How to grow forest mushrooms on the site. Milk mushrooms: description, application, photos, recipes

Even experienced mushroom pickers, who accurately know how to distinguish edible mushrooms from poisonous ones, risk getting poisoned if the conditions for mushroom germination were unfavorable (near the highway, dumps, etc.). It is possible to be sure that everything is "clean" with the soil, mycelium, only under one condition, when you are independently growing mushrooms. What is so environmentally friendly that you can grow at home?

It is unpretentious to the substrate, it grows quickly. Of course, you need high-quality planting material - mycelium, which is best purchased at specialized points of sale.

There is also a choice in the method of growing oyster mushrooms. Can go intensively: a different substrate is suitable, compost is easy to prepare, the fouling rate is high, production is almost waste-free - the substrate is then used as organic fertilizer(perhaps - this is a topic for a separate conversation).

For extensive method you will need hemp and plots of land. Such mushroom areas can bear fruit for more than 4 years (depending on the wood, the size of the hemp).

  1. we take fresh hemp, 20-40 cm in diameter, up to 50 cm long;
  2. we drill holes up to 2 cm in diameter, up to 7 cm deep, on both sides;
  3. scald the workpiece with boiling water or boil it to disinfect;
  4. apply mycelium to the entire cut, fill the drilled holes with it, cover with a plastic bag; we do the same, on the other hand;
  5. we place the logs in a dark place, where the temperature is 17 ... 22 о С;
  6. in a few months, when the mycelium sprouts on the workpiece, you will need to plant them on the garden bed: dig holes up to 20 cm deep, place the workpieces with either end in them and bury them.

With this method, the crop can be obtained in the year of planting, best planted in August.

it delicious and high-calorie mushroom which lends itself well to pickling.

  1. from the beginning of autumn to mid-spring, you can plant mycelium at home in containers with a substrate: make holes in the substrate, put mycelium in them, fill them up;
  2. in May, the sprouted mycelium must be transferred to the ground;
  3. the first mushrooms appear on next year after sowing; when the mycelium is well settled in the soil, the yield will double, fruiting will last up to 5 years.

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3. Winter mushroom

A fairly common mushroom in natural conditions, which is also cultivated.

  1. you need to prepare a substrate, you will need: wood, both coniferous and deciduous, sawdust and shavings, bran are suitable; organic additives, ash, bone flour... Organic additives must be 30%, the rest is wood shavings(sawdust). The components are poured with water while stirring. It is necessary to achieve a substrate moisture content of about 60%;
  2. the resulting mixture is half filled with conventional glass jars(usually liter), closed with lids and steam sterilized for 5 hours; a day later, repeat the sterilization;
  3. a thin layer of mycelium (2-4 mm) is applied to the substrate with a sterile instrument, such an operation must be carried out quickly, so as not to bring anything into the sterile environment, quickly close the lid;
  4. so that the mycelium grows well indoors you need to maintain a temperature of 20-25 ° C;
  5. when the mycelium has grown to 90% of the total substrate, the lids can be removed; move the cans to a dark room, where the temperature will not be higher than 14 ° C, the humidity is about 85%;
  6. after 2 weeks, the rudiments of fruiting bodies should appear, the temperature will now need to be maintained at 9-12 ° C, the humidity is still 80-85%, artificial lighting (50 lux), good ventilation will be needed;
  7. to keep the mushrooms in an upright position (they have thin and long legs), "funnels" are made of thick paper around the neck of the jar.

Typically, the yield from one "sowing" includes two or three waves. After that, the jars are released and washed, then the process is repeated again.

Thus, you can grow various mushrooms, which you like best. Each technology has its own peculiarities and difficulties, however, your efforts will be rewarded with a good and environmentally friendly harvest of delicious mushrooms.

