In brief about the construction of the house from Arbolit, with your own hands. Building a house from Arbolit (Arbolite blocks) - construction technology, from the foundation to the roof, blocks of wood chips and cement

Cement and sawdust blocks

In the production of products for construction, cement and chips are mixed. The technology is distinguished by affordable, does not require special equipment. Independent production of blocks from sawdust can significantly reduce the estimate cost of construction and prepare material, which is characterized by environmental purity. Increased performance characteristics of products from Portland cement and sawdust make it possible to exercise residential buildings, cottages, as well as household structures. To properly use the material, it is necessary to study the characteristics, formulation, familiar with the advantages and disadvantages, as well as master the manufacturing technology from cement and wood waste.

Blocks from opilk concrete - Characteristic

Opplocks are lightweight building material. They are a kind of concrete products characterized by a reduced specific weight. Thanks unique propertiesMaterial is in demand in the construction industry.

Arbolit is a slight variety of concrete based on sawdust and high-quality cement

Differs in the following characteristics:

  • heat engineering properties. In buildings, the basis of which are blocks of opilk concrete, it is easy to maintain a comfortable temperature mode;
  • environmental safety. Ovilkoblocks are made from raw materials of natural origin;
  • increased margin of strength. Blocks made of opilk concrete ensure the stability of the builded structures;
  • fire safety. Manufacturing technology and components used ensure the fire resistance of the concrete composite;
  • increased injury permeability. The structure of the array contributes to maintaining a favorable room humidity;
  • resistance to temperature fluctuations. Blocks made of chips and cement withstand multiple freezing cycles with subsequent thawing;
  • available price level. Applying building blocks based on cement and chips can significantly reduce the estimated cost of construction.

Depending on the swelling Opolkoblocks are divided into the following types:

  • thermal insulation, characterized by a density of 0.4-0.8 t / m3;
  • structural specific which is 0.8-1.2 t / m3.

High specifications Provide the popularity of products made on the basis of cement binder and sawdust.

Opolk concrete refers to the category of lightweight materials

Blocks from sawdust and cement - advantages and disadvantages

Opolkobloki differ in the following advantages:

  • increased degree of sound insulation. The opilk concrete composite absorbs extraneous noises, which allows you to feel comfortable in the room;
  • harmless to others. In the operation of products produced on the basis of environmentally friendly natural raw materials, harmful substances are distinguished;
  • fire resistance. Blocks of sawdust and cement are not flammable when the temperature is exposed to 1100 ° C for two and a half hours;
  • easy processing. The material is quickly processed by the instrument, retains integrity in mechanical exposure;
  • affordable. Ships is a waste production of woodworking enterprises, is distinguished by an affordable price;
  • simple masonry. Building blocks, characterized by increased volume with a small mass, allow you to quickly erect walls;
  • long service life. Qualitatively made and protected from absorption moisture products are distinguished by durability.

Blocks made from these materials are widely used in the construction of houses, cottages, household buildings

Along with the advantages, the material also has weaknesses:

  1. Long production cycle. Acquisition performance characteristics It occurs for three months from the moment of fill in the form.
  2. Increased absorption of moisture. Opolkobeton needs reliable waterproof from all sides.
  3. The possibility of using chips only from certain types of wood. Scrolls with a reduced content of sugars are used, the decay process of which affects the strength of the material.

Assessing the advantages and analyzing the shortcomings, many developers prefer cement-based products and chips.

Production of blocks from sawdust and cement with their own hands

Production of blocks from sawdust provides for the following steps:

  • Production of raw materials for the manufacture of opilos concrete products. The presence of the necessary materials in the construction warehouses allows you to purchase all components before the start of manufacture.
  • Preparation required tool or mixing equipment. It is possible to use a concrete mixer to prepare the composition in increased volumes or manually make stirring in the container using a shovel.

The undoubted advantage of the optical concrete is that it can be done with your own hands.

  • Mixing components in accordance with the recipe. The use of concrete mixers for automation contributes to improving the quality of mixing, performance, improves the quality of the oprob concrete.
  • Filling the solution in forms. The wooden containers of the collapsible type of 20 mm thick boards are used, lined with plastic sheets or metal.
  • Drying opilk concrete in vivo. The acquisition of production hardness and evaporation of moisture occurs for 90 days after forming of opilos concrete products.

Composition of blocks

Opplocks are made based on the following ingredients.:

  • portland cement;
  • sand;
  • clay or hazed lime;
  • wood chips;
  • water.


Waste of various types of wood are used for production:

  • pines;
  • fir;

For the manufacture of arbolit, it is required precisely pure chips (wood particles), not bark or leaves

  • poplar;
  • ash;
  • birch;
  • beech;
  • oak;
  • grab;
  • larch.

