Large Gypsy Lenorman alignment. Fortune telling Lenorman Gypsy alignment

You keep a unique book in your hands, in which the most relevant methods of fortune telling on Madame Lenorman maps, and also describes their origins and describes the value of each card. With the help of fortune telling on the maps Lenorman, you will be able not only to get an independent advice on your own future, but also to find a break or learn about how one or another person belongs to you. The book can be interesting to many people who wish to look at the veil of secrets. For experienced practitioners, she will be a good memo, and for beginners - an excellent benefit. The information offered here may be very relevant in the light of the spread of other systems and traditions of fortune telling on the maps, since the Lenorman system differs in many ways from the already familiar tarot cards and other oracles. If desired, it is easy to independently learn to guess on the maps, because the information presented in this book is quite detailed: not only the cards themselves are described, but also different methods Divination - from the simplest to the Great Gypsy Scenario. From the book you can also learn about how the tradition of fortune-telling on these cards was born, and who exactly brought it to us in the way she is currently. If you are just starting to guess, then taking a deck of cards, trust intuition, but remember that you yourself are the owners of your destiny!

From the series:Practical magic (Phoenix)

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Company LITRES.

About the ways of fortune telling on Madame Lenorman maps

Before proceeding with the description of various types of fortune telling on the Lenorman system, I would like to make a slight retreat.

Examples that will be listed below are deliberately begin with describing the simple ways of divination so that even an unprepared person managed to be inserted into the divination system using a deck of cards developed by the famous prunerator. And it is really not as difficult as it may seem at first glance.

Using simple foldsOver time, you can get used to this unusual deck and remember the value of each card. The whole thing is, with what desire and interest approaching fortunening, the process of which is similar to the creativity and affects the depths of the human "I". Therefore, taking into the hands of the card, it is necessary not only to desire to know the future, but also try to let go of the whole strength of intuition and imagination, listening to your inner sensations. This approach will best help to understand what the cards want to say, especially since the images on the maps, as mentioned above, contribute to this very much, that is, is largely associative.

Next, methods of divination will be presented for every taste, giving the opportunity to learn their future. For beginners, the simplest fortune telling at a desire, where only one card can tell, what to expect further and how to act to avoid danger or not to be caught by surveillant troubles. At the same time, gadaying for the future, the newcomer can familiarize themselves with the combinations of cards, as they declined in order one after another.

In addition, a divination will be described, which will surely interest people who want to find their second half or just seeking to learn what to expect from a person who is part of their lives. This will help them with simple layouts on a new person or person.

It will also be about such a specific fortune-up, as the alignment to find a missing thing. It in itself is very interesting and not so difficult, as it may seem at first glance, and it will help to deal with it detailed description and the scheme for which you want to lay out cards.

And then it will be possible to go to more complex scenaries, such as small and large, or Gypsy, the align to which the newcomer can proceed when the foundations of fortune telling quite will lose - the value and combination of cards.

Simple fortune telling for the future

Take a full deck of thirty-six cards and thoroughly drop, concentrating on your own thoughts and desires. Then start opening from above on one card, saying about myself: "Ace, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, currencies, lady, king." Do not stop opening cards, after the king, continue the listing, starting again from the ace. Those cards that coincide with the names are delayed in order.

When the deck is over, start opening the cards from the very beginning, without turning them and continuing to vote the names in the same order.

Having done it three times, set aside the balance of the decks to the side and begin to interpret the value of the coincided maps on the basis of their combination with each other.

Fortune telling

This is a pretty simple fortune telling, which will help you characterize a person. Find a gentleman in the deck, if you are guessing on a man, or a lady in case of fortune telling a woman, and lay the desired card into the center of the table.

Focus on this person. Then carefully drag the remaining maps and at random pull three cards from the deck, which lay out the key. After that, you can open cards and watch their value.

Fortune telling or for the future

This is pretty interesting way fortune telling. Take a deck of thirty-six cards and select that card that matches the current hour, i.e. need number. For example, the messenger is the first card, and it corresponds to the o'clock in the night, and completing the day will be twenty-fourth card - the heart.

The central card will be the one that will be elongated first. Put the deck with a shirt up, remove twelve cards on top, and put the thirteenth under the central - this card will be responsible for the past. After that, drop the cards, remove the thirteenth card again and put it on the left of the central one - it will show the events taking place in the human life in the present. After counting the next thirteenth map, put it on the right - it will also point to the present. And finally, the latter retrieved card should be put on top of the central card - it will present the future. When the card ended during the countdown, you will have to take already worked out and, having shuffled them, count the thirteenth card from their number.

Fortune telling at wish

Many thoroughly drag the deck of thirty-six cards and, fading a desire and focusing on it, get at random one card, which will answer the question asking you and tell you whether the desire will come true.

Foreign for search

This alignment is specifically used to help find lost, whether it is a person or thing.

In this scenario, the designation of positions is based on the importance of houses that are adopted in astrology.

As in all other cases, before the start of divination, it is necessary to carefully shuffle cards.

But in the scenario on the lost thing there is one nuance - before starting the flap to make a deck, you need to find a map that will symbolize the loss. How to do it?

If we are talking about the search for a person, you will need the following cards:

28. Gentleman;

13. Child.

Each of these cards will be denoted by a man, woman or child, respectively. But sometimes other cards are used to search for people, for example:

7. Snake - if you need to find an attacker or an attacker;

14. Fox - find a deceiver, a punchy person;

15. Bear - find the missing chief or patron;

18. The dog is to find a missing friend.

These maps will more accurately characterize the desired person.

In addition, we often can't find any thing, the fate of which is very concerned.

For this purpose, other cards can serve. Some people have difficulties with the choice of the desired cards, therefore it is better to include imagination and approach fortunes creatively.

To the one who still makes it difficult, you can offer some ready-made designations.

1. The messenger - various means of communication ( cellular telephone, fax and similar things), as well as all sorts of information media (flash card, disk, etc.).

3. Ship - any means of movement (cars and the like).

9. Bouquet of flowers - universal Cardwhich can be denoted any lost thing, a lot of meaningful for a person or someone donated.

11. Spit - weapons and cutting or stitching tools.

21. Mountain - precious or semi-precious stones.

25. Ring - any jewelry.

26. Book - Actually a book or any other paper storage medium.

27. Letter - correspondence, letters, documents.

33. Key - actually keys or other small metal objects.

34. Fish - values, mainly money (if, in combination with this card, choose, for example, any color map - clover, a bouquet of flowers or lily, - in this way you can designate any beautiful thing or subject of art).

31. Sun - gold jewelry.

32. Moon - silver jewelry, Any silver products.

After the desired card is selected, thoroughly shook the deck. Then the cards are laid out three to each of the twelve homes and open until the map you need in one of the houses.

To interpret information about loss will need to be based on the combination of this card with two adjacent.

Signing cards for search

Meaning of houses

The first house is the personal space of the one who has lost the thing.

Perhaps this is a house or room where this person spends a lot of time, and also stores personal belongings. What is lost is very close and will definitely be found soon. The time that will be spent in search of things is calculated in hours or even minutes, and the direction in which should be sought - the East.

The second house is perhaps a thing that cannot be found is not lost in the literal sense of the word, and it was lost among other personal items or can be in a box or safe where cash is usually stored. As a rule, this house directly indicates places where money is stored, cases with jewels or other valuables. In search, it will also be required not too much time, it follows in the direction of the northeast.

