See in a dream how to kill a person. What does it mean in a dream killing a man

The article on the topic: "Dream Interpretation Murder Men" - represented current information on this issue for 2018.

Dream Interpretation claims that the dream in which the human murder appears, often symbolizes the new beginning. Seen in a dream can serve as a harbinger of radical change. What dreams of such a frightening plot may be a warning: a dream calls for you to be attentive to reveal not to please in trouble due to excessive gullibility or scattered.

When you see the murder of a person who are familiar in real life, the personality of the murdered and relationship with him also play their role. Perhaps you absolutely do not suit the relationship with someone from others. It is possible that you are ready to completely change the circle of communication or lifestyle. If you are sure that it is more than a whim, it means that now is the time to act.

According to the interpretation of dreams, murder close man In a dream, the changes that happened to you have recently. Perhaps a person figurative in a dream actually treats you inappropriately. What dreams so radical measure? You no longer intend to put up with it even under the threat of breaking relationships.

As the dreams explains, the murder of a loved one in a dream is a reflection of the intention to get rid of the psychological dependence, which takes place in reality. You understand that you have someone else's life instead of your own, believe that it should not be so, while not able to cope with your emotions. Awareness of the problem is a significant step towards her decision.

Sleep, in which a stranger or abstract person kill

The murder of a snowy man in a dream symbolizes the permission of doubt. Dream Interpretation promises that you will finally be able to turn on the path that you consider it right. A very favorable period for decision-making and is the most important thing - their successful implementation. Dreaming means that this time nothing should prevent.

Miller's dream book claims that if you had a chance to see a man's murder in a dream, it means that in reality should be alert. Contrary to own willingYou can be an involuntary participant in an extremely unpleasant event with serious consequences. Beware of strangers and dubious offers, - Warning Dream Interpretation.

Dream Interpretation offers and a much more positive interpretation, intense, what the incident is dreaming. The dreams are on the threshold of radical change. Events may at first to pose somewhat. Nevertheless, over time, it turns out that it was an rare successful confluence of the circumstances, which is what a similar plot dreams.

Dream Interpretation does not intend to scare you, but, explaining what the murder is dreaming unfamiliar manHe is forced to turn to your fears. Many of them come from childhood, despite the fact that you are aware of their groundlessness, they spoil your life order. It seems that it is time to get rid of secret fears, and in the near future you will have a reason to do this, this time not in a dream.

As would be egoistic, it nevertheless sounded, however, everything that the suicide of another person is dreaming, the dream book considers the harbinger of success. If you have a strong competitor in reality, it is very likely that in this period you will be able to take the top over it.

The same applies to the mission, which previously seemed impossible: now Fortune itself accompanies victories, do not miss a favorable moment. Seen in a dream means success on any field, especially if it is directly or indirectly related to financial issues.

I killed in a dream three men first broke the neck and burned him in the stove. The second and third killed the poker. In a dream, I received money for them.

I dreamed that I killed a lot of people with a sword. And this was our time. There was a lot of blood. Cut the man by man, cut off the limb, head, etc. Not a pleasant sleep ... When I went with the rest, I looked at the sword, which was all in the blood. Maybe someone will tell you what?

The husband was shot in a car of someone else's three people, there was one woman, two others I did not see, sent a gun on me, I wanted to kill, I didn't go home at the last moment, I came home, I will scold him, my mother is talking to whom she throws her who will be buried .

I dreamed that I was pregnant probably weeks 16, in my stomach I unscrewed his head and then woke up for what it was, it was the most terrible dream.

In a dream, a man attacked me in the Black Balahon with a gun, I delayed him ... I took a gun from my hands. Then he suggested to fight without a weapon, I refused I sent a gun on him, I shot me on me and he. Pistols were directed to chin.

Dreamed that they killed some American good leader with a pistol.

I dreamed of a woman, she tried to tell something to me, but she did not come out her pushed from the second floor of the airport. I seemed very familiar to me, although I was not in any one. When a woman fell, she remained alive, sleep as if I was moving me at the bottom, and she began to crawl to me. And I woke up. In the morning the state was bad.

What dreams to kill a man - interpretation of sleep for dreams

Dream Miller

interpretation of sleep kill a man

Miller's dream book says that if you kill a man in a dream, you will soon wait for the "black strip." You have to go through a series of shameful events and abandon the current lifestyle

Dream Vangu

what dreams to kill a man

If in a dream you killed a man and we cried for a long time, then you have a long road. The murder of a loved one is a sign that in your life a lot of gossip and lies.

Dream of flowers

what does, if you kill a man in a dream

In this dream book, the murder of a man symbolizes the successful end of the case or work. If the murder is dreaming during the struggle, then wait for recognition in society.

Dream of Freud.

what dreams to kill a man

According to Freud, the murder in a dream indicates that you want to get rid of annoying problems and relationships

English Dream

kill a man in the dream

If you participate in the murder of a man, then most likely you have to participate in the unpleasant events, most likely your name will be disgraced.

Intimate dream book

kill a man in a dream to what it is

The murder of a man testifies that you subconsciously want to get rid of the current partner and find a new one. However, the murder with a knife says that your sexual desire to the partner increases greatly.

Soon to kill a man people just dreamed

Sleep from Sunday for Monday means the update and the offensive of a new stage in life.

Human murder dreamed: Nuances of sleep decryption

Surely you, an expensive reader, is pretty frightened by the plot of your sleep, in which you deprive the life of some kind of person. What dreams of a man's murder? Dream Miller, Vangu and Freud will give you answers.

