Rules of the game "What? Where? When? Extracurricular event -inlectual game "What? when.

Ministry of Education and Science Chelyabinsk region

State budget professional educational institution

"South Ural Multidisciplinary College"

Educational event on the topic:

Discussion (Game: What? Where? When?)

Amounted to: Master P / O

Protsenko N.N.

Chelyabinsk 2016


    Theoretical material in the direction

"Discussion" ........................................................................ ............. 3

    Scenario of the event ................................................ .... 12

    Methodical development of an educational event .................. .. ... ..13

    List of Internet resources ......................................................... ... 15

    Theoretical material in the direction: "Discussion"

Discussion- This is a dispute by the rules not to redo and impose your opinion, but to find the truth together with comrades to solve the problem. During the discussion, the most difficult and interesting problems of studying certain age are publicly discussed, ways to solve them are outlined. These problems can be the most different. For example, such:

How to be modern person?

Is it easy to be smart?

Interesting person - who is he?

What she is " beautiful life»?

The discussion will help in solving the following tasks:

focus on topical problems of class life or educational subjects under study;

develop a general opinion on these issues;

encourage practical actions to change the situation or its improvement.

From the opinions of the guys expressed in the discussion, there are quite specific suggestions for resolving the problem issued, conditional recommendations are developed. In discussions, initiative groups are defined or creative commands are selected to finalize offers.

Conditions for the effectiveness of the discussion:

1. The topic should be relevant for the age of participants, a problem, stimulating an exchange of views.

2. The topic is specified by the issues for discussion. They may be a bit (from 3 to 6), but the wording should be a clear, but according to the content of the interest of the participants.

3. It is necessary to promptly notify everyone who is desirable to bring to the discussion (preparation of ads, invitation cards, etc.). Prior to participants

the topic, questions and recommended literature are adjusted in advance.

4. Preferably special design of the room where the discussion will be held. To this end, you can use posters, stands with appropriate materials or various illustrations (posters, photos), reflecting the topic of the dispute.

5. Special attention to pay the choice of a leader who knows how to light the audience, the whole course of the discussion depends on the skill of which largely depends. As a rule, it should be a respected person in this adolescent team, which has communicative qualities, erudition and competent speech.

6. The thoughtful stages of the discussion, the approved regulations, the ability of the organizers to predict the course of the discussion and the behavior of the participants.

7. Temporary framework of discussion. The most effective time is not more than 1 hour. If even for the allotted time is not completely permitted the main problem Discussions, it is still necessary to skillfully and competently finish or temporarily suspend. At the same time, the participants sharply increases the motivation to continue the discussion, which can be spent on another time.

8. It is necessary to determine (develop, compile) rules of behavior orrules of discussion. They may be as follows:

1. Rule of respect for a person, his point of view or opinion - Basic Discussion rule. Attitude towards people (both those present and absent) on the discussion is invariably attentive, polite, respectful. We try to no longer offend anything and especially not to insult. A person we accept the way it is, without any conditions.

2. Rule of attentive hearing . We remember to listen and hear not the same thing. You need to try to understand someone who says, even if I do not agree with his opinion. All adhere to the Discussion Law: everyone listened when he says one. Replicas from seats are accepted, but protruding do not interrupt.

3. Rule of "free microphone" . Everyone can speak out, but after the protruding will finish talking or expires the performance. The lead has the right to transfer the microphone (word) to any participant of the discussion.

4. Rule two minutes for performance. The free microphone can be "held in one hands" no longer than 2 minutes. During this time, you can have time to say the main thing.

5. Rule of logic and argument . The best presentation is that well thought out consistently outlined, convincingly and reasoned. The best arguments are facts and logic. Speakers try to express their thoughts clearly and understandable.

6. Rule of honest behavior . At the discussion, honesty is respected, and not stubbornness. Participants of the discussion try to keep naturally. Speakers speak clearly and understandable, not distorting the facts and words (statements) of other people.

7. Rule raised hands . If you want to speak or add a speaker - raise your hand and listen to you. If the hands are raised somewhat, then the order of the protruding determines the presenter.

