Wooden roofing cut. Wooden roof

Used wooden rafters Practically with any roofing.

Wood coating can be used for various forms of roof: single-sided, double, holm, half-haul, etc.

It is convenient and practical. At home should not only look beautiful, but also to respond to the tasks. To date, the roof design wooden house It can be made in many versions: single, duplex, hip, semi-degrees, etc.

Features of a wooden roof

Such a roof must certainly relate to a harmoniously with the wooden house itself. Houses made of wood are excellent options for private dwellings for several reasons:

  • high environmental friendliness of the material from which houses are made;
  • wooden roofs have a greater duration of operation with proper processing and laying logs;
  • increased thermal insulation on its own;
  • the tree is a building material, convenient and easy to process even with your own hands;
  • used almost underwear all roofs can withstand various hinged structures up to a certain limit;
  • simplicity of manufacture - part of the design can accurately be collected with your own hands.

However, it is impossible to forget about the disadvantages of the roof of a tree for a wooden house:

  1. The tree is a living material, which means, over time it will deteriorate even though there is a processing of various degrees used for the home and roof. This means that preventive must be carried out periodically, and it can be done with your own hands.
  2. Most often, such wooden roofs suffer from humidity and change temperatures. The tree begins to rot and crumble, and even special processing does not save - in one word, the roof is required overhaul.

What to pay attention to

That is why, starting the construction of a wooden roof, you need to take into account the following nuances in order for the designer and realizable roofing to light up much longer.

  • first, close attention should be paid to the device of window and door openings;
  • secondly, it is necessary to carry out a special cutting cut for the shrinkage before the construction of the house and the wooden farm will continue;
  • thirdly, special attention is required in itself - it will accounter all 100% of drop-down precipitation.

For such types of roof, like a wooden farm, the roofing material itself is very important, and the right time for mounting the roof design of the tree, and constant checking control in case of breakdowns or various problems. Repairs in case of what will cost more.
When choosing one or another type of materials, special attention should be paid to the shrinkage ratio:

  • raw log or raw bar give an indispensable shrinkage of 10%;
  • profiled bar - no more than 3 or 5%;
  • when using the dried or glued bar, the shrinkage is approximately 2-3%.

Therefore, starting construction of a wooden house or roof, all tags should be duplicated in two versions - before shrinkage and after it. Otherwise, the necessary repair will become a permanent satellite.

What could be the form of roofs

During construction, the shape of the roof is of great importance. To ensure that it is selected necessary materials And the design of wooden rafters.

As a rule, the selected (farm) of the wooden house depends on the following factors:

  1. The number of climatic precipitation characteristic of this locality. If in the region where construction is carried out, the volume of snow falling in winter is minimal, then the bias of the roof may be less, and on the contrary - the form of the roof will be higher, pointed, if a large amount of precipitation is expected.
  2. The selected building material has a large importance for calculating the linker of the roof. The fact is that different roofing buildings can be laid at a certain angle - not higher and no lower.
  3. Sometimes there is a huge value in the construction of a roof. In this case, the necessary materials and structures of wooden rafters are selected for its collateral.

The roof of a wooden house can be attached the following form:

  • single;
  • flat;
  • multi-volume;
  • mansard;
  • double standard;
  • walm;
  • tent, made with their own hands (a variety of holm with equal equal in shape of skates);
  • half-haired;
  • half-haired four-tight.

Wooden roofs of a private house with skates create such amenities when operating as:

  • good overlap thermal insulation. The wooden farm holds perfectly and retains heat;
  • possible placement of attic under the skates. Often such small premises become an additional bonus in the construction of a wooden structure;
  • self-cleaning of the design from the dropped snow. If the farm house looks like a triangular roof system, then the snow is often not delayed on its slopes, which prevents the formation of huge snowdrifts and, accordingly, reduces the load on the entire design;
  • obstacle to collect rainwater. Water, as you know, can greatly harm the wooden system. The farm and the shape of the roof with a fairly large bias allows rainy drops to drain from the roof, without lingering and not falling inside;
  • the device of long roof designs - it provides a removal of liquid precipitation from the walls for their greater preservation;
  • inexpensive and efficient overlap repair (farm).

What materials can be used when constructing the roof of the house

The most popular materials for are:

  • various bitumen roofing materials;
  • rolled roofing materials;
  • metal tile;
  • ceramics tile;
  • slate;
  • ondulin.

For not very massive buildings, preferably use fairly lightweight materials. In this case, construction and subsequent repair occurs more quickly and efficiently. Such building materials for the roof, as, do not load too much supporting structures (farm), and stand quite economically.

Such roofing elementsAs a professional flooring or a professional owl, is not recommended for use in the device of the roof of a wooden house - they can be a source of increased noise.
The following main nodes of the roof of the house can be highlighted:

  1. Various roofing rates, representing inclined roof surfaces, as under a large angle, and not.
  2. Skates are longitudinal ribs on the top of the roof, which connect the two slope of the roof, suitable for each other.
  3. The ribs of the skate is an existing angle formed by the intersection of the skates.
  4. Svet Karnis or Frontone - part of the roof of the house, which stands for the perimeter of the bearing walls of the building for 200 or more.
  5. Drain gutter and pipes.
  6. Chimney pipe.

All these nodes are essential and important for a properly designed roof.

Wood house roofing device in detail

Often the construction of a wooden house roof is performed with their own hands.This strongly reduces the mainstream itself and allows you to understand perfectly well and feel that it makes it easier to make any possible repairs.

So, of what parts is the roof of a wooden private house?

  1. Directly roofing. Some of his kinds can be easily laid with their own hands, the installation of others will be better entrusted to those skilled in the art, otherwise there is a permanent repairs.
  2. Mandatory layer of vaporizolation. It is designed to prevent condensate. A subtle moment that should be taken into account if - vaporizolation should not be seamless to finishing material. The farm must be protected as much as possible.

The minimum distance between them should be at least 5 mm. A layer of vaporizolation should not be strongly stretched. Better if there are small provisions: when strong frosts The film has a property to be stretched, and in this case, the gap can occur - and now the repair is already necessary. Arbitrary provisions prevent any violations of violations of vapor barrier.

  1. Insulation. Before laying the material on the next roof layer, it should be deployed and leave to be crushed, so that as a result it took the correct position on the design of the cratehouse.
  2. Obsek. As a rule, the construction of the design of the crate under the roofing material is made of a wooden bar. For metal tile and ondulin it will be more rare, for bituminous and rolled roofing coatings - solid.

Stropile carrying construction

The device of any roof with any coating is impossible to imagine without rafters.
There are two schemes for the location of this type: a weak and hanging.