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Where would you prefer to live: in a private house, or apartment?


Where would you prefer to live: in a private house, or apartment?


Optimal filler - chips obtained during processing coniferous trees. Increased concentration of resin in conifer chip protects the material from the appearance of rot.

Accelerated hardening is characteristic of pine. Pine sawdust products can be used 40 days after molding. A long set of strength occurs in oprobetone from oak chips or larch. Products from the specified types of wood can be used to erect walls no earlier than 100 days after molding.

Preparation of wood raw materials makes it possible to increase the strength characteristics of opilk concrete, fire resistance, reduce the absorption material of moisture and includes the following steps:

  1. Putting the wood fraction in lime milk.
  2. Drying is natural or forced.
  3. Soaking B. liquid glassdissolved in water in a 1: 7 ratio.

The preparation of the working mixture is made on the basis of which construction material will be used.

Separation of chips on sieves with cells from 10 to 20 millimeters makes it possible to ensure the uniformity of the filler.


The proportions of the components used are determined by the density of the material.

For example, to prepare a composition with high density, a ton of chips will be required:

  • cement - 1 t;
  • lime - 0.25 tons;
  • sand - 2.5 tons.

The ratio of components is adjusted by experimentally depending on humidity.

Mixing components

The mixing process follow in the following order:

  1. Prepare necessary materials in the required quantities.
  2. Mix in a dry form of sand with a portland cement M300 brand.
  3. Add sawdust and lime evenly.
  4. Pouring water, stirring the solution to the desired consistency.

An important nuance of the manufacture of blocks - a mixture of cement and wood sawdust before kneading should be dry, that is, after shutteries, the chip dries

Performance of the test zama allows you to adjust the recipe before the work. The elasticity of the prepared solution during compression in the palm shows its readiness. When scattering, lumps should increase the volume of the liquid, and when the water is pressed - reduce. Properly prepared solution begins to stand in an hour after mixing.

Size of sawdust

By making a decision on the size of an organic fraction, remember:

  • the size of sawdust is not a determining factor in the manufacture of opilk concrete;
  • the use of homogeneous wood chips contributes to improving the quality of products.

Blocks of chips and cement - scope

Scope of use of opilk concrete:

  • the construction of garages, household buildings, cottages, residential buildings;
  • insulation of capital walls of houses and basement;
  • construction of various types of fences;
  • arrangement of internal partitions.

Let's sum up

Independent manufacture of blocks from sawdust and cement allows at low costs to build buildings with comfortable conditions. Strength, fire safety and environmental cleanliness of opilk concrete ensures the popularity of inexpensive building material. The article will help to deal with the characteristics of the material, advantages and disadvantages, features of technology.

New, and in this case, the forgotten old, arbolit returns to the building materials market. As practice has shown, building a house from arbolite blocks with their own hands - a good perspective to build a strong, warm and reliable private house.

Disadvantages of bricks I. concrete walls known to everyone wooden houses Not everyone by pocket. An alternative to the above is an arbolit. Having 80-90% wood chips connected by cement binder and chemical additive modified, the arbolit eliminates the disadvantages and enhances the advantages of the tree and concrete.

Arbolit was created and tested in the middle of the last century, and its production regulates GOST 19222-84.

Technologies for the construction of private houses from Arbolit

The house can be built in two ways:

  1. Construction of arbolite blocks. In this case, finished blocks made of arbolite manufactured by industrial method are used;
  2. Often the decision makes the arbolit with your own hands. Before starting work, it is important to make sure that the blocks scored the strength and hardness necessary for work.

  3. Monolithic construction from Arbolit. The use of this technology provides for the formation of a non-removable formwork with the subsequent fill in it an arbine solution.
  4. To build a house from monolithic arbolita, you need to study the device technology monolithic walls. The remaining stages will be identical to block construction.

Within the framework of this article we will focus on detailed description first option.

How to build a house from arbolite blocks do it yourself

The main stages of work in the form of consecutive steps from A to Ya.

Stage 1. Design of houses from Arbolit

The development of the project precedes the start of work due to the need for its coordination and approval in the permissive bodies. In addition to the work plan directly, the cottage project contains information about materials used, places and methods of connecting to communications, electrical and gas supply, type of foundation, etc. The project makes it possible to calculate the amount of material and the load generated by it.

Notice, the project of the house from Arbolit is no different from the project of the house of foam concrete, and therefore a typical project can be used, taking into account the absence of reinforcing belts necessary for foam blocks.

Stage 2. Selection of material for construction

Before proceeding with construction work, you need to make sure that the wall material is correct.

Arbolit, definitely, has a number of advantages. But! Only if it is high quality and is used for its intended purpose.

