DIY curly cutting of drywall. How and what to cut drywall and make holes in it

What is drywall cut with? How to properly cut drywall

Today drywall is widely used in construction and renovation. You can work with this material yourself. However, you should first find out what the drywall is cut with so that there are no difficulties in the repair process. Below are the main ways to work and the tools you will need are listed.

Cutting tools

What is drywall cut with? There are special devices for cutting it, which

are quite expensive. They are used in enterprises where work with drywall is carried out in large scale... For home use you can use the tools at hand that can be found in every home.

First of all, you need to mark out the drywall sheet to cut it straight. This is done with a tape measure, a simple pencil and a long ruler.

Several tools can be used to cut the material. So, than the drywall is cut:

  • a hacksaw for metal;
  • construction knife;
  • jigsaw.

In rooms with high humidity moisture resistant drywall is used. It differs from ordinary material in the presence of antiseptic additives in its composition. Some people have a question about how to cut moisture resistant drywall. It is not much different from regular material. It can be easily recognized by its green color. The same tools can be used to cut it. We will tell you in more detail how to work with each of them.

The better to cut drywall

A hacksaw for metal differs from that with which a tree is sawn in a thinner blade

blades. With its help, drywall is cut very easily. The edges of the material remain straight and virtually jagged. A sheet of material must be put on some kind of support and cut along the marked line.

With a construction knife, which has a double-sided sharp blade, you can easily cut a dense sheet of drywall. To make the edge of the sheet straight, you should first draw a marking line and attach a metal ruler to it. An incision is made along it with a knife. In the case when the drywall is thin enough, you can replace the construction knife with a regular office knife, which is used for paper.

It is convenient to make curly cuts with an electric jigsaw. When working with drywall, it is recommended to purchase fine-toothed files that are used for metal.

How to properly cut drywall

There are several useful tips that will make the job easier:

  • Drywall is a flexible material. In order not to break it during work, you need to put the sheet on a stable flat surface.
  • When cutting a large sheet, this should be done gradually.
  • The workplace should be free of moisture, otherwise the material will get wet and become unusable.
  • Which side to cut the drywall from is not so important. However, it is best to cut on a surface that will attach it to the wall.
  • When cutting a profile, don't worry about jagged edges. They will subsequently be covered with a drywall sheet.
  • When working with the material, it should be understood that it can crumble strongly and create dust. Be sure to protect your eyes and respiratory system.

Cutting along straight lines

First, you need to put the drywall on a flat horizontal surface and

mark on both sides of the line along which the cut will be carried out. After that, a metal ruler is applied to them and pressed by hand. We take a knife in the other hand and draw it along the line several times to make the cut deeper.

Some people think they can do it well without a ruler. However, you should not neglect it. It is rather difficult to make a straight cut without it. It is possible, of course, but you will have to take the time to get a neat edge. With a ruler, everything is done much faster.

When the cuts are deep enough, the drywall sheet should be placed on its edge and tapped on the back side. Usually a few light blows will cause the drywall sheet to break along the line. Now all that remains is to cut the cardboard layer with a knife.

Curly cutting

There are situations when you need not a straight cut, but a curvilinear or round one.

For example, if you make an arch or hole under lighting... In this case, it is best to use a jigsaw.

They need to work slowly, following clearly along the outlined lines. The saw should be narrow with small teeth. It must work at high speed. If you cut it neatly, the edge will be flat.

If you don't have a jigsaw, you can use a hacksaw or a construction knife and hammer. Make deep cuts strictly along the markings. Place the drywall on a flat, indentable surface under the opening to be cut. Now hit this place with a hammer. After unnecessary part fall off, flip the drywall and cut off the excess paper.

Edge processing

When the drywall is cut off, the edges should be leveled slightly so that they do not have

chipping and chipping. This can be done using sandpaper. Carefully pass all the edges of it until they are smooth.

The final stage of material preparation includes its fascination. To do this, you need to cut off a few millimeters of gypsum from each edge (about two-thirds of the sheet thickness). The chamfer is removed with a plane or knife at an angle of approximately 45 degrees.

After installing the drywall, all gaps between the sheets of material must be putty. When the seams are dry, you can start painting the surface or pasting it with wallpaper.

How to cut a profile

Plasterboard sheets are attached to a special profile. It is made of metal
for the greatest structural strength. How to cut a drywall profile? You can cope with this work using:

  • hacksaws for metal;
  • jigsaw;
  • scissors for metal.

It is not recommended to use a grinder at home because it produces a lot of sparks. Scissors for metal will be enough. They can easily cut through iron without creating unnecessary debris and shavings.