The rolling line has one or more intermediate supports on the bearing walls of the building or on partitions.

Hanging the rafter system has a support exclusively on the walls of the house, while driving them. In order for it to do not destroy the bearing walls, at the upper ends of the rafter construct a special jumper, designed to restrain the sawing force that creates a soling system.

The rafter system also has its shrinkage. This must be considered when collecting the roof design.
Summing up, we can safely say that part of the installation of the roof may well be done with your own hands. However, the most difficult moments of the manufacture of wooden roof design should be entrusted to the specialists not to produce periodic repairs.

The main requirements for the roof of the house are reliability and tightness. The wooden house imposes additional restrictions on its device, which are associated with the special behavior of the structure of the structure. Permanent seasonal frameworks cause the need for a mobile roofing system. For this purpose, special attachments of the rafter feet are used.

Features of the roofing device for a wooden house

In Russia, the main building material was always considered wood. Princely termes, and churches, and the houses of simple people were erected from her. What is so attracting this building material? There are several determining moments here:

  1. Heat insulating properties. Wall of wood with a thickness of 35 cm holds heat just like brick thickness 1.5 m.
  2. Environmental purity. Natural material does not highlight any harmful substances in environment. Moreover, wood evaporates in the atmosphere useful for a person's phytoncides.
  3. Unique drawing of treated wooden surfaces.
  4. High strength of wooden buildings. There are no cases when buildings have kept up to 100 years of operation with periodic repairs.

Photo Gallery: Examples of wooden houses and their roofs

Log cabins cost 100 years and more, demanding only regular care and cosmetic repair
Wooden houses like any other convey the traditions of ancient architecture
Modern roofing materials are harmoniously combined with wooden buildings and ensure their reliable protection against exposure external environment
Soft roof Elegantly looks on a wooden brusade house and does not create a large load on its frame and foundation

Specificity of wood structures

Features of wooden buildings are consisting in the properties of the material itself. The fact is that houses built from wood are unstable. They, albeit at a slight degree, are able to change their dimensions during operation, absorbing or giving out moisture depending on the time of year. Because of this, for example, modern metal fasteners (in particular, selflessness) during construction wooden houses It is applied limited. Porous wood structure determines its low thermal conductivity. But it is also a cause of increased compared with other materials of hygroscopicity, due to which seasonal deformations of the building occur.

Wood has a porous structure, which is the cause of low thermal conductivity and high hygroscopicity of this building material.

How the rafter system of a wooden house is arranged

Roofing houses, regardless of the skeleton material, is an essential element that provides comfortable accommodation and duration of operation. However, if for most structures, the principle of the device of the roofing system is the same, then for wooden buildings there are features inherent in only them.

Wooden houses may have a different design of the skeleton of the rafter system, but in any case it should be durable and reliable, able to withstand all arising loads

Types of rafter systems

Slingers can be:

Application of sliding rafal

As already noted, a wooden building may be subject to deformations depending on the operating conditions. At the same time, in the case of a durable fixing of the rafter, cutting or tightering efforts occur both on the walls and on the rafter farms. As a result, long-term alternate loads are loosened by the compounds of the elements of the building.

To avoid such a phenomenon, it is suitable for sliding compounds in the places of attachment of the rafter feet. The design of metal mounts allows the farm to move only in the longitudinal direction. In the vertical plane, it reliably holds the bracket. This is an irresistible remark, because with the hurricane wind on the leeward side there are loads directed up and reaching values \u200b\u200bof 630 kg / m 2.

It should be noted that sawn timber natural humidity They can change their dimensions by a value of up to 6-8%. Obviously, there may be considerable efforts. Therefore, materials before installation must be dried to a moisture content of about 18% (the so-called construction humidity). With this moisture content, the maximum size change will occur already within 2-3%.

Photo Gallery: Features of the structure of the rafting system of a wooden house

Sliding fastening applies only for rafal systems of wooden buildings
Slip fastening compensates for seasonal shub deformations
The hinge on the rafters of a wooden house allows you to avoid stresses in this part during fire deformations
Installation of additional mounting elements in the form of metal plates and brackets enhances the rafter system

The rafting systems of wooden buildings are essentially "floating" and hold on the framework of the building only by their own weight. This is enough under normal weather conditions. With extreme weather, holding sliding fasteners enter work.

For the manufacture of roofing elements, the following materials are used:

  1. For the device of the rafter system in most cases, a timber segment 50x150 mm is used from wood coniferous rocks. Traditionally purchase pine or firing lumber, but it is better to use larch in structural and strength characteristics. It is more expensive, but such material is more durable and healthier.
  2. For a small building buildings, a double rafter system can be built from a 50x100 mm bar, slightly increasing the number of subtairs and racks.
  3. An indispensable attribute of the rafter system is a doom. Its dimensions and installation pitch directly depend on the nature of the finish coating of the roof. So, for low-format coatings (all kinds of tile), there will be a solid lamb for which the boards 25x100 mm are often used, installed in no more than 5 cm. Currently, sheet materials are often laminated - DSP plates, CSP, OSP and other similarities. The pitch of the bugs from the board for the professional flooring and the metal tile can be from 30 cm to one and a half meters depending on the size of the finishing coating and the slope of the skate. It should be paid attention to the fact that the board is wider wider than 120 mm undesirable - it can deform the roof when charging.
  4. The controller to create a ventilation cavity in the roofing cake is usually made from bar 25x50, 40x50 or 50x50 mm.

All lumber used in the rafter system must be treated with antibacterial and fire impregnation.

Video: Slip fastening

How to calculate and build roofing system

Any serious construction involves a preliminary production of the work project. It is needed primarily to calculate the number of materials and costs necessary for its installation. This statement fully applies to the roof device.

The cost of making roofs depend on the task, which may differ depending on the nature of the use of the house:

  1. Build a cold roof designed only to protect the underpants space and the entire house from the weather becoming. It should be noted that heat losses through such a roof are up to 25% of the cost of heating. In localities with a long heating period, this may compile a solid amount.
  2. Create a warmed roof that will avoid unnecessary heating costs, so that savings on the payment of energy quickly will quickly pay off all the costs of creating roofing cake.
  3. Arrange an attic room in the underfloor space. Such a solution will be a logical step after the insulation of the roof. Costs here are considerable, but also winning in the useful area and comfortably accustomed to.

Of course, all the above options must be calculated in advance, because for each of them the materials will be required, the weight of which should be considered at the stage of design of the foundation.

