The most truthful fortune-telling for luck and money. "Magic squares" layout: fortune-telling for money

6 January 2016 7068

New Year and Christmas is the time to make wishes and try to look into the future. At least 1 year ahead :) Today, as well as 200 years ago, many continue to wonder - who is for love, who is for luck, and someone is for money. We, of course, will be guessing for money :)

Card reading

Take a whole deck of 36 cards and shuffle it while asking yourself this question: "Will financial success await me?" Asked? Now pick 9 random cards. "Wealth" will bring the following combinations of cards:

· Nine dropped - this is a sign of profit. Nine of clubs - personal merit, nine of spades - money due to cunning, nine of hearts - help from the outside, nine of diamonds - luck
If spades prevail in the dropped cards, then your situation is dubious, it is better to refuse new ideas, because they will only bring you trouble
If most of the cards are tambourines, then the cards speak of your fabulous luck in any endeavor
More suit of hearts fell - this promises help from the outside, do not refuse it for anything
· But clubs will require a very serious return from you. Changing your financial situation depends only on you.

If you have kings, then they say the following:

· The king of clubs says that your pride bothers you very much. You may be wary of a job that you consider unworthy.
The king of diamonds dropped out - wait for the increase
· If the king of hearts is caught - here relatives will help you. You may receive an inheritance or gift

Another option for fortune telling on cards

First of all, you need a deck of 36 playing cards. Shuffle the cards and ask a question about your material wealth. Then lay out the cards in two piles, most importantly - face down: card to the left, card to the right.

After you have laid out all the cards, you should have got two identical piles. Take - the right one, and start spreading the cards face side(2 pieces each). If you come across paired cards, put them aside. After all the cards are laid out, and you have formed pairs, you can begin to interpret them:

· Two aces - it means that you will get rich very soon
Two kings - you can become richer thanks to a male person (in the case of a boyfriend - for a lady or a partner - for a man)
Two ladies - you can become rich only thanks to your own strengths, intelligence and perseverance
Two jacks - your children will help you become richer
· Two tens - "easy" money awaits you. Wait for a lucky break
Two nines - someday you will definitely find wealth
Two eights - anything related to your speech can bring you big profits
· Two sevens - money will come to you by a lucky chance. You are a very lucky person
· Two sixes - you, of course, will be rich, but you will not get money as quickly as you would like

Fortune telling on the water

Such divination should be carried out on a full moon. You will need a bowl of water (preferably a silver vessel, but any other one, metal and not covered with enamel will do). It is placed on the windowsill.

After that, you need to go to sleep without looking back or looking at the bowl anymore. But in the morning - it's time to check the surface of the water. If on it you find any small particle (grain, midge, speck) you will certainly be lucky in financial matters.

If the surface of the water remains crystal clear, you should not expect an easy profit in the near future.

Fortune telling on banknotes

For fortune-telling, you need bills of the following denomination: 10, 50, 100, 1000 and 5000 rubles. Also, you will need 7 candles bought in the church, and remain secluded - no one should bother you.

Fortune-telling is best done at midnight.

So, light the candles, pick up all 5 bills and read money conspiracy: “From my money, I interfere with the deck, I invite wealth to my house. I hide it where no one will find, luck will always find a way to my house. A new adventure will open to me, a bill will stick to my dear hand. Amen!"

Then close your eyes and shuffle your bills in your hands so that you cannot tell which one is where. Then put the money under your pillow and go to bed. The candles must be left to burn out to the end.

In the morning, first of all, take one bill from under the pillow by touch, and read its denomination. Now it will become clear what awaits you:

10, 50 and 100 rubles- you will not notice any improvements in the financial situation in the next month (or year), there may even be new expenses

1000 rubles- you will have enough money to live on, and no special problems with money are foreseen, but do not expect large income and wealth either

5000 rubles- if you managed to pull out the largest banknote, wealth, good luck in money matters and prosperity at work await you.