It should be known that the arbolit is used in the construction of buildings in height not exceeding 7 meters. (Height of the self-supporting wall). This makes it attractive in the construction of a 2-3-storey private house or cottage with an attic. In combination with columns or other constructive elements (Supported pillars) that makes part of the load, more-storey construction is allowed.

What arbolite is suitable for building a house

What to purchase a high-quality block of professionals advise to pay attention to the defining factors:

  • price. Arbolite of handicraft production is much cheaper;
  • fullness and uniformity of the block. The chips should be more or less than the same fraction, tightly laid. The blocking of the block speaks of its low compressive strength and bend;

Note: The use of sawdust increases the thermal conductivity of the unit. Large chips are not completely impregnated. As a result, the adhesion of wood to cement is disturbed and the block loses strength.

  • block geometry. GOST is allowed to deviate from the specified size not exceeding 5-7 mm. The use of special harruses during the manufacturing process allows you to reduce the deviation to zero.

Note: The irregularities of the blocks are fraught with an increase in the consumption of a masonry solution by 40%, makes it inappropriate using special adhesive mixtures, increases the consumption of plaster when finish finish, increases the complexity and duration of work.

  • color and impurities. The impurities of impurities or the difference in color within the block indicate a violation of production and drying processes.
  • certificates in which it will be indicated: the quality of cement, full chemical composition, test results.

3 stage. Foundation device under the house from Arbolit

A distinctive feature of Arbolit is a good bend strength indicator regardless of the block assignment. This reports the block the ability to recover after loads. In practice, this removes restrictions when choosing a type of foundation, which is an integral part of any structure. To a large extent, the quality of the foundation determines the duration of operation of the house.

What is the foundation for the house from Arbolit better?

In practice, anyone can be used. Most often it is a ribbon or combined.

Foundation device technology for Arbium House:

  1. markup under the foundation;
  2. removal of the soil layer to the required depth;
  3. arrangement of sand and chump pillows;
  4. the rambling (recommended with watering to achieve greater density);
  5. mounting formwork;
  6. reinforcement;
  7. filling the foundation.
  8. waterproofing of the foundation tape;
  9. falling in sand inside squares formed by a foundation tape with a subsequent tamper;
  10. full waterproofing foundation.

Note: In the process of filling, the channels are left for the project for further installation of communications.

Before starting work, you need to decide on the size of the foundation.

  • stage depth. Depends on the type of soil, distance to groundwater, Fosts of the structure. The dependence of the parameters from the type of soil is shown in the table;

  • foundation thickness. Depends on the total (static and dynamic) load on it.

Producing static load calculations should be taken into account:

  • materials used in construction (their weight and quantity);
  • the presence of the base;
  • wall material;
  • material and number of overlaps;
  • used roofing material;
  • the presence of insulation and its appearance;
  • the number of windows and doors. The total weight of the elements warm contour. Holding the weight of the door to remember that entrance doors typically made metal, which affects the load created;
  • facade facing material;
  • materials for interior decoration;
  • floor overlap and type of flooring.
  • the estimated weight of the furniture (195 kg / mk. According to SNiP 2.01.07-85).

In addition, dynamic load is taken into account:

  • snow load In the region (see Map). For example: Annual snow load for Moscow 180 kg / m.kv. (Snip 2.01.07-85). By multiplying this number to the roof area general load. The calculations take into account the roof configuration and the result obtained must be multiplied by the coefficient M (0.94).

  • wind load is calculated by formula \u003d area of \u200b\u200bthe house * (15 x house height + 40);
  • the resistance of the soil rendered pressure on it (SNOP 2.02.01-83). According to this standard, resistance should exceed the pressure on it by 30%. The calculation of the pressure of the building is carried out by dividing the weight of the building on the base area of \u200b\u200bthe foundation (soles).

Note: If the type of soil is not defined - for calculations used minimum value Resistance.

4 stage. Construction of the base of the house from Arbolit

The base will allow B. more than Protect the arbolite block from the effect of water. The recommended height of the base is 500-600 mm (depends on the level of precipitation in the region and availability drainage system around the house). The base is made of brick or concrete.

5 stage. Construction of walls from Arbolit

Immediately, we note that the construction of arbolite walls is noteworthy in that it is advisable to use cement-sandy solution. The choice is due to the uneven geometry of the block, which makes it economically unprofitable to use special glue solutions used for masonry of cellular concrete, such as Ceresit CT 21. Increased consumption adhesive mix will increase the budget for the construction of the house.

The consumption of cement-sandy solution is 1 m3 by 8-10 m3 of arbolite blocks. The value is approximate, because The geometry of blocks is not constant, the discrepancy can be from 5 mm, to 1.5 cm in width height.

What to put arbolite blocks?