The third house is most likely a place belonging to the possessions of familiar people, neighbors or relatives, but may be a place for classes. You must try to look for a lost object in places where books, letters, paper, as well as written accessories can be stored.

The subject can be in the mailbox, if it is correspondence, or in your own car. It will be found during just a few days, the direction is northeast.

The fourth house is guaranteed to indicate that the lost is in your own own home. It can be like a room where your elderly relatives lives and a kitchen or a place where there is an earth, a garden or a vegetable garden. In addition, there is a chance that the lost may be in the parent house or the house of close relatives. The thing is found within a few days, the direction is the north.

The fifth house - the place of the disappearance can be a children's room, and a place to entertain and relax, and a bedroom, and in more wide sense - Theater, exhibition, gambling house, disco and even place for secret meetings of lovers. It is noteworthy that this thing does not lie in sight and needs it to seek it more carefully than they did before. Search direction - North-North-West.

The sixth house - the place of disappearance could be the place of work or service, for example state Institution, Hospital or Polyclinic, and the room where meetings are held.

It is also likely that the thing is in your own house, but in the place that performs the function personal Cabinet. It is also possible that this is the place where pets are contained. To find a lost thing, you need to try well and spend a lot of time on her search. The direction in which to look for it is west of the northwest.

The seventh house - the lost is in the personal belongings of your spouse or partner, and maybe the companion.

But most often finding things in this house clearly makes it clear that she is most likely stolen and her return to the legal owner is very doubtful. Search direction - West.

The eighth house is very unfavorable for the loss. A man during the search for his thing can threaten a serious danger or the thing itself has already become unusable - dismantled or divided. Search direction - southwest.

The ninth house is the place of disappearance of the desired thing there may be a temple, institute or church. It can also be in the office of the head or in a building owned by a higher organization.

In any case, what you are looking for is very close. And, nevertheless, in search of several months can be spent. The direction in which to look for its loss is south-west.

The tenth house - the missing thing is from your employers, in your workplace. However, it can be any place where you usually work or do business. Searches in this case can be lazy for a few days, and the direction in which should be sought - south.

The eleventh house is a place where securities or financial documents are stored. True, there is a possibility that this place can be a kind of club or any other institution where friends are found. It is possible that the lost thing is in your own home and makes sense to look for her in the living room. In search of a lost item can take the week. The direction in which should be sought - south-south-east.

The twelfth house - the missing thing is in a hard-to-reach, fairly isolated place, possibly where chemicals and various drugs are stored.

This house can fill danger, as it represents secret enemies, hospitals and prisons. If the card you selected suddenly turned out to be in this house, then the chance to find the loss is very small - it is well hidden. It should be south-east.

Map of the day

This is a pretty simple fortune telling, which will help determine what to expect in the very near future, is a kind of forecast for the day. Carefully drag the cards and spread them all in a circle clockwise. Then focus on my desire to find out what you can expect from a new day, and open the card to which you will pull.

Taking the value of the selected card, you can define what awaits you on this day.

Signing to a new man in life

Very often, getting acquainted or meeting with someone, a person wonders what he made an impression, what to expect from new relationships, what other people think about it, which can happen in terms of feelings, friendship or partnership.

Lenorman cards will help answer these questions. To do this, it is necessary to relax, clearly formulate your question and shifting the cards.

The first removal card will answer the question: "What does this man think about me?", The second is to the question: "How does this person actually applies to me (name)?", Third - to the question: "Does anything happen between us?".

It is the third card that will help to get rid of ambiguity in relationships and clearly determine which direction a new acquaintance will take.

Simple alignment on the situation

This alignment is really very simple. In order to start the fortune telling, you need to take a blank asking card, - which will mean you or a person who is guessing, and then, focusing on the problem, in any order to choose four cards from the deck and decompose them around the letterhead.

The first, the top card will tell about what preceded the current situation.

The second card, lying to the left of the form, will show what opportunities for a person is in this situation. This may be an indication of some obstacles or assistance from the side.

The third card, lying on the right, will reflect the desires and plans of the gadget. It can also suggest a response to a torrenting person.

And finally, the fourth card shows the future and the result, which should be expected after the situation permit as a whole.

Complex folds

Big, or Gypsy, alignment on small Arcana Lenormanman

This alignment is more complicated, has separate interpretations and includes two methods.

Usually, the so-called high alignment of eight cards is used first, when they are laid out in four rows of eight cards in each, and there are four more cards below. After that, if necessary, a second option of folding cards is followed - in four rows of nine in each.

Probably, it will be right to remind you that you should not put cards in two ways simply from curiosity. This is done only if the first alignment does not give accurate answers and leaves many doubts.

Great layout

Usually Gypsy alignment gives a lot of information, and it follows from this that it is quite enough to decompose the cards one of two ways and just carefully interpret their combinations. Before you start the fortune telling and laying the cards, you must definitely make a specific time-of-time interval. And only after that you can begin to carefully draw cards, remove them and lay out one of the above-mentioned schemes.

How to upload cards - opening immediately or first up a shirt, and then open, it does not have a fundamental value, this is a matter of personal preference and habit.

In Gypsy Scenario, less attention is paid to how maps are combined. It is much more important to take into account, in which house the card lies. Thus, the interpretation of divination depends not only on how the other card is combined, but also from what direction it is. It is necessary to count in order, starting from the very first, upper left card and moving to the right.

Values \u200b\u200bof houses

House 1 - messenger: House of good news, as well as all sorts of contacts and communication.

House 2 - Clover: Modest Happiness, Little Joy, Function of Happiness, as well as small money.

House 3 - ship: travel, trips, all possible changes, an irresistible desire to be in other people's countries and overcome long distances.

House 4 - House: Family, Constancy.

House 5 - Tree: Health, Age, Duration of something.

House 6 - Tuchi: Negative emotions, doubts, fear, unreliability, uncertainty, experiences.

House 7 - Snake: Woman's wise, treason, deception, insincerity, workarounds and complications.

House 8 - Coffin: Completion, sadness, depression, problems, end or beginning of something new.

House 9 - a bouquet of flowers: gifts and invitations, flirting, beautiful man, creative hobbies.

House 10 - Spit: parting, separation, danger, suddenness of events.

House 11 - broom: bustle, disputes and disagreements, gossip.

House 12 - owls: nervous tension, conversations on the phone or receiving messages, anxiety.

House 13 - child: new beginning, cleanliness and naivety.

House 14 - Fox: cunning, lie and deceit, concealment and mystery.

House 15 - Bear: In most cases, it means a man, confidence and support from his part, but sometimes jealousy.

House 16 - stars: This is a unique home that most concerns issues of a magical nature, but may also indicate success and clarification in affairs.

House 17 - Storks: Changes and changes, travel, family.

House 18 - Dog: House of faithful friendship.

House 19 - Tower: Loneliness, Parting, Department, Isolation.

House 20 - Garden: Meetings, Public and Communication.

House 21 - Mountain: the complexity arising obstacles and loads.

House 22 - Formation: Selection options, spraying.

House 23 - Rats: Unpleasant situations, theft, loss, as well as fear.

House 24 - Heart: Emotions, Love and Friendship.

House 25 - Ring: Relationship, Connection, Partnership Contract or Marriage.

House 26 - Book: Training, Mystery, Knowledge.

House 27 - Letter: Information in any form and format.

House 28 - Gentleman: Map of a disgusting man.

House 29 - Lady: Map of a gadget woman.

