Indoor plants Zamiculkas transplant. Detailed description of the process of transplanting Zamiculkas at home

Zamiculkas is popular in flower water due to the friendly growth of dense green foliage and undemanding, but the transplant can become a serious stumbling block. The video on how to transplant Zamiculkas at home will help to avoid mistakes and quickly master the complex, but necessary procedure for the plant.

The complexity of the Culture Transplantation on the windowsills from Africa is that under the surface of the soil, Zamiculkas hides not only tubers, but also powerful juicy rhizomes. Their damage during transshipment or division of the bush can cause long and painful acclimatization, reinforce the roots.

In addition to the careful attitude to the roots, the African guest is very demanding:

  • to the timing of transplant;
  • the composition of the soil;
  • size and even material pot.

In order to make a transplantation at home, with a competent leaving for Zamokulkas, the consequences for the plant and flower plant should be prepared in advance to this process.

Zamiculkas transplant after purchase

If Zamokulkas is only brought to a house from the store and is located in the transporting pot, after 2-3 weeks of staying in the house it will have to transplant.

There are several reasons for this:

  1. Young plants planted in a peat substrate in such a soil easily pour or, on the contrary, skip the moment when the plant needs moisture.
  2. In addition, there is often a drainage layer inside the transport package, and its role is performed by large openings at the bottom, through which the roots of the Zamiculkas are easily penetrated. This makes it difficult to care, the future transplant and negatively affects the well-being of a green pet.

A detailed video about the change of Zamiculkas at home will give an exhaustive material for its holding. And even inexperienced flower water can easily cope with an important task.

Selection Pot and Preparation for Culkulkas Transplantation

If Zamokulkas transplant after purchase is carried out not depending on the season, then the regular procedure is better planned for a while when the plant is prepared for active growth. In conditions middle strip Russia this period falls on the spring months.

Zamiculkas in spring transplant allows tubers to better acclimatize to new conditions and, using the hit in a fresh nutritious substrate, increase the green mass faster.

The transplant is preceded by a plant potted pot. In the case of Zamiculkas, it is important to choose a container that will be suitable in size, but also by material. Powerful roots have such a force that can break the container of thin plastic or cause crack formation on fragile ceramics or glass.

Best with the cultivation of Zamokulkas, clay unplaced pots have been established. They are strong enough, but at the same time the porous surface of the clay does not interfere with the penetration of air and departure excess moisture From the soil.

Diameter Pot is chosen to a little more than the landed tuber. The roots of the plant, in nature the accustomed to extract moisture not in the most accessible places, willingly grow into depuse. Before transplanting Zamiculkas at home, it is like on video, it is necessary to remove from the old package without damage. In the case of the roots scrapped to a greater depth, it will be extremely difficult. Therefore, spectacular high pots need not less than a quarter to fill in a large clay:

  1. Young zamoculkasy transplanted, or rather translate without disturbing an earthen coma, every year, consistently increasing the size of the new pot.
  2. Adult copies do not worry so often. With age, growth is somewhat slowed down, therefore such plants can change the place of residence can once every 2-3 years as needed.

If, when withdrawal of a large plant, it is found that the bush consists of several parts formed by individual tubers, it is better to gently divide such a zamoculkas. It is easier to do if rinse the roots, clearing them from the old substrate.

How to transplant Zamokulkas, step by step and very affordable about it will tell the video.

What land is needed for Zamokulkas

In nature, Zamiculkas lives on stony with impurities of sand and a small amount of humus soils. The plant has to hardly extract nutrients And moisture, as evidenced by tubers and powerful roots.

What land is needed for Zamiculkas growing in a room pot? In some sources for the plant, it is recommended to take mixtures based on humoring, garden land and. Such a substrate will give the plants the opportunity to quickly increase the above-ground part, but the excess of nutrition and moisture will lead to a lot of risk of reloading the root system of the Zamiculkas - the main problem when growing this spectacular room culture.

The soil for transplanting Zamiculkas should be moderately nutritious, but at the same time very loose, air and moisture permeable.

As a finished substrate, it is possible to offer a soil for succulents. If a universal mixture is purchased for decorative culturesIt adds at least a third of the volume of small clay, washed river sand and perlite, crushed to small fragments of charcoal and granite crumb into it.

How to transplant Zamokulkas: Step by step guide

The easiest way to spend the transshipment of the plant. At the same time there is no risk of damage to the roots, and in the new soil of Zamiculkas without loss continues to grow.

