When the State Arab Caliphate arose. The World History

The Arab Caliphate was a militarized theocratic state that existed in the VII-IX centuries on the lands of Asia, Africa and Europe. It was formed in 630 during the lifetime of the Prophet Mohammed (571-632). It is His humanity obliged to the emergence of Islam. He preached his teaching from 610. For 20 years, all West Arabia and Oman recognized the new faith and began to read Allah.

Mohammed had a striking gift of conviction. But the abilities themselves would not cost anything, if the prophet himself sincerely believed that he was preaching. A group of such people, fanatically devoted new faith formed around it. They did not seek any good benefits for themselves. They moved only the idea and faith in Allah.

Prophet Mohammed (ancient miniature from arabic manuscript)

That is why Islam so quickly and spread on the lands of Arabia. But it should be noted that Muslims (followers of Islam) did not differ at all to tolerance to representatives of other religions. They put on their faith by force. Those who refused to recognize Allah with their God, killed. An alternative was to escape to other lands, only this could be preserved life and their religious beliefs.

Shortly before the death of Mohammed sent letters to Byzantine Emperor and Persian Shah. He demanded that the people suspended to them accepted Islam. But, naturally, he received a refusal. The rulers of powerful powers did not take seriously a new state, united by one religious idea.

First caliphs

In 632, the Prophet died. From now on, caliphs appeared. Caliph is a governor of the prophet on earth. His power was based on shariate - the aggregate of legal, moral and ethical and religious norms of Islam. The first caliph was the faithful follower of Mohammed Abu Bakr (572-634). The duties of the governor he performed from 632 to 634 years.

It was a very difficult period for Muslims, since after the death of the Prophet, many tribes refused to recognize a new religion. I had to iron hand Control order. All opponents destroyed ruthlessly. As a result of this activity, almost all Arabia recognized Islam.

In 634, Abu Bakr fell ill and died. The second caliph was Umar Ibn al-Hattab (581-644). The duties of the governor of the Prophet he performed from 634 to 644 years. It was Umar who organized military trips to Byzantium and Persia. These were the largest powers of the time.

The population of Byzantium consisted of about 20 million people for that period. Population of Persia was a little less. These largest countries initially did not pay any attention to some Arabs, who did not even have horses. They committed their marches on donkes and camels. Before the battle, they dismixed and the fight.

But never underestimate the enemy. In 636, two battles took place: under the Farmok in Syria, and then at Caudisia in Mesopotamia. In pen battle, a crushing defeat of the Byzantine army suffered, and in the second battle, the Persian army was defeated. In 639, the Arab army crossed the Egyptian border. Egypt was under the rule of Byzantium. The country was torn by religious and political contradictions. Therefore, the resistance, almost no, was.

In 642, Alexandria turned out to be in the hands of Muslims with his famous Alexandria library. It was the most important military and political center of the country. In the same 642, Persian troops were broken in the battle with Nehavend. Thus, a crushing blow of the Sassanid dynasty was applied. The last representative of her representative - Persian Shah Yözdigand III was killed in 651.

With Umar, after the Battle of the Fair, the Byzantines gave way to the winners of the city of Jerusalem. Caliph first entered the city gate alone. It was a simple raincoat of a poor man. Residents of the city, seeing the conqueror in this form, were shocked. They are accustomed to silent and luxuriously dressed by Byzantines and Persians. Immediately there was a complete opposite.

The Orthodox Patriarch of Sofronius handed the Khalifa keys to the city. He assured that she would save everything orthodox churches kissing. They will not be destroyed. Thus, Umar immediately proven himself to a wise and far-sighted politician. He prayed to Allah in the Temple of the Holy Sepulcher, and at the place where the Jerusalem Temple had previously smoked, ordered to put the mosque.

In 644, an attempt was made on the caliph. Making this act Persian slave Firuz. He complained to Umar on his master, but he considered the complaint unreasonable. In retaliation for this PERS hit the governor of the prophet with a knife in the stomach. After 3 days, Umar Ibn Al-Hattab died. The 10th anniversary of the victorious procession of Islam on Persian and Byzantine lands was over. Caliph was wise man. He retained the unity of the Muslim community and significantly strengthened it.

The third caliph was Usman Ibn Affan (574-656). He performed the duties of the governor of the Prophet from 644 to 656 years. It must be said that in his moral and volitional qualities he lost its predecessor. Usman surrounded himself with relatives, which caused discontent with the rest of Muslims. At the same time, it was completely captured by Persia. The local population was forbidden to worship fire. Fireplongs fled to India, and live there to this day. The remaining Persians accepted Islam.

Arab Khalifat on the map

But the Arab Khalifat did not limit himself to these conquests. He continued to continue to expand his borders. The next in line was the richest country of Sogdiana, located in Central Asia. It includes such largest cities like Bukhara, Tashkent, Samarkand, Kokand, Gurganj. All of them were surrounded by strong walls and had strong military troops.

The Arabs began to appear in these lands with small hens and began to capture one city after another. Somewhere they penetrated the urban walls, but they mainly took them as storm. At first glance, it seems awesome, as could be poorly armed Muslims to defeat such a strong and rich power as Sogdiana. Then the power of the spirit of conquerors affected. They turned out to be more persistent, and the fasteners of rich cities showed the weakness of the spirit and frank cowardice.

