fashion designers, intermittently, offered us different options outfits using it. Now the bustle around him has subsided a little, but nevertheless, he has not faded in the least and has not at all lost his attractiveness because of this.

Pistachio is one of the shades; it is a light and warm tone. It was named after many of the favorite nuts - pistachios. It is a very calm, soft and even color. He can distinguish between several shades, both colder in tone and warmer.

From the point of view of influence on a person, this color shows us its positive effect, because it evokes positive emotions and calms. It will be relevant both in summer time and in cooler autumn-winter periods... In winter, it will bring a touch of warmth to your wardrobe, which is especially lacking at this time.

Shades of pistachio color

Pistachio is obtained by mixing green, yellow and white (if necessary). Depending on how much of which color was taken when mixing, different shades are obtained. The more yellow there is in the shade, the warmer it is in tone, the greener is colder. White lightens the shade.

Who is it for

The pistachio color, like any other, has its own characteristics and it can also look different on different girls or women. Colorists claim that it makes the face a little paler, so it is not recommended to wear it for owners of very light skin (warm saturated tones are more suitable for her).

Another one interesting feature this color - it rejuvenates and refreshes, so if you want to achieve such an effect, do not pass by this color.

  • Pistachio color in clothes is suitable mainly for all color types, but it will look most impressive on owners of tanned, dark skin... It will accentuate and add a special glow to your skin tone.
  • Red-haired girls also works well, especially if the top of the outfit is presented in this color (blouse, T-shirt).
  • Looks good on blondes, and brunettes or brown-haired women with brown eyes can use it to emphasize and enhance the color of the eyes.

Pistachio color in clothes - Combination and Photo

+ White

This combination is suitable for both casual looks and dressy ones. It is incredibly refreshing, gives lightness and perfectly sets off tanned skin. You can pair pistachio pants with a white blouse or T-shirt, and white or beige sandals or shoes will complement your outfit.

Interesting in this option massive gold-colored jewelry looks, they will help to make your look more elegant and add warm notes to it.

+ Blue

It is very important to choose the right shade of blue, if you want to create a delicate and romantic image, then choose light shades of sky blue. A more dynamic combination is obtained when added to pistachio. To complete the look, go with blue shoes and a green handbag.

+ Beige

Soft and delicate beige usually stays on the sidelines when paired with other colors. In our case, the colors are absolutely equal and balanced. They complement each other very harmoniously and as a result we get a very soft and beautiful color composition.

Pistachio blouse and beige skirt + beige shoes and gray clutch- will be a great solution for everyday kits. And the cocktail pistachio dress is in perfect harmony with beige heels and a handbag of the same color.

+ Brown

Brown will perfectly accentuate our color. The combination of “pistachio” with brown prints, for example, leopard, also looks interesting.

+ Pink

The very tenderness and femininity is embodied in the combination of these shades. It is better to use lighter pastel shades to make the outfit more balanced.

+ Yellow

As we already know, yellow is already present in our color, and therefore such a combination suggests itself as if by itself. This combination is very pleasing to the eye, very harmonious, incredibly warm and sunny. A yellow skirt or trousers can be paired with a pistachio blouse, or you can wear yellow shoes under a pistachio dress.

+ Green

All shades of green go well with each other in clothes, pistachio is just one of them, so why not try this option. More delicate sets are obtained if the shade is very slightly different from our color; more contrasting ones are obtained when combined with. Another shade of green is very close to ours and will also look good with it.

+ Red (Coral)

All the beauty of this shade lies in its tenderness, inconspicuousness and tranquility. He does not push himself ahead of you, but serves as a background so that you can demonstrate your attractiveness.

    Gentle warm color pistachio is combined in white clothing. Such clothes are warm and comfortable. Pistachio color goes well with pink, blue, yellow shades. This color also goes well with dark greens. Looks noble

    Pistachio color refers to the gamut and palette of greens. Bright, refreshing, positive and cheerful color. Looks good in combination with brown, yellow and gold colors. Looks very interesting in combination with purple, a play of contrasts, these colors emphasize each other.