First you should calm down and stop counting this dream with something terrible, supernatural. Better remember the details of this dream: Were you unarmed, or in your hands you had, for example, an automatic or stone? It is very important to further remember who exactly the unfortunate fate came to become a commitment to heaven.

Obviously, in your dream, you felt a whole range of emotions: malice, fear, hatred for the killed. It is possible in his dream you drove the victim and could even experience some satisfaction from the completion of the mission. Frequently, in which the murder occurs in the midst of self-defense, by chance.

How terrible to kill a person in a dream? You should not feel a cruel man and all the more stopping communication with the "deceased." Most dreams see how you managed to kill a person promises wealth and well-being. However, the dream about the deceased person is an extraordinary case and can interpret in different ways depending on the situation.

Focus and remember the events of that night (or if you turned out to be a bold killer, day).

  1. When you dreamed a dream
  2. Where the murder occurred
  3. Over which it was you who led the verdict.

Some cases and their interpretation of dreams.

Find your case from the following and find out what the subconsciousness tried to warn you in this dream:

  • Kill an unknown person in a dream. Sleep marks getting rid of internal alarms and torments. But it is worth showing gladies and patience to others, talk to friends and loved ones, otherwise everything can turn into a scandal;
  • To deprive the life of a person of the opposite sex. Such a dream carries unexpected love in reality. Including the role and the process itself plays: they killed a knife in the heart - ardent feelings will come from a person, and not from you. If you killed your sacrifice, then the attraction will most likely be unrequited and implies crazy actions on your part;
  • Send a person to the next light in his house. The dream is interpreted extremely positively, if you do not have hate to a person. The victim in reality is waiting for a good, prosperous life. And the lonely representative of the powerful sex sent by you to heaven in his house will be able to acquire his wife and lose the "honorary status" of the Bachelor;
  • If in a dream you killed a loved one. The subconsciousness brings you a news about a quick trip, on a business trip or vacation from work. We advise you to remember your condition, for if you:
  1. They were sad and grieved in a person who was not lucky to die from your hands, then a difficult far distance will bring you laurels and material benefits;
  2. Sincerely rejoiced and laughing. It is possible that you are restless on your heart, many questions and hidden emotions that you do not exit;

After such a dream, gossip and evil conversations about you may also appear unfriendly.

  • Murder man in the garden. To see the death of a person from your hands in the garden predicts the success of that very victim, which familiar and friends will remain only to envy;
  • Deliberate or random killing a friend or friend in a dream. The dream predicts the emergence of circumstances, because of which they will have to part with it (her);
  • Kill a person in self-defense results. In independence, the stranger is a person, a friend or enemy person, you will rid of fear for a long time after they defended him in a dream;
  • Strangle people in a dream. Explain the successful end of the case, internal harmony. For a sick person means indispensable recovery and getting rid of signs of boring robes.

A lot of important role Plays in the characteristics of sleep and the murder way you took advantage of that fatal moment. No, not very interesting caliber and model, for example, a gun, from which you have nailed a bullet offender. The fact of the shot from the gun is important. So, an expensive reader, plunge into my horses anew and find our own case:

  • Used stick or hammer. If you have dreamed that you killed a man with a stick or a hammer on the head, then this is an unambiguous omen of deception or cunning intents from friends, colleagues at work or the second half. If you droop the Spirit, then rejoice - the deception will be revealed very soon, and you will not be in the fools in any way;
  • Set up or drown a man in a dream. Symbolizes strong health or recovery. Some dreams advise to pay attention and smooth sharp corners in relations S. specific peopleuntil scandal happened because of the shortcomings;
  • Kill a person from a pistol. It is possible that the gun appeared in your hands after a viewed militant. But, in any case, dream books offer a person with a gun to keep passion and strong emotions under control. Your sincerity can take advantage of mercenary purposes and direct against you;
  • The knife made a tool. Furious swinging by the sword on the classroom of your consciousness reminds you of unfulfilled dreams. Also that's pretty sign The fact that in life you apply forces absolutely not in that path.

Sleep dreamed you yesterday, the day before yesterday or a week ago? It is advisable to recall the day of the week, on the night of which the subconsciousness presented you with an action with you in the lead role.

If the dream dreamed on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday. Dreams with the presence of a crime or fight on this day talk about a wide range of opportunities for whom the dream has dreamed. You have a lot of friends and friends. Sleep to one of these three days of the week may foreshadow the conclusion of a very profitable deal;

Sleep, who dreamed on Friday, Saturday or Sunday. To sleep, which visited you in one of these days it should be careful, since the feces these days often turn out to be things. It is worth abandoning risky projects and forget about the adventures. Carefully invest money and do not count on luck.

Interpretation of sleep by famous personalities.

  1. Freud as always ties in the root and argues that you need to get rid of the boring relationships or work after such sleep. Psychoanalyst also advises to radically change the bothered situation, and not to deceive himself.
  2. Miller's dream book is by no means soothing - you will be enjoyed into a shameful situation or become a victim of atrocities, as a psychologist predicts.
  3. Vangang is surprisingly optimistic about this, because killing a person, especially unfamiliar, you make your fears and go ahead.

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Dreamed the murder of a person. Dream murder

What dreams of murder in a dream. Dream interpretation kill a man

Murder in a dream refers to the category of psychological dreams, kill in a man's dream or to be killed in a dream symbolizes vulnerability, own fears and fears. If in reality, the dream does not threaten anything, and he is not involved in some serious conflict, the dream book kill a person should interpret as an imaginary threat and the projection of a false alarm in a dream.