The profile can be cut into small pieces. After fixing the drywall, it will not be visible. The main thing is to screw the profile well to the wall or other surface in order to ensure the strength of the entire structure.

Working with drywall is quite simple. Due to this, it is in great demand for interior decoration premises. Now that you have learned how to cut drywall, you can independently change your apartment beyond recognition, without spending money on professional finishers.

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How and what to cut drywall and make holes in it

From this material you will learn how to cut drywall, in addition, we will look at how to cut drywall and make rectangular and round holes in it. To do this, you will need several tools and knowledge of the basic methods of how to do it. In addition, we show you how to use materials efficiently, so you have less waste and still get great results. From our experience, we know that although the cutting process is not very difficult, it will take patience to master it. An unsatisfactory result can be obtained due to inaccurate measurements, the use of the wrong materials and tools. To learn how to cut drywall in the best possible way, read this article for tips on how to avoid common mistakes.

Preparation and marking

In order to cut drywall, you will need the following:

  • use only a knife with a sharp blade;
  • if it is supposed to fix drywall both on the ceiling and on the walls, then at the beginning it is necessary to sheathe the ceiling, and only then proceed to the walls;
  • if you need to cut drywall along a complex path, then first cut the length and then the width.

Remember that when working and fixing drywall, it is very important to use as many whole boards as possible. This will reduce material costs, work less and the sheathing process will go faster. Therefore, you need to carefully measure and study the surface with which you are working, and then draw up a plan for using the plates so that you have to cut them as little as possible.

If you need to attach drywall to a large area, we recommend using 3.6m boards instead of 2.5m boards. This will save you time and material.

Step 1. To professionally cut drywall, use quality tools. If the sheets large sizes(120 cm wide), it is better to cut them, leaning them against the wall at a slight angle. And small sheets (up to 60 cm wide) can be cut on the floor. If this is your first time cutting drywall, then it is better to practice doing it on the floor. In the beginning, you need to decide on which side to cut the drywall. To do this, make sure the drywall sheet is facing you. It is on this side that the incision will be made.

If you do not know the best way to cut drywall, then from our experience we can tell you that in most cases, it is best to use a good utility knife. But sometimes you have to use other tools. For example, a drywall hacksaw, it is convenient to use for cutting holes of various shapes.

The minimum set of tools you will need when cutting drywall.

Clever advice. If you are cutting drywall against a wall, place a few pieces of wood underneath. This will make the cutting process easier and keep your fingers from getting hurt.

Step 2. First, you need to use a tape measure to determine the size of the cut plate. Do this very carefully, otherwise the stove may simply not fit - it will be either too small or too large. Also make sure the vertical edges are centered in the battens, otherwise the joints of the slabs will not be rigid enough. Measure with a tape measure and make in the right place pencil mark. In our example, we want to cut the slab in half, so we make a mark in the middle.

Layout of a drywall sheet.

Clever advice. It is very important to make accurate measurements, otherwise you will spend a lot of time and money correcting errors in the joints. Be especially careful when working alone.

Step 3. To get the perfect straight cut, use a treadmill. If you want to achieve professional-level results and you have to cut drywall often and a lot, then we advise you to get a large flight tire and not use homemade or handicraft tools.

Slide the track over the drywall until it reaches the desired mark.

Using a racer to cut drywall

We cut a sheet of drywall

Step 1. The gypsum board consists of two layers of paper, which are coated on both sides with a thick layer of gypsum. This combination creates a relatively durable construction material which is also fire resistant. Therefore, in order to get an accurate and high-quality cut, it is enough to walk on the plate with a sharp knife and then break it in this place. To make an incision, run the knife along the drywall sheet from top to bottom several times. To make a correct cut, you need to guide the knife confidently, without jerking and exactly along the marked line. When cutting through the paper layer, you need to firmly hold the tire in one position, otherwise the cut may turn out to be uneven.

The same procedure should be performed if you are less likely to drywall not on the floor, but leaning against the wall. While holding the rail down with your foot, run the knife across the drywall several times from top to bottom. It is not necessary to cut through many times, this will only dull the knife blade.

Sheet with a cut paper backing.

As you can see in the picture, the cut should be perfectly straight. V otherwise you will not be able to break the slab straight. The goal is to completely cut through the paper layer and lightly grab the plaster of Paris.

Step 2. Now you need to break the slab along the notch. If you followed the previous steps correctly, then gypsum plasterboard should break along the notch. While holding the sheet with your feet, simply fold it over.

Of course, there are a lot of options for how you make yourself break. It is rather difficult to explain all these procedures in two sentences, but we assure you: in practice it is very easy to do it. The most important thing is to make the correct cut. How you break it is not important.