But further progress east stopped. The Arabs went into the steppe and collided with nomadic tribes of Turbs and Turgush. To nomads were offered to accept Islam, they refused. And I must say that all the nomadic population of southern Kazakhstan was extremely small. In the foothills of Tien Shan, Turgegishes, Yagma and Chigili lived. Steppes inhabited the ancestors of Pechenegov, who were called Kangar, and these lands themselves were called Kangyu. The ancestors of the Turkmen and the descendants of Parfyan lived up to Syrdarya in a huge territory. And this rare population was quite enough to stop the Arab expansion.

In the West, when Usman, Arabs reached the Carthage and took it. But further military actions stopped, since serious political disagreements began in the Arab Califat itself. Some provinces rebelled against Califa. In 655, the rebels entered Medina, where the Ussman residence was located. But all claims of the rebels managed to solve the world. BUT B. next year Muslims displeasted by the power of Khalifa burst into his chambers, and the governor of the Prophet was killed. From now on fitness. This is the name of the Civil War in the Muslim world. She continued until 661.

After the death of Usman, Ali Ibn Abu Talib became a new caliph (600-661). He accounted for a cousin Prophet Muhammad. But not all Muslims recognized the power of the new ruler. There were people who accused him to protect the killers Usman. The governor in Syria Muavia (603-680) took place. One of the former thirteen wives of the Prophet Aisha with his like-minded people was against the new Caliph.

The latter settled in the bass. In December 656, the so-called camel battle took place. On the one hand, Ali's troops took part in it, and on the other hand, the rebel troops, headed by the Shurin of the Prophet Talha Ibn Ubidullah, the cousin of the prophet Az-Zubayar Ibn Al-Avvam and the former wife of the Prophet Aisha.

In this battle, the rebels were defeated. The center of the battle was near Aisha, which was sitting on a camel. Hence the battle and got such a name. The leaders of the uprising were killed. Alive only Aisha remained. She grabbed, but then let go.

In 657, a Siphfin battle took place. In her, the troops of Ali and the rebellious Syrian governor of Muavia met. This battle ended with nothing. Caliph showed indecision, and Muavi's rebellious troops were not broken. In January 661, the fourth righteous caliph was killed by the poisoned dagger directly in the mosque.

Omeyad dynasty

With the death of Ali, the Arab Khalifat joined a new era. Muavia founded the Omeyad Dynasty, which is the rules by the state of the 90 years. With this dynasty, the Arabs were held throughout the African coast Mediterranean Sea. They reached the Gibraltar Strait, forced him in 711 and found themselves in Spain. Captured this state, Pyrenees switched and were stopped only on Ruan and Ron.

By 750, the followers of the Prophet Mohammed won a huge territory from India to the Atlantic Ocean. Islam was installed on all these lands. I must say that the Arabs were real gentlemen. Conclusioning the next country, they only killed men if they refused to accept Islam. As for women, they were sold for harem. And prices in the bazaars were ridiculous, as the captives were a lot.

But the captured aristocrats used special privileges. So the daughter of Persian Shah Yazdigerda was sold at her wish. Buyers were held in front of her, and she herself chose, to whom she was going to slavery. Some men were too thick, others are too thin. Someone had the lips of the Soloboles, and someone had too little eyes. Finally, the woman saw a suitable man And she said: "Here it is sells me. I agree." Immediately issued a deal. Arabs, slavement at that time wore here such exotic forms.

In general, it should be noted that in the Arab Khalipheat, the slave could only be bought with his consent. Sometimes a conflict arose between the slave and slave owner. In this case, the slave had the right to demand that he was resold to another owner. Such relationships were more like a cash transaction, but were drawn up as a purchase and sale.

At Omeyads, the capital of Islam was located in the city of Damascus, so sometimes not Arabic, but Damasky Khalifat. But this is the same. Noteworthy was that during this dynasty disappeared the unity of the Muslim community. With faithful califes, people united faith. Starting from the time of Muavia, the faithful began to share themselves on sub-ethnic sign. The Arabs are medointed, Arabs Meccan, Arabs-Celbiti, Arabs Kaisiti. And between these groups began to emerge disagreements, which were very often poured into the cruel massacre.

If you consider external and internal wars, it turns out that their number is the same. And internal conflicts Were much more fierce than external. It turned out to the fact that the Omeyad Caliph troops stormed Mecca. At the same time, a flank weapon was applied and the Kaaba temple was burned. However, before infinity, all these disgraces could not continue.

The final came at the 14th Califa from the dynasty of Omeyadov. The name of this man Marvan II Ibn Muhammad was called. He was in power from 744 to 750 years. At this time, Abu Muslim (700-755) came to the political arena. He acquired his influence as a result of the collusion of Persians with Arabs-Celbits against Arabs-Kaisitov. It is thanks to this conspiracy of the Dynasty of Omeyadov and was overthrown.

In July 747, Abu Muslim was openly opposed by Khalifa Marvan II. After a series of brilliant military operations, the governor's troops of the prophet were broken. Marvan II ran to Egypt, but was caught and executed in August 750. Almost all other members of the royal family were killed. It was possible to save only one representative of the Abdu Ar-Rachman dynasty. He fled to Spain and founded Cordovsky emirate on these lands in 756.

