How to insert door eyes. Installation of the door eye

In order to protect your home or apartment from outsided people and unwanted guests, only durable doors And the reliable castle is not enough. For maximum security, you must also see who you will open the door. The simplest I. affordable way It ensure is the installation door eye. There is a wide variety of similar devices that can satisfy any customer requests.

What do the door eyes come

Despite the abundance of models and the desire of manufacturers to equip their products with new useful features, the device and purpose of the door eye remains the same: it is inserted into through hole In the canvas and allows you to see the face of a person standing outside.

Design features

Door eye consists of several parts:

Pros and cons of door eye

Door eye - this useful deviceWith a number of advantages:

  • provides the opportunity to see everything that happens before entrance door;
  • just mounted, even newcomer can cope with this task;
  • if the video camera is built into the eye, it allows you to inspect the territory even in the absence of lighting, while many models can record and save the image;
  • it has an affordable cost. Even the video, which is more expensive than simple optical models, is still cheaper than the intercom.

Among the shortcomings of door eye should be noted:

  • both optical and video viscosity can be sealed or closed, then the visitor will not be able to see;
  • no opportunity to talk to the visitor.

The catch is an important, but optional door eye element, on many models it may be absent. Performs two functions:

  • hides the eyes of S. inner doors;
  • does not give the opportunity to look inside, does not miss the light in the apartment and from her in the entrance or to the street.

Some manufacturers instead of the valve use a mirror spraying on the lens. It solves the same tasks, but worsens the quality and brightness of the image.

The valve closes the door eye from the inside and provides additional safety

Types of door eye

To decide on the choice of door eye, you need to know which the types of these products, their features and differences.


The peculiarity of panoramic models of door eye is that the lens is divided into two halves. Such a solution allows you to increase the viewing angle horizontally, so the observing person is not necessarily opposite the eyepiece. See what is happening outside the door can be located at a distance of 1.5 meters from the eye.

Panoramic peephole allows you to see what is happening outside the door, being up to 1.5 meters away from it

Video: Panoramic eye


Honors from periscope models is that they have eyepiece and lens are on different height. A system of mirrors installed inside the periscoped eye is used to transfer the image.

Periscoped eye is convenient to use in families where there are small children. The eyepiece located at the bottom of the canvas will allow the child well to consider the adult to which it will open the doors. The lack of such a model is that it will have to disassemble the door cloth for its installation.

At the periscoptic eye, the eyepiece and the lens are located at different heights

For double doors

This solution is convenient to use in case of installation in the house or apartment of the tambour door. Consists of double eyes from two parts, which are installed in both doors and are located opposite each other. Thus, you can see everything that happens in front of the door without opening the inner canvase. Note that with an increase in the distance between the doors, the image quality will deteriorate. Optimal option It will be when between them about 2-3 cm.

The peephole for the double door allows you to see the visitor without opening the inner canvas


The work of the video discus is similar to the principle of the video intercom control, but in this case there is only an image and there is no possibility to talk to the visitor. This solution can be used both in the apartment and in a private house. To obtain a high-quality image in the dark, the infrared illumination is installed on most models.

Video calls can be connected to a computer, TV or any other equipment that is capable of playing an image. Transferring a signal from the camera to the screen can be performed as follows:

Video: Analog wired video

Electronic or digital

One of the most modern options is electronic eye. His difference from the video table is that the kit already has a small monitor. It is installed on the door from the inside. Outside there is a button, lighting sensor and infrared illumination. They are located on the plate, which is fixed from the inside. With the help of the loop, the external and inner portions of the call are connected to a single mechanism.

Digital eye consists of lens and monitor connected by a loop

After clicking on the call button, an image appears on the screen. The device runs from the batteries, so when it is installed, there are no difficulties with connecting to the network. Digital video calls have built-in memory, the volume of which different models may differ.


The feature of the secret eye is that it is almost invisible on the surface door canvas. It can imitate a screw screw or one of the elements of the door fittings. Such eyes can be placed not only on the canvas, but also on door box Or at all next to the door.

Free sale of secret door eye prohibited. If you managed to purchase such a model somewhere and you want to install it, you will have to hang a warning that there is a hidden surveillance. Usually completed eyes are used by special services. The main drawback of such models is that they are usually a limited viewing angle.