The dreams, in which the dreams are painted with some person, reflect his imperitance, sometimes it seems that people are configured hostile against him.

In general, Dream Interpretation Murder involves taking into account the emotion of a dream with the interpretation of sleep: how did he feel as a murderer in a dream or what he felt when he learned that he was killed? Whether he experienced anger, anger, fear, regret, shame, disgust, and can pleasure. Any of these feelings reflects his real experiences and desires, for example, to kill his sworn enemy in a dream and testing solemnity or relief - a dream, of course, does not reflect the real intentions, but says, to put it mildly, about sincere dislike for the opponent, or desire Somehow punish or revenge. Negative emotions in relation to someone are acquired here such hypertrophied forms in a dream - what dreams of the killing of a person familiar.

If you had a murder of an expensive person or beloved (killing them with another person), then the dream does not carry the negative, but rather reflects the experience of sleeping people. Only in some cases, sleep - what dreams of the murder of a loved one, it is worth interpreting as secret intrigues that wipes behind him. For example, a woman dreamed that her husband killed him best friend or business partner. In this case, it is possible to doubt the devotion of this "killer", the deceptions and betrayal are not excluded from him.

Murder in general means aggressive impulses that can be directed both against themselves and against specific persons in the dream of a dream. It can also be an expression of sexual attraction in which a person is not free to admit.

What dreams of killing a person - so expresses the desire to get rid of some character traits that seem to be disadvantages, or from immoral or unworthy desires. Perhaps this unconscious aggression is directed against the events that have already come in a person's life or only on the approach. Dream Interpretation interprets the murder of a man who dreams like an depressed desire to eliminate him from his way, or, on the contrary, the victim is attractive, but inaccessible, and thus the psyche tries to get rid of an obsessive image.

What is the dream of suicide - such dreams are generated by depressive sentiments, the lack of love for themselves, a feeling of guilt for something, a long series of failures in life. The crisis of an individual, from which the dreams can not get out, dragged into. To help yourself survive it, you need to go, maybe relax, change the situation or contact spiritual practices, otherwise the black strip will absorb your life.

To kill a man with a knife in a dream means unconscious cravings possess the abilities that he is endowed with, take his place, or even possess them himself. Perhaps someone from your environment causes indignation in you with your behavior that you can not accept. Also, by the dream of a murder, a knife can warn about the danger of your aggressive impulses, because the consequences may not be predictable.

By dream, if I was killed in a dream, i.e. The dream dreamed that he was killed by this means fear of failure, anxiety, insecurity, perhaps health problems. Often, complex relationships with someone from others are, the presence of this person in life does not act in full force. Also, if in a dream I wanted to kill, then this dream warns about the need to curb your fear that prevents adequate to assess the situation and protect against someone else's influence.

To see the murder of the dream book interprets like a danger from a certain adventure or a business that you want to involve. Offers from strangers, unverified people in the near future is better not to accept and not start anything new. If you have dreamed that you are a witness murder, you may be internally deny the life that is now leading, but can not change something. In this case, you should think about the reasons that hold you within, perhaps they are not so scary at all.

See yourself killed in a dream means a lack of love and sexual dissatisfaction. Perhaps someone very disappointed you or will disappoint you soon. Sleep warns of failure in love.

If you have dreamed that you are accused of murder, it means that you have to do something that will subsequently cause a great feeling of guilt. Perhaps you are unsuccessfully trying to overcome some of your qualities that can actually have important assistance in self-realization. Another dream can be warned by danger from outside - someone will try to configure everyone against you or substitute.

When a little murder and blood occurs in a dream, it is most often a consequence of some deep psychological injury that has changed your life. Most often, this plot occurs in women, expressing their fears before sexuality and maternity. Sleep can also warn about the danger that threatens you or your family members in the very near future.

If you were killed from a pistol, such a dream always has a sexual attack. Perhaps you will find a new passion, or the one who causes you a desire to repay. Kill a person from a pistol means an attempt to suppress the attraction that cannot be satisfied now. Better to let go and accept it.

Kill a person with an ax in a dream means the presence of your own contradictions between your creative desires and the practical side of the issue. Most likely, the situation has already happened or develops so that now you can not do what you like, because of the need to survive.

Dream Interpretation interprets the murder of a loved one, like conflict and psychological struggle with him. It should be necessary to work on relationships and direct them into another channel, otherwise the consequences can be destructive.

Kill a woman in a dream Men means a desire to possess her. A woman such a dream dreams, as an attempt to get rid of hated character traits, perhaps, it is even an unconscious refusal of femininity. Kill a girl in a dream mean the same.

To kill a man indicates a refusal of masculinity, if the dreams are a man. Woman similar Son. Speaks about her overly aggressive behavior, excessive initiative.

Kill the enemy in a dream predicts victory over its shortcomings. Most likely, you have to successfully complete a very difficult thing.

If you have dreamed that you have killed a friend, this is a warning about the failure that your undertaking will end, or too strong fear of it does not allow you to live peacefully. In any case, with something close, familiar and pleasant at the sooner will have to say goodbye. You should not worry too much because of this, because with the care of an old one comes new.

Kill a girlfriend in a dream can mean envy or jealousy to it. Most likely, these feelings are not recognized by you.

To kill your lovedoy in the dreams is expressed by strong negative feelings towards him, there are the needs that he does not satisfy. Perhaps your relationship now went into a dead end, and you are waiting for some active actions. As long as the woman does not charge the turnover and will not cease to demand, threaten and eaten, nothing will change. Murder husband in a dream has the same meaning.

