Independent drilling well for water on the plot. Home Master: Drilling Wells on Water DIY

Water in the country area or in a private house is a necessary resource, to do without which it is impossible. However, the organization of general water pipes is often inexpedient. Due to the remoteness of land tenure from each other, the centralized water supply is expensive. An individual water source is easier and cheaper. True, you first need to organize it. The own well will ensure its owner confidence that the economic needs of the site and housing will be satisfied. At the same time, the owners do not have to pay water supply, considering every cubic meter of water spent. Well to dig is difficult and expensive, but it is really to drill a well - real, if you know the drilling technology and the type of well device.

Types of wells and their features

Before drilling the territory of the site must be examined by determining the level of occurrence groundwater. From this parameter will depend on the scope of work that will need to be performed so that the well has become aquifer. The type of well is chosen, it is given the depth of the water-containing reservoir.

If water is found at a depth of 3-12 m, choose the type "". At a depth of up to 50 m, a sandy well is used, and artesian, if the water occurs in the ground not lower than 200 m. The first two types can be hand-made almost every dacket, but the artesian well will require drilling rig and professional drillers.

Drum by hand sandy well

This type of source involves pumping out water from a depth reaching 50 m. The sandy well is called as it "gives water" from the water-containing sand layer of the soil, which is usually located, is just fifty meters. This depth does not guarantee purity of water, so it is periodically recommended to check the contents of the well in Santsans for organic and chemical compounds.

For the organization of sandy well, a classic scheme with a pump is used. And to clean water from weighing and garbage, use the filter installed at the depth. The filter is required to clean regularly. Lifetime of the sand well about 15 years.

Organization of the well "Abyssinian Well"

This is the simplest in the performance of the well-needle. She is shallow, so you need to take care of a thorough choice of place for her.

Nearby should not be septic, garbage coup, cesspool and waste pits. Due to a small depth harmful substances May be leaked to the source, polluting it.

If there are no peccles in the soil and other solid rocks, the well drilling can be carried out in the nearby territory or directly in the basement of the house. Well in the basement is convenient to use even in frost. A homemade well is equipped with a hand column and pump so that it can be used water, regardless of the availability of electricity.

Drilling of the artesian well

Provided that there are already wells of this type in neighboring sites, the likelihood of occurrence in this area of \u200b\u200bwater in the limestone layer is greater. In other cases, drillers are ordered by an experimental well to determine the depth of the water. The artesian well can provide several sections with water at once. Often drilling are ordered to save and get a desired result.

The choice of the type of well depends on the type of soil and the planned amount of water consumed. Abyssinian well and sandy well will well provide a small consumption. And if the flow will be from 10 cubic meters per hour, you will need to arrange an artesian well. Any well is better to boot away from potential pollutants and not far from home so that there are no problems with the laying of the water supply.

Drill equipment and tools

When drilling artesian wells, drilling rigs are used by professionals. For wells, the usual tripod with a winch is suitable for wells. It will lower and lift the drilling tool consisting of a core tube, drill rods, drilling columns, a bora.

Special equipment without which to make a well problematic - a drilling instrument that will help to deepen in the soil (auger), a tripod and winch. For drilling well, a metal auger will be required with their own hands. As a century, the ice communion can be used during winter fishing. The main thing is that the bee was from high strength steel. This is the cheapest water drilling option. Except tripods need pipes different diameter (water pipes, hoses, casing), valves, caisson, filters, pump pump.

Drilling work: Stages

1. First, it is necessary to pull out the pit or shurf, the dimensions of which 150 are 150 cm. In order for the deepening does not face, its walls are lined with plywood, boards, chunks of chipboard. Another option is to break through the usual brown barrel with a diameter of 15-20 cm and depth 1 m deep. This is done so that the pipe is stable in a vertical position.

2. Right over the deepening put a solid metallic or wooden tripog (it is called a rig), fastening its support winch at the junction. More commonly encounter towers from logs. A drilling column with a half-one-meter (with independent drilling) rods hangs on the tripod. The rods fasten the thread into one pipe, fix the clamp. This design is used to raise equipment.

The pump is chosen in advance, in order to determine the diameter of the future well and the core tube. The pump must be free to pass into the pipe. That is why the difference between the pump diameter and the inner diameter of the pipe should be at least 5 mm.

The descent-lift of the drill equipment - and there is drilling of the well. The rod turns, at the same time hitting it from above. Together, it is much more convenient to do this: the first turns the gas key, and the second hit on the bar, punching the breed. The use of the winch simplifies the process: with it the rise and the descent of equipment in the well is much easier. Rod during drilling is marked. Marks will be required for orientation. The label helps to determine when it is time to pull the bar and clean the car. It is usually recommended to do this approximately every half meter.