Fortune telling with a snail and a mirror

You will need: a snail, a mirror, colored paper (white, red and blue), a coin and large bill(for example, 200 thousand Belarusian rubles or $ 100).

Now cut 3 small squares out of colored paper. Put a bill on the red one, put a coin on the blue one, and leave the white blank.

Place the mirror on the table, lay out the squares on three sides. Place the snail on the mirror itself (to make it move faster, the mirror can be slightly moistened). And on the fourth side, sit yourself.

Now it remains to find out where the snail will crawl:

  • If to you, then you have more complex problems not related to money
  • If to empty paper, then - alas! You are not in love with money
  • If to a coin, then you should wait for an unstable position
  • If the snail crawls to the bill, then you are waiting for financial success.

Fortune telling for the old New Year

The first fortune-telling. On the table in front of the fortuneteller, you need to put 4 rings: made of gold, silver with precious stone, silver with semi-precious stone and from simple metal... Unroll the fortuneteller, stop, and ask to quickly take the ring.

If taken gold ring, wealth and honor await a person, silver with a precious stone - there will be profit, silver with a semiprecious stone - everything will remain as it is, simple - losses.

Second fortune-telling. Prepare 3 pouches. Fill one with flour, the other with millet, the third with buckwheat. Blindfold the fortuneteller and ask him to choose one of the bags and put his hand there. If flour is in his hand - success and wealth await the fortuneteller, if buckwheat - everything will be the same and there will be no need to wait for an increase in income. If millet is in the bag, then in the New Year it will face losses and poverty.

Third fortune-telling. Place 3 plates on the table. Place a coin under one of them. At this time, the fortuneteller leaves the room or turns away. Then, going to the table, he must raise the plate. If the coin is found the first time, then in the New Year you will be with money, if the second time, then the situation with money will not change.

Fourth fortune-telling. For this fortune-telling you will need: a piece of bread, a pinch of salt, a cube of sugar, a golden ring and four glasses.

As in the previous version, everything is put under the glasses and the fortuneteller chooses one of them. Bread under a glass portends a financially prosperous year, salt - hardships and material difficulties, the ring predicts changes in personal life, sugar suggests a sweet life.

The tenth way of fortune-telling

If you have read all 9 previous methods of fortune-telling and have already used them, then it's time to experience the tenth - the most correct one.

You don't have to guess at night, on a full moon, or in a cemetery. You can do this at home or in your office. For fortune-telling, you need a piece of paper and a pencil (if there is no pencil, then any pen will do, except for Parker).

Ready? Sit down at the table and answer yes / no to the following questions:

  1. Are you saving 10 of the money you earn?
  2. Do you have savings in the bank or under the mattress?
  3. You have a job?
  4. Can you count on family support in a crisis situation?
  5. Do you have any money left after the New Years celebration?

If you answered "Yes" on 3 questions or more, then in the coming year you will find prosperity and monetary wealth. If the answers "Yes" less than three, then you have something to work on in 2016 :) So, arm yourself with rings, salt, glasses and mirrors! Guess! Guess!

If we have a conversation about magic, then let's analyze the topic that is closest to us. This is the topic of the magic of money. The global crisis did not bring us much grief. Well, just think, in countries far from us, the banking system is collapsing. So let her disappear with us too. They have already pulled back with their loans and deposits. However, the crisis in our country caused us a lot of trouble and trouble: there was nothing to give loans with, they stopped giving deposits, prices soared sky-high, and salaries and pensions remained at the pre-crisis level. It is not surprising that people begin to have a panic fear of the future and an acute longing for the old days, when shares, payments, dividends did not enter our lives, but existed separately from us; when at any moment it was possible to get a job, and there was enough money for everything. Perhaps the politicians are to blame for this, drawing our country into the whirlpool of events. Or perhaps it is our attitude towards money that has changed. We lost the ability to properly manage money, and money changed its attitude towards us.

