How to become a man from a witch. Witch spells: real ancient rituals

Every year the number of people who are interested in magic increases. Therefore, the topic of how to become a witch at home has remained relevant for more than one year. In general, most magicians and psychics receive their abilities "by inheritance", that is, skills are transmitted through the female or male line. If you wish, you can learn, but only immediately it is worth pointing out that the process will be quite long.

How to become a witch at home in real life?

The correct psychological attitude is of great importance. You need to be able to quickly relax and feel your own emotions. There are some tips to tune in and find the right energy flow:

  1. Intuition is of great importance and needs to be constantly developed. Try to listen to your inner voice before any action and decision, pushing your mind aside.
  2. You need to learn to understand nature and receive energy and knowledge from it. It is recommended to often walk in parks and forests, to meditate on fresh air, add live plants and products from natural materials... It would be useful to have a pet and it is best if it is a cat. Start exploring properties different plants to be used in the future.
  3. Collect literature on magic and study different directions, including the magic of the Tarot. Start interpreting dreams and be sure to keep track of whether you predicted the future correctly. If possible, then find a teacher for yourself, in this case the process will be greatly accelerated.

Before you become a truly witch at home, you need to think carefully about your decision, because after the rituals, it is impossible to refuse and return everything back. In general, the decision doesn't have to be an emotional outburst or a new hobby.

An effective ritual on how to become a witch at home

The ideal place for a rite of passage is a bathhouse, but if this is not possible, then a regular bathroom will do. You need to start the ritual on Monday exactly at midnight. An obligatory attribute is an old broom. At exactly 12 o'clock in the morning, say a spell to summon a spirit to become a witch at home, as he will become an assistant. The conspiracy sounds like this:

“I am calling here a witness of my teaching.

I will wash myself with water from three different springs,

I will break the seven seals of the week:

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday and the seventh day of Sunday.

I will take the wisdom of the Serpent, the lightness of the Fox, the speed of an arrow from lightning, dew from the domes of churches, the knowledge of Solomon, King David.

The sword in my hand will strike the enemy. I will dress with impenetrable shields.

I will hide myself in an invisible canopy. I will put on armor on my way.

Witness - are you here? !!!

I swear to be stronger than my enemies and more agile than them!

I am burning this golik (broom) and with it deviation from the teachings.

I will open the book and break its seven seals and I will flee the lion of Judah of the root of David.

I see Satan falling from the sky like lightning.

That lightning is my teaching. Amen".

Then you should pour water on yourself, and burn the broom in the stove or in a fire on the street. It is important not to talk to anyone after the ritual and to go to bed right away.

How to become a white witch at home?

You need to carry out the ceremony alone, so that nothing interferes. Take regular salt and create a magic circle with it. From the four sides of the world, put church candles... Before entering the circle, it is necessary to perform ablution of the whole body and it is best to use an herbal infusion. It is recommended to carry out the ritual completely naked.

Fold your hands at chest level in a prayer gesture, turn to the Great Goddess and ask for blessings. Try to banish all thoughts from yourself and continue to think only about the ritual. After all preparatory stages are completed, you need to light the candles, starting from the east, moving clockwise. The next step is to burn the incense. Then raise your hands up so that your palms are facing up, and say these words:

“I (name), I appeal to the Great Mother, to the Sovereign of All That Is, to the Goddess-giver, I ask you, bless this dedication, send down your grace on me and grant magic power do good deeds and deeds. "

During this, you need to imagine how the flow of energy passes through the body. You may feel warmth or tingling sensation. Then lower your hands to chest level in a prayer gesture and say these the words:

"O Great Mother, Sovereign of All That Is, Goddess-Giver, I ask you, strengthen me on the witch's path, help me to cognize natural wisdom, to know myself and the secrets of magic and teach how to use it all for the good of all living."

The next step is to bow to four sides clockwise, while saying the following words:

"I vow to be a witch and keep all the witch's secrets from the moment of initiation until my very death, and pass them on only to those who are worthy to walk the path of love and kindness."

Then say five times: "May it be so!"... It remains only to thank the spirits and you can extinguish the candles, but only do it counterclockwise, starting from the north.

Forget sharp-angled hats, brooms and primitive conspiracies. The concept of witches is largely untrue. Witchcraft is a complex and personal work that requires a deep knowledge of the laws of the universe, the spiritual world and myself. If you feel connected to other worlds and disagree with traditional beliefs, you might want to learn what it means to be a witch. Magic is a long journey and endless years of practice.