If we are talking about an adult plant, before at home to transplant Zamokulkas, as on video, you need to clean the root system from the residues of the old substrate:

  1. The plant consisting of several clubs and escape from them can be disconnected and, turning into several independent plants, seed in its pots. This will simplify the care of Zamokulkas and increase the home collection of the flower.
  2. At the bottom of the pre-selected potter with drainage holes for the flow of extra moisture, a layer of large clay is poured.
  3. A little wet substrate is placed on top of it so as to fully cover the drainage and leave a place for comfortable placement of the root system of Zamiculkas.
  4. Fur in the roots are carried out with such a calculation so that the tops of the roots and tubers are on the surface of the soil. Upon completion of the process, the substrate is gently compacted.
  5. On top of the soil for saving moisture and plant protection from excessive seal, clamzit, pebbles or other suitable mulching material are laying out.

If you correctly transplant Zamiculkas at home, and then pay a little attention to the plant, it will grow well and throughout the year to please decorative green foliage.

Video about transplanting Zamiculkas

Zamiculkas is a very pretty decorative informal plant with which many superstitions are associated. In view of the extreme unpretentiousness and undemanding in care to grow it at home to check whether there is a share of truth in folk signsmay even beginner flower products. Be that as it may, he will decorate the windowsill.

What does Zamokulkas look like and where does he come from?

In nature, the leaves of Zamiculkas grow up to 1 m in length, at home the parameters are a little more modest

Rod Zamioculcas (Zamioculcas) refers to the ARAID family (ARACEAE). Different sources are distinguished from 1 to 4 representatives in it, but the most common is the opinion that Zamiifolcas Zamiifolia (Zamiifolia), he also Loddigesii is the only one in his own way.

Motherland Zamiculkas - Eastern and Southeast African Mountain Plateau with a tropical climate, so he, unlike other aroid, succulent. This is a low herbaceous plant with rhizome in the form of a tuber, from which thick roots are deployed, similar to the worms. Zamiculkas tuber is very powerful. He may even break the pot that prevents its further growth.

In Zamiculkas's tubers - his untouched stock in case of a sudden drought

Packers and central lodgings (rahis) leaves are also juicy, dense, covered in ink stains. In all its parts, the plant sets moisture and the necessary nutrients. Interestingly, during a strong drought, the zamioculkas can relieve the leaf plate itself, thus reducing the surface with which valuable moisture evaporates, and the thick fleshy and rakhis - leave.

Young Leaves of Zamiculkas Get out of something resembling a tube

Besides official name, Zamokulkas has many people's nicknames. It is known as a dollar tree, Zanzibarskaya pearl, eternal tree, aroid palm, ZZ. He is extremely loved in China and called the "Plant of the Chinese New Year holiday".

The plant blooms very rarely, even in nature, only if it crepts quite well and strengthened. The inflorescence, however, is quite unbroken - thick yellowish or cream coil, shrouded in a pale green petal-bedspread. The bloomer is low, formed at the base of one of the leaves. Seeds "in captivity" are not tied, even subject to artificial pollination. In nature, after flowering, berries are matured (in every one seed). Flowers with experience notes that bloom often means the end of the life of this instance.

Flowering Zamiculkas - Not the most attractive spectacle

Basically, the plant is valued for the decorativeness of the leaves. They really look very elegant - dark green, leathery, brilliant, large (in nature - near the meter, at home - twice less), the right form. In addition, that practically does not occur in the aroid, the sheet plate is not solid, it dissected on 8-12 individual "pynes." The leaves are tightly located on the thick short underground stem, creating the illusion of the socket. Zamiculkas grows slowly, the old leaves he drops faster than new ones appear.

Like all the aid, Zamokulkas is poisonous. Its leaves contain juice, which, falling on the skin (especially sensitive) and mucous membrane, is able to cause allergic reactions, serious burns, gastric and intestinal disorders. Therefore, all work with a flower spend only in gloves, at the end, carefully wash your hands, and take a pot of the pot, where the little children and pets will not get to him.

Videos about the plant

Signs and superstition

Zamiculkas among indoor plants Among the leaders in the number of associated superstitions associated with it. But only a few decades ago, no one knew about the flower, with the exception of the specialists of the corresponding profile. Everything changed in the mid-90s, when one of the Dutch flower firms "threw out" the plant itself and its more miniature selection hybrid. The novelty quickly appreciated both amateur flower, and florists, and designers who have become widely used to landscap in offices and production premises. As a result, Zamiculkas ran into the first place on sales.