But if you find it difficult to grab a large sheet with your hands in order to bend it, then press it down with your knee. If you are not sure if you can cut the slab well, then practice on scrap sheets first.

We break plasterboard.

Step 3. After the sheet is broken with a clerical knife, cut the paper layer on the back of the plasterboard. If you have broken the drywall correctly, then you should have no problem cutting off the paper layer from back side.

Trim the cardboard layer from the outside.

Step 4. Place the cut slab over the attachment point to see how accurate the cut is. If the cut plate is slightly larger, then use a rasp to remove excess material. Remember that working with a rasp will create a lot of dust. Therefore, try to make accurate markings.

How to make holes in drywall

Next, we'll show you how to make a hole in drywall. Learning how to make holes in drywall is very important as it often needs to be done to install new outlets, switches and other fixtures. In addition, you have to cut out round or rectangular holes in order to repair damaged areas of drywall. Although it is quite easy to cut holes in drywall, in order to do it professionally, you need to use certain tools and have some skills. Therefore, we advise you to work with caution and follow our step-by-step guide exactly before starting work.

To make a hole in drywall, you need the following:

  • flight bus;
  • pencil;
  • tape measure and stationery knife;
  • drill;
  • ring drill bit;
  • jigsaw;
  • drywall hacksaw.
  • make accurate measurements to make rectangular holes;
  • be careful not to damage pipes or electrical wires when cutting holes;
  • Wear a respirator mask to cut a hole in the drywall.

Cut out rectangular hole

Step 1. Determine the place on the drywall sheet where you want to make a hole. If an outlet is supposed to be installed in this hole, then in the required place you need to attach a box from the outlet and outline its outline. To do this, use a tape measure to measure the distance from the left side of the plate to the left and right edges of the box. Also measure the distance from the bottom edge of the slab to the extreme top and bottom points. electrical box... With these dimensions in mind, use a flight rail to mark the location of the box hole on the plasterboard.

We mark out the sheet and determine the place for the hole.

Step 2. Drill with drill large diameter make 4 holes on the sides of the rectangle. As you can see in the picture, the holes should be made inside the rectangle and as close to the cut lines as possible.

We drill holes in the drywall under the jigsaw saw blade.

Clever advice. You can drill holes not on the sides, but in the corners of the rectangle. The holes must be large enough to accommodate the jigsaw blade.

Step 3. Insert a jigsaw file into each of the holes, cut a rectangular opening. Do this with great care, making sure that the file follows exactly the lines you have drawn.

Cut out a rectangular hole in the drywall.

Clever advice. Wear a respirator mask to avoid breathing dust. It is better to make the hole small than too big, as the excess can always be removed with a rasp.

Step 4. After you have cut a hole in the drywall, you need to check its suitability. To do this, insert a switch or socket box into the hole made to see if everything is well done.

Finished rectangular hole.

Clever advice. You can cut holes in already installed slabs, but there are a few things to consider here. Before starting work, make sure that there are no pipes, wires or other communications in this place.

How to make round holes in drywall

Step 1. First you need to determine how you can cut a hole in the drywall. There are several ways to do this. To do this, you can, for example, use a crown, ballerina or small hacksaw.

A set of crowns that can be used to cut holes in drywall.

Before you start making holes, you need to make the appropriate markings. To do this, you need to determine and outline the center of the future hole.

We outline the center of the future hole.

Step 2. Select the correct size bit and attach it to the drill chuck. Now place the core bit in the center of the cut hole and start drilling. For a quality hole, we recommend cutting at medium speed and gently pressing down on the drill.

Clever advice. Do not press too hard on the drill to prevent the bit from getting stuck in the cast. Making a hole well requires patience.

Making holes with a hand tool

Method 1. Cut through round hole in drywall, you can use a regular knife. First, you need to outline the shape of the future hole. To do this, you can attach a box from an outlet, switch or any other round object to a drywall sheet and outline the outline of the future hole. Then the same contour should be marked on the back of the sheet. Both the first and second contours must match.

We outline the contour of the future hole.

Then, using a knife, you need to completely cut through the cardboard layer. After cutting through the paper layer on both sides, tap the plaster lightly with a hammer. The hole is ready. Now check if the electrical box goes in there.

Method 2. If you want to make a hole in an already installed plate drywall, you need to use a different method. Draw a circle on the drywall by tracing the outline of the switch or socket box with a pencil. Before cutting a hole in the drywall, make sure there are no pipes or electrical wires in the area. Also make sure the box will be in a suitable location.

Then, using a drywall saw, cut a hole in the slab. To make the hole straight, punch through the drywall in one place and, starting from there, start sawing.