3. To easily overcome different soil layers, special boos are applied.

  • spiral bur (otherwise, a serpentine) - for clay soils;
  • bur-chisel to rupture solid soils;
  • bur-spoon for sandy soil;
  • the jelly helps lift the ground to the surface.

4. The sand layer is easier to go through a born, adding water during drilling. In case the soil is solid, use chisels. Bura-chisel are crusted and flat. In any case, their purpose is to help break solid rocks. Impact method overcoming sands-floats.

With clay soil, a serpent, an urethine and a bubble spoon will be required. Snakes or spiral borants are well undergoing clay soils, because they have a design similar to a spiral, and the spiral pitch is equal to the diameter of the bora. The size of the lower base of the boom from 45 to 85 mm, the blade from 258-290 mm. Pebble layers containing gravel punch, alternating ulute and chisel, with casing tubes. Sometimes not to do without the bay of water into the hole. This can significantly simplify the drilling task. Deserves consideration and option of drilling well by pump.

The process of drilling soil

5. If the breed delivered to the surface has become important, then the aquifer is already close. It takes some more deeper to go through the aquifer. Drilling will sharply become noticeably easier, but it is impossible to stop. It is necessary to find a brown a waterproof layer.

Well arrangement and squash

After the desired depth is achieved, the next stage begins - arrangement. A filter column consisting of a pipe, sump and filter is descended into the finished well. It can be made with your own hands from the filter mesh, perforation and casing or use ready-made, bought anti-fiber filter for the submersible pump.

To strengthen the pipe, the space behind it falls asleep with a rubble of a 5mm fraction or coarse sand. Failure should be higher than the filter level. Filter - the most important element Any well. The main function of the filter is protection against sand and large impurities. In parallel with the backfill, the water injection into the pipe with the hermetic top end is carried out. This manipulation helps rinse the scubin and filter. After washing, a natural barrier for large impurities is formed. Science Science Science-Zholenka or auger pump It means that water is pumped out of the fresh well until the water becomes clean and transparent. This stage is called a squabble. For it, most often use the electric centrifugal pump. The advantage of this mechanism is that it can pump liquid medium Elevated density. An ordinary household pump will also be admissible, but it will require more effort and time. In case of electrical supply problems, it is possible to use a manual pump.

After pumping on the insurance cable, the pump is lowered to the depth (see the picture above). It is connected to a plumbing pipe or hose, a diameter of 25 or 50 mm. The choice of diameter depends on the possibilities of the well - the amount of water that can be soldered out of the well for a certain period of time.

If applied metal pipeThe pump is not fixed. Instead, the waterproof cable coming from the pump is attached to the pipe.

The pump for the well. Features

To pick up the pump of proper power, it is necessary to take into account such parameters as:

  1. debades debit, its depths;
  2. diameter of the casing;
  3. due to the well from home.

The required power of the pump depends on these parameters. With ne. big depth (up to 9 m) Self-priming surface pumpIn other cases, the submersible borehole pump will serve the good service.

After immersion of the pump, in the mouth of the well equipped with the caisson, the pipe is displayed, welding to his head board. It is installed on it, which will open the way to the water to the top and adjust the stream. With overpressure of the water fence, a low-productive well will quickly runs out, and the pump, working in good, will fail. In Kesson, connect pipes that will be water in the room. They need to provide waterproof and insulated trenches. Read about how to choose a pump for a well, but about how to choose a pump for a well -.

Operation of well

Timely cleaning is needed by wellbones of all types. Signs that the aquifer is required service can be: jerks in water outlet, the presence in the stream aerial traffic, impurities (sludge, sand). If you skip the moment of service, the productivity of the well may no longer recover. To restore normal functions, the well is purging with a water or air compressor. More radical cleaning methods - acid or electricity. However, these methods are risky and better to entrust them to specialists.

Tips for those who make a well independently

Before starting work, it would be nice to ask the neighbors, what is the level of water in your area. If nearby have well wells - look there.

The water level above is 5 m - good news, because of the tools for drilling it will take only a garden boring.

A small-sized drilling rig or drilling device is a mechanical - "handbrake", you can rent. So you will get the opportunity to enjoy convenient equipment and not pay for this big money.

It is impossible to lower the water pipe in the well to the bottom. It should not reach the deepest point of about half the meter. So water will be better to go upstairs.

Pipe leading in the well must have on the surface ventilation holes, otherwise, without air access, water will quickly become a plunge. It is convenient to equip on the pipe with a folding lid so that there is constant access to the well.

The most convenient for well equipment is a solid plastic tube.

After the well earned, be sure to give your water to the examination. Water is recognized as drinking if its transparency is not less than 30 cm, the content of nitrates is no more than 10 mg / l, in the 1st liter less than 10 intestinal sticks, and the maximum score of the smell and taste is 3 points.