    The pistachio is beautiful. For some reason, he seems to me to be very cheerful - this is like the beginning of a new life. Although not entirely green, it goes well with brown. with yellow, with red, with white, pink.

    I also like it in combination with cream, like ice cream and mint with pistachio nuts)) and also like this:

    Undoubtedly, the pistachio color in the interior is now in vogue. But not everyone dares to apply it in their Everyday life(in the house, in the apartment). I will use my example. Personally, I was afraid to use this color in my private house in the attic. The attic is not small, 85 sq.m. Apparently this color is not my taste since I associate it with a cold shade. Therefore, everything turned out to be banal with the attic - yellow. But there is a big BUT. WITH pistachio blossom you need to "play", be able to combine this color with a different palette of colors. This is very important. Otherwise, otherwise, everything will turn out to be deplorable. Therefore, this question is very relevant What color is the pistachio color combined with?

    Pistachio color goes well with beige shades, as well as with yellow, white, blue colors.

    Pistachio and olive colors go well with peach blossom, but again, a third shade should be present in this palette, since the pistachio color itself is more related to a cold shade of green, but olive to warm shades.

    I am very frightened by office and entertainment spaces, when the interior contains only pistachio color with elements of white. I don't want to sit in such a room for a long time. But the pistachio color in combination with dark shades (beige, brown, black) looks very impressive and creates an impression of coziness! Therefore, a lot depends on the preferences and tastes of a person.

    Pistachio color is versatile and suits many colors, as it has a neutral shade, but most of all suits white, red, yellow and peach flowers, blue and turquoise, aqua, orange ...

    I really like the combination of pistachio and beige colour various shades, as well as marsh, dark green and green, like young grass.

    The pistachio color refreshes and rejuvenates. It is especially suitable for blondes with tanned skin, as well as for owners of red hair.

    Pistachio color blends with white and beige color.

    Pistachio color blends with pink, yellow and blue.

    Also, pistachio is combined with different shades of green, with olive color.

    An interesting combination of pistachio with red, scarlet, coral, orange.

    Pistachio color- juicy, cheerful and up-to-date. This color is especially good for interiors. It can be used for bedroom, living room. And you can safely combine pistachio with other flowers. For example, with a peach color, with white, with a yellow color (it is better to choose a cold shade). Pistachio in the interior visually increases the space and makes the room brighter and brighter.

    As for pistachio in clothes, then here too we will see a combination with brown, white, yellow. The deep pistachio color looks great in clothes. This color looks especially good and advantageous in silk clothes.

    Pistachio color everything is gaining momentum in the fashion world and is actively used by designers in creating a modern, cozy, fresh interior ..

    This is how it looks true pistachio color.

    A palette of colors that go well with pistachio.

    Another small visual palette showing that milk and coral are wonderful friends with pistachio.

    Also, in addition to this palette with pistachio color, it goes well: brown, mustard, coral, eggplant, bright light green, beige, milky, deep blue, delicate sophisticated pink, and also classic white, black.

    Pistachio with black color in the interior of the kitchen looks wildly fashionable!

    With white and bright light green color.

    Color baked milk looks very harmonious in combination with pistachio.

    Mustard color with pistachio.

    Beige color.

    Coral color + pistachio + black + milky- looks wonderful in the living room.

    More some coral + white + pistachio.! text on hover With a muted brown, with the color of the bark of the tree.

    The eye cannot be taken away from the pistachio color in combination with a rich charming purple.

    Bright blue with pistachio in the children's room.

    Pistachio + gently pink color in the nursery for a girl, any princess will only be happy.

    Pistachio color in the bedroom.

For several years now, natural shades have been firmly established in design, evoking associations with fruits, plants or landscapes. This is due to the ease of perception of natural varieties, which allow you to create the most comfortable atmosphere in the room. Among the entire palette, pistachio color is the most common color in the interior - mainly due to its ability to combine with other colors and the ability to fit into any room.

Features and impact on the psyche

The shell of the nut, beloved by many, served as a source of pistachio color. It is a mixture of blue-green and yellow tones, which can be bright or pastel if diluted with whitewash.

Surrounded by such a shade, the inhabitants feel themselves in comfort, coziness and safety. The more subdued varieties create a soothing environment, while the more saturated ones energize.