An alternative to the classic solution can be:

  1. Perlite Masonry Masonry Arbolit. His feature is the ability to increase the thermal insulation of the masonry. How to make a perlite solution: perlite is added to the classic solution (cement, sand, water). The ratio 1 part of the cement \u003d 3 parts of the perlite.
  2. Note. Perlite flying, which means it is necessary to work with it in the absence of wind.

  3. Opilk concrete solution. Recipe: 3 pieces of sawdust are refilled by a solution of aluminum sulfate (15-25.00 rubles / kg.) Or calcium chloride (28-30 rubles / kg.). With stirring, neutralization of sugars contained in sawdust occurs. Then add 1 part of cement.

Good reviews have a thermal insulating masonry solution with perlite LM 21-P. The mixture of Kvik Mix (Quick-Mix) has a water-holding capacity, so the blocks are not required to moisture separately. Comes in bags of 17.5 kg, in the form of dry powder. The solution is easily mixed with water (interfere with at least 5 minutes) by manually or mixer (mixer). Ready solution to use 1-2 hours.

Laying of walls from arbium blocks

Arbolite laying technology is identical to the masonry of a brick or foam concrete wall, except that the arbolit strongly absorbs moisture from the solution, and therefore blocks need moisturizes before starting work.

1. Masonry of the first row of arbite blocks

The masonry starts from the angle and lay out the rows, periodically checking the degree of deviation. Blocks are easily processed, so difficulties with fitting size will not arise.

The width of the seam depends on the geometry of the block and is 10-30 mm.

The solution is applied to the block of the previous row along the edges of the block. Thus, an air thermal survey is obtained, which compensates for the high thermal conductivity of the masonry solution.

At the Construction Forum according to reviews, many users use an additional way of insulation of masonry, with the help of gasket in seams of polystyrene foam ribbon, wooden rail etc. The gasket creates a dissipation of the dissolve seam and thus eliminates the appearance of cold bridges. As far as appropriate, everyone decides himself.

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The optimal thickness of the walls from arbolit is 30 cm, for houses from two floors - 40 cm. There is a simple rule - the thickness of the wall, the warmer. The thickness of the arbolite wall is 20 cm, if it is provided with a brick or additional warming from the inside and outside. Which thickness should be a wall depends on the region in which region the house than the construction budget will be heated and what is the construction budget.

2. Reinforcement of walls from Arbolit

Masters advise to give rigidity to the wall of Arbolita by reinforcing it. For arbolit reinforcement, polymer (plastic) mesh or metal rods treated with anti-corrosion compositions are used (for example, the enamel of UR-108). Thus, the angles of the building, the walls of the walls, window and doorways are enhanced. Unlike aerated concrete and foam concrete, no mandatory requirements In the reinforcement of masonry, but many users reinforce each 3-4 row of masonry.

3. Laying of Arbolita (bandage)

Arbium blocks are stacked in a chess order (ligation laying). This is necessary for the reliability of clutch. At the perimeter is laid out of no more than 3rd rows. Then take a break for a day. During this time, the solution will dry and it will be possible to continue. That is why the external walls are often erected together with internal.

Council. Adding to the solution of additives increases the speed of the cement strength will increase the speed of operation.

The "Shatle" accelerator was well established ensures a set of strength for 12 hours (consumption 3 l per 100 kg of cement, the price is 75 rubles / 100 gr) and the "virtuoso start" having an anticoned agent in its composition. Provides a set of strength of 50% in 3 hours (consumption of 1 l per 100 kg of cement, price 80 rubles / 100 gr).

4. Jumpers over window and doorways

The photo step by step shows how to make a jumper over the window and above the door in the house from Arbolit. Two options for opening openings.

Installation of the jumpers from a metal corner

(The edges of the corner are closed into the walls, blocks are installed inside)

Installation of jumpers from a chapellery

(In the arbite blocks, the grooves were cut for inserting a chapeller)

5. Armpoix device under the overlap in the house from Arbolit

After the construction of the wall before laying overlap (internet or attic) on the wall of arbolit, you need to pour a concrete (monolithic) reinforcing belt. Its arrangement will give the wall strength, will allow you to more evenly distribute the load and secure Maurylalat reliably.

How to make Armopoyas on Arbolite:

  • one outdoor row is laid out in half block (you can purchase a narrow unit or cut the wall). It will be the outer part of the formwork;
  • from inner Installed formwork from edged board, plywood or also used narrow arbular block;
  • the resulting recess is stacked by processed fittings (diameter 10 mm, in 6 rows) and poured concrete (concrete brand the same that was used for the foundation).

For the manufacture of Armopoyas, it is convenient to use a special P-shaped block (tray U-arballet).

6. Installation of the overlap of the house from Arbolit

The monolithic w / w plate, wooden or metal beams can be used as material for overlapping.

