100 most mysterious places in the world. The most mysterious places on the planet

My home is my castle. This is how the well-known saying goes, and this is how most people perceive their home... But there are exceptions to any rules, and they are so strange that one cannot but tell about them. What do the world's most dangerous houses look like? Let's try to compose ten "horror films".

At the sight of lightning

The village of Kifuka, located on the territory of the Republic of Congo, is no different from the rest of the country's settlements. But this is only at first glance. If you take a good look at its locals, you will notice that no one uses them. mobile phones, tablets and other modern gadgets... And the point here is not at all about poverty, although you certainly cannot name a well-to-do village.

The secret of such technical "illiteracy" lies in the natural anomaly of the area, attracting lightning to itself on the principle of a magnet. Scientists have deduced interesting statistics - it turns out that up to 150 lightning strikes per square kilometer of the unfortunate settlement per year. It is not surprising that for the sake of safety, people prefer to remain cut off from civilization, but alive, rather than perished under the discharges of heavenly "electricity".

Chernobyl aborigines

Since the accident on Chernobyl nuclear power plant more than 30 years have passed, but the echoes of the tragedy still ring around. The once noisy and vigorously developing city of Pripyat with a population of over 100 thousand people has turned into a deserted "ghost", frightening with its silence and desolation. During the evacuation, local residents suddenly left their homes, leaving property, pets, and personal transport. Then they did not yet know that there would never be a way back.

Although some desperate extreme lovers nevertheless went against all the prohibitions and after some time returned to their native lands. They are called self-settlers. In total, about 80 such people live on the territory of the 30-kilometer exclusion zone. These are mainly retirees living off subsistence farming and gardening.

V last years excursions began to be organized in Chernobyl, so those who want to tickle their nerves have a chance not only to see the destroyed power plant with their own eyes, but also to communicate with the local population.

Lake with a "surprise"

Lake Kivu in Central Africa impresses with its beauty and scenic beauty. Its clear waters are full of exotic fish, and the coastal landscapes are worthy of the brush of artists. The area around the lake is far from deserted, on the contrary - a total of about 2 million people live on its shores. And everything would be fine if it were not for the huge reserves of methane and carbon dioxide, which can explode at any moment and cause a powerful earthquake.

The further course of events is not difficult to predict. All who do not die under the tsunami flurry will be poisoned by poisonous gases. The saddest thing is that no one can say how long this freshwater time bomb will remain silent - everyone hopes for the best and lives one day. In 1948, a small underwater eruption was recorded, as a result of which the fish in the lake simply boiled. It is not known when the next “X-hour” will come.

Rainy village

Indian mountain village Mavsilam is recognized as the most wet place on the planet, and officially with the entry of data into the Guinness Book of Records. Every spring and summer it is attacked by monsoons coming from the Bay of Bengal. The air can be twisted like bed linen rinsed in a river. The locals have long been accustomed to such whims of nature and stock up in advance with large bamboo umbrellas, under which they can completely hide from the rain.

Because of high humidity Agriculture not developed in the village. All vegetables and fruits are imported, so the peasants do not have to bend their backs in the gardens. Oddly enough, but frequent showers bring tangible benefits. They contribute to the formation of waterfalls that adorn the already gorgeous flora.

The water knocks out whole caves with ornate labyrinths in the soft limestone rock and creates underground lakes. Natural beauty attracts numerous tourists, and those, in turn, attract money.

And there's life in the permafrost

The Yakut village of Oymyakon is, although not the most terrible place, but definitely on the list of mysterious settlements on the planet. It is difficult to imagine how people can live in such harsh climatic conditions. In winter, the mark on the thermometer can drop below 60 degrees. The maximum limit is recorded in the region of -77 degrees, and this despite the fact that in summer the heat reaches + 30-35 degrees. How "trained" the body must be to withstand temperature drops of 100 ° C?