Designers value pistachio because of its versatile properties. The point is that it does not change from different types lighting - be it the rays of the sun or lamps, the coating will retain its original tone. The color can be used for any elements in the interior: decoration, furniture, decor or textiles. Walls will heighten perception, and compact details will become a noticeable accent that grabs attention.

Pistachio color fits perfectly into many styles, but with some reservations. For example, for Provence, you need to limit yourself to only pastel variations in the form of individual objects. In the classics, dark shades look harmonious, and bright ones usually appear in combination with the same tone of other colors.

Within the framework of modern style it is better to use it as a compositional center, and in minimalism - small inclusions. Rarely is the pistachio color found in the Scandinavian interior, which tends to white, as well as in high-tech hi-tech. If desired, you can add it to the room palette, balancing it with neutral views.

Color combinations

As already mentioned, pistachio can peacefully coexist with many shades, and with some of them it forms a very stylish pair. Let's consider a few successful combinations.

Pistachio with white

An interior dominated by these two colors has a calm, natural ambiance, as versatile white is able to softly set off even a rich pistachio variation, letting in even more light into the room.

You can often find two options for using this combination. In the first case, one or more walls reflect the shade of walnut, and the furniture is painted white. In the second, it is the other way around, and this solution is more preferable for small sizes, since it allows you to visually expand the space, while creating a variety of colors.

Pistachio with blue

This pair usually does not act as the main color scheme due to the richness of the final design, but is harmonized with neutral blotches. In the interior, it is often embodied in elements adjacent to each other, creating a lively, natural atmosphere.

It can be a marine or pastel shade - with any of them, pistachio will form a successful combination. The success of the "union" lies in the belonging of one color to cold tones, and the other to warm ones.

Pistachio with yellow

Yellow will only emphasize the presence of this shade in the pistachio composition. As a result, even a few details with such a color scheme will make the room sunny and very warm - perfect solution for homes that face north, allowing little natural light during the day. Bright wall cladding will help enhance the effect, but this is a very bold design option.

Pistachio with brown

Brown can be presented as an independent color or as a finishing material - wood. The second option demonstrates a wide palette of not only textures, but also tones, among which warm ones should be preferred. They combine better with pistachio, emphasizing its natural origin.

In the interior, it can be used for wall decoration - then the wooden set will stand out well against its background. The color can act as a textile, for example, for upholstery. This is a great combination to suit the classic style.

Pistachio with pink

A catchy pair forms a natural pistachio color with a less natural pink. You can achieve an interesting effect by playing with their saturation. For example, pastel varieties can coexist in any incarnation: partitions, furniture, decor. And saturated ones must be added carefully, balancing with white.

Pistachio color in interior design - photo

The areas of application of the pistachio shade depend not only on the preferences of the owners, but also on the room and its conditions. Somewhere you need to create a calming atmosphere, and somewhere you need to add certain materials.

Pistachio color in the interior of the kitchen

In such an environment, the cooking process will turn into an exciting experience, since pistachio helps to increase the activity and mood of visitors.

In this space, it is often found in the form of a wall tile covering - the most universal material for working area which is constantly exposed to high temperatures, humidity and various types of pollution.

In the dining area, remote from the work area, you can pick up pistachio paint or wallpaper, since the conditions are more stable here. Washable wallpapers and other moisture-resistant varieties will do their job perfectly.

The shade is also used for furniture sets, with white, black or wood countertops... This solution is well suited for Provence, classics, as well as modern style.

Pistachio color in the interior of the living room

In a place intended for relaxation with loved ones or a good movie, color plays an important role in creating a suitable atmosphere. Pistachio is a very friendly summer shade, so its presence in the living room is not only permissible, but also highly desirable.

In spacious rooms, you can paint all the walls without worrying that the solution will overload the composition. Especially suitable for such purposes pastel shades... In small sizes, you can decorate only one part of the living room, for example, the central one - the one on which the TV screen is located.

If you need to focus on a more laconic design, then the pistachio color can be embodied in one or more objects: a sofa, carpet, curtains or wall paintings. This is an option for modern styles.

