Talismans to attract good luck with their own hands. How to charge Talismans bringing wealth luck - Practical magic

A certain thing that helps a person in his affairs, in love and achieving goals, is called "Amulet for good luck." Such items are usually done for each person individually, Since it is an intimate thing. They help to achieve wealth, "catch behind the tail" of our good luck, to fulfill cherished desires.

Molded mascots made are considered to be brought to good luck and money more actively than purchased. After all, purchasing mascots and amulets in the store, a person can be sure that he is a soulless mechanism. But the mascot of good luck and wealth, made with their own hands, absorbs the heat of human hands, its energy.

Also positive Moment The fact that such an amulet does not have someone else's program, someone else's energy. On the contrary, such an amulet is charged with the net energy of its owner. Talismans and amulets can be represented with bass and beads, suspensions and caskets, figurines and dolls.

For the manufacture of amulet to attract money and good luck, such materials as paper and metal, wood and stone, embroidered fabric are perfectly suitable. Special signs are applied to pieces of paper or cardboard - pentacles, which are attracted to the owner of the talisman, success and wealth. On the fabric, the pentacles are embroidered or wrapped in a red triangle of a note with a stacked symbol.

You can make amulets from the most different materials. One of the best is the clay, as it can imagine the properties and meaning of the symbolism that the manufacturer inflicts on the amulet. The solar power of clay is able to increase when firing - contact with fiery elements.

Salty dough amulet

But it is not always possible to get natural clay. Then the amulets can be made of polymer clay - You can buy it in special stores. And even easier the talismans to do from salt dough.

Flour for the dough is taken in volume 2 times more than salts, the dough is made steep, like on dumplings. The figure should be well dry, paint, can be covered with varnish. But what exactly the symbol will decide to cut out the master depends on his taste and desire.

Popular figures and symbols


Extremely strong guard For good luck and protection against people with bad thoughts and intentions, from injustice and bad eyes, a figure or a tiger image. The tigers acting in the role of the symbol of happiness and good luck to people born in the year of the Dragon either in the year of the tiger. After all, the zodiac sign itself already indicates the strength of this talisman.

Talismen depicting this amazing amazing, sitting on the coins, serves to increase wealth, attracts money. A pretty and efficient symbol of good luck and wealth will be a cute zhabka holding a coin in his mouth. - One of the strongest talismans for.

Pedestal from coins

It goes without saying that the coin-folded coin is a symbol of wealth. It doesn't matter at all, old this is money or modern, in which state they are in the go and in general, real or only the dignity. And it is possible to strengthen the effect of this amulet, watering on the pedestal a figurine of the animal.


Amules for good luck, overalls from theft and robbery, are the figurines of rhinos.

Money talismans are all that, one way or another, resembles coins. And the golden petals of sunflower just meet such requirements.


Who does not know that the symbol of happiness is horsepower? But also the figure of the horses, which drags the money lying on the system either, is a symbol of wealth, success, recognition, high position in society.

Someone for happiness needs glory, and someone is an apartment. Talismen, with which you can improve housing conditions - all that is associated with houses and apartments. Housing symbol - key. Therefore, golden keys are the main amulets for the purchase of an apartment or their own home.


Amulets for luck often do in the form of kitty with a raised paw. The Chinese simply adore such figures, believing that the pussy brings good luck and help to succeed. Mascots in the form of kitty with a raised paw can be put in any place in the home, especially at the entrance, wearing or depicting it on clothes. And to attract happiness in love, you can use affectionate pussy, giving it your chosen one.


Talismans that attract money often have kind of turtles with coins on the back. But the most strongly familiar Good luck and wealth are the figures of the dragon turtle. After all, they combine courage and female dragon, increasing the protective properties of the turtle. This symbol of good luck is very useful to businessmen and creative nature. He brings not only money, but also changes the essence of a person, making it brave, helping to implement any projects and undertakings, seek happiness, recognition and success.

This symbol of wealth is extremely honored in China. The Chinese believe that gold garlic means a continuous cash flow. Have a figurine of gold garlic - very good sign.

Talismen to attract wealth are often performed as a fish-dragon Aravan. This is the most popular symbol, with which the money flows to the amulet owner with an endless stream.

Wand Zhui

The symbol of irrelevant wealth, good luck and success is this amulet. It is especially noticeable to his action on people who occupy senior posts. After all, the rod is a symbol of power, the scepter execution of desires, a high public situation.

Four-leaf clover

This plant everyone knows as a symbol of love, wealth, good luck and success. And not only found in nature, the four-clover has such power, but also the talismans made in the form of a unique twig. It is believed that even the dry grass of the clover, which is worn in a bag with you, is able to divert the troubles from a person, to bring good luck to him, helping everything to succeed. Wear with you, and luck will always be near.

Paired animals

Symbols of good luck and success in love and family life Since ancient times, paired animal figures were considered. Especially enjoyed the success of Swans, wolves, pigeons. Although a couple of dolphins is a symbol of loyal love and happiness. No wonder in the Russian families of the last century, the carpets with images of a pair of deer or swans - for good luck in family life.

Everyone has it successful man There is a subject or ritual who attracts good luck. It is hard to say unequivocally, that it is precisely attracts the item itself or faith in it - a man clothes a happy tie before negotiations and the deal is successful, the woman puts on the neck of the magic amulet and meets the "his" sole, sports teams have their own mascots that bring them good luck. Let's deal with what the talismans are, what they help and how to make an amulet for good luck alone.