House 30 - Lily: Chastity, spirituality, harmony.

House 31 - Sun: great happiness and a lot of energy.

House 32 - Moon: Creativity, attachment, feelings, past, emotions.

House 33 - Key: The house in which problems are allowed.

House 34 - Fish: Financial Sphere.

House 35 - Anchor: work or professional sphere.

House 36 - Cross: karma, religiosity, faith and hope for the future.

The following figure marked the first and last cards (solid lines), as well as cards that will be located at the corners (dotted line).

1. As already understandable from the above, the very first map will be the one that lies in the house of the mantle. This combination is a house + card - it affects the entire alignment in general.

2. Then, counting cards from left to right in each row, you should watch cards that are on the corners of the scenario - this is 1, 8, 25 and 32. At the same time, the 1 card 1 will be located in the upper left corner, the map 8 in the right upper, map 25 in the lower left corner, and Map 32 in the lower right. These cards will indicate to the current and current life situation.

3. In the very center, it will be that a person in thoughts and heart and disturbing him at the moment.

4. Now we look at the top row. The first four cards will show the future, which should be fulfilled for about a crescent, and the other four, following them, is the future more distant.

5. The lowest four cards that are going on, personify future global events that, most likely, cannot be prevented or changed. These recent cards are called fate cards.

6. Decided with where the present and the coming is located, it is necessary to find the "Blanca" card, which will correspond to the one who is guessing: for a man it is a gentleman, and for a woman - lady. Find, in which house the form lies, and also pay attention to what place it takes in the scenario. If she is shifted to the left, then a person is waiting for an update, important changes are coming in his life. This man himself plans its future. In the case when the map is on the right side, the person lives his past, which does not want to let go, and does not plan to plan the future.

When the card is at the top, the emotions play in the life of a person. Moreover, they lead them and affect absolutely everything he does.

The location of the form below, on the contrary, will tell you about a person who is guided by logic and takes reasonable, well-balanced decisions. But sometimes it may mean that a person thinks too much, and it becomes the cause of unnecessary doubts and delay.

7. The next step will be browsing personal and financial spheres. Look for this information in respective homes.

8. To see how one or another will change, it follows from the desired card to make a "foot horse", i.e. mentally draw the letter "g" and read the combination of cards. They will prompt, in which the key will develop events.

10. To see who a person works, you need to look at what cards will surround the tower.

11. Father of the gadgetting will describe those cards that are between the Tower and the Bear, and between the tower and the snake you can read about the nature of the mother.

12. Maps that are at the forehead in the legs talk about the nearest events and what a person will do in the near future. Map above his head reflects his thoughts.

13. According to the maps that are between the gentleman and the lady, you can read about the relationship of partners, or rather, what happens to them in currently. It is very important whether the maps of partners are watching at the moment on each other or not and how close they lie in the scenario. All this helps to get additional information about their relationship.

If the results of divination did not bring satisfaction, you can decompose the cards of nine in four rows.

In other words, the map that lay on the ninth place should be transferred up, in place after the eighth. The second row cards will move only one, i.e., where there was a nine card, there will be a tenth. The same, not disturbing order, you will need to do with the second, third and fourth nearby. It is only necessary to remember that if a new alignment is made, at home will not have any influence, only the place of cards relative to each other is considered.

Small layout

For this divination, the original deck of cards Madame Lenorman, in which there are more cards than in the usual deck, and each of them has its own meaning. But besides this, what the value of the card will also depend on the place where it is located. This alignment is ideally for you if any topic needs to be studied in more detail.

Before the start of divination, be sure to focus on the situation and the image of a person, if you are guessing someone else. Then, first of all, you need to choose a blank, that is, that card that will be denoted either you or the person you are guessing.

For a woman, it will be a lady card, for a man, respectively, - a gentleman. Further, arbitrarily choosing cards from the deck, you need to lay out in such a way that there are such positions, as indicated in the figure below.

There should be three positions - past, present and future.

Past - 9, 1, 16, 8, 7 and 15 cards. These maps will tell about the fact that the situation in which a person was.

9 Card - personifies external non-physical intervention - advice or idea.

1 card - personal ideas and the hope of gadgetting in the past.

Small layout

8 and 16 cards - the personification of the physical plan, the events preceding the current situation and influenced it. At the same time, the 8 card is stronger, because it is closer to the letterhead.

7 Map - the personification of past experiences, emotions and feelings.

15 Map is a subconscious plan, actions that were interpreted by the inner "I".

Present - 10, 2, 6 and 14 cards. They tell about how a person feels at this time.

10 and 2 cards - the feelings and thoughts of man, with the 2 card has a greater influence than the 10 card.

6 and 14 cards - talk about what is happening in the soul, and reflect the senses of a person towards the current situation.

Future - 11, 3, 4, 12, 5, 13 cards that will open the veins of the coming.

4 and 12 cards will tell about the main future events of the physical plan, and the 4 card will indicate the most coming events, and the 14 card to more remote.

3 Card - personal assessment of a person relative to the overall situation.

11 Map - Public judgment about the situation.

5 and 13 cards - emotions and feelings in the future, with the 5 card will reflect stronger feelings and emotions than the 13 card.

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Led Book Foreign Fragment Divination by Mary Lenorman (Jan Dickmar, 2014) Granted by our book partner -

Popular fortune telling

The fortune telling that was favorite in Empress Catherine II, according to the legend, was quite simple. 40 characters were depicted on 40 cards that had classical decoding, however, for a specific situation, they could have a direct value and denote exactly what they were depicted on them. Of the 40 treated top shirts, three and, depending on the question of interest, they interpreted the result. Try this fortune telling to predict fate or clarify the question of interest.

Love fortune telling At the Gypsy maps Tarot will tell you how you feel and what a mandated person thinks about you. Also, this alignment shows what feelings in relation to you are experiencing the person you are interested in, what does the relationship demonstrate, and what does it hide what goals puts in your relationship, what plans to take you in the future and what is the result of communicating with this person. Think your question and select maps from the deck.

Signing on Tarot Maps "When I meet my Lbov?" Used to predict a new acquaintance that can grow into true love and strong relationships. For this divination usually ask questions "Do I get acquainted with a guy / girl in the near future?", "Will I marry / marry in the coming year?", "Where should I look for my love?" The map, symbolizing the place of dating - carefully examine what is depicted on the map - this is a direct indication of the place of dating. Focus and select cards from the deck.

One of ancient Games Domino is closely connected with fortune track, which was produced on the bones with point notation of numbers. Fortune telling on one bone domino helps to predict fate, learn hidden and important eventswhich already occur or are about to happen, and most importantly answer the question "What awaits me?". In order to get your prediction - select one of 28 Domino bones.

The fortune telling on the runes of one "One Rune" is the easiest and simple and at the same time accurate layout of the runes. You can ask a question and get instantly the answer to it pulling out only one rune. If the question implies a unambiguous answer, then the direct position of the rune means "yes", the inverted position of the rune - "no", empty rune of one - the answer is indefinite ..

Fortune telling on the maps Lenorman

Divination on the Oracle Lenorman is one of the most common, since the symbolism, which is depicted on the maps themselves intuitively understand everyone, even without deciphering. We invite you to familiarize yourself with the most popular and used signs of Lenorman maps with our online ghosts. Select the appropriate fortune telling from the list below:

Lenorman's maps Lenorman's alignment gives an idea of \u200b\u200bthe relationship in the present, past and future. How does your partner applies to your relationship, which nuances should pay their attention, which pitfalls are hiding and what surprises of fate should expect you in a relationship with your beloved. Think your partner, ask your question about relationships and select 8 cards from the deck.