In total, about a hundred people live in the village. They live the old way - in simple wooden houses heated by stoves. It is simply impossible to provide centralized water supply and sewerage here. The soil freezes so deeply that it is technically unrealistic to lay pipes. However, people are used to natural abnormalities, and even school is only canceled if the temperature drops below 50 degrees.

At the top of the Andes

The city of La Rinconada in Peru, lost in the mountain peaks of the Andes, is another unique place where life glimmers. It is located at an altitude of 5 thousand meters above sea level, and to get there, you need to be a real extreme. Not only will you have to climb the rocky slopes of the mountains, testing your body for endurance, but you will also have to breathe thin air. In such conditions, even a hundred meters can become a long road, which will take several hours to overcome.

But reckless adventurers are not afraid of such prospects. Most of them are attracted not by the beauty of the Andes and not even by the romanticism of travel, but by the mines for the extraction of gold ore and the opportunity to enrich themselves. True, you will have to work in Spartan conditions - hard, long and exhausting. The city has no sewerage system, running water, waste disposal or any infrastructure whatsoever. But even the stench and filth do not repel gold prospectors from their goal. Proof of this is the constant population growth, which has doubled over the past ten years.

Today, about 50 thousand people live and work on the territory of La Rinconada.

Life on a volcano

Indonesia is not only a popular tourist destination, but also one of the most dangerous places on the planet. Being located in a seismically active zone, it simply "drowns" in earthquakes. Due to frequent tremors, flat areas often suffer from severe hurricanes and tornadoes. The local population lives like on a powder keg - you never know where trouble comes first: from the mountains or the ocean.

The island of Sumatra is home to about 50 million people, and one can only guess how they manage to adapt to such unstable climatic conditions... The island of Java is no less "famous" for its pranks. Volcano Merapi keeps everyone in constant tension, and strives to release tons of fiery lava on the ground again. It even has its own "schedule" of eruptions - about once every 7 years, it gets hotter in a big way, and small earthquakes happen on the island about twice a year.

Dragon island

Komodo Island, part of Indonesia, can be called one of the most exotic places on the planet. And it's not about gorgeous sandy beaches, transparent warm water and palm landscapes, and unusual local "inhabitants". To an untrained tourist it may seem that he was on the set of the movie "Jurassic Park" or, at least, in a strange zoo. Everywhere you look, gigantic monitor lizards are walking everywhere - terrible, clumsy, but very agile reptiles.

In total, there are about 1,700 of them on the island, and despite the fact that the local population is about the same - about 2,000 people. It is not known how the prehistoric lizards got to Komodo, and most importantly, how they managed to adapt to modern life.

But the fact remains - monitor lizards feel like full-fledged owners of the island. They feed mainly on small and medium-sized game, they do not attack people, but cases of aggression still happen.

The sands are coming

There is one village in the Nenets Autonomous Okrug called Shoina. Every inhabitant's morning begins with the excavation of his house from the sand. Sounds strange, but for local population it has already become a familiar daily routine. Today, only about 200 people live in a godforsaken village, but once the fishing industry flourished here.

Violent and irresponsible human activity has led in the end to a sad outcome. The waters of the White Sea, once rich in fish, have exhausted their reserves, moreover, the fishermen have completely destroyed the bottom vegetation by using heavy trawls. The tundra also suffered, as a result of which the sands began to attack the village. Sand dunes swallowed roads and streets, swept coastal houses and state farm buildings. And only through the efforts of the remaining residents, together with the only tractor in the village, is it possible to leave Shoin on the map of Russia.

Away from people - closer to God

The Hanging Monastery of Xuankun-si, founded 1500 thousand years ago, has retained its architecture almost unchanged. As if glued to a sheer cliff, from a distance it resembles a house of cards. To cross the turbulent Hun River, now blocked off by a dam, pilgrims had to cross a boardwalk swinging over a precipice earlier. Today, this bridge is closed to prevent reckless tourists from testing their fate.