The countertile eye provides an angle of view of about 100 degrees with a minimum hole diameter on the outside of the door of 0.7 ± 1 mm

With traffic sensor

This is one of the varieties of video or digital eyes. The peculiarity of such devices is that they automatically include the entry when the movement appears before the entrance door. This is a convenient feature in cases when you are not at home. After reviewing the recording, you can see who approached your door.

Eye of the movement sensor automatically turns on the recording when the movement in front of the door appears.

Anti-vandal and bulletproof

If your home has the risk of penetration of intruders who can spoil the eyes, it is better to purchase an anti-vandal model. The lens in such eyes is made of durable glass, and if the camcorder is built into the device, it is reliably hidden inside. The viewing angle in anti-vandal products is small - usually about 75 o, photosensitivity is also lower than that of standard eyes.

There are also bulletproof models in which particularly strong lenses are installed. Mounting them makes sense only in armored doors. Most often, they are installed at the entrances to banks, financial institutions, but can be used on the door to the house or apartment.

Poolenproof peephole has especially strong lenses

Features of choice

In order to make right choice Door eye, you need to pay attention to such characteristics:

  1. The viewing angle. This parameter shows which space can be viewed through a specific eye. The optimal indicator is the viewing angle in 180 o. Some manufacturers produce models that it reaches 200 oh, but it rarely has any practical meaning.

    The optimal view of the eye view is 180 degrees

  2. Door thickness. From its size depends on the choice of door eye length. There are several types of eyes and each of them has the ability to adjust the length in a specific range:
    • standard - used for doors whose thickness from 35 to 55 mm;

      Standard Eye Length 35-55 mm

    • elongated - 55-100 mm;

      Length of the elongated eye 55-100 mm

    • super longs - more than 100 mm.

      Length of the superline eye more than 100 mm

  3. Photosensitivity. It characterizes how clear the picture will be with an insufficient level of illumination in front of the entrance door. The photosensitivity is measured in suites and modern devices usually make up tenth or hundredths of luxury lobs. The smaller this parameter, the better will be visible visitors in the dark. If your door is always lighting, the eye sensitivity of the eye is not so important, if it is not, or it disappears periodically, it is better to take a model with minimal value This indicator or with IR illumination (only in the video of the videos).
  4. Diameter. It is important in the case when the eye is carried out. It is important to choose a product that will enter the existing hole tightly and without gaps.
  5. Case material. Most often, these devices are made of plastic or metal. Plastic models They have a lower price, but also the service life is small. Hardware They are distinguished by high strength and durability, and their cost is noticeably higher.
  6. Lens material. These elements of the door eye can be made of glass or plastic. In more expensive and high-quality models, glass optics are installed, and in cheap plastic.

One of the most common mistakes that are allowed when choosing a door eye is the purchase of products with plastic lenses. They scratch very quickly, so after 2-3 years of operation, the image quality deteriorates greatly. The optimal option is the device that has a minimum of 4 glass lenses. Such a decision due to the phased refraction of light allows you to obtain an image of normal quality.

Installation of the door eye

Despite the fact that there are different types Door eyes, the technology of their installation is almost the same. Also no matter, insert it into steel or wooden door. The difference will be only in the accompanying efforts, as it is much easier to work with the tree than with the metal.

To install the door eye will need such tools:

Installation sequence:

  1. Marking. The height on which the door peephole should be installed, standards are not stipulated. Choose it in such a way that this device is convenient to use all family members. At the level of the eye on the door leaf glue the painting tape and the place of installation of the eye is noted on it. It is necessary in order not to damage the door leaf during the installation work.

    Split the thread and disassemble the eyes into two parts

  2. Create a hole. With the help of the caliper, part of the eye is measured with internal threadSince its diameter is greater. Take the drill, the diameter of which is greater than the size of 0.5 mm. Make a hole so that the drill only seemed from the reverse side. After that, continue to drill on the other side of the web. It is necessary to wooden surface Skoles did not appear.

    When creating a hole, the drill must be located perpendicular to the door canvase

  3. Install eye. FROM outside The doors insert the part with the outer thread, in which the lens is located, with the inner - the part with the eyepiece. Holding the outer part of the eye, the element is twisted before the stop, which is inserted from the apartment side. There are slots on it. With the help of a wide screwdriver or plate of suitable size, both parts of the device are well tightened. To ensure a dense connection of both parts of the eye, the screwdriver must simultaneously be inserted into both slots.