Disadvantages and advantages of manual drilling well

Advantages: low cost; lack of the need to race to the plot of cumbersome special equipment; in view of a relatively small depth, homemade wells pump up faster, less delayed; If there is no electricity, water can be obtained by a manual suction pump.

The main lack of self-drilling is a limited depth, a shortage of specialists who can help in servicing a self-made well. Thus, after reading this article, we hope that you will not have any questions, how to drill well with your own hands.

In the country's cottage house, we enjoy constantly, therefore it will not work without it. It happens that it is difficult to organize a general water supply. Centralized water supply can be expensive due to remoteness dacha plots Friend from each other.

The easiest way to use your own source of water. However, the first thing you need to make it. The own well can help the owner of the site to satisfy economic needs. In this case, the owner will not need to pay the supply of water, considering how much water was spent. Well digging spending money and time, because many owners of country sites are interested in knowing how to drill a well manually. Make this design yourself simply enough, if you know the technology of manufacturing and the principle of the well device.

Before the manufacture, you will need to explore the site to determine the level of groundwater. From this parameter will depend on the scope of work to be performed so that water is water in the well. The well type is chosen based on the depth of the ground, which contains water.

If water is at a depth of 4-10 m, then you can make an Abyssinian Well. If water is available at a depth of up to 50 m, it should be used a well from the sand. If water is in the ground at a depth of up to 200 m, then you will need to make an artesian well. The first two types can do almost every owner. cottage plotBut for the manufacture of the artesian well, a drilling device and drillings with experience will be needed.

Features of work

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This type of source implies pumping water from a depth of 50 m. The sandy well has such a name, because the water from it will come from the sand layer, which lies at a depth of 50 m.

This will not be able to provide clean water, because after a while it will be necessary to check the content of the well in Santsans.

To organize a sandy well, you should use a diagram with a pump. Water will be cleaned from weighing and garbage due to the filter, which is mounted at the corresponding depth. The filter must be constantly cleaning. The period of the height of the bore from the sand is approximately 15 years.

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"Abyssinian Well"

This well is simply made enough. It has a small depth, because you will need to take care of choosing a suitable place for her. Near the well there should be no septic tanks, various garbage and pit.

The well will be a small depth, and therefore harmful substances can fall into it, resulting in water pollution.

If there is no one in the soil or any solid rocks, the well can be drilled in basement Houses or next to him. Such a source of water in the basement can be used even in frosts. The well of this type in a private house can be equipped with a manual column and pump to be able to use water even without electricity.

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Artesian well

If there are already similar wells in the sections that are located next door, that is, the high probability is that water in the limestone layer lies in this area. If there are no similar sites near such sites, then the drillers need to order an experimental source of water so that it is possible to determine the depth of groundwater. Artesian wells are capable of providing water at the same time several cottages. In some cases, several residents of the plots of blocking one well to save a certain amount of cash.

The choice of a well of the well will depend not only on the type of soil, but also from how much water is planned to be used. A well from sand and an Abyssinian well can easily provide a small consumption. If water is needed more than 10 m³ / hour, you will have to make an artesian well. Any design is recommended to boot away from various pollutants and closer to private or cottage houseSo that there was an opportunity to pave the plumbing without any problems.

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Specialists for the manufacture of artesian wells use drilling rigs. To make small wells, you can use an ordinary tripod with a winch. It will be able to lower and raise the tools for the manufacture of wells, which consist of special pipes, rods, columns and a bora.

Of special equipment A drilling tool will be needed, with the help of which it is possible to deepen into the ground, as well as a tripod and winch. In order to spend your own well, you need to use a screw from the metal. In this case, the ice comma can be seated, which is used in winter fishing. Theberic should be made exclusively from high strength steel.Using the tools data, you can make a well with minimal cost Money. In addition to tripods, you will need:

  1. Pipes of different diameters.
  2. Valves.
  3. Filtering elements.
  4. Caisson.
  5. Special pump.

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The first thing you need to dig a hole with dimensions of 150x150 cm. In order for the deepening does not start to crumble, its walls will need to be fond of plywood sheets, boards or pieces of chipboard. To secure the structure, you can also break through the ordinary brown yam with a diameter of 20 cm and a depth of 1 m. It must be done so that the pipe is securely fixed in the vertical position.

Above the deepening, you need to install a solid tripog from metal or wood, consolidating at the location of its support winch. In most cases, trenogs made of wood are installed. On the tower you need to hang a drilling column with 1.5 m rods. The rods are connected by carvings into the pipe, after which the clamp is fixed. This fixture can be used to descend and lifting the tools.

The pump should be selected in advance so that it is possible to determine the diameter of the well-made well and the pipe of the column. The pump must easily enter the pipe.

Drilling of such a source of water and lies in the descent and lifting equipment.