Calculation of the roof area

Using the calculation of the roof area, you can determine the need for roofing material. At the same time, there is no need to scrupulously calculate the area of \u200b\u200bflue and ventilation pipes. It is enough to take into account the length of the rods from the scenes of at least 40 centimeters from all sides of the roof, which is needed in order to protect the wall of the building from flowing water. The length of the skates directly depends on the angle of inclination of their planes - the less the angle of converging rafters, the greater the length of the skate. Deciding with an inclination angle, the length of the skate can be calculated in two ways:

To determine the area of \u200b\u200bthe skate, it is necessary to multiply its length to the width: S \u003d L ∙ C, where C is the length of the skate taking into account the skes, S is the area of \u200b\u200bthe skate.

Calculate the required amount of roofing material can be calculated by the formula N \u003d S / S, where n is the required number of material elements, s e - effective area One such element. Similarly, paro- and waterproofing film (As s EL, you need to take the Roll Square taking into account the ingots) and the insulation (here the value of S EL will be equal to the area of \u200b\u200bone plate).

Calculation of the number and step rafters

The traditional material for the manufacture of rafter feet is a sequence of 50x150 mm. In addition to constant loads from roofing pie for rafters, the impact and variable loads from wind and snow are affected. To take into account the constant component, you need to immediately determine the material of the finish coating. Suppose that this will be a ceramic tile, the weight of which is up to 40-42 kg / m 2. It should be noted that the maximum permissible load is the value of 50 kg / m 2.

The step of the rafter feet is selected in the range of 60-150 cm. For its calculation, a certain sequence of actions are used, which we consider on the example of the skate of Dina 11 m:

  1. Select the pre-distance between the rafters. Suppose it is 65 cm.
  2. We consider the number of farms: n f \u003d 1100/65 \u003d 16.92. Since this number should be whole, round it up to 17.
  3. Calculate the actual distance between the axes of the rafter n f \u003d 1100/17 \u003d 64.7 (cm).

It should be remembered that this distance is not between rapid legs, but between their axes.

The step between the rafters is selected depending on the roofing material

Determination of the weight of the roofing cake

Modern roofing cake is formed from the following components:

  1. Finish coating roof. The easiest is a bulk or soft rolled roof or soft tiles, the most heavy is a ceramic tile.
  2. Dooming to install the finish coating.
  3. Control machine forming the required ventilation gap.
  4. Waterproofing film or outer membrane.
  5. Insulation rolled or slab.
  6. Far differed membrane.

For any of the listed materials, the weight is indicated as the main characteristics of techniques. square meter.

Under the assumption that a solid drying of a 25x100 mm board is made (one of the most common options), an indicator of 21.5 kg / m 2 is used to calculate. This value is valid at the humidity of the material in 18%.

Using bituminous Tiles, specific gravity which is about 3 kg / m 2, as a result we obtain the magnitude of the main load from the roofing pie, equal to the sum of 21.5 + 3 \u003d 24.5 kg / m 2. The weight of the remaining components of the roofing pie is insignificant and can be taken into account in the composition of the strength of the strength, which is usually taken equal to 20%. Thus, in the amount of load from the roof, you can take a value equal to 24.5 ∙ 1.2 \u003d 29.4 kg / m 2.

The composition of the roofing cake for the wooden roof depends on the type of finish coating only in the part of the device of the root

Video: Roof device - insulation, ventilation, board selection

Assembly and installation of farms of the rafter system

Work on the installation of the roof frame should be produced into a windless dry weather. The first operation should be the construction of temporary discharge on ceiling beams to ensure the safety of work.

The procedure for performing operations is as follows:

In the process of operation, each installed farm is fixed by temporary bodies to neighboring rafting legs and to Mauerlat. After installing the last farm, it is necessary to put runs and wind stops.

The fastening of the lower ends of the rafting farms of the wooden house is made using sliding stops. Winds stops are installed from the top corner of the frontal farms to the branches of the neighboring.

Sliding attachment of rafters to Mauerlat leaves them a little freedom of displacements in seasonal deformations of the building

Video: Simple installation of rafted for a bartal metal roof

Next actions are:

  1. Put the waterproofing film on the surface of the rafter foot with a small provision (2-4 cm) and secure it with a construction stapler.

    Waterproofing film stacked on stropile lagsis fixed by the stapler, and then finally fixed by bar counterures

  2. Along the rafted, fill the bars the counterbursters that are necessary to ensure ventilation of the underpants space.
  3. Install the doom for fastening the finishing coating from the boards of 25x100 mm. If the character of the finish coating (bituminous tile, corrugated flooring or ondulin at small angles of inclination, etc.) requires a solid base device, it can be used from plywood, OSP or chipboard sheets. The material of the dog must be treated with an antiseptic and fire makeup.
  4. If the project laid the device warm roof Or attic, roofing pie can be formed from above before installing the root. However, the insulation is easier to install from the inside, since it is possible to close the roof of the coating and avoid the consequences of unexpected precipitation.

    The insulation of the roof is easier to produce from the inside after the installation of roofing

  5. Place roofing. Installation is made from below from any of the corners. The cornice line is withstanding along the stretched cord. The installation of the coating is completed with the installation of skates.
  6. Collect and install the drain system and close the scenes. It is desirable to establish sophons to ensure ventilation of the underpantle.

    Sofits have perforation that provides ventilation of the underpantle

Each element of the roofing system must be thought out and is appropriate in the design. Therefore, upon completion of the project, you need to show it a qualified technician and take into account all his comments.

Selecting roofing

The importance of the right selection of the coating of the house is difficult to overestimate. Here, several factors play a role at the same time:

  1. Local traditions. Historically, they are due to the presence of materials in the construction region. Somewhere it is wood, and somewhere - ceramic tile or other coatings. The house, covered unusual for this terrain, may not be harmonized with the overall pattern of the landscape.
  2. Compliance with the general exterior of the site, including the type of roofing of other buildings and even the color of the fence.
  3. Financial opportunities. Sometimes it is necessary to take into account this factor, selecting the material at the ratio of price - quality.
  4. Roof shape. On the roofs of a complex configuration, sheet materials are usually not used because of the large number of waste. In such cases, low-format coatings are used in the form of bitumen or ceramic tiles.

In short, the roof for the house is like a headdress for a person. Even an expensive and superbly executed cylinder in our time may look just ridiculous.

What is taken into account when choosing a roofing material

The possibility of using one or another coverage is currently not much limited - the construction market offers many options. It should be guided by the following considerations:

  1. The power effect of the material on the rafter system. In addition to the weight of the actual roofing cake, the roof must withstand snow and wind load.
  2. Durability of the material. Overlapping the roof every few years and troublesome, and is expensive.
  3. The choice of material depends on the roof shape - not all coverage is suitable for complex roofs.
  4. The nature of the structure. For a residential building, the defining factor is reliability and durability, and for a shed or summer kitchen - manufacturability and low cost.
  5. Price. This indicator consists of the value of the material and the cost of its installation.
  6. Aesthetics - the roof should harmoniously fit into the exterior of the plot.

