Difference of man from monkeys. What a person is different from human monkeys


151-01. What distinguishes a man monkey from a person?
A) general structure of the structure
B) the level of metabolism
C) the structure of the forelimbs
D) care for offspring


151-02. What is the difference between a man's monkey?
A) hand brush structure
B) Differentiation of teeth
C) common plan
D) metabolic levels


151-03. In humans, unlike mammals, developed (-A)
A) conventional reflexes
B) the second signal system
C) sense organs
D) care for offspring


151-04. Human distinguishes from human monkeys
A) care for offspring
B) the first signal system
C) second signal system
D) warmloost


151-05. Man, in contrast to animals, having heard one or a few words, perceives
A) a set of sounds
B) the location of the sound source
C) the volume of sounds
D) their meaning


151-06. In person, unlike human monkeys, is
A) diaphragm
B) S-shaped spine
C) furrows and winding in the final brain
D) stereoscopic color vision


151-07. Human speech is different from the "language of animals" by the fact that it
A) is provided by the central nervous system
B) is congenital
C) occurs consciously
D) contains information only on current events


151-08. Man and modern man-like monkeys are similar to
A) own speech
B) capable of learning
C) are capable of abstract thinking
D) produce stone tools of labor


151-09. The differences of a person from man-like monkeys associated with his work activity are manifested in the structure
A) vaulted foot
B) S-shaped spine
C) Gortani.
D) brushes


151-10. What is the difference between a person from chimpanzees?
A) blood groups
B) ability to teach
C) genetic code
D) ability to abstract thinking


151-11. In person, unlike other animals,
A) the second signal system is developed
B) cells are deprived of a rigid shell
C) there is a powerful reproduction
D) two pairs of limbs


151-12. In person, unlike other representatives of the mammalian class,
A) the germ develops in the uterus
B) there are salted and sweat glands
C) there is a diaphragm
D) brain type skull more facial


151-13. The similarity of the monkey and man is
A) the same degree of development of the bark of the brain
B) the identical proportions of the skull
C) the ability to form conventional reflexes
D) creative ability


In 1739, the Swedish naturalist Karl Linney in his nature system (Systema Naturae) classified a person - Homo Sapiens - as one of the primates. In this system, primates are a detachment in the class of mammals. Linney divided this detachment into two sub-traines: semoresys (their number includes lemurs and long adversies) and higher primates. The latter includes mardy-shaped, gibbons, orangutan, gorilla, chimpanzees and man. Primates have many common specific features that distinguish them from other mammals.
It is believed that man as a species stood out from the world of animals within the framework of geological time quite recently - approximately 1.8-2 million years ago at the beginning of the Quaternary period. This is told by the finds of bones in the Olduva Gorge in the West of Africa.
Charles Darwin argued that the ancestral kind of man was one of the ancient species of man-like monkeys who lived in trees and most similar on modern chimpanzees.
F. Engels formulated the thesis that the ancient human monkey turned into a man reasonable thanks to work - "Labor created a man."

Similarity of man and monkey

Especially convincingly, the kinship of man and animals is found when comparing their embryonic development. In his early stages, the germ of a person is difficult to distinguish from the embryos of other vertebrates. At the age of 1.5 - 3 months he has gill slots, and the spine ends with a tail. For a very long time, the similarity of the germ and monkey is preserved. Specific (species) Human features arise only in the latest stages of development. Rudiment and Atavisms serve as an important evidence of human kinship with animals. Rudiments in the human body about 90: Copchic bone (residue of reduced tail); fold in the corner of the eye (residue of a blinking metering); Thin hair on the body (the remainder of the wool); The process of the blind intestine - Appendix, etc. To atavisms (unusually strongly developed rudiments) include an outer tail with which people are very rare, but people are born; abundant hair cover on face and body; Multi-flexibility, strongly developed fangs, etc.

The striking intimacy of the chromosomal apparatus was found. The diploid number of chromosomes (2N) in all human-like monkeys - 48, in humans - 46. The difference in chromosomal numbers is due to the fact that one human chromosome is formed by a fusion of two chromosomes, homologous to chimpanzees. Comparison of human proteins and chimpanzees showed that in 44 proteins of the sequence of amino acids differ in them only by 1%. Many people and chimpanzees, such as growth hormone, are interchangeable.
In human DNA and chimpanzees at least 90% of similar genes.

Differences of man from monkeys

True strain and related features of the body structure;
- S-shaped spine with distinct cervical and lumbar bends;
- Low expanded pelvis;
- a chest closed in the header direction;
- elongated foot compared to hands;
- vaulted foot with massive and given big finger;
- Many features of the muscles and location of the internal organs;
- the brush is capable of performing a wide variety of high-precision movements;
- the skull is higher and rounded, does not have continuous abnormal arcs;
- the brain part of the skull is largely dominated by the facial (forehead high, weak jaws);
- small fangs;
- the chiner is distinctly expressed;
- the human brain is about 2.5 times the brain of man-like monkeys in volume and 3-4 times - by weight;
- the person has greatly developed big bark hemispheres of the brainwhich are the most important centers of psyche and speech;
- Only a person has a self-partition speech, in connection with this, it is characterized by the development of a frontal, dark and temporal stake of the brain;
- The presence of a special head muscle in the larynx.