Abbasid dynasty

After the ambiance dynasty, the Arab Khalifat received new rulers. They became Abbasida. These were distant relatives of the Prophet, who did not have any rights to the throne. However, they satisfied the Persians and Arabs. The founder of the dynasty is the Abbas Abbas. With it, a brilliant victory over the Chinese, who invaded Central Asia was obsessed. In 751, the famous battle at Talas took place. In it, the Arab troops met with regular Chinese troops.

The Chinese commanded Korean Gao Xiang Zhi. And the Arab army headed Ziyad Ibn Salih. The battle continued for three days, and no one could win. The situation broke the Altai tribe of Karlukov. They supported the Arabs and attacked the Chinese. The defeat of the aggressors was complete. After that, the Chinese Empire has shown to expand its borders to the West.

Ziyad Ibn Salih was executed for participating in a conspiracy in about six months after a brilliant victory under Talas. In 755, Abu Muslim was executed. The authority of this person was huge, and Abbasids feared for their power, although they got it just thanks to Muslim.

In the VIII century, the new dynasty retained the former power entrusted to her. But the case was complicated by the fact that the caliphs and members of their families were people with different mentality. In some Mother Mother had Persian, others - Berberki, third-party Georgians. There was a terrible meal. Unity of Power persisted only due to the weakness of opponents. But gradually a single Islamic state began to fall apart from the inside.

At first, as already mentioned, Spain separated, then Morocco, where Mauri-Accidents lived. After that, there was a turn of Algeria, Tunisia, Egypt, Central Asia, Horasan, the eastern regions of Persia. Arab Caliphate gradually collapsed on independent states and ceased to exist in the 9th century. The abbasid dynasty itself existed much longer. She no longer had the former power, but attracted the eastern Vladyk in that her representatives were governors of the prophet. That is, the interest in them was purely religious.

Only in the second decade of the XVI century, Ottoman Sultan Selim I forced the last caliph from the genus Abbasida to renounce his title in favor of Ottoman Sultanov. Thus, the Ottomans acquired not only the administrative and secular, but also spiritual primacy over the entire Islamic world.

This ended the history of the theocratic state. It was created by faith and the will of Mohammed and his associates. Reached unprecedented power and prosperity. But then, thanks to the internal straighten, the decline began. And although the Khalifat itself collapsed, but it did not affect Islam. Just Muslims crashed into ethnic groups, because in addition to the religion of people, the culture, ancient customs and traditions also bind. They were fundamental. This is not surprising, since all the peoples and states of our multinational world flashed through such historical peripetics..

The article wrote Mikhail Starikov

Caliphate as a medieval state Foreigned as a result of the association of Arab tribes, the center of the settlement of which was the Arabian Peninsula (located between Iran and Northeast Africa).

A characteristic feature of the emergence of statehood from Arabs in the VII century. There was a religious color of this process, which was accompanied by the formation of a new world religion - Islam (Islam translated from Arabic and means "legend himself" to God). The political movement for the union of tribes under the slogans of refusal of paganism, a majority, objectively reflecting the trends of the nucleation of a new system, got the name "Hanifsky".

The search for preachershanifes of the new truth and the new God, which took place under the strong influence of Judaism and Christianity, are primarily connected with the name of Mohammed. Mohammed (about 570-632), scattered as a result of a successful shepherd, an orphan from Mecca, on which "declared revelations", recorded then in the Qur'an, proclaimed the need to establish a cult of a single God-Allah and a new public order that excluded tribal retail. The head of the Arabs was to become a prophet - "The Messenger of Allah on Earth."

Calls of early Islam to social justice (restriction of usury, the establishment of alms to the poor, the liberation of slaves, honesty in trade) caused the displeasure of the tribal merchant nobility of "Revelations" Mohammed, which forced him to escape with the group of closest associates in 622 from Mecca to Yasrib (later - Medina , "City of the Prophet"). Here he managed to enlist the support of various social groups, including nomads-Bedouins. Here the first mosque was erected, the order of Muslim worship was determined. From the moment of this resettlement and separate existence, the named name "Hijra" (621-629), summer-numbers on the Muslim calendar begins.

Mohammed argued that Islamic doctrine does not contradict two previously common monotheistic religions - Judaism and Christianity, but only confirms and clarifies them. However, at that time it became clear that Islam contains something new. It was quite clearly shown by his rigidity, and sometimes fanatical intolerance in some issues, especially in the affairs of power and to power. According to the Uslam doctrine, the power of religious is inseparable from secular and is the basis of the latter, in connection with which Islam demanded the same unconditional obedience to God, the Prophet and "those who have power."

For ten years, in the 20-30s. VII century The organizational restructuring of the Muslim community in Medina in public education was completed. Mohammed himself was in him spiritual, military leader and judge. With the help of the new religion and military units, the Community began to fight opponents of a new socio-political structure.

The nearest relatives and associates of Mohammed were gradually consolidated into a privileged group, which received exceptional right to power. After her rows, after the death of the Prophet began to choose the new sole leaders of Muslims - Caliphs ("Deputy Prophet"). Some groupings of Islamic birth nobility formed the opposition group of Shiites, which recognized the right to power only inheritance and only for the descendants (and not apartments) of the prophet.