Pistachio color in the interior of the bedroom

Since the bedroom should promote relaxation and prepare for the upcoming sleep, it is recommended to limit yourself only to pistachio-colored textiles. Bed linen will do a great job with this, highlighting the bed as the main center of the room.

On the other hand, the pistachio design can be a real lifesaver for those who have a hard time waking up in the morning. Walls in this range will quickly tune in to an active mood and cheer you up. White, blue or beige details can be woven to balance the effect.

Pistachio color in the interior of the bathroom

In the bathroom, this shade is used for decoration or furniture, since plumbing - the main element of space - is often presented in a white, glossy version.

Special washable paints can survive indoors with high humidity, but it is better to give preference to traditional tiles, which will not only withstand any loads, but will also help to diversify the monochromatic coating.

These can be large fragments or small mosaics that alternate with other colors, glossy or matte surfaces. The interior will look harmonious, making a reference to natural landscapes.

When designing any living space, a person strives to be comfortable and cozy in it. For this, in addition to thinking through the layout, choosing furniture and accessories, it is important to decide on a color scheme for a given room.

It is important to choose calm shades so that there are no annoying flashy colors in the rooms, to correctly combine colors in the interior, to harmoniously select finishing materials textiles and decorative elements.

There is bright colours, which are more suitable for decorating children's rooms. There are soothing pastel shades to work with in bedrooms and lounges. Interesting color solutions can be left to decorate the living room or dining room. It is advisable to decorate the kitchen in accordance with the wishes of the keeper of the hearth. In the bathroom, it is better to choose colors depending on the area of ​​the room, so as not to make it visually smaller. However, there is a color that looks appropriate in any space, and it is called "pistachio". How to use pistachio color in the interior of the living room, bedroom, nursery and other rooms, as well as what to combine with this light green shade.

One of the main and important features This shade of green is considered to be universal in terms of the selection of combinations. Since pistachio is a natural color and is obtained by mixing green and yellow flowers, then it is in perfect harmony with them. Classic combinations of this light shade of green with white or gray colors are interesting.

It is rarely used, but the combination of black and pistachio in the design of the space looks very impressive. Since this is a muted shade (often called dirty green), it looks appropriate with pastel colors: light pink, peach, beige, cream, milky, light orange, etc.

If the pistachio shade is used as the main shade in the space, it is pastel accessories and textiles that are better combined with it. If pistachio is an auxiliary color, brighter shades will be able to attract attention - brown, coral, raspberry, chocolate, blue, aqua, etc. Remember the natural combination of green foliage of trees with a brown trunk - this will give Summer mood and peace of mind for the residents of the apartment.

The only thing is that combinations with pale blue or bright green do not look very good. Against the background of a pale blue shade in dark rooms, pistachio will look muddy and dirty, and bright green will simply overshadow this light shade. Although with the correct selection of textures, sizes, existing patterns or patterns on materials, you can still think over the use of these shades with each other. For creative people, there will be no problems in decorating a room with this shade of green.

It is believed that any muted shades of green have a beneficial effect on a person's condition, soothe, help to relax and relieve fatigue. Also, a big plus of using this particular color in the interior is that it evokes a feeling of lightness and carelessness. In addition, this shade never causes a feeling of hostility, since it is a natural color.

Living room decoration

The pistachio color in the interior of the living room often acts as an accent, and is very rarely the main shade. V classic interiors it can be used in conjunction with white, and stripes or panels of these colors should be alternated. For example, pistachio-colored wallpaper in the living room interior can alternate with white stripes, or the walls can be painted in half: top - white, bottom - green. This way, you can create a light and airy interior even in dark rooms or rooms with low ceilings... Separately, it should be said about the interiors in the classicism style, where the light shade of green is in perfect harmony with the gold trim.

Looks great indoors with pastel-colored walls, flooring and dark wood cabinetry soft furniture pistachio color. If a bright living room is being decorated, you can use bright accents of this green shade: in the form decorative pillows, panels and paintings on the walls, decorative dishes, etc. The curtains of pistachio color look great in the interior in the style of minimalism, when there are no various decorative trifles, but I want to add bright details.