Movement on two legs

Strying is the most important sign of a person. The rest of the primates, for few exceptions, live predominantly on trees and are four-legged or, as they sometimes say, "four-thirds".
Some mardy-shaped (baboons) adapted to ground existence, but they move on four limbs as the overwhelming majority of mammalian species.
Manoid monkeys (gorillas) mostly live on Earth, go in a partially stray position, but often relying on the back of the hands.
The vertical position of the human body is associated with a multitude of secondary adaptive changes: hands relative to the legs in short, a wide flat foot and short toes, the peculiarity of the sacrum-iliac joint, S-shaped shock-absorbing the bending of the spine, a special depreciation of the head with a spinal column.

Increase brain

The magnified brain puts a person in a special position in relation to other primates. Compared with the average sizes of the chimpanzee brain modern man three times more. Homo Habilis, the first of the hominid, he was twice as large as the chimpanzee. The person has significantly more nervous cells and their location has changed. Unfortunately, the fossil remains of the skulls do not give sufficient comparative material To assess many of these structural changes. It is likely that there is an indirect relationship between the increasing brain and its development and straightening.

The structure of the teeth

The transformations occurred in the structure of the teeth are usually associated with changes in the power method ancient man. These include: a decrease in the volume and length of the fangs; Closing diasthemia, i.e. the gap, which includes protruding fangs in primates; Changes in shape, tilt and chewing surface of different teeth; The development of a parabolic dental arc, in which the front department has a rounded shape, and the side expands outward, - unlike the U-shaped dental arc monkeys.
During the evolution of the hominid, the magnification of the brain, changes in cranial joints and the transformation of teeth were accompanied by significant changes in the structure of various elements of the skull and face and their proportions.

Differences at the biomolecular level

The use of molecular biological methods allowed to be in a new way to define as the time of the appearance of the hominid and their related links with the rest of the families of primates. The methods used include: Immunological analysis, i.e. Comparison of immune response different species Primates on the introduction of the same protein (albumin) - the more similar to the reaction, the more closely, the relationship; DNA hybridization that allows you to estimate the degree of kinship in the degree of compliance of paired bases in DNA double chains taken from different species;
Electrophoretic analysis, in which the degree of similarity of proteins of different animal species and, therefore, the proximity of these species is estimated on the mobility of the selected proteins in the electric field;
Sequencing proteins, namely, a comparison of amino acid sequences of some protein, in different animal species, which makes it possible to determine the number of changes in the coding DNA responsible for the differences in the structure of this protein. The following methods showed a very close kinship of such species such as Gorilla, chimpanzees and a person. For example, in one of the research on sequencing proteins it was found that differences in the structure of chimpanzee and humans DNA constitute only 1%.

Traditional explanation of anthropogenesis

General ancestors of man-like monkeys and a person - herd voyage monkeys - lived on trees in tropical forests. The transition to a terrestrial lifestyle caused by the climate cooling and the dysfunction of the forests by the steppes led to straightening. The straightened position of the body and transfer of the center of gravity caused the skeleton restructuring and the formation of an arcuate spinal column of the S-shaped form, which gave it flexibility and the ability to depreciation. A vaulted spring stop was formed, which was also caused by the method of depreciation when straightened. The pelvis expanded, which provided greater stability of the body with shine (reduction of the center of gravity). The chest has become wider and shorter. The jaw apparatus became easier from the use of food treated on fire. The forelimbs were released from the need to maintain the body, their movements became more free and diverse, their functions were complicated.

The transition from the use of items to the manufacture of tools of labor is the line between monkey and man. The evolution of the hand went through the natural selection of mutations, useful for work. The first tools of labor were tools of hunting and fisheries. Along with vegetable, more calorie meat food was wider. Food prepared on fire reduced the load on chewing and digestive devices, and therefore lost its value and gradually disappeared during the selection of the parietal crest, to which the monkeys are attached by chewing muscles. The intestine became shorter.

The stadium lifestyle as the work of the work and the need to exchange signals led to the development of a self-consistent speech. Slow selection of mutations transformed the undeveloped larynx and the robust monkeys to the human speech organs. The root cause of the occurrence of the language was a socio-labor process. Labor, and then ai-part speech - those factors that controlled the genetically determined evolution of the brain and human senses. Specific ideas about the surrounding subjects and phenomena were summarized in abstract concepts, mental and speech abilities developed. The highest nervous activity was formed, and a self-regulation was developed.
Transition to straightening, herd lifestyle, high level The development of the brain and psyche, the use of objects as a tool for hunting and protection - these are the prerequisites for humanitating, on the basis of which labor activity developed and improved, speech and thinking.

Australopithecus Afarensis - probably occurred from any late dripiteca about 4 million years ago. Fossil remains of Affarm Australopithek were found in Omo (Ethiopia) and in La Lai (Tanzania). This creature was similar to a small, but expanding chimpanzee weighing 30 kg. Their brain was a little more than the chimpanzee. The face was like that of man-like monkeys: with a low forehead, an outdoor roller, a flat "nose, cut chin, but protruding the jaws with massive indigenous teeth. The front teeth had Shcherbin, obviously, because they used them as an instruments for grabbing.