The rod turns and immediately hits from above. This work is most convenient to perform two people: one person will turn the gas key, and the second will beat the bar on top to break through the breed. Using the winch can simplify the process, because it is much easier to raise it with it and drop the equipment in the well. The rod during drilling should be labeled. Marks will be needed in order to be able to freely navigate. Using the marking, you can determine when it will be necessary to pull the bar and clean the boring. Most often it needs to be done every 0.5 m.

With the help of chisel, it is necessary to break solid soil layers.

To have the opportunity to easily overcome existing soil layers, you need to use the following borants:

  1. Coil. It is recommended to use for the plaster of clay.
  2. Bit. It is used in order to break solid soils.
  3. Sand spoons.
  4. Bailer. This device will help raise the ground to the surface.

The sand layer is best to pass a spoon, adding the right amount water. If the soil is solid, you should use chisel. This tool can be crusaded or flat. Sands - floats can be overcome by the shock method.

In the case of clay soil, you will need to use the serpentine and the ulute. The snake is able to easily pass through the soils with clay, because its design is similar to a spiral. Pesticle layers, which contain gravel, can break through with ulute and chop. In some cases, it will be needed to pour water into the hole. Thus, it will be possible to simplify the process of drilling well.

If the breed, which is delivered to the surface, will be wet, then this means that the aquifer is located nearby. In this case, it will be necessary to deepen a little to overcome the aquifer. It will be much easier to drill, but it is impossible to stop. With the help of the bora, it will be necessary to find a waterproof layer.

Unfortunately, the water supply line is far from all areas. Owners of such real estate have to choose the small life "without amenities" or carry out manual drilling of wells for water. You can consider this method the cheapest and most common way to improve the source for autonomous water supply. Specialists are usually invited to work, but if desired, they can be performed independently. Today we will disassemble how to dry well with your own hands and what methods exist.

Ways of self-drilling

Screw method

A very common drilling method is most often used to arrange shallow wells. Its essence is that with the help of the screw blades, the soil is destroyed and ended on the surface. There are two technologies for such drilling. For the first used auger, the blades of which are welded to the base at right angles. In the process of operation, the blades cut the soil at an angle of 90 °, after which they are crushed and transported to the top. The main disadvantage of the method: part of the soil falls inside the well and it is required to extract to the surface.

Destroying the soil blades of the screw tool can be welded to the axis under different angles, this fact does not affect the drilling technology. Screw drilling In any case, reminds the twisting of the "Corkscrew" with a consistent lifting of the destroyed breed

More convenient for the second technology. In this case, auger is used with blades that are welded to the pipe at an angle of 30-70 °. The device cuts the soil and, without shredding it, transports to the surface.

The advantage of the method is that at the same time nothing falls inside the well. In the industrial drilling rig, the supply of washing fluid is used, most often water. A jet, injected by the pump inside the casing, flushes on the surface. In the process manual drilling Well pump flushing is unlikely to be used. However, professionals recommend the use of flushing fluid, which significantly facilitates the drilling process.

Core drilling

When using this method, drilling is performed using a special tool representing a pipe, at the end of which there is a column crown with sharp cutters from durable metal. Superhard rock rocks are first broken by bit, then drill with a crown and raise the sludge clogged into the core tube.

The crown, rotating together with the pipe, deepends into the ground, forming the well of the corresponding diameter. The sludge is assembled inside the projectile and rises with it to the surface. Heavy sledge hammers are released by a hollow "glass" from the breed. In the process of drilling a well, with their own hands, water should be supplied or clean, or with an admixture of clay. It strengthens the walls of the well and interferes with their collapse.

Copy crowns can be of a variety of species, their choice depends on the physicomechanical characteristics of the breed in which the well will be drilled

In its upper part, the column tube is equipped with fasteners, which are increasing the rods. So the necessary depth of drilling is achieved. Extension occurs in stages. After the first section of the pipe was blocked, a new rod is attached to it, the length of which is from 1.2 to 1.5 m. Then the actions are repeated. Thus, a technological column is formed from the projectile and rods. It is very important that the glass and pipes are combined between themselves as hard as possible. At the points of their attachment should not be attended by noticeable backlash and unwanted movements.

Shock-rope method

A heavy drilling tool rises to a height from 2 meters and lowered to the drilling site. It breaks the breed and captures its cutting-exciting device located on the lower edge of the pipe. It is called the urinary and maybe of different types, depending on the type of soil.

To facilitate the drilling process, the clay mixture or water is poured into the well, which is later thrown out with a special device made in the form of a bucket.