Zamiculkas is widely used in design office premises, lobby, foyer, cabinets

Why is it believed that Zamokulkas brings good luck in matters related to finances, "attracting" to its owner American currency? It is probably the fact that you can very rarely meet a bank office, wherever this flower would have. Someone his beautiful dark-green shiny leaves probably reminded dollar bills. Another possible explanation is the first copies that appeared on sale, cost quite expensive, therefore most often acquired for dollars. So flower and gained its main unofficial name - a dollar tree, or a dollar palm tree.

And when the plant begins to hurt and wake, you are undoubtedly waiting for a personal financial crisis. Therefore, the flower needs to be urgent. If all the resulting results are not allowed, you need to get a new copy and put it next to the old one who has not fallen old so that the "newcomer" admire the positive energy and the correct attitude. The snag is that it is forbidden to acquire Zamiculkas. It is necessary or stealing, or get as a gift.

To attract money to the house with Zamokulkas, a whole ritual has been developed

Another unofficial name of Zamiculkas is a chimney flower. It is believed that a girl who wants to marry, grown this flower is strictly prohibited. He not only does not allow to establish existing relationships, but also "dries" from her future cavaliers, contributing to the fact that men in the house do not delay. Perhaps, such a bad fame, which enlister the owner of a flower lifelong loneliness, is associated with the external similarity of its flowers with spathifulum, which is persistently considered one of the strongest "women". Therefore, the "mystical" properties simply moved to Zamokulkas.

If you still really want to grow a zamoculkas at home, the plant must be obtained as a gift or steal. Bold ladies who are not afraid to accept, no sudden interference or other negative changes in personal life are noted.

Optimal Conditions for Growing Flower - Table

Factor Recommendations
Location Zamiculkas is not bad to carry straight sun raysSo it is quite suitable for the windowsill window overlooking south. But in the hottest clock in summer (11: 00-14: 00), especially when lacking fresh air, the flower is worth contacted. The perfect place is near the window, which comes to the south-east or southwest. Ensure good ventilation (Plant is not afraid of drafts). In the summer, the flower is useful to carry out an open air, protecting against precipitation.
Lighting Bright light Zamiculkas is vital. It can be both straight sun rays and scattered lighting. If you have just purchased a plant or he ended at rest period, adapt it to new conditions gradually, within 10-14 days.
Temperature The optimal temperature in the active growth phase is 22-27 ºС. In winter, it is reduced to 15-17 ºС. A sharp drops of flower treats very negative.
Air humidity A non-essential factor. Zamiculkas may well exist in the apartment where humidity rarely rises above 40-50%. But in the summer to increase decorativeness and wash off dust, the leaves can be sprayed once every 2-3 weeks or wipe off with a wet sponge.
Availability of support Adult Zamiculkas reaches a height of about 1 m, so the side can be filled. So that this does not happen, simultaneously with the next transplant, stick to the soil with a tree or plastic with rings.

Features of planting and transplants

Zamiculkasy, not reached the age of 5, transplant annually, adult plants - as needed (every 2-4 years), as they grow slowly. It is necessary that the roots fully filled the old pot. The only suitable time for transplantation is early spring, immediately, as the rest period will end.

If Zamiculkas is not enough space, the plant will simply break the pot

The pot is not as wide, but high so that the roots are enough space. The ceramic container is desirable - it is harder and more stable. Less danger that high zamoculkas will turn over. As for the size, the new pot must be 3-4 cm more in diameter. If you purchase the capacity "on the gross", and so slowly growing flower will practically stop in development. Roots need time to master the new space. Only after that the leaves begin to form. Be sure to a large drainage hole and drainage that fills about a quarter of the volume pot.

Such Zamokulkas is clearly time to transplant

Soil Zamiculkas prefers light, neutral. You can just just buy special soil in the store for cacti and succulents. But experienced flowers prefer to prepare a substrate personally. He may look like this:

  • Large river sand, fertile turf, leafy, powder clay in a proportion of 2.5: 1: 1: 1 with the addition of sainted wood ash (a glass for every 2 l of soil).
  • Cherry, leaf land, dry peat and sand in an equal proportion and a glass of crushed moss-sphagnum on each liter of the substrate.
  • Universal soil for decorative indoor plants and vermiculite (100 g per 2 liters).
  • Chernozem, peat and sand in equal proportions.

Transplancing Zamiculkas only by the method of transshipment, putting extracted from the old pot of an earthen room on a layer of a moistened substrate to a new one. By adding the soil, constantly watch not to fall asleep the tuber. It must be located as close to the surface. After transplanting, the flower is not watered for 5-7 days.