Council. Producers of arbolite blocks are recommended to produce. For this, it is not necessary to pour a concrete belt. After all, the ability of arbolit "pull" moisture from concrete does not most effect on the quality of the fill. Additional additives will be required. It is also advisable to use wooden floors for the device door and window openings. Masters with them fully agree and recommend using wooden bar. As a strapping of the perimeter of the wall under the overlap.

Mounting Maurolalat to arbolitis is carried out with a mandatory layer of waterproofing layer.

7. Sliding communications in the house from Arbolit

The gasket of communication systems does not create difficulties. Any holes are easily made in arbolite blocks, so there is no need to immediately lay additional channels for sewage, pipes, heating, etc.

Some use the hollow block by installing it on the edge.

6 stage. Construction Roof for house from Arbolit

On the arbolite walls You can install slinge system Any configuration. The choice of roofing material is also not regulated.

Wizards advise to use bitumen tiles for roofing work. They explain their choice by the fact that bituminous tile It can perceive minor fluctuations in the walls of Arbolit without the appearance of essential defects.

An important nuances in the construction of the roof will be the compliance of the rule - the removal of the roof is 300-500 from the wall, which will protect it from directly entering the rain and melt water.

Concrete when using sawdust as a filler on beton line Closer to the classics, rather than arbolit.

It's all about the presence of sand opilk concrete.

No matter how much arbolit and opilk concrete - there is a difference, and she, sometimes, is essential.

We will not disassemble differences, we will consider in detail only the opilk concrete.

Distinguish the types of opilk concrete:

  • heat insulating (average density from 400 to 800 kg / m3);
  • structural (Average density from 800 to 1200kg / m3).

Like any other concrete, opilk concrete is best gaining strength in warmth and humidity, as the moisture does not evaporate quickly and goes to the formation of cement stone.


The main advantages of the opilk concrete are:

  1. The cheapness of the main components.
  2. Easy manufacturing.
  3. Durability of buildings.
  4. Ecology.
  5. Excellent heat shield.
  6. During the decades of use of manufacturing and application technique.


The main disadvantage is only one: Not all sawdust are suitable For this material. If, in the case of sugar from the chips, the decay of sugars was removed during the seuggest, and the collapse of sugars did not strongly affect the cement, then, in the case of the oprix concrete, the process of decay of sugars strongly affects the cement itself inside the block.


In the process of production of opilk concrete, it is important to take only the most suitable sawdust from those breeds of wood, which the content of sugars is minimal. Optimal applicants for the second life of waste in opilk concrete:

  • pine;
  • birch;
  • poplar.

Larch, despite the high characteristics of density and strength located in the latest place, with the greatest content of sugars.

If the eloction began the beginning of a durability starts two weeks after setting, the ending occurs somewhere on a fortieth day after the manufacture. But the larch this period is much larger: from thirty days at the beginning of a set of strength up to one hundred forty.

All work on monolithic opilk concrete need to make another springSo that the autumn has already been completed. Because of the released sugars, the sawdust is better to bring to the condition on fresh air, including watering sawdust with water in order to wash off the residues of the collar of sugar.

A pair of flushing with water will already provide solids with an acceptable condition for use in the process of manufacturing opilk concrete. Structure of sawdust When storing, in bulk will not give the processes of rotting and burning. Since they are not pressed, no moisture is not necessary.


Any brand of opilk concrete has composed of:

  • cement;
  • sand;
  • haired lime;
  • sawdust.

Differences in proportions Observed only in the ratio of the components of the mixture.

For each brand of opilk concrete, there are proportions.


Cooking opilk concrete with your own hands. The proportions of components on 1m3 of the finished mixture will be displayed as a table:

As we see, with an increase in the amount of cement, the purpose of the blocks is more reduced to the construction of non-residential buildings. This is explained by the change in the coefficient thermal conductivity blocks, applying all efforts to heating the building. When using the M10 brand blocks, the coefficient is 0.21, which is a very good indicator.

For M15 brand, this coefficient 0.24, which is caused only by a small increase in strength requirements, respectively, and an increase in the amount of cement to obtain a solid block for the construction of a two-storey house. For the M25 block, the coefficient is already equal to almost 0.39, which is two times higher than that of the M10 block. This means that the M25 block is twice as colder, but from it you can build large rooms.

Golden middle for opilk concrete - single-storey buildings.


The proportions of the oprob concrete are reflected in the table:

In units of volume, this means the following. In the manufacture of oprob concrete:

  1. M10 brand:
    • cement 0.5 buckets;
    • sand slightly more than 1 bucket (bucket with a slide);
    • sawdust a little more than 3 buckets.
  2. M15 brands:
    • cement a little more than 0.5 buckets;
    • sand 1.5 buckets;
    • sawdust almost 4 buckets.
  3. M25 brands:
    • cement 0.5 buckets;
    • sand slightly less than 1.5 buckets;
    • sawdows 3 buckets with two slides.