Video: How and how to cut drywall

Lesson 4. How to cut drywall at home

In this article, we will learn how to cut drywall at home. In the previous lesson, we completely made the frame, to which you can already attach the plasterboard. But the sheets of plasterboard themselves must first be cut to size. How this is done, now we will figure it out.

How and what to cut drywall at home

The answer to the question of how to cut drywall at home is very simple - for this we need an ordinary sharp painting knife.

It is highly undesirable to use an electric jigsaw for cutting drywall.

How to cut a part of it from a sheet

So, we put a sheet of drywall with the inner (back) side on the floor (table) or put it upright, leaning against the wall, with the inner (back) side to the wall, and the outer (front) side to ourselves. Using a tape measure and a pencil on the outer (front) side of the gypsum board, mark the distance that needs to be cut off. We make two marks at the top and bottom of the sheet with a pencil:

Then we take the rule ( building level, an even rail) we apply to the applied marks and mark the line.

Better to repeat twice.

After we cut through the paper, we need to break the sheet along the cut. To do this, take a sheet, turn it over to us inside... Clamp one part of the sheet in left hand, the second (cut off) to the right. Moderate movement right hand on ourselves (you can also help with the knee at the same time) we break the sheet along the cut made:

The sheet broke exactly along the cut line:

An even cut is ready.

How to cut a sheet

But what to do if you need to make a cutout in the drywall sheet:

or holes, slots, for example, for utilities, pipes. After all, if you also just draw on each of the three sides of this rectangle with a knife, and then start breaking it out, then nothing will come of it. If you apply force, a break will occur at all along the outlines we need. So how to be? Here we need to act differently.

To do this, take a knife on drywall in common parlance "Fox":

and saw through two sides:

And we just cut the third side with a painting knife - only paper:

Hit the spot lightly:

It remains just to cut the paper on the other side with a knife:

Below is a link to a video about another drywall knife. I personally did not work with him, but judging by the video, it cuts quite interesting. In principle, if you are working with any tool for the first time, then, of course, you need to adapt:

In this article, we learned how and how to cut drywall at home.

Whoever has worked with drywall at least once understands perfectly well that this building material must be cut to the right sizes... Under ideal conditions, most drywall sheets are installed in one piece. If the walls are aligned in a large room, then it will not be enough to cut the gypsum board, and this can be done under the ruler. However, in small rooms, you will have to constantly trim the sheets so that they lie perfectly flat.

Everyone who has started repairs using of this material... Fortunately, if you just need to cut the material to the desired size, but what to do if you need to create non-standard forms such as arcs, triangles, ovals, etc.? Let's consider all these nuances in more detail.

There are special rulers for cutting drywall

On preparatory stage everything is very simple. Place the sheet to be cut in a comfortable position. If a professional in some cases can carry out cutting by weight, then a beginner requires a flat solid surface on which drywall is laid. Most often used big table or, as a last resort, lay the sheet on the floor. If there is no table, and the floor is not an option because of the tools used, then the sheet is simply placed on two stools (or more).

It is better to cut drywall sheets with front side.

It is necessary to ask not only the question of what is better to cut drywall, but also what additional tools for this you may need. What can be useful?

  1. A tape measure or ruler is required to make accurate measurements before cutting.
  2. Cutting is carried out directly with a construction knife. You can use a utility knife as a fallback.
  3. A hacksaw can be used instead of a knife.
  4. A pencil is needed to mark the incision site.
  5. An edge planer is needed to immediately trim the cut edges. They don't look very good after cutting. You can also chamfer immediately.
  6. For the same purposes as in the previous paragraph, you will need a file or sandpaper if the cut was not even (the plane is only good for straight edges).
  7. The jigsaw is used by the most experienced craftsmen on large volumes of work. It makes no sense to rent or buy an instrument for a dozen straight lines.

Of course, not all of these tools will come in handy. It all depends on what kind of cutting you want to perform.

Which tool to choose

How to cut drywall at home? To answer this question, you need to understand what kind of work needs to be done. If you need to make a hole for the outlet, then this is one situation, if the sheet is simply trimmed to the size of the wall, then this is a different situation. A completely different approach is required in cases where curly shapes are given to the edge of the sheet.

Regardless of the tool chosen, it is always necessary to pre-mark. Only after marking and checking its correctness can you start cutting drywall.

The most commonly used cutting tools are:

  • hacksaw;
  • jigsaw.

Stationery or kitchen knives are really amateur tools. It makes sense to use them only when there is nothing else at hand. As the saying goes, if there is no pencil, then the markings can be done with a nail. So here, if there was no construction knife at hand, then you will have to take any other. However, thick sheets can be difficult to cut with such tools.