To kill his wife indicates again the presence of a conflict of interest in relationships. So it can be expressed an unconscious desire to get rid of the spouse. There may also be an important role to play some sexual attractions that are not satisfied by her fault.

What dreams of the killing of a child - nothing good is such a dream, because the child is a symbol of your essence, self. Accordingly, the dream predicts failure in the planned case, the occurrence of a difficult crisis, the loss of itself and the search for the meaning. To kill the baby always means the presence of a strong destructive force in your life, perhaps it comes from the inside if there is no unity of the soul and mind, or out of it, when someone / something begins to interfere and impose their script.

To kill the maniac, as a rule, means a period of long-term struggle with the negative parties of his personality, may be harmful habits. If it comes to the shortcomings, it is worth thinking if these qualities are bad, maybe, refusing them, you refuse themselves.

To kill the witch in a dream, if a woman's dreams means a strong denial of his female nature, an active desire to eradicate it, not the ability to trust intuition, the lack of a spiritual side in life. The man has such a dream, as a rule, can be caused by bad relationship with mother, irreconcilable conflict with her.

Dream interpretation on another topic:

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A dream in which we dream of murder can be attributed to the discharge of nightmares. Nightmares are shot by man in difficult periods of his life, when there is a threat to life, health, financial well-being His or his loved ones. What dreams of a man's murder can be found by looking at once in several reputable dream interpreters.

  • The dream in which you dreamed of murder is a warning that you will soon be awakening because of the troubles caused to you with unauthorized people. It may happen so that you will become an eyewitty of someone's violent death;
  • The murder in a dream committed by you can predict that soon you will find a member of some not too decent event that can defams your name;
  • In a dream, an attacker attacked you, and you killed him - such a dream need to be regarded as a positive sign, promising success in financial affairs, sweeping career;
  • The dream in which you killed you is a warning that your enemies are resolutely configured to squeeze your life. Be especially careful.

Human murder in Freud's dream book

  • You dreamed that you killed a person - this dream should be regarded as a hint: you need to exclude boring relationships from your life. You are trying to convince yourself that it makes sense to fight for love. But, in reality, the basis of your relationship is already thoroughly accumulated by the worm of doubts that came to your soul. In the thoughts about the future, you do not assure the once dear person any place;
  • In a dream, you witnessed the murder - it may mean that your sexual fantasies are distinguished by particular cruelty, and you are allocated to them too much. You can not realize that your too rude caress may not like your partner. Sleep advises you not to be so selfish in bed.

Murder of man in the dream of flowers

  • A dream in which you killed the enemy predicts success in affairs and in the personal sphere. If you are blocked by his blood - wait for you soon feet will fall large amount money;
  • If in a dream they killed you - to an unexpected great joy.

Murder of man in esoteric dream book

  • In a dream, you received the murder news - this may mean the death of a serviceman in the performance of professional duties;
  • Sleep, in which they tried to kill you, but you survived - means that I will have it is possible to avoid danger thanks to your decisive and fearless nature.. Developing this positive fuckYou will be able to protect yourself and people close to you from misfortune. It will be quite useful, because the enemies you have enough;
  • If in a dream you have become an eyewitness of the murder - this warning sign that someone from your loved ones can become a victim of a killer or robber;
  • Wake up at the moment when someone wants to kill you - this is a warning that you yourself attract unfortunately, allow fear to master over you. This dream can become a reality. Take care of yourself!

Murder man in english dream book

  • In a dream, you killed a person - this is a very bad omen. The consequence of your lifestyle can be the implementation of atrocities and subsequent imprisonment. After such sleep, it is necessary to repent and try to renounce evil, otherwise the consequences can be terrifying: a loved one can deceive you, close people will turn away from you, family life Ends the divorce. After such sleep, the danger threaten without exception to everyone.
Interpretation of dreams about murder contains a sharp negative context - in this we are convinced of almost all famous dreams.

Salt the nightmare and understand why the murder of a person dream is - hence half to take away from himself.

Dreams, causing horror in man, strongly warn it that it is necessary to immediately solve the existing problem, it has come true for this.

On the nightmare, repeating from the night in the night, you should pay special attention. With it, your subconsciousness sends you signals. Your dream indicates that you are confused, got off the way. Analyze your real lifeTake a look at your surround. Maybe it's time for cardinal changes in your life?

What dreams of killing a person are: alternative interpretations

The implementation of the deadly sin - human-binding - in a dream is one of the most specific, biciously interpretative omens. The murder itself, as a fact, is an event that is customized in a negative key, but much also depends on the emotions and impressions of the dream itself or the dream, as well as the method of murder and the one who "fell victim" in this dream.

First of all, attention should be paid to how the dreams or a dreamy felt in a dream after they committed a murder.