    Both details are inserted from different sides of the door and twisted among themselves.

Video: Installation of the door eye

Dismantling and replacement of the door eye

Sometimes there are situations where the vandals damaged the lens of the device or lenses failed due to their low quality. In this case, you need to dismantle the old door eye and install a new one. There is nothing difficult in this and everything can be done with your own hands.

Work is performed in such a sequence:

If a glass lens was scratched, then in this case it is not always necessary to replace the door eye. You can buy a paste to polish glass, for example, Xerapol or similar. It is enough to squeeze a little paste on the lens and with the help of a rag to polish it.

The entrance door is important and an integral element any housing. It sews out the outside world from the private space of an apartment or at home. How it is stronger and thicker reliable protection. But there are often cases when you need to find out what happens behind the door without opening it. It is for such situations that door video calls are needed, which will help assess the situation and prevent the appearance on the threshold of irrehable guests.

What do you need a door eye

Door eyes - important functional elements of any door, allowing unilaterally inspecting space outside the apartment (on staircase), not requiring door opening. In addition, such an attribute will help prevent visitors to the unreasonable guests.

Important! Modern industry offers enough a variety of options Door eyes, some of which are equipped with video cameras, and other security and control systems.

Design features

Regardless of the type of door eye, its design has standard set Elements:

  • Lens that increases the image and provides an external overview;
  • Outdoor slack, holding a lens;
  • Clamps that are firmly holding lens;
  • Housing;
  • Inner nut;
  • Lens or eyepiece, directed inside the room;
  • Damper.

Number of lenses B. different models And the species can vary from 2 to 15 pieces.


Door eyes have a large number of varieties, each of which is characterized by special functionality and additional features. Most often, such types of equipment are installed on the door:

  • Standard classic eye, mounted on a metal or wooden door, is no longer one dozen years old. This device although it makes it possible to see what happens behind the door, but does not provide sufficient visibility. It is seen only what is directly in front of him.
  • Panoramic door eye. The lens of such an eye has a design divided into two lenses. This provides the possibility of lenses to take on a large light stream, making the image panoramic. In this case, strictly stand close to the door or to the eye optional. Everything can be seen under different angles Review.
  • Eye door hidden type. Most often, he is masked under the nails included in the door finish, or others decorative elements. Such a device can be equipped with a chamber disguised from the outside if the doors are a solid canvas.
  • Bulletproof Eye. The name itself speaks for itself. This element is equipped with most often armored doors that ensure maximum protection against unauthorized penetration.
  • Eyes for double doors . Structurally, such an element consists of two parts and allows you to inspect the external space without opening them.
  • Periscope. Its feature is that the lens for viewing and the eyepiece itself is located at different levels.

Attention! This option is especially relevant if there are small children in the family. You can position the lens on a child's convenient to grow.


Modern advanced technologies are used in the manufacture of door eye, the use of which allows you to create practical and functional varieties, among which video viscosity uses specially popularity.

Its design necessarily includes a camcorder, microscopic size, which is installed at one end of the door item. It betrays an image to a special monitor, and it can show what is happening both in real time and in the record.

Depending on the type of device, information from the camera can be transmitted to the reader both using wired lines (cables) and by radio channel, or via a Wi-Fi signal. By installing video in the door, you can be as calm as possible for your safety.

Electronic door eye

This design also represents the experience of combining electronics and security safety devices. Electronic type door eyes are installed instead of the usual standard eye. The external design includes infrared illumination and lighting and call sensors. On the inside of the door, the electronic part of the structure is installed, which is fastened with a metal plate. This element is a screen that opens overview on the staircase.

Attention! Unlike video disc, such a design is enough to install yourself, right in place of the standard eye. It will not be necessary to mount the wires and adjust the signal, and the unit itself works from standard finger batteries.

Rules of choice and installation

Various varieties and price parameters complicate the process of selecting the door eye. To buy high-quality and suitable equipment to pay attention to such parameters:

  • The viewing angle. Choose eyes on this criterion follows depending on the space near the door. But modern optical instruments used in the eyes usually solve this problem on normal level, providing an optimal viewing angle. In addition, lenses for review should clearly show the face of the coming.