The whole list necessary tools everyone determines for himself

How to cut drywall with a construction knife? First you need to make sure that the correct tool is selected. A construction knife must have a double-sided blade. It is clear that you can only work with a sharp blade. It is necessary to lay the sheet on a hill and make several cuts with such a knife along the marked line. It is advisable to attach a metal ruler or profile along which the incision will be made. Then the sheet is broken along the cut line. Cardboard on the reverse side of the sheet is easily cut when the gypsum board is already broken.

A hacksaw for metal is good because it has a thin blade. As a result, the edges of the sheets will be practically notch-free due to thin cutting (the structure of the saw teeth and its thickness accompany this). When working with a saw, drywall should be as if on weight, because you need space on both sides.

The jigsaw is good when you need to cut shapes of varying complexity.

We use a construction knife

It is rational to use a knife in cases where you want to cut an even piece of drywall or dissolve it in two. These are the situations that prevail in the repair process.

The procedure for cutting the gypsum board with a knife

The first step is to take measurements to determine which piece needs to be cut. By drawing a line along the site of the future cut, we will simplify the whole process for ourselves. Often, several sheets are marked up at once or one sheet in several places. Therefore, they take a pencil, the line from which will be clearly visible.

A ruler or profile is applied along the edge of the line, which should fit snugly against the drywall. In this case, the building material should not sag. The edge of the knife is pressed into the line and, with pressure, is drawn along the ruler several times.

Now the sheet needs to be broken with a cut outward. For this, drywall is laid on the edge of the table so that the incision protrudes slightly beyond this edge. Usually, they hold the sheet with one hand, and the cut part is broken with the other.

Breaking can be done with a precise blow with the palm of the hand on the back of the sheet. Someone taps with a hammer or knee.

The broken sheet is placed on the floor at an angle, after which a whole piece of cardboard is cut in order to separate the cut piece. The edges are processed with a plane in order to remove burrs and make a hollow for high-quality sealing of seams.

From the video below, you can learn how to properly cut small drywall right on the floor.

Rules for working with a hand hacksaw

If you need to cut off a piece of drywall of a special shape, then it is rational to use a hacksaw, because such an effect cannot be achieved with a knife. It is necessary to create arcs, waves and other curly edges on the drywall sheet. These forms are especially relevant when creating tiered ceiling and interior partitions.

Again, the whole process begins with the fact that the marking is done on the gypsum board. The order of the markup depends on the specific task. It is one thing to make a circle for the hole for the outlet, and quite another thing to make the "chamomile" markings on the ceiling.

Especially convenient to cut arcs with a hacksaw

When creating a drawing, pattern, or lines to cut, you need to consider the entry point for the hacksaw. Somehow she has to go through the drywall to cut it. After the hacksaw is inserted into the gypsum board, you just need to cut along the marked lines. It is desirable that they do not have strong bends, because such a turn is extremely difficult to repeat.

This pattern is understandable if you need to cut from edge to edge. But how to cut drywall if the shape is not in contact with the edges of the sheet? In this case, you need to punch a hole with a knife somewhere in the middle on the marked line. The hacksaw will be inserted into this hole.

A jigsaw is used to create complex cuts.

How harder form cut, the more sophisticated tools you need to use. When it comes to complex drywall shapes, you need to cut the sheets with a jigsaw.

A jigsaw is often used to create holes inside a sheet.

Plasterboard must be marked and then laid on stools so that they are not under the cut lines. We do not need the jigsaw saw to hook something along the way.

The tool itself is installed at the beginning of the line, along which it is then guided. There is nothing difficult in the process itself. The main thing is to fill your hand and direct the instrument clearly along the lines.

The big disadvantage of this method is the creation of a large amount of dust, which will scatter throughout the apartment.

The undoubted advantages of the jigsaw are:

  • thin blade, so the material does not deteriorate. In this case, the blade is rigid enough to make even cuts with it;
  • the presence of small teeth on the blade makes the cuts even and the drywall core does not break;
  • this tool allows you not only to cut the sheet into even pieces, but also to do this, along the way creating curly patterns;
  • not much physical force is applied due to the electric motor.

Now you know how to cut hl in different situations. You can clearly understand the work of a jigsaw from the video below.

Industrial production started in 1917 in Great Britain. However, I came up with new building material resident of the United States. August Sackett was granted a patent back in 1894. The American fastened 10 paper sheets with powdered gypsum.

The result is a plate 5 millimeters wide. In a modern one, the width is at least 1.5 millimeters larger, and then provided that the core is reinforced with fiberglass.

Standard sheets rise by 10-13 millimeters. The question arises of how to cut such a thickness, because in work it is often necessary to adjust it to the frame. Let's describe several ways to divide the plates.