  • Murder by negligence in a dream, causing a dream or a dream surprise, a feeling of innocent innocence with trying to justify that he or she "inadvertently," is the foresight of a serious conversation about important things. A frank conversation with a beloved or lover, family member or a close friend can cause a quarrel. Winning will serve the distrust and a lie of a dream or a dreamy. In this case, death is especially if she comprehends a potential interlocutor - personifies the "deadly offense". To avoid scandals and twigs, a dream or a dreamy need more to trust others, try to tell them only the truth and forever refuse the habit of lying, even from mercy.
  • If in a dream after the murder of a dream office or a dreaming retains calm, the ability to reason and evaluate the situation, composure or even carelessness, such a dream is the foresight of material enrichment. A dream or a dream waiting for a pleasant surprise in the form of unplanned profits. It may be a favorable offer at work, dear gift or receiving an inheritance from a proposed relative. However, it is very important in pursuit of money not to give up moral norms and moral principles. IN otherwise It is expensive to pay for their unprincipledness.
Joy from murder in a dream promises involvement in dubious adventures and transactions. A dream or a dream should be as close as possible, not to make new acquaintances, do not trust unfamiliar people, do not devote anyone to your plans.
  • Deep sadness from the awareness of his badge in a dream - good sign. Such a dream foreshadows a dream or a dreamy offensive white strip, well-being and dimension.

Many interpretations also depend on how murder was committed.

  • Killing a knife or other sharp subject foreshadows a proposal from which to refuse. Otherwise, a dream or a dreamy threatens to lose valuable property.
  • Murder through drowning or burning foreshadows a dream or dreaming strong physical health. However, he or she should beware of stress, as in the near future in opposition to excellent physical condition nervous system will be especially subject to of different kind risks.
  • Murder from a pistol in a dream warns from excessive frankness in reality. A dream or dreaming should not be emotion in public, since they can easily take advantage of the envious and ill-wishers, putting it or her in the bad light.
  • Kill a person with a stick, a hammer or other stupid subject - the foresology of the deception, a kind of warning signal, clearly talking about the fact that the dream or a dreaming should not be too trusted to their surround.
  • Killing a loved one - a bad sign, the foreskins of gossip and evil languages \u200b\u200brunning around a dream or dreamy and trying to harm him or her reputation.
  • The murder of an unfamiliar person, on the contrary, foreshadows improvement in relations with others, especially with its second half.

according to Ayurvedic dreamy

If you dreamed that you were killed by someone, then sleep predicts that you will become a criminal.

Meaning of sleep about murder

by Dream Freud.

If in a dream you killed someone, then you need to get rid of the boring relationships. Once at a time you are trying to convince yourself that there is still there, for which you fight, but in fact, everything that was the rod of relationship, has long passed, and you both think about your future as if there is no place else in it. To witness the murder - in your fantasies too much space is cruelty. At the same time, you, as it were, do not take into account the fact that your rude caress may not be pleasant to everyone. Be less selfish in sex.

Dreamed murder

by dream of Miller

To see the murder - foreshadows sadness caused by the atrocities of others. It is possible that violent death will happen in your eyes. If the murder in a dream did you - this means that you will be involved in shameful events that will lie in the brand in your name. To see in a dream that you killed yourself, means that your opponents do everything to break your life. To kill in a dream of an armed villain who attacked you, or wild beast - foreshadows good luck in affairs and quick lift on the service staircase. If you find out in a dream about a friend's suicide - it foreshadows long unrest on the eve of the decision of an important issue.

See murder

by Dream Loffa

Depending on who dies, why and how, whose death, as a result of killing, can be classified in different ways. It depends on and because the most likely interpretation is suitable for explaining death. The changing ethics of death perception in our society also has its impact on death in dreams. Recently, the assistant suicide and euthanasia began to influence the vision of death in a dream. In dreams, it often acts as a mass killer. The reason for this is anger and aggression that is not accepted to show in public and which penetrate the dreams of the fulfillment of desires. Recently, such a phenomenon as stress is ubiquitous as "death from suffocation." Fortunately, it can convey to you in a dream the feeling of what part of yours I seek in revealing. If you killed a stranger, it may mean that you are trying to storm the other way of your own personality, which gives you most problems, destroys you or whom you are ashamed. Killing a stranger, you realize your desire to expel this unwanted aspect from your life. It can be useful. Perhaps in a dream you killed yourself; Of course, you can try to kill everything yourself, but only a part of your personality. Positive aspect Suicide in a dream is the desire to deal with pathological inclinations or eliminate some of the concerns of the behavioral stereotypes of your personality. Since such trends or stereotypes are part of You as individuals, sleep can try to eliminate them, spreading all negative qualities on the stranger representing you, whom you are betraying death. However, you should not try to kill part of yourself, trying to get rid of negative qualities. Each in his life has a shadow side, which is reliably hiding from others. We often criticize those who are in most cases reminds us. These shadow moments of life must be accepted and constructively analyzed in order to prevent them into pathology. Suicide in a dream is a matter of serious reflection. The suicide act speaks a lot about your self-perception, about assessing yourself as a person. If such a dream is repeated and at the same time, thoughts about suicide will not cease to attend your consciousness and in real life, then this image of suicide can become something big than just a symbol. If this happens, be sure to talk about my life with someone close to whom you can fully trust.

What dreams to kill

in the dream of flowers

the enemy is success; Blood blurred - unexpected big money; Animal - Accident; You were killed - great joy, approval and fame; myself is great happiness; A woman killed - the permission of monetary trouble.

What dreams killer

in the dream of flowers

someone's help if the figure is unfamiliar.

Dreamed the killer

by dream of Miller

If you see in a dream, what a murderer awaits you, then you will be waiting for a serious experience that requires the mobilization of the spirit. To see that the bloody killer stands over someone foreshadows that there is a failure. To see the killer in any case, in any situations - this is a warning that you are waiting for losses or the miscarios of secret enemies.