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See also an interesting video - everything you need to know about mushrooms

Milk mushrooms are quite tasty mushrooms, especially in pickles. Therefore, recently, in addition to the cultivation of well-known champignons and oyster mushrooms, amateur gardeners began to breed mushrooms. The principle of breeding mushrooms is to lay the mycelium of the mushroom in the prepared substrate and after a year over the next 5 years, you can harvest. This is the first way - it is simpler and more reliable. The second is the collection of fungal spores and the independent development of the mycelium. This method is not always effective, since there is no guarantee that the mycelium of the mushroom will develop correctly. Otherwise, the cultivation of mushrooms would have been carried out on an industrial scale for a long time. However, if you are an experienced mushroom grower, then this method of breeding milk mushrooms is up to you. Growing milk mushrooms begins with the acquisition of high-quality mycelium. In addition, you will need a hardwood tree that is no more than 4 years old. The best "companions" for milk mushrooms are birch, poplar, willow, hazel. It is necessary to prepare soil with a high peat content. Prepared and pretreated (sterilized) sawdust, but straw or husk can be used instead. In advance, you need to take care of small pieces of moss, which is better to cut in those places where milk mushrooms usually grow. It is also desirable to have a small amount of harvested fallen leaves.

The substrate must be prepared in advance, since there is no guarantee that the mycelium will successfully take root, although it is known which trees the milk mushrooms coexist well with. To prepare the substrate, the disinfected soil is mixed with sterilized, steamed sawdust. Then dig 3 small holes (20 cm deep and 10 - diameter) next to the tree, closer to the roots. However, the procedure for planting the mycelium should be done very carefully so as not to damage the root system.

Fill the wells halfway with the prepared substrate. Arrange on top with pieces of mycelium. Pour some more substrate on top of the mycelium, tamping tightly. Prepare mortar for watering at the rate of 10 liters of water 50 grams of lime. Each place must receive at least 1 liter of water. This procedure contributes to the disinfection of the soil. The holes are covered with moss and fallen leaves on top. The most favorable time for laying the mycelium directly into the ground is from May to September. If the mycelium was purchased late autumn or in winter, special greenhouse conditions can be used. Milk mushrooms are moisture-loving creatures, therefore, in a hot summer, it is necessary to shelter them from undue influence. sun rays, and also take care of abundant watering (about three buckets of water should be carefully poured under each tree once a week).

Milk is among the three favorite mushrooms of Russians, deservedly so. Mushrooms are generally an irreplaceable dish in Russian cuisine, especially during the period of long fasts. A centuries-old tradition to collect and harvest mushrooms for the winter, she is still alive. Moreover, more and more young people are joining it. Someone just likes to walk and take pictures of autumn nature, someone feels a real hunting excitement in search of mushrooms, for some it is a real family custom.

When summer heat begins to recede, it becomes cool at night, and in the morning dew lies on the grass, the first autumn mushrooms - milk mushrooms - appear in the forests and plantings. Autumn rains contribute to the growth of lunar mushrooms. Depending on the temperature regime, they should be expected from late July to early October. On average, the mushroom season lasts only 2 months a year - August and September. During this time, experienced mushroom pickers manage to collect and salt a large crop.

Where milk mushrooms grow in Russia

In our country, milk mushrooms are found in almost all areas, with the exception of the northernmost outskirts. Center, Ural, Siberia - these are places where you can collect a lot of mushrooms during the season.

In Russia, about 20 species of these mushrooms grow, and in different regions - their own varieties. Taste different varieties the mushrooms are also different. From pleasant to pungently bitter. It is curious that some do not consider milk mushrooms bitter edible mushrooms... But in those places where only they grow, they are successfully soaked from bitterness for 4-5 days, constantly changing the water, then they are prepared according to recipes.

Attention! No one has canceled the golden rule - you cannot take a mushroom if it is unfamiliar or in doubt.

Which forest to go for mushrooms

It is curious that in the same area two woods can be located next to each other, while one of them will be full of mushrooms, and in the other not even toadstools will be found. Right choice forests or planting - this is 70% of success in the mushroom business.