Lenorman's Lenorman Map Signal is suitable for those who disperse with a partner or is on the verge of such a break. This fortune telling will help you find out what the attitude of your partner to parting, how will your life change if you decide to part or save the relationship and most importantly - there are a chance of your relationship. Focus and imagine the situation, ask a question with cards, select 6 cards from the deck.

Lenorman's Satellite of Life Card Limit will help you learn the person with whom you are going to link your life. This fortune telling will show what you are close to your partner, and what is different that your partner is saving from you, what qualities he appreciates and complements, as well as what fate is your relationship. First, select someone you guess, ask a question and then select cards from the deck.

Carding Lenorman's "New Man" Maps are needed in cases where a spark of sympathy and a woman rang between a man and a woman I was interested in this man that he thinks about her and whether a love relationship in the future is possible between them. Before the start of divination, think about yourself the situation and partner, after select 4 cards from the deck.

The alignment of Lenorman's cards "Dove" is focused on lonely women and girls waiting for their love. With this fortune telling you can find out what men like in you, and what no, what factors affect your personal life and whether you have a relationship in a conceived period (you need to focus additional.) Focus, ask your question and select four cards from the deck. .

The alignment of Lenorman Maps "Love, Desire, Passion" is used to learn about the thoughts, desires and feelings of partners relative to each other. The divination shows your attitude to the partner, it to you, as well as your common aspirations and desires. Before the start of divination, concentrately ask your question and select nine cards from the deck.

Card Lenorman's Maps "Harmony of Love" will help you find out what you like and what you do not like in your love relationship, as sees the partner your relationship in the future and what needs to be changed in yourself to create strong and harmonious relationships. Also, with the help of this divination, you will learn what approach is needed to your partner and what advice is given to your relationship. Focus and imagine the situation, ask a question with cards, select 6 cards from the deck.

Signing Map Lenorman "Your Light" is designed for a brief. But from that equally informative forecast of the nearest and distant future. With the help of this online divination You can find out what awaits you how events will develop, what a surprise awaits you, and what will all lead. Also, the cards give advice, as it is worthwhile to behave to achieve the goal or preventing trouble. Before the start of divination, think about the person on which you will guess and select cards from the deck.

Lenorman's maps "Return relationships" are applied in the case when love partners in a quarrel, or decided to part or divorce forever. This divination will show you if the reconciliation and renewal of relations are possible to do in order. To return love if your partner wants to resume relationships with you and how this situation end for you and your partner. Before you start, focus, make a question and make your partner. After select seven cards from the deck.

The alignment of Lenorman's cards "Scales of Justice" is applied in the case when you have any dispute between another person. With the help of this divination you can know even how the judicial affair will end (if there is such) or the conflict is based on the dispute, discussion. The alignment gives advice as it is worthwhile in case of solving the situation in your favor or in favor of the opponent. Before the start of divination, concentrately ask your question and select nine cards from the deck.

Lenorman's card alignment "What happens if?" helps to determine the actions in case of complex or conflict situation. Maps show how the situation in the selected and alternative direction will develop. This divination shows only possible development on the basis of one or another act, remember that the solution is still yours. Focus and ask your question cards, then select cards from the deck.

Lenorman's Lenormmark cards are needed to determine whether your partner changes you. In addition to this exciting issue, the card will also be also told about the nature of your relationship with a partner, which conscious and subconscious thoughts with you with a partner in relation to each other, as well as many other nuances love relationship. Focus and ask your question cards.

The alignment of the map Lenorman "The reason failures" is used to analyze an unpleasant situation, also helps to understand what has led to such events in life - is there a karmic background that happened, is there any chance or in the chain of failed fault your incorrect actions or thoughts. Focus and ask your question cards.

The alignment of the Lenorman Card "Fortune chains" is a universal fortune telling on any life situation in the aspect of the future. The alignment consisting of 4 cards is very simple, but at the same time very informative and gives a forecast for the future of the closest and distant, as this situation will end. Before the start of divination, concentrate and ask your question, after selecting cards from the deck.

The alignment of Lenorman's Card "Wolnitsa", carried out on three cards, is a fairly simple way to predict the development of the situation. With this online divination you can find out what is destined to you, how everything can change (go not as you assume) and what will be the result of a conceived situation. Concentrate and ask your question after maps fall - thoughtfully read the decoding.

The alignment of Lyubaman's cards Lyuban is a simple way to predict the characteristics of relations between two people, which each of them contributes to the relationship, in the similarities and differences in people in the Union, what are the main aspects of love relationships. Before the start of divination, think about your partner and ask the maps.

Online divination "Council Lenorman" is a single Carts of Lenorman cards, each card of which gives a specific advice for you. This divination can be used as a daily day planning or as an assistant in complex situation. Questions suitable for this divination are "what to do?" And "What does this situation take me away?". Focus and select a map from the deck and read the advice that it gives.

An interesting numerological alignment of the Lenorman Map "Map of Personality" allows the date of the birth of a person to determine his card in the deck. In order to find out which card is predetermined to a certain person - you need to fold all the digits of the date of his birth. If the sum is greater than 36 (the last number of the card in the deck), it is also necessary to accumulate the figures of the result obtained. With the help of our online fortune telling, it was even easier to find out the mysterious map, simply select the date of the person of interest to you in the drop-down list.

The alignment of the Map Lenorman "Cross" is one of the simplest for the prediction of the future. This divination will show you what the conceived situation is completed for you, which there are opportunities to achieve or solve the problem, and whether your plans will come true in the future. Focus and ask your question, select five cards from the deck.

Carding Lenorman "Five Elements" general view On the various spheres of life of the gadgetting, the result of divination is the numerological amount of the cards (can repeat the card that fell out in the scenario). The fortune telling allows you to deal with yourself and make the right decision, based on its capabilities. The last "Spirit" map in this fortune study, implies karma, the purpose of extinguishing over, what does not depend on it. Before the start of divination, think about your question and select maps from the deck.

Based on the defold "Map of the Day of Lenorman" - an interesting online divination, with which you can get a forecast for events that will occur in a mysterious day, as well as the Council on how it is worthwhile to behave on this day and what lessons should be learned. Come on the day you want to pay out and select a map from the deck.

Lenorman maps alignment "like or not?" It is applied in cases where it would like to clarify real relationships with a partner. Maps show as a partner applies to you, which thinks about you, what is going to take and how you should behave, also maps give a forecast for the development of your relationship for a non-unhabled future. Before you fortunate, ask your own question cards and imagine your partner.

The alignment of Lenorman Maps "Two" - is one of the most popular at gadas on love and relationship between a woman and a man. This fortune telling shows a conscious and unconscious attitude between two close people, what thoughts and feelings are experiencing each other, what actions are being taken and what their relations will be in the future.

The alignment of Lenorman's cards "On the situation" gives accurate, without any unnecessary details about the reasons for the current situation, what the potential of your capabilities and what will be the result of the whole thing. This divination is a simplified version of the defold "Nine Map Lenorman", but no less practical and popular in the use of fortune-law.