The most commonly used roofing coatings

Fliced \u200b\u200bcoatings for the roof are most technologically and in most cases are used for the roof of a simple form. Among them:

  1. Metal tile. These are profiled galvanized sheets with protective coating from plastic or with paint and varnish coating. The relief of sheets resembles a roof of ceramic tiles. The material is universal, it is installed even on top of the old roof. The limiting parameter is the angle at the base of the skate must be more than 12-14 o. With the proper installation, the service life of such a coating is at least 12 years. The average price of metal tile is about 300 rubles per square meter.

    From the metal tile, you can create a beautiful and reliable roof, the main thing is that the angle of slope was more than 14 degrees

  2. Slate. It is the traditional and long-used roofing coating. It can be wavy or flat, painted in various colors or gray. Used on the roofs with a slope of at least 12 o. The price per square meter is about 150 rubles. The form of release - sheets of 1500x1000 mm.

    Slate is often used on the roofs of residential buildings and household buildings, but under it need a strong rafter system

  3. Ondulin. It is a wavy sheet Material From cellulose fibers impregnated with polymer-bitumen compositions. Front side It is painted in a wide range of colors, so you can choose the material under any option design. By virtue of its properties, Ondulin is usually used to cover the auxiliary buildings. Installation of sheets is made on the shepherd or old coating. It is applied on the rods from 6 o and can serve up to 20 years. The advantages of Ondulin can be attributed to a small weight and a wide selection of colors. The disadvantage is the fading of the surface under the influence of ultraviolet radiation. The cost of the square meter is up to 250 rubles.

    When using sheets of Ondulina different color can be done original roof For a wooden house

  4. Professional flooring. Corrugated galvanized steel sheets, often with additional protection from plastic or paint. Very convenient in montage. The disadvantages include low sound insulation, which, however, can be improved by paving the additional layers of the insulation, and not the most presentable appearance. The cost of the square meter is up to 200 rubles.

    The professional flooring is a reliable roofing material that serves for a long time and is quite simply fit, but it does not look very presentable and is very noise at rain

  5. Fold coating. It is manufactured from galvanized sheets connected without the use of nails with special metal fasteners. Work with folding roof requires the participation of highly qualified specialists. Such a roof is durable, reliable and does not let water. The disadvantages include noise and high thermal conductivity. The cost of the square meter comes to 300 rubles.

    The most reliable roof is folded - made from sheet metal with protective coating

Currently, piece roofing coatings are increasingly used, such as:

  1. Ceramic tile. It is manufactured from clay solution Molding and subsequent annealing at high temperature. As a result, high-strength products are obtained for up to 150 years. This material is very durable, has a low thermal conductivity, not a fuel, has noise protection properties. In addition, it is very beautiful. Of the disadvantages, you can mark high weight and high cost - up to 1000 rubles per square meter. The rafter system under the tile should be very powerful.

    Natural tile is elite roofing material with for a long time services, but under it you need to build a very powerful rafter system

  2. The cement-sand tile is very similar to ceramic in all respects, but is made of a solution without annealing. It weighs about the same amount and looks like the appropriate dyes in the same way. The price is also quite high - up to 600 rubles per square meter. The minimum slope angle for both types of tiles is 20 o.

    Cement-sand tile looks almost the same as ceramic, but costs almost twice cheaper

  3. Shale tile. This is a very popular roofing material in Europe, which is used today as elite. Known buildings operating to this day, the age of which exceeds 200 years. This coating can be used with any kind of roof. The value of the material is very high - from 200 rubles per tile of less than 40 centimeters.

    Shale roof looks prestigious and very beautiful, but it is expensive

  4. Composite tile. Is made of out steel sheet With a zinc or aluminum coating, on the outer side of which the marble or basalt decorative layer is applied in the form of crumbs. It gives the coverage presentable appearance, and a small format individual elements Allows you to use it on the roof of any form. Manufacturers declare life cycle This coverage is 100 years old, although it will be possible to check this statement soon, since the material began to be issued relatively recently. The cost of the square meter of composite tile is from 500 to 700 rubles.

    Composite tile refers to the best modern materials for the device of the elite roof of a country house

  5. Tiles soft bituminous. This is small-format fiberglass products covered on both sides by a polymer-bitumen composition. From the outside, basalt crumb is applied to them, which gives the coating elegant look. Such material covers the roofs of any degree of complexity with a minimum slope of 12 o. Located with overlapping, individual plates are sintered into a monolithic canvas, which guarantees high tightness of the roofing material. Stacking technology is simple and does not require the use of special equipment. The material is placed on a solid doom and has a mass positive qualities, such as the minimum amount of waste, low weight, excellent heat and sound insulation, resistance to the effects of the atmosphere, including acid rains, as well as immunity to the effects of fungi and bacteria. By decorative characteristics, such a tile is not inferior to a ceramic analogue. The disadvantages can be conditionally attributed to the need to strict implementation of technological requirements for sintering, as well as difficulties with the need to perform local repairs. The cost of the square meter of the roof of soft bitumen tiles is about 250 rubles.

    Gonz soft tile After laying, sintered in a solid monolithic coating, which serves several decades

Key options when choosing a finishing roofing

Based on the foregoing, you can draw the following conclusions:

  1. Scope roofs can be coated any of the materials above. The differences consist only in the requirements in the corners of the slope. The exception can be considered a bitumen tile, which is installed on surfaces from 6 to 90 o.
  2. The most expensive materials are ceramic and shale tile. However, their value is justified by a long service life. What is called - did and forgot.
  3. Budget can be considered such coatings such as Ondulin and galvanized professional flooring. They are most often used to cover the roofs of auxiliary buildings - garages or sheds.
  4. For residential buildings with the most suitable coatings are metal tile or single-layer bituminous roof.
  5. Aesthetics - the concept of subjective, but it can be argued that such can be considered the roofs from any material, except for the professionalist and slate.
  6. Wanting to get a beautiful roof with an average budget, you can stop your choice on bitumen or composite tile.

Video: Roofing Materials

The device of the sliding rafter system is not associated with any structural difficulties. For a long time, it is developed and successfully applied ways to install it and fixture for this. Moreover, they do not depend on the material of the finish coatings and the characteristics of the roofing cake - the rafter system works successfully with their own species.

Among huge number Roofing materials Wood takes a separate segment. If earlier the developers did not take it seriously, today we can even meet at home with a wooden roof. In the article, we will discuss the various structures of a wooden roof.