The forest in which you can find milk mushrooms will look like this:

  • not young and not old (in a too young forest or planting, the mycelium has not yet had time to appear and grow. An old forest can be overgrown, the layer of leaves falling annually is thick);
  • trees are surrounded by low grass, or there is practically none (mushrooms are extremely rare in tall grass);
  • fallen leaves do not rustle from dryness, they are wet (in order for the mycelium to activate and begin to grow, there must be a certain humidity in the forest, not necessarily from rains. In some cases, abundant morning dew is sufficient);
  • there is a mushroom smell in the forest (in the place where milk mushrooms grow, there will always be an aroma of mushrooms and moisture).

Milk mushrooms can be found in a variety of forests: birch, alder, coniferous, oak, mixed, the main thing is that the above conditions are met.

How to look for milk mushrooms correctly

For convenience, the whole process of searching and collecting milk mushrooms can be divided into several stages:

  1. Find a sturdy long stick that will be comfortable to hold in your hand, and pry on the tubercles of the fallen leaves with it.
  2. Starting from the extreme row, moving deeper into the planting, check all the "suspicious" heaps of leaves around the tree trunks.
  3. Remember that around the found large mushroom there will be another group of small mushrooms, which are of the greatest interest for real mushroom hunters.
  4. Place the found mushrooms on one side in a basket so that their plates are not clogged with sand and fine debris.

Advice. Going into the forest for mushrooms, take gloves with you. Milk mushrooms belong to the group of mushrooms that secrete milky juice. In addition, his cap is often wet. Finding and picking mushrooms with gloves will keep your hands clean.

Milk mushrooms grow in families, hiding under a layer of old, long-fallen leaves, so the mushroom picker should be focused on any rounded small hills on the ground around the trees (starting from 20-30 cm from the trunk), along the edges of the edges. When the first mushroom is found, you need to scrape the leaves and soil around it a little to find its "family". Whole paths of mushrooms can be found.

In fact, it is very easy to find milk mushrooms, if they exist at all in the selected forest. Beautiful, white or black, not wormy, they quickly fill the basket of the mushroom picker, awakening the hunting excitement in him. Having learned to find milk mushrooms, you will not return from the forest with an empty basket!

How to look for milk mushrooms in the forest - video

: salted milk mushrooms, fried chanterelles, soup with dried white ... Mushroom "quiet hunt" is a special pleasure, but even more pleasant when mushrooms grow right on your site. In this article, we will tell you about proven ways to grow any kind of mushroom at home - from unpretentious oyster mushrooms to whimsical white and boletus mushrooms.

How to grow oyster mushrooms

FORUMHOUSE user _ JG_ infested poplar, aspen, birch and maple near the house with oyster mushroom grain mycelium. In the first year best harvest received from maple and aspen, the worst - from birch. Home cultivation oyster mushrooms, in his experience, has the following feature:


The yield will be proportionally larger due to the high density of wood ( more lignin that mycelium feeds on). The peak harvest is in the 2nd year, so I'll look at the results.

Before infecting the stump with oyster mushroom mycelium, experts advise preparing: steaming the wood to kill all pathogenic flora and fauna. V to a greater extent this applies to old stumps and dry logs. If you infect the stumps and stumps of freshly sawn trees (literally: cut down a tree and immediately infected), then, according to the experience of FORUMYOUSE users, in nine cases out of ten, the result of this process will be successful. This is how it does _JG_:

  • chocks are taken no longer than a meter, diameter - from 20 centimeters;
  • a dozen hollows are drilled in a chock;
  • the holes are clogged with mycelium and covered with plasticine on top;
  • after the chock is evenly covered with airy mycelium over the entire surface of the slices (a white film, it looks like mold), it is ready for planting;
  • the chock is planted in the garden in the most shaded and wet place, in the heat, hemp is watered, that's all care. In the first year, a bucket of mushrooms gives 4-5 stumps, in the second year, a bucket can be collected from one or two stumps.