The feature of divination Lenorman was the use of ordinary playing cards. With each map of Lenormman gave her magic value. When you fortunate on the playing cards, Lenorman tied each playing card with a kind of symbol that can be easily jumped, not even possessing special sacred knowledge. So, for example, for many of us, the ring is associated with wedding bonds, the sun - with light and joy, stork - with the birth of a child, a cross with suffering. Symbols of cards on playing cards is easy to express intuitive. There are several known interpretations of mits of Lenorman cards, but symbolic drawings deposited on playing cards, each interpriter of divination should skip through the prism of his interpretation.

The fortune telling Lenorman was distributed in the twentieth century and admits an intuitive interpretation associated with a specific life situation. This is distinguished by divination Lenorman from medieval divination, when the interpretation of ghosts on books was common when the values \u200b\u200bof the cards were like "Book Rules". In the fortune telling Lenorman on the playing cards, traditional four suites and through numbering cards are used, complementing the process of divination by numerology with its interactions and cabalous connections. This can be noted an analogy of divination Lenorman and Tarot cards, which are also closely related to numerology.

You should not disturb you that you are not so easy to buy a deck of maps Lenorman. It is able to make it yourself from the usual deck of playing cards, numbered a deck. To facilitate interpretation and intuitive divination, you can apply simple symbolic drawings on playing cards: home, heart, snake, book, bouquet, braid, etc. I assure you, it will not be completely out of fortune telling, and the matching of ordinary playing cards Lenorman's cards We for you Prepared, take and use.

Lenorman The value of maps by masters:

Worms Ace Barin Diamonds Ace THE SUN
Valet A HEART Valet Spit
Eight MOON Eight KEY
Seven WOOD Seven OWL
Peaks Ace LADY Clubs Ace RING
King LILY King Tuchi
Seven LETTER Seven RAT

Six - value of maps by masters

6 Six worms - 16. Stars - This map itself is neutral, its interpretation completely depends on the adjacent maps. In combination with good maps, it is a prologizes of good luck, and with bad - a turn of failures. If the star lies away from the card of the questioning, then this means that the intended business will be fulfilled.

6 ♦ Six tambourine - 2. Clover - This card means waiting. IN live position And surrounded good cards Clover symbolizes the end of trouble and the beginning happy life. This is a map of joy and optimism. The appearance of her in the defold suggests that luck with you that you are guaranteed comfort, comfort and quiet family happiness. In an inverted position and surrounded by poor gear cards, the tambourine symbolizes the wreck of hopes, loss, disappointment. If she lies far from the card of the questioning, then someone greatly harms you.

6 ♣ Six Treft - 36. Cross - Interpretation of this card is quite transparent: each person carries her cross. This card appears at the moment when a person must understand: the current tests are a lesson to pass. Located close to the "main" card, the cross means that the problems have already been completed, but near the map reports that you should be wisdom and exposure to solve numerous questions.

6 ♠ Six peak - 19. Tower- The card symbolizes summing up, the end of some cases. In some situations, this is the end of the matter of life, but the bad or good - depends on the surrounding cards. Next to good maps, it foreshadows further success and material stability, with the bad cards, its meaning is changing to the opposite.

Seven - the value of maps by masters

7 seven worms - 5. Wood - Means the state of health and the vital energy of the gadget. The farther it is from the "main" card, the better the situation with health and well-being. Next to the bad cards, and even near the card of the questioning tree flashes a sharp deterioration of well-being.

7 ♦ Seven Tuben - 12. Owl - Very ambiguous map: On the one hand, a symbol of the dark, hidden from human eyes, on the other, it corresponds to its picture (the symbol of wisdom) and indicates that all difficulties a person suffers adequately, the improvement in life and affairs will soon come. The fallout of this card in the scenario shows that the questioning need differently look at their problems and adversity, realize your mistakes and climb to new level Consciousness and spirituality.

7 ♣ Seven Tref - 23. Rat "Does absolutes about possible disappears and losses, but if this card lies next to the card of the questioning, then the lost to you will come back.

7 ♠ Seven peak - 27. Letter- symbolizes the long-awaited news, and usually not personal, but most often official. The specific nature of the alleged news is output from the value of adjacent maps.

Eight - the value of maps by masters

8 eight worms - 32. Moon - If this card falls out, meditation and concentration is needed. The moon is changeable and mysterious, like a human subconscious, so the advice of the fortune teller - look into yourself, realize your past to defeat your fears and vices. Surrounded by favorable maps, Moon speaks of well-deserved recognition, award, honors; Surrounded by unfavorable - about indifference surrounding, non-recognition, stress and depression.

8 ♦ eight tambourine - 8. Coffin- Bad card, symbolizing a heavy long disease or even death, it all depends on adjacent cards. When analyzing her surroundings, it is necessary to be very attentive - you can find out where the trouble comes from.

8 ♣ G8 TREF - 21. Mountain - This card symbolizes the obstacle: circumstances or people interfering with the embodiment of designs. She warns about the various difficulties and advises to wait for active actions.

8 ♠ G8 peak - 20. Garden- always talks about the upcoming walking, holiday, party. This card reports to a person that the world is beautiful and full of joy and pleasure. Speaks about excellent relations with all close and colleagues, about success in affairs. It is also a card of promotion on a career ladder. However, in the scenario, it can warn about self-deception, about hidden traps that will be reduced to no effort. If there is a very bad card, caution should be taken in new acquaintances, the rumors and woven.

Nine - the value of maps by masters

9 nine worms - 1. Messenger- News, important message or guest that will bring it. The nature of the news will depend on maps lying nearby. If the card lies far from the card of the questioning, then the news will come from afar, perhaps even because of the border. The messenger also talks about possible business contacts with foreigners.

9 ♦ Nine tambourine - 33. Key - Interpretation of the card is quite clear: the key opening the doors. This card speaks about the exit from the labyrinth. It symbolizes a wonderful way out of the situation, solving problems that have arisen. But if it lies far from the card of the questioning, then the solution has not yet been found.

9 ♣ Nine Treph - 14. A fox - Reports about the preparing deception from the side of unfamiliar people. Warns about the danger of treason.

9 ♠ Nine peak - 35. Anchor - Symbol of hope and constancy. The map reports that the questioning is able to appreciate friendship. In addition, the map predicts the fulfillment of desire, if lies next to the "main" card, and disappointment, if it is far from it. The appearance of anchor says about the desire to find a safe harbor.

Dozen - the value of maps by masters

10 dozen worms - 18. Dog - symbolizes a friend or girlfriend, as well as a successful ending of the conceived case. With good neighboring maps means faithful friends, good luck in business and in partnership, next to bad cards speaks of insincere friends.

10 ♦ Dozen tambourine - 26. Book - This is a symbol of learning in every sense. Means secret knowledge, possible difficulties, it all depends on the lying number of cards. The appearance of a book in the defold suggests that the questioning need to penetrate the secrets of being, to realize the laws of the universe. If the card lies far from the card of the questioning, then it can not be taken into account - there is nothing important in the information received.

10 ♣ Ten Treft - 15. Bear - The card symbolizes strength and power. Near the "main" card talks about the power and power, and away from it - warns of betrayal. The appearance in the scenario foreshadows great luck.

10 ♠ Ten peak - 3. Ship - Means the offensive of a new life period, most often successful, and any changes. Symbolizes the human desire to change his life or any specific situation, the symbol of dreams and daring. Next to good maps predicts a trip, next to bad things.