  • environmental purity;
  • high noise insulating characteristics;
  • "Breathable" properties do not allow condensate to occur under the roof;
  • resistance to wind gusts, with a small weight about 15-17 kg / m.kv.;
  • incredible appearance, such a roof creates a unique exterior.

Unfortunately, there are no less weighty flaws:

  • combustion;
  • labor complexity;
  • high price both material and styling.

But those who are not afraid of difficulties, it remains only to envy. After all, they acquire durable material (when registering its original quality), which will serve about 100 years without additional care. Wooden roofing is capable of changing its shades during the year: from silver-gray to dark brown gamma.

Practicality and durability of a wooden roof

  • Piece material from a tree just begins to conquer the modern market building materials. Most developers use it to cover small areas, such as gazebos, baths, pergolas, etc. But many people who use wood for roofing wooden houses and cottages.
  • Wooden roof has a centuries-old history. This is confirmed by the numerous historical monuments. For example, in Finland, the bell tower built in 1836, only a few years ago the restoration of the rated roof was needed, which once again confirms the durability of the material.

Fire hazard

Differences for wooden coating is mainly due to its increased flammability. The precautionary measures compensate for this drawback include the following actions:

  • the area adjacent to the chimney is necessarily equipped with intrinsiclates;
  • at the outlet point of the chimney pipe is placed by fireproof materials (asbestos sheets, minitime, etc.);
  • the coating is processed by modern antipirens that make wood more resistant to flame.

In defense of the wooden roof, it is possible to bring such an example: the roofing material on a bitumen basis has no less combustion, but this does not make it less popular among developers.

Manufacture of wooden roofing

  • The elements for the roof are made more often from coniferous wood (larch, cedar, aspen, spruce). Resins contained in large quantities, seal joints between roof items, improving the service life of the coating and providing better operation. Also in production is used durable and reliable oak.

  • Save initial color Wooden roofs help various means protecting coating from exposure ultraviolet rays. Processing, as a rule, is carried out once every 3-4 years. Wood needs and impregnating with antipirens that reduce the flammability of the material. It is also important to carry out the fire protection of the entire wooden structure of the roof.
  • Increased requirements are presented to the quality of wood. Therefore, before the sawn timber arrives in sawing, it is inspected by the presence of bitch, insect infections and other defects. Only log cores are in the course, the swamp is removed at the first stage of processing.
  • From the resulting workpieces, the wizard is carried out by manually manually into pieces - wooden tile. It is with this method of capillaries of wood remain integers, and the pores closed, providing more long operation Coatings.
  • The sidewalls of the sheets are spilled in such a way that they are close to each other with a minimal gap. The inner side of the element that will lie under the previous layer is done by the thinner side of the outside. The chamfer on the edge of each plate does not give to accumulate snow and moisture.

  • Wood blanks pass the drying process in special chambers until the level of humidity reaches 18%. Such an indicator does not allow to develop malicious microorganisms and is approximate for exploitation. Finished products are packaged in bundles for easy loading / shipping and transportation.

A variety of wooden roof

Wood coating is summarized by one name "Race roof", but the material used is divided into several types:

  • Shingle.These are sawn or crushed plates that have recesses. They are fixed to the crate and are connected to each other according to the principle of Schip-Paz. Before the acquisition, it is necessary to check the method of production: the root material is significantly superior to the sawnage of the physico-technical properties. If the material saws is carried out, then the direction running along the location of the fibers is selected.

  • Lemeh. Each element can be considered the subject of art. Its edge often has an intricate shape. The plank was used to cover the heads of churches and boyars. Their manufacture is carried out on the use of exclusively high-quality wood. The raw material is harvested at the end of the Vesta, the final design of the parts is performed manually, so the roof from the lemheh is not cheap pleasure.
  • Schindel (dranco).Wooden tile is mounted with a mustache with some displacement. The fastener to the crate is not rigid, giving place the material for the "swelling" during wet weather. In sunny weather, the planks dry and open, creating conditions for venting the inter-level space. In the production of Shindel, many factors of the initial raw materials are taken into account, including the location of the annual rings of wood, on which depend performance features Coatings.
  • Chip. The previous material and chips are different between themselves only with sizes, where chips are smaller than duncas. Schema can be prepared independently. For rods, strong logs of coniferous trees are selected. Particular attention is paid to the level of humidity, poorly dried billets during the operation of the roof are deformed. Such material is placed on the vertical and horizontal. Tight fit to each other provides pre-performed chamfer having an angle of 45º. Professional will perform all procedures not only correctly from a technical point of view, but also an attractive appearance.

Wooden roofing device

Requirements for the base for a wooden roof

  • Laying of any roofing material begins with the preparation of the roof. The type of sheet type determines the location of the rafter (inclined, hanging or equipped wooden farm) and type of crate (solid or discharged).
  • Preparatory work consist in the device of a rafter wooden roof, its waterproofing, processing of all elements of mastic and / or impregnation. The base should be smooth, tough. Stopping the wooden elements of the roof directly on the bitumen or the airproof film should not be. This will damage (rotting, deformation) even the highest quality coverage.

Nodes of wooden roofing

  • The life of the coating and the structure as a whole depends on the competent arrangement of both the roof and the underproof space. Special attention is paid to ventilation systems.
  • As for the lip of the roof, then this indicator Must be equal to at least 18º. And the greater the angle, the longer the roofing coating will last. The optimal bias is in the range from 18 to 45º. Therefore, it is not recommended to make flat wooden roofs.

Installation of a wooden roofing shingle and shind (duch)

  • In most cases, piece elements are placed on a discharged crate, thus improving air circulation in the inter-level space. Low mass of material for 1 square. m. Allows you not to arrange too massive rafter system.
  • For the trim, the lamp is performed from the rail with a cross section of 40x40 or 50x50 mm. The greater the plate, the more massive ram. The position of the location must correspond to the size of the piece elements, where one item should rely on two or three points.

  • For example, for 200 mm shingle, the step of the horizontally located timber is 100-120 mm depending on the thickness of the brush of the crate. An element of a length of 400 mm is already necessary for a support on three bars, in this case the step will be 85-90 mm.
  • The cheek itself is mounted directly on the rafter or if a solid type shap is equipped with a controller, providing ventilation gap. Mounting of the sheet begins with a sink of the roof, moving up to the skate, and right left.
  • Before choosing a material should take into account that visible part Makes 1/3 bar. For small architectural forms It is enough element in 200 mm long. For baths, cottages and country houses It is better to purchase larger planks.
  • Wooden parts are located with overheated in the joints of the joint. Copper, galvanized or steel nails are used for fixing, and galvanized screws can also be applied. The lower row can be made of 200 mm of elements, the subsequent rows are mounted with a tile of greater length.
  • Fasteners should pass through the upper and left-handed plate and penetrate the craters of the crate at least 15-20 mm. The fastener heads will block the next next, it not only ensures the decorativeness of the coating, but also provides protection of nails (sampes) from the formation of corrosion processes.
  • Nails are driven by 20 mm from the edge. Each plate will need from 2 to 4 fasteners depending on the size of the bar. There should be a gap of a few millimeters between the nail and roofing material. This approach will prevent the deformation of the material during its seasonal swelling.