Australopithecus Africanus settled on Earth approximately 3 million years ago and ceased to exist about a million years to the present day. He probably occurred from Australopithecus Afarensis, and some authors suggest that he was the ancestor of chimpanzees. Height 1 - 1.3 m. Mass of 20-40 kg. The lower part of the face came forward, but not so much as well-like monkeys. Some turtles are noticeable traces of the occipital crest, to which the strong muscles of the neck were attached. The brain was no more than in the gorilla, but the cast show that in the structure of the brain several difference from the brain of man-like monkeys. According to the comparative ratio of the sizes of the brain and the body, Afrikanus occupies an intermediate position between the modern man-like monkeys and ancient people. The structure of the teeth and the jaw allows you to think that this monkey chewed vegetable food, but perhaps also drove the meat of animals killed by predators. Specialists challenge his ability to make guns. The most ancient find of Afrikanus is a chip of jaw, dating from 5.5 million years old, from a shop in Kenya, and the youngest copy of 700 thousand years. Nakhodka suggest that Afrikanus also dwells in Ethiopia, Kenya and Tanzania.

Australopithecus of the GoBustus (Australopithek Mighty) had an increase of 1.5-1.7 m and the weight of about 50 kg. It was larger and better developed physically rather than Australopita African. As we said, some authors believe that both of these "southern monkeys" are respectively males and females of the same species, but most specialists do not support this assumption. Compared to Afrikanus he had a larger and flat skull, which accommodate a larger brain - about 550 cu. cm, and a wider face. Powerful muscle muscles, massive jaws, were attached to the high crangy ridge. The front teeth were the same as the Afrikanus, and the native - larger. At the same time, the indigenous teeth in most of the specimens known to us are usually very worn, despite the fact that they were covered with a thick layer of durable enamel. This may indicate that the animals were fed on solid, hard food, in particular, grains of cereals.
Apparently, Australopita mighty appeared about 2.5 million years ago. All the remains of representatives of this species found in South Africa, in the caves, where they probably dragged the predatory beasts. Dimensioning this kind of about 1.5 million years ago. From him, perhaps Australopithek Boys occurred. The structure of the skull of Australopitheka mighty suggests that he was the ancestor of Gorilla.

Australopithecus Boisei had an increase of 1.6-1.78 m and a mass of 60-80 kg., Small cutters, designed for biting and huge indigenous teeth, capable of smiling food. The time of its existence is from 2.5 to 1 million years ago.
The brain they had the same sizes as in Australopita mighty, i.e., about three times less than our brain. These creatures went straight. They resembled gorilla with their powerful physique. Like the gorillas, the males were, apparently, significantly larger females. Like Gorilla, Australopita Boys had a large skull with supervised rollers and a central bone comb, which served to attach powerful jaw muscles. But compared to the gorilla, the crest among Australopithek Boys was less and more nominated forward, the face is flatter, and the fangs are less developed. Because of the huge indigenous and surface teeth, this animal received a nickname "Nutcracker". But these teeth could not have a strong pressure on food and were adapted for chewing not very hard material, such as leaves. Since, together with the bones of Australopithek, the boys, the age of which is 1.8 million years old, was found to be found pebbles, it can be assumed that these creatures could use a stone for practical purposes. However, it is possible that the representatives of this type of monkeys fell victim to their contemporary - a person who succeeded in the use of stone guns.

Some criticism of classical ideas about the origin of man

If the ancestors of man were hunters and fed to meat, then why his jaws and teeth are weak for raw meat, and the intestines relative to the body almost twice as long as the carnivny? The jaws were significantly reduced by the presidenthropes, although they did not use fire and soften the food on it could not. What did human ancestors eat?

With the danger of birds, the birds swept into the air, the ungulates run away, monkeys are hidden on trees or rocks. How are the animals ancestors of people at the slowness of the movement and the absence of guns, except for pathetic sticks and stones, flew away from predators?

M.F.Nesurhtheh and B.F.Prosnev frankly to the unresolved problems of anthropogenesis also include the mysterious causes of loss by people of the hairproof. After all, even in the tropics at night it is cold and all monkeys retain wool. Why did our ancestors lose it?

Why does the hair cap at the time of a person preserved on a man's head while they were reduced to most of the body?

Why do a person come forward his chin and nose with a rotated for some reason down the nostrils?

It is incredible for the evolution of speed (as usual is believed for 4-5 thousand years) the transformation of the Petecantroprop in a modern person (Homo Sapiens). Biologically is inexplicable.

A number of researchers of anthropologists believe that our distant ancestors were Australopitets who lived on the planet 1.5-3 million years ago, but Australopitecas were terrestrial monkeys, and like modern chimpanzee lived in Savannes. They could not be ancestors of man, as they lived at one time with him. There is evidence that Australopitets who lived in West Africa 2 million years ago were objects of hunting ancient people.

About the relationship of man-like monkeys (anthropoids) and a person testifies to the similarities of many anatomical and physiological features. For the first time, this was established by the associate Ch. Darwin - Thomas Huxley. After conducting comparative anatomical studies, he proved that the anatomical differences between the person and the highest monkeys are less significant than between the highest and lower monkeys.

In the appearance of a person and human monkeys a lot of common: large size of the body, long in relation to the body of the limb, a long neck, wide shoulders, the absence of tail and sedanized corns, protruding from the face plane, similar shape of the auricle. The anthropoid body is covered with rare wool without a subhead, through which the skin is shifted. Very similar to the human Mimic. In the inner structure, it should be noted a similar number of fractions in the lungs, the number of papilla in the kidney, the presence of a black-shaped outflow of the blind intestine, almost the same pattern of tubercles on the indigenous teeth, the similar structure of the larynx, etc. The dates of sexual ripening and the duration of pregnancy in humans.