In the interior using this shade, fresh flowers always look harmonious, floral patterns, floral prints, natural fabrics. Such a living room will be conducive to rest and relaxation with the family.

Kitchen decoration

Anyone in the kitchen green color adjusts to a healthy diet, so those who are on a diet even need to decorate the kitchen with a pistachio shade. In a snowy winter, plunge into the spring-summer interior is always very pleasant. You can safely use contrasting combinations, which in the morning will charge the owners with positive and cheerfulness for the whole day. So, they go well with pistachio orange or red colors, however, contrasting colors will attract more attention.

Pistachio color can be used in different ways in the interior of the kitchen. You can decorate the walls in the kitchen with this shade, and combine it with any other colors, which are described in more detail above. Pistachio-colored wallpaper in the interior of the kitchen may look original, but it is better to choose not ordinary ones paper wallpaper, but vinyl or other moisture resistant materials. You can decorate only one free wall in this way, and decorate the walls where furniture, a window or other interior items are located with light pastel shades. In the kitchen, you can also use photo wallpaper with this color - it can be either a photographic image of nature, or some kind of pistachio-colored fruits and vegetables.

Also, pistachio color in the interior of the kitchen can be used as an accent color. It is quite possible for them to design cabinet furniture, a built-in kitchen, or only kitchen apron... Curtains of the same shade can be in harmony with them, a tablecloth on dining table, chair covers or other textiles.

Bedroom decoration

It is appropriate to use pistachio color in the interior of the bedroom, since it sets you up for relaxation and tranquility, which is very important after a stormy working day... It can act as a main color, and as an additional one, which manifests itself in various little things and textile accessories.

The pistachio color in the interior of the bedroom looks very appropriate on the walls when the bed and the rest of the furniture in the room are made of dark wood. Textiles in a light green shade will also be very appropriate: bedspreads, curtains, pillows, a rug by the bed of a similar color will revive any coldest environment.

Pistachio-colored curtains in the bedroom interior will be able to protect from direct rays of the sun in the morning hours, and it can be either ordinary thick curtains or cotton curtains that can be combined with the lampshade of the lamps. decorative panels at the head of the bed or with decorative braid on the bedspread or rug.

Eco-style bedrooms look very beautiful using this shade of green. Light wood walls, wicker furniture, natural fabrics go well with pistachio decorative accessories.

Pistachio color in the interior is soft and non-conflicting. It belongs to the category of spring tones - juicy, gentle, but still gaining strength, not having time to manifest themselves in full power. It is green, but the green is dense and rather dusty, the color balancing on the verge between thick and watery. Today it is very popular, so it will not be difficult to understand the features of its application.

  • Pistachio + light green
  • Pistachio + wood shades
  • Pistachio + white + chocolate
  • Pistachio + gray

  • Pistachio + white
  • Pistachio + pink
  • Pistachio + golden

  • Pistachio + beige
  • Pistachio + black

  • Pistachio + lavender

  • Pistachio + bleached oak
  • Pistachio + lilac

"What do psychologists say?"

Pistachio color is an expression of healthy vigor, without aggressive overlap. His calm joy is useful for everyone - both for people in a normal frame of mind and for those who are tired of life. In this regard, it is difficult to overdo it with pistachio. Subconsciously, we perceive it as one of the most comfortable shades for the eyes.

All shades of green are famous fighters against negative energy... But if the cold tones of greenery seem uncomfortable to many, then this will not happen with pistachio. The yellow and brown undertones are visible in it quite clearly, due to which the shade seems to be saturated with sunlight.

"How to fit it into the interior?"

It is quite simple to work with shades of green, and pistachio color in the interior does not belong to the category of whimsical. On the contrary, where clean green looks too bright and intrusive, designers advise using a dirty and less obvious pistachio. There are quite a few suitable combinations - from sharp contrasting to nuanced. The easiest way to create sublime and airy interiors is using light accents.

"Living room"

If the living room in your house is sunny and spacious - turn to pistachio, bypassing long hesitation. He cannot tire anyone. And considering what a motley company gathers in the living room - this factor is worth paying attention to.