  • Figure elements allows you to lay different patterns on the blood. But in any case, it is necessary to comply with the installation technology. Wet material to mount close, for dry material you need a compensation clearance in 2-5 mm. The displacement of the joints of the upper and lower elements should not be less than 3 cm, and through a number of at least 2 cm.

Laying of Lemheh

  • Aspen is used for the manufacture of piece elements. Wood harvested from April to June, it was during this period that she poured into juice. The resin acts as a polymerizer, after drying, the plank becomes incredibly durable.
  • For such a roofing material, solid flooring is performed, without using waterproofing. Otherwise, natural ventilation and a wooden roof will begin simply rot. On the complex roofsah in UNDOVA is allowed to use pergamine. At the same time, wood should be carefully processed by impregnations that prevent the development of rot. From the inside of the roof is mandatory, vaporizolation is equipped.
  • Elements are attached by galvanized screws or nails. Location is carried out in a checker order. Each item must overlap the nearby planks on 2/3 of their size both vertically and horizontally.

  • So that the roofing coating is not one decades, it is treated chemical preparationsprotecting from the formation of lichen and the effects of wood pests. By the way, such treatment should be carried out every 3-4 years.

Laying chips

  • The advantages of these materials include the ability to perform installation in the raw form. Wet wood is easily bent, which makes it attractive for the arrangement of complex roofs. In this case, the contours after complete drying remain unchanged.
  • The length of chips defines the shave step. To calculate this wooden roof, it should be borne in mind that for arbors, economic buildings are enough 3-4 layers, for residential buildings, the material is stacked at least 5-6. The chips are stacked with overweight, the first row one way, the second to another. This method allows to obtain a dense and resistant coating to various deformations.
  • For fixing chips to brushes, professionals use brackets and a pneumatic stapler. However, for one-time work, such acquisition will be inappropriate. Therefore, it is quite possible to use galvanized nails. The approximate number of nails is 160-200 pieces per 1 sq.m. With a 4-hslay coating.

  • Use various waterproofing materials should not be used. For your own soothing, you can select the windproof membrane on rafters, and on top to equip a counterclaim in 80-120 mm increments. This type of roofing material is ideal for roofs with a bias from 25 to 45º.

Arrangement of chimney

  • Everything wooden detailsIn close proximity to the chimney pipe are processed by antipyrenes. Dense fitting of wood to the heating elements is unacceptable.
  • Construction standards say - chimneys passing through wood coating Roofs are placed by sparkling or tin aprons. If chip or thin gears are chosen as a material, then the apron is installed on the finished coating. With thick placas, tin protection is equipped before the roof flooring.

  • However, the use of metal or tin parts for soles, the roof planes of the roof planes are not recommended.

Using wood to cover the roof, you can give the structure an amazing, authentic appearance. Such a roof will be appropriate not only for houses raised from a log or bar. It is not bad for such a material and brick walls. In addition, with a great desire, the shingle, duranka or chip can also be used to decorate the walls.

Roof mounting is a complex multi-step process. To assemble and set the solo system yourself, it is necessary to carefully study the methods for connecting the elements, calculate the length of the rafter and the angle of the slope, select the appropriate materials. If there is no needed experience, it is not worth it for complex designs. Optimal option For a residential house of small sizes - a two-screw roof with their own hands.

The standard roof of this type consists of the following items:

Mauerlat is called a timber laid on the walls along the perimeter of the construction. It is fixed using steel rods with thread or anchor bolts. The timber must be made of coniferous wood and have a square cross section 100x100 mm or 150x150 mm. Mauerlat takes on the load from the rafter and transmits it to the outer walls.

Stropile legs - These are long boards with a cross section of 50x150 mm or 100x150 mm. They are attached to each other at an angle and give the roof a triangular shape. The design of their two rafter feet is called a farm. The number of farms depends on the length of the house and the type of roofing. The minimum distance between them is 60 cm, the maximum - 120 cm. When calculating the step of the rafter feet, not only the weight of the coating should be taken into account, but also the wind load as well as the number of snow in winter.

Located in the highest point of the roof and most often is a longitudinal bar connecting both skate together. From the bottom of the bar support vertical racks, and the sides are attached rafters. Sometimes the hob consists of two boards, which are naked to the upper part of the rafter on both sides and are connected at a certain angle.

Racks - vertical bars The cross section of 100x100 mm, located inside each farm and employees for transmission of the load from the run of the skate on the bearing walls inside the house.

The pumps are made from crashes of timber and are installed at an angle between racks and rafyles. The side faces of the farm are strengthened by the sink, rises load bearing capacity Designs.

The tightening is the beam connecting the lower parts of the rafter, the base of the triangle of the farm. Together with the pink, such a beam serves to harden the farm, increases its stability resistance.

They are called a long timing with a cross section of 100x100 mm, laid along a central carrier wall, which is based on vertical racks. Liezhane is used when installing the sleeve rafters, when the run between the outer walls is more than 10 m.

The pebble is the boards or a timber stuffed on the rafter. The lamp is solid and with gaps, depending on the type of roof. It is always attached perpendicular to the direction of rafters, most often horizontally.

If there is no more than 10 m between the outer walls and the carrier wall is arranged in the middle hanging rafter system. With such a system, the upper ends of adjacent rafters are drowned at an angle and combine with nails, excluding installation of racks and a skate timber. The lower ends of the rafting legs are based on the outer walls. Due to the absence of racks, the attic space can be used to arrange attic. Very often, the function of the fumes perform the beams of overlapping. To harden the design, it is recommended to install the upper tightenment at a distance of 50 cm from the skate.

If there is a central support wall, the arrangement is more justified sloping System. They laid a litter on the wall, the support racks are fixed on it, and the skating racks are nourished. This method of installation is quite economical and more simple in performance. If the ceilings in the interior are designed at different levels, the racks are replaced with a brick wall that divides the attic into two halves.

The roof mounting process includes several stages: Mounting Maurolalat to the walls, assembling of rafter farms, installation of rafted onto floors, a skate device, fastening the crate. All wooden elements before the start of the assembly are carefully treated with any antiseptic composition and dried in air.