The discussion plan, as a rule, is: leading at the beginning of the discussion It is important to encourage to conversation, "to start" participants in the discussion, "Ecole passion". This may contribute to the introductory word of the lead, setting a series of acute issues.

Actually discussion - public discussion of the problem. The discussion is largely spontaneous and unpredictable. It is difficult to immediately determine how it will unfold and what opinions will prevail. A lot depends on the composition of the participants of the discussion, the psychological attitude, social situation, the place and time of the discussion. But much also depends on the organizers and leading, from their erudition, moral qualities, the ability to contact with schoolchildren of adolescent and youthful age, the ability to listen, argue, restrain your emotions and emotions of adolescents, argue conclusions from the offer.


- test thought briefly, trying not to repeat the said;

- in the speech allocate the main thing, clearly formulate your arguments;

- do not be shy to express unusual ideas: originality of thinking - a sign of developed intelligence;

- watching the response of the participants in the discussion on your words or point of view, but at the same time hold on with dignity.

During the performance:

- try to understand the previous speaker, even if I do not agree with him;

- before entering into a dispute, think over the main points of what you want to say;

- do not swing your hands and do not increase the tone. The best proof of your rightness is accurate facts and iron logic;

- do not insult your comrades and previous speakers;

- carefully listen to objections, try to determine the correct and erroneous approval of the opponent;

- do not be stubborn and do not be afraid to recognize your wrong.

Discussions can help a press group that performs one or more of the following functions:

Fixing . The press group (secretariat) leads the "Protocol", writes the most valuable thoughts, ideas, suggestions ...

Analytical . The press group (analyst expert group) analyzes the process and content of activities, summarizes ideas, produces a final document (decision, recommendations, etc.).

Managing . The press group - the process catalyst - contributes ("throws up") questions or problematic situations for discussion, asks to clarify or repeat individual statements, supports, approves.

Recently in educational institutions It became popular such a form of discussion as "discussion swings". The essence of this entertaining form is to simulate swinging swings: two partners by alternate jokes on the board (rope pendulum) swing "swings"; The stronger the push (argument), the higher the rise of the "swing". In this case, two groups of students, located against each other, join the discussion. After the question is proposed for discussion, they alternately from each group express judgments on the proposed issue - "swing" begin their movement.

A variant of "discussion swings" is possible, in which each of the groups chooses a certain role, the position is "for" and "against" the argument of the lead, "Optimists" and "Pessimists". For example: "I am not afraid to tell the truth, because ..." - begins one side. "I'm afraid to tell the truth, because ..." - answers the other side.

The discussion is based on "discussion swings" - the belief method called by engaging the pupils in exchange of views on socially significant problems to defend their point of view and enrich it in the process of communicating with opponents.

The use of a discussion method in extracurricular activities on a learning subject or in extracurricular work is very useful and necessary, since important qualities of a person are born in competently organized disputes: the desire to know the truth, the ability to defend their views, argued their own point of view, develop communicative skills and, Finally, the courage recognizing the erroneousness of the previous statements.

The discussion is one of the most effective group interaction technologies with special possibilities in learning, developing and educating the future specialist.

Discussion (from Lat. Discussio - Consideration, Research) - Method of organization joint activity In order to intensify the decision-making process in the Group by discussing any issue or problem.

The discussion ensures the active inclusion of students in the search for truth; Creates conditions for an open expression by them of their thoughts, positions, relations to the topic under discussion and has the special possible impact on the installation of its participants in the process of group interaction. Discussion can be viewed as a method interactive learning And as a special technology. As a method, the discussion is actively used to organize intensive mental and holistic-oriented activities of students in other technologies and methods of training: social and psychological training, business games, analysis of production situations and solutions production tasks. As a peculiar technology, the discussion itself includes other methods and teaching techniques: "brainstorming", "Synticism", "Analysis of situations", etc.

The learning effect of the discussion is determined by the participant provided by the opportunity to obtain a variety of information from the interlocutors, to demonstrate and increase its competence, check and clarify their submissions and views on the problem under discussion, apply the knowledge available in the process of joint decision-making and professional tasks.