Money and us

You can check how we feel about money by laying out the tarot cards. The dropped cards will tell you what is wrong with our attitude to money. Perhaps we think too much about the lack of them, and thus only exacerbate this shortage. Or maybe the word ruble itself comes from the word hack, and we chop our money ourselves. We cannot change anything here. We can only perceive the ruble as it is, and think about which way or way to go to increase these rubles. Consider the magic tarot pictures. Here each card is an oracle and a fortuneteller. Is it really impossible to increase funds in our wallet with the help of cards? Of course, you can and should. But, just not in that sense, go there and take the money there. There is no such thing in the Tarot cards, and it cannot be. But what needs to be done in order for money to become our frequent guests can suggest the alignment of money, in which both the Senior and the Minor Arcana are used.

V practical magic are considering some simple ways to raise money:

  • As a talisman, you can use an irredeemable penny, which in no case should be spent. You should always carry this amulet with you, and you should not part with it.
  • You can take a handful of coins from a person who has reached a high position, both morally and materially, and put them in your wallet. Money, accustomed to going to money, will definitely find a way to your wallet. Store these coins separately and do not mix with others. Don't waste them.
  • Put things in order in your wallet: throw away unnecessary checks, receipts and provide an opportunity for the legitimate owners of the wallet to conveniently settle in it. Money should be comfortable in your wallet, so that when they leave it, they want to return faster.
  • Make a deal for money.

So, there are many ways to raise money. And today, more and more often, many people use the latter option.

Secrets of the effectiveness of the Tarot spread for money

The presence or lack of money is a situation that can be considered using the Magic Squares layout. It was made in ancient times. That is why it is considered one of the oldest and most respected. The Renaissance mages resorted to this scenario in order to clarify the situation. They considered the square to be a magic figure, which has its own secret symbolism. The square is the personification of stability, matter, well-being. The Magic Squares layout is rightfully considered universal. Since it is great for describing any situation, both in a specific case and when a person cannot clearly describe the situation, but wants to hear about his prospects in full. When laying out the cards, pay attention to what the Tarot pictures want to convey to you. Choose a significator - a card, the image on which will correspond as much as possible to the person who came to clarify the situation, and immediately proceed with the alignment.

Guessing on playing map NS almost any person who is not seriously involved in magic can. For fortune telling on playing maps on money you just need to know and understand the meanings of cards and suits and own the ways fortune-telling and layouts. Before proceed to any fortune-telling necessarily familiarize yourself with general rules fortune-telling! In order for the predictions to be accurate, and in order to inflict as little "energy" harm to yourself, you need to adhere to certain rules fortune-telling .

Before the start next fortune-telling take a playing deck of 36 cards that no one has ever played. Better if it is a special fortune-telling or a new deck of cards. Basic condition- believe in the power of the cards and that they will give you the right answer! One should not guess out of idle curiosity.

So here one of the simple but reliable fortune-telling on money with playing cards.

Shuffle the deck of playing cards, as many as you see fit and how you feel. Then at random, but at the same time trusting your intuition, remove from the deck 9 cards so that they are sure to be "Shirts" up. Start to lay out the dropdowns cards from left to right. Flip over cards... Pay attention to which suit is more of the dropped cards. See the meaning of this suit for predictions about money .


If in more dropped out Cross (clubs) - it speaks of operations and affairs related money... What these things will be, favorable or not, need to be interpreted on the basis of the whole alignment... If of the cards laid out the most of spades is a warning. Do not waste money left and right. Save money. Financial difficulties are possible. If the alignment is replete diamonds and hearts, it means that soon you will find new opportunities, monetary successes and changes. And how successful these opportunities will be, you can find out by contacting more detailed interpretation playing cards and suits.

The value of cards by suits


Ace- one of the best and most favorable cards. It means great luck and new opportunities to make money or get money. There is a real chance to get rich. Don't miss it!

King - map talks about a certain person who will appear in your life and help solve your material problems. It may be your partner, but it may also mean a new one. human, thanks to which you will have money .