Extremely close similarity is observed in biochemical indicators: four blood groups, similar protein metabolic reactions, diseases. Manoid monkeys in nature are easily infected with human infections. Thus, the reduction of Orangutan's range on Sumatra and Borneo (Kalimantane) is largely due to monkeys mortality from tuberculosis and hepatitis B derived from person. It is no coincidence that man-like monkeys are indispensable experimental animals to study many human diseases. The person and anthropoids are also close in the number of chromosomes (46 chromosomes in humans. 48 - in chimpanzees, gorilla, orangutan), in their form and size. Many common in the primary structure of such essential proteins as hemoglobin, myoglobin, etc.

However, there are significant differences between man and anthropoids, to a greater extent caused by the adaptability of a person to straighten. The spine of a person s-figurative is bent, the stop has a set that softens the shock when walking and running (Fig. 45). With the vertical position of the body, the pelvis of a person takes on the pressure of the internal organs. As a result, the structure is significantly different from the pelvic of anthropoid: it is low and wide, firmly articulated with a sacrum. There are significant differences in the structure of the brush. Human thumb is well developed, opposed to the rest and very movable. Thanks to this brush structure, the hand is capable of a variety of and thin movements. Anthropoids in connection with the wood lifestyle of the hands of the hands of the hands of the hook-shaped, and the type of foot is grabbing. With forced movement on the ground, man-like monkeys are based on the outer edge of the foot, while maintaining equilibrium using the front limbs. Even the gorilla that walks throughout the foot, is never in a fully straightened position.

The differences in anthropoids and man are observed in the structure of the skull and the brain. A human skull does not have bone crests and solid abrupt arcs, the brain part prevails above the facial, the forehead is high, the jaws are weak, the fangs are small, on lower jaw There is a chin ledge. The development of this protrusion is associated with speech. In monkeys, on the contrary, the facial part is strongly developed, especially jaws. The human brain is 2-2.5 times the brain of man-like monkeys. Dark, temporal and frontal shares, in which the most important centers of mental functions and speeches are located, a person is strongly developed.

Significant signs of differences lead to the idea that modern human monkeys could not be straight ancestors of a person.

The conclusions of the systematics on the proximity of the person to these monkeys are based on a solid comparative political and comparative physiological material.

The latter serves as the basis of the theory of the Petetecoid (monkey) of the man's origin, in mind what we will last briefly. A comparative morpho-physiological analysis of the signs of man and anthropomorphic monkeys makes it possible, in particular, to outline the question of phylogenetic relations between them. In fact, it seems important to figure out which of the three human monkeys closer to the person.

The table is compared, above all, the main dimensions of all four forms.

The table shows that most of the listed dimensions are closest to the chimpanzee and gorilla. It rushes into the eyes that by weight of the brain closer to the man of chimpanzees.

Hair Pokrov. The body of anthropomorphic monkeys is covered with hard hair. The spin and shoulders are stronger (especially Orange). The chest is waging weakly. Face, part of the forehead, soles legs, palm hands - devoid of hair. Round sides The brushes are waging weakly. There is no undercoat. Consequently, the hair cover detects the features of rudimation, however, not so pronounced as in humans. At chimpanzees, sometimes the armpits are covered with hair, (similarity with man). Orange has a strong development of beard and mustache (similarity with man). Like a person, hair shoulder and the forearm of all anthropomorphic directed to the elbow. Chimpanzees and oranges, like a person, there is baldness, especially the bald chimpanzee - A. Calvus.

Measuring signs Orang. Chimpanzees Gorilla Human The greatest proximity to the person in this sign
Body weight - kg 70-100 40-50 100-200 40-84 Chimpanzees
Growth - M. Up to 1.5 Up to 1.5 Up to 2. 1,40-1,80 Gorilla
Length of the hand to the length of the body (100%) 223,6% 180,1% 188,5% 152,7% Chimpanzees
Foot length to the length of the body (100%) 111,2% 113,2% 113,0% 158,5% Gorilla and chimpanzees
Length brush in percent to the body length (100%) 63,4% 57,5% 55,0% 36,8% Gorilla
Foot length in percentage to the length of the body (100%) 62,87% 52-62% 58-59% 46-60% Gorilla
Brain weight for body weight 1:200 1:90 1:220 1:45 Chimpanzees

Color of the skin. Chimpanzee has light skin, except the face. Pigment is formed in the skin epidermis, like a person.

Skull and jaws. The skull of an adult for a number of signs is sharply different from the skull of man-like monkeys. However, there are some features of similarities: some elements of the characteristics of human skulls and human monkeys are associated in the table.

Favorite features, as well as the table, show that African anthropomorphic monkeys closer to man than Orangutan. If you calculate the volume of the brain box of chimpanzees in its attitude to the weight of the body, then this monkey will be closest to the person. The same conclusion follows from the comparison of the 5th, 6th, 10th and 12th indicators shown in the table.

Vertebral pillar. In humans, it forms an S-shaped profile line, i.e. it functions like a spring that guarantees the brain from the shock. Cervical vertebrae with weak octic processes. The anthropomorphic monkeys of S-shaped curved no, the sausage processes are long, especially in the gorilla. They are most similar to human chimpanzees, evenly extending from the first to the last cervical vertebra, like a person.