The first four caliphs, the so-called "righteous" caliphs, supputed Islam discontent among certain layers and completed the political association of Arabia. In the VII - the first half of the VIII century. Vast territories from former Byzantine and Persian possessions, including the Middle East, Central Asia, Transcaucasia, North Africa and Spain have been conquered. The Arab army entered into the territory of France, but was broken by Knights Karl Martella in the battle of Poita in 732

In the history of the medieval empire, called the Arab Caliphate, usually allocate two periodsthat meet the main stages of the development of the Arab medieval society and the state:

  • damasky, or the period of the Board of the Dynasty of Omeyadov (661-750);
  • baghdad, or the reign of the Abbassid dynasty (750-1258).

Omoyyad dynasty (from 661), which implemented Spain's context, transferred the capital to Damascus, and following them abbasid dynasty (From the descendants of the Prophet named Abba, from 750) for 500 years the rules from Baghdad. By the end of the X century. The Arab Der-Zhava, which blinked to this nations from Pyrenees and Morocco to Fergana and Persia, was divided into three caliphate - Abbasides in Baghdad, Fatimides in Cairo and Omayjdov in Spain.

The Khalif Garun Al-Rashid, who became one of the characters "thousands and one night", and his son al-Mamoun became the most famous from the abbasides. These were enlightened autocrats who combined concerns about spiritual and secular enlightenment. Naturally, in the role of caliphs, they were engaged in the problems of the spread of the new faith, perceived by them themselves and their subjects as a commandment to live in equality and the universal fraternity of all truly believers. The duties of the ruler in this case it was a fair, wise and merciful ruler. Enlightened caliphs combined care for administration, finance, justice and troops with support for enlightenment, art, literature, on-uki, as well as trade and commerce.

Organization of power and management in the Arab Calipheat

The Muslim Power Some time after Mohammed remained theocracy in the sense of recognition by its true ownership of God (the state property was called God's state) and in the sense of the desire to manage the state according to the commandments of God and the example of his Messenger (the Prophet was also called Rasul, those. Messenger).

The first environment of the prophet-ruler was compiled from mujahirov (Exiles, Be-Flashing with the Prophet from Mecca) and ansarov (assistants).

Characteristic features of a Muslim public system:

    1. the dominant position of state ownership of land with the extensive use of slave labor in state farm (irrigation, mines, workshops);
    2. government exploitation of peasants by rent tax in favor of the ruling top;
    3. religious and state regulation of all spheres of public life;
    4. lack of clearly pronounced texts, special status in cities, any freedoms and privileges.

On the territory of the Arabian Peninsula already in the II thousand BC. Arab tribes lived in the Semitic Group of Peoples. In the V-VI centuries. AD Arab tribes prevailed on the Arabian Peninsula. Part of the population of this peninsula lived in cities, oases, was engaged in craft and trade.

The other part of the naughty in the deserts and steppes was engaged in cattle breeding. Through the Arabian Peninsula, trading caravanways between Mesopotamia, Syria, Egypt, Ethiopia, Jews took place. The intersection of these paths was the Meccan Oasis near the Red Sea. In this oasis, the Arabic tribe Kureysh lived, the birthbroken to know which, using geographical position Mecca received revenues from the transit of goods through their territory.

In addition, Mecca became the religious center of West Arabia. Here was the ancient Dafalamic Temple of Kaaba. By legend, this temple erected the Biblical Patriarch of Abraham (Ibrahim) with his son Ismail. This temple is associated with the sacred stone who fell to Earth, who was worshiped from ancient times, and with the cult of the god of the tribe of Kuresh Allah (from Arab. Ilach - the owner).

In the VI century N, e. In Arabia, due to the movement of trade routes, trade is falling in Iran. The population who lost income from caravan trade was forced to look for sources of existence in agriculture. But suitable for agriculture Land was small. They had to conquer.

For this, there were forces and, consequently, the union of crushed tribes, besides those who felt different gods. Everything is clearly determined by the need to introduce monotheism and cohesion on this basis of the Arab tribes.

This idea was preached by the adherents of the Canifa sect, one of which was Mohammed (approx. 570-632 or 633), which became the founder of a new religion for Arabs - Islam. The basis of this religion is the dogmas of Judaism and Christianity: faith in a single god and his prophet, a terrible court, the diploma, unconditional humility of God (Arab. Islam-humility).

The Judist and Christian roots of Islam are evidenced by the names of the prophets and other biblical characters for these religions: Biblical Abraham (Islamic Ibrahim), Aaron (Harun), David (Daud), Isaac (ISHAK), Solomon (Suleiman), Ilyas (Ilyas), Jacob (Yakub), Christian Jesus (Isa), Maria (Maryam) and others. Islam has general customs and bans with Judaism. Both religions prescribe the circumcision of boys, prohibit depict God and living beings, eat pork, drink wine, etc.

At the first stage of development, the new religious worldview is Islam was not supported by the majority of Mohammed Feathers, and first of all, it would be known, since they feared that the new religion would lead to the ceustment of the Kaabi cult as a religious center, and thereby deprive their income. In 622, Mohammed with his adherents had to run from the persecution of Mecca to the city of Yasrib (Medina).

This year is considered to be the beginning of Muslim summer. The agricultural population of Yarrba (Medina), competing with Mekki merchants, supported Mohammed. However, only in 630, by typing the required number of supporters, he got the opportunity to form military forces and seize Mecca, the local one forced to obey the new religion, the more they were satisfied that Muhammed proclaimed the Kaaba of the shrine of all Muslims.

Much later (approx. 650) After the death of Mohammed, his sermons and sayings were collected in a single book Koran (translated from Arabic reading), which became sacred for Muslims. The book includes 114 Sur (chapters), in which the main dogmas of Islam, prescriptions and prohibitions are presented.