The developing function of the discussion is associated with stimulating the creativity of students, the development of their ability to analyze information and the reasoned, logically built proof of its ideas and views, with the increase in the communicative activity of students, their emotional inclusion in the educational process.

The impact of the discussion on the personal formation of a student is due to its integrient orientation, creating favorable conditions for manifestation of individuality, self-determination in existing points vision on a certain problem, choosing its position; For the formation of the ability to interact with others, listen and hear others, respect other people's beliefs, to accept opponent, find points of contact, relate and coordinate their position with the positions of other participants in the discussion.

There are different points of view about the similarities and differences of the dispute and discussion: from their opposition to the dispute of the dispute as a necessary element of any discussion or as a separate type of discussion, certainly, the presence of opponents, opposite points of view always exacerbates the discussion, increases its productivity, allows you to create Constructive conflict for more effective solutions to the problems discussed. It is important that the dispute is not conducted for the sake of a dispute, for the sake of the desire to defend its point of view, as for as necessary and to win.

The use of one or another type of discussion depends on the nature of the problem under discussion and the goals of the discussion.

The discussion is the dialogue most often applies to joint discussion of educational and production problems, the solution of which can be achieved by complementing, group cooperation on the principle of "individual deposits" or based on the coordination of different points of view, reaching consensus.

Discussion - dispute is used for comprehensive consideration complex problemswho do not have an unequivocal solution even in science, social, political life, industrial practice, etc. It was built on the principle of "positional confrontation" and its goal - not so much to solve the problem as to encourage students to think about the problem, to carry out an "inventory" of their ideas and beliefs, clarify and determine their position; To teach the arguments to defend your point of view and at the same time realize the right of others to have a look at this problem, to be individuality.

Conditions effective conduct Discussions B. general The following: awareness and preparedness of students for discussion, free possession of material, attracting various sources for the argument of the defendant provisions; the proper use of the concepts used in the discussion, their uniform understanding; Correctness of behavior, inadmissibility of statements, taking the identity of the opponent; Establishing the regulations of the participants' speeches; The complete inclusion of the group into the discussion, the participation of each student in it, for which it is necessary:

attract students to determine the topic of discussion by providing them with the possibility of choosing the topic of several alternatives,

problematic formulate the topic of discussion, so as to cause the desire to discuss it,

locate a group in a circle, eliminate obstacles that make it difficult to communicate

provide each student the opportunity to speak out

teach students to the ability to discuss discussion, jointly generate rules and norms of group communication;

In the discussion, the special position of the teacher as a leader of the discussion, which is to stimulate the discussion, consolidating opinions, summarizing the results of work. The personal position of the teacher under the problem under discussion should not dominate, although it can act as an ordinary participant of the discussion, without imposing his point of view.

When organizing discussion, you must pay special attention On the placement of participants in discussion communication, which depends on the type and type of discussion. Experimental studies prove that the location in space affects the position of the discussion participants. It is experimentally established that for each type of discussion there is a certain scheme for the effective placement of its participants. So, for the organization of a discussion - dialogue, in the process of which it is necessary to take agreed solutions, the location of the participants in a circle is more suitable. For a discussion based on a positional confrontation (for example, for debate), the location of the participants defending different points of view will be more productive. Discussions organized by means of phased discussion of the problem first in small groups then common forces, require other location of the participants.


Preparation of teacher and students for discussion

According to the degree of management distinguish free, not controlled by leading and directed discussions. The discussions used in the learning process are predominantly manageable by a teacher or student (subject to its readiness to its organization).

The main steps in preparing for discussion: the choice of the topic of discussion, which is determined by the learning goals and the content of educational material. At the same time, the discussion of students are subject to themes having a problematic nature containing contradictory points of view, dilemmas, taking the usual settings of students. It is advisable to offer students to choose a few options for problems associated with a specific educational topic. In a situation of choice, adoption by students of the topic as significant for themselves, a motivation arises to its active discussion; The topic is divided into separate issues that are communicated to students. Indicates literature, reference materialsnecessary to prepare for discussion. Organized independent work Students.