Expert Answers


Black and white sleep. Hill. It is like a sacrificial pillar. Hands up a young animal (goat, sheep). Man and woman, high, in dark clothes. Silent. Cook the animal so that it is not visible, as the blood goes down and the victim is already silent. Only a terrible moan of the dying victim. The procedure is repeated with several animals. I observe from the side. Of all the sounds, only the moans of animals. And no one. What does my dream mean? (Vladimir, Svetlana)

To see the sacrifice in a dream means that I feel that you feel that you should sacrifice your some interests (desires, etc.). Judging by the description of sleep, you may have the feeling that these are your parents who insist on something important for them contrary to your desire.


I had a dream that unfamiliar people were attacked with a butterfly knife. I was able to avoid death, but when they began to catch up with me, I killed one, then I got into some kind of building and killed the second, and the third. What is such a dream? But I could not kill the second. (Alexander)

Sleep reflects your inner alarm and fears. Apparently, you have three global fear, two of which you have almost won.

What did the murder dreamed of (interpretation of the Astromeridian dreams)

Murder - what dreams of murder depends on the role of a dream.

  • Attack parents, guided by the desire to commit murder - dream of searching for points of contact. In the near future, your relationship will be applied.
  • To see your own murder - I will have to make fateful decisions yourself. It's time to take responsibility for your life.
  • The murder of a bird or an animal can be dispersed to profit, a profitable case, good Wests.
  • By dreams to see in a dream that Tiger acted as the murder's victim - Be prepared for a career staircase.
  • Murder of a cat - the house will be wealth.
  • But the murder of the Baran - to the problems, the black strip.

What dreamed of murders (psychiatric dream book)

Murder is associated with deliverance from something. Very often, the dream is interpreted in a positive aspect. What dreams of murder?

  • What dreams dream in which you have deprived of life? I rely on the opinion of other people. Pretty listening to tips from the side, you need to think your head, make decisions coming from the heart.
  • To see himself as a murder killer - to get rid of habits, unnecessary prejudice. You wonder our energy, proving something to the whole world. Conduct only yourself, restore soul harmonyif the murder is dreaming.

What dreams of killing (romantic dream book)

What can murder kill in context love relationship? It is possible that this is a reflection of your subconscious desire to part with a partner. You see that the relationship went into a dead end, but take the first step afraid.

  • Murder Sparrow often dreams To some problems relating to the second half. A loved one will provoke the troubles that you have to deal with.
  • Seeing your partner slaughtered, revealing passion between you.
  • The murder of the second half of the pistol is to get rid of sexual problems.

Dreamed Sleep about murder (I decline in erotic dreams)

  • Dreamed how you are trying to kill, sleep symbolizes the desire to get rid of the bored partner.
  • Murder himself is important - the instrument of murder is important.
  • Slow murder with a knife means that the sexual desire to the partner is increasing, and quite mutually.
  • The murder with the help of stroke means that in reality it is necessary to make elements of diversity in your relationship.
  • Attempt to kill in a man's dream from firearms - Sign of deliverance in the near future from the problems of an intimate plan.

Analysis of sleep in which the murder dreamed (interpretation of the psychologist Z. Freud)

  • You killed someone, it means you need to get rid of the boring relationships. Once at a time you are trying to convince yourself that there is still there, for which you fight, but in fact, everything that was the rod of relationship, has long passed, and you both think about your future as if there is no place else in it.
  • Be a crime witness to indulge the murder - In your fantasies, too much scene is cruelty. At the same time, you, as it were, do not take into account the fact that your rude caress may not be pleasant to everyone. Be less selfish in sex.

The meaning of dream of death (interpretation of the psychologist K. Jung)

What dreams of murder? Death in dreams - including killing and loss of related relationships - should be carefully studied in the context itself, since the death of sleep characters is rarely related to real death; Rather, it indicates a deep archetypal conversion process.

The murder in the dreams of parental imago indicates a radical change in the Oedipological structure of complexes that regularly interfere with the achievement and approval of a solid personal position. When the Sleep Ego itself makes the "murder", it can show the degree to which the dreams actively reached its own process.

What dreams murder in a dream (Miller Dream)

  • The dying murder foreshadows the sadness caused by the atrocities of others.
  • If you committed murder in a dream, it means that you will be involved in shameful events that will lie in the brand in your name.
  • Dreamed that you were killed by yourself, it means that opponents do everything to break your life.
  • Kill in a dream of a villain committing murder - foreshadows good luck in affairs and rapid lift on the service staircase.
  • The friend's suicide dreamed - it foreshadows long unrest on the eve of the decision of an important issue.

Murder in night gold (interpretation of esoteric dream interpretation)

  • What dreams of killing someone from your surroundings - sleep means that you are threatened with a deadly danger from the robber, killer.
  • Learn in a dream about murder someone - means that an employee in the army will die in the performance of official duties associated with professional risk.
  • If you dream of your murder, but you stayed alive - fearless helps you do not attract danger. Cultivate him in yourself - this is useful for you in the future, as you have many enemies.
  • You are killed, and you woke up, then you attract a danger to yourself, as you make a feeling of fear. Sleep can be repeated in reality.