    Important! Almost all modern eyes provide an angle of view, constituting 180 degrees. But there are copies with a large parameter that gives up to 200 degrees.

  • Door thickness. She may be standard typeelongated and exceeding a value of 10 cm. And in the case, it is usually adjustable to its length, for each type of product.
  • Photosensitivity. From this parameter depends on the ability of a clear transmission of the picture with insufficient or dim lighting on the site.
  • Width and diameter of the product. If the eye is installed immediately at the door, then this parameter is not essential, it is important to know if necessary;
  • The material from which the eye housing is made. In most cases, the design is made of metal or plastic. The metal element is more durable, practical and durable, and plastic has a lower cost, but a smaller service life;
  • The material from which lenses are made. It can be plastic, glass or optics used in the production of glasses. As a rule, the most dear options Completed optical lenses, cheaper - plastic.

Typically, the choice is based on the size of the budget and the preferences of the buyer, as well as the necessary functionality of the device.

Door peel

Catch - important elementincluded in the package of most door eyes. It helps to increase passive safety and simultaneously performs aesthetic function, preventing light from entering outside. Sometimes instead of the valve, the manufacturer performs a spraying of a mirror type on a lens lens. It performs the valve function, but may worsen the quality of the review.

Installation features

For installation or replacement of the door eye, special skills or experience are required, this can be done using a drill and painting tape necessary for drilling holes.

If you do not have to replace the door eye, you should take the old one before buying a new mechanism, accurately measuring its external parameters. If the door has a solid construction and the eyes are decided to install for the first time, then drill the hole of the required diameter. To do this, there is a label on the place of the future element for the review, which is attached to the malarious tape. After that, the hole is drilled on both sides of the door. From the outside, the tip is installed on which the lens is located. From the inside, the recorder or lens is tightly recorded, which, if necessary, twisted.

Eye, as well as when it is elected and installing, the safety and conditions of the maximum area review should be guided, given the material of the input door itself. The expensive with the maximum level of view have an angle of 180 degrees, which allows you to view the pad down to your row. The panoramic viewing angle of cheaper options is about 120 degrees and special advantages in any effectiveness, nor as viewing the site does not give.

Today, video eyes are quite popular with a built-in camera connected to a computer or laptop by type of standard webcam.

If you have gathered yourself to buy and install the door eye, do not forget to take into account the thickness of the cloth of your door. The length of the eye housing and its diameter you can easily choose from a wide range. Remember that the length of the eye can be additionally adjusted by carving on its body.

Traditionally, the door eyes are made of plastic and metal, while their optics happens to glass and polymer (as well as plastic). The advantages of glass optics lies in a better image, resistance to mechanical damage (scratches and dusting), as well as in the absence of turbidity.

Eyes, the most optimal in terms of its qualities and characteristics, have a metal case and glass, however, the cost of them is higher than that budget models Door.

Installation at door

Installation of the eye on the door is carried out taking into account the growth of the owner of the apartment. It should be noted on the door of the center, based on the desired height, and outlaw the resulting mark - it will not slide. Also before marking a place for installation, glue on the selected area of \u200b\u200bthe door leaf strip of adhesive tape. Now you can put back, without fear to spoil the door facing.

So that the chipsets are not formed when drilling in the door, the layout of the future hole is performed on both sides of the door.

By selecting the diameter of the drill (slightly more than the diameter of the threaded eye element), start to pick up the placed holes on each side of the door, immersing the drill on half the door canvase thickness. Sculpt the eyes and install the outside of the part with the outer thread, and the part with the internal thread - from the inside. After the holes are climbed, screw into the peel into the door, tighten it with a slot and enjoy a safe overview of the staircase area.

Our life is now such that you can open the door to the guest only for sure to make sure that one actually stands on that side of that direction. Hear a familiar voice, of course, well ... But, as they say, "to see once ...". And there is nothing gallopped here - "God saved!". Because the door eye is a necessityDigitalized by harsh time. It is not so expensive, but install the door eye in the linen of the entrance door can be.