The temple includes a complex of buildings interconnected by tunnels and staircases cut right into the rock. Still modern architects are lost in conjecture how Buddhist monks were able to build such a wonder of the world without the appropriate equipment and working tools.

The most mysterious places in the world

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Incredible facts

Our planet is full of interesting and mysterious places, whose history continues to capture us for many centuries.

And although many are trying to explain incomprehensible phenomena with the help of science, there are places that continue to amaze us with their magnificence and mysterious beauty.

Pyramid of Cheops, Egypt

The largest pyramid in the world, called the Pyramid of Cheops, was built around 2550 BC. by order of the Egyptian pharaoh Cheops, who was buried inside. The massive triangular tomb is made up of 2.3 million stone blocks, each weighing anywhere between 2.5 to 15 tons. The construction of the pyramid itself required about 20,000 workers.

Some of the mines of the pyramid were left open, perhaps so that, according to the Egyptians, "Cheops could rise to the stars in the afterlife." Despite the fact that a lot has already been learned about the Cheops pyramid and the Giza complex, many facts about the construction and origin of the pyramid are still shrouded in mystery.

Roswell, New Mexico, USA

In June 1947, an unidentified flying object was allegedly crashed in Roswell, a small town in the state of New Mexico in the United States. It is believed that the remains of aliens were found there. The US military argued that such speculation was just nonsense and issued a statement in the mid-1990s that the wreckage was a top-secret government probe of the Mogul project.

UFO supporters disagreed with this view, making claims to the government that they were trying to cover up the case. Whether the incident was a massive government cover is hard to say, but Roswell is still considered mysterious place... The city is now ready to welcome alien guests by forming a UFO Support Committee and hosting an annual UFO Festival.

Giants Causeway, Ireland

The Causeway of the Giants is a mysterious expanse of 40,000 basalt columns located on the rocky shores of Northern Ireland. Its origin is associated with an ancient volcanic explosion. But the Irish legend has its own version of the origin of this geological mystery in County Atrim. According to one version, a giant warrior Finn McCool built a bridge to attack his arch rival, the Scottish giant Benandonner... According to another version, McCool used this bridge in order to save his beloved from the Hebrides.

Incidentally, Giant's Causeway is just steps from the old Bushmills distillery, which makes me wonder if these myths are the result of extra whiskey.

Cappadocia, Turkey

The landscape in Cappadocia seems very strange. Thanks to volcanic eruptions, this area has become like a lunar landscape, which has become a real find. In the second century, Christians, fleeing from Roman pursuers, carved these caches in the form of surreal cones and pipes in Cappadocia. They stayed here for years, and their original rooms turned into quaint towns with wineries, bathrooms and churches.

Ever since the Roman Empire fell and the Christians scattered, this underground city has become empty. Today, Cappadocia is experiencing a renaissance, opening its doors to numerous tourists.

Machu Picchu, Peru

Machu Picchu is the best-preserved city since the Inca Empire, seated solemnly in the foggy Peruvian Andes. Perhaps it was thanks to the clouds that this place was hidden for so long that it acquired its name " lost city of the Incas". The structure, which was created around 1440 AD, was abandoned during the Spanish invasion. However, its hidden location became a protection from the conquistadors and the place itself was in seclusion until 1911, when an American historian accidentally stumbled upon it Hiram Bingham.

Many believe that this place of the Incas was a mountain refuge for the then ruler. Pachacuti... The landscape itself: rocky mountains, emerald greenery and swirling clouds create an indescribable mysterious atmosphere here.

Easter Island

The stone faces along the coast gaze at Easter Island, a small piece of land in the Pacific Ocean off the coast of Chile. These giant sculptures, weighing 14 tons, have been called "moai", and their raison d'être has puzzled scientists for a long time.

Why did the locals of Rapa Nui spend so much time and energy thousands of years ago creating these gigantic faces? There was no written evidence, but one archaeologist Jo Ann Van Tilburg believes that these sculptures acted as intermediaries between the leaders of Rapa Nui and the gods, as well as heaven and earth.