Later Islamic religious literature is called Sunna. It contains legends about Mohammed. Muslims, recognizing Koran and Sunnu, began to be called Sunnites, and recognized only one Quran, - Shiites. Shiites recognize legitimate caliphs (governors, deputies) Mohammed, spiritual and secular heads of Muslims of only his relatives.

The economic crisis of Western Arabia in the VII century, caused by the movement of trade routes, the absence of land suitable for agriculture, high population growth, pushed the leaders of the Arab tribes to search for the exit from the crisis by capturing foreign land. This was reflected in the Quran, which states that Islam should be the religion of all nations, but for this it is necessary to deal with the wrong, exterminate them and take their property (Quran, 2: 186-189; 4: 76-78, 86).

Guided by this particular task and ideology of Islam, the successors of Mohammed - Caliphs, began a series of conquering campaigns. They won Palestine, Syria, Mesopotamia, Persia. Already in 638, they captured Jerusalem. Until the end of the VII century. Under the rule of Arabs, the countries of the Middle East, Persia, the Caucasus, Egypt and Tunisia were. In the VIII century were captured middle Asia, Afghanistan, Western India, Northwest Africa.

In 711, the Arab troops under the leadership of Tarika overwhelmed from Africa on the Pyrenean Peninsula (on behalf of Tarika, the name of Gibraltar - Mount Tarika). Quickly won the Pyrenean lands, they rushed in Gallia. However, in 732, in the battle of Poita, Karl Martella was defeated.

By the middle of the IX century. The Arabs were captured by Sicily, Sardinia, the southern regions of Italy, the island of Crete. On this, the Arab conquests stopped, but a long-term war was carried out with the Byzantine Empire. The Arabs were deposited by Constantinople twice.

The main Arab conquests were produced under the Chalifa Abu Bekre (632-634), Omra (634-644), Osman (644-656) and Califa from the Omeyad dynasty (661-750). With Omeyads, the capital of the Caliphate was transferred to Syria to the city of Damascus.

The victories of the Arabs, the capture of huge spaces were facilitated by many years of mutually friendly war between Byzantium and Persia, the disunity and permanent host between other states undergoing Arabs. It should also be noted that the population of countries captured by the Arabs, suffering from the oppression of Byzantium and Persia, saw in the Arabs of the liberators, which reduced the tax burden primarily to those who took Islam.

The combination of many former scattered and hostile states into a single state contributed to the development of economic and cultural communication of the peoples of Asia, Africa and Europe. Crafts developed, trade, city grew. Within the Arab Caliphate, a culture has developed rapidly, which has increasing the Greco-Roman, Iranian and Indian heritage.

Through Arabs, Europe met the cultural achievements of the eastern peoples, primarily with achievements in the field of accurate sciences - mathematics, astronomy, geography, etc.

In 750, the dynasty of Omeyadov in the eastern part of the Khaliphat was overthrown. Abbaissides became caliphs, the descendants of the uncle of the Prophet Mohammed - Abbas. They suffered the capital of the state to Baghdad.

In the western part of the Caliphate, Omeyads continued to rule in Spain, who did not recognize Abbassides and founded the Cordovsky Caliphate with the capital in Cordoba.

The separation of the Arab Caliphate into two parts was the beginning of the creation of smaller Arab states whose heads were the rulers of the provinces - Emirs.

The Khalifat Abbassidov led permanent wars with Byzantium. In 1258, after the defeat of the Mongols of the Arab troops and the capture of Baghdad, the state of Abbaissides ceased to exist.

The Spanish Caliphate Omayjdov also gradually protested. In the XI century Cordic calipheat as a result of the internecine struggle broke up into a number of states. This was used by Christian states in the northern Spain: Leono Castilskoye, Aragon, the Portuguese kingdoms that began to fight the Arabs for the liberation of the peninsula - the reconclockist.

In 1085, they dismantled G. Toledo, in 1147 - Lisbon, in 1236 Pala Cordoba. The last Arab state in the Pyrenean Peninsula - the Granada Emirate - existed until 1492. The history of the Arab Caliphate as a state ended with his fall.

Khalifat as the Institute of Spiritual Management of Arabs by all Muslims continued to exist until 1517, when this feature moved to the Turkish Sultan, who seized Egypt, where the last calipheat lived the spiritual chapter of all Muslims lived.

The history of the Arab Caliphate, which has only six centuries, was complex, ambiguous and at the same time left a significant mark in the evolution of the human society of the planet.

The difficult economic situation of the population of the Arabian Peninsula in the VI-VII centuries. In connection with the movement of trade routes to another zone led to the need to search for sources of existence. To solve this task, the tribes living here fell on the way of approving the new religion - Islam, who was supposed to become not only the religion of all nations, but also called for the fight against the wrong (invisers).

Guided by the ideology of Islam, the Caliphs carried out a broad conquering policy, turning the Arab Caliphate to the Empire. The unification of former fragmented tribes into a single state gave impetus to the economic and cultural communication of the peoples of Asia, Africa and Europe.

Being one of the youngest ones in the East, occupying among them the most offensive position, by fueling the Greco-Roman, Iranian and Indian cultural heritage, the Arab (Islamic) civilization had a huge impact on the spiritual life of Western Europe, presenting a significant military threat over average centuries .