It is important to follow such a recipe, because it was worked for decadesMuch earlier Arbolita. The lack of progression in quantities and proportions should not be embarrassed. In each individual case, the components work in different ways.

Haired lime as a component is applied both as a means of scattering sawdust and bypassing this stage by introducing the required amount of fluff into the mixture.

Preparation of mixes

No more surprisingly easy way Preparation of the mixture is manual. When cooking opilk concrete, do it yourself ordinary concrete mixers will not fit. Because of the lightness of some components, they risk staying on the walls of concrete mixers, or just swim over the water. The order of loading any.

You can first:

  1. dilute cement in water;
  2. add sand, sawdust and lime.

Another variant:

  1. mix colors with lime;
  2. add sand and cement;
  3. divide with water.

Whatever other people say, there is absolutely no difference in which option to choose.

As a result of work, a homogeneous mixture is formed, in the structure of which sand with cement is located. It is these two components that form cement stone. Lime neutralizes sugar as they are selected from sawdust, and the sawdust themselves are filler. Classic lung concrete.

Machine zam opilk concrete It is possible to functionally, if there is a compulsory stirrer, as in the production of polystyrene bonts. But in the event that the order does not matter, since if the sawdust is already processed by a lime in preparation, they are no longer scary water.

Opilk concrete based on plaster binder

Separately, it is worth a little mention about a mixture where instead of cement is used building plaster .

And let people do not scare the speed of setting the plaster in the compound with water, since these moments have already found a folk decision.

The problem is solved by adding an ordinary detergent to water, and it is known to dosage with water plaster molecules in a nonhyracted state.

Explanation: Building gypsum in the form in which it is sold in stores, has ability to connect with water, forming the formula already with it, and which is a solid education that is not particularly afraid of water.

Until now, a point in disputes is not set - it is possible to build out out the walls based on plaster based plaster.

According to some data, with the exhaust technology (in hand) and when protecting blocks from atmospheric influence it is quite possible to use these blocks for the construction of exterior walls. Internal then can be erected.

The question is only in price for the binder, but in recalculation to the volume of sawdust and the power of setting can be said that the costs will be somewhat higher, and the speed of the strength set is higher in four to five times.

About the size of sawdust

Size sawdust does not matter if the binder is available sufficient.

As a rule, sawdust is taken from the panel, and the differences in sawdust of the tape and disk sawmill are so insignificant that they are not taken into account at all.

Here is the chips from rounding and calibration machines no longer go.

The homogeneous mixture will not work if the fraction differs from each other in volume in several hundred times in one volume.

From the characteristics of the process - iMPORTANT TO MAKE So that when I took a mixture lump and squeezed with my hands, then the water did not flow out of it. Although all the power is different, and it is necessary to approach this question. And after the lump was formed - so that he would not crumble in his hands.

Including for these nuances in the solution there is a lime. It provides mutual adhesion Both between sand and cement and between them and sawdust.

Handmade oprob concrete with shovels:

Application of opilk concrete

Truly folk building material because the most affordable of materials The complexity of production. Perhaps people note for themselves wave interest in such materials. If the oprob concrete before good option For the whole country, with a wave of Western marketing, people in pursuit of fashion moved away from a reasonable framework of choice.

Only now many began to pay for ecology and practicality building materials, and not on what was designed for completely different climatic conditions. From the opilk concrete, it is successfully built:

  • houses floor up to three;
  • garages;
  • shed;
  • double buildings;
  • technological buildings.

Like any moderately hygroscopic material, opilk concrete needs outdoor finish, as well as aerated concrete and foam concrete.

If we consider the opilk concrete in comparison with the autoclave aerated concrete, then the water absorption of the latter is generally 200% of the bulk mass. Therefore, it is not necessary to confuse the presence of sawdust in blocks. The popular insulation, which was produced in Germany at the beginning of the last century - Equoat, are generally made from what they collect in landfills.

Therefore, it is still necessary to figure out what is environmentally friendly - optic concrete with natural components, or eco-case with the hyper-containing bromine salts.

Two kilometers from the lake Naroch 20 years ago, a unique kind of settlement appeared for Belarus - the ecological village is friendly. In one existence, he proves that high-quality and budget housing can be built from the simplest materials: wood, straw, chips and clays. And this option to solve housing issues on the village may well be an alternative to construction in agro-towns.

Help all the world

The Germans, who first visited in our country in the early 90s, were impressed by the scale of the environmental and economic problems that they had an idea to help families who lived in infected areas, move to more favorable areas of Belarus.

The first houses in friendly in Nari began to build a group of German volunteers in 1993. The land for settlements for settlements was allocated by the authorities in the Moedellian region of the Minsk region. There was also an agreement with the chairman of a local collective farm, which wanted to attract labor in its farm.