Georgia Tablets, USA

The mysterious monument of the Tablet of Georgia, approximately 6 m high, is located in the northeastern state of Georgia in the United States. Five granite slabs are engraved on different languages, from English to Swahili, and their supposed purpose was to instruct survivors of the Apocalypse on how to rebuild society. One of the instructions reads: " Manage fertility wisely, adding value to life preparation and human diversity".

So how was this monument built? In 1979, unknown under a pseudonym mr christian entrusted this work to a stone processing company, but his identity remains a mystery to this day.

Stonehenge, England

About a few hours' drive from London is one of the world's true mysteries - Stonehenge. The legacy of this prehistoric monument, consisting of large standing stones weighing up to 50 tons, has given rise to many speculations.

Some argue that the Druids built Stonehenge as a temple, others associate its construction with the indigenous people who lived thousands of years ago. It is also believed that it is associated with the myth of King Arthur, which claims that the wizard Merlin moved the stones to this place. No one can say who built them, not to mention how they were brought here and what the very purpose of the monument is. Stonehenge is still the most mysterious place in the world.

Our vast planet is full of places that impress with their unimaginable beauty and mystery. People from time immemorial have always attracted the most. There are so many places on Earth where unimaginable incidents occur, and there are such amazing creatures that impress not only ordinary tourists, but also those who have met many scientists. Researchers try to find out more about what they see, but many questions remain unresolved, and mysterious mysteries remain unsolved.

Amazing buildings

The most mysterious and unexplored places are historical buildings, about which various rumors and legends are circulating. And no one knows a reliable answer to the question of where they came from and in what century BC. It is very interesting to get answers to these questions, but when will it be possible? Someday people will find answers to these mysterious questions.

To figure out exactly how many such places and buildings on our planet, you can give a whole list of specific examples.


This is the very first and probably the most famous landmark that does not have reliable information about its origin. The place where this building is located is called Wiltshire County, which is located in England. This monument of the world is considered the most mysterious. Around him, scientists and researchers make hundreds of assumptions that are not alike. But, unfortunately, the controversy does not move forward.

It is by its mysteriousness that this building attracts people from all over the world.

This stone structure evokes all kinds of fantasies. Movies were even filmed at this place. It is said that this amazing miracle was created by extraordinary people of high development, who thus arranged a memorial place for those who died in their time. This theory - one of many - is confirmed by the fact that burials were actually found not far from this place.

Yonaguni Underwater Pyramid

This place is the most mysterious. From the name it is clear that it is located underground in the water. Scientists have found that this unusual building is about ten thousand years old. She is located in Japan. This place is especially memorable for those who enjoy scuba diving. It was a diver who found these pyramids about twenty years ago.

It is interesting that one of the walls of this monument has a sharp cliff, which goes to a depth of about thirty meters. Some scholars suggest that this monument was at first an ordinary rock, but then people transformed it, and later it found such appearance which has now.

Nazca Lines

Until now, incomprehensible and amazing are the Nazca lines, which are located in Peru, near the Nazca desert. From above, these drawings look especially neat and resemble certain pictograms that could hardly have appeared on their own. The clarity of these lines is due to the fact that their geographic location, which implies a constantly dry season, kept them in their proper, one might say, intact form. In addition to lines, you can also observe images of various animals and insects, as well as other objects.

This most mysterious place in the world has been subject to many assumptions by historians and archaeologists. They say that these amazing lines were created for the religious practices of the ancient Indians. Some believe that this is just evidence that huge looms were used on this site in the past.

Kurgan New Greyge

No less mysterious is the mound, which is located near Ireland and has the name New Grange. This embankment is 85 meters in diameter above the ground. And in height it reaches about 11 meters. The most interesting thing about this mound is that although the roof is made of earth, which is overgrown with various grass, the walls are not earthen, but stone, that is, they are made of quartz, which distinguishes this mound from all others and makes it unique.