It often happens that the object that brings good luck is itself itself, liked the stone on the banks of the river, a domestic cat, a randomly acquired statuette, a matter of jewelry or wardrobe. Such things themselves attract the owners appearance, texture, shape or color. If the magic object has not yet been found, and without his support, it is uncomfortable, it is possible to order its production, but it is better to make a talisman with your own hands.

Good luck can bring:

  • Stones;
  • Jewelry: rings, pendants, brooches;
  • Jewelry, hairpins;
  • Plants, Pets;
  • Cardboard, yarn, fabric, leather;
  • Traditional subjects: Horseshoe, figurines, coins.

The list can be continued, the object selection depends on personal preferences, but there is general rules For non-living items: It is advisable to use natural materialsThe talisman should be pleasant to the touch and call only positive emotions.

The amulet on the sign of the zodiac

Traditionally fortune amulets have a triangular shape. If we consider the signs of the zodiac, then each of them has the preferred color and shape of the talisman, as well as a personal symbol - stone.

Color The form A rock
Aries Orange
A circle
calf Beige
Bright hues
Twin Blue
Cancer Gilding Cancer
A heart
a lion Gilding a lion
A circle
Virgo Beige
Bright hues
Libra Metal
Lepak Diamond
Scorpio Red Scorpio
Feline eye
Sagittarius Metal
Lapis lazuli
Capricorn Gilding Coin
Aquarius Any Winged creature of manual manufacture Sapphire
Fish Blue A fish
Any maritime subject
Moon rock

It is believed that amulets for good luck made with their own hands absorb the energy of their master, becomes stronger, contribute to success and protect the owner. Consider more detailed how and from what talismans do.

Production and conspiracy of talisman for good luck

If the subject is found, purchased or ordered - before activation it needs to be cleanedwill suit any way:

  • Omit overnight in salty water;
  • Washed lunar or sunlight;
  • Spree with holy water or visit the church with him.

Conspiracy for found or purchased talisman:

"My talisman is now, my fate! Good luck and luck will bring me, troubles and bad weather will take away from me "

Making amulets to good luck to do in sunday is important that the moon is in the growth phase. The situation must be positive, the mood is positive. We prepare all the materials and proceed:

  1. Give the form of the talisman, if necessary, we do the lace;
  2. If you need to apply characters or runes;
  3. Put the mascot into the fabric and put under the pillow for one night.


Talisman binding - one of the directions nodelkova magic. For the manufacture you will need a leather cord and blue flap. The tissue is tied up with three double nodes, a conspiracy is read over each of each, after that, nasoy gives any form.


First node: "In order for luck with me in the affairs of my and thoughts"
Second node: "To have this to always and my word is true."
The third knot: "So that neither the vine, nor clearly knock your luck with me with me! May it be so!"

Nature talismans are stored in places hidden from extraneous eyes: hiding in the house, bag, stitching under the lining of clothes.


Traditional magic symbolism is applied to metal (chasing), stone (scratching), wood (burning). To activate, you will need:

  • Amulet made with his own hands, with the runes caused;
  • A sheet with a recorded plot;
  • Saucer, new boxes, tweezers;
  • Ossociation - natural paint red, beige, orange.

After applying the runes and dyeing the amulet read:

  1. The name of each rune is pronounced, it is possible to write the own text of the spell (it is important not to use the "not" particle);
  2. The sheet with a plot is set on fire from the flame of the candle and is placed in a saucer;
  3. Ashes need to collect and dispel in the wind;
  4. Flames of the candle spray with several drops of wine, honeycomb, beer or essential oil.

Rune names bringing good luck:

Anzus - Runa words, prunes, magic.

Urzus - Rune action, success, vitality, energy.

Yer - Rune Result.

Rune talismans are worn on a cervical lace or in the inner pocket, they need periodic feeding from the hands of the owner.


The easiest and most reliable method of manufacturing the magic subject with your own hands is a bag with wax. It will take:

  1. Candle (better church);
  2. Glass with water;
  3. New boxes of matches;
  4. A conspiracy test;
  5. Pouch made of natural fabric and small bag.

Manufacturing process:

  • Set the candle in the glass, and fill it with water half;
  • Set fire to the candle and read the conspiracy over it;
  • The candle should burn to the water and ground (to enhance the effect of the conspiracy read all the time the candle is on);
  • Collect the waxes that like in shape, put in the cellophane bag and in the bag;
  • Talisman bags should always be with the owner.


"Over the sea ocean island Buyan, there is a mountain on that island, and in the mountain of that Nora. And in the hole, seven devils are sitting, which are for people fail. While the younger eye closed, I love him for the tail to the fire. While the fire is the same and his children with me, not see me hell with brothers "

The second version of the conspiracy is read strictly at midnight.

"There is a distant in the sea, there is a blue in the sea.
On the island, there is a high mountain,
In Mount High, there is a deep Nora,
And in the hole, the devils are black,
People curses yes fail.
I explained, the slave of God (name) of those devils.
Do not speak to me for your misfortunes and the hasties.
In the meantime, I'm luck with me "

Large amulet good luck

Practicing magicians and clairvifuses often wear large pendants on which pentagram, runes or signs are applied. This is done not to demonstrate abilities, but for best protection from universal attention and envy. The big amulet of good luck is manufactured according to the same principles as small - the problem is in his wearing. Most often, the lifestyle does not allow you to wear such a wubble, alternative option - Wearing bags in the inner pocket. You do not need special conditions or skills for the manufacture of a large talisman with your own hands, moreover, more characters can be applied to such an amulet.