    Scenario of the event

    Development of a scenario plan

    Creating a slide presentation

    General coordination during the event

    Program maintenance

    Summing up the event


    Analysis of the event, reflection

    Passing methodological materials By event in the methodical folder of the department.

    Methodical development of the educational event

Subject: "What? Where? When?"

Purpose: Secure knowledge on the second course covered material. It is convinced that the material that they was explained on the modules they learned.

The main tasks of the game: "What? Where? When?":

Acquainted with the concept of discussion, as well as with the history and rule of the passage of this game;

Identify skills and knowledge in this game;

Form of holding: Discussion, discussion of issues by two teams.

Organizations: PC, multimedia system.

Characters: Respina I.I., Askarova Yu.R.

Duration: 90 min

Plan of the educational event, including:

    Event name: Game: What? Where? When?

    Direction of Education: Discussion

    Purpose: understand what is life values current adolescents aged 16-18 years

    Tasks of the educational event: cool clock

    Organization form: discussion (discussion of various issues between two teams)

    Venue: Cabinet class teacher Groups: TP-201 Akimzhanova A. B. (1202). Duration classroom hour - 90 minutes.

    Active persons: They are students of the TP-201 Group, in the amount of 11 people, aged (16-18 years).

Class leader of this group: Akimzhanova A.B.

Practices of the group PO-406: Keeppina I.I. Aged (20 years).

    Education tools (necessary tools and materials required).

    Technical Means: Multimedia

    Decoration: Presentation

    1. Plan of preparation of the event: familiarize the guys with such a concept as "discussion", to hold the game: "What? Where? When?"

      Scenic plan (familiarization with the concept of "discussion", where decoration (presentation) will be used, holding the game itself, summing up.

      Analysis and self-analysis of the event.

    List of Internet resources

Preparatory work:

The guys are invited to respond to 40-50 questions from a wide variety of branches of knowledge. Tasks are hung out on a colorfully decorated stand. To search for answers and solving tasks, 1-2 months is given. Students are offered the main directions of search (encyclopedia, reference and fiction etc.). The six best students will take part directly in the game.

Goals and objectives:

Develop interest in knowledge. Teach the ability to use additional literature to find answers to the questions. Increase the intellectual level of students.


1. Table for the game, separated by 11 sectors, such as plywood sheet suitable size Watercolor paints or gouache and varnished.

2. Yula with an arrow.

3. The treble key of aluminum wire.

4. The leaves on which the subject matter is written (nature, black box, etc.).

5. Prizes.

6. The tape recorder for the execution of the musical pause or the number of artistic self-identity prepared by students.

7. Registration of the venue (stand with answers to the questions of the preparatory tour).

Questions for the game:

1. Nature.

Choose from the above phenomena that indicate the rain approaching.

Ants run to the anthill.

Smoke rises to the top.

Rain worms come out out.

Sky in the morning gray.

Swallows fly low.

In the morning there is no dew.

2. Units of measurement.

Translate the story in accordance with the requirements of the international (SI) system.

"He was six feet of growth, could freely raise a three-way gircling and throw it further than 20 yards."

3. Blitz.

1. On the hands of 10 fingers. How many fingers on 10 hands? (fifty)

2. How many times the staircase on the fourth floor is longer than on the second? (3 times)

2. The man of man exchanged handshakes. How many handshakes were? (6)

4. Black box.

To find speed you need to measure the path, then time and divide the path for a while. But for this you need a ruler and clock, and there is a device that, as it, is united by - speedometer. In the black box lies the device uniting the use of minsures and scales. What lies in the black box? (hydrometer)

5. Chain.

In which sequence these amazing inventions were made?

Phone 1876 Bell.

Chemical current source of 1799 Volt.

Radio 1895 Popov.

Telegraph 1832 Schilling.

6. Sport.

When is it better to skate in frost or heavily weather? On smooth or rough ice? (in warmer, on rough)

7. Mathematics.

Measure the thickness of the physics textbook sheet with one line. (Thickness to divide into the number of sheets)

8. History.

Name the names of 6 scientists and discoveries, laws or inventions made by them.

9. Wood and metal.

Why at the same temperatures hot metal to the touch seems the warmer of hot wood, and cold metal Cool cold tree?