They say that this building is about five thousand years old, of course, during this time the walls collapsed a little, but they are neat. It is also very interesting to find out exactly how this building looks inside. Only by going inside, you can immediately get into long corridor that leads to a room across.

This room consists of tall monoliths, holes in the walls, rings and other decorations carved into the walls, and there is also a large stone bowl. Many are surprised by what happens to the sun on the solstice in December. At this time, a thin ray of the sun literally penetrates into this mound for several minutes. The interesting thing is that Sunray does not penetrate through the entrance, but through a small opening that is located above the entrance.

These amazing places around the world show that our history was preceded by important events when someone unknown was building these monuments. Now people only have to find out the real origin of these buildings.

But no less interesting are the places that none of the people created, they are so amazing that they simply lead to extraordinary admiration.

Beautiful and extraordinary places of the Earth

There are many places on Earth where you can admire the beautiful enchanting nature. It is in these places that the most incomprehensible and most inexplicable things happen. Here are just a few examples of this.

Salar de Uyuni

Describing the most mysterious places on Earth, one cannot fail to mention the sky, which gives the impression of an inversion. We can say that this is a natural mirror that reaches ten thousand square meters in area.

Bolivia has a desert that is completely different from all deserts that only exist on Earth. What is its superiority and difference? This desert is extraordinary in that it has collected many salt marshes. Therefore, we can say that it is not sandy, but salt. Surprisingly, there are also active volcanoes, cacti and geysers. It is really huge in size. But when the rainy season comes, it becomes even more extraordinary than it was before. During the rains, here, on a dry lake, water practically does not absorb into the ground, but creates a giant mirror. Many, having been there, say that it seems as if the sky has turned upside down.

The end of the world

One of the extraordinary places on our planet is the sea, namely the junction of two seas - the Baltic and the North. This place is located in Denmark, near the city of Skagen. The locals called this place the end of the world, since the junction of these seas is so clearly visible that it seems that one world ends and another begins.

This miracle is explained by the fact that in the waters of these two seas there are two separate currents of different densities. Therefore, they do not mix, but create a separate border that is clearly visible.

Forest with crooked trees

Even more mysterious and inexplicable is the forest in which trees of unusual shape grow. This forest is located in Poland. It did not grow up on its own, but was planted before World War II in the thirties of the twentieth century.

This forest has about four hundred trees, which have a bend in the trunk in one direction, it looks so synchronous and smooth that it is simply amazing. It is difficult to find a sensible explanation for such an unimaginable growth of pines. We can say that this landmark in Poland is one of the most memorable, so the state carefully protects it. It also attributed the status of a reserve to the forest.

Sable Island

Considering the most mysterious places on the planet, it is important to mention the island located in the Atlantic Ocean. Interestingly, its dimensions are 42 meters by one and a half meters. But not only this is mysterious and surprising. More strange is that it is near it that ships cannot sail normally. According to statistics, about seven hundred ships have already been shipwrecked.
This fact is explained by the fact that this island is located on not quite good location... Namely, at the intersection of two streams, cold and warm, Labrador and Gulf Stream. These two different streams create permanent strong storms near the island, which are characterized by heavy fog and high waves. For this reason, many sailors simply cannot see the low, flat island, which is barely visible from under the water.

It is also interesting that this island has the ability to move. It is noticed that Sable in the ocean can move at a speed of two hundred meters per year. Surprisingly, not a single island can move faster in the ocean, and the very bottom of the ocean moves only a few millimeters per year. Therefore, it is also considered inexplicable.

It is also worth noting that the reason for this movement is that the island is under pressure from both sides. On the one hand, it erodes the ocean, and on the other hand, the current brings sand. Because of this, the island also not only changes its position, but also its size, sometimes growing, sometimes decreasing. It is because of this that the captains of the ships cannot navigate one hundred percent in exactly where this island is located, as well as what size it has.