Zamiculkas Transplantation - Video

Flower care at home


Watering Zamiculkus requires quite moderate. Excess moisture for this plant much more serious problem than its lack.In the phase of active growth, starting from April, the plant watered every 3-4 days. Earthman whose must dry by approximately half. If the weather on the street is cloudy and cool, the intervals between watering increase.

Since dust is very well noticeable on Zamokulkas, about once a month he can arrange a warm shower. Pre-close the primer polyethylene filmSo that it fell as much moisture as possible. Also useful periodic spraying and rubbing the leaves with a wet sponge.

After each watering, wait for 15-20 minutes and drag the excess water in the pan. Went of moisture The plant categorically does not tolerate.

Use only soft water, there is no less than a day. Ideally - Talua or rain. If there is no such possibility, soften lemon acid water water. The 10-liter bucket is enough 3-4 granules.


You can finish Zamokulkas in the period of active vegetation - to do it once every 15-20 days. For the optimal development of zamiculkas alternate complex liquid mineral fertilizers for cacti and succulents (the recommended concentration is reduced by half) and the natural organic.

Infusion of fresh cow manure or bird litter can be prepared on cottage plot Alone. For this, one third of the tanks fill raw materials, fill warm water, tightly closed and waiting for the appearance of a characteristic smell. After 3-4 days, the contents are stirred, diluted with water in the proportion of 1:20 or 1:25 (for manure and litter, respectively) and water the plant.

Period of rest

Like all the aid, Zamiculkas has a sufficiently long period of rest (from the middle of the autumn until the end of winter). At this time, the flower is cleaned into a bright place, where the constant temperature is maintained 16-18 ° C, stop feeding and reduce watering. Just once every 20-25 days.

Typical Dollar Tree Problems - Table

Description of the problem Most likely reason
The leaves are pulled out, lose color, yellow, minor, the tips dry.Zamiculkas not enough light. Move it into a more suitable place. If it is impossible, shower with fluorescent lamps.
Plant resets the leaves.If the leaves fall from below, it is a natural process for adult plants. Zamiculkas dropping the most top Leavesthat will pre-dry, signals a rare or too moderate watering.
Dark spots on the leaves.Not enough heat in the active vegetation phase, especially in combination with high humidity Air and cold sharp drafts. Other possible reason - Too abundant watering.
Leaves at the base, the tuber and roots are black, soften.Too wet soil in combination with reduced temperature. Measures should be taken immediately. Save from rot, any plant is very difficult.

Diseases and pests

Poisonous juice is an irresistible obstacle for most pests. But there are those whom it does not stop. Also as excess watering At Zamiculkas, rotting is very rapidly developing.

Fighting Diseases and Insect Pests - Table

Diseases and pests of dollar tree in the photo

Save the plant affected by the root rot, is very difficult, but trying to TLU is easy to identify, so for effective struggle most often enough folk remedies If you do not take action against custom tick, individual almost inconspicuous "cings" will quickly turn into a solid white mass Not every insecticide will cope with a solid shelter


Zamiculkas seeds are not possible at home, so the plant is determined by the division of tubers or rooting cuttings.

The rooting of leafy Cherenkov

As a planting material, use whole leaves or their individual parts. The more "piece", the faster the new plant is formed. Selected adult leaves should be healthy, uniform, symmetrical, without the slightest tracks of the activity of pests and pathogenic fungi.

Rooting leaves or their parts - the most convenient way The reproduction of Zamokulkasa

The leaves are cut by a sharp sterile knife at an angle of about 45º and leave sections on open air For a day, so that they sound well. Then they are sprinkled with powder from a mixture of activated carbon and korevin and rooted in a wet substrate from large sand and dry peat (1: 1). Parts of the leaves are laid out on the surface, stuffing stuffed by about a third.

Korniner stimulates the formation of roots

The planting is covered with glass caps, cans, polyethylene film and provide bright, but diffused light and a constant temperature of about 22ºС. Soil as drying sprayed, "greenhouse" is ventilated daily.

After 2-3 months, the leaves are dried, but will appear small tubers. New shoots will give approximately six months. Plants are searched by individual pots and care for adults.

Rooting Dollar Dollar Tree - Video

The division of the tuber is a more risky way. You can lose your existing flower, and not get a new one.