Since the ancient times, the Arabian Peninsula inhabited nomadic tribes of cattle breeders. They managed to split them together by the founder of Islam Mohammed. The state created by him just for a hundred years managed to turn into one of the strongest powers of the world.

How starting the Arab Caliphate?

At about 630s, the Arabs began to arrange regular colleagues beyond the limits of the relatives of the Arabian Peninsula. The reason is simple - the young state required resources and new territories.

Subordinates other land, Arabic to know access to the "Horny abundance": slaves, prisoners who could be returned for a rich ransom, and most importantly - tribute to collected from all captured peoples.

At the very beginning, the Arabs were rather loyal to the population and the device captured by them. They did not climb into local traditions, did not suit the mass resettlement of peoples and differed with violence. Moreover, they even adopted some elements of the cult in the conquered strangers.

But later the situation began to change. In all conquered states, the arabization process was launched local population. It was most quickly and relatively painlessly, where numerous Arab communities lived before the formation of the caliphate. For example, in Syria, Palestine, Mesopotamia and Egypt. Approximately the same was observed with the spread of Islam.

Christianity, Judaism, Zoroastrianism at the subordinate territories began to gradually fade, even the Arabs and did not persecute representatives of other religions.

True, the inners were very limited in rights.

So rapid conversion of the caliphate into a large power of many historians are still called a phenomenon. The fact is that on its path to the greatness of Arabs, they encountered two most powerful states of that time - Byzantia and Sassanid Persia. But comes from the Arabian Peninsula lucky. Both of these empires were in decline due to many years of confrontation with each other and the inner crisis. The Arabs took advantage of the weakness of formidable rivals, which resulted in three waves of conquering hikes.

First wave

From the very beginning, the Arabs accompanied luck. They managed to win the Levant at Byzantium, and the Persia is rich and fertile Mesopotamia. And in 633, the Khalifat invaded the limits of the empire of Sassanids. The confrontation lasted nineteen years and ended with the complete victory of Arabs.

The dynasty of Sasanidov ceased to exist, the territory of Persia moved to the Caliphat, and Islam came to change Zoroastrisum.

While there was a war with Persians, Arabic commander AMR Ibn Al-speo for just a year (641-642) managed to attach Egypt to the Khaliphat territory. In five years, the Arabs organized the first invasion of North Africa with two armies, a total number of about forty thousand people. At the head of this troops, Sheikh Abdullah Ibn Saad got up.

The results of this invasion were not so impressive. Only Carthage fell under the influence of the caliphate. Having spent more than a year in the exhausting campaigns in the deserts, Sheikh returned with the army in Egypt.

In 656, a civil war broke out within the state, provoked by the murder of Halif Usman. The throne took Ali Ibn Abu Talib, but he died several years later.

Despite the confusion, the Arabs managed to subjugate the countries of Transcaucasia and Derbent. True, not long. Already by 661, almost all of this territory became independent of the Khaliphat - the help of Byzantium was affected.

Second wave

As soon as the situation in the calipheat calmed down, the Arabs rinsed in North Africa under the control of Byzantium.

The fifty-thousandth army under the command of Ukba Ibn Nafi managed to take the city of Kairuan and turn it into the shortest time in the main outpost for further military promotion. The same fortress has become the capital of the new region of Iphrikia, located on the territory of the modern Tunisia.

War with nomads whom actively supported Byzantium, developed for Arabs unsuccessfully. At first, in one of the battles, Ibn Nafi was killed, and then Zuhair - sent in his place the commander.

Another civil war and an uprising in Syria prevented to suppress the uprising. The second North African campaign had to turn urgently.

Third wave

The new military campaign began at the end of the 780s. The first thing Arabs Ryano took up the return of the lost territories of the Transcaucasus. Per short term They were able to conquer the three Easternogruzine principalities, but fully fixed only in one of them - Kartli.

Then the Khalifat sent troops to the west of Georgia, where the principality of Egrisi dependent on Byzantium was. The local ruler decided that it was pointless to fight with Arabs and therefore simply passed the city and helped the invaders to expel the Greeks.

Thus, by 700, almost all of the Transcaucasia, with the exception of several mountainous regions, who submitted Byzantium were under the rule of the Khaliphat.

When the Transcaucasian states were finished, the Arabs sent their armies to Maghriba countries (so they called the North African coast). There, they already, of course, were "not happy." Therefore, the waxes of Khalifat had to re-capture the cities of the former province of Ipricky. But Byzantia was waiting for such a turn of events and a large army arrived from Constantinople, which was supported by squads from Sicily, as well as Westges from Roman Spain.

At first, Arabs decided not to get involved in an open battle, but retreated to Kairhan. But soon the opponents still had to face. The decisive battle occurred near the Carthage, where the Arabs defeated the troops of the allies and unhinderedly entered the city.

Another battle took place near Trit. But here the Khalifat was stronger. Two crushing defeats forced the Byzantine Empire to abandon the complaints of the North African coast. And the Arabs continued to conquer.

In less than ten years, they managed to subjugate all the countries of Maghreb. The only exception was the city of Ceuta, located on the coast of modern Morocco, opposite Gibraltar. Thanks to the accession of such a huge territory, the Arab Khalifat increased its "appetites" and began to look towards the Lacoma Pyrenean Peninsula.