Understanding the basics of witchcraft

    Find out what directions in magic are. There is no single school of witchcraft, so beginners and common people it is usually very difficult to tell truth from fiction. Becoming a witch means walking your own path, which means learning new things, firm conviction, and learning. Which directions are right for you depends on your interests. The most common areas are:

    Read about the history and traditions of the different styles. A beginner will immediately notice that everyone works differently. There is no single law of witchcraft, there are no single rules and principles. If someone says that there are such rules, do not believe him. Your practice will be your personal job, so it is important to always be critical of what you are told. You can read the classics, but everything should pass through the prism of your personal understanding of magic and your experience. Classic works include:

    • The Works of Aleister Crowley
    • Cult history Colin Wilson
    • Malleus mallificarum, an ancient text about witchcraft
    • The Complete Encyclopedia of Witchcraft Buckland
    • Montag Summers Witchcraft and demonology
    • Works by Gerald Gardner, Doreen Valente and Scott Cunningham
    • Works by Nigel Jackson, Nigel Pennick, Carlo Gunzburg, Robin Artisson, Gemma Gary, Andrew Chumbly on classical witchcraft
  1. Set personal goals in magic. Again, magic is a personal journey. There is no other way to get into magic. It is important to find out what you can do, go through what is supposed to go through, and formulate personal goals and paths of development. You can keep a diary and write down what you hope to find and discover. Below are some questions to think about, but you can look for answers to other questions as well.

    • What do you want from witchcraft?
    • What types of spells and rites do you want to use?
    • What do you hope to find for yourself in magic?
    • How is magic supposed to change your life?
  2. Learn to consider deception. Bypass ready-made user manuals (which can be purchased for a certain amount) and express courses. Witchcraft is not something that can be learned in 25 quick lessons for a small price. Witchcraft is not about following a list of rules or doing certain actions according to the instructions. This is a personal path of self-seeking and deep spiritual work. You must be willing to work hard on your practice and learn.

    • The ideas about sorcerers and magical practice are different for all masters. Do not blindly trust everything you hear. If someone doesn't want to help you learn or disagrees with something you believe in, talk to other masters. Find a group of like-minded people and ignore the dissenters.

    Using spells

    1. Pick up necessary tools for work. To start casting spells and performing rituals, you need to acquire basic tools. No, you don't need a broom or pointed hat. Each magician has his own set of tools, but the basic things are about the same for all.

      • Pick up your wand. Sticks are usually chosen for their connection to the witch. It is easy to find and charge a wand, but it does a lot. Wander through the woods and look for a special stick with which you feel connected. You will know that you have found it when it is in your hands.
      • A mortar and pestle will also be helpful. They are used to mix herbs and other substances and can be purchased at any hardware store. You may even have them in your kitchen.
      • Herbs. Hazel, wormwood, sage, lavender, and other herbs are often used in witchcraft. "Encyclopedia magic herbs"Scott Cunningham describes these plants in detail. Read the book to learn about the possibilities of herbs and how to use them.
      • Mineral water and salt. They are used to cleanse and protect conspiracies as they create a barrier between this world and the spirit world. You can charge the tools with minerals and draw a circle of salt around yourself.
    2. Charge magic items. Sticks, crystals and other things must be cleaned first. A skilled witch senses her objects, charges them positive energy and protects against the negative. Charge the tools according to the direction in which you are working.

      • V different directions this is done in different ways, but it is common for witches to cleanse and charge instruments with lunar energy. They leave the stone under the moonlight overnight, and it absorbs the energy. You can also wipe the stick with a mineral solution to rid it of bad energy.
    3. Clear workplace. There is no need to cast spells in the middle of the night in the woods - all this can be done in the bedroom. Choose a quiet place where you will be comfortable and not disturbed. No one should disturb you throughout the entire ritual.

      • Meditate for a few minutes in your direction. Say a prayer for protection, ask to drive away evil spirits from you and negative energy and attract positive energy and light to you. Meditate on this task.
      • Light the candles and prepare the necessary items. If you are going to perform the ritual with someone, walk up to each other, hold hands and say a prayer. You need to join forces.
    4. Draw a circle. In different traditions, a circle is drawn in different ways, but the method does not matter: you can use candles, stones, draw lines with chalk or lay out with chopsticks. The circle is the physical and psychological barrier that separates your workplace and that helps you gain all the strength and energy you need to work.

      • In many directions, the circle should include candles that mark the 4 cardinal points. You can also add a little bit of each element within the circle: earth, water in a glass, candle-shaped fire, and other elements.
    5. Cast a spell. Summon the spirits and elements of the elements and pronounce the purpose of the ceremony out loud. Special addresses and prayers should be read, and at this time the spell will take effect. An extensive collection of spells (on English language) can be found.