Tuber with one sheet kidney is not suitable for division

From the plants you need to cut down all the leaves, remove the tuber from the pot and clean. Then they are divided into several parts so that each has at least one sheet of kidney. Sections for several minutes are immersed in a 2% solution of fungicide, then sprinkled with activated carbon powder. A day later, the tuber pieces are planted into the soil for adult plants and care, excluding any feeding and replacing with spraying. The first time fertilizer is brought only after 1.5-2 months.

Video about the flower breeding of a tuber

Zamioculkas (Zamioculcas) is a major herbaceous plant related to the aid.

Sometimes it is called another dollar tree. His homeland is considered Eastern Africa.

It is characterized very beautiful foliage and specific inflorescences, more similar to the cobcovered with greenish coat.

Despite its exotic, this flower is not additive, has great endurance and, with proper content, it grows well in conditions of ordinary city apartments.

But that Zamokulkas develops correctly, it is necessary to know the rules for the care of it. One of them is a transplant.

Zamuturgas: Transplant after purchase

Change of Zamiculkas cannot be carried out immediately after purchase. By bringing a flower home, he, first of all, is recommended to arrange a quarantine. To do this, it is necessary for several weeks to arrange in the room where there are no other colors. At this time, it is necessary to lead as necessary and observe the state of the new pet.

Buying, plants in the store, often you can not notice presence of diseases and pests. If during quarantine they will be discovered, you need to urgently carry out the appropriate treatment.

After the expiration of the quarantine period, Zamokulkas must be transplanted. The fact is that the soil in which plants are in the store is transported. It does not contain those substances that are required for right Development and active growth in colors.

At the same time, during transportation and maintenance in places, watering is conducted special means. Water such a soil absorbs badly, which can provoke the development of various diseases of the root system. Therefore, during transplantation, this substrate must be replaced with a nutrient soil mixture.

Zamiculkas transplant is desirable to conduct spring period (Read about the perfect). But if the flower is bought at another time, you should not stick to this rule, need to transplant it no later than 3 weeks after buying.

If Zamiculkas blooms, then the buds are most likely falling.

There is nothing terrible in this, on the contrary, the plant will have more efforts to acclimatization.

The next bloom, as a rule, comes with proper leave in the prescribed period.

Zamioculkas Transplantation at home - Basic Rules

Proper transplant is the main key to the further health of the plant.

When to transplant

Zamiculkasy the first few years of growth should be transplanted every year. Since this flower grows pretty slowly, then in the future it is enough to do once every two years. At the same time, it is necessary to take into account the period favorable for transplanting the period, the composition of the soil and the requirements for the planting capacity (size, material).

Soil and drainage

Zamiculkas requires nutritious, loose soil. It can be written independently using the following components:

  • Cherry land - 3 parts;
  • Sheet land - 2 parts;
  • Peat - 1 part;
  • Humid - 1 part;
  • Large sand - 1 part.

The resulting soil mixture must be thoroughly mixed and add a small amount of chopped wood coal to it.

You can also purchase a special soil for cacti and succulents and add a small amount of large sand and perlite to it.

This will increase the moisture and air condition of the substrate.

Important! Before pouring a soil in a pot, you need to put the drainage layer at least 5 centimeters thick. To do this, you can use fine pebbles or clay.

What pot for the plant

When choosing a pot for planting and further transplanting of Zamokulkas, you need to adhere to certain rulesthat will allow you to get a large and strong flower:

  • The diameter of the container must exceed the size of the root system for no more than 5 centimeters. If the pot is too big, then the growth and flowering of the transplanted flower are braked up to the roots, the roots will turn most of the soil. You can also occur frequent moistering of the soil, which adversely affects the flower state;
  • Most suitable for landing this flower are low, wide containers with large quantity drainage holes. From the pots with such a form will be much easier to extract large copies upon subsequent transplant;
  • Since the slightest damage to tubers or rhizomes of Zamiculkas during transplantation adversely affect its condition, then you need to carefully treat the material from which the pot is made.

Of course, the ceramic containers are the most moisture and air permeable. But if the transplantation fails to easily remove the plant from them, they have to break them, as a result of which the fragments damage the root system. Plastic pots in this case can be carefully cut and free to free the flower.

How to transplant zamokulkas

Replanting Zamiculkas, like most indoor plants, it is recommended to spend at the beginning of spring. Considering the high sensitivity of the root plant of the plant, it is preferable to carry out a non-conventional transplant with a complete replacement of soil, and transshipment with the preservation of earth koma.

To do this, it follows the selected pot to lay a drainage layer and pour a small amount of the new substrate on it. Flower carefully pull out from the old capacity with the soil and gently move to the new one. The space remaining between the soil lump and the walls of the pot, you need to fall asleep with the prepared nutritional soil and slightly compact.