When choosing materials for construction, Germans focused on their environmental friendliness and accessibility in this area. With the current shortage of all, including building materials, it was practically nothing to choose from. But in abundance there were wood, straw and clay.

Yuri Supyrinovich

From the Belarusian side, the International Charitable Public Association "Ekodom" took part in the House instead of Chernobyl project (in 2014 he was renamed "Ekostroitel"). His representative Yuri Supyrinovich says that then under the objectives of the project and the existing material base was to choose such a construction technology that would allow building a house to people without any special skills. As a result, the model was chosen by German frame house With the filling of the walls with a mixture of straw and clay.

Building the first houses arrived volunteers from Germany. Among the German volunteers were specialists who performed two tasks: they were led by construction and taught the technologies of the rest: now in friendly, probably lives more specialists in saman construction than in the whole country.

At first they built houses with straw filling, later moved to the wood chip: it turned out to be easier to work, the material itself is as cheap and affordable.

The combination of free labor of volunteers and the low cost of "subits" building materials made it possible to build 14 houses to the official opening of the Ecopostech in 1997 (today 31 of them).

In order to move from the infected area infected with the Radiation of Clean and get at the same time new houseThe applicants passed selection. One of the main criteria is a desire to contribute to the construction of the village.

- My family and I moved here from the Khoynik district in 1994, "says Valentine, one of the very first eopostelts. - They saw an advertisement in the newspaper, which said that a German charity organization would build a house for displaced areas from contaminated areas, among those who want to move. We did not count very much for something, but wrote the letter. After two weeks, the answer came: Come.

Valentine's family was among the first eight who passed the selection. But only two of them remained here. The rest were frightened, refused to move.

"They can understand them," says Valentin. - We arrived here on March 20, 1994, and here is a clean field. It is now the road here, trees, at home, and then it was to slush, dirt, collective farm ... Many looked at all this, so immediately left. Because it was not clear whether a kindergarten, school, shop, work. Difficult was the moment. This is not the same thing that I came to Minsk and Dali's apartment was given to you.

Migrants first built their homes, then helped others. The collective farm paid them to the salary as builders.

- We were told that at home will be built from clay and straw. We thought that the straw would be only for a bundle, and the rest of the clay, so that it was tough. But everything turned out not so. First, clay with water is mixed in the concrete mixer, the sour cream is obtained. It was poured into the dug hole 3 × 3 m and was added to the straw, which the collective farm brought. And all this was mixed and flipped out of her legs. Then a straw in clay was thrown into wooden flooring so that she flipped, rinsed. Then she was sent to the formwork fixed on wooden frame, trambed. Immediately, to be honest, I did not believe that something is normal. But when they removed the formwork, I saw that the walls are smooth, neat. And for 22 years already passed - nothing has rotted. I still remember, everyone was afraid - mice stretched straw. But there are no them in the walls. This is nonsense that there someone breaks down.

Clay and straw inside the wall of one of the first houses: after 20 years inside dry, there are no mice

Valentine told that at the construction site worked side by side with the Germans. A great impression on our people produced their technical equipment.

- In the 93rd, German carpenters arrived, so they had so many tools - for all occasions. We have not seen such and in the eyes: disk saws, tools to hit the part of the frame ... Immediately in the hands were afraid to take, until the same alone and hand saws knew. Then the chainsaw "Shtil" first saw!

Valentine says that the first repair did two years ago - repaired the facade.

Previously, the facades were chosen by clapboard. Now many have changed it - in 20 years old paint got out of them, places the tree began to rot. But the walls themselves are in excellent condition. They are insulated and plastering. In the first houses, clay plaster was applied without reinforcement, so it cracked in some places - smeared, and then we live. The stairs that the Germans I did, decided not to change, even though she creaks. Then in the 90s dry sawn timber was not found, so it was collected from raw boards. Well, she creaks, but it is not scary. The second floors are insulated minimally - only 15 cm straw and clays between the rafters. It was necessary to insulate over time. But it is in our first houses. Now there are already warm attic. But for that no one in the village will complain, it is for dampness. In our homes always normal humidity - Although they stop, even in the cold, hold.

German pellet boiler

By the way, in almost all houses of immigrants, in addition to the modern water heating system, there are also furnaces. Just in case.

Now at home in the village are heated natural gas. But the public house, he is the "office" and the house of creativity in combination, heated by a pellet boiler with an automatic feed. Valentine says that the season is purchased 3 tons of pellets. In the heating system, there are solar collectors that work in a pair with a boiler. Thus, the house is heated, and there is always hot water.

There are no so much in the village of children as before, they grew up and left. But the local home of children's creativity does not idle. Valentine says many families took adoptive children. For them are organized mugs.