To work, you will need:

  • bar 100x10 mm and 150x150 mm;
  • 50x150 mm boards;
  • 30 mm thick boards for crate;
  • ruberoid;
  • metal studs;
  • electrolovka and hacksaw;
  • a hammer;
  • nails and selflessness;
  • corolon and construction level.

In wooden houses The functions of the Mauerlat perform the logs of the last row, which significantly simplifies the workflow. To install rafters enough to cut on inner side Log in the appropriate grooves.

In brick houses Or buildings from blocks Installation of Mauerlat occurs as follows:

Brussia Maurolalat should form a regular rectangle and be in one horizontal plane. This will facilitate the further installation of the roof and ensure the design necessary stability. In conclusion on the bars make marking under the rafted and cut out the grooves in the thickness of the bar.

When choosing a hanging rafter system, it is necessary to collect farms on the ground, and then set over the floors. First you need to draw up the drawing and calculate the length of the rafter feet and the angle of their connection. Typically, the angle of inclination of the roof is 35-40 degrees, but it is reduced to 15-20 degrees on open, highly blown areas. To find out where to connect rafters at what angle, the angle of inclination of the roof is multiplied by 2.

Knowing the length of the run between the outer walls and the connection angle of the rafter, you can calculate the length of the rafter feet. Most often, it is equal to 4-6 m, taking into account the cornese swelling of 50-60 cm wide.

The upper ends of the rafter can be copp in several ways.: Vangest, jack and "in paw", that is, with a cut-out grooves. Metal lining or bolts are used for fixation. Next, the bottom and upper tightening are mounted, and then the finished farms are raised up and installed above the overlaps.

The first farms are mounted: with a plumbing plumbing, it is set vertically, adjust the length of the overhang and attach to the Mauerlat with bolts or steel linings. In order to in the process of installation, the farm does not move, it is strengthened by temporary bruse bruises. After installing the extreme rafters, the rest, observing the same distance between them. When all farms are fixed, take the board with a cross section of 50x150 mm, the length of which is 20-30 cm greater than the length of the eaves, and nourishes it along the top edge of the skate. The same is done on the other side of the roof.

The first option: on a rafter foot at the place of adjunctions to Mauerlat, a rectangular groove on 1/3 of the width of the bar is cut out. Rates from the top of the box of 15 cm, the steel crutch is driven into the wall. The rafter is set in terms of the level, the grooves combine, then they attach the clamp from the wire from the top and attract the beam close to the wall. Wire ends securely fix on crutch. The lower edges of the rafters are neatly cut disk saw, leaving SCL 50 cm.

The second option: the upper rows of walls are laid out with a stepted cornice of bricks, and Mauerlat has twist with internal surface Walls and cut into it the grooves under the rafter. The edge of the rafter hand is cut along the level of the top corner of the cornice. This method is easier than the rest, but the soles turns out too narrow.

Third Option: Beams ceiling overlaps are produced by the edge outdoor Wall by 40-50 cm, and the rafter farms are installed on the beams. The ends of the rafter feet are trimmed at an angle and rest in the beams, fixing metal linings and bolts. This method allows you to slightly increase the width of the attic room.

Device of the rolling line

1 shows a word of subposses of a rafted in a legend, laid on intermediate supports, and FIG. 2 - Opporting a rafter foot on Mauerlat

Procedure of work when installing the revolving line system:

When the main elements are fixed, the surface of the rafter is treated with antipirens. Now you can proceed to the manufacture of the crate.

For the crate, the timber 50x50 mm is suitable, as well as boards with a thickness of 3-4 cm and 12 cm wide. Under the crate, the waterproofing material is usually placed to protect the solo system from wetting. Waterproofing, the film is fired with horizontal stripes from the cornice to the ridge of the roof. The material is sprinkled with 10-15 cm, after which the joints are fastened with scotch. The lower edges of the film must completely close the ends of the rafter.

Between the boards and the film, it is necessary to leave the ventilation gap, so first fill on the film wooden rails Thick 3-4 cm, having them along the rafted.

The next stage is the sheathing of the rafter system by boards; They are stuffed by perpendicular to raids, ranging from the roof eaves. Not only the type of roofing coating is affected by the shaft step, but also the angle of slope: the greater the angle, the more distance between the boards.

After the installation is completed, the crates are proceeded with the trim and soles. Close Frontton can be closed by boards, plastic panels, lining, waterproof plywood or professional flooring - it all depends on financial capabilities and personal preferences. The trimming of the side of the rafter is attached, nails or self-tapping screws are used as fasteners. Sails are also fed by various materials - from the tree to siding.

Video - Two roof with his own hands

The roof of the building protects it from the cold, rain and wind. This is the same important element as the outer walls and the foundation. The rafting system is the carrier roof frame. She takes on all loads: from structures, from snow and wind. So that no problems arise during operation, the roof design of the house should be durable and reliable. The installation of the rafter system should be carried out only after careful preparation and study of all the necessary information.

Roof and roofing

Before starting the device of the roof of a private house, you need to distinguish between two concepts. Non-professionals are often confused, but the builders clearly separate the determinations of the roof and roof. The roof is the whole design that separates the building from the street from above. The construction of the roof of the private house includes rafters, all other bearing elements, thermal insulation material, roofing.

Rafyl - carrying roof structures

The roof is the upper part of the roof. It is roofing. The roofing device requires a careful selection of material. After all, it is from him that the reliability of waterproofing and the comfort of living will depend on it.

System requirements

To properly mount the rafter system with your own hands, you need to consider a specific set of rules. Without their accounting, the structure will not be able to effectively resist negative impacts from the outside.

First of all, it is worth considering the strength. All items must withstand the load without destruction.. The device of the rafting roof system involves the preliminary calculation of the supporting structures in the first limit state. It is he who checks the elements of the rafter system for strength.

The rafter system must be durable and tough

Second requirement - rigidity. The maximum deflection is taken into account here. The design of the roof of a wooden house or any other should not be saved too much. Permissible deformations in the middle of the span are equal to the length of this span, divided into 200. Before starting the construction, the construction of the rafter system should be calculated on the second group of limit states - on rigidity.

The rafaling of the roof is made with their own hands, taking into account the design to have a small weight. Otherwise, the load on the walls and foundations is growing. It is for this reason that the wood was widespread as the main material. The wooden rafter system has sufficient strength, but weighs relatively a bit. Attention should be given not only to the design of the roof, but also to correctly choose the roofing material. He should not be too heavy. Ceramic tile lost its popularity not only because of the cost, but also due to the fact that the roof of the house, its walls and foundations should be enhanced under it.