Lady- business cooperation with a woman... Try to be vigilant and careful, think over all the details of the transaction.

Jack- it is quite possible that your salary will be raised soon or you will be offered overtime work for a fee. it map speaks of opportunities, but not great wealth.

Ten- good map... Predicts a confident financial position and financial success. But this is also a warning that it is not worth investing large sums of money in dubious projects now.

Nine- given map says that in the near future someone of your friends or relatives will need to borrow from you money on credit.

Eight- get ready for an early profitable business trip. This trip will give you new financial opportunities and money .

Seven- wobbly financial position... Be careful and careful with your monetary means. It is too early to think about wealth.

Six - as usual, and in the layout for money, the six means the road. The drawn six of hearts predicts either a business trip or a trip associated with monetary deeds in which you meet useful to you human... This meeting will contribute to your monetary profit and solving financial issues.



Ace - favorable map... News of cash affairs and operations. Big expenses are possible cash funds.

King - map suggests that if in the near future you have any problems with money, contact your trusted friend. He will help you with ease.

Lady - map predicts some kind of pleasant waste of money. Most likely you will make a gift or spend N- the amount of money for my beloved human.

Jack - will have to lend to someone considerable money.

Ten- expect in the near future either an influx of money or an expensive gift.

Nine - Obstacle, closed path. Something will interfere with your monetary business.

Eight - map warns that soon they will ask you for a loan and will not return these money... Not the best time to give money in debt to someone.

Seven - if recently you have experienced financial difficulties, then the seven of tambourines indicates that in the near future you will breathe freely, you will have money on their decision.

Six- good luck and success in cash affairs. Wait for the arrival of money.

Kresty (Clubs):

Ace - unfavorable map . Cash and financial difficulties, bankruptcy.

King- do not believe the promises at work, as well as when making deals. Most likely you are being misled and tried to deceive. Don't wait for the money to come.

Lady- help from a well-known woman.

Jack - some young human will try to deceive you and entangle you in an unreliable business. Be extremely careful and beware of this.

Ten - favorable opportunity to earn additional money.

Nine- the receipt of money, albeit small.

Eight - map speaks of protracted cash problems, financial collapse.

Seven - the cost of paying bills, loans and debts. Be prepared for this mentally and financially.

Six - a waste of money, often useless and hopeless.



Ace - bad map ... Unexpected troubles related to work or business.

King - map talking about man who is looking at you and wants to deceive or rob you. Think about who in your environment it might be.

Lady - do not enter into transactions with women in the near future, most likely the transaction will fail and incur cash losses.

Jack - talks about a young man or a young acquaintance man and cash operations with him.

Ten - bad map ... Do not expect good luck soon in money... An unexpected change in business or work plans.

Nine- breaks of old business connections, loss of business partners.

Eight- loss of money. Business failures. Deception. Betrayal.

Seven - conflict with superiors or business partners.

Six - decision trip cash and material issues.

Fortune telling online for wealth determines in what area and in what way you will receive or earn money, which will help you get rich and become a multimillionaire.

Request for this Tarot alignment: I want to be rich, but I don't know how. Where is it better to invest money and energy? Which area will bring me wealth? Can I Become a Millionaire? Is there a business acumen and in what?

Enjoy your session!

1. Your business acumen: do you have the ability to make money. 2. Partnership and ability to cooperate. The influence of people on your finances. 3. Work and attitude to work: will you make money at work. 4. Family and its impact on your financial growth. The possibility of inheritance. 5. Force majeure circumstances: where to lay the straws. 6. Your investment: where to invest energy and money. 7. Creativity. How creative you are. Money from art. 8. Personal business: opportunities in this area. 9. Personal values, from spiritual to material: 10. What is your wealth, and where you can earn capital:

  • Your business acumen: is there any ability to make money.
  • Partnership and the ability to collaborate. The influence of people on your finances.
  • Work and Work Attitudes: Will You Make Money at Work.
  • Family and its impact on your financial growth. The possibility of inheritance.
  • Force majeure: where to lay the straws.
  • Your investment: where to invest energy and money.
  • Creation. How creative you are. Money from art.
  • Personal business: opportunities in this area.
  • Personal values, from spiritual to material.
  • What is your wealth, and where you can earn capital.