At the same time, a small part of the rhizomes should be left above the surface of the substrate, and the tubers do not plunge strongly. After the end of the transplant, it is necessary to carry out easy moistening of the soil.

Important! Turning is suitable only for strong, healthy colors.

In those copies on which there are signs of any disease, still have to completely clean the root system from the soil, rinse it and remove damaged areas if they are detected.

The same applies to very large plants that need to be divided during transplantation.

Care after transplant

In order for the Zamokulkas after a transplant to quickly stuck and fastened, you need to lead to it regular and correct care. It does not require special efforts and time spending, it is necessary to simply explore some of the peculiarities of the plant, as well as regularly carry out preventive inspections for disease and pests and in time to take measures to treat.

After transplanting a pot with a flower, you must accommodate to rooting in the shaded, warm room. Then you need to choose a suitable permanent place of growth for it.

The plant does not impose special requirements for illumination, therefore, it can grow both in the shaded and in a well-lit place. In a strong shadow, large specimens can be placed, the strong growth of which is undesirable. If Zamiculkas is located in the southern part of the room, then in particularly hot time, it is necessary to make him an additional shelter from the direct rays of the sun.

This flower is a thermo-loving plant. Therefore, in the warm season, it takes from 25 to 30 degrees of heat, and in winter the air temperature should not fall below 15 degrees. Since in natural habitat conditions, Zamokulkas grows in dry places, then the humidity of the air is not much important for it.

So it easily adapts to various conditions And his spraying can not be done. But, at the same time, it is necessary to regularly wipe it with foliage to clean it from dust and keep decorativeness. Also for the benefit of the plant will make a monthly warm soul.

In connection with its origin and place of growth in the wild, Zamokulkas has a feature to accumulate water. Therefore, its watering in warm times should be abundant, but as the soil is burned. In winter, they need to be cut to 2 times a week. With frequent overflows, the roots will begin, and then the yellowing of the leaves.

In order to prevent the death of the plant in this case, it is necessary to dry the ground and continue to observe the regime of irrigation. If for some reason Zamokulkas was in conditions of a long drought, it starts to dry out and fall out small leaves. In this case, it is also not necessary to despair.

Even if the plants disappeared all the leaves, it can recover from tubers. To do this, it should be started regularly, but we gradually water. When the leaves appear, you can resume abundant watering, but as needed.

The first feeding of Zamokulkas should be carried out no earlier than 2 weeks after the transplantation. In the future, the plant must be picked up 2 times a month using complex mineral fertilizer. It is also recommended to spray with the foliage with special nutritional compositions. With the onset of autumn, the feeding stops until the beginning of the spring.

Despite the exotic type of Zamiculkas, it is not a capricious plant. In compliance with the rules of content, it does not cause any difficulties in cultivation. Once again briefly about how to transplant Zamiculkas and care for him after that in this video:

His transplant, usually passes successfully, and further care Does not cause problems. But this is possible only with the knowledge and performance of some subtleties inherent in this plant. As a result, with minimal physical and time costs, you can get a wonderful decoration for your home or office space.

Zamiculkas comes from Africa. Popular B. indoor flower growing The plant attracts the views with dark green, complex leaves of a meter length. Refers to the family of aroid and considered unpretentious succulent. About how the Zamiculkas transplant is carried out, it will be discussed in this article.

Zamiculkas grows slowly, like many succulent. Young plants transplant annually in summer or spring. It is especially important to do it immediately after the purchase to replace the soil to a more suitable, check the root system of the plant.

For transplanting you need to prepare a new flower pot and soil.

Choice and size pot

For Zamokulkas, the pot size is slightly larger than that in which it is growing at present. Too big planting tanks It is better not to use, it's easy to pour roots in them, and they will begin to rot.

In a flower pot that is much more sizes Root system, the plant will increase the roots for a long time, and its leaves will stop in growth.

At Zamiculkas powerful root systemIt is desirable that the pot is high, resistant to plastic or ceramics. If there are no holes at the bottom of the new plastic pot, they must be done.

Preparation of a flower for transplant

The transplant after buying a plant is needed after 2 or 3 weeks. Bringing Zamokulkas from the store, it is sprayed with any insecticide and a fungicide for the prevention of diseases and pests or watered under root systemic drugs. It is not necessary to pour off the water abundantly.

After Quarantine, it is processed by choosing a favorable day for this.