(Metal has a higher thermal conductivity than a tree)

10. Speed.

Who will overtake? Hare running with a speed of 18 m / s or motorcycle having a speed of 60 km / h?

(18m / s\u003e 60km / h)

11. New Year.

On the garland blown the light and the guys decided to remove it in general, connecting the nearest light bulbs to it directly. How has the gap lights changed the resulting garlands? (Increase)

Intelligent game "What? Where? When?" For high school students. Abstract with a presentation.

Development is intended for a class hour or extracurricular activities in grades 9-11. Questions are designed not only for specific knowledge, but also on the overall erudition and the intelligence of children of this age.
After the teachings, the game is a leading activity in which social communicative skills, the emotional environment of the child occurs. And if the game is cognitive, then this is a real opportunity to grow intellectually.
The scenario provides more questions than was used in the game. Those who want to add their own questions. A slightly different organization of the game compared to the familiar "What? Where? When?": Not 1 A team of experts, and the teams of all classes, sitting down in turn for the game table, on which questions are laid out in envelopes. There is also a super-blitz question The table remains 1 player who must respond to 3 questions in 1 minute (20 sec cast for every question).

Intelligent game "What? Where? When?" For students of high schools. Scenario with a presentation.

Purpose: Develop the cognitive abilities of students, interest in knowledge
surrounding world.
creating conditions for the manifestation of abilities, intelligent skills of students;
The development of such qualities as the ability to listen to another person to work in the group.
1. For folk legends, the creation of Japanese writing and the choice of the existing hieroglyphs has influenced very close to people of creatures. Who are they? (These are chickens with their peculiar footprint)

2. How do Europeans need to look at the Arab miniatures to see them as they see Arabs? (Arabs write to the right left, which imposed a fingerprint to all their culture. Accordingly, the eyeball is moving and the eye of Europeans coincided with the movement of Arab's eye and he saw a true picture, you need to look at the miniature with a mirror)

3. In the first half of the 18th century, a fashionable headdress was a triangle, decorated with a galoon and feathers, but usually did not wear it, but kept her left hand. Why? (Wearing a hat on the head prevented a fashionable powdered wig, but the triangle was a necessary accessory for bows)

4. Everyone knows the picture of Leonardo da Vinci "Mona Lisa" ("Joconda"). What part of the appearance is absent from the woman shown on the canvas, while this item has every person? (Eyebrows)

5. The French and the British were claimed on the hand of this beautiful lady. At the same time, the dispute between them switched to an armed clash, as a result of which the lady herself suffered. Who is this lady? (Venus Milos. The statue was found intact, then as a result of an armed collision lost hands)

6. What was the named in Russia, the occupation of the submarines that chopped chumps from a log chock for the manufacture of wooden spoons? (Beat eggs)

7. How is the traditional Japanese art of a miniature sculpture of Netske with Japanese kimono? (Kimono has no pockets, and all the necessary items are attached to the belt with the help of the counterweight. The role of such a keychain and play Netck)

8. Francis Drake When meeting with Queen Victoria raised his hand and covered her eyes. After the explanation by the Corsair, the meaning of this gesture of the queen gave the title drain. how famous pirate explained his gesture? What does this gesture indicate now? ("The beauty and magnificence of the Queen blinded me," replied Drake. Now this gesture is the rejection of military honor)

9. In 14-16 centuries. This outfit was worn by men. Starting from the 17th century, he became exclusively feminine. The names had a lot of names: the curtain, Kumashnik, the Pestry, the fur coat, and others. What awake are we talking about? (Sarafan)

10. Russian Tsar Alexey Mikhailovich on a book dedicated to a falcon hunt, made an inscription, which later became the famous Russian proverb. Play this inscription. ("Cause - time, fun - hour." According to the dictionary V.I. Dal, one of the meanings of the word "fun" - a falcon hunting)
11. The Russian People's Riddle asks: "What are you looking, and not see?" What you know, but don't know? " Ancient Greek philosopher Epicur said this: "While I am, it is not yet, and when she comes, I will not be." What is it about? (Death)