Click on the cards to fill out the alignment

Click on the cards to find out the meaning


How to read the alignment

This amazing layout is made in the form of a money bag. By clicking on the cards inside the program, you fill it with new, sometimes unexpected interpretations of the Tarot - clues about your inner and outer wealth.

Ten cards - they will show and tell you in which areas of your life happy material changes will occur, and in what you need to be on the safe side. Which areas of your life most affect your financial situation - and here you will have the opportunity to make an in-depth analysis of your approach to finance.

The results can be unexpected. For example, once, interpreting this alignment, in position 6 (investments, where it is worth investing energy and money), advice was received “to rest and have a pleasant pastime”.

As it turned out, the questioner really needed rest and did not allow himself to relax for 7-8 years - as a result, working for wear and tear, he was on the verge of depression and exhaustion. What is it about wealth?

Pay close attention to all positions: on the influence of the family, on the opportunity to get money from business (suddenly you did not dare to start your own business), on money from art and creativity, etc.

Fortune-telling questions about wealth are designed in such a way that you will receive maximum information about your chances of getting rich. This creative diagnostics of your financial odds helps you explore your hidden potential and also develops your intuition for money: how and where to get it.

The 10th point of the alignment is a kind of result and advice for the future. By the way, you don't have to guess for life. You can set more efficient time frames, for example, for a month, three months, a year - and you get more detailed instructions to your enrichment.

Guessing wealth online is not difficult, it is important to learn the main principles that underlie your abundance of life, and what they are, judge by the arcades that have fallen out, especially if some of them are repeated very often. It is not for nothing that Tarot cards are called codes of life: seize the moment, because now they are open just for you!

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Red Book of Love

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There are a great many varieties of fortune-telling methods for money and wealth. All fortune-telling for money is different and equally true, we will give several methods of fortune-telling for money and wealth on ordinary playing cards, and you choose the one that you like best.

For water, coins and bills, look on another page.

It will complement your fortune-telling on the cards, help clarify the financial situation and the prospect of cash receipts.

To find out.

Fortune telling on cards for money and success

This simple and effective fortune-telling will quickly answer the question of the receipt of money in the near future. It is carried out on a standard deck of 36 divination cards... The proceeds of money will depend on your success in the near future.

Focus on your money problems and mentally ask the cards the question: "Will I have money and success in the near future?" For fortune telling on cards for money and success, shuffle the deck and remove nine cards at random from the deck. Lay 9 cards face down on the table from left to right in one row. Then flip the cards one at a time. The answer to your question is the prevailing suit of cards. Look and count the cards of which suit the most fell. This will general characteristics your financial situation, the general answer to the question of whether there will be money and success soon.

If a large number of crosses (clubs) fell, which traditionally mean money, then business will go well and money will soon come. You will have money, and you can think about how to spend it.

If a large number of peak cards fell out (blame), then in the near future you will not see any success, money will slip through your fingers and you should seriously reduce costs, you should not plan large purchases.

If a large number of red suits fell out, then this promises a quick change in the current situation for the better, things will go well, money will come from different sources.

On this, fortune-telling on the cards for money and success can be finished, or you can clarify what awaits you in the near future, fortune-telling on the cards for money and wealth.

Fortune-telling for money and success, you can continue and find out how things will be with money and wealth in more detail. You have already made a layout of 9 cards, choosing them at random from the deck. After that, the layout of 9 cards can be looked at more closely and the meaning of the cards can be interpreted more specifically, depending on which cards fell out. Fortune telling on the cards for money and wealth will be a continuation of your first deal. In fortune telling for money and wealth, each card has its own meaning, look at the meanings of your cards and you will find out what they have prophesied to you.