The weight of the roofing material for the wooden rafter design should not be too large

Special requirements are presented to the quality of the material. Manufacture wooden elements It should only be performed from good raw materials. It is worth considering the following recommendations:

  • For the main elements, wood 1 or 2 varieties are used. 3 Grade can only be applied to the crate and other small parts.
  • The rafting structures of the pitched roofs are recommended to be made from coniferous rocks. They have greater resistance to rotting and other troubles because they contain resin. With the same cross section, the allowable span for hardwood will be less.
  • Previously, all the elements are necessarily treated with an antiseptic. Such a preparation step allows preventing many troubles in the future. Also, if desired, you can treat the tree with antipirens. This will increase the resistance to fire.
  • It is better to buy wood from the northern regions, which is harvested in the winter. It is such a material that has the highest quality.

Parts of construction

The scheme of the rafter system includes a plurality of elements. To understand the drawings and correctly perceive information, you need to know at least the main of them. So what is the roof?

Horse, cornice and rods - the main part of the roof

First of all, it is a horse, eaves and rods. These elements are the main parts.. The horse is the most upper part of the design. Corvenis or Sve - bottom. Skates are inclined surfaces that are located between the skate and the cornice.

The construction of the rafter system requires knowledge of carrier elements. These include:

  • Mauerlat - Bar, which is placed on the edge of the walls of the building. Mauerlat is needed to evenly pass the load from the rafter feet, which are based point. Typically, it is used for its manufacture, a timber is used with dimensions of 150x150 mm or 200x200 mm (for large buildings).
  • Slinged legs are sloping beams that transmit the load from their own weight of the roof, snow and wind to Mauerlat. Such beams are usually installed from the skate to the cornice. But when erected walm roof Elements appear that have only one of the specified points. They are based on the horse or on the cornice. Such details are called nurses. They usually have the same cross-section as rafters. In fact, these narcents are cropped on one side of the rafter legs.
  • Run - beam on which the roof elements are based on. Run can be installed under the rack. Another option is the ski run (Rigel). It relieves rafters at the top point. The proceed cross section depends on its span, is usually taken 200х200 mm.
  • Sound legs are needed only for holm roofs. They are diagonal rafters relying on Mauerlat in the corners. The section is accepted enlarged, usually 150x200 or 100x200 mm.
  • The design of a wooden roof assumes the presence of tighters, ducts and racks. They are designed to reduce the burden on the main elements. When building a house with your own hands it is important to remember that the racks can not be described on the span of overlaps. Installation is possible only on the underlying walls or on the runs, percked between the walls. Mounting such elements on the overlap can only be possible if it is designed for such a load and reinforced in the desired zone.
  • Doom Need to make the base under the coating. For metal tile and folded roof, the doom can be sprinkled from a 32-40 mm thick boards. For bituminous tiles, a solid base of 25-32 mm thick boards or plywood moisture resistant is needed.
  • In order to make the carnis departure, install the kills. They become a continuation of the rafted. The fastening of the falcue to the rafter is performed for a length of at least 1 m. The element cross section is usually taken 50x100 mm.
Bearing elements Walm roof

Another element of the rafter system is a farm. This is a solid design that consists of rafters, tensions, dies and racks, rigidly interconnected. The farm has a triangular shape, and within a few smaller triangles inside, which ensures good stability.

Forms of roofs

The roofs of the pitched roofs are different shapes. It is worth highlighting here:

Types of Stropil

Two designs are distinguished:

  • with urban rafters;
  • with hanging rafters.

The wooden house roof device is possible only using the first. This is caused by two rules:

  • hanging rafters must be attached to Mauerlata rigidly;
  • in wooden house The rafters must be attached to Mauerlata hinged.

The two of these statements contradict each other, so the rafter system of the wooden house may contain only the rolling elements.

Only sprinkled rafters are mounted in a wooden house.

Cover beams are elements that are based on Mauerlat at the bottom point and on the ski run in the upper. This allows you to reduce the horizontal space that acts onto the wall when the rafters are trying to disperse and take a horizontal position. Elements can be reinforced with racks or pins. Fight in this case can be placed through one pair of legs.

Hanging tanks are based only at the bottom point at Mauerlat. At the top, they simply rest in each other. So that the system from the wooden elements does not dispersed, necessarily draw tightening. It is better to install them for each pair of legs. This option is characterized by a strong action of the retrieve on the outer walls, but it allows you to get more free space inside the attic.


Before making a rafter system with your own hands, you need to carefully study the nodes. To build your home, you should not save time or money. Only in this case the result will delight for many years.

Basic connecting nodes

Nodes of fastening of the rafting roofing system that deserve special attentionSubmitted:

  • mounting Mauerlat to the wall;
  • fastening rafted to Mauerlat;
  • fastening rafters at the top point;
  • splicing rafters in length.

Maurylalat to the wall

This node can be performed in several ways. The choice largely depends on the material of the wall. Construction of a building from brick, blocks or concrete allows you to use the following methods:

  • on wire;
  • on brackets;
  • on studs;
  • on the anchor with the device monolithic belt on the edge of the wall.

Connection of Mauerlat with a wall during construction brick buildings performed using anchors

Rafters to Mauerlat

Fasteners are carried out in two ways:

  • rigidly for buildings from brick, concrete or concrete blocks;
  • hinged for wooden houses.

Hard fastening can be with a wrinkle or without it. Wide recommended to do on rafters, and not on Mauerlat, as it loosens it. In both cases, the leg is rigidly fixed with nails, screws, brackets or metal corners.

With a hard fastening of the word, it is better to do on rafters and fix the design with fasteners

For hinge attachment use a special detail - Salazki. They allow the beam without obstacles to shuffle in the shrinkage of the walls of the building.

Hinged connection gives the beam the possibility of offset

Additionally, the rafting legs are attached to the wall. It is necessary so that the roof does not break the wind. For mounting, a twist of two wires with a diameter of 4 mm are used, fixed into the wall on the anchor or the ERS. In a wooden house, a twist can be replaced with brackets. The mount is carried out on each beam or through one.

In the level of the skate

Curvas elements are based on the ski run with wrinkle. Optionally, on both sides make a lining from the board. The pad is needed for hanging elements. It can be wooden or metal with screw holes.

Skown run and rafters are connected by wrinkling

Splicing timing

There are several methods of splicing rafters on the roof with their own hands. The choice between them largely depends on the experience of the wizard. The splicing place is located at a distance of 0.15 of the flight of flight from the support. At the same time, the supports are considered not only the skunk run and Maurylalat, but also the soot and racks.

Splicing rafters in length

Severate five ways:

  • butt joint;
  • oblique harbor;
  • messenger;
  • composite legs;
  • paired legs.

To build a high-quality roof, you need to carefully examine the technology, choose the right type of rafters and connecting elements in important nodes. This is especially important when the rafter system is erected with his own hands.