Everyone has the right to decide which one to choose an amulet and whether it is needed at all. The laws of the Universe require actions to achieve success, perhaps a personal talisman will be the first step on the big way to the desired future.

In order to succeed in any sphere, the power of will, the desire, motivation and, possibly, a little magic. Quickly turn the fortune face to yourself with the help of luck talisman, which will help to gain financial support, and also keeps the owner from negative influence. It is only important to believe in his magic power And stubbornly go to the goal.

Talisman handling rules

Before you make a choice of a suitable talisman, you need to create a pleasant atmosphere with money. For this, first of all, it is necessary to clean up the wallet. It should not have crumpled bills and foreign objects. Photos used tickets, promotional leaflets and other things to remove, and the banknotes must be accurately folded. Good way Show availability of wealth - buy a new wallet of red, green, golden or blue.

Magic things will not tolerate neglect, and to personal mascot should be treated with respect. You need to choose the one to which the soul lies. In the role of a talisman can act anything: a coin of travel, red threads, pebbles, spoon, horseshoe or any memorable thing. A suitable amulet can be bought in a specialized store. But the greatest power has a mascot for money with their own hands.

The amulet should not demonstrate others and take without need. After the acquisition, you need to talk with the talisman, to tell about your goals, ask for help, hold in your hands and remove the place in him. Magic attributes can be carried in his pocket, wallet or close to the body. But the symbols of the Feng Shui must be set to activate into a specific sector.

Symbols of luck

A good way to increase the material condition is to plant a tree with round leaves. It can be a ficus or known " money Tree" Behind the plant to care and relate with respect. Strengthen the influx of finance will help several Chinese coins laid under the bottom pot.

Nako's manneks - a popular guard for good luck in work. Put a cat figurine on the table so that she watches outside the room. Under the statuette to put a cut of a beautiful red fabric or a similar color with a pad. It is believed that the raised left foot gives the joy of communication, and the right attracts good luck. Universal option With both legs will improve all spheres of life. Such an overag will help you quickly advance through the career ladder, find a common language with colleagues, able to offer your ideas for consideration by bosses.

Slavic attributes are associated with fertility. As an amulets, animal figurines, wheat ears, horseshoes, an image of the sun or rune appear.

In India, semi-precious and gems of red color.

Fragment good luck can clover, gold coins, a leprechaun figure, a small magnet, the image of God's cows and others.

Amulets do it yourself

The mascot for good luck and the money with their own hands is initially charged with the energy of the owner and will be effective purchased. The amulet acquired in the store may be ordinary souvenir, and made independently will definitely work in force. But when creating you need to adhere to several rules.

Important conditions for work:

  1. Start on a growing moon or full moon with a good mood.
  2. All materials need to personally bring to the house.
  3. In the process, include a visual row, representing money going to hand.
  4. Do not doubt magic forces Talisman.

Cord for luck

Very simple and effective amulet to attract good luck. Depending on the color, various tasks will help solve. It is very important for weaving to buy new good threads. During the work, the dreams come true, ideas are made, money flows continuously in hand. What colors take:

  • green - wealth and new cash inflows;
  • red - the execution of the innermost desire;
  • blue - exercise of small ideas;
  • yellow - success and happiness.

You can gossip the braid from both all the threads and from one selected color. Put on clothes on

left leg and not removed while the desired will not fulfill. After making the conceived, thank you for work and burn.

Another variation of such an amulet is wearing thick cords of the selected color. It can be both braid and other complex weaving. Such a charm to wear with me until all the ideas are shifted, and after burning with gratitude.

Money bag

This amulet will attract good luck to workplacewill help start your own business or increase profits. It will take the flap of beautiful red or turquoise fabric, fragrant spices: cinnamon, fragrant pepper, bay leaf and ginger, as well as sprigs of needles, dried mint, several coins and patchouli oil.

Sew a simple bag of selected fabric. Both colors have a beneficial effect on the work sphere, so take the one like more. Decorate ready product Optionally, or leave, as is. Bag fill the dried herbs and spices.

Put three coins and drop a few drops of money oil (patchouli, mint, cedar). Sew open edge and store in the workplace. Such an amulet has enough for the year, after which it must be replaced.

Runic wubbles

A simple way to make a whaling for good luck and money is to use the power of runes. Most easy option - Apply the image of the rune on inner side Wallet.

Most often to attract wealth, a fee is used, but in fact, symbols attracting money and good luck, more. Which one to choose, depends on the value of the runes and target at a certain point.

A suitable rune can be used both independently and make a personal charm. In the clay mass drop the oil of patchouli or cinnamon, you can add a pinch of powder from spices. Range the ball and sleep in the shape of a coin. Apply the image of the rune on it and dry.

Pull a wooden workpiece size with large coin. Make sure that the edges were smooth without sowing and apply the image of the rune fee.

Finished amulet to hold in his hands, charging with its energy, and put in a countersunk wallet pocket.