  • To see your own murder foreshadows great happiness.
  • To see in a dream that you kill your brother - to wealth and knowledge.
  • You kill myself with a knife with a knife - great happiness.
  • You kill a person so that the blood is dirty clothes - you will get a material arrival, wealth.
  • Multiplely ride a man with a knife, committing murder - joy and benefit.
  • See in a dream that you are on the knives bend with someone so that blood is visible - Happiness.
  • Blood comes out of the knife wound - alcohol foreshadows and food.
  • Kish the knife and see blood - to greatly fortune.
  • You see how blood flows from the burned body - great happiness.
  • We invoke yourself a knife or an ax, planning murder - to greatly fortunately.
  • A knife, a saber chuckled man - foreshadows the loss of wealth.
  • Learn about the murder of a member of his family - foresaw parting.
  • You see in a dream killing a person - foreshadows great happiness.
  • What a dream to score a pig or a pig is happiness and benefit.
  • We score a ram or beat the ram - a disease, misfortune.
  • What dreams of the murder of a tiger or leopard, leopard - You will get an important position.
  • Killing a bull or deer - foreshadow wealth and knowledge.
  • The murder of the bull and eating his meat - foreshadows commercial profits.
  • Kill the donkey, camel or horse - alcohol and snack.
  • The murder of the turtle - foreshadows mourning.
  • Murder Sparrow or Dog - foreshadows problems, difficulties associated with his wife or concubine.
  • What dreams of the murder of the rooster, goose, duck - foreshadows great happiness.

Psychological analysis of sleep, where suicide dreamed (interpretation of the psychologist D. Ruffa)

What dreams of the murder of relatives, suicide is dreaming - depending on who dies, why and how, whose death, as a consequence of murder, can be classified in different ways. It depends on and because the most likely interpretation is suitable for explaining death. Changing ethics of death perception in our society also has its impact on death in dreams. Recently, the assistant suicide and euthanasia began to influence the vision of death in a dream. In dreams, medical killing often acts as a mass killer. The reason for this is anger and aggression that is not accepted to show in public and which penetrate the dreams of the fulfillment of desires.

Recently, such a phenomenon as stress is universally defined as death from choking. Fortunately, it can pass in a dream the feeling of what part of yours I seek. If you committed the murder of a stranger, then this means that you are trying to storm the other side of your own personality, which gives you most of the problems, destroys you or whom you are ashamed. Killing a stranger, you realize your desire to expel this unwanted aspect from your life. This is useful.

Perhaps in a dream you committed myself; Of course, you can try to kill everything yourself, but only a part of your personality. Positive aspect of suicide In a dream, the desire to deal with pathological inclinations or eliminate some of the concerns of the behavioral stereotypes of your personality. Since such trends or stereotypes are an integral part of you as a person, sleep may try to eliminate them, spreading all negative qualities on the stranger representing you, whom you are betraying death. However, you should not try to kill part of yourself, trying to get rid of negative qualities.

Each in his life has a shadow side, which is reliably hiding from others. We often criticize those who are in most cases reminds us. These shadow moments of life must be accepted and constructively analyzed in order to prevent them into pathology. Murder in a dream is a matter of serious reflection. The suicide act speaks a lot about your self-perception, about assessing yourself as a person. If the dream will be repeated and thoughts about suicide will not stop attending your consciousness and in reality, then this image of suicide can become something big than just a symbol. If this happens, be sure to talk about my life with someone close to whom you can fully trust.

What does it mean to see murder in a dream (psychoanalytic dream book)

Murder is an extreme solution to the problem. And so ultimately that in dreams can represent the perception of the dream of the need for cruelty, especially directed against itself. It is possible that the only way to solve the problem is the "murder" of the part of himself. In this case, the potential cruelty is not denied, even though the impulse is in the root. Spiritual killing, the victim is presented. The dream should be understood that he believes in its spiritual development worthy, and from which it is better to refuse.

  • To see myself in a dream killed suggests that in the life of the dreams came under someone's influence, because of what the activity has lost.
  • To kill someone himself means the desire to get rid of the influence of this person on us in everyday life.

The meaning of sleep on the deprivation of life (the dream of the subconscious)

What dreams of murder? The murder dreams usually leave very strong impressions - sometimes frightening. Many interpreters of dreams argue that these dreams express envy, anger or reluctance to take a separate person, a group or a whole institution. It's believed that dreams of murder Express the desire of sleep to avoid solving any problems, the satisfaction of instinctive desires or a clash with aspects of their personality.

Analysts most often agree that the hidden content of a person's subconscious, emerging on the surface in dreams, it is necessary to integrate into a conscious personality life. Be sure to think about what role you played in a dream - killers or victims; Each role has a definite emotional importance to assess the degree of power and varying. Dreams of murder may also mean the end of negative behavior, thoughts or feelings.

  • The dream is that you kill someone, means change to the best is possible Get rid of the old and give the way a new one. Some analysts consider dreams about murder as a sign of future business success or other enterprise.
  • Some dreams about murders warn about tension and emotional stress. Bright and cruel murder is an expression of a hidden or suppressed anger in everyday life.
  • Dreams about execution are very dramatic in nature. Perhaps they say that time leaves, and, it is not too late, decisive actions should be taken.
  • What dreams of massacre. If there is a mass murder, think if you were angry with yourself, is, some injustice outraged you. Consider the nature of the experiencing anger, think how to dispel it in reality.
  • Poisoning. The dream is that you poisoned, means that you are very wounded. Maybe you are worried about the fact that someone has hostile feelings for you and seeks to deceive you or attack.
  • )

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    In the dream, I, the elder brother and familiar at the brother ties the conflict with unfamiliar people after which I knocked on the car of one of the stranger and starts the shooting in which I finish it from the gun and my brother with the second one after which the police are chasing for a very long time, but does not catch up .

    snilos chto ja s ljubovnitsej. I NAS UVIDEL Znakomyj. Stal Ugrozhat. JA PYTALSJA S NIM GOVARIT NO NE POLUHILSJA RAZGOVOR I JA EGO UBIL NOZHOM V Zhivot. Posle Prosnulsja. CHTO ETO Znachet, Spasibo.