Valts - the value of maps by masters

In the currency of worms - 24. A heart - The map is favorable - a symbol of harmonious relations, love and consent. Promises to improve mood and relationships with loved ones, can foreshadow new relationships. If there is a number of bad cards, a person should temper his egoism and arrogance.

In ♦ Valts Tuben - 10. Spit- One of the worst cards: Spit sticks grain. If it fell in the scenario, it means that it's time to collect stones: the cycle closed, and the birth of a new one can be death for the old one. She warns about various hazards - from an accident on the road to separation with a loved one. The further card from the "main", the more dangerous the situation. If the map is surrounded by good cards, then the presenlation of fate can be avoided due to wise behavior and caution.

In ♣ Valts Tref - 11. Broom - The new broom in a new way. The map predicts quarrels and conflicts, as well as a refusal of old. If the map lies next to the tree, it foreshadows the disease.

In ♠ rings peak - 13. Child - One of the most favorable cards. It often means adding to the family, reports harmony and trust of close people to each other. For a woman, the appearance of this card unequivocally talks about the pregnancy and birth of a child.

Lady - the value of maps by masters

D Lama worms - 17. Stork - Also a good card: happiness and luck. If the stork falls around the card of the icing woman, he often predicts the birth of a child. Next to such maps, like a messenger and ship, foreshadows a pleasant journey. If there are bad cards nearby, the person is waiting for changes to the worst.

D ♦ Lady Tuben - 22. Fork - Fully meets your image and reports that the person is at the crossroads. If there are bad cards next to the development, do not hurry with the decision-making. Hurry up with the choice should be in the event that this card lies away from the "main" and next to good cards.

D ♣ Lada Tref - 7. Snake - One of the most unfavorable cards. Her appearance in the situation does not foreshadow nothing good and means the presence of an enemy, warns about the change. Wherever she lay, whatever neighboring cards, the snake says that at the moment it is impossible to trust anyone.

D ♠ Lady Peak - 9. Bouquet - Map is favorable for women - foreshadow love passion, a gift from your loved one. IN common Slade Symbolizes a good state of affairs, stability and stability.

King - the value of maps by masters

To the king of worms - 4. House - One of the strongest good cards. Symbolizes the most important thing in the life of a person: a house, family, work, hobby - in a word, everything that a person gives all of himself. Successful success in affairs and good luck in the family almost at any position. Moreover, neutralizes or weakens the effect of bad cards.

K ♦ King Buben - 34. Fish - Another very good card. Promises the fulfillment of cherished dreams and all desires, however, within reasonable limits. Next to good cards and near the card of the questioning predicts the wonderful future and getting everything you have been waiting for so long. Far from the card of the questioning and next to the bad cards is promoting disappointment in affairs and love, and also suggests that you trusted not to those people.

To ♣ King Tref - 6. Tuchi. - unfavorable card. Often warns about the troubles, corresponding to your drawing. She promises unrest, imagining troubles and thunderstorms, bad mood. The value depends on the card that is under it.

To ♠ King Peak - 30. Lilies - symbolizes power and authority, reports a strong patron. If there are not very good cards next to Lily, a serious quarrel with leadership or senior relatives. Also surrounded by bad cards speaks about the fence of the former pet.

Ace - the value of maps by masters

T Ace worms - 28. Barin (man) - This is a map of the question for a man, that is, in the scenario means it himself. If you guess a woman, then the ace of worms means a man in the life of the question: brother, husband, friend or son. If the card lies in the extreme row, horizontal or vertical, in life, changes will soon come with the changes associated with men.

T ♠ Ace peak - 29. Baryna (Woman) - This is a map of the questioning for a woman. For a man, it means the bride, his wife, mother, and also indicates a transitional period in life. If the lady lies in the extreme row, it indicates the major changes and the offensive of a new life stage. When the ace of worms and the ace of peak in the scenario lie far from each other, it says about cooling between spouses or lovers.

T ♦ TUZ tambourine - 31. The sun - One of the strongest good cards. Means the offensive of a bright life strip, says that luck will literally accompany the person. Neighboring cards will indicate what is especially lucky. The farther the sun from the card of the questioning, the longer it is to wait for such well-being, but it will surely come.

T ♣ TUZ TREF - 25. Ring - Map is a marriage symbol. If the ring fell into the position of the past, then this is an existing marriage, the future - the marriage that will be concluded. Next to the bad cards, the ring means quarrels with close people and even divorce; Under the "main" card, the ring reports about the ambulance with his second half.

Now, knowing the meaning of playing cards in accordance with the value of Lenorman's cards, you can make and distribute a large alignment (BR) Lenorman and other less complex Lenorman layers that we tell separately. Obviously, BLR is a complex alignment. However, the efforts spent on studying it will necessarily pay off in the form of tremendous satisfaction obtained from accurate and detailed forecasts for desperating for the future. Next, we will tell how to make Lenorman's "4 rows" alignment on playing cards.

Fortune telling on playing cards "4 rows" Lenorman

For divination for a certain period of time, the alignment "4 rows" apply. The fortune telling "4 rows" Lenorman on the playing cards uses all 36 cards of the playing deck in its scenario. It is necessary to decompose all the cards from the deck in four rows of nine cards. Then choose a playing card, which means that Lenorman's fortune telling. For a man, a Cherval Ace (№28) is chosen, for a woman - peak Ace (№29), for a child - peak currencies (№13). The period of time on which Lenorman's fortune tells is made in advance, before the sampling of the cards.

Now the column of the scenario, in which there was a list of asking for the "present", everything that the left of him is located is the past, everything that is right - the future. In addition, Erna Drucebek draws special attention When you fortunate Lenorman on the horizontal line, in which the map of the one at which fortune tells. This is a line of basic events. You should also pay attention to two diagonals from the asking card - this is fate, a karmic cross.

Everything that is above the main line is associated with the circumstances that affect the person, that is, with external circumstances. All that is located below is the circumstances to which a person should affect himself, which should use in order to realize their desires.

And finally, one more an important ruleThe closer is the one or another map of Lenorman asking for desposion, the stronger its influence on events associated with his fate. The fortune telling Lenorman does not take into account the position of the map, that is, there is no special difference directly dropped the card or inverted, which, undoubtedly, facilitates the possibilities of tokens.

The period of time to which fortune tells may be any. It may be day, and month, and year, and the whole remaining life.

Welcome to the world of divination Lenorman! If you are not familiar with Lenorman cards, with the help of information posted on the site, you will very quickly learn how to understand their language and interpret the value. If this oracle is already familiar to you, here you will find not only traditional, but also new minimals, as well as ways of interpretation of cards whose multifaceted will allow you to clarify the situation in any field of life. Despite the seeming simplicity of images on the maps, they laid a deep meaning, which you can comprehend with a closer look with fortune.

The world of Oracle Lenorman is filled with magic, and to learn how to understand it, you have to overcome long and full adventure path. Like the heroes of fairy tales and legends, each of us has to deal with various life situationswhich may cause fear, a sense of danger, doubt or confusion. Sometimes there are people, animals, various items and places that protect us, protect and give a farewell. As soon as you get in mysterious world Divination Lenorman, you will learn to manage your destiny yourself. If you carefully look at the cards, you will see that images on them interact with each other, acquiring many additional values \u200b\u200band ensuring a deeper vision of a particular situation.

The origin of Lenorman cards

Divination by the Lenorman system got spread in Europe in early XIX. century and still remains popular in many countries of the world.