Get winning

The ordinary black pepper and a beautiful bag will win the lottery. Sew the latter can be independently or buy in a handwritten store. On the usual sheet of paper to write the desired amount, roll up the tube and put in the bag. Pour inside the seeds of fragrant pepper and tie. Finished amulet to hold the left hand, representing the gain received, and leave the moon overnight. Departing for the purchase lottery ticket, do not forget to take a bag with you and believe that he will bring good luck.

Another way to win in the lottery or card. It will take three coins, a glass bottle, a zest of orange and a piece of cinnamon sticks. All ingredients fold into the container and pronounce: "My luck, my victory! Fortune came, the trouble was gone! ". Blockchik hold one night under the light of the moon and hide into a secluded place.

Very effective amulet for winning - a card from a new deck. Collecting on the game or buy a lottery ticket, buy a new deck of cards. Get a bubne dozen and drop a few drops of patchouli oil from it.

To reinforce the amulet with the words: "Dozen in your pocket, Fortuna with me, please give me a big win."

To quickly achieve the result, it is not necessary to apply all the proposed options. It is enough to choose one who received the greatest response in the shower, sincerely believe in its power and thank for work. Then luck and prosperity will never turn away from its owner.

In this article:

Since the most ancient times, people believed that certain symbols and signs are able to influence the life of a person and the world around him. It was then that people learned to use these knowledge and changed their lives for the better.

Talismen to attract good luck are of great popularity over the centuries. Nowadays, people use amulets with symbols from Kabbalah, as well as from Indian, Arab, European, American and African tradition.

Each symbol has its own value and can help in life, the main thing is to correctly use such talismans and believe in their strength.

Talismans bringing good luck

Good luck can radically change the life of a person. When fortune is accompanied by us, then all life takes bright colors, missing trouble and complexity. But our ancestors also noted the impermanence of good luck, today she can be with you, and tomorrow it may turn away, and everything will go in life.

If the fortune is missing in your life, then you should think about how to attract it. One of the most efficient and available methods - The use of a special amulet, capable of bringing good luck to its owner.

Talismen to attract good luck is a unique tool to protect against trouble, protect against the possible intervention of other forces, negative energy aimed at causing harm. A person who is accompanied by Fortuna will be protected from any harmful effects, no black witchcraft is scary. About such people they say that they live "like Christ for the sinus", that is, they are protected from everything bad and evil.

It is also worth remembering that protective functions are far from the main task of amulet, strong talismans are able to help in all spheres of life, starting with relationships with favorite people, ending with success at work.

At the same time, there are no fully universal amulets. Each of them, although it can contribute to the presence of good luck in all areas, is still focused on some particular life situation.

Talisman for good luck with your own hands

Talismans to attract fortune incredibly popular. They can be loved by almost any shop where there is at least the slightest slope to esoteric. In addition, such items can often be found in the leggings of souvenirs, in jewelry stores, in religious stores. But all these items have a fairly weak energy, as they are made without the participation of a person who will use a talisman and, of course, hope to help him.

Really powerful amulets can be bought unless professional magicians specializing in the creation and selection of individual criteria of magical amulets. Moreover, suitable talisman You can create own handsAnd if you believe in the effectiveness of the created item, it will have a really powerful energy, and will be able to help you in a variety of life situations.

Why it is worth doing a talisman for good luck

Amulet made with his own hands can have even more power than made by the professional sorcerer Talisman for good luck. When you yourself work on creating a magical object, you convey to him a part of its energy, its positive emotions. In the process of work, the talisman is configured to your wave, and this setting is saved in the amulte for a long time. Got magic Obereg And the assistant part of ourselves, you fully expect that the manufactured item will work on you.

In what tradition to make an amulet

On the Internet you can find manuals for creating a variety of amulets, this is the mascots of Kabbalah, and Slavic amulets in the Vedic tradition, and Eastern protective overalls and much more. When choosing a tradition, you need to act in accordance with your own preferences and beliefs, because any magic will be valid only if you yourself will be believed in it.

Talismans in Kabbalah

Kabbalah is a tradition in which the charms occupy a great importance. Unlike other magical practices, the amulet does not necessarily have to be beautiful, even the material from which the talisman makes no serious meaning. At the same time, that the subject really possessed magic properties, its manufacturer must comply with all existing canons and requirements, in otherwiseThe amulet may not only be useless, but even dangerous for his owner.

For proper approachCabbalistic amulet made with their own hands can help in almost all spheres of life.

Competent use of sacred signs allows you to create a powerful talisman for good luck in work, which will help achieve business success, improve the attitude with the authorities, subordinate and partners. In addition, a good amulet will lead to finances of finances from a variety of sources, Kabbalah will help even win in the lottery.

Kabbalistic symbols

It is quite a bit to change the applicable signs, and the main task of the talisman will not be luck at work, but the success of the opposite sex, or a happy relationship with a certain person. But only if you have the right information, you will competently use it to create amulets and, of course, you will believe in the power of magic items.

Western magical tradition

Pentacle - a five-pointed star, is one of the most common symbols of Western magical tradition. Thanks to many Hollywood films, this symbol is associated in the minds of uninitiated people with Satanism, bringing victims to the devil and other unpleasant things. In fact, the Pentagram is a very ancient protective symbol that can protect its owner from any evil and even attract good luck.