12. As you know, the state flag of France consists of 3 bands: blue, white and red. But the width of the bands is not the same. They relate like this: 30-33-37. Why? (It is with such a proportion of the strip of these colors that seems the same)

13. Why in Athens at night workers scatter around Parfenon specially brought pieces of marble? ((Tourists are fashionable to take into memory pieces of marble with ruins of the temple. The Athenian authorities were forced to go to this deception to save an outstanding monument from destroying)

14. In any open window, as you know, you can climb both one and on the other hand, regardless of whether it comes to the West or east. What "window" was arranged so that, open to the west side, it did not give the opportunity to get into it on the other side, although it was at the ground level? (St. Petersburg - "Window to Europe" - was built as a fortress guarding the Western borders of Russia)

15. How did the wide ladies of skirt caused the mass extermination of whales? (The dome-shaped skirts of the 18th century retained their volume due to frames, best Material For the manufacture of which the whale mustache served

16. Why did the French writer Gi de Maupassan preferred to dine in a restaurant located on the Eiffel Tower? (Who belonged to the number of jar opponents of the Eiffel Tower, claimed. That she urges Paris's face, Maupassan preferred to dinner in her restaurant because it was single place in the city where this tower is not visible)

17. For what purpose of the lady in the 16th century. Were wearing on the chain to the belt of an animal skins? (Fleas should be gathered on these skins, richly cooked in the folds of lush dresses)

18. Super Blitz (questions for one player). Theme - "Calendar"
1) Everyone is known to the astronomical time, but there is also a biological time. What units is it measured? (In generations)
2) What consequences for Russia had a record made in 12 V. : "January 30, heels. Before lunch, it is cold and burst, and after dinner, he is thawing ... Did the frost be exorbitant in the nosta"? (It was the first weather station. So in Moscow, the weather service was organized)
3) Father with a cunning smile asked the son-first-grader Question: "Name the biggest, last number." Having received the answer, it was very surprised. What number called the Son? (31. This is the most big number days in a month)

19. Black box.
This is inextricably linked with the sea. It was a component of the warriors shell in Ancient Greece. IN Ancient China It served money. What is it? (Salt. Which, for example, impregnated canvas armor ancient Greek warrior)

Presentation on the topic: Playing what? Where? When?

0 Extracurricular event "What where When?"

Theme of the game: "What? Where? When?"

The goal of the game: is the expansion of knowledge in various areas of knowledge, in our scenario we will offer questions from the areas of physics, geography and informatics, as one of the fundamental areas of human knowledge.


Decoration and decoration of the playground.

Gaming table

Gaming circle


questions in envelopes for each sector,

"Black box", geographical maps, compass


Graduate students class:

1. Rezhametov S.

2. Ataashikova E.

3. Shamadiev Sh.

4. Umunzhanov S.

Students 9 Class:

5. Yuldashev A.

6. Kurbankulov B.

7. Abdurakhmanov F.

Students of grade 10

eight . Torakhanov W.

9. Mahamadzhanov H.

10. Tursimetova Sh


1. Acquaintance by experts

2. Familiarization with rules

3. Main part

4. the result of the game. Winner's reward ceremony

"Hello, dear guests!"

"We are glad to welcome you in our club" What? Where? When?"

"Today a team of experts play against the audience"

"Dear Club Members and Spectators!"

"During the game, you must carefully monitor the discussion and at the end to choose the best player."

"Our experts are invited to the club!"

Drum fraction playing music

players are listed here with the addition of appropriate epithets (for example, the most observant is the name of the surname! etc.)

Music is playing

"And now I will introduce you to the rules of our game!"

"You see the game circle on the table, which is divided into 5 sectors.

Blue color - questions on geography

Green - Biology

Red - in physics

Yellow - on computer science

Orange is a Blitz sector "

"Experts must answer 12 questions. For each correct answer, the connoissems are given 1 point "

"13 Question - Blitz. In this envelope as 4 questions, which should quickly answer experts. If at least one question they will not answer - the point is awarded to the audience "

"1 time during the game of experts can take help hall"

"So, we start the game!"