Video about the most mysterious places in the world

These are the most mysterious places in the world. It's very interesting to know what's going on. When you notice how beautiful and mysterious everything is, then unique feelings arise.

You can find out all the most unknown on Earth and get to know it better not only by reading about it on the Internet, but also by visiting it personally. It is by seeing everything with your own eyes and having tasted it by touch, that you can get an unforgettable experience.

On our beautiful planet, there are places that cause mystical horror. Many of them are human activities, like abandoned cities and accident zones, but even more of them were created by nature itself. Travel companies offer trips to both places, because a person is so arranged that he is attracted not only by everything beautiful and interesting, but also scary and mysterious.

The most scary places On the Earth

Manchak Swamp

Such a swamp is found in the US site of the state of Louisiana. Abandoned place with huge amount alligators, twisted and decayed trees. It breathes with mysticism, many tourists see ghosts, guides explain this by the fact that many slaves who once fled from their masters found their death in the swamp. In 1915, a terrible hurricane swept here, which added more casualties - several villages were washed into the swamp together with people and animals. This is why the swamp is called the place of ghosts. Especially creepy there, at night.

Suicide forest in Japan

At the foot of the famous Mount Fuji lies the dense forest of Aokigahara, which attracts suicides. And the fact is that since ancient times this forest was considered the "place of residence" of ghosts and sick and infirm people were brought here to certain death. They were mainly old people, children and disabled people. Yes, morals then were like that, if a person cannot feed himself on the site, then his place is in this quiet and gloomy forest, where there are full of dark rocky caves. The forest is literally saturated with dark energy, the suffering of people abandoned here is felt. No wonder people who want to commit suicide choose this particular place.

Not many tourists take the risk to see the Aokigahara forest, mostly suicides and rescuers come there, trying to find them and dissuade them from a fatal mistake. They also install plaques with inscriptions about the value of life and relatives left at home. But it seems that this stops a few, since every year more than a hundred corpses are found in the forest, which the marauders have already searched. And since it is very easy to get lost in the forest, the corpses of marauders are also added to the suicides.

Chernobyl Ukraine

The human factor played a tragic role here. In 1986, an accident occurred at the Chernobyl site of a nuclear power plant. Within two days, the city of Pripyat and the settlements adjacent to the station were urgently evacuated. People were sure that they were leaving their homes for several days, therefore they left not only the acquired property, but also the animals. To date, the level of radiation has significantly decreased and short excursions are conducted in the exclusion zone. Tourists are invited to inspect the sarcophagus and walk the streets of the abandoned city. Residential buildings with children's toys, abandoned kindergartens and schools, to which people will not return for a long time, or perhaps never, leave a very painful impression.

Danakil Desert

This is the Ethiopian desert, which is also called "Hell on Earth". She got this name because of her strange landscape, similar to the Martian one. All this is aggravated by the lack of oxygen, the fetid odor of saturated gases, and scalding air. They are generated by the earth boiling under the feet of the site and melting stones. A journey in a fifty-degree heat, suddenly awakening mini volcanoes, harmful sulfur fumes, militant semi-wild tribes - all this is for thrill-seekers great harm for health. But this does not stop many, because the African Danakil Desert is very beautiful and mysterious.

Babi Yar

Another terrible place in Ukraine in terms of its tragic events is the Babiy Yar tract. Here, during the Second World War, mass executions of the Jewish population of Kiev were carried out. The German invaders drove here Jews, Gypsies and those who sheltered them and, according to eyewitnesses of those events, the shootings did not stop for several months. Historians claim that more than one hundred thousand people died here. Those tragic events left their mark on the entire area.

Today there is a memorial "Menorah in Babi Yar" and many monuments with a variety of inscriptions. So the site was immortalized in the memory of all innocent victims.