Based on the pentacle, for example, to independently create a talisman on good trade. Such an amulet is ideal for people who have their own business associated with sales. It is necessary to make an overlap in the period of the growing moon and only on Wednesday. To create an amulet, you will need a small piece of cardboard of gold or green, the same color candle, incense, as well as a black handle or marker.

This is an extremely powerful protective sign.

Burn a bit of incense, draw a flat pentagram on cardboard, burn the candle and read one of the conspiracies known to you for attracting good luck. If you are closer to the Christian tradition, you can read prayers. The most important thing here is your own faith.

Talismans for zodiac signs

What talisman will suit a certain sign Zodiac:

  • Aries - Round and square form, orange and green, talismans with a picture of cold weapons (from the planet of the patron of Mars);
  • calf, for people born under this sign, the mascots are perfect perfectly, which are depicted by an elephant, they guarantee their owners success in all spheres of life;
  • Gemini The mascots are suitable, which depict the key with the lock, theatrical mask, fit blue, white, blue color;
  • Racks Suitable mascots with a crustacean image, as well as in the form of a moon or heart, silver or white gold amulets are suitable, the best stones - turquoise and amber;
  • Lions Talismans are suitable with the image of strong animals, for example, lions, eagles, bears, as well as amulets of gold in the shape of the Sun;
  • Deva We need simple talismans made of clay or gypsum, ideally suitable colors of cold and calm shades;
  • Weighs Silver talismans are suitable with the image of their zodiac sign;
  • Scorpions We need amulets with a frog image, as well as motifs with cold weapons, are perfect fit bright colors, in particular, red;
  • Streltsame Bronze amulets are best suited if scarab beetle or Phoenix bird will be depicted on them, in addition, the image of the horse and horseshoes have proven well;
  • Capricorn Most good luck brings an image of coins or stairs, colors - yellow shades, and therefore from metals better suitable gold;
  • Aquarius The figures of the angels and birds are suitable, everything that has wings, which is associated with flight and sky;
  • Fish everything is suitable for water and movement on it, for example, boats, ships, large fish etc.

Useful advice

Do you believe that items you have can bring good luck and happiness? Do you have your own talisman that protects you from evil and brings success? Many people have such symbols on our planet, and they really work After all, the main thing is to believe in them.

Each culture and every people have on the planet special signs and symbols, Attracting good luck. There are those who help dreams to become a reality or even get rid of diseases. There are symbols and talismans capable of scarying unclean power Or protect from curses.

Symbols of luck and good luck differ in shape, colors, sizes. It can be objects made by man, or subjects that man finds in nature, including plants, animals and even insects! It is also no secret that there are figures of good luck and stones bringing success and wealth.

We collected the very famous symbols Good luck, luck and wealth from around the world. Maybe you already use some of them or choose new!

Symbols of good luck and luck in nature

1. Justice and Oaks Wealthy, says Scandinavian mythology. Vikings associated oaks with God Toron, who, with the help of anvil and the hammer, created thunder and zipper. Since oaks attracted zippers, these trees were sacred for the Torah. Vikings believed that the fruits of oak are acorns - able to protect themselves from the wrath of the Torah, so they kept jeans on the windowsill so that they protect the house from the lightning strike.

2. Rainbow.Mention of rainbow can be found in the Old Testament. God created a rainbow after the Flood, giving to understand people, which will never be such a cataclysm. According to the legend, the Irish elves hide gold where the rainbow ends. But, as we know, find the end of the rainbow has not yet been able to anyone!

3. Egg - Symbol of fertility, purity and rebirth in many religions. Chicken eggs Used B. magic ritualsTo attract fertility in women or restore men's strength to look into the future, attract good weather, stimulate the growth of the crop, protect cattle and children from diseases and generally disrupt the "bad eye". In England, believe that if you give a white egg - to luck, brown - unfortunately.

Insects bringing good luck

4. Grasshopper. Many millennia it was believed that this insect could bring good luck to the house if found it on the fireplace or on the furnace. This belief takes its roots in the depths of the centuries when the sticking insects were considered something like a single person. In China and other Asian countries, the grasshoppers are treated as watchdogs. With any risk, the grasshopper stops striking, signaling about the threat.

In the Far East, and also throughout Europe, kill the grasshopper is considered a bad sign, even if it happened by chance.

Almost all Indian tribes believed that these insects bring good luck, and imitate their dragonfaction was considered a bad tone.

In many Eastern and European peoples, the image of grasshoppers can be found on amulets and talismans, especially those that are intended to scare the evil eye.

5. Ladybug. These insects also enjoy respected as symbols of good luck and prosperity. It is believed that one ladybug is capable of saving you from one of the current problems.

If one of these insects suddenly turned out to be on your clothes, it's a good sign: you will be quite patient and calm, but the most important thing is: Easy to get rid of heavy noche. If the Ladybug lands on you when you are sick, it is a sign that the disease will soon pass.

If God's cow landing on your palm, but immediately flies away, the future will be a great weather!

Killing ladybugs - bad sign.

A lot will also be connected with specks on the back of God's cows. For example, if a woman who recently got married, finds in his palm god's cowThe number of specks on the back of the insect will indicate the number of children who will have from this marriage. Also, the number of specks in God's cows will indicate the number of happy months that are waiting ahead.

According to folk acceptingIf you caught God's cow in your home, you will soon find money in an amount equal to the number of specks on her back.