What a soil is suitable for a plant

The soil for transplant should be neutral acidity (pH 6 - 7), well-drained, mixed with small stones or sand.

Suitable universal primer from the store with Perlit. You can use a special earthy mixture for cacti and succulents. For independent preparation of planting soil take in equal parts peat, sand, turf and leafy land. Add pieces of wood coal.

Sheet cuttings for rooting can be placed in a coconut substrate or vermiculite. The soil must be comfortable for watering and making fertilizers, breathable. Landing in vermiculitis or coconut substrate will insure a plant from many diseases and harmful insects.

Step-by-step guide how to transplant Zamioculkas

To begin with prepared workplace - Clean the table with the glue, put everything you need.

All manipulations are carried out in rubber gloves - Zamokulkas juice is poisonous and when entering the skin it causes irritation.

Zamiculkassa Change at home, step-by-step instructions:

  1. Drainage from clamzit (1/4 heights) is poured onto the bottom of the pot (1/4 heights) and sprinkled with its prepared soil.
  2. The plant gets from the old pot, clasping the hand at the base of the leaves. It is advisable to moisten the soil on the eve for it was easier to extract the crushed roots. If it is not possible to do it painlessly, the pot is cut.
  3. All the earth with the roots are neatly removed. If the zamioculkas is large, with a powerful root system, the ground can not be strongly shaken so as not to injure the plant.
  4. Healthy roots are treated with growth stimulant (for example, zircon).
  5. Digitable roots are cut, washed, treated with fungicide.
  6. Put a plant in a new pot, trying to put in the center.
  7. The tubers do not plunge strongly, only slightly sprinkle the earth.
  8. Empty in the pot fill the fresh substrate, slightly condensed.
  9. After transplanting, Zamokulkas do not watered.

The first irrigation makes in 2 days if the plant is great, with sick roots - after 7 days.

When you need a dollar tree transplant

In addition to the mandatory movement in the fresh soil of the purchased zamoculkas, distinguish regular and emergency transplant.

An adult plant can be transplanted 1 time in 2 or 4 years, as pots are filling. The more often it is to do, the faster it will grow. Therefore, young zamoculkasy recommend replanting annually.

Resetting the plant in a fresh substrate is necessary if the root is started. Such a misfortune happens with room zamoculkas, which "flooded" the owners, watering too often. Emergency transplant can save the flower from imminent death. It is not always easy to determine the beginning of the disease, dense, green leaves may not even change their color when roots start rot. Should alert stop in growth and nasty smell From soil in a flower pot.

In case of emergency transplantation, all the cleansing roots are cut with sharp scissors to a healthy tissue, treated with fungicide.

Care after transplant

Replacing the plant, it is put on a permanent place. It does not require bright sunlight, it grows well with artificial lighting. Therefore, it is possible to place a pot not on the windowsill, but in the depths of the room, on the floor. It is necessary to turn it from time to time by different sides to the light source so that the leaves grow evenly and do not walked.

Zamiculkas is undemanding to watering, it easily transfers the drying of the soil in the pot. The plant weakened by replacing the roots start to water in a week after a transplant, healthy - on the third day.

  • Spray water Zamiculkas from dust is needed, covering the soil with a glue. To make the leaves glitter, it is better to wipe them with a wet sponge. If the plant is planted in a moisture substrate with clay, it is rarely watered, about 1 time per month.
  • Fertilize the fertilizer for decorative and deciduous plants no more than 1 time per month.
  • The air temperature in the summer should be 18 - 24 ° C, a strong heat does not like the plant.
  • In winter, the flower pot is closer to the window, where there is more light, it is possible to move it to the heated veranda, with a temperature of the air no less than 12 ° C, watering scarily, 1 time in 5 - 6 weeks.

Caring for Zamiculkas is simple, observing the correct watering mode, you can not be afraid for its health. It is important to transplant a dollar tree immediately after purchase, pick up a suitable flower pot and soil.

Zamiculkas is a fairly new phenomenon in domestic facilities. This overseas guest quickly became very popular, but not all the newly new owners of this flower can save the acquired plant. Although it is believed that Zamiculkas is quite unpretentious in the content and care, it happens that he dies immediately after resettlement from the store to the house. And the fact is that this plant requires the correct transplant.

Perhaps it is precisely correct to transplant or send Zamiculkas and does not work with newbies. Therefore, we suggest you to learn the rules of this procedure, following which you will succeed without negative consequences for the plant to transplant it, and if necessary and sear. In a word, we study the rules of transplanting Zamiculkas for him successful cultivation In room conditions.