Scheme of ulutes with ball valve, one of the types of tool specifically designed to work with soft and bulk soil

Shock-cable method involves the use of tripod. It is constructed over the drilling site. The height of the device is about two meters. On the top of the equipment, a block is mounted through which the cable is thrown. At its end, the iron is fixed firmly. The tool rises to the surface of the Earth and falls into the well using the cable. The cleansing of the ventilation from the sludge is made through the process hole located in a half-meter from its lower edge.

Some craftsmen argue that they know how to manually drill a well, for which the tripod is not needed. A long-term practice shows that this is possible only for depths less than 10 m and will require the builders of excessive physical efforts.

You can learn more about the technology of drilling aquifers from the following material:

Shock-rotational method

The method is very similar to the previous way of drilling. The main difference: performs immediately rotating and shock movements. Thus, the efforts attached to the projectile increase and the drilling process is accelerated. The soil, knocked out by the helm, is transported to the surface with the help of a special bucket. The method is considered the best for arranging well in stony solid soils.

To facilitate the drilling process, a homemade tripod is used - a design, with which to remove from the well a lot easier and easier

It should be noted that the least productive of all methods is auger. However, he is the easiest, so it is precisely the most often choose when they are going to spend the well on their own. However, the choice of the drilling method just depends on the composition of the soil on the site. Auke fashion It is most often useless on solid soils, and the use of shock-rotational is impractical on soft soils. Thus, before you begin drilling, it is necessary to find out the composition of the soil on the plot.

Sold down the well after drilling will help the following material:

Drum well to a lesion device

There is a drilling method that will require minimal financial investments. This drilling is manually drilling with ice womb. The tool is used as a bora, and homemade rods are used to build it.

The icerock knife will serve as a screw, and the steel pipes with a diameter of up to 25 mm can be used as a rod for extension. In order for the process to go faster to the crown edges of the improvised auger, reinforced cutters are welded.

Among other things, it takes casing tubes to form a wellbore, a shovel and a device for export from the slide area.

Drilling a screw made from ice womb includes the following operations:

  • Preparation. Copy guide deepening: a hole in two bayonets depth.
  • We omit into the resulting deepening of the roe and begin to screw it into the ground using the screw spinning rule. It should be remembered that after every three or four revolutions, the tool is removed on the surface and cleared.
  • After the first meter is passed to the depth, we begin the formation of the trunk. The casing is lowered in the well, its diameter should be somewhat more diameter Bura. It is best to choose light parts from plastic, equipped with thread for connecting.
  • When the drilling instrument begins to fall into the bottom of the whole height, we attach a lengtheking bar to it. You can do this in two ways: to fasten the item if the thread is present, or to put it with the help of a steel finger-rod in its absence.
  • During the work, we continue to form a casing. As soon as the surface remains about 10-15 cm of the pipe, it is kpripim to her next. The connection must be durable. Usually it is performed using a thread or soldering.
  • Periodically check the verticality of the barrel. If the bruphes begins to fight the walls of the casing, align the structure with a wedges of wood. They are clogged between the ground and the casing.
  • After the water appeared in the well and a decision was made to terminate the work, we set the filter and carefully fall asleep the gap between the soil and the casing of gravel.

The casing can be mounted and after the completion of drilling work. In this case plastic pipes introduced into the well and sequentially connected after the previous part will be omitted down. This is not the most rational way, since it will have to brush the slam from the sludge again.

Plastic pipes are very light, strong enough and inexpensive, so they are most often chosen to arrange a borehole casing

Experience shows that the drilling of the well with their own hands is quite possible, although it is quite laborious. The case should be dealt with full responsibility: competently pick up the way of drilling, choose necessary materials, learn instructions and then start work. The result of the spent effort will be pure water From its own well on the plot.

Dug and or well independently - not the most simple workHowever, quite profitable. For her, it is necessary to acquire certain tools and equipment. Without them, this work is impossible. These are different, winch, tripod. Also, do not do without an assistant, which will help remove the borehole.

Determining with a specific place under the well, it is desirable to choose the lowest point on the site.It should be borne in mind that this place must be maximally removed from the soil pollution sites. Otherwise, to ensure normal in the house drinking waterYou will need to do the artesian well.

Equipment and tools for mounting well

  1. Drilling tool: column for drilling, drill rods, pipe speakers.
  2. Winch.
  3. Tripod.
  4. Metal auger or ice rolls from high strength steel.
  5. Iron for lifting the soil to the surface.
  6. Pipes of different diameters - casing, plumbing pipes and hoses.
  7. Caisson.
  8. Water filters.
  9. Valves.
  10. Borehole pump.

To overcome the primer layers of different density, they will need special borants:

  1. Spiral drill or so-called coil. Used for drilling clay soil.
  2. Bur-spoon. Suitable for sandy soil.
  3. Bur-bit. It is used to break solid soils.

Production of drilling rig for well drilling

Figure 1. Mounting a tripod mounting scheme for drilling.