If we are talking about very small proportions, like “I want to try to grow oyster mushrooms at home, in a bag on the balcony,” you don’t need to be smart with hemp. the optimal substrate will be straw of any cereals or a bag with hulls from sunflower seeds. Experts say that there may be less fungi on a homogeneous substrate than on a multicomponent one, but it is easier to adapt to the technology this way.

Everyone who has grown oyster mushrooms notes that homemade mushrooms are tastier than store ones - the taste depends on the quality of the substrate. More about how to grow oyster mushrooms: they are tastier on hemp than on straw or husk from sunflower seeds. Some people don't like the mustard flavor that these mushrooms have: you can get rid of it if you fry them before cooking until the moisture evaporates.

Garry he grew oyster mushrooms on short poplar blocks and soaked them in a barrel of water for three days before infection with mycelium. After such water treatment, hemp was put one on top of the other, it turned out three meter pyramids, three chocks in each. To prevent the pyramids from falling apart, sticks were hammered along the edges.

The pyramids were installed in the dampest part of the site, under the blackberries behind the barn. Garry I came to the dacha only on weekends, therefore, in order to avoid drying out, each pyramid was wrapped in a film, and near it, at the foot of the pyramid, I put a jar of water. In wet weather, the film was removed. In the fall, the film was removed completely. These pyramids bore fruit for five years, of which three years were abundant.

Forest mushrooms on the site

Everyone, probably, had to grind dried mushrooms with their hands and scatter them over the site, in the hope that the mushrooms reproduce by spores. Sometimes there really was a result, and several mushrooms grew. But in general, correctly porcini and other "noble" mushrooms on home plot bred in three ways. The main thing is to create conditions on the site that are as close to natural as possible, and for planting material you can use mycelium, and caps, and legs of overripe cut mushrooms, and chopped dried mushrooms. Plant mushrooms better in autumn- this greatly increases the likelihood of a good harvest.

Method one: mushrooms under the leaves

For this method, it is ideal if there is a small grove on the site (5-7 trees together) of birches, aspens, oak, hazel, pine or Christmas trees. In autumn, in this grove, you need to rake leaves and twigs in a heap and plant pieces of mushroom caps under them.

Method two: mushrooms in pockets

  • take mature mushrooms of a week old;
  • separate the tubular part with spores;
  • grind it into pieces up to two centimeters in size;
  • dry for a couple of hours in the sun under a gauze awning - do not skip this step;
  • at this time, make pockets in the turf;
  • put two or three pieces of mushroom in each pocket.

You can go to pick mushrooms in this place in the second or third year.

Method three: mushrooms in a nutrient mixture

  • Preparing a nutrient mixture: collect fallen oak leaves, rotten oak wood, horse dung(clean, no bedding). The proportions are as follows: 90% leaves, 5% wood, 5% manure.
  • We lay out all the components in layers on a flat area: sprinkle a layer of leaves with a height of 20 cm with wood and manure, pour with a 1% solution of ammonium nitrate. We also make the second, third and subsequent layers.
  • We leave the mixture for a week or 10 days. During this period of time, it should warm up to 25-40 degrees. Then we shovel it until smooth.
  • Preparing a recess for laying the mixture. On a shaded area, remove a layer of earth up to 2 m wide and up to 30 cm deep.
  • We put the finished nutrient mixture into the recess with a layer of 10-12 cm, on top of 6-8 cm of soil from the garden, we also make the subsequent layers. The total height of all layers should not be more than half a meter. In the center, the mushroom bed should be slightly higher than at the edges: this will provide water flow and help avoid waterlogging.

The seedlings will be pieces of mycelium that we will bring from the forest. For this we:

  • we go to the forest, we find White mushroom;
  • with a shovel or a sharp knife, cut out a rectangle of earth around the mushroom: side length - 20-30 cm, height - 10-15 cm;
  • cut the rectangle into 5-10 identical pieces and plant them in the holes prepared in the mushroom bed; at the bottom of the hole above the piece of wood there should be a layer of earth 5-7 cm high;
  • the pits should be staggered, at a distance of at least 30 cm from each other;
  • the beds with mushroom seedlings are moderately moistened and covered with leaves to maintain a constant level of humidity.