Rib cage. The general shape of it in humans and anthropomorphic - barrel-shaped, somewhat siled in the spinal-abdominal direction. This breast configuration is only characteristic of man and anthropomorphic. In terms of the number of edges, Orang is simple to man, having like the last, 12 pairs of Ryubers. However, and the gorilla is observed the same number, although it happens, like chimpanzees, 13 pairs. The human embryo has the same number of edges, which is sometimes found in an adult. Thus, anthropomorphic is very close in this feature to a person, especially Orangutan. However, chimpanzees and gorilla closer to the man in the form of the sternum, which consists of them from a small number of elements, more numerous on Orange.

Skeleton limbs. For anthropomorphic, as well as for all monkeys, the well-known similarity of the functions of the front and rear limbs is characterized, since both hands and legs are involved in a tree climbing, and the leading importance has the forelimbs that have much greater than Homo, lifting power. Both fines of anthropomorphic multifunctional, and the hand function is wider and diverse than the function of the leg. In humans, his hand is completely released from the movement function, for that unusually enriched other functions associated with his labor activity. The foot of a person, having made the only support of the body, on the contrary, experienced the process of narrowing functions and in particular - almost complete loss of grasping function. These relations caused the development of significant differences in the structure of the skeleton of the limbs of anthropomorphic and human, especially legs. Human leg - thigh and shin - significantly exceed the same elements of anthropomorphic in length.

The powerful development of muscles in the leg of a person led a number of features in the structure of her bones. The thigh is characterized by a strong development of a rough line (Linea Aspera), a long cervical and a blunt angle, under which it deviates from the body of the dice itself. In the foot of a person - a number distinctive features. Then, like anthropomorphic, as a rule, a thumb is deflected at an angle to the rest, a person is located approximately parallel to the rest of the fingers. This increases the supporting force of the leg, i.e. it is a sign associated with straightness. This is confirmed by the fact that the mountain gorilla often hosts the vertical position, the thumb of the back leg, on the position, is similar to the human. Another person feature is a dome-shaped, concave bottom surface of the sole, springing when walking. This sign is absent in the flat foot monkeys. The latter brush and stop are very long. Brush and stop gorilla, in general, closer to human, which is associated with the more developed hontobionicity of this monkey.

Pelvis. A person's pelvis is larger than in length. The sacrum coming to him includes 5 sacred verteons, which increases the supporting power of the pelvis. The gorilla pelvis is most similar to human, then chimpanzees and orangutane follow. And in this sign, the proximity of the gorilla to the person is a consequence of httong.

Muscles. The person's muscles are highly developed (straightening), namely, butorous, quadring, calbal, Cambaloid, Third, Malobers, Square Muscle Foot. As in a person, the anthropomorphic muscles are rudimentary, especially Orange, while chimpanzee is able to move ears. However, in general, the muscular system of African anthropomorphic closer to human than to the orangutan system.

Brain man and chimpanzees. (12). Both brains are shown equal to the convenience of comparison (in reality the chimpanzee brain (2) is much less). Brain areas: 1 - frontal, 2 - frontal granular, 3 - motor, 4 - dark, 5 - striped, 6 - temporal, 7 - pre-trimmed, 8 - island, 9 - postcentral. (From disorder)

Brain, sense organs. The cranial box and weight of the brain have already been indicated. Further, from a person by weight of the brain Oranga and Gorilla, closer - chimpanzees. The human brain is strikingly superior in terms of the volume and weight of the anthropomorphic brain. Yet. More important is the fact that he is richer by convolutions, although it is similar to this attitude to the brain of anthropomorphs. But, crucial It has a functional characteristic of the brain associated with its fine (cytological) architectonics. The drawing shows that this latter is very similar in humans and chimpanzees. However, anthropomorphic motor and sensitive "Speech Centers" are not developed, from which the first is responsible for the motorcycle work of the person's articulation apparatus, and the second to the semantic perception of the words heard. The cytological architectonics of the human brain is much more complicated and developed more, especially within the frontal share of 47% of the side surface of the brain, the chimpanzee is 33%, the Gorilla is 32%, Orange is even smaller.

Sense organs Man and anthropomorphic are in many ways similar. All these forms have some reduction of olfactory bodies. The human rumor is close in his perceiving characteristics of the gorilla's hearing, chimpanzees have a greater ability to perceive high tones. The similarity of the ear shell in African anthropomorphic and person is very large. It is wonderful that the ears of the sink gives variations, unusually similar own sink Chimpanzee and other monkeys. And the person and anthropomorphic is characterized by a large visual acuity and moreover, both volumetric (stereometric) and color.

Ontogenesis. Anthropomorphic embryogenesis is unusually similar to human embryogenesis. Early development stages are generally distinguishable in all monkeys. Dimension on species (and generic) features begins at later stages. The drawing shows that the head of the germ, chimpanzees and gorilla on the eve of birth, as well as the skull of newborn anthropomorphic in humans possess many features of similarities - roundness of the cranial arch, large, directed forward by round orbits, the dominance of the cranial box over the jaw apparatus. In the soft parts of the face there are also many similarities. At chimpanzees and gorilla embryos, the eyeball is noticeably superseden from the eye orbit, due to the initial predominance of the growth of the eyeball over the growth of the orbit. The human embryo is the inconsistency also takes place. "But less. On the centuries of the germs of man and these monkeys, characteristic restrictive grooves are visible, more weak people. The ear of the gorilla's embryo has a free lobe, like many people, etc. The overall similarity of the arquence mentioned, therefore, very large. The nuclei of the gorilla and chimpanzees are visible by the obvious "mustache" and "beard". The human embryo is weaker in the human embryo, but Darwin indicated ("the origin of a person and sexual selection") that the human embryo in the fifth month around the mouth, the germing fluff is noticeably elongated, so in this sign; There is an obvious similarity.