The easiest way to install tripods for drilling well is proposed. To make it, you will need:

  • 3 bars 15-20 cm in diameter and 4-5 m long;
  • thin pipe.

Mounting tripods are made in this way:

  1. Place the land of bars as shown in Fig. one.
  2. Drill in them through the holes through which the thin pipe will be inserted.
  3. Shoot through the holes of all three bars pipe and secure them in different areas, forming a tripod.
  4. Secure the winch on the tripod.
  5. At the top of the tripods, make the cylinder block so that the mechanical winch cable is easily moved.
  6. Attach the car to the cable and proceed to the drilling of the well.

Drilling well with their own hands

The process of simple drilling looks like this:

  1. 2 people turn a screw burrow, holding his handle, clockwise, until it fully enters the ground.
  2. The winch pulls the boring until the cable is completely pulled out, after which the brunt is pulled by manually and clean it from the soil.
  3. This operation is carried out until the aquifer has been reached.

Consider how it is done in more detail.

Figure 2. Scheme of the process of drilling well.

  1. First of all, the shurt is 150x50 cm sizes. To prevent spraying, its walls should be chosen either by boards or plywood or chipboard. You can also remove the trunk to the depth of 1 m, 15-20 cm in diameter. It is necessary to ensure the stability of the pipe vertically.
  2. Set the tripod strictly over the deepening and secure the winch at the junction of its supports.
  3. To determine the well diameter and the tube, the column must first select the well pump. Its progress on the pipe should be unhindered, that is, in diameter, the pump must be less than the diameter of the pipe by 5 mm.
  4. Drilling well is the process of immersion and lifting of drilling equipment. The rod turns with a simultaneous blow on it chops. One person spins the bar, the other hit her above, thereby deepening in the ground and lower. The winch makes this rise and immersion easier. When drilling, the rod should be labeled. This will help determine the moment when it came to pull the barbell and clean the boring. Specialists recommend doing this procedure every 0.5 m.
  5. For drilling of the sandy layer of the soil, a special bur-spoon is used. In this case, the drilling need to add water. If the ground is too solid, it will help to break through the boring. Such bora can be two species - flat and crusades. Their main purpose is to help in the rupture of solid soil rocks. Sands are floating can be drilled by a shock way. For the soil, in which the clay prevails, the Bor-co-serpent, the bur-spoon and the ulute is used. The serpent is perfectly copes in the passage of clay soil due to its spiral design, the pitch of the spiral of which is equal to the diameter of the Bura itself. The lower base of the bera is 45-85 mm, and its blade is 258-290 mm. Pebbly soils with gravel can be pierced if they alternate the chisel and the casing with casing pipes. Quite often to pour water into the hole. Thanks to this, you can drill a well much easier. You can still drill well using the pump.
  6. If the soil, which is delivered to the top, became wet, then you are approaching the aquifer. To transition through the aquifer, it is necessary to deeper a little more. Bug will become much easier, but in no case will stop. It is necessary to stumble into the aquaper layer. In fig. 2 shows the process of drilling well.

How to choose the right pump for the well

When choosing a pump for a well to consider such parameters:

  • well depth;
  • diameter of the casing used;
  • how much well is removed from home.

If the depth of the well does not exceed 9 m, then you can choose a surface self-priming pump.

If the depth exceeds 9 m, then choose from submersible borehole pumps. When the pump installation is completed, the well-equipped wellbore should withdraw the pipe and welcome it to the caisson's glove. Next, the valve is installed on the pipe, which opens and regulating water flow.

If the water fence rate is redundant, the water will quickly run out in a low-product well, and the working dripping pump will deteriorate.

In Kesson, pipes for a water water supply to the room are connected. Trenches under them must be waterproof and insulated.

Recommendations from workshops on the well device with your own hands

  1. Before proceeding with work, it should be found in the level of groundwater in your area if there are no far wells or wells, look at them.
  2. If the level of occurrence of water is not deeper than 5 m, then to drill the well, it is enough to use the garden brown.
  3. Compact drilling rig can be leased. This will make it yourself with your own hands with the help of good equipment, while not overpaying big money for it.
  4. Do not lower the water pipe to the bottom. It should be above it about 50 cm. Thus, water will better rise up.
  5. In the well tube on the surface you need to make ventilation holes, otherwise the water will become a plunge. You can make a folding cover to access the well on the pipe.
  6. For well the ideal solution There will be a plastic pipe.
  7. When the well is ready, give a sample of water to experts for analysis. You can use that water, the transparency of which is more than 30 cm, the content of nitrates does not exceed 10 mg / l, in 1 liter of water not more than 10 intestinal chopsticks and the assessment of taste and odor is 3 points.

Pluses and cons of drilling well manually

The main advantages of the well drilling are manually: its affordable price; lack of need for large special equipment; Homemade wells due to their small depths are easily pumped and not tightened; In the absence of electricity, water can be delivered using a manual pump.