The eyes are on sale are of a variety of and in size, and in size and price. You can choose any, the main thing is that its installation dimensions correspond to the thickness of the canvas of your input door. But, as a rule, they can almost vary in wide limits.

It is also desirable that the angle of sight of view is at least 170 ° (such eyes are also called wide angular). Then the "guest" does not hide from you and clinging to the wall at the door. And it is better if the outer lens is made of glass, and not from plastic, it scratches less, and therefore durable.

How to install door peephole with your own hands

In order not to spoil the door leaf with the marking, it is glued with a strip of paper adhesive tape on the desired height, for example, painting. In any available way, the position of the center of the opening under the eyes is placed.
Measuring landing diameter Eye (at the part with internal thread), pick up the drill slightly larger diameter - by 0.3-0.5 mm, the best - screw or corkscrew.
Drilling the doorbell do not throughout, but only that the instrument guide center is outward, the drilling of the hole continues from the opposite side. Due to this, it will be possible to avoid a veneer facial surfaces Doors.
Establishing the eyes into two parts, one (with an outer thread) is inserted from the outer side of the door web, and the other, respectively, with the inner, and swing them from hand.
Tighten the eyes using slots on its inner rim. So that the screwdriver is not broken, her sting should be in both slots. You can simply take a steel plate of suitable thickness.

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Realities modern life Conjugate with constant concern for their own safety and safety of a close environment. Despite the measures to protect government law enforcement structures, the danger of being attacked is preserved. No exception I. own house or apartment. There is a commodity opinion: the thicker the door, the Safety of the apartment is higher. But foreign Summas For her, knocks, the sound of the doorbell require visual observation of what is happening, assessing potential danger. Simplifies the solution to the installation of the door eye, which will provide an adequate overview of the staircase or courtyard. With his absence in installed door The owner is enough to choose the appropriate by setting it yourself.

Door with eye


The design of the classic doorbell includes a housing (plastic or metallic), two lenses (outer and outer), an outer, decorative fastening nut and protective damper. The main role is assigned to the quality of the lenses. Apply plastic or optical glass. For plastic lenses, a low cost is characteristic, but the disadvantage is a short service life, clouding as a result of the accumulation of dust, provoked by static magnetic field. Glass lenses have more high rates transparency, clarity of perception of the visual image, the service life is characterized as significant, but the cost is much higher than plastic.

Appearance Eye

Selection of door eye

There are a wide range of products for this purpose. It is possible to determine which premises owner in each particular case, you can familiarize yourself with the species presented below:

  • standard simple, cheap in acquisition, represent a simple overview of the territory;
  • panoramic, characterized by a wider and high-quality review;
  • bulletproof;
  • hidden, placed in the decor element, as a rule, are equipped with a microcamera;

Hidden eyes
  • separated, use with two doors, have two parts, browsing with inner door, and the camera is outdoor;
  • periscope type, while parts are on different distance in a vertical or horizontal plane;
  • video calls, installed with an additional alarm and image viewing unit, often the door opening function is planned using a magnetic lock device.

Angle view

An important when choosing a door eye is the factors accompanying its work in optimal mode:

  • an angle of the visual review, while at least 180 degrees are optimal;
  • the length of the castle design - should provide a comfortable installation in the linen of the entrance door;
  • the structural diameter of the eye, the more, the better the light transmission of the image;
  • material.

Installation of door eye

Installation of the door eye in the metal door will not be difficult to man with the initial level of knowledge of the plumbing and the ability to use a household electric tool. The procedure for the work is as follows:

Alternative observation systems

Manufacturers, applying modern technologies, constantly update the surveillance device line. Related and decent attention is considered to be the installation of electronic systems that perform functions, along with the main, fixation on the control unit of persons facing the door of the room, a full record of the picture of the events occurring behind the entrance door and many others, including the infrared image. But do not forget the fact that even in the case of system installation with additional elements Nutrition - it once ends, and simple optical door eyes do not need them.

Video surveillance system

How to install door eyes in a metal door can be understood by looking at the video material, while getting recommendations and instructions of the master who has repeatedly implemented these works.

Installation of the eye on the rail door

Which visual observation system is placed on the entrance metal doorDepends on the degree of its security and demands that the owner of the premises to such an opportunity, with an important component of the financial security of events, the more difficult the system, the more expensive the acquisition.

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