However, during post-mixed development, signs of similarities are inferior to growing signs of differences, i.e., ontogenetic divergence occurs. In the skull, it is expressed in progressive development in anthropomorphic dental monkeys, jaws, chewing muscles and a sagittal crest (in Gorilla and Orange) and lagging behind a person, in the development of the cranial box.

General conclusion. Made above comparative Overview leads to the following general conclusions:

but. Man and anthropomorphic monkeys possess many features of similarities in the morpho-physiological organization and in the patterns of embryogenesis.

b. African forms (gorilla, chimpanzees) closer to man than Orangutan. The closest is chimpanzees, but in a number of signs - Gorilla, in a few - Orangutan.

in. If we take into account the phenomena of the above-helenetic divergence and the fact that the signs of similarities with a person are scattered within all three genera of man-like monkeys, the final conclusion from the preview made will be the following: the person and anthropomorphic monkeys come from a common root, and in the future historically developed in divergent directions.

We see, in such a way that the theory of pithecoid (monkey) of human origin corresponds to comparative political and comparative physiological data.

The difference between you and monkeys.

Dmitry Kurovsky

    Physical differences

    Genetic differences

    Differences in behavior

    Mental differences

    Human spirituality is unique

In modern society, practically through all information channels we are imposed on the view that the person is biologically close to monkeys. And that science has opened such similarity of human DNA with chimpanzees, which does not doubt in their origin from general ancestor. Is it true? Are people really - just evolving monkeys?

It is noteworthy that the human DNA allows us to produce complex calculations, writing poetry, build cathedrals, walking around the moon, while chimpanzees catch and eat fleas from each other. As information accumulates, the gap between people and monkeys is becoming increasingly. Today, science has opened many differences between us and monkeys, but most people, unfortunately, do not know. Below are some of these differences. They cannot be explained by insignificant internal changes, rare mutations or the survival of the strongest.

Physical differences

    Tails - where did they go?There is no intermediate state "between tails".

    Many primates and most mammals independently produce vitamin C.1Ma as "the strongest" obviously lost this ability "somewhere on the path to survival."

    Our newborns are different from young animals.. Their senses are sufficiently developed, the brain and body weight is much more than the monkeys, but with all this our babies knifelessand more depend on parents. They can neither stand nor run, while newborn monkeys know how to hang and move from place to place. Gorilla babies can stand on the legs after 20 weeks after birth, and human children are only 43 weeks later. Is it progress? During the first year of life, a person has functions that young animals have even before birth.

    People need long childhood.Chimpanzee and gorillas grow to 11-12 years. This fact contradicts evolution, since, following the logic, the survival of the strongest should require a shorter period of childhood.

    We have various structure of the structure of the skeleton.The man is generally structured completely differently. Our body is shorter, and the monkeys are longer the lower extremities.

    At monkeys long hands and short legs, We, on the contrary, are short hands and long legs. The hands of the highest monkeys are so long that, having accepted a slightly bent position, they can get them to the ground. Multiplier artists use this characteristic sign And they paint the long hands to people to whom they are not located.

    A person has a special S-shaped spinewith distinct cervical and lumbar bends, monkeys have no vocabulary. Man has the biggest total number vertebrae.

    A person has 12 pairs of edges, and chimpanzees - 13 pairs.

    The man has a deeper rib cage and has a barrel shape, and chimpanzee is the form of a cone. In addition, the cross section of the chimpanzee edge shows that they are more round than the ribs of a person.

    Foot monkeys look like their hands- They have a big finger of their legs, is directed toward and opposed to the rest of the fingers, resembling the thumb. A person also has a thumb of foot forward and is not opposed to the rest, otherwise we could, throwing off shoes, easy to raise items with the help of a thumb or even start writing to foot.

    Human feet are unique- They contribute to donogogo walking and cannot be compared with the appearance and function of the foot monkey 2paltsa at the man's foot relatively straight, and not curved, like monkeys. None of the monkey has such a repulsive foot, 3kak in humans, and therefore no monkey is capable of walking as people - big steps and leave human trails.

    The monkeys in the foot there is no arch!When walking our stop due to the severity amortizesall loads, shaking and punches. It is known that no animal has a spring arrow of the foot. If a person originated from the ancient monkeys, he had to appear in the foot "from scratch". However, the spring arch is not just a small detail, but the most complex mechanism. Without him, our life would be completely different. Just imagine the world without straightworthing, sports, games and long walks! When moving on the ground, monkeys are based on the outer edge of the foot, while maintaining equilibrium using the front limbs.

    The structure of human kidney is unique. 4

    The person has no solid hair cover:if a person shares with monkeys of a common ancestor, where is the flower wool with a monkey body? Our body is relatively hairless (flaw) and completely devoid of tactile hair. No other intermediate, partially coated types of species 1

    People have a thick fat stupor, which is not the monkeys.Due to this, our skin resembles a dolphin skin more. 1 Fat layer allows us to be in cool water without the risk of hypothermia.

    The human skin is rigidly attached to the muscle frame, which is typical of only marine mammals.

    People are the only ground creatures that can consciously detain their breath.This, at first glance, the "insignificant detail" is very important, as an inherent condition for the ability to speech is a high degree of conscious respiratory control, which we do not have any other animals living on land.