Of the disadvantages, it can be noted: a limited depth of drilling and a shortage of specialists who can help in servicing a homemade well.

Care for well

Each well needs to be careful and timely cleaning. With a weakening of water pressure, which can be served with air, with sand, it's time to take care of the cleaning of the well. This must be done in a timely manner, since the well may lose its effectiveness, then you have to make a well in another place.

To purge a well from sand applied water or air compressor. If this method does not help, there are more radical methods - using acid or short circuit. Because it is quite risky, cleaning the well such methods is better to entrust professionals. Otherwise you can simply spoil the well.

It is possible to try to drill the well well. Only to start, you need to have a concept, how it is done and what water you want to get ultimately.

Some people think if you can do it in the well. Theoretically, of course you can, but do not need. It will just carry extra costs. Better install it near the well.

Let's gradually consider the process of doing this work. You will be offered an instruction, you can see everything in the photo and video and understand how it is done. After all, there is a fairly high issue price, it is high-quality water in the house.

Types of wells

Spent at the cottage the well is not difficult. Its price will depend on the depth of water. The sand well will be significantly cheaper than and this should also be considered.

Well in the sand It is done on no greater depth. Therefore, it is quite possible to make all the work with your own hands and it will significantly reduce your venture. Before starting work, you should find out what quality water is at no big depth. To do this, it's best for the neighbors to take a sample and attribute it to the examination and check the quality. The parameters we give below.
Artesian well Suitable for the room where you live constantly. Such water is better. But the work will cost more. It will be better to hire a specializing organization. And immediately it will be necessary to provide for its cleaning. It is in the limestone layers and therefore has an increased iron content. Immediately pride and correct filtering.
Abyssinian well Abyssinian well or tubular, has a depth of about 8-12 meters. His difference is that the water in it is much cleaner. Here the Ripper does not fall, the dirt with dust can also be penetrated;

ATTENTION: If you live not constantly in the country and you need water only for watering, then you can safely make such a design.

Determine water quality

Water in a well or well is considered to be drinking in the following cases:

  • When water is transparent to thirty centimeters in depth;
  • When impurities nitrates do not exceed 10 mg / l;
  • When in one liter of water contains no more than 10 intestinal chopsticks;
  • When the taste and smell on a five-point scale, water is estimated at least three points.

To determine these indicators, water must be laboratory analysis in the sanitary and epidemic service.

How to break a well

We will analyze this process from theoritic point of view:

  • The work begins with the shurph digging, whose depth and diameter should be at least two meters or the parties one and a half meters. This measure prevents further sinking of the soil of the upper layer.
  • The strengthening of the shurf is made by housekeys. Next, with the help of a column and a drill rig, a well is clogged. The drilling column is suspended on the tower at the central point of the future well.
  • The rig column is a few rods, which are lengthened using adapted couplings during drilling. The drilling head is mounted at the end of the column.
  • Mounting the tower is made of logs, steel pipes, channel or corner that make up in a tripod, at the top of which the winch is attached.

ATTENTION: If the water occurs a shallow, drilling can be produced without a tower. In this case, use special shortened rods at one and a half meters long. If without a tower when drilling is not to do, the rod is long in this case, should be at least three meters.

Than drill

Equipment and drilling method is selected based on the type of soil. The tool used should be made of carbon steel.

Drilling is performed using the following drilling heads:

  • For drilling B. clay soils The car is used in the form of a spiral with a base of 45-85 mm and the blade of 258-290 mm long.
  • For shock drilling Used bobbin. Drill may have flat, cruciform and other forms.
  • Drilling in loams, sand clay or clay sand is performed using a bera-spoon made in the form of a spoon and having a spiral or longitudinal slot. Thisumber has a diameter of 70-200 mm and a length of 700 mm and deepened for a passage by 30-40 cm.
  • Extraction of loose soil is performed using a boiler-iron using the impact method. The jiffs are made of three-meter pipe and have a piston and normal look. Inside the uluterine should have a diameter of 25-96 mm, outside 95-219 mm, its weight should be 89-225 kg.

Drilling is a cyclic process, periodically accompanied by purification tool purification. Cleaning is performed with the full extraction of the hydraulic bera. Accordingly, the difficulty of extracting them from the well depends on the hose length.

Drilling well

The well on the plot can be drilled by one of the drilling methods:

  • Screw.
  • Rotary.
  • Shock-cable.

The drilling technologies are distinguished between the methods of destruction within the breed well and the extraction option from the downhill bore. The use of different equipment affects the quality and cost of the structure of devices.

What is auger drilling

The cheapest I. simple method Well wells are considered. The technology of work is that the classical archimedean screw, called the screw, is made of ground removal.