      • Stand up and release the energy you are addressing. The task of the spell is to make the circle a conductor through which you communicate with the invisible world of energy and spirits. Once you find a connection with them, you can safely connect with them and leave them painlessly.
    6. Complete the ritual competently. Thank the forces for honoring you with their presence. Thank the elements of the elements for helping and supporting you. Close or break the circle (it depends on the direction).

      • Wiccans believe in the Law of Three: "Always remember the Law of Three. What you give comes back to you." This law says that everything you do comes back to you in a triple volume. Be wise man and consider your actions, considering the impact they might have on others.


    1. Find a landmark. It can be difficult for a beginner, so it is important for novice sorcerers to find someone or something that will help them find themselves. Find experienced people who will be ready to teach you something, advise books and show you conspiracies.

      Maintain your own Book of Shadows. Once you start practicing magic, it might be a good idea to start your own book. Of course, it may not have a worn leather cover dripped with goat's blood — a regular notebook is sufficient. Keep a diary in it, save images that you deem necessary, useful or wise. Write down spells, observations, and rituals that you find in books in the book.

      Build an altar. The altar can be simple, and you won't need the ancient skull (although it would be nice). The altar is where you will work. It should contain personal amulets and things that help you create and without which you could not work. These can be crystals, stones, herbs, images, and any other objects of power. Place all of these items on the altar.

      • If you are a Wiccan, you can have laurel, dried flowers, dried herbs, and other natural items on your altar. Find stones to bond with, shells, or other beautiful objects.
      • If you are a druid or do something similar, keep photos of your family, ancestors on the altar. If you don't have them, put in some old and shabby things: photographs of war veterans, old watches, things that remind you of the past and help you feel connected with it.
    2. Practice magic regularly and in accordance with the seasons. Witches must be in tune with nature and with the transitions from one cycle to the next. Tune in to the phases of the moon and read conspiracies in accordance with the lunar cycles, with the equinox and others important factors time. Buy an astrological calendar and learn about the movement of the planets. Take away Special attention how the seasons affect your emotional, physical and psychological well-being.

      Collect magic items. Your Book of Shadows will grow and fill with new conspiracies, so you need more wardrobes and places. Collect herbs and essential oils that you can use in your work, and regularly expand your collection. Use them and learn more about their features. Collect gems crystals and meditate with them to understand which ones you have the strongest connection with and which ones you should use in your work.

As Alexander Sheps said, most people are deprived of the gift of communicating with the other world and magically influencing the life circumstances of those around them. However, everyone thought at least for a minute about how life would be if he possessed secret knowledge and supernatural power. If you notice any unnatural behavior or unusual situations in yourself, this may be an indication that you still have a gift. That's just even if you possess magic power, it will take a lot of time and effort to develop it in yourself.

For those women who do not have any supernatural talents, Alexander Sheps says that another woman who is endowed with a strong gift can help them become a witch. For example, if you turn to the same witch grandmothers, then often they do not have a family and they have to pass on their gift to strangers just before death. In most cases, it is thanks to this that girls who are not endowed with any unusual abilities receive magical power at their disposal.

Become a witch in real life it is possible in another way, notes the medium Alexander Sheps. According to him, any woman can try to independently develop a witchcraft in herself by asking for help from otherworldly forces. In order to become a witch, you first need to learn to read the Tarot cards and constantly practice this knowledge. Alexander Sheps recommends choosing Tarot White or Lenormand as his first tarot deck. At the beginning of your magical practices, you should guess only for yourself, since an inexperienced woman can bring trouble to another person with her predictions.

The second stage will be mastering different types conspiracies and magic rituals... Your own grimoire can help you become a witch in real life. Get yourself a notebook where you will write down all used conspiracies, fortune-telling and rituals. It is recommended not to let others know about your plans and expectations. While practicing magic, try to remain completely alone and be extremely focused. Good luck will surely smile at you if you show the patience.

Be happy and don't forget to press and

14.03.2014 11:37

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For many, the concept of a witch is extremely mystical, which came from fairy tales and fiction. Although the real story is replete with descriptions of witches and their persecution by the Inquisition, few believe in their existence in real life, especially in the present day. However, there are those who do not doubt that among the many charlatans posing as magicians, there are real sorcerers. And, of course, there are those who wonder how to become a witch if power was not bestowed at birth.

It is widely believed that magical abilities can only be obtained at birth and become a real sorceress to an ordinary person beyond my powers. However, there are opportunities for those who were not born a witch.

There are several such ways:

  1. Find a teacher and develop your abilities.
  2. Refer to special spells and spells.
  3. Get power from another witch.
  4. You can, of course, try to summon spirits that give strength, but this is an extremely risky way, especially for beginners.