Desperate to find the land "missing link" and based on these unique properties of a person, some evolutionists seriously suggested that we have occurred from aquatic animals!

    Only a person has eye proteins.All monkeys have completely dark eyes. The ability to determine in the eyes of other people's intentions and emotions is exclusively human privilege. Accident or intent? By the eyes of the monkey, it is absolutely impossible to understand not only her feelings, but even the direction of her look.

    The contour of the person in humans will be extended in an unusual wayin the horizontal direction, which increases the field of view.

    A person has a distinct chin, and monkeys - no.In humans, the jaw is enhanced by a chifferent protrusion - a special roller walking along the lower edge of the jaw bone, and unknown neither at one of the monkeys.

    Most animals, including chimpanzees, big mouth.We have a small mouth with which we can better articulate.

    Wide and twisted lips- a characteristic sign of a person; Higher monkeys have very thin lips.

    Unlike the highest monkeys, a person has a protruding nose with a well-developed elongated tip.

    Only people can grow long hair on the head.

    Among primates, only people have blue eyes and curly hair.1

    We have a unique speech apparatusproviding the finest articulation and ai-part speech.

    Human larynx occupies a much lower positionin relation to the mouth than the monkeys. Due to this, we have a throat and mouth form a common "tube" that performs an important role of a speech resonator. This ensures the best resonance - prerequisite To utter vowels. Interestingly, lowered larynx - disadvantage: unlike other primates, people cannot simultaneously have or drink and breathe, without suppressing.

    Man has a special language- Thick, high and movable than the monkeys. And we have a multiple fastening of the muscles to the sublard bone.

    People have smaller muscle more connected with each other than the monkeys- We have no bone structures for fastening them (it is very important for the ability to speak).

    Man is the only primacy whose face is not covered with wool.

    Man's skull does not have bone ridges and solid abnormal arcs.4

    Skull manit has a vertically positioned face with ahead of the nasal bones, but the skull of monkeys has a low face with flat nose bones.5

    Various teeth structure.We have a closed diasthem, that is, the gap, which includes protruding fangs in primates; Various forms, slopes and chewing surfaces of different teeth. In humans, the jaw has a parabolic dental arc, the front department has a rounded shape. U-shaped dental arc. Fang in man is shorter, while all human monkeys have protruding fangs.

Why are our faces so different from the beasts "lands" monkeys? Where did we get a complex speech apparatus? How believable is the approval that all these unique characteristics involved in communication, man "gave" random mutations and selection?

Only a person has eye proteins, thanks to which our eyes can pass almost all emotions. The ability to determine in the eyes of other people's intentions and emotions is exclusively human privilege. By the eyes of the monkey, it is absolutely impossible to understand not only her feelings, but even the direction of her look. The contour of the person's eye in an unusual way stretched in a horizontal direction, which increases the field of view.

    People can carry out accurate motor control, which is not the monkeys,and perform subtle physical operations thanks unique Muscle Nerves Connection. During a recent study, Alan Walker, a biologist-evolutionist from the National University of Pennsylvania, found "distinguishing in the muscular structure of chimpanzees and a person." The Walker stated his interview: "It is clear that our muscle fibers are not shortening all at once. It turns out that in the human body there is a brain function inhibition, which keeps the muscular system from damage. Unlike people, the large monkeys of such braking does not occur (or occurs, but not to such an extent). "6

    The person has more motor neurons,muscle controls than chimpanzees. However, in order to be really effective, all these motor neurons must be properly connected, in accordance with the general plan. This plan, like many other features, inherent only to people.6

    A man's brush is absolutely unique.It can rightfully be called a miracle design. 7The people in the brush of a person are much more complicated and more artistic than that of primates, as a result, only a person can work with different tools. A person can gessulate, as well as squeeze it into a fist. The wrist in people is more moving than the hard wrist of chimpanzees.

    Thumbwell developed, strongly opposed to the rest and very moved. In monkeys, the same hook brushes with a short and weak thumb. No element of culture would appear without our unique thumb! Accident or intent?

    A person's brush is capable of two unique compression, which are not under the monkeys- accurate (for example, holding a baseball ball) and power (capture of crossbars with hand). Elimpanze cannot produce strong compression, while the use of force is the main component of power girth. The exact grate is used when driving, requiring clarity and thoroughness. Accuracy is achieved thanks to the thumb and set of compression of fingers. Interestingly, these two types of grasp are a unique property of human brushes and in nature, no one has no one. Why do we have this "exception"?

    Human fingers straight, shorter and movable than the chimpanzee.

Stop man and monkey.

These unique properties of a person confirm the history of being - they were given to him as part of the ability to "possessing land and dominion over animals", creativity and change in the world (Genesis 1:28). They reflect the precipice that shares us with monkeys.

    Only a man is inherent true straight. Sometimes, when monkeys carry food, they can go or run on two limbs. However, the distance they overcomes in this way is rather limited. In addition, the method of movement of monkeys on two limbs is absolutely different from the walking of people on two legs. A special human approach requires a complex unification of many skeletal and muscular peculiarities of our hips, legs and feet.

    People are able to keep the weight of their body on their feet while walking, because our hips agree on knees, forming with a big berth unique carrying cornerat 9 degrees (in other words, we have "knees twisted"). And, on the contrary, in chimpanzees and gorillas are widely arranged, straight legs with a carrier angle, almost equal to zero. These animals during walking distribute the weight of their body on the feet, shaking the body from side to the side and moving away with the help of the "monkey gait" .8

    Special location of our ankle jointallows the big bone to make direct movements while walking relative to the foot.