Further, in fact, the game itself begins, during which the players are given questions, the time is given after which the players answer questions. Below is a list of questions that you can use in your game, but you can also use questions from the real TV game "What? Where? When?" Or come up with your own questions.

Questions for the script that where when:

1. One of the largest representatives of medieval Eastern philosophy. Author comment on the writings of Aristotle and Plato. He determined with mathematical calculations geographical coordinates Cities, calculated the time of the eclipse of the sun and the moon. His works influenced, as well as the philosophy and science of medieval Western Europe.

Al - Farabi

2. The first dream of this scientist already at that time was a distant journey Central Asia And mysterious China. Part of these works was published in the "notes of the Imperial Russian Geographic Society" during his life, although he lived only 30 years.

Shokan Valikhanov. "Sketch of the jungaria"

3. Atmospheric optical and meteorological phenomenon observed usually in the field high humidity. It arises due to the fact that sunlight He is refracted in rain or fog water drops, soaring in the atmosphere.


4. Blitz Questions:

What are the highest mainland?


What device is required from 106 to 115 buttons?


If you are not on the Internet, then you do not exist! Who said these words?

Bill Gates

5. Why is dangerous during a thunderstorm stand in the crowd?

Answer: During thunderstorms, it is dangerous to stand in the crowd because the pairs that are distinguished by the respiration of people increase the electrical conductivity of the air.

6. Africans call this mountain of the "Hod Deity Mountain". Name it if the coordinates of the mountain 30 Yu.Sh. and 380 V.D.


7. Decipher this number: 30001650133942724.9


3000 km - the territory of Kazakhstan in the West from the Caspian lowland to the Altai Mountains in the East.

1650 km - the territory of Kazakhstan from the West Siberian Plain to the desert Kyzylkum and the Mountain System Tian-Shan in the south.

13394 km - land border of Kazakhstan

2724.9 km 2 - Square of the Republic of Kazakhstan

8 One sixth grader wrote about himself like this: "I have 32 fingers, on each hand of 5, and on my feet - 14." Maybe it should be?

Answer: maybe if the number is a cheerful.

9 What science is artificial intelligence?

Answer: Cybernetics.

10 Physical term that in everyday life It is used to designate good relations. (Heat).

11. Alarm clock Times A. Macedon

Answer: Rooster

12 The black box first walked, then began to fly. He is many, being their conductor, saved life. He does not like heat and strong shaking. It does not obey precious metals, but adhesions before iron.

Answer: Compass

We hope you enjoyed the above scenario that where when will it help in organizing this wonderful intellectual game!

Game "What, where when?"

Goals and objectives: expanding students' knowledge, the development of cognitive interest, intellect, education of the desire for continuous improvement of their knowledge; Formation of friendly, friendly relations, skills to work as a team.

Registration: circle, broken into sectors; Wolf; envelopes indicating sector number; melody for the game hourglass, Interactive Board, Computer, Presentation; Various items necessary for games.

Rules of the game: The lead is asking a question. Gives 1 minute for discussion. You can give an early response. If the answer is correct, the team is awarded 1 point. Discussion is terminated. If there was no early response, the team gives its version after 1 minute. If there are no versions, then the command is assigned 0 points, as in the case of an incorrect answer.

The game is borrowed from the TV "What? Where? When? ", Therefore, when conducting it, it is advisable to adhere to a ritual accepted by television and well-known to the disciples.

Questions are cooked in advance, the teacher picks them up. All questions are recorded on cards and on a transparent film (in the case of the use of the codecope) and are folded into envelopes.

Tables are shifted in advance along two together and are installed around the perimeter of the class. In the center of the Cabinet - the game table with a wolf, the envelopes with questions are located around the perimeter.

The class is divided into groups. To avoid unnecessary mass movements in the class during the game, the captains of each team are suitable in turns to the game table, the tops are twisted, take the specified envelope with the question and after the teacher tells the task to all commands using the computer, begin to discuss the issue.

After the time, the team answers the question if the answer is incorrect, the answer is the right command that the first raised the sign with its number.

The winning team defines the most active participants of the game. They are assessment. 5. The teacher puts the assessment to the degree of their activity in the game.