The process resembles the drilling of the well for fishing fishes by ice amateurs winter fishing. This method is used to drill a well depth of no more than 10 meters. For flushing, drilling rig or water is not used.

The instruction indicates that this method without problems can be used in dry and soft soils. Rock, solid rocks, occurring in the drilling process, and floating the rope of the screw is not amenable.

Tip: When punching the length of the opening in the ground should be clearly withstanding so that it reaches the necessary aquifer and protects the waterpath from wastewater and rover falling.

How to make from auger from a combine

For the drilling of the well under water, with old screws of the augers can be used as a drilling tool. After a small modernization of the auger from the agricultural machine turns into a sufficiently suitable car.

We will also need pipes-rods with cutting threads to increase the height of the drilling column.

Then necessary:

  • Transform Nizhny tubular end In the like screw. For this, at a distance of about 80 cm, two knives with an angle to a horizontal direction equal to 25º are welded from the screw-like end.
  • At the upper end of the bora, a carving clutch is installed. Weld it so that the rods can be screwed.
  • One of them is welded a transverse handle. With the help of which the auger will be screwed into the ground. All subsequent rods are increasing between this barbell and the screw.

Tip: With an increase in the length of the transverse handle, which is welded to the guide bar, facilitates its turning.

What is a rotary way of drilling

For drilling deep well rotary way A special drill pipe is used. In its cavity, the rotating shaft is immersed in the well, the end of which is equipped with a tip - bit.

The load is created by the exposure to hydraulic installation. With this method, you can on water of any depth. Most of these structures are performed by a rotary drilling way.

Washing a breed or soil from the well is performed by a special drill solution supplied to a pipe one of two ways:

  • By pumping the pump inside the drill pipe, and then the outgoing samoter with a solution with a breed outside by means of a burglar space is a straight flushing.
  • By entering the annular space, the samoter, and then pumping out the pump of the solution with the rock from the drill pipe - reverse flushing.

Washing the breed in the second case allows you to get a higher well flow rate. In this case, it is better to open the desired aquifer.

The disadvantage of this technology is to attract the most complex equipment, which greatly increases the cost of work. With a straight wash, the construction of the well is cheaper, so the owners of private houses most often ordered it to build a structure on their site.

Tip: Artesian well is performed using drilling machines that have specialized companies.

What is a drilling rope way of drilling

The oldest, time consuming and very slow way of drilling is shock-cable (see). But, with it, you can get a high-quality well, ready to serve until half a century.

The technology is as follows:

  • The breed or the soil is broken down under the action of a heavy projectile, which rises to a certain height, and then falls down with force.
  • With the help of the ulutes, the destroyed rock is removed from the borehole barrel.

The advantage of the drilling method is that there is no need to use water or a special drill solution during operation, which makes it possible to more accurately open the aquifer, and it ensures the maximum size of the well flow rate and increase the duration of its service life.

The disadvantages of the method include:

  • Large complexity.
  • High cost of drilling.
  • To access the second and the following aquifers, you need isolation above located water suits. For this, additional casing columns are used, which increases the waste of funds for the purchase of pipes of another larger diameter.
  • Increases the scope of work that specialists must follow.

Square of well

The star is called the process of cleansing the well from dirt. It is necessary to use powerful centrifugal pump. Also possible use, but this species The pump will extend the time of the process.


  • For the speedy cleaning of the well with a vibration pump, it is necessary to raise it several times in order for water to break and the solid precipitate did not have the opportunity to fall on the bottom.
  • The routine of the well will affect the shrinkage of the gravel, located between the well and the tube, for this reason, gravel should be periodically added. Usually the routing takes a lot of time and since the process is allocated a large number of Waters, you should organize it in advance to the ditch.

After the pumping process is completed, the well can be equipped with a pump that is suitable for its everyday operation. Now you know whether it is possible to make this work yourself. The video in this article will help not miss the items of this work.

We make the design of the well

Of course, it is necessary to reflect your design. You can do this according to your idea.

There are several options for performing this work:

  • Build a small house of a tree or another building over the well, to register it or paint it;
  • Around the well you can lay out an unusual drawing of bricks, stones, pebbles, concrete, create an ornament or to build something;
  • You can close the well using landed plants, for example, to plant the IVI and to build a flower bed.

What features of well operation

There are several rules for use of wells, which decreases the price of its operation:

  • Regardless of the type of design, cleaning should be carried out regularly.
  • Signs of system contamination are: the presence of air traffic jams when opening water; The presence of other impurities in water.
  • If you do not clean it in time, such pollution can be caused by damage not subject to repair, which means that the complete replacement will be needed.
  • To restore system functionality, it is enough to purge.
  • The radical purification method is the use of acid or electricity. But it should only carry out highly qualified specialists.