We cut drywall with an electric jigsaw

A jigsaw is a tool with a reciprocating saw motion. Simply put, we are talking about a miniature version of an electric saw. When working with drywall, it allows you to:

Make curly cuts

Holes inside the sheet

Extremely precise edges without jags and contour drops

We cut drywall with a jigsaw

Jigsaw cut drywall along a predetermined contour. Since gypsum dust will be knocked out from under the blade, we make the basting with a black marker. It can also be seen under whitish sediments.

The sheets are marked out from the back. However, drywall is only the basis of structures, covered after tiles, wallpaper, plaster. Therefore, the markup side is not important. Let's get started:

  • Place the gypsum sheet on stools or bricks, leaving the space under the cutting line free. Also, stress should not fall on the cutting line. Its tearing forces will impair the quality of the cut. On the basis of the same drywall is supported due to the flexibility of the material. Without support, the sheet can break under pressure in unexpected places.
  • We install the jigsaw at the start of the cutting line, or we bring the drywall to the tool holder, because it can be not only autonomous, but also stationary. Also, a number of jigsaws have a laser sight. It helps to "walk" exactly along the markings. In the case of working in the twilight, the backlight will help out. It is also not found on all jigsaws.
  • It remains to turn on the jigsaw and smoothly guide along the markings.
  • Finish the edges sandpaper or a plane, a file.

Understand, how to cut drywall with a jigsaw costs only if you have a tool. The most simple models cost from 1100 rubles. If the expenses are unjustified or there is no already purchased jigsaw at hand, curly cuts are made ...

We cut drywall with a hacksaw

A hacksaw is also a kind of saw, but this time a hand saw. The tool costs, usually, several hundred rubles. The blade of a hacksaw is different. You need an even one with small teeth. This is a hacksaw for metal.

We cut drywall with a hacksaw

When working with drywall, it gives the smoothest cut. The thinness of the saw blade allows it to bend easily inside the sheet, following exactly the curved markings. Let's start the process:

  • Having marked out the drywall and making holes in the corners with a drill or knife for the entrance of the hacksaw blade.
  • By inserting a hacksaw into the slot and sawing to the opposite point.
  • Having processed the edges of the cut with improvised means.

Which side to cut drywall hacksaw does not matter, but in what place is important. When cutting a sheet from the edge, the tool gives a smooth, neat line, although it takes a considerable amount of time. The through holes on the drywall sheet of the hacksaw are uneven. It is better to use a jigsaw here.

We cut drywall with a mounting knife

Replaceable blades in the assembly knife. There are blades for cutting different materials, the protrusion of the metal part outside the handle is adjusted. There are the same stationery models, but for working with drywall, they are low-power.

You can even cut drywall with a clerical knife.

An assembly knife costs from several hundred rubles. The tool is good when it is decided how to cut drywall at home in a straight line. Curly lines with an assembly knife are obtained anyhow. Let's get started:

  • We draw the drywall according to the previously made marks.
  • We attach a steel profile for drywall or a metal ruler to one side of the marking. They will not let the knife go to the side during cutting.
  • We put the blade to the edge of the marking and drive along it with a pressure of about 3 kilograms.

The knife should not go through the sheet. Cut drywall correctly- this is to lead a blade with a depression of about half a centimeter. The rest will break along the line when we bend the panel with our hands.

In this case, the cut should be at the top. To fold the drywall, you will need to support it. You can just put the sheet on the floor, or you can put it on chairs or the edge of a table.

The nuances of cutting drywall depending on its type

Drywall sheets are specialized, for example, waterproof. The paper on these is impregnated with polymers. They close the pores in the cardboard making it resistant to moisture and reliable protection for inside the compressed gypsum powder.

However, even waterproof drywall has no edge protection. Accordingly, the workplace should not be wet. Once in the gypsum, water will cause it to swell, and the geometry of the building sheet will change.

Arched drywall

Stand alone arched drywall... It is as thin as possible, only 6.5 millimeters thick. It would seem that such a sheet is easier to cut than a centimeter. However, fiberglass is laid inside the arched panel.

It reinforces drywall and gives the flexibility necessary to deform the sheet intended for curved doorways, ceilings.

Because of the fiberglass inside arch material harder to cut plain drywall... Better to use a power tool. The assembly knife or hand file is hard to "go".

General rules for cutting drywall

The gypsum microparticles inside the cardboard cover are light and volatile. Breaking out from under the paper during cutting, the mineral suspension rushes into the air, getting into the eyes, settling in respiratory tract... Therefore, it is advisable to put on a protective mask.