    Human femur has a special edgeto attach muscles (Linea Aspera), which is absent in human apes.5

    In humans, the position of the pelvis relative to the longitudinal axis of the torso is unique, in addition, the very structure of the pelvis is significantly different from the pelvic of monkeys - all this is necessary for straight. We have a relative width of the wings of the ileum pelvic bones (width / length x 100) much more (125.5) than in chimpanzees (66.0). If you look at them from above, these wings are deployed ahead like the handles of the plug of the swivel fist on the plane. Unlike a person, the wings of the iliac bones of the monkeys speak to the sides, like a bicycle steering wheel. 5C such a bowl of a monkey is simply not capable of walking as a person! Based on only one of this features, it can be argued that a person is radically different from the monkey.

    People have unique knees- They can be fixed with full extension, making a stable knee cup, and are located closer to the middle sagittal plane, being under the center of gravity of our body.

    Man's femur longer thigh chimpanzeesand usually has an exalted rough line, which holds a rough line of the femur under the handle.8

    Human has true groove bunchwho does not have human monkeys.4

    Human head is located on top of the spine, while man-like monkeys are "suspended" ahead, not up. We have a special shock absorbing head with a spine.

    Man has a large vaulted skull, higher and rounded. Monkey cranial box simplified.5

    By its complexity, the human brain is much superior to the brain of monkeys. It is about 2.5 times the brain of the highest monkeys in volume and 3-4 times - by weight. The person has a strongly developed bark of large hemispheres of the brain, in which the most important centers of psyche and speech are located. Unlike monkeys, only a person has a complete Silvian furrow consisting of anterior horizontal, front ascending and rear branches.

    Pregnancy period in people the longestamong primates. For some, it can be another fact that contradict the theory of evolution.

    Human hearing is different from the hearing of chimpanzees and most other monkeys.The hearing of people is characterized by a relatively high sensitivity of perception - from two to four kilohertz - it is in this frequency range that we hear important sound information of colloquial speech. Chimpanzee ears are relatively insensitive to such frequencies. Their hearing system is most strongly configured to sounds that reach the maximum value or at a frequency of one kilohertz, or eight kilohertz.

    A recent study discovered even more subtle moodand the selective ability of individual cells located in the auditory zone of the human brain cortex: "A separate hearing neuron of a person showed an amazing ability to distinguish the hardly catchy differences in frequencies, to one tenth of the octave - and this compared to the sensitivity of the cat is about one octave and a half full octave the monkey ".9tically the level of recognition is not needed for simple distinction of speech, but necessary in order to listen to music and evaluate all its beauty.

Why there are such difficult explained differences like the birth face down, and not up, the ability to walk on two legs and speech? Why monkeys never need a haircut? Why do people such a sensitive rumor, except for enjoying music?

A man's brush is absolutely unique. It can rightly be called a miracle of disanya. It is capable of two compressions that are not under the monkeys - accurate and powerful. Chimpanzees can not produce strong compression. The exact grate is used when driving, requiring clarity and thoroughness. Interestingly, these two types of setting are the unique inese of the brush of man and no one else has no one. Why do we have this "exception"?

Differences in behavior

    People are the only creatures capable of crying expressing strong emotional experiences. 1 Only a man drops tears in sadness.

    We are the only ones who can laugh, reacting to a joke or expressing emotions.1 "Smile" chimpanzee is purely ritual, functional and has no relation to feelings. Demonstrating the teeth, they give to understand the relatives that there are no aggression in their actions. "Laughter" monkeys sound completely different and more resembles the sounds, published by the breathless dog, or an attack of Asthma in humans. Even the physical aspect of laughter is different: people laugh only in exhalation, while monkeys laugh both in exhale and inhale.

    Monkeys adult males never provide food, 4 in humans is the main responsibility of men.

    We are the only creatures floating by Rumyantdue to relatively insignificant events. one

    A man builds at home and extracts fire.The lower monkeys do not care about the dwelling at all, the highest monkeys are building only temporary nests. four

    Among the primates no one can swim like a person.We are the only ones who, when diving into water and movement in it, the heartbeat is automatically slowed down, and does not increase like in land animals.

    Social life of people is expressed in the formation of the state- This is an exceptionally human phenomenon. The main (but not the only one) difference between human society from the relations of domination and subordination, formed by primates, is aware of people of their semantic meaning.

    Monkeys have a rather small territory, and man is big. 4

    Our newborn children are weakly expressed instincts; Most of their skills they acquire in the learning process. Man, unlike monkeys, gains its special form of existence "freeIn an open ratio with living beings, and above all with people, while the animal is born with the already established form of its existence.

    "Relative hearing" - exceptionally human ability. 23 People have a unique ability to recognize the height of the sound, based on the ratio of sounds among themselves. This ability is called "relative height of sound". Some animals, such as birds, can easily recognize a number of repeated sounds, but if the notes are shifted slightly down or up (i.e., change the tonality), the melody becomes completely unrecognizable for birds. Only people can guess the melody whose tonality has been changed even on the column up or down. The relative hearing of a person is another confirmation of a person's uniqueness.

    People wear clothes. A person is the only creature that looks inappropriate without clothes. All animals look in clothes funny!

For familiarization with numerous abilities that we often perceive for due, read "Talents: Revised Gifts".