Public house Ecoposalia

Now Valentin looks after a common house, serves wind power stationswho stand on a slide next to the village. It's not going to leave from friendly.

- Houses went to our property after 10 years, before that we did not have rights to sell them. It was believed that if so many years lived here, it means that it took. Most immigrants stayed here. And I climbed, although I sometimes go home. I can say that there are better people here. There are a lot of sleepers, there is practically no work ...

There is no house for sale in the village of Friend, but there are no options for "kopecks".

- There are great homes here - all communications, large plots, near Naroch. Neighbor recently sold someone under the cottage for 26 thousand dollars.

New settlement in old lepele

A similar settlement appeared in the Vitebsk region - in the village of Old Lepel.

- Representatives of the local authorities came to friendly - they liked such a settlement model, and in 2001 he was invited to themselves, singled out the platform, "says Yuri Supyrinovich. - By this time, legislation has already changed, new requirements for the energy efficiency of buildings under construction appeared. Therefore, new houses are already built with additional insulation.

All our built public buildings - Ambulatory in the village in the village and the social center of the rehabilitation of persons with disabilities - heated by pellet boilers and sunny collectors. This increases the initial costs, but with further operation they pay off.

Photos from

Yuri says that mineral wool Or polystyrene foam - non-elastic materials, and there were no others in our market at that time. Focused on Europe. There were already options from flazing, cane, traffic jams, hemp, eco-guns.

As a result, we decided to do insulation from the cane - it in the country is abused. In addition, this is a constantly renewable resource. So the first Belarusian production of reed plates appeared.

- They themselves learned to harvest the reed and now we use it as thermal insulation of our homes. The most interesting thing is that we have not come up with anything new - even in the USSR there was a building material that was called "Kamyshit". Today, the enterprise "EKODOMSTROY" provides reed mats not only our objects, but also sends them to export, uses houses on orders for orders

Reed is harvested in winter on ice on a lake Naroch. For this there is a special self-propelled combine. Local residents also have a guard, harvesting and selling reed producer.

Reed plates are manufactured on special german machines. They are very old, 1948 release.

"I know that I build"

From chips and clay now build not only on social programs. Orders them and in private. One of these houses is now erected on the shore of the Vileyan reservoir.

His owner, Vyacheslav Makushinsky, heads the Belarusian-German Society "Children's Rehabilitation and Wellness Center" Nadezhda ". He told the site that she was well acquainted with technology and she, in his opinion, has proven itself well.

Vyacheslav Makushinsky, head of the DROC "Hope"

- For the first time with this technology, it became acquainted with the construction of two guest houses in the institution, which I lead. The first house we erected by frame technology With the filling of the walls of eco-art, the second - clay and chip. Therefore, I already have practical experience and construction, and exploitation of such houses. When I decided to build myself, the choice was predetermined. It was important for me that the materials were the most natural as possible. Equata too natural materialBut already converted. And clay, chips, wood for the frame - all this is extremely natural natural materials.

Now builders are engaged in filling the walls with a mixture of chips and clay. It is kneaded in a large concrete mixer - at a time you can prepare up to 0.8 cube. The construction wheelbarrow is brought by a worker that bursts fall asleep it into a removable formwork and trambet. 7 builders are involved in the construction site.

In contrast to standard frame houses that are built from a small secting sawn timber, a natural humidity bar is used for these frames with a cross section of 120 × 120 mm. After the outer walls are filled and the roof is mounted, partitions from ceramic brick. Thereafter construction works Stay until July of the month of next year: the house should dry by this time, shrink shrink. That is, for one construction season, such a frame house cannot be built.

For the construction of this house at 130 squares, without mansard floorIt took 25 chip cubes. Clay "mined" right on the plot when they dug the pit under the autonomous septic tank. At first glance, the technology is simple and looks attractive in terms of financial costs: clay and chips are much cheaper than gas-silicate.

"If a person has a desire to save on the construction of the house, then you need to do a lot or with the involvement of volunteers - relatives, friends," says Yuri Supyrinovich. - Then, in fact, the benefit is obvious, since the remuneration of the builders will be practically zero. If you invite a construction confirm, then the price of a chip and clay house will be released no cheaper, and maybe more than a traditional house. When erected a lot of manual labor, and he is not cheap.

Knowledge and experience can be obtained completely free. It is enough to be a volunteer on the construction of such houses.

Yuri Supyrinovich says that compared with Agrodomics, the construction of which was funded by agricultural enterprises, the houses in German technology were somewhat cheaper. And this is without saving on the quality of finishing and the level of equipment internal engineering systems. For example, ready to accommodate a house of 130 squares in Stary Lepele accounted for about 50 thousand dollars (without landscaping the adjacent territory).