It is recommended to lay on the floor under the blade to be cut plastic wrap by sprinkling lightly with water from a spray bottle. Moisture will help the gypsum particles flying from above to swell, become heavy and sink onto the polyethylene. At the end of the work, it will remain to be rolled up and thrown away. Particularly thrifty people wash the film in the bathroom, dry it and reuse it.

If the gypsum dust settles directly on the floor, it will be problematic to clean the powder. Divorces will remain. If there is a porous coating on the floor, such as matte porcelain stoneware, particles of gypsum will be hammered into it.

A solution of warm water with sunflower oil at the rate of half a glass of product per 10 liters. After the floors are wiped with vinegar solution.

The method is not suitable for glossy surfaces. There it is better to do with a solution of potassium permanganate. It is added to warm water until it turns light pink.

We cut the profile for drywall

Since work has begun with the hero of the article, the question is also relevant, how to cut a profile for drywall... It is used to create a frame for paper-mineral sheets.

Attach them to the profile with self-tapping screws. Accordingly, drywall covers the profile base. You can skip the emphasis on the accuracy of cutting steel rods. The sheets will hide their unsightlyness.

You can cut the profile with metal scissors

To cut a profile for drywall, 3 tools are used:

Metal scissors. They are good for cutting sheet steel. Working with U-shaped profiles for gypsum sheets is inconvenient, but profitable. Manual option a tool resembling nippers costs from 200 rubles. Also, the inconvenience of working with scissors smooths out their independence from the mains and noiselessness.

Electric jigsaw. Cuts neatly and quickly. It is convenient to work with the tool only when the profile is rigidly fixed. It is made of thin steel. If this will "walk" under the jigsaw blade, the cut will turn out to be uneven.

Miniature grinder. When working with a grinder, the profile is laid on a bend. In other words, the part to be cut should hang above the air and bend under its own weight downward as it is cut. The rest of the profile rests on a chair, table.

Ease of use is dwarfed by the noise generated by the power tool. However, you can wear headphones. Of the mandatory protective equipment, glasses are worth mentioning.

We cut the profile with a small grinder

Chips can fly off the steel being processed. It can get in your eyes, damaging them. Such pieces of metal are called dross, and are removed in emergency rooms.

The danger of cutting a profile with an electric tool is not only detrimental to human health, but also to the decoration of the apartment. Hot shavings fly off the steel.

Drywall is widely used for the manufacture of structures such as ceilings, partitions, various shelves. But, since the sheets of plasterboard have standard sizes, they have to be cut.

It is not difficult to mark the sheet, but here's how to cut it correctly so as not to spoil it, because the core of the sheet is still gypsum, which is characterized by increased fragility? And if you need to make an arch or some other curved structure? Can drywall be bent? And, if so, how?

Don't worry. All these questions have long been answered. It is possible to successfully cut and bend drywall. Our task is to figure out how and how you can do it right.

Unlike professional builders and repairmen using a wide variety of tools have to use available tools at home. But the person undertaking the repair usually already has everything he needs to work. Moreover, no special devices are needed.

The following tools can be used to cut drywall boards:

  • A ruler, tape measure, pencil are necessary for accurate measurements and layout of the sheet. For marking small holes a compass may be needed, and for large arcs a piece of rope with a pencil attached to one end will be needed (an impromptu compass with which you can beat off an arc of any radius).

  • Construction knife (or clerical knife, if it is durable). It is a versatile tool and the only replacement part is the blade. Stock up on replacement blades ahead of time so you don't have to head out to the store in the midst of work.
  • Jigsaw - usually used for cutting wood and wood-based panels, but it is also suitable for drywall, you just have to install the blade for metal (it has smaller teeth and cuts the gypsum board better). With the help of a jigsaw, you can make not only straight cuts, but also curly cuts.
  • Plane - it is used not for cutting sheets, but for the subsequent processing of their edges. On the cuts, it is imperative to remove the chamfers - this will allow you to qualitatively seal the joints of the sheets after installing the structure.
  • A drywall hacksaw - you can do without it, but with it, some operations can be performed faster. Such a hacksaw resembles a saw blade with a rather narrow blade and serrated edges. The knife blade made of high-strength steel is soldered into the handle and allows you to make any cuts (straight and curly) without special efforts... The knife is very comfortable. If you buy such a tool, you can later use it for cutting small pieces of wood.
  • An electric drill or cutter with various attachments will make it easy to cut round holes of various diameters in the plate.

We cut the gypsum board in a straight line

Immediately, we note that in order to reduce material waste, it is necessary to carry out very accurate measurements of the room and use as many whole slabs as possible during installation.

Drywall should only be cut when there are no other options.

Therefore, you need to create a plan for the layout of sheets on the surface in advance, and outline the places where the sheets will be needed. custom sizes and forms.