In any case, if the powers were not gifted from birth, you will have to work hard to develop your magical potential and learn how to use it correctly. It can be very difficult at first, many things will not work out, and born witches will be far ahead in their capabilities. But with the right patience, impressive results can be achieved.

You need to constantly study, studying not only witchcraft rituals and rituals, but also subjects such as herbs that are used by healers, fortune-telling, interpretation of dreams, reading the future from a magic ball and other things. It is very important to learn how to manage your own energy and transfer it to other states, first of all, in order to provide yourself with protection, because witchcraft is a dangerous occupation. Therefore, you need to devote a lot of time to meditation and immersion in the depths of your own consciousness.

The best of the options would be to find a worthy teacher who will help you go through all the stages of becoming a witch and will be able to carry out a rite of passage in the future, which will finally open the door to the world of magic for a beginner.

And if we talk about how to become a sorcerer or a witch without the participation of a teacher, then even more effort and caution in terms of training will be required. Still, it will be desirable to find a circle of like-minded people who can help and support along the way.

Witch coven

Another way to get training and initiation into witches - is to join the witch coven... This is a small association of witches with common goals and aspirations, which supports all its members and can take a beginner for training. In a group it is always easier to find support and meet like-minded people who can become a second family in the future.

Of course, groups of witches meet in Everyday life not so often and not easy to find. This task is as difficult as finding a real magician-teacher. In modern times, there are too many of those who only pretend to be sorcerers, but in fact are looking for easy money making, including at the expense of deceived students. Such a false sorcerer or a group of false sorcerers will not give any real knowledge that will help to gain real power, but will only load information that can be found in books and the Internet without them.

In connection with all of the above, the vital question arises of how to distinguish a real magician from a pretender. The first way is to check the purity of his intentions. ... It is not easy to get to a true sorcerer or witch for training, and a real practicing magic coven does not take everyone. They rarely take money for education and it will be difficult to prove their right to join this society. It is quite possible that you will have to go through a series of tests and difficulties along the way.

The second way is to distinguish by external signs. Real magicians have a powerful energy that cannot be completely hidden from prying eyes. Their gaze is most often piercing and penetrating, and their words are confident and filled with strength. Of course, witches have no specific external signs like necessarily red hair or green eyes. An elderly old woman and a young girl, and a typical middle-aged clerk can harbor magical powers. But the behavior and magical aura remain unchanged, regardless of what disguise the magician wears in ordinary life.

Exactly real witch can teach a person who was not born a sorcerer, magic, and also make him a real magician, passing on his power by inheritance. This will strengthen your abilities and allow you to cast spells with much more energy than before.

As you know, magic is white and black, and therefore, witches also differ from each other, depending on which path they took. White magic carries good in itself and benefits the surrounding world, and black, as a rule, does harm. Typical black magic spells include:

  1. Damage.
  2. A curse.
  3. Evil eye.

Of course, black magic frowned upon, as well as those wishing to choose this direction. This kind of art will sooner or later turn against the person who practices it. Therefore, in stories about magic, mainly recommendations are given on how to become a white witch, and not a black one. Those hungry for the dark art are likely to find it themselves, turning to forbidden rituals and spells, trying to summon dark spirits.

As for white magic, there are many rituals that help to reveal your potential and fill the body with magical energy. It is very important to observe these rituals literally and not to arrange amateur performances.

Any deviation, even one word, can lead to very undesirable results. Even when learning good magic, one has to be very careful.

When a person manages to find a teacher or a magic coven, the most difficult and interesting thing begins - learning the magic art. The most important thing in this matter is not to rush and strictly follow the instructions of the mentor. Books and films often show how careless students of wizards achieve the greatest success, but in real life everything is much more complicated. Disobedience can lead to extremely sad consequences, including dangerous for the life of a young sorcerer.

One of the primary things in learning is the science of managing your emotions. Without the cruel control of your senses, you can easily let the magic get out of hand. It is also important to develop intuition and the so-called sixth sense, which will help navigate the witchcraft world and feel more subtle magical emanations.

At first, the materials at hand are very helpful:

  1. Candles.
  2. Incense and aromatic oils.
  3. Crystal balls and cards.

With their help, you can concentrate and go into a trance more easily. Before moving on to working with spells, you need to master other magical directions. Some people do not seek to gain magical power in every sense and want to focus on one direction. For example, many people want to learn how to become a fortuneteller.

At home, many types of fortune telling are available: on cards, using crystal ball, on bones or on runes. This science is also included in the magical arts.

When it comes to witches, most people imagine women. However, men are also interested in how to become a witcher in real life and whether it is possible. Of course, witchcraft both sexes possess. A strong male sorcerer is perhaps less common, but this is only due to the fact that women in general are more inclined to practicing magic. There are no restrictions on gender in witchcraft.