Hell Gate

In 1971, after an accident on a Soviet drilling rig, a 100-meter-wide fault remained in Turkmenistan. Gases began to come out of the crack, which it was decided to set on fire. But no one could calculate their number and since then a fire has been raging in the well. It can be seen for many kilometers and it looks like it will burn there for a very long time.

The island of abandoned dolls

In Mexico, among the many islands, only one is noted as a terrible feature - the Island of the Dolls (La Isla de las Muñecas), whose territory is hung with dolls forgotten or thrown into the trash. It all began with the death of a girl who drowned in one of the ponds of the island. The guy who witnessed this tragedy saved the drowned child's doll and hung it on a tree, supposedly in memory of the deceased. Since then, the site has since constantly found discarded dolls and brought them to the island, and in 2011 he himself drowned in the same lake, not long before becoming a hermit and the only inhabitant of the island. Most of the toys are broken and disfigured, from which an eerie and ominous atmosphere reigns throughout the island.

Capuchin catacombs

In the Italian city of Palermo, there are catacombs with the mummified remains of monks numbering about five thousand. The last burial here dates back to 1990. Since then, the catacombs have been open to tourists.

Overtone bridge

The arch bridge near the Scottish city of Glasgow became famous not for its beauty, but for the strange suicide of dogs that began in the middle of the 20th century. The mysticism is that every month on the same day, dogs jumped from the fifteen-meter bridge. Under the bridge is the site of a waterfall with many stones, so almost all the animals died. Those that survived again climbed the bridge and jumped from it.

The Scots explain this behavior of dogs by the legend of how the father threw his son from this bridge and now the ghost of the child calls the dogs to him on the very day he drowned. Most likely, only dogs see the boy's ghost and rush to his aid.

Scientists explain the fact of suicide of dogs by the fact that they are all hunting breeds and, passing over the bridge, they see and smell the minks living under the bridge, and so, obeying instinct, they die. But there were skeptics who refute this theory, saying that dogs jump from a bridge on a certain day, and not spontaneously. The question remains open, although more and more versions of the strange behavior of animals constantly appear. One of which, quite incredible, is the opening of a website portal to other worlds. But there is still no clue, and the dogs continue to die.

Paris catacombs

Unlike the Italian catacombs, the Parisian ones are much larger and famous all over the world. They are a chain of winding tunnels with many caves and slopes. The length of the catacombs is about 300 kilometers, they pass all over Paris. According to experts, more than 6 million people are buried here.

Despite the fact that such places negatively affect a person, hundreds of tourists visit such eerie corners in search of thrills.

No matter how much humanity wants to solve all the riddles of our planet, this is not always possible. On the vast territory of the Earth there are many mysterious corners that were created both by nature itself and by human hands.

These buildings are different from others created by mankind. They are shrouded in mystery and are not well known among the locals. They are associated with ancient legends that can scare even the most daring. However, these anomalous zones constantly attract fans of mysticism and the paranormal!

This collection contains 12 of the most mystical places on the planet, created by human hands!

12 Alcatraz, USA

This prison is famous all over the world for the fact that it was impossible to escape from it. It was created specifically for criminals who were not held in regular prisons. After the closure, there are no mentions of successful escapes, but there is one mystical story that still interests researchers. In 1972, the Anglin brothers and Frank Morris escaped from prison thanks to an elaborate plan. But neither themselves nor their bodies were found. Even the FBI has failed to solve this mystery.

11 Edinburgh Castle, Scotland

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Ancient castles are always accompanied by legends about ghosts, but in the case of Edinburgh Castle, their number is simply off scale. This residence of all Scottish monarchs attracts fans of the paranormal. Many brutal murders have taken place here, such as "Black Lunch". During the meal, the Douglas brothers, who were only 16 years old, were captured and beheaded. But these are not all of the victims of Edinburgh Castle. Rumor has it that here you can see the ghost of a piper, piper and even the ghost of a sadist in a leather apron.