6. Dragonfly. This is another insect capable of bringing good luck. Since dragonfly - wind creation, it can bring change. Since dragonfly - creating water, it symbolizes the subconscious or dreaminess. Dragonfly is also associated with prosperity, strength, courage, peace, harmony and purity.

7. Scarab beetle. This insect is associated with ancient Egyptian symbolism. Beetles of this species were considered good luck signs. Scarabs - Symbols of the Rising Sun, they can save from evil. They also symbolize rebirth, spiritual revival and transformation.

Totem animals bringing good luck

8. Dolphin. These animals are considered symbols of good luck among many nations, including Suchmers, Greeks, Egyptians, Romans. For Christians and Indians, Dolphin is a symbol of protection, and its image brings good luck. The ancient navigators who spent long months in the sea, and then years, believed that if they see the dolphins near their vessels, this is a good sign: it means that the earth is somewhere close.

10. Pig. These animals are symbols of wealth, prosperity and happy fate. The Germans have a saying : Schwein Gehabt.which literally translates as "had a pig," actually means "luck is already close." In China and some European countries believe that the mascot in the form of a pig can attract good luck and wealth. In the Chinese mythology, the pig is a symbol of honesty, patience, initiative and diligence.

11. Turtle It is considered a symbol of good luck in the Fengshui system. It is also one of the four sacred animals, among which also dragon, unicorn and phoenix.

It is believed that the turtle is able to scare out unclean power. She symbolizes the first woman and mother earth. In addition, this is a symbol of longevity, durability and hope. Turtle associates sky and land.

12. Elephant. This animal is a symbol of overcoming death. Fengshui also refers to these animals as good luck symbols. Hindu God Ganesh is depicted with an elephant head and is the God of wisdom and well-being. Elephant figures displayed on the shelves or door openings, bring longevity and good luck. Also an elephant is associated with wisdom, force, dedication, intelligence and solitude.

13. The bats View hairy gladkonos China are symbols of long life. Amulets depicting these animals bring happiness. It is believed that the mouse is able to scare out unclean power. five bats Present health, longevity, love, prosperity and virtue.

14. Tiger. In the Chinese astrological system, this animal is a symbol of success. Tiger can save from certain misfortunes, including from theft and fire.

15. Frog. This animal is a symbol of prosperity, well-being, friendship and abundance in many nations. Sometimes the frog is associated with fertility. The Indians of the South-Western United States has a special symbol: a frog that carries a piece of wood. The Indians Mojave believe that this animal brought fire to people.

Ancient Romans believed that the frog could bring good luck to the house.

Australia's aborigines believe that it is the frogs bring thunderstorms and rains.

Frogs are also able to speed up the recovery of patients.

The ancient Egyptians and the Greeks associated frogs with inspiration and fecundity. In ancient Egypt, hecat, the goddess of fertility and childbirth, denoted in the letter the frog symbol and depicted in the form of a frog.

It is also believed that the talismans in the form of a frog are able to attract real friends and find a long-term love relationship.

Birds, including cranes, storks, eagles and falcons, also refer to success symbols.

By the way, some animals sometimes distinguish certain parts of the body, which symbolize good luck.

16. Rear rabbit foot. Rabbits are generally associated with abundance, and the rear paws are "referred to" to fertility. If this part of the body of the animal carries a man with him, he will soon become a father; If a woman, she will soon become pregnant.

17. Crocodile's teeth. This part of the body of animals is a success in gambling, Africans consider.

Good luck plants

18. Four-leaf clover "The symbol of luck is very popular from Europeans, probably because it is associated with the Day of St. Patrick. Clover with four leaves, though rare, but exists in nature. If you find at least one among a million triple clover, it is a good sign. According to the legend, when Eve had to leave Paradise, she took a four-leaf clover to good luck.

In our latitudes are searched not only four-leaf clover, but five-leaf flower of lilac. This is especially true of more wild species Lilacs, which every single flower has four petals. If you found such a flower, you should make a desire and eat it.

19. Bamboo Good luck - Plant of type dracaen Sanderiana (Dracaena Sanderiana) Brings good luck. This plant can be found in Southwestern Asia and Africa. Fengshui's adherents are convinced that if placing a plant in the eastern part of the room, it will improve the stream of energy qi in your home, and therefore bring harmony and happiness.

20. Money tree. Some plants with round, similar to the leaves of the leaves are customary to keep in apartments and offices, as people believe that they bring good luck in financial affairs. For example, in China, money tree - pahir water, in our other Western countries - some species tolstyanok.

Objects bringing good luck

21. Dream catcher. An Indian amulet, similar to a web with feathers hanging on the ropes of feathers, helps protect against unclean strength, brings good luck and helps to get rid of nightmares, not missing bad dreams. That is why he is often hanging over the bed.

22. Red lanterns - Symbols of good luck among the Chinese. The Chinese believe that the lanterns bring happiness, wealth, harmony. According to legend, in distant times, red lights were just a source of light. But later they began to be used to protect against wild animals, which attacked the villages. In those villages in which residents hung red lights everywhere, animals were not solved to come.

23. Horseshoe. This subject, as we all know, attracts good luck, scares evil spirits and symbolizes fertility. Horseshoes are associated with the strength and reliability of horses. If you put a horseshoe aside, it will symbolize the month. Horseshoe down down - the symbol of the womb.

For the Greeks, Horseshoe was a symbol of the crescent, and he, in turn, meant fertility.