Hadal cards used in this oracle were named after the famous French predictor Mademoiselle Maria Anna Lenorman (1772-1843), the life of which was full of adventure. During the French Revolution, thanks to its extraordinary abilities to the prediction of fate, she won fame and respect for the Paris Supreme Society, in which she was called Paris Savyl. She was always surrounded by rich and famous people, Including Empress Josephine, who gave advice to, during and after her marriage with Napoleon. However, the emperor was very indignant to the careless prediction of his divorce with Josephine. This divorce, according to Mary Lenorman, was supposed to happen due to the fact that Josephine was too old to endure the heir to Napoleon. Thille thinking, the emperor hurried to arrest Lenorman and entered into prison, so that the prophecy did not come true.

Despite the fact that the cards wear her name, Mademoiselle Lenorman is not their author. For his predictions she applied various methods fortune telling, including chiromantia and tarot. Inappropriate, she, like other predictors of that time, at first, used a picket deck consisting of 32 cards, in which there were no younger cards with numbers from 2 to 6. The picket is a card game, quite common in France and Italy from the XVI century . The French influential esoterik Jean-Baptiste Altta became a popularizer of fortune telling on a picket dealer.

The traditional deck of Lenorman, used these days, was created by Johann Kaspar Ager and for the first time published in 1800 for a family card game called "Hope Game." Its essence was that the players were laid out on the playing field 36 cards in the form of a square; For moving, two playing cubes were used. Maps had numbered, images, and also included elements of a playing piketie deck, which included six. Thanks to such a weave of images and elements of a picket deck in the predictors, an illustrated deck appeared, where the values \u200b\u200bof playing cards and symbolic images were combined. It was this deck that began to be used for the most common type of divination at that time - Lenorman's small oracle.

Small oracle consists of 36 cards, each of which shows only one character having a specific value; But with his interpretation, the property of the corresponding playing card is taken into account.

Divorcing Lenorman is a unique and accurate oracle, the simplicity of which allows you to use it to search for answers to any questions. This fortune-telling is very popular as salon entertainment, and is also used in the practice of gypsies and wandering people.

Structure Oracle

For the first time, a small oracle Lenorman attracted my attention a few years ago by intriguing the opportunity to get more exact predictions Compared to Tarot cards. Based on your experience with many decks, Lenorman, I can say that the more details are shown on the map, the more difficult it is to interpret it. Simple and understandable characters on hadal maps More accurately convey deep meaning and the value of them, which cannot be said about complex and confusing images.

Not often, the priests make an alignment on themselves, and at the same time excellent opportunity Hope your card interpretation.

Training in basic interpretation principles:

Description of the layouts on the examples:

Many predictors who prefer to work with Lenorman maps do not cease to be surprised how simple they are in understanding. Nevertheless, some newcomers are concerned that they can't immediately connect their intuition or inspiration, as it happens when working with Tarot cards. Do not retreat! As soon as you remember the main value of each card, you can quickly evaluate the situation and establish links between pairs and three cards. Very soon you will learn to instantly see the general picture, allocate key messages And confidently interpret them.

This process can be compared with learning foreign language: At first you will inevitably be stuffed, trying to say "hello" or "Thank you", but as you increase vocabulary In the end, begin to confidently formulate entire proposals. The more you practice, the faster we master the language of divination Lenorman and feel their charm.

Divination on the maps Lenorman is one of the simplest options to comprehend the art of burning and experience from this a lot of aesthetic pleasure. Here on a romantic field tunes the deck itself. No other fortune tells there are such bright, living and understandable characters as here. Just looking at the map, you immediately understand that she wants you to say, the meanings are so intuitive that they will not require any serious mental or mental costs. Each of the cards can be conditionally attributed to positive or negative, or to neutral. And accordingly, the designation will also bear a positive or negative color. Maria Lenorman took the usual playing deck of 36 cards and gave them completely new meanings and interpretations. A great influence on the fortune tune produced the works of the Great Tarot researcher, his image of the thoughts and the genius of the conclusions. In his work, she imitated to this master and always called him his teacher. But if the reasoning and the result of the works of Etteles were not available to the understanding of most people, Mary created a deck, which in the literal sense is understandable and the child, and from the cards itifies peace of mind. Another feature of fortune telling in this system is to give big attention to the combinations of cards in the scenario, which one goes the first, what follows and what can be understood from this bundle. Follow our advice, try to align with Lenorman cards and you will discover a new, accustomed to the unknown world of revelations.

Methodik fortune telling on our site is absolutely identical gadania in the cabin. The process of divination and the result depends only on you and no one, in the process of sampling of cards, the duration of the story of you is taken into account card deer, time of approaching the site, your personal energy. The sample of cards from the decks deposited by you exclusively according to the rules of Madame Lenorman layouts, maps are taken out of the deck with the sequence numbers of the Lenorman specified and laid out in position according to current cut. Due to this, the result of divination is very accurate. You will be shown the meaning of all the fallen sampling maps with a link to the time grid, as well as the values \u200b\u200bof the combinations of cards, if any and used in this scenario.

Brief description of the gadas of Lenorman.

Fortune telling love and relationship:

    Divination on the maps Lenorman - Golden ringIt allows you to disassemble and analyze your partner's feelings with 4 cards, its (her) attitude towards you and the prospects for the Union.
    The fortune telling your exempt on the maps Lenorman will allow you to understand whether any feelings of your partner remained in relation to you and what mistakes were committed.
    Divination Love on Oracle Mary Lenorman applies to understand the prospects for love communication with a conceived partner.
    Divination on the maps Lenorman New Union is applied to clarify whether it is possible to gain a new partner in the near future.
    The fortune telling on the maps Lenorman - seven stars will allow you to consider your partner from different sides and understand much of what has so far has been unclear.
    Dusting The wedding ring on the maps Lenorman is suitable for parsing the problems of creating a family, allows you to get many answers to questions.
    Division - Roman is designed to help Cvers understand whether to continue the relationship or it is worth stopping them, it is performed on Lenorman maps.
    When there is a need to find out what purpose a partner is pursuing in relations with you, we will help fortune telling on the maps Lenorman - the motives of the partner.
    Fortune telling on the oracle lenormman - the characteristic of the relationship allows the most simple way Get information about at what level your relationship is.
    Fortune telling Love Situation Voor option for the concept of the prospects of your relationship with the chosen one. Oracle Lenorman very well cope with this task.
    Divination on Oracle Lenorman Restoration of relations will help you understand possible prospects for the restoration of communication.
    Dusting The beginning of the relationship is applied when the relationship is just beginning to develop and is not clear where it will start everything. Oracle Lenorman will help discover this mystery.
    Divination Choselitis, Choosing a consideration of the possibility of the existence of relations between partners Taking into account their personal qualities, the alignment is made on Lenorman's maps.
    To consider all aspects of relations between partners, fortune telling on the maps of Lenorman, which is called - on the relationship.
    Foreign on maps Lenorman - partnership will help the Cvers analyze relations with the partner and understand that not so. Oracle Lenorman will understand this topic in a very detailed and understandable.
    To consider the possibility of harmonious relations between partners, we apply to the Oracle Lenorman, the relationship of loved ones.
    To determine how vibrant and enjoyable relationship, we will apply divination - a simple option, it is performed by the oracle of Lenorman.