It should be noted that the word "wealth" here is very conditional, for everyone it means its own certain amount, for someone it is millions, but for most fortunetellers it is a free amount of money over which one can think about how to spend it and what can be purchased with this money.

The value of cards by suits

Hearts suit:

Ace- soon you will find a profitable business proposal, agree, in the future it will bring a lot of money and wealth;

King- soon a reliable partner will appear in your life, which will help improve your financial situation, the appearance of money;

Lady- during the coming week, contracts with women will not lead to the emergence of money and an improvement in the material situation, it is not recommended to start business relationships and conclude deals with women;

Jack- you will get a promotion and an increase in cash receipts, there will be more money, but wealth is still far away;

Ten- do not rush to invest in the near future, financial losses are possible, your wealth will quickly grow;

Nine- soon someone close will want to borrow money from you, think carefully whether you can do without them, whether your wealth is enough to finance your loved ones;

Eight- you have a business trip that will significantly improve your financial situation, free money will appear;

Seven- in the near future, you need to be more careful with expenses, financial troubles and loss of money are possible, hopes for wealth will begin to fade;

Six- on a business trip you will meet useful person, which will help to improve your situation, will tell you the options for receiving money, and, possibly, will help you in their implementation.

Diamonds suit:

Ace- you will soon receive news related to financial transactions and accounts, accounts can be unpleasantly large, money will be spent;

King- in difficult times, turn to your faithful friend, he will help you pay off your debts;

Lady- a situation will soon arise when you want to become generous, spend some money on your beloved (beloved);

Jack- in the near future, relatives will ask for a large amount of money in debt, this may worsen your situation;

Ten- soon a large amount of money in the form of a gift awaits you, this will not lead to wealth, but your situation will improve significantly;

Nine- in the near future, an unexpected obstacle will arise on the path to wealth and financial flows;

Eight- they will soon ask for a loan, think over the request well, you will have to say goodbye to this money, they will not be given back, do not lend money;

Seven- you will be given a breath of freedom, creditors will postpone the payment of the debt for some time, there will be an opportunity to find money;

Six- you will be fabulously lucky, for a small service you will receive a monetary reward, unexpected money will delight you.

Cross suit:

Ace- things are bad, you face bankruptcy, wealth is under threat;

King- do not trust unverified rumors, information about your upcoming income is greatly exaggerated, you should not wait for money yet;

Lady- you will be provided with financial assistance, ask for money from a woman you know;

Jack- be careful, a young man will try to drag you into a dubious adventure, you can lose money;

Ten- agree, in the near future someone will offer you additional income, money will appear;

Nine- your situation will improve slightly, a small amount of money will come;

Eight- your hopes will collapse, financial prospects will collapse, there will be no lumen, wealth does not shine;

Seven- expenses are coming soon, you will receive a receipt from the bank, which will have to be paid, look for money;

Six- in the near future there will be a useless waste of money, which will not bring you any significant acquisition.

Spades suit:

Ace- you will receive the unpleasant news that the company, on which you pinned financial hopes, will change its decision regarding the conclusion of a lucrative contract, wealth is not close;

King- look around, you are trapped by an enemy who, in order to take money away, wants to deceive you;

Lady- be careful about business relationship with women, loss of money is possible, this week it is not recommended to enter into negotiations with them;

Jack- soon you will meet a young man who will bring you quick profit and wealth, be attentive to your surroundings;

Ten- in the near future, the illness of your business partner will break your plans to receive money;

Nine- soon you will lose your business partner, and you will have to say goodbye to your joint plans and receiving money;

Eight- everything is completely bad, you can be set up by business partners, your financial situation will worsen, you will lose money;

Seven- your plans for the future in financial matters will be hampered by your quarrel with your financial partner;

Six- in the near future, a useful business trip awaits you, which will inspire you to make grandiose plans and lead to an improvement in your financial condition, free money will appear.