Terms of successful transplant

If you follow a small form of recommendations, the change of Zamiculkas will always be successful. Let's seek these simple rules for a team, and then consider the procedure of transplant itself.

For successful reassessment of the plant, it is necessary:

  1. Pick up light soil, which will be well passed and water, and air.
  2. Reduce the density of the soil, for example, with the help of clay, which will help disintegrate it.
  3. At the bottom of the flower pot be sure to lay drainage.
  4. When moving the plant from one container to another, it must be turned, and not to replant.
  5. Perform another transshipment (transplantation) in spring.
  6. Fully shuffle the roots so that they are not visible above the surface of the soil.
  7. Be sure to transplant the plant after purchase.
  8. To choose suitable disheswhich should not be too close or spacious.
  9. Transplant young plant Every year, and adult once every two or three years.

Selection of dishes

With respect to the transplant and dishes in which Zamiculkas should grow, this room flower Enough capricient. Often, incorrectly chosen capacity can lead to the death of the plant and complicate the transplant procedure. It is very important to correctly pick up the container for the plant. One of the main choice errors is too large or very narrow dishes for the flower. Optimal option The size of the pot is low dishes, a slightly larger than the tuber of Zamiculkas. Why? If the pot is narrow and high, when transshipment, the flower will be difficult to remove from it. And more flowerflowers note that as soon as the roots of Zamiculkas are growing to the side of the dishes, the flower begins to develop more intensively.

As for the material from which the flower pot is made, the Zamiculkas is not recommended to grow to ceramic dishes. Firstly, the flower can die in such a pot from a lack of space, and secondly, when transshipment, remove the flower from such dishes is almost impossible without harm to the plant. Ceramic pot can only be broken, but it will inevitably hurt roots.

So, for growing and subsequent safe transplanting Zamiculkas, you need a plastic pot, not very high and a little more than a flower tuber.

Transplant procedure

After Zamiculkas moved from the store to your home, he needs the first transplant. Just do it need not earlier than in two or three weeks of the adaptation period. Then the young plant transplant annually, and after four or five years old. The biggest mistake in transplanting Zamokulkas is the liberation of the roots from the ground. Usually after such a barbaric circulation, the plant is ill for a long time, and often and dies.

To correctly transplant Zamokulkas, it needs to be simply translated into a new pot together with the land of the earth. For this, the soil must be slightly moistened, and the walls of the pot should be treated. After that, the flower pot is tilted a bit and tapping along the bottom, pull out the flower along with an earthen room. The new prepared pot must be a bit of the larger diameter than the former. At its bottom you need to pour drainage and gently place the flower with the ground inside the pot. After that, the space between the earthen room and the walls of the pot fall asleep with a new soil, tamping her with his fingers or a stick. Transplanted Zamokulkas must be poured so that the rapid ground in the pot as much as the soil spares and shindle the soil to the level of the old earthen coma.

How to send Zamiculkas

Seared this room flower is only necessary for breeding purposes. If it seems to you that the plant is closely in the old pot, then it is simply necessary to translate it into a more spacious dishes. As you remember, the release of tubers Zamiculkas from the Earth during transplantation the plant transfers painfully. That is why it is not necessary to dissemble the flower without the need for reproduction.

However, if you decide to multiply your zamoculkas by the method of dividing the bush, then try to carry out the procedure with the most sparing way. Remove the bush from the old pot, as in the case of a transplant, and free the roots from the ground. Now just with your hands try to divide the bush into two or three parts with the same number of stems, carefully disconnecting the roots. If the roots intertwined very much, then cut them with a sharp knife, a rubbed alcohol or hydrogen peroxide.

You can share the clubs (potatoes). For this, the muscles are simply cut in half a sharply sharpened knife, and they give the cuts to dry. Then the sections are sprinkled wood coal And searched a divided bush to new pots. Do not forget about the rule, according to which the pot diameter should only slightly exceed the size of the tuber. Otherwise, your dissolved bush is "stuck" for a long time in the state and the amount in which it was transplanted. And one more important moment. Dissolved zamoculkas do not water at least three days. And feeding fertilizers spend only a month after dividing the bush.

These are such simple rules for transplant (or rather, transshipment) Zamiculkas and the destruction of the bush. Be prepared for the fact that this flower is very painfully reacting to moving to a new pot, even if the hostess transplanted it in all the rules. But if you did it all true, then such a temporary ailment will quickly pass, and your Zamokulkas will quickly return to the old form and will rejoice in a long one for a long time and elegant beauty. Good luck!