In 711, the commander Tarik Ibn Zayyyad landed with his army in Spain. War with Wagons lasted for about three years, and ended with the destruction of their state.

While the war was walking on the Pyrenees, Arabs in 712 managed to significantly expand their eastern borders, conquer the region by the lower flow of Indus called Sind.

Sunset Khaliphata

After these triumphs, the star of the Khalifat began slowly rolled out. First, Iran was liberated from the Arabs' power, then some principalities in the Transcaucasia. In the IX-X centuries, the state and at all entered the protracted crisis. There were three reasons for this.

First, in the calipheat itself began to flare civil wars. The power passed from the hands of one ruler to another almost every three or four years.

Secondly, the conquered peoples are still the uprising, and they became more complicated to suppress them. Thirdly, numerous crusades have played their role, which have taken the recent strength from a weakened state.

Civilization of the East. Islam.

Features of the development of countries of the East in the Middle Ages

Arab Khalifat.

Features of the development of countries of the East in the Middle Ages

The term "mid-century" is used to designate the period of the history of the countries of the East of the first seventeen centuries of the new era.

Geographically medieval East covers the territory of North Africa, the Middle and Middle East, Central and Central Asia, India, Sri Lanka, Southeast Asia and Far East.

On the historic arena during this period appeared peoples Like Arabs, Selzhuki Turks, Mongols. New religions were born and civilization arose on them.

The countries of the East in the Middle Ages were associated with Europe. The carrier of traditions of the Greco-Roman culture remained Byzantium. The Arab conquest of Spain and the hiking of the Crusaders to the East contributed to the interaction of cultures. However, for the countries of South Asia and the Far East, acquaintance with the Europeans took place only in the XV-XVI centuries.

The formation of medieval societies of the East was characterized by the growth of productive forces - the iron guns were spread, artificial irrigation was expanded and irrigation techniques were improved,

the leading trend of the historical process both in the east and in Europe was the approval of feudal relations.

Observation of the history of the medieval East.

I-VI in. AD - the origin of feudalism;

VII centuries. - period of early referral relations;

XI-XII centuries. - the domtomongol period, the beginning of the heyday of feudalism, the formation of a corporate building of life, a cultural takeoff;

XIII centuries. - Mongolian conquest time,

XIV-XVI centuries. - the unmemberment period, conservation of the despotic form of power.

Eastern civilization

Some civilizations in the East arose in antiquity; Buddhist and Hindus - on the Peninsula of the Industan,

dao-Confucian - in China.

Others were born in the Middle Ages: Muslim civilization in the Middle and Middle East,

indo-Muslim - in India,

hindu and Muslim - in the countries of Southeast Asia, Buddhist - in Japan and Southeast Asia,

confucian - in Japan and Korea.

Arab Caliphate (V - XI centuries. AD)

On the territory of the Arabian Peninsula already in the II thousand BC. Arab tribes lived in the Semitic Group of Peoples.

In the V-VI centuries. AD Arab tribes prevailed on the Arabian Peninsula. Part of the population of this peninsula lived in cities, oases, was engaged in craft and trade. The other part of the naughty in the deserts and steppes was engaged in cattle breeding.

Through the Arabian Peninsula, trading caravanways between Mesopotamia, Syria, Egypt, Ethiopia, Jews took place. The intersection of these paths was the Meccan Oasis near the Red Sea. In this oasis, the Arabic tribe Kureysh lived, the birthbroken to know which, using the geographical position of Mecca, received revenues from the transit of goods through their territory.

Moreover Mecca became the religious center of Western Arabia.It was located here an ancient pre-Islamic temple. Kaaba. By legend, this temple erected the Biblical Patriarch of Abraham (Ibrahim) with his son Ismail. This temple is connected with the sacred stone who fell to the ground, which was worshiped from ancient times, and with the cult of the god of the Kureysh tribe Allah (from Arab. Ilach - owner).

Causes of Islam: In the VI century N, e. In Arabia, due to the movement of trade routes, trade is falling in Iran. The population who lost income from caravan trade was forced to look for sources of existence in agriculture. But land suitable for agriculture was little. They had to conquer. For this, there were forces and, consequently, the union of crushed tribes, besides those who felt different gods. Everything is obvious the need to introduce monotheism and cohesion on this basis of Arab tribes.

This idea was preached by the adherents of the Canifa sect, one of which was Muhammad (approx. 570-632 or 633), which became the founder of a new religion for Arabs - islam.

The basis of this religion is the dogmas of Judaism and Christianity : faith in a single God and his prophet,

scary court


unconditional submission of the will of God (Arab. Islam-humility).

About Judist and Christian roots of Islam testify general For these religions, the names of the prophets and other biblical characters: Biblical Abraham (Islamic Ibrahim), Aaron (Harun), David (Daud), Isaac (ICHAK), Solomon (Suleiman), Ilyas (Ilyas), Jacob (Yakub), Christian Jesus ( Isa), Maria (Maryam), etc.

Islam has common customs and prohibitions with Judaism. Both religions prescribe the circumcision of boys, prohibit depict God and living beings, eat pork, drink wine, etc.

At the first stage of development, the new religious worldview is Islam was not supported by the majority of Mohammed Feathers, and first of all, it would be known, since they feared that the new religion would lead to the ceustment of the Kaabi cult as a religious center, and thereby deprive their income.

In 622, Mohammed with his adherents had to run from the persecution of Mecca to the city of Yasrib (Medina). This year is considered to be the beginning of Muslim summer.