Professionals can easily cut gypsum boards both on the floor and leaning against the wall. But if you have not had to do this before, then it is better to put the sheet on the floor face up - it will be along it that the cut will be made.

  • the marking of the sheets is usually located on the back side;
  • the front side and side edges of the sheets usually have the same color;
  • the chemical composition of the front side is different, the facing cardboard contains more cellulose, which reduces the consumption of finishing materials.

The slab is cut as follows:

  • Press the ruler firmly against the marked line and draw along it with a knife several times.
  • The knife must be guided confidently, avoiding jerks, cutting through the layer of paper and gripping the plaster a little. Make sure that the ruler does not move.
  • After that, the slab is cracked along the cut, bending it in the opposite direction to the cut.
  • Then with a construction knife you need to cut through the cardboard layer on the other side. If the plate is broken correctly, then there will be no problems at this stage.
  • Attach the prepared sheet to the installation site in order to check the accuracy of the cut. If the size is a little too large, then the excess can be removed using a rasp (but this will result in a large number of gypsum dust).
  • Process the sections with a plane, chamfering.

How to cut round and rectangular holes

It is often necessary to make holes in the sheet for pipes, sockets or switches.

To do this, you need to mark their locations on the sheet using a tape measure.

  • Accurately measure the edge of the hole from both sides of the sheet and from the top and bottom of the sheet. Contour the cutout.
  • Next, with a drill with a thick drill, you need to make 4 holes on the sides of the marked rectangle - a jigsaw file should pass through them. They should be located within the rectangle as close to the cut lines as possible.
  • Insert the file one by one into each of the holes and cut the opening. You need to work very carefully, strictly along the lined lines.
  • Once you've got the hole, check how well the switch box or outlet fits into it.
  • Finish the edges with a rasp if necessary.

Round holes:

  • For this purpose, you can use a small size drill or hacksaw attachment.
  • Draw the center of the future hole on the sheet.
  • Attach the correct size bit to the drill chuck.
  • The drill bit of the crown must be installed in the center of the hole and drilled by gently pressing on the drill (if you press hard, the bit can get stuck in the plaster). It is better to use the medium speed of the tool for this.

If there is no drill and attachments, then you can make a round hole with a knife, but this is not so convenient.

We make the hole with a knife like this:

  • Draw the outlines of the future hole on both sides of the sheet (and do not make a mistake).
  • Then use a knife to cut through the cardboard layer on both sides.
  • After that, you need to lightly knock on the plaster with a hammer, knocking it out.
  • Check how well the box or pipe fits into the hole.

Any curved shapes with smooth lines are cut along the markings using a jigsaw. In its absence, you can use a hacksaw for metal, but this is very inconvenient.

To mount arched structures above doorways or niches, you need to somehow bend the drywall so that it does not break.

For these purposes, drywall manufacturers produce special sheets of GKLA (arched), which have a thickness of 6.5 mm and are easily deformable.

Such material is somewhat more expensive than usual. For its installation, special arched profiles are used, equipped with cutouts along the side walls. Thanks to these cutouts, the profile can be easily bent as needed, and then the flexible sheet can be fixed in it.

Since the thickness of the flexible sheet is small, then to strengthen the structure, you need to use two layers of drywall: the rough layer is made from a regular sheet, and the front layer is made from an arched sheet.

But if you did not manage to buy GKLA, then there are ways to bend ordinary wall drywall. For different situations it is used different technologies impact on the sheet.

If you need to get only a slight bend, then this can be done like this:

  • The prepared plasterboard blank is moistened with water on one side with a roller or brush.
  • It is left for 10-15 minutes so that the water is absorbed into the plaster layer.
  • After that, the sheet is screwed in the intended place. Do this carefully so as not to damage the material weakened by water.
  • After the evaporation of water, the material regains its initial strength and at the same time keeps the given shape well.

If the bending radius of the sheet is small enough, then you can bend it like this:

  • I process the sheet on one side with a needle roller.
  • Then, using a sponge, it is soaked in water for an hour. Be careful not to get the paper on the back of the sheet wet, otherwise it may tear if folded.
  • Then they are carefully bent using a template and the ends of the sheet are fixed with clamps.
  • The structure is left in this form until it dries completely.

If a roller with needles is not at hand, then you can use another option (dry bend):

  • Instead, a knife is used, with which cuts are made on the sheet, placing them in a direction perpendicular to the bend line.
  • The distance between the cuts should be 10-50 mm. The more frequent the cuts, the smaller the bending radius.
  • The side where the cuts are made must always be inside the bend.

Thus, having studied in advance all the methods of cutting and bending the gypsum board, choose the most suitable one for yourself and act exactly according to the technology.