It is believed that horseshoes protect the house and land, keeping uninvited guests on distance. If the horseshoe hang up the ends up on the wall or above the entrance door, it will attract good luck to the house. This tradition is rooted in the 10th century and is associated with the legend of the Holy Dongstan, which by the help of the horseshoe caught the devil. Thus, the unclean force will never penetrate the house, because the horseshoes are afraid.

Horseshot can also hang down down. Horseshoe, hanging up, collects good luck, and the edges down - pours good luck to you.

24. Coins. These items are the symbols of good luck for many reasons, but first of all - any coin is money that can be exchanged for things. The happiest are the coins in which there is a hole or who are short. Their strength is especially great if they fall to you as a delivery when shopping. They must be worn in the left pocket or on the neck on the rope.

Some superstitions associated with coins:

Good luck will always be on your side if you keep the pitcher with small coins in the kitchen.

The first coin you receive the day should be sent to an empty pocket and carry it there so that she attracts more coins.

Coins that were minted in leap yearwill bring good luck.

Especially happy for you will be the coin that was minted on your birthday.

If you got the smallest coin on Monday - all week will be brought.

Will bring good luck the coin that put in new wallet or a new bag.

So that you have added money, you should take three coins of one dignity, tie them with a red ribbon together and wear in the wallet.

What are the characters bringing good luck?

25. Egyptian Cross - A symbol of eternal life. This symbol came to us from ancient Egypt, where he was considered a mandatory mascot of the Pharaohs. Often you can find the images of the gods that keep this symbol of human lips. It was believed that thus the gods give the "breath of life", which will be needed after death.

26. Topor. Can bring success. Archaeologists often find talismans in the form of an ax in many parts of the world. Usually there are holes in these items that hint that the item was worn on the neck. Ancient artists S. Far EastAnd Precolumba America, Mediterranean and Africa often portrayed an ax with two blades to show power.

27. Circle - One of the most ancient characters of good luck. It means eternity, completion, perfection and integrity. Many of the success symbols of modernity also contain a circle or circles, such as a wreath, which serves as decoration for Christmas and many others.

28. Chesres - One of the strongest happy characters. He especially works well for young children and mothers. IN ancient Egypt Crescent was a symbol of the goddess Isis, the mother of the Egyptian kings. The sign of the crescent spread as a symbol around the world and became a symbol of paradise, especially if depicted next to the star. It is especially valuable for Muslims.

29. Cross - Today, a recognizable symbol of Christianity, but even before the appearance of Christ, the cross was perceived as a symbol of good luck. Images of this symbol were found in those places of the planet, where Christianity never came out. Gentiles have a cross symbolized the tree of life. In some ancient cultures, there is a transverse element that crosses the lower part of the cross. He points to the staircase, with the help of which praying will get to God. In some cultures, the vertical line means the road to the sky, and the horizontal - the earth's life.

30. Hand It is an important symbol of good luck in almost all the cultures of the Mediterranean. Muslim peoples depict a hand with a palm opened in respect to Fatima, the beloved daughter of the Prophet Mohammed. Fatima was one of three women awarded honor to go to heaven. Thumb Hands symbolizes the prophet itself, the index finger - Fatima, the middle - her husband, and the rest are two of their sons.

Ancient Etruscans and Greeks wore charms in the form of a hand with index and thumb Hidden under the rest. Similar talismans, nose elongated index finger, helped to protect yourself from unclean power.

Symbols of good luck and wealth

31. Heart. This symbol represents love and wisdom in the Christian tradition. In ancient Egypt, the heart considered the center of our physical energy and believed that it had the ability to neutralize the effect of black magic.

32. Rog Symbolizes power, power and abundance. In the ancient Greek and ancient Roman mythology, Rog also symbolized the men's sexual body. Horn of abundance - just such an expression still refer to wealth and prosperity. Talismans in the form of curved animal horns, as well as crescent, can protect against evil eyes.

33. Key - One of the most powerful characters of good luck. He is also one of the most ancient talismans. Lovers still give each other keys as a symbol from the doors of their hearts. It is believed that the one who presented the key from his heart will be happy in love.

The Greeks and Romans believed that the key symbol is a "key of life", which is capable of treating the doors to the gods. He also helped remind of past and foresee the future. Of particular importance to the ancient invested in the keys made of silver, the sacred metal of the goddess Diana. She was a keeper of doors and thresholds, and also defended his future mothers.

The Japanese has three keys associated together - a very powerful symbol of good luck. They help the one who wears them, open the doors leading to love, health and wealth.

The Gypsies of Eastern Europe believe that if the keys to home attach to the metal ring and hang over the bed, it will provide strong good dream At night, the nightmares will disconnect.

34. Stairs They are considered a symbol of good luck over long ages. The Egyptians placed stairs to the graves to help the souls of the dead climb on them to heaven. They also wore talismans in the form of stairs to avoid earthly temptations.

However, sometimes stairs can bring and misfortunes, for example, when attached to the wall in such a way as to form a triangle with the surface. Three sides of this triangle represent the family - father, mother and child; In some interpretations - the Holy Trinity - Father, Son and the Holy Spirit.

If you go under such a staircase leaning against the wall, you break the integrity of the family. However, if you still accidentally go under the stairs, you should cross your fingers and spit three times through the crossbars.