Stroke Game

Melody sounds.

Leading: Good afternoon, dear guests and experts.

The president: In my hands, crystal owl is an eternal symbol of wisdom and knowledge of all times and peoples. In the end of the school year, we give her the best connoisseur of the intellectual club "What? Where? When?".

Our intellectual game Is devoted to the greatest science - mathematics. "Queen of all sciences" - so called Mathematics a great Russian scientist Mikhail Vasilyevich Lomonosov, who recently turned 300 years since his birthday. This game we also dedicate it to the mathematical talent. He raised Russian science to the global level. I, as a teacher of mathematics, not only love her, but also respects people of smart and curious, which means you, dear experts. I wish you good luck! And for you, dear guests, together with the connoisseurs we will try to prove that mathematics is not Only numbers, and the most amazing science from all sciences.

Announces 1 round

Sector number 1.

Dear experts! What word is superfluous in the next list: speed, time, path, square, meter, second, meter / second?

Answer: Area.

Two rounds are declared.

Sector number 2.

Attention, black box! Inside the black box lies the object whose name has happened from the Greek word, meaning a "playing bone" translated. This item is used in the games of young children. What lies inside the black box?

Answer: Cube.

Announced 3 round. Sector number 3.

Dear experts! The twelfth month is called "December". This is the word comes from the Greek "deck" - ten. The dream is also the word "decalitr" - 10l, "Decade" - 10 days, and so on. P. Võzhitsy that the month December is called "tenth" ? How to explain this inconsistency?

Answer: earlier new Year Started from March.

Announced 4 round. Sector No. 4.

Attention, a black box! Inside the black box, it is an object that was invented in ancient Greece. Items to use this subject was considered the riding perfection, and the ability to solve problems with it - a sign of great mind. This item is irreplaceable in architecture and construction. Many hundreds Years the design of this subject has not changed. What lies inside the black box?

Answer: Circle.

5 round is declared . Sector number 5.

Science about measuring distances, squares, volumes, properties of various geometric figures Greeks called geometry. What means translated from the Greek word "geometry"?

Answer: Landsery.


6 round is declared. Sector No. 6.

Super-Blitz. There are respectable connoisseurs! Listen carefully the conditions of the game: only one player remains behind the playing table. In the course of one minute he, without hesitation, responds to three questions. Remove the solution.

Rooster, standing on one leg, weighs 5 kg. How much will it weigh if he gets on both?

Answer: 5 kg.

How many years in the same century?

Answer: One hundred years.

The crew harvested by the top of the horses, drove in one hour 15 km. How fast did each horse go?

Answer: 15 km / h.

7 round is declared. Sector number 7.

ATTENTION, black box! Dear experts, inside a black box is the subject of household appliances. It was invented by Archimemer. According to this Roman architect 1 century. D.N.E. Vitruvius wrote: "... Pockets are formed, which are filled with water. All these pockets are rotated when the" snail "rotates, then the water captured by them rises until he splashes". Name this subject. What is inside a black box?

Answer: Screw.

An 8 round is declared. Sector number 8.

The thought of expressing all the numbers is so simple that it is because of this simplicity it is difficult to realize how it is amazing. Figures-conditional signs to designate numbers. According to Roman numbering: M-1000, D- 500, C - 100, L - 50, X - 10, V - 5, I -1.

Seeing MDCCLXXXIX record on the front of the old mansion, tell me, dear experts, after 1 minute in which year this house was built? Sector number 11.

When I was small, he asked about the wondrous heavenly phenomenon of adults, but he was or not at all gave an answer, or said:

Yes, who knows him. That God created.

And the passion how he wanted to think he himself - to try, why appears in the darkness of such beauty in the darkness.

He not only explained the nature of the Northern Light, but also became a great Russian scientist. All sciences were subject to him: mathematics, physics, chemistry, geography, history, metallurgy, astronomy, geology, etc. He opened the first university in Russia. What kind of Russian scientist are we talking about?

Answer: M.V. Lomonosov.

On thisgame over. Dear experts, thank you for your interesting game. And you, dear guests, thank you so much for your attention. To new meetings!

The jury summarizes.