"Pistachio + light green"

  • If the pistachio color is fed up and seems gloomy, do not rush to make repairs. Perhaps a bright light green detail will correct the situation! In the photo below, you can clearly see how the partition echoes with the darker wall in the background, and together it looks great!

"Pistachio + wood shades"

  • Especially well with the participation of pistachio, island-style design projects are successful, which can be imagined anywhere in a house in Haiti or Bali. They are dominated by a simple wooden furniture often woven from plants, and an artless finish. But most importantly, in such rooms there is an atmosphere of remoteness from big city and a sense of harmony with nature. If you need to add bright spots, use accessories in terracotta, peach or dark orange colors.

"Pistachio + white + chocolate"

  • Unconditional rigor, but a sense of humor is not alien to her! Give the dark chocolate shade about double more space than green, let the rest of the space refresh. We have selected for you a very good example- a pistachio-colored table and wardrobe, white wallpaper and sofas in the interior, one wall completely painted in brown. Pay attention to the additional details of light green, which refresh the room and serve to support the green.

"Pistachio + gray"

  • If you are a follower of less bright solutions, then we will show you how to somewhat pacify the brightness of the pistachio. To do this, white should be replaced with a light one, and the image of the room will radically change. The yellowish component will be drowned out, and only deep detached greenery will remain on the surface, as in the living room in the photo below.


"Pistachio + white"

  • The pairing with white is one of the most obvious, but it doesn't look hackneyed or boring. Take on the game with the size of color spots - large strokes of green and white are interrupted by a small print. There is a feeling that much more shades are mixed in the interior! Add a splash of warm brown, close to milk chocolate - this scheme can be used in the bathroom and in the nursery.

"Pistachio + pink"

  • Pistachio color in the interior will perfectly complement pink. It's hard not to love this combination - the shades of generally banal colors are so noble here. They are traditionally blended with white, but you can experiment and add light lemon for a truly summery blend.

"Pistachio + golden"

  • Gold can replace a delicate one, and one and the other must be used in dosage, in small accessories. In dim light, as in the bedroom in the photo below, they will come as close as possible to each other in saturation. If you want to achieve interesting overflows and color illusions, you should try.


How does shade affect our appetite? Scientists have found a rather encouraging relationship - they do not excite, but also do not suppress as much as the same blue color... The pistachio has a property that is useful to all of us - in the morning it acts on us like a good dose of caffeine, shaking off the remnants of sleep and instantly returns to tone. Does the thought of drinking a glass of green juice in the morning terrify you? Paint the walls pistachio and expect positive changes!

"Pistachio + beige"

  • Pistachio is versatile in the kitchen - it will fit both retro and high-tech style. Please note that it matches both classic furnishings and metallic details with a glossy sheen. On modern kitchen you can arrange an apron over the stove or a cabinet panel for them, on a vintage one - pick up all the furniture in this color, as in the photo below.

"Pistachio + black"

  • A bolder and more aggressive option is to combine pistachio with piercing black. I wonder if the latter will have a subtle texture - for example, if you choose marble or granite tiles.


Pistachio is quite easy to fit even in finished interior bathroom - for pink, white, green and even bluish tiles, pistachio accessories will come in handy, at least in the form of a rug or curtain.

"Pistachio + lavender"

  • We have already considered the combination with pure pink, and for the bathroom we want to offer an equally curious option - a mixture of pistachio with delicate lavender. For a sophisticated retro or Provence design, add antique fittings, wicker baskets and a ruffled curtain.

"Children's room"

For a children's room, pistachio color is just great! He is calm, cheerful, helps mental activity, brings emotions into the right balance. The rules for using it in the nursery are no different from those listed above, these are the same combinations. But the proportions can be changed a little - let the green color become more, here it will not hurt anyone!

"Pistachio + bleached oak"

  • Suitable decoration for a teenager's room is strict and not annoying. It is easy to beat such a space with multi-colored accessories, because there are practically no restrictions for combination.

"Pistachio + lilac"

  • The girl's room, where pink or lilac dominates, the pistachio color will soften a little - you can choose such wallpaper, furniture or carpet for the interior. Feel free to complement it with the color of coffee with milk, romantic caramel or warm ocher, creating a truly fabulous world for your child!