Nadezhda Afan grows boletus mushrooms in a nutrient mixture of starch and gelatin on his site.

Mix recipe: 10 liters of water, 2 tablespoons of starch, a bag of gelatin, 5 old boletus boletus. Chop the boletus, combine with the rest of the ingredients, leave for three days. Pour 3 liters of the mixture over the age-old (this important point) birch.

Champignons from the box

Most types of mushroom cultivation technologies are designed for large volumes, which are not suitable even for an amateur mini-farm. It is necessary to properly prepare and pasteurize the compost, grow mycelium, a room with the appropriate temperature, lighting, more suitable air humidity and other conditions. Many online stores sell mini mushroom gardens. You can buy, grow up quickly, enjoy yourself and please your children. This is nothing more than a toy, it will not work to collect kilograms of the crop, but it is very interesting. Such a mini-vegetable garden grew at Katya2013.


Since I spend most of my time at work, mushrooms grew in my office. The main thing is humidity and temperature regime withstand and follow the instructions, then the result will be as in the photo.

And what about the boletus, chanterelles, mushrooms, milk mushrooms and other noble and popular mushrooms among the people?

Grow a harvest of noble mushrooms, boletus, camelina, and on your own personal plot, unfortunately, it won't work, you don't even have to try to do it. And the point here is that these fungi, which form mycorrhiza on the roots of trees, are not able to live or develop outside their native breed. By helping trees to extract inorganic substances from the earth, they, in turn, receive glucose and other nutrition from them. For mushrooms, such a union is vital, but, at the same time, it is very fragile and outside interference immediately destroys it.

So, even if you manage to settle boletus mushrooms in the garden, moving them there along with a spruce, pine or oak, then it is unlikely that something will come of it. The chances for the success of the enterprise are so small that it is not worth trying, pulling the mycelium out of the usual forest environment.

But still there is a way out. One of the ways is pretty widely covered on the net. They say that this is how mushrooms and boletus were grown at the beginning of the last century. And they did it on an industrial scale. This technology involves the use of those porcini mushrooms that have already become overripe. They must be placed in a bowl or tub made of wood and poured with rain or spring water... Wait twenty-four hours, and then mix everything thoroughly and strain the mass through cheesecloth. As a result of the manipulations, a solution is formed, which contains a huge number of fungal spores. This liquid should be watered those trees in the garden, under which it is planned to grow noble mushrooms.

There is one more technique. You need to go to the forest or a nearby planting and find a family of porcini mushrooms there. Then very carefully and carefully dig out the pieces of the overgrown mycelium. Select trees on the site, dig small holes under them and place fragments of the mycelium brought from the wild there. Their size should be comparable to the size chicken eggs... Cover the top with a layer of forest soil (thickness - 2-3 centimeters). Then the planting needs to be watered a little, but not filled with water, so as not to destroy the mycelium. From excess moisture, it will simply rot. And then you need to look at the weather and, in the absence of rain, additionally moisten the ground under the trees with garden watering can or a hose with a spray nozzle. For mushroom "seedlings" not only mycelium is suitable, but also the caps of overripe boletus. The area for the mushroom plot must be dug up and loosened. The hats are cut into small cubes with a side of one centimeter, thrown into the ground and gently mixed with the ground. After planting, the soil should be lightly watered.

You can also plant slightly dried porcini mushrooms. They are laid out on the prepared soil under the trees, watered, and after seven days they are removed. The mechanism is simple: after watering, the spores from the cap will move into the ground and, possibly, attach to the tree roots, and there it will reach the formation of a fruiting body.

It is not a fact that the methods described above will work at all. But even if successful, the mushroom harvest should be expected in a year, next summer or autumn. And then it will be only single mushrooms, and not friendly families of boletus. But next season, you can count on rich mushroom picks.