35. Triangles are a steady form for different buildings. The adherents of ancient religions saw in this symbol mystical significance and often worn with them with triangles. It was believed that triangles represent life cycle: Birth, maturity, death.

They also symbolize the harmony between people and gods, therefore it was considered blasphemy to disrupt the integrity of the triangle.

Triangles were constantly used by the Egyptians, including to create famous Great Pyramids. Despite the fact that the pyramids are the mausoleum of the dead pharaohs, today many consider them symbols of good luck. Architects, built pyramids, used four triangles as parties that symbolize the forces of the Earth and heaven bonded together.

36. Wheels They symbolize eternity and in many cultures are the symbols of good luck. The flag of India shows the "Wheel of Life" Buddha. It is said that the Buddha himself painted the wheel on the rice field to show his followers that life is a series of events that have the cause and consequence that alternate like the wheel spokes are spinning.

People and saints bringing good luck

37. Petrychist - Symbol of good luck, wealth and happiness. One of the legends of the Ancient England says that when King George drove on his horse in the royal procession, suddenly the dog jumped out of the crowd and began to bark and bite the royal horse. The horse stood on the sill and the crowds almost dropped the king. A man dressed in dirty rags came out on the road, took the horse around the ultimate, reassured her. It was an ordinary carpury that saved the king!

38. Buddha. Figurines depicting the legendary founder of one of the most important world religions are considered very valuable because they bring good luck. Especially success awaits those who will sweep the belly of the Buddha.

39. Rush - Spirits of the ancestors in which the tribes of the south-eastern part of North America believed. Indians made dolls Okach, each of which is dressed in a special suit. Although dolls were often used in ceremonies, children also played with them, they were put in a house or in holy places. It is believed that, inviting the Spirit, presented in the form of a doll, a luck will come to the family with him. For example, the family will collect good crops or will be protected from natural cataclysms.

40. Holy Christopher - Holy Martyr, patron of travelers. Believers Catholics often place medallions with the image of the saint in the car.

Numbers and other characters bringing good luck

41. Polar Star (Alpha Constellation of Small Males) is a landmark for travelers. Especially among the sailors, the star is considered a symbol of good luck. The Bethlehem Star pointed out the breath on the birth of the king of Juda. IN Old Testament Stars in the sky symbolized numerous children of Abraham and indicated the direction to the land promised.

42. Sorry eye - Talismans with this name are protected from misfortunes. Unlike other good luck characters, these talismans contain a symbol of failure, which, in turn, scares the real troubles.

43. Number sevenit is considered happy in many cultures and religions. In Christianity, the seven symbolizes seven self-sacrifice and the highest virtue. The number seven constantly appears in the Holy Scriptures. For example, seven lamps in the temple, seven wise men or seven stupid virgins. Christ fed a lot of people with only five breads and two fish (in the amount of seven again).

The early Christian church taught that faith in God will bring seven gifts: wisdom, understanding, honor, glory, blessing, strength and piety. It is also said that the seventh son of the seventh son has a gift to heal, and the seventh daughter of the seventh daughter knows how to interpret dreams.

According to ancient-Japanese mythology, there are seven gods of good luck who give gifts worthy people in the New Year.

Symbols helping your desires will be

44. Source Desires - a source of water to which you need to throw a coin (a symbol of good luck) and make a desire. Ancient believed that such a symbolic gift to the god would protect the water source from drying out. They also believed that the gods of the sea were pleased, if you present several coins as a date.

This tradition is distributed worldwide even now. For example, many believe that if you look at your reflection in the water, throw a coin and make a desire, it will certainly be fulfilled.

By the way, if you have ever been to Rome, we certainly went to the Trevi fountain or other famous fountains, where the sea gods take at least three coins.

45. Meadow - Breast chicken bone is also a symbol of good luck and "helps" to realize your desires. Two people should grab the maizins for a bone on both sides, make a desire and pull. The bone is being broken, and in whom one who will remain a big half, may hope that his desire will come true, and the other will remain with anything.

46. \u200b\u200bFavoring eyelashes It is considered a symbol of good luck and helps bring the execution of desires. If the eyelashes fell on your cheek, take it on your finger, make a desire and blow away.

47. Falling Star Also helps wish to come true. See it means your secret cherished desire will be fulfilled.

Which stone brings good luck

48. Amber.It is believed that this stone is a part of the Sun, so it has the power to bring good luck. The Greeks called the amber "electron", it was from this word that the name "Electricity" occurred. If you lose a stone, it is able to sparkle, probably, therefore, it was regarded as a stone that brings good luck. The Chinese and Muslim peoples use Amber as incense to protect against evil spirits.

49. Sapphireit was considered a symbol of good luck with antiquity. Greeks believed that if wearing sapphires, you will always be under the auspices of the gods. In the Middle East in antiquity it was believed that this blue stone has magical power.

According to the legend central elements King Solomon's rings was Sapphire.

In India, they believe that Sapphire attracts health and wealth, other nations sapphire protects virgins, scares unclean power and spiders.

Sapphire is a stone of those who were born in September, so it should be worn to good luck.

50. Feline eye Helps overcome obstacles and seek success in life. He also protects against evil eyes, ghosts, spirits and negative effects of planets. In India, believe that if wearing a cat's eye, good luck will never turn away.

For players B. gambling Feline eye - an important mascot that helps to make a choice. It helps protect against sudden failures in business and provides financial stability, protecting the money of the one who wears him.