10 Jewish cemetery in Prague, Czech Republic

This place has a bad reputation for lovers of the occult sciences. In the middle of the Czech capital is the old Jewish town - a very colorful area. And its main attraction is the Jewish cemetery, where more than 100 thousand people are buried. The territory is installed under different angles 12 thousand gravestones, all other graves are located on levels. It looks quite creepy, in addition, there are legends that not all the deceased went to another world. Therefore, this place attracts occultists like a magnet.

9 Second metro, Moscow

Was, still is, or never existed - this is a mystery many adventurers want to solve. For many decades, there have been rumors about the presence of Metro-2 near Moscow, a secret underground transport line specially for the government. The hype around this topic appeared after the report of the US Department of Defense, where a diagram of Metro-2 was even attached. The Russian authorities have only partially confirmed the existence of the Kremlin metro line.

8 Amitville House, New York

This true story has become the plot for a whole series of horror films. The house in Amitville is still standing still, you can see it with your own eyes. In 1974, a brutal murder took place here - Ronald DeFeo shot six members of his family right in their beds. A year later, this house with a bloody history was bought by the Lats family, but they could not stay here. They were harassed by the paranormal. After the publicity of this story in the cinema, the first one on this topic came out.

7 Coral Castle, Florida

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The secret of the construction of this place has not yet been revealed. There are no ghosts here, but the castle itself is one big mystery. It was built by one man, Edward Leedskalnin, between 1920 and 1950. The total weight of the castle together with all the sculptures is over 1100 tons. How a man with a height of 152 cm managed to build this castle from limestone blocks alone is still unknown. Edward built the castle at night and carefully concealed his technology from others.

6 Winchester House, USA

The history of this house is directly related to mysticism. It was built for several decades by the widow of the heir to the empire, Sarah. The woman lost her daughter and husband early, which prompted her to think about the curse of the family. After communicating with the medium, she began to build a house with secrets - its doors led into emptiness, and the corridors ran into dead ends. It is believed that the widow built the house in such a way as to confuse the spirits of the people who haunted her, who died from the rifle of Oliver Winchester.

5 Lip Castle, Ireland

This castle is considered to be the most eerie place in Ireland. His bloody history makes the blood run cold. Crimes have occurred here since the date of construction in 1513, but the most brutal killings were during the reign of the O'Carroll clan. They often invited enemies to reconciliation dinners and then killed right at the table. There was also a room in the castle with a secret floor with a double bottom. It was studded with stakes that the unfortunate guests of the clan fell on. When repairs were carried out there, the bones of about 150 people were found.

4 Overtone Bridge, Scotland

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This Scottish bridge has attracted media attention due to the mass of accidents. True, they were very strange - dogs were thrown from the bridge. The first case was recorded in 1951, and since then, about once a month, one dog is thrown down from there. Even those who survived return to the bridge and jump again. Fans of mysticism explain this by the ghost of a boy who was thrown from the bridge by his father many years ago. Allegedly, the boy calls the dogs to play with him.

3 Poveglia Island, Italy

This place can lead to pain in the heart, if you do not know what is inside. The Church of St. George, located in the village of Lukova in the Czech Republic, has one peculiarity. After a series of fires, this abandoned building was turned into a cultural monument by the young artist Yakov Khadrava. He adorned the church with creepy plaster figures of monks. These ghost sculptures attract tourists who love to tickle their nerves.

1 Castle Tower, UK

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Of course, Great Britain also has its own castle with a bloody history. On account of this fortress there are many executed victims, often innocent. It is not surprising that ghosts of certain historical figures are constantly seen here. Anne Boleyn, Bishop Thomas Becket, Marguerite Paul, Lady Jane Gray, Catherine Howard were executed in the Tower. The series of executions began by King Henry VIII, and continued by his descendants. Also, Edward V and his brother Richard disappeared without a trace in the Tower.

These places are a real find for those who like to tickle their nerves. Every year they are visited by thousands of paranormal lovers who want to see something unusual with their own eyes.