However, only in 630, by typing the required number of supporters, he got the opportunity to form military forces and seize Mecca, the local one forced to obey the new religion, the more they were satisfied that Muhammed proclaimed the Kaaba of the shrine of all Muslims.

Much later (approx. 650) After the death of Mohammed, his sermons and sayings were collected in a single book. Koran (Translated from Arabic reading), which became sacred for Muslims. The book includes 114 Sur (chapters), in which the main dogmas of Islam, prescriptions and prohibitions are presented.

Later Islamic Religious Literature Wears Title sunna.It contains legends about Mohammed. Muslims who recognized Koran and Sunna became known sunnites, And recognized only one Quran - shiites.

Shiites recognize legal califairs (governors, deputies) Mohammed, spiritual and secular heads of Muslims of only his relatives.

The economic crisis of Western Arabia in the VII century, caused by the movement of trade routes, the absence of land suitable for agriculture, high population growth, pushed the leaders of the Arab tribes to search for the exit from the crisis by capturing foreign land. This was reflected in the Quran, which states that Islam should be the religion of all nations, but for this it is necessary to deal with the wrong, exterminate them and take their property (Quran, 2: 186-189; 4: 76-78, 86).

Guided by this particular task and ideology of Islam, the successors of Mohammed - Caliphs, began a series of conquering campaigns. They won Palestine, Syria, Mesopotamia, Persia. Already in 638, they captured Jerusalem.

Until the end of the VII century. Under the rule of Arabs, the countries of the Middle East, Persia, the Caucasus, Egypt and Tunisia were.

In the VIII century Central Asia, Afghanistan, Western India, North-West Africa were captured.

In 711. Arab troops under the guidance Tarika Twisted from Africa to the Pyrenean Peninsula (on behalf of Tarika there was the name of Gibraltar - Mount Tarika). Quickly won the Pyrenean lands, they rushed in Gallia. However, in 732, in the battle of Poita, Karl Martella was defeated. By the middle of the IX century. The Arabs were captured by Sicily, Sardinia, the southern regions of Italy, the island of Crete. On this, the Arab conquests stopped, but a long-term war was carried out with the Byzantine Empire. The Arabs were deposited by Constantinople twice.

The main Arab conquests were produced under the Chalifa Abu Bekre (632-634), Omra (634-644), Osman (644-656) and Califa from the Omeyad dynasty (661-750). With Omeyads, the capital of the Caliphate was transferred to Syria to the city of Damascus.

The victories of the Arabs, the capture of huge spaces were facilitated by many years of mutually friendly war between Byzantium and Persia, the disunity and permanent host between other states undergoing Arabs. It should also be noted that the population of countries captured by the Arabs, suffering from the oppression of Byzantium and Persia, saw in the Arabs of the liberators, which reduced the tax burden primarily to those who took Islam.

The combination of many former scattered and hostile states into a single state contributed to the development of economic and cultural communication of the peoples of Asia, Africa and Europe. Crafts developed, trade, city grew. Within the Arab Caliphate, a culture has developed rapidly, which has increasing the Greco-Roman, Iranian and Indian heritage. Through Arabs, Europe met the cultural achievements of the eastern peoples, primarily with achievements in the field of accurate sciences - mathematics, astronomy, geography, etc.

In 750, the dynasty of Omeyadov in the eastern part of the Khaliphat was overthrown. Abbaissides became caliphs, the descendants of the uncle of the Prophet Mohammed - Abbas. They suffered the capital of the state to Baghdad.

In the western part of the Caliphate, Omeyads continued to rule in Spain, who did not recognize Abbassides and founded the Cordovsky Caliphate with the capital in Cordoba.

The separation of the Arab Caliphate into two parts was the beginning of the creation of smaller Arab states, the heads of which were the rulers of the provinces - emirs.

The Khalifat Abbassidov led permanent wars with Byzantium. In 1258, after the defeat of the Mongols of the Arab troops and the capture of Baghdad, the state of Abbaissides ceased to exist.

The last Arab state in the Pyrenean Peninsula - the Granada Emirate - existed until 1492. The history of the Arab Caliphate as a state ended with his fall.

Khalifat as the Institute of Spiritual Management of Arabs by all Muslims continued to exist until 1517, when this feature moved to the Turkish Sultan, who seized Egypt, where the last calipheat lived the spiritual chapter of all Muslims lived.

The history of the Arab Caliphate, which has only six centuries, was complex, ambiguous and at the same time left a significant mark in the evolution of the human society of the planet.

The difficult economic situation of the population of the Arabian Peninsula in the VI-VII centuries. In connection with the movement of trade routes to another zone led to the need to search for sources of existence. To solve this task, the tribes living here fell on the way of approving the new religion - Islam, who was supposed to become not only the religion of all nations, but also called for the fight against the wrong (invisers). Guided by the ideology of Islam, the Caliphs carried out a broad conquering policy, turning the Arab Caliphate to the Empire. The unification of former fragmented tribes into a single state gave impetus to the economic and cultural communication of the peoples of Asia, Africa and Europe. Being one of the youngest ones in the East, occupying among them the most offensive position, by fueling the Greco-Roman, Iranian and Indian cultural heritage, the Arab (Islamic) civilization had a huge impact on the spiritual life of Western Europe, presenting a significant military threat over average centuries .