    Fortune telling on fate:

      An unusual alignment, referred to as numerological, allows you to disassemble many questions, relying on the numerological component of Lenorman cards.
      The fortune telling the prediction on the maps Lenorman will tell you how events will develop and the impact on this different external factors.
      Fortune telling your light shed light on hidden Party Life of the Querant, but will help in this oracle Mrs. Lenorman. With which the fortune teller will be aware of all the expected events.
      Fortune telling a rainbow on Oracle Lenorman disassets big number questions related everyday life Quantum. Working that you will become more prepared for surprises.
      Fortune telling on the maps Lenorman Horseshoe will give advice how to act to achieve best result With the smallest costs.
      Priestess fortune telling on Oracle Lenorman, his second name is the lunar fortune telling. The situation is considered in the context of the lunar cycle.
      Divination Exit on Maps Lenorman is often used to understand the situation in a very soon of time.
      The divination Volcze conducts an analysis of what Lenorman's cards talk about the development of the situation around Qleant. A simple alignment allows you to conduct a detailed interpretation.
      The divination of 9 cards will predict the Cvers all the little ski events that wait for him on the life road. And Lenorman cards will be the perfect conductor.
      Distribution to the situation in the simplest, possible, styles. No extra cards, only the most necessary, and Oracle Lenorman will help interpret the resulting result.
      Divination - a simple analysis is intended for surface analysis of the situation without serious time and strength. Performed by the cards of Oracle Lenorman.
      Division The state of affairs will explain to you the state of affairs, as well as the material and spiritual parties to existence with the help of the osculatory card Lenorman.
      For consideration of the issues of the future querrant, general divination is applied, it gives an excellent interpretation of all dependent issues, with Lenorman cards.
      The fortune telling the path is used to know what events should be expected, and may be feared, Cvers. Oracle Lenormman will allow detail to consider this topic.
      Foreign forecast will help you understand the difficulties of love relationships, learn financial perspectives and get advice from Oracle Lenorman.
      Foreaging Lenorman - full alignment is considering many questions of the past, present and future. And gives simple and understandable answers.
      Divination Short layout Built on the study of the combinations of Lenorman cards and explanations with the help of this whole thing that is awaiting Qverant in the near future.
      The fortune telling a long alignment with the help of Lenorman cards reveals the event card before the cvers that will occur during the period of the time stipulated before extinguishing.
      Divination Lenorman Seven houses option is a very detailed consideration of the situation on all parties and in all angles. Requires concentration of effort and serious time spending.
        Divination Road on the maps Lenorman explains whether you should go to the path or better postpone the intended trip.
        The fortune telling on the maps Lenorman is to successfully describe what you should do to succeed and what is a hindrance on this path.
        Fortune telling on the maps Lenorman - the karmic environment describes the existing Aura around Cvers.
        Divination Council of the card is performed if the querman feels the need to ask Lenorman's cards, as he (her) must act in the established atmosphere.
        To search for a property, or a person applies the search for a lost. It is performed by Lenorman cards and allows you to define a place or direction for searching.
        In order for the Lenorman cards to answer your question, yes or no you need to perform a fortune telling that is called - the question.
        Foreign an open book on Oracle Lenorman can perform two functions. Either give an answer to the statement of conceived desire, or to describe an event that Quotant awaits soon.
        Divination Yes, or not applies when there is a need to find out from Lenorman's deck response to the question.
        Fortune telling on the maps Lenorman The goal helps Cvers to figure out what is an obstacle to the way to progress towards the goal, and how to do.
        Divination on the maps Lenorman The problem of choice will help us if we are at a crossroads and do not know which way out of the roads should go.
        Divination on the maps Lenorman - the event will discern everything regarding the event under consideration in the life of Qleant.
        If you are standing at the crossroads and do not know what the answer you are waiting for, you can turn to the oracles of Lenorman and perform the fortune telling yes-no. Holding it you will get the desired prediction.
        You can determine the identity card on the oracle Lenorman appointed by the very fact of your birth. Make it, allows a numerological calculation submitted on this page.
        Divination The compatibility of the names will allow you to understand how compatible with a partner are compatible with the partner, it is possible to find it through the Cards of Oracle Mary Lenorman.
        With this divination, we can receive the Council of Oracle Mrs. Lenorman, as required in one situation or another.
        Divorcing One answer Divination on the maps Lenorman will tell what event will be expected at the specified time interval.
        Fortune telling mystery or otherwise it is also called - fortune telling the attic, allows you to spend, with the help of Lenorman cards, analysis personal qualities Quantum and the situation in which he (she) is located.
        The fortune telling the attitude towards alcohol will show how the conceived man refers to the drink, while the cards of Oracle Lenorman are used.

        Fortune telling for the period:

          Fortune telling Quantum's day will be your guide to events that awaiting you tomorrow. And will allow you to live this day without any problems
          To understand what will happen tomorrow, the fortune telling on the maps Lenorman coming day. You can be the most prepared for any events.
          Divination on the maps Lenorman - your day will reveal all the mystery of the day of the coming. And it will help to be ready for any surprise pleasant and not very.
          The fortune telling the forecast for the near future will tell and tell you what is waiting for a querrant in the near future, good luck and failures, prospects and failures, all this with the help of Lenorman cards.
          Divination Map of the day executed by a deck Lenorman will tell fortune-up on how the day of the querrant will be held. To do this, remove just one card.
          Daily for the day with the help of the oracle Lenorman helps you learn all the details of the events that awaiting you. Using only a few cards, you will present your day in detail.
          The divination of the partner's week makes it possible to understand what events will happen to the partner over the next seven days, your guide will be a deck of Lenorman.
          Divination on Lenorman's maps Your week will be an excellent option for a fortune-up to get a detailed forecast for all the events that will accompany the Qurient in the next 7 days.
          The fortune telling the time segment on the maps of Lenorman will help the fortuneteller to determine how the time interval will occur.
          The fortune telling seven days will present you a picture of the next week in all colors and with the maximum detail. Oracle Lenormman will allow you to easily understand the interpretation of cards.
          The fortune telling for a week will open all the secrets of the next seven days for you. With the help of Lenorman's cards, you will analyze all the events that awaiting you and learn about the surprises.
          Divorcing the period of execution of the desire will predict to you how soon the desire will be made by you and will it happen at all. For a burning, a deck of Oracle Lenorman is used.

          Divination of the problem:

            Divination Impact on Mrs. Lenorman Help will help you determine whether the damage is damaged on the querrant, a spell, or other negative.
            To consider the problem from all sides, fortune-telling is applied - the problem, it is performed by Lenorman cards, and allows you to get a very detailed characteristic of the negative.
            Divination - Achilles of the Fifaste will help us to understand the vulnerable areas of the Querant and understand what needs to be taken, and the assistance in this will be provided by the Card Oracle Lenorman.
            Divination Tower is an excellent assistant in matters of solving problems, and the use of Lenorman maps significantly simplifies the process of interpretation of the defold.
            The divination of the pyramid is used to consider the problem of querrant, the reasons for the appearance, ways out, with the help of a deck of Mary Lenorman.


            Divination Finance and work:

              Divination on the maps Lenorman - Finance will very professionally explain your prospects in the financial sector, will prevent and help to cope with difficulties.
              To determine the chances of Qleant find a new workplace The fortune telling Lenorman is applied - a device for work, many different aspects of this action are analyzed here.
              Divination New job On the maps Lenorman is used if the queriate intends to change the work, this stubborn will give advice whether it is worth something or time has not yet come.
              Foreign employees can be carried out when there is a need to clarify relations with colleagues in the team, Oracle Lenorman will certainly help you.