    In a dream, I killed my friends in the cemetery influential manAnd then put it in a coffin with a gray lid and a black bottom. I was hid in the process of burial, but I saw distinctly, as my brother and someone who buried him. There were about 5 or 7 people. I approached a little closer, then they buried it. The weather was ordinary, there were clouds, it was not rain. This man was rich and influential, he did something bad and I didn't like it.

    dreamed of dad died in the mine on June 6 and yesterday it was like 4 months as it was not) in a dream he handed me a man's watch and I have asked him who he guilty answered me, and you come to me I'll tell you everything, after all of all moments These continued to go home to me in the apartment of 2 unknown people, I take a knife and insert into the neck one and he does not feel and takes a gun and shoots me in my head. I woke up

    Hello Tatiana
    Help me decipher this dream.
    It was some kind of competition there I had to kill or kill you we fought on a big bed. There was a big and dirty. It was a woman she resisted. I struck 4 strikes in the heart of a large nail. She was also a nail or needker she wounded me in his leg. I do not know her, I didn't feel anything just knew that I had to kill her. And then 3 people came and gave me a prize. It was a box very brilliant and said that I won. I took it and looked at my hands they were in the blood and I went and washed.
    my mail-

    It dreamed that a man sticks to me, dominates. I somehow coped quickly with him. He suffered. He turned into a piece of soft wire and fit and a pack from cigarettes. Then I see myself in the parent apartment. I feel that with me a little son and long ago dead grandmother. But I do not see them. They know that I killed a man. A pack of cigarettes with a wire hid in a wardrobe. Call on the door, opening a wardrobe, a wire from a pack of cigarettes hanging on the crossbar on which the clothes hang. Quickly say son and grandmother, so that nothing spoke about the murder. I open the door, and there is a smiling man killed by me. For his back some people. Sleep dreamed from Sunday for Monday. After him, I did not fall asleep again. Until now in the eyes of a smiling man.

    Hello, it means that I am sitting in a hostel where I live while studying, first there was a birthday in the girl, she asked to attribute two boys cake and juice, but for some reason one piece of cake and one cup of juice, I approach, there these two boys sit (I know them), I brought for some reason only the juice and went after the cake, when only one boy came back there, and we were already in the room with girls, it turned out that the second boy was dead, but I saw him, Then I tell me on the phone or as I do not remember that my dad was killed, then a little later that my mother was killed, I didn't want to cry and after that there was a feeling of hopelessness and hatred, after that I woke up, then when I fell asleep again, sleep continued there is already some kind of man (as far as I understood from the police) says what knows where the killer and we need to go there, for some reason I go with toys, then we approach the door in the subsidence, and some kind of man says something tells us, and asks to wait and enters this the door, this man was with me, immediately supports the door, and shows that he closed peephole, after that, he tells me to collect toys and leave, I collect toys and stand in place, for some reason I was in the image of a little girl already, and this man comes into the apartment and there began as far as I understood the fight, and that man kills this A man that was with me, and all I woke up, nonsense, what could it mean?

    Night, manor, house. Near the non-footing plot, overgrown with shrub. The figures go hide, I plucked. Suddenly they began to look for me. She went straight on me. I can't even kill him and killed, I don't even know how. The second one appeared, I was stabbed where I didn't know, I only know that I only know that the idea appears with a knife What these murders mean a twice with 13 zeros, such as such a lot of money. Sleep without blood.

    Man attacked me. I lay on the ofalt he sat on top and beat me. Then I took it for his head and hit Osfalt, after which I escaped and hit him again about Osfalt. There was blood, but not much a lot. When I tried to wash off the blood with water from the hose.

    Hello, I had a dream, where I killed a man with a knife, because I was defended from his attack, when I was a battle for life or death and the opponent realized that I was stronger, he cut off a piece of my leg and gave rudely to kill him. I understood that if not me, then me. What can it mean?

    In a dream, I killed the Chinese with my mother, in my apartment, the room of my grandmother, there were a lot of them and we were killed every gun, I was afraid of the fact that the Chinese will come and kill us with mom and the main thing from one chinese was blood and they disappeared somewhere themselves

    I killed a man in a dream, which stole some thing in the concert hall and ran away. I caught up and strangled him. I drove in the tram to hide. But I believe very much in God and prayed to him. When I went out of the tram, towards a man to meet and said that I found an evidence. I agreed. I am writing poems and people around the world, my poems do it. This gift sent me the Lord. I write them from God. I met an American and at that moment I became calling him, so that he helped me and that I was not born. I kissed him and he answered the question. Where I am? And then I woke up. Help to express it.

    i dreamed that I was looking like a man chasing an unfamiliar girl, wants to kill, and then the picture changes and another man tries to kill her, makes cuts on her skin, and then sharply dream of the grave of this girl who killed

    The dead grandmother closed in the toilet in her old house, tried to open, frightened, but he opened. "I found myself in nature, tourists arrived somewhere in distant, I and someone (I do not remember who) pissed off in their eyes, began some household scandal, we turned out to be all again in the grandmother's house and the mother pounced from the back, I dragged her and she fell into roses, then it was near the store I met old friends who had not already seen for many years and the guy became a joke on me The file, I jokingly showed how to deploy the weapon on the enemy, he substituted the throat, everything slowed down, I thought: why everything slowed down, probably now the file will go into the throat, and it happened that it